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Editor's Letter - A Note from Megan Breukelman
There is no good time to say goodbye. From the moment I decided that this would be the last issue of Atlas, my heart has ached. I've thought about changing my mind so many times, but at the end of the day, I have to do what's best for myself and for this publication.
Atlas has been a project that is very near and dear to my heart for seven years. Since the summer of 2012, I have never stopped caring about this magazine. I don't think I ever will.
Creative projects sometimes come to a point where letting them go is absolutely for the better. This is one of those times. I want to be able to dedicate the time, love and attention that Atlas deserves, but I can't. And that's okay.
Overworking ourselves for whatever reasons that we do–– whether that's to make a "name" for ourselves, to network, or to simply build on something–– is never healthy in the long term. For years I have spread myself too thin and it is time to reel it back in. To every contributor who has made this publication amazing, I thank you.
As creatives, we can find it hard to take a step back from our work and understand not only what we're really doing it for, but how it's impacting the greater scope of our lives.
It's okay to want to take time for yourself and it's okay to slow down the pace a bit. Sometimes it's hard to remember that when you've had your sights set on the bigger picture for so long.
Working hard should not be confused with overworking.
With this, I urge you to uprise and put yourself, your needs and your beliefs first. It's time to let go of the notion of "hustle over everything" and start putting our health, our lives and our loved ones first.
Work will always be there. The rest may not be.
Love always,
Megan Breukelman
Keep up on Instagram @meganbreukelman @oliviabossert for future adventures.