Oct 27 Issue of The A&T Register

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Are you registered to vote? Elections are Nov. 2


The A&T


RegisteR VOLuMe LXXXiV. nO. 11


Fitness program available chanel DaVis

Register Reporter

North Carolina A&T State University has its very own personal fitness program hidden away in Moore Gym. Deana Melton, personal trainer for 10 years, started the program at A&T. The focus of the program is to strengthen knowledge, skills and credentials of undergrad students in the Human Performance and Leisure Studies department. “I started the program to give our students The practical experience from what they learned in our courses and being able to use it,” Melton said. The benefits of the program include being convenient, on campus, private, cheaper and getting students healthy. Tracey Booth Snipe, adjunct faculty in the English department, says that she didn’t know about the program and she would “probably consider it. Lord knows I need it so I may seriously look into it.” Trainers are picked by Melton and are matched to clients by schedules and gender preference. All the money received from the program goes back into the department. The fees pay trainers, buys and maintain equipment and helps pay for certified exams by scholarships. Jermaine Studwell, a sports science and physical therapy major, has been a trainer for two years in the program. According to him, the program has given him many beneficial contacts with the clients that he has trained and that he is learning to deal professionally every time he trains. When asked what he offers as a trainer to his clients Studwell said, “A real life testimony. I was able to lose 110 pounds from 330 to 220 in two years through diet, exercise  See fitness on Page 2

OCtOBer 27, 2010





News Editor

A blown transformer caused a North campus power outage on Tuesday. “I was eating in the Williams Dining Hall this morning and I happened to look out the window when the transformer behind the ticket center blew,” said Jeffery Valentine, junior computer engineering major, who saw the whole thing happen. “I saw sparks, heard a noise, and then the lights in the cafeteria went off, then came back on.” Valentine posted what he saw on Twitter, as did other students to keep each other informed. An Aggie Alert e-

mail was sent at 10:31 a.m. and the text message was sent out at 10:48 a.m. “We had a failure in our main transformer, which is a product of Duke Energy. The transformer fuels the power on the North side of campus,” said Kerry Baldwin, director of physical plants. “Once we located the problem, Duke Energy came to troubleshoot the transformer. They realized that the transformer did not need to be replaced; it was a problem that could be fixed on site. The power went out at about 8:45 a.m. and didn’t come back on until noon. All classes on the North side of campus were cancelled until 1 p.m. Academic buildings on the

North side of campus include Barnes Hall, Campbell Hall, Carver Hall, Corbett Gym, Craig Hall, Crosby Hall, the General Classroom Building, Marteena Hall, Merrick Hall, Paul Robeson Theatre, Price Hall, the Science Building and Smith Hall. The residence halls affected were Haley Hall, The Village, and Cooper Hall. Both the chancellor and provost were away from campus during the day. “We needed to make a decision without them,” said Wanda Lester, interim associate vice chancellor for academic affairs. “We want to get the information out to the students, so they know what to expect. We don’t

Students celebrate the Congo karMen roBinson Register Reporter

like to cancel classes; it really puts a burden on the students. A massive power outage could put people at risk, so we want to make sure everyone is out of the buildings,” she said. “We consulted with the chancellor and provost via text messages.” Everyone who was in the academic buildings when the power went out, including the professors and deans, were evacuated and told they were not allowed back in until the problem was rectified. “Safety is the main priority,” said Tony Welborne, general manager for WNAA, when asked how he felt about

The Multicultural Student Center, the History Club, and the Aggie African Coalition collaborated to host events during the 3rd annual Congo Week Oct. 20 here at A&T. The purpose of Congo Week was to raise awareness about the devastating atrocities, conflicts, and issues taking place in the Democratic Republic of Congo (D.R.C.) in Africa, formerly known as Zaire. “In the past, it was the whites [Belgians] taking over the Congo and doing the killing, but now it’s no longer just whites killing. Africans are killing each other, and that’s one of the issues we wanted to spotlight during Congo Week,” said Sogbeye Okoro, the Aggies African Coalition President, a sophomore chemistry major from Oakland, CA. Okoro’s parents are originally from Nigeria. During the presentation, a film screening was shown displaying the history of the Congo. The film portrayed the Belgians colonizing and taking over the D.R.C. and although D.R.C. was granted independence in 1960, issues have gotten worse and tragedies have continued to occur. The film explained how many African civilians, young and old, have been severely tortured by the Congolese Army as well as other foreign militia. “We wanted to show this because the history of the Congo is not taught in school,” said Dr. Maria T. Palmer, Director of the Multicultural Student Center. Africans living in the D.R.C have been brutally hurt by disfiguration and maiming of body parts and also rape. The movie showed graphic,

 See power on Page 2

 See congo week on Page 2

North side of campus forced to cancel classes sylVia oBell


honors program offers new course surrounding Jay-Z and capitalism In the spring semester, North Carolina A&T will have a new honors course in the English Department: So You Wanna Hustle? A capitalistic reading of Jay-Z. The course is special topics in Humanities. It will be taught by Anjan Basu, a professor in the english department. Jay-Z has been called one of

the most successful and influential musicians of the 21st century. He has influenced music, various industries and the larger American popular culture. In the words of Jay-Z, “I brought pop across the road.” Yet, even in acting as rap’s ambassador to the rest of America, capitalistic tropes are easily spotted. The style of the course will focus on two aspects of Jay-Z: the narrative themes found in

his body of work, and how these narrative themes compare and contrast to traditional practices, ideologies, and frameworks of operation of 21st century American capitalism. In creating and applying a framework of study to economic and literary theory, students will develop a sharpened ability to critically analyze and evaluate. More so, students will be able to effectively communicate their findings.

Ray Davis, the Interim Honors Program Director said, “the students will have to identify themes and tropes of two independent subjects; economics and literature. Analysis will include the tropes of globalization, market domination, the dynamics of limited resource and endless wealth accumulation, profit margin and humanitarianism, regulation and non-regulation, and of the free market.”

Studying the literary themes of Jay-Z’s lyrics, students will identify the themes of literary analysis: decode images, similes and metaphors, observe time progression. Students will also examine point of view, apply Frietag’s Pyramid, and discuss the standards of literary analysis. The seminar will culminate with a final writing project, a paper 10-15 pages in length. The topic of the paper will be

loosely based upon the idea of Jay-Z as a self-created brand and industry that originated from the outer edge and his legitimacy to such claims. Basu stated his expectations for the class is to use Jay-Z lyrics to explain and explore the basic modes of capitalism and entrepreneurship as we know it today. “Jay-Z is definitely one of the







take Our surVeys

nCCu Business sChOOL suFFers

BLaCk WOMen are sinGLe

aGGies Win First GaMe

it’s the WrOnG LLOyd

Keep up with breaking news on our Web site. Slideshows, videos and more are available online.

Problems have piled up for the Business department at NCCU for the past few months.

Opinions editor Trumaine McCaskill continues his series on the misconception of black people part 3.

The Aggie football team won its first game this past Saturday, at Aggie Stadium against the Howard Bisons.

Aggies were prepared to see the R&B singer Lloyd in the Union, but instead the rapper Lloyd Banks showed up.

janae sMith

Register Reporter


PaGe 2

PaGe 5

PaGe 6

PaGe 8

 See jay-z on Page 2


79° Low: 42° High:

thursday: Mostly Sunny | High 74° Friday: Sunny | High 61°


The A&T Register | ncatregister.com | Wednesday, October 27, 2010

fitness From page 1


Photo by kenneth hawkins • photo editor

Earl M. Hilton appointed interim athletics director on the sideline of the Aggie Football game against Bethune-Cookman University on Oct. 23.

congo From page 1 detailed pictures of people, including little children, whose arms, legs and other parts of the body had been cut off with machetes. Since 1996, over six million people have been murdered. The speakers during the program emphasized that what Americans consider rape isn’t even a portion of what African women have endured while trying to survive living in the Congo. Women are tortured to a point that is unimaginable for most people. Rape in Africa does not only mean forced intercourse, but also sodomized by forcing objects inside a woman’s body to torture her. A&T Professor Arthea B. Perry pointed out during the presentation, that Africans don’t even have a word to describe rape. Women had to describe what had been done to them. In the Congo, rape is used as an act of war. Speakers also talked about genocide in the Congo, referring the mass killings of Tutsi people by Hutu extremists in Rwanda. Students were also informed about the conflicts over natural resources and minerals that are located in the D.R.C. Children everyday are mining for minerals, which are used to create electronics worldwide. It was emphasized how other nations are benefiting from the labor and death of young children. Congo Week allows students to get information about the occurrence of the crimes against humanity in the D.R.C. that they may not be receiving in class or from the media. Statistics show African-American students have more likely been taught about the Holocaust than of the current issues in Africa. Actress Tasha Smith’s appearance for the Oct. 21 Lyceum Series forced some of the Congo Week’s events to be squeezed into the night’s events.

theBLOTTER October 20

8:30 am Carver Hall- Larceny Case Under Further Investigation 9:00 am Cooper Hall- Larceny Case Under Further Investigation 2:25 pm Webb Hall PVA- Vehicle Accident Case Under Further Investigation 4:00 pm Hodgin Hall- Damage to State

The A&T

Register Box E-25 1601 E. Market Street Greensboro, NC 27411 Newsroom: NCB 328A (336) 334­-7700 www.ncatregister.com

“It’s crazy. This [Congo Week] is something that is set in stone and A&T is pushing it under the rug,” said Jessica Hallager, senior sociology major from Philadelphia, PA and also a member of the History Club. The Congo Week Poetry Night that was scheduled to take place Oct. 21 became a part of the Oct. 20 night’s event. Poets from different organizations provided spoken word that related to the Congo Week presentation. The poems expressed conflicts of rape, black on black crime and the power of black women. To further their passion on the issues in the Congo, the History Club, Aggie African Coalition and Multicultural Student Center wrote a petition to Congressman Mel Watts asking to fully enforce the Obama Law and to become involved diplomatically find a political solution to the conflicts occurring in the Congo. The Obama Law, Democratic Republic of Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act of 2006, expresses certain authorities the U.S. holds that pertain to the D.R.C. Among them include the authority to withhold funds from any international agency that support D.R.C. if progress is not being made. This is one major bill that President Barack Obama sponsored that became law. During the event, African food was served which included plantains, fried rice, tollof rice and beans. “I thought the whole thing was pretty interesting,” said Christopher Rice, freshman computer science major from Reidsville, NC. “I learned a lot of things I probably wouldn’t have learned if I didn’t come.” Congo Week is celebrated nationwide by college campuses, but A&T stared the movement to raise awareness of the real issues of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Property Case Closed with Arrest

jay-z From page 1 greatest rappers. He is prolific and insistent,” said Basu. “He uses the tools that were given to him- money, sex and power. Using the tools that he was already given, even though he had no control over, I believe in that.” “I hope the class doesn’t make his lyrics go into vain. One of the reasons I think he is the greatest rapper because he is versatile and comes from all different directions. He comes from the slums in Brooklyn, now he is one of the richest people in the world,” said Orlando Daye, a junior supply chain management major from Burlington, NC. “It should be available to all students, me for example, I’m not an honors student but I would love to take the class.”

and aerobic activity. I guess I’m like the guy from the subway commercial. One of the motivating tools I like to use with my clients is my before and after pictures which really inspire them. I love to motivate my clients to their goals by different ways and this is one of them.” The ultimate goal of the program is “to teach, encourage and push students and faculty to a healthy lifestyle, not just New Year’s resolution or one time three month diet. We want to teach and show them hands on what it takes and how you take care of your body, when it comes to health and fitness,” according to Studwell. The program includes four packages, equipment orientation, personal training sessions, nutritional assessments, body skin fold composition checks and Blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose checks. Package A is priced at $35 and includes a TriFit Fitness Assessment and a program evaluation and revision. The TriFit Fitness Assessment consists of a cardiovascular assessment, blood pressure, bioelectrical impedence body composition assessment and a flexibility test.

power From page 1 the evacuation. Aja Tatum, senior interdisciplinary major from Greensboro, felt differently. “I wish we could have finished what we were doing before we had to evacuate. It has not been this serious in past years.” Classroom buildings were the priority, Baldwin said. “The residence halls have generators, so their hallways and stairwells have lights. The classroom buildings don’t have generators and we didn’t want students sitting in the dark. Classes wouldn’t have been able to go on regardless.” Safety is another reason for the evacuations. “It’s a

The program evaluation and revision is an assessment of your current workout program, helping to develop personal fitness goals and development of an individualized fitness program. Package B is priced at $45 and includes a TriFit Fitness Assessment and a program evaluation and revision. Unlike the first package, a Bod Pod Body Composition Assessment is included in package B. The Bod Pod Body Composition assessment is an assessment of body composition through the use of air displacement. It is a non-invasive procedure that requires the individual to sit quietly for approximately 45 seconds in a specially designed chamber. It is one of the most accurate measures of body composition available. Package C is priced at $79 for students and $125 for faculty. It includes the TriFit Fitness Assessment and six personal training sessions that last 55 minutes a session. Package D is priced at $129 for students and $199 for faculty. It includes the TriFit Fitness Assessment, Bod Pod Body Composition Assessment, Girth measurements, Cholesterol and Blood Glucose measures, and eight personal training sessions. For a free consultation, a list of services or trainer information, email healtyu@ncat.edu or call 336-334-7712.





Why Me Lord stage play

Harrison Auditorium 8 a.m.

Volleyball Game

Corbett Gymnasium 6 p.m.

Bull City Aggies

Movie Night Marteena Hall Room 312 6 p.m.

Aggie Maniacs

Full Body Meeting NCB A218 9 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.



High School Media Day

safety risk because there is no communication from one building to the next when there is no power,” said W.C. Jennings, maintenance technician and graduate student. Although classes resumed at 1 p.m., classes 6 p.m. and later were cancelled. “Around 6 p.m. we’ll have to shut down the power again so that we can put the repaired transformer back in,” Baldwin said. “There are three transformers in all. Duke Energy was able to take out the transformer that blew and run the power on the North side of campus using just two of the transformers. Because we’re not running the air conditioner much due to the colder weather we are able to run on two transformers.

Memorial Student Union Memorial Room 8 a.m.

NY/NJ Full Body Meeting

Marteena Hall Auditorium Room 103 7:30 p.m.



Why Me Lord stage play

Harrison Auditorium 8 p.m.

S.E.X. Tour

Memorial Student Union Exhibit Hall 7 p.m.



Why Me Lord stage play

Harrison Auditorium 8 p.m.



Guess how much candy corn is in the jar and win tickets. The jar is in the Union display case. Entry forms are at the info desk. Contest is open to faculty, staff and students. 1 per contestant/entry. While supplies last.


Why Me Lord stage play

Harrison Auditorium 8 p.m.



Charm City Aggies Full Body Meeting

4:15 pm Carver Hall- Larceny Case Under Further Investigation

Proctor Hall Auditorium 6:30 p.m.

October 21 1:50 pm GCB PVA- Vehicle Accident Case Closed 5:24 pm Arthur headen Dr.- Suspicious Activity Case Closed with Arrest *The updated blotter was not available in time for print, due to the Oct. 26 power outage. editor in chief: Jasmine Johnson Managing editor: Kelcie McCrae news editor: Sylvia Obell opinions editor:Trumaine McCaskill sports editor: Lauren Morgan ASSISTANT Sports editor: Prince Grimes scene editor: Jonathan Veal copy desk chief: Yulanda Henderson copy editor: Justine Riddick photo editor: Kenneth Hawkins staff photographers: Michaela Edwards, Shanté Mathes

If you ever see anything suspicious or need assistance call Campus Police

(336) 334-7675 editorial cartoonist: Evan Summerville ncatregister.com: Malcolm S. Eustache, (Online Editor) senior reporter: Tia Norrington, Charles Johnson reporters: Necole Jackson, Laria Land, Chanel Davis, Shyla Mason, Shequia Cole, Chelsea Haizlip advertising& business manager: Ashley Minter business staff: Jamia Harrison, Quiana Hill, Brooke Waller graphic artist: Michael Whitaker writing coach: Anjan Basu faculty adviser: Emily Harris

The A&T Register is published every Wednesday during the fall and spring semesters by students at North Carolina A&T State University. One copy is available free of charge to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Register’s newsroom (subject to availability). All subscription requests should be directed to the Business department. The A&T Register has a weekly circulation of 5,000 copies on-campus and in the community and is a member of The Associated Press, The Associated Collegiate Press and the Black College Wire.


The A&T Register | ncatregister.com | Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Buisness School Blues at NCCU Chris Hess & Carlton Koonce

Black College Wire

It’s not exactly been smooth sailing at N.C. Central University’s School of Business lately. On Aug. 30, the dean of the school, Bijoy Sahoo, was abruptly replaced after a task force review recommended new leadership. Sahoo could not be reached to interview for this story. Sahoo, the NCCU assistant vice chancellor for strategic planning and continuous improvement, was brought into the School of Business in 2005, after then-dean of the school, Benjamin Newhouse, failed to apply for reaccreditation with the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs. Sahoo’s position as dean was made permanent in 2006 and the school regained its accreditation with the ACBSP in the spring of that year. After that promising start, the dean and some of the school’s faculty fell out of sync. In a draft of the minutes from the Aug. 30 faculty meeting at the school, attended by the provost, the chancellor, and 40 faculty members, Chancellor Charlie Nelms announced that Sahoo would be placed on administrative leave until January, and that Sundar Fleming would assume the role of interim dean. “There has been a breakdown in the cooperation, communication, and collaboration in moving the business school forward,â€? Nelms said, summarizing the findings of a School of Business review published last July. “Collegiality ‌ it is the responsibility of all of us. Petty behavior and grievances simply have to cease,â€? Nelms said, according to the minutes. Nelms also acknowledged

Sahoo’s “role in restoring the lost ACBSP accreditation� and stated that the “business school is a critical piece of this University.� External Review Findings The assignment of the external review team was to “critically review the mission, direction, curriculum, organization and leadership of the School of Business at N.C. Central University,� according to the report. The team was chaired by Lenneal Henderson, an endowed chair of the political science department and the former interim provost, and six outside members from as far away as Wayne State University. The team had 10 key recommendations for the School of Business. Some of the more important recommendations were to appoint a new dean to help promote a better culture of cooperation, excellence and performance. The team observed low faculty morale, cooperation and collaboration, a loss of confidence in the current dean and insufficient progress toward reaccreditation with a second accrediting association. They described the new leadership in the office of the dean as an imperative. The team observed that some faculty and staff had reported conflict and stress and said that they are even fearful of coming to work or find the environment to be hostile and tense. According to the team, “conflict [is] draining the creative, pedagogical and administrative energies of the School of Business.� Cameron Seay One of the most vocal critics of the business school has been Cameron Seay, an AfricanAmerican assistant professor in computer information sys-

tems, who came to the business school in 2005 on a tenure line position. According to Courtney Ferguson, a faculty member whose grievances with Sahoo are described below, Seay was the one who “badgered Sahoo the most.� In a March 2010 memo to the provost, Sahoo recounts that he initially, in 2008, stood by Seay even after a promotions committee recommended against his reappointment. He stated that he did so “with sincere hope and expectation that the additional time and counseling would help him become a more productive scholar and rectify personal behavior and conduct.� In that same memo he explains his reasons for not recommending Seay to a second 3-year appointment stating that the promotions committee was split 4-4 on Seay’s reappointment and that the improved behavior that he had hoped for did not materialize. “The four ‘yes’ votes all came from African-Americans,� according to Seay. In his memo, Sahoo described his decision regarding Seay as follows: “He negatively impacts the performance and the morale of his faculty colleagues by demeaning their worth. He has been reprimanded for shouting, for using abusive language, and for insulting members of staff and his faculty colleagues.� According to the memo, Seay has called colleagues “liars and cowards,� called a female faculty member “sweetie,� and another “Bull Connor.� Conner, a symbol of white bigotry, was the public safety commissioner of Selma, Ala. who used water hoses and police dogs on black protesters during the civil rights movement. By November 2009, Seay had been placed on administra-

tive leave by Chancellor Nelms who wrote the following to Seay: “I want to state unequivocally that incivility and lack of respect are inconsistent with the values of NCCU and will not be tolerated.� A little over a month and a half later, Seay inquired about how to file an Equal Employment Opportunity complaint against Sahoo and the School of Business in a Jan. 3, 2010 email. In the e-mail to Andria Knight, NCCU’s former EEO director, claimed that there was “blatant retaliation against me for engaging in Constitutionally-protected speech.� By April 30, 2010, Nelms decided that he had to go beyond administrative leave. He fired Seay, stating that he was to “remain off-campus� and “not have any contact with departmental faculty, staff and/or students.� In that memo, Nelms described Seay’s conduct as making him “unfit to continue as a member of the NCCU faculty� and says that Seay has created “an atmosphere of fear, threat, and intimidation.� Seay denies creating such an environment and paints a different picture. In e-mails to Knight, he describes a “level of injustice in the School of Business [that] has reached sickening levels,� and says that Sahoo “has a history of engaging in personnel actions to remove African American, people of color, and female faculty from the School of Business.� Without Cause? In March 20 and April 19 emails to Knight and the Campus Echo, Seay claims that numerous African-American male and female faculty, plus one Asian female, were either not hired or not reappointed by Sahoo “without cause.�

He listed the following professors: Fay Cobb–Payton, Pam Carter, Courtney Ferguson, Joyce McGriff, Berkita Bradford, Ed Irving, Salih Hakeem, and Hosne Mridha. Salih Hakeem told the Campus Echo that he had been denied reappointment which he appealed, and is now back on the faculty after a process that took about three years. According to Seay, Hosne Mridha also won an appeal and is now back with the school of business. The case of Courtney Ferguson stands out. Ferguson, a professor who had been with the University since 1969, was diagnosed with uterine cancer in 2006. According to Ferguson, she requested sick leave in January 2007, but “felt pressure to retire ‌ Dr. Sahoo did not want to give me the semester off.â€? Ferguson described Sahoo as having a “misunderstanding about how to handle personnel.â€? According to Seay, he had been told by Sahoo to inform Ferguson that she would be taken off the payroll if she did not return to work, even though she was being treated for a lifethreatening illness. “I refused to do so,â€? said Seay. According to Ferguson she appealed the suggested retirement. “But because I was so sick I didn’t have the emotional or physical strength to fight it.â€? She is now represented by an attorney. After getting nowhere with an appeal to the University’s faculty tenure committee with claims that the decision to fire him was based on “retaliationâ€? and was “made in a racially discriminatory manner,â€? Seay then turned to the EEO Commission and filed a formal complaint with the same accusations on

Aug. 17, 2010. Seay’s Earlier Suit But this is not the first time Seay has made claims of racial discrimination. In 1997 Seay filed a similar complaint against the U.S. Department of Transportation where he worked with the Federal Railroad Administration as a computer specialist. “The management of the Agency in the field is totally white and I believe that I have been denied promotion and subjected to less favorable job assignments,� states his affidavit in that case. In the affidavit Seay admits to using vulgar language with his supervisor and during a meeting about tuition reimbursement. “While I may have used some vulgar and explicit language in that meeting, this was undertaken to vent my anger,� says Seay in the affidavit. The attorney representing Seay in that case, Adam Conti, explained the outcome to the Campus Echo like this: “We totally lost that case.� Fleming at the Helm It’s now up to interim dean Sundar Fleming to pick up the pieces. Fleming, who served as dean of the School of Business for 1987 to 1999, certainly knows the terrain. “Hopefully we will be moving in the right direction,� he said. “I think the morale of the school is good.� Seay is now continuing his teaching career at N.C. A&T University and waiting for the outcome of his latest discrimination charge. Editor’s note: Chris Hess and Carlton Koonce writes for The Campus Echo, the N.C. Central University student newspaper, which originally published this article. The Campus Echo is a partner newspaper.

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Win tickets! Go to the Union, guess how much candy corn is in the jar, and enter the contest!

theWORLD 4

The A&T Register | ncatregister.com | Wednesday, October 27 2010

113 die in Indonesia

Rescuers continue to search for survivors JOHN NEDI

Associate Press Writer

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers battled rough seas Tuesday to reach remote Indonesian islands pounded by a 10-foot tsunami that swept away homes, killing at least 113 people. Scores more were missing and information was only beginning to trickle in from the sparsely populated surfing destination, so casualties were expected to rise. The fault that ruptured Monday on Sumatra island’s coast also caused the 2004 quake and monster Indian Ocean tsunami that killed 230,000 people. Though hundreds of disaster officials were unable to get to many of the villages on the Mentawai islands reachable only by a 12-hour boat ride — they were preparing for the worst. “We have 200 body bags on the way, just in case,” said Mujiharto, who heads the Health Ministry’s crisis center, shortly before announcing a five-fold increase in the death toll. Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelago, is prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity due to its location on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire — a series

of fault lines stretching from the Western Hemisphere through Japan and Southeast Asia. The country’s most volatile volcano, Mount Merapi, 800 miles (1,300 kilometers) to the east, started to erupt at dusk Tuesday as scientists warned that pressure building beneath its lava dome could trigger one of the most powerful blasts in years. The 7.7-magnitude quake that struck late Monday just 13 miles (20 kilometers) beneath the ocean floor was followed by at least 14 aftershocks, the largest measuring 6.2, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Many panicked residents fled to high ground and were too afraid to return home. That could account in part for the more than 500 people still missing, said Hendri Dori, a local parliamentarian who was overseeing a fact-finding missing. “We’re trying to stay hopeful,” he said. Hundreds of wooden and bamboo homes were washed away on the island of Pagai, with water flooding crops and roads up to 600 yards (meters) inland. In Muntei Baru, a village on Silabu island, 80 percent of the houses were badly

damaged. Those and other islets hit were part of the Mentawai island chain, a popular and laidback surfing spot 175 miles (280 kilometers) from Sumatra. A group of Australians said they were hanging out on the back deck of their chartered surfing vessel, anchored in a bay, when the temblor hit just before 10 p.m. It generated a wave that caused them to smash into a neighboring boat, and before they knew it, a fire was ripping through their cabin. “We threw whatever we could that floated — surfboards, fenders — then we jumped into the water,” Rick Hallet told Australia’s Nine Network. Ade Edward, a disaster management agency official, said crews from several ships were still unaccounted for in the Indian Ocean. The quake also jolted towns along Sumatra’s western coast — including Padang, which last year was hit by a deadly 7.6-magnitude tremor that killed more than 700. Mosques blared tsunami warnings over their loudspeakers. “Everyone was running out of their houses,” said Sofyan Alawi.

Body count London cabbie may have at 97 from assaulted 100, police say lake in Bosnia AP

AP Exchange


Associated Press

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) — Authorities in Bosnia and Serbia said Tuesday they had recovered the skeletal remains of at least 97 people from the banks of a border lake that was partially drained this summer for maintenance. Officials from the Bosnian and Serbian Commissions for Missing Persons said 372 bone fragments were found on the Bosnian bank of Perucac lake and 79 on the Serbian side. By counting the right femurs recovered, experts determined the bones belonged to at least 97 people victims primarily of the wars that accompanied the breakup of Yugoslavia. But authorities said only DNA analysis will reveal the total number and identities of the dead. Most were killed by Serbs in the nearby town of Visegrad at the start of the 1992-1995 Bosnian War. But on the Serbian side experts found the remains of what they presume to be 11 Albanians killed during the Kosovo war in 1998-1999. Some 1,000 people went missing in and around Visegrad almost all of them Bosnian Muslims who were killed and thrown from a bridge over the Drina river. Their bodies lodged in the banks of the artificial lake, a dammed section of the Drina, a few kilometers (miles) downstream. “We presume that at least one-third of the missing will be found this way but the chances are minimal that the others who ended up in the Drina river will ever be recovered,” said the head of the Bosnian Commission for Missing Persons, Amor Masovic. The lake’s water level is lowered for maintenance every 30 years. The killings in Visegrad were so frequent and so numerous that the management of the hydroelectric plant across the border in Serbia appealed in 1992 over the radio for whoever in Bosnia was responsible to stop throwing bodies into the lake because they were clogging up the dam’s culverts. Now, 18 years later, experts from the two countries are looking for the remains together. Authorities in Serbia postponed refilling the lake long after maintenance was done to allow more bodies to be recovered.

LONDON (AP) — Police believe that a London taxi driver convicted of a string of attacks on female passengers is linked to more than 100 cases of sexual assault. Scotland Yard said Tuesday that a total of 102 women have said they were victimized by 53-year-old John Worboys, who was convicted of assaulting 12 of his passengers in a highly publicized trial last year. Worboys drove one of London’s iconic black cabs, the distinctive sedans that ferry busy Londoners across the city. Worboys’ case attracted a lot of attention in part because the cabs are advertised as one of the capital’s safest forms of transport, particularly for women. Black cab drivers undergo rigorous testing and are subject to criminal checks, and they’re often touted as a trustworthy alternative to the

unregulated cab drivers who try to poach customers by undercutting official rates. Prosecutors accused Worboys of picking his victims up at trendy west London nightspots, telling them he’d won money in the lottery, and inviting them to partake in a celebratory glass of champagne. Secreted inside the drinks were powerful sedatives, and those who joined him in a drink often remembered little of what happened next. One victim said that what should have been a 40-minute trip home took three hours. Others were left with semen stains on their clothes, and items or DNA from some victims was found by police at Worboys’ home. Worboys denied the charges, but in March of last year he was found guilty of assaulting 12 women. Police say he may have attacked at least 90 more victims, but the nature of his crimes meant that few women could be sure what had happened to them.

World Cup score-predicting octopus dies of natural causes NESHA STARCEVIC Associated Press

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) —

Paul the Octopus, the tentacled tipster who fascinated soccer fans by predicting results at the World Cup, died Tuesday. Paul had reached the octopus old age of 2½ years and died in his tank on Tuesday morning at the Sea Life aquarium in the western German city of Oberhausen, spokeswoman Ariane Vieregge said. Paul correctly tipped the outcome of all seven of Germany’s games. He made his predictions by opening the lid of one of two clear plastic boxes, each containing a mussel and bearing a team flag. The octopus seemed to be in good shape when he was checked late Monday, but he did not make it through the night. He died of natural causes, Vieregge said. “We had all naturally grown very fond of him and he will be sorely missed,” Sea Life manager Stefan Porwoll said in a statement. The aquarium has not yet decided how best to commemorate their most famous resident, he said.

“We may decide to give Paul his own small burial plot within our grounds, and erect a modest permanent shrine,” Porwoll said. After rising to global prominence during the World Cup in South Africa in June and July, Paul retired from the predictions business after the final between Spain and the Netherlands correctly picking Spain and returned to his primary role of intriguing children who attend the aquarium. The invertebrate was stepping “back from the official oracle business,” Tanja Munzig, a spokeswoman for the Sea Life, told AP Television News at the time. “He won’t give any more oracle predictions either in football, nor in politics, lifestyle or economy,” she said. “Paul will get back to his former job, namely making children laugh.” After his World Cup soothsaying skills were revealed, the English-born Paul was appointed as an ambassador to England’s bid to host the 2018 World Cup. He had English roots, having been hatched at Weymouth Sea Life Center on England’s south coast in 2008.


The A&T Register | ncatregister.com | Wednesday, October 27, 2010


The misconception of black people part 3 These days it is becoming increasingly more difficult to please a black woman. Many of them have been seen as needy, loud, selfish, rude, and have no idea how to truly satisfy the needs of a black man. Yet in the same breath, it is nearly impossible to truly satisfy the needs and wants of a black man, especially one with the mentality of an 18-23 year old. Because although many of us complain about black women, too many of our black men are too lazy to actually put in the time that is needed to help make a relationship grow. In addition to that, too many of our black men, educated or not, are too busy thinking with the wrong head when it comes to dealing with females. Although this is our fault, black women are just as much to blame because many of you continue to let yourself “express your love” through sex and submission. I have said it before, and I

The reason black women can’t find a MAN

will say it again; too many of our black women have become used to being the boo and not the girlfriend. Regardless if you are a 4.0 student or a high school dropout, black women have slowly, but surely, gone from being wife material, to lonely bitter woman material. The problem many women face is not that you are too strong. However, the problem is that many of you have become too weak to the games men play. Your fear of being alone has become more and more publicized, which show us that you much rather be unhappy in a relationship than being patient and alone. This in turn allows you to let any man walk in and out of your life as freely as he pleases. The result of this creates a new generation of bitter black women with an internal hatred for all black men. So, as previously stated, the problem with black women is

not completely their fault. The problem with black women, black relationships, and black families as a whole is a lack of strongTRUMAINE minded black MCCASKILL men. Black men have gone from being the head of the house, and the head of society, to now expecting for black women to cater to them just because it is hard in this world. Yes, I will admit that it is hard out here for a black man. Yes, America will not give us any breaks. Yes, I know black men have to do twice the work of a white man just to receive half of what he deserves. However, the fact of the matter is too many of us are still behaving as high school and middle school boys instead of the men we should be growing

into. No woman expects us to be perfect. However we act as if it is blasphemy for a woman to actually have standards and requirements for men to meet. Day after day more black women are graduating, getting their Ph. D, moving up in society, and basically becoming stronger individuals and raising their quality of living. However, when they raise their standards for men, too many men are lazy and see these standards as an impossible to meet. God forbid a woman not wanting a man who is going to cheat on her and opt out of doing something with himself. What gives her the nerve to expect for a man to provide for her and treat her right? Our lack of commitment has not only forced us to forget what our job is as men, but it has also forced women to not be able to tell which men are good and

Respect what you have! In 1953, Charles Bussey, a former North Carolina A&T student, wrote about an issue that affects us even to this very day. Although some of the issues have changed, the message he spoke about is still very relevant today. CHARLES BUSSEY

1953 Sports Editor

Too often gripes pertaining to the lack of certain facilities are uttered by students of this institution. Yet, each day we prove more and more conclusively that we have no respect for the facilities we already enjoy. True, various elements that would undoubtedly enable the student to better prepare himself are missing, but the absence of such has not caused the mass deterioration of preparation that many students imply. Before debating the problem further, why not examine ourselves? Why not count the abuses that we inflict upon existing conveniences and necessities? We have lawns that would greatly enhance the appearance of the college should we respect them enough to “let them live.” The

walks were designed to serve as thoroughfares-let them! The respect that some of us hold for furniture is pathetic. Perhaps it is the realization that school furniture is not personal property that prompts many of us to be so destructive. And what about the vending machines situated in various locales? -The telephones- et al? These are conveniences, ladies and gentlemen, secured for our only contributions towards improving it are vehement condemnations? A large number of us fail to follow the simple rules of procedure of the library, much less do something constructive on our own. Certainly, some members of our student body use logic enough to realize that extensive libraries with vast collections are practically useless unless the student, himself, exhibits enough initiative to “dig” for knowledge. The mere realization that success has come to those who

preceded us lends support to the argument that the student, more so than the library is guilty of incompetence. I wonder if we remember Abraham Lincoln, Booker T. Washington, or Frederick Douglass. Neither of these men had access to the facilities that we realize; still, each found success. How? -With “blood, sweat, and tears.” Although existing lax attitudes among students indicate the opposite, the oft-mentioned silver platter is not a reality. Only toil, assiduousness, devotion, and respect can produce the success that looms in the distance. Your cries for improvements have been heard, your requests for added conveniences have been heeded, your suggestions have been considered. The library, which promises to rate with any in the South, is now under construction. A request for a student union has been submitted and there is a reason

to believe that the reply will be favorable. Throughout the campus, structures are springing up. There you have it, Aggies. The administration is striving to please you through improvements. Because of the steel shortage, the buildings will rise slower than anticipated; however, should we practice a little patience, the situation can be palliated. Now is the time to practice a little patience, the situation can be palliated. Now is the time to practice conservation. Why wait until something new is added? Let us prove that we appreciate the efforts being made to better our facilities by constantly exhibiting a maximum degree of good behavior. Above all, let us cease to deface the campus, let us terminate our denunciations of administrative policy, and, lest we experience poorer facilities, let us respect what we have!

which men are not worth the time of day. Which ultimately makes us all unhappy. Why do we expect women to clean, cook, and cater to us, when we rarely do the little things that they need for a man to do? If you expect to have a five star woman, why do you not feel the need to try and be a five star man? The issue with black relationships goes deeper than being lonely during your later years in life. The issue comes in when we are dealing with single parent homes. The issues come in when we are having boys be raised by women. The issues come in when we have two 15-year-old children attempting to raise a child just because neither of them could wait until they were old enough and ready. The destruction of the black family is going on right now. For if we pick up these bad hab-

its today, imagine how it will affect us tomorrow. I could go on and on about why relationships no longer work but at the end of the day the responsibility falls back on both men and women. Men, stop lying down with a woman just because the opportunity is there. If the girl has no substance there is nothing wrong with simply walking away and finding a girl that does. And women stop thinking that changing a man has to be your life goal. Building upon and supporting his greatness should be your only objective. If he is no good when you meet him, chances are he will be no good 10 years from now if you let him have his way all the time. For if we continue to misuse, abuse, and mislead each other, then we will continue to be a race of fatherlessness and hopelessness.

Mad about something? Got a story to tell us? Want something else in the paper?

Well, write for us! Contributor’s Meeting Every Wednesday 5p.m. in GCB Room 328 Aggie Life

REWIND By: Evan Summerfield

There needs to be a new direction for the black community JONATHAN TATUM

Black College Wire

In light of the recent Laura Shlessinger controversy, it is a good time to address the effect of “nigger” in 21st century American culture. This article, is not about that particular controversy; there are already enough blogs and news outlets discussing Dr. Laura. The topic examined here is the mysterious power that the word “nigger” holds in a country that is struggling to move beyond racism and within the ethnic group that the word most often refers to. Also, since “nigger” has probably been discussed, researched and written about more than any

other word in American history, except for love, I will forgo etymological exegesis of the word and instead I recommend that readers explore its storied history for themselves. The Oxford English Dictionary classifies “nigger” as an offensive noun and defines it as “a contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person.” This dictionary acknowledges that it is also used as a term of endearment and in a joking matter by black people. It is this second usage that creates the controversy because it is a usage usually reserved exclusively for blacks and one in which the entire black community has not yet come to terms with.

When nigger is used by non-blacks, it is received in its derogatory sense, whether the speaker intended it or not, and for some blacks, it is always derogatory, regardless of the speaker’s ethnicity. This conflict over nigger within the black community is often directed at the word itself and usually ends in one of two conclusions: the word shouldn’t be used at all or the word’s usage should be permitted to people of all races. Unfortunately, the conflict rarely addresses the real issue that runs parallel with the nigger controversy: the identity crisis of blacks in America. This identity crisis is displayed best by the various titles used to describe black Ameri-

cans. Since the 1800s, black Americans have evolved in title from colored, Negro, Afro-American, and black into the modern African American. Interestingly enough, nigger is the only title that has endured throughout this evolution and has stubbornly clung to the black community no matter how hard some have tried to remove it. So, as ironic as it may seem, “nigger” appears to be the most accurate titular representation of the Black community’s experience in America. I am not suggesting that this is either positive or negative; I am only stating that this is the reality of the situation and it will continue to be as long as the

black community’s identity crisis persists. Since I don’t want to end this article with a problem, I will offer a potential solution to the identity crisis I presented. The first step in resolving this crisis is to expand the understanding of the term “black community.” The idea that an ethnic group consisting of approximately 41 million people spread across a country of over 300 million citizens has a single identity is absurd. Being black in America today allows for just as many, if not more, variable experiences as being white in America. The problem that blacks have with getting a particular title to stick, outside of genealogical racial identity, it is impractical

to label oneself as anything but American. The next step for resolution is diversifying the presentation and public perception of black Americans; it must be understood, both nationally and globally, that black Americans are more diverse than the sum total of black athletes and entertainers. Thus, Soledad O’Brian’s documentary, Black in America, was a step in the right direction that should be expanded upon. In conclusion, my hope is that the next evolution in the black community will be from African Americans to simply Americans and the next article I write titled “Wassup, my nigga(er)!” will be an anthropological look into the past.

Editor’s note:The opinions expressed on The Word are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the staff of The A&T Register. All house editorials are written and revised with input from the editorial board, staff, and is approved by the editor. All submissions must be sent to theatregister@gmail.com to be considered for submission and should be no longer than 250 words. Submissions must be received by the Sunday prior to publication at 5 p.m. to be considered. The A&T Register reserves the right to edit all submission content for clarity and grammar. Submissions become the property of The A&T Register and will not be returned.

theSCORE 6

The A&T Register | ncatregister.com | Wednesday, October 27, 2010



Bethune-Cookman 4-0 Hampton 4-1 South Carolina State 3-1 Florida A&M 3-1 Morgan State 3-1 Norfolk State 1-4 Delaware State 1-4 North Carolina A&T 1-4 Howard 0-4

OVR. 7-0 5-2 5-2 4-3 4-3 2-5 1-6 1-7 1-6

NEXT WEEK’S GAME: Live on ESPNU Thursday vs. Bethune-Cookman Daytona Beach, Fla. 7:30 p.m.

volleyball TEAM


Northern Division MD-Eastern Shore Delaware State Morgan State Howard Hampton Coppin State

6-0 4-1 3-3 2-3 2-4 0-6

17-9 11-10 5-16 5-17 6-20 3-18

4-1 4-1 3-2 1-3 0-5

10-16 6-13 10-20 5-20 2-25

Southern Division Norfolk State Florida A&M South Carolina State Bethune-Cookman North Carolina A&T


THIS WEEK’S GAMES: Wednesday Oct. 27 vs. USC Upstate Corbett Sports Center 6 p.m. Friday Oct. 29 vs. Bethune Cookman Corbett Sports Center 6 p.m. Sunday Oct. 21 vs. Florida A&M Corbett Sports Center 12 p.m.

AROUND SPORTS ROMO INJURED ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — Tony Romo wore a gray T-shirt, his left arm hanging in a sling and covered by a blue jacket. He spent the second half listening to a headset, flipping through overhead pictures of plays and trying to encourage his Dallas Cowboys teammates. That’s pretty much how he will spend the next month or two. Maybe even the rest of the season. Romo broke his left collarbone on a hit by New York’s Michael Boley in the second quarter Monday night. It was a season-changer for the Cowboys, and a game-changer for the Giants. New York would soon trail by 13, only to rally for a 41-35 victory. The Giants (5-2) scored on five straight possessions spanning the middle two quarters, putting up 31 unanswered points to grab control of more than just this clash between NFC East rivals. “It’s very sweet,” Boley said. “It’s a division game and it’s no secret, we don’t like the Cowboys.” Cowboy’s owner Jerry Jones said he was told Romo would miss about 6 to 8 weeks. More tests are scheduled for Tuesday and should help set a timetable — but it might not matter much. Dallas is 1-5, so there may not be any reason to rush back. The 1970 Bengals are the only 1-5 team ever to make the playoffs. With the Super Bowl coming to Cowboys Stadium in February, it’s all but certain the host team won’t be playing. ______

Photo by KENNETH HAWKINS • PHOTO EDITOR MIKE MAYHEW runs up field to evade Howard’s defenders in Saturday’s game at Aggie Stadium.

Hines was the missing ingredient SHERRY ROSS

Register Contributor

The North Carolina A&T football team earned its first win of the season on Oct. 23 with a 52-32 victory over Howard. The win ends a 10-game losing streak for the Aggies and is their first since defeating Howard 30-19 on Oct. 24, 2009. “More excited for them to see the hard work and all those things pay off because they have been working hard,” said head coach Alonzo Lee. “They have been getting out there doing great things.” The star of the game for the Aggies was George Hines, the

standout outfielder for the Aggies baseball team. He started for the second consecutive game on Saturday after making his debut in last weeks lost to Delaware State. Hines went 12-16 passing for 235 yards and three touchdowns, crediting the coaching staff for his preparation and knowing where the Bison defense would be. “Of Course George Hines with that addition, having that quarter back that we lost at the beginning of the season, you can really see that he made a difference,” said Lee.“With a good quarterback, you see we have the potential to score

points.” The Aggies had a solid game plan from the first play of the game when Hines faked a handoff to Mike Mayhew and completed a 35-yard pass to redshirt freshman Torrian Warren. “I asked [coach Berry] why not hit them with play action early?’’ said Hines. The safeties bit on the play action just as Hines thought they would. Two plays later Hines hit junior Wallace Miles who ran down the middle of the field to make a leaping 26-yard reception for the Aggies first touchdown of the game and his first of two touchdowns.

The Aggies took a 14-0 lead on the ensuing Bison possession when Jeremy Graham retrieved a Howard fumble and returned it 38 yards for his second touchdown in as many games. The Bison were able to cut the lead to 14-12, however a 28-point second quarter by the Aggies saw them to take a 4219 lead into halftime. Hines left the game in the third quarter because of a cramp but the Aggies had a big enough cushion that the Bison could not come back. “I didn’t think we would put 42 up in the first half, but when you execute that’s what happens,” Hines said.

Swimmers dive into season Staff report The Lady Aggies Swim Team opened its season on Oct. 8 at Radford University against Radford and Liberty Universities. This year is promised to be an exciting new start for the swim team. Coach Shawn Hendrix welcomes with six freshmen to a team of seven returning swimmers. This year’s team includes freshmen Erika Eisenman (fly/ individual medley); Christian Hill (distance freestyle); Courtney Jefferson (distance freestyle); Akaela McGinty (freestyle); Aarin Miles (distance freestyle) and Courtney Wilkins (freestyle). Returning swimmers include sopho-

mores Lauren Bowling (fly/individual medley) and Carolyn Pratt (freestyle/breast stroke); juniors Karla Chapman (breast stroke/individual medley); Jasmine Gurley (freestyle/ backstroke); and Keshia McDonald (freestyle); and seniors Charlisse Rivers (freestyle/backstroke) and Kristen Wright (freestyle/backstroke). Hendrix is excited about the season. “I expect the team to keep demonstrating leadership in the classroom, maintain volunteering efforts in the community, and to always display aggie pride through respect and dedication to themselves, their family, the university and the swim team,” she said. “Balance in academics and

athletics has been a challenge some of my freshman face since college compared to high school is more demanding and there is less time to procrastinate,” she said. Just like any other team, assistants are needed to be successful and stay organized. The team has two volunteer assistant coaches, Gia Wright and Signe Waldbauer. The team has four managers, Malcolm Blow, Martin Blow, Darrin Sherril and Shannell Thomas. Hendrix is confident her two captains, Jasmine Gurley and Lauren Bowling, are prepared to lead the team to victory this year. “Both of these ladies demonstrate leadership through

doing small things that build character,” Hendrix said. “As coach our jobs is to criticize and tell the team how to do things better but sometime you need to tell them what they are doing right,” she said. The team’s biggest challenge will the HBCU Meet, which will be held at A&T in January. The Lady Aggies will be competing against swimmers from FAMU and Howard. The men’s teams from FAMU and Howard will both be competing at this meet. Relay teams will also be competing. The Lady Aggies next meet is at Radford on Nov. 18-20.

Where were you when this happened? We were there. You could be too. Contributors meetings are every Wednesday at 5 p.m. in the General Classroom Building.

Contributor’s meeting tonight 5 p.m. GCB 328 ncatregister.com

“I’m a lot more happier for the guys then I am myself. They’ve been working hard the whole year. I just got out, and I’m glad that I had the opportunity to help them.” The Aggies had two receivers, Miles and Warren, with at least 100 yards of receiving. The M.E.A.C. leading rusher Mike Mayhew finished the game with 109 yards on 23 carries and two touchdowns. The Aggies travel to Daytona Beach, FL to face the undefeated wildcats of Bethune Cookman next. The game is on Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. and will air on ESPNU.

Hey Aggies get up, get out, go vote! Are you registered to VOTE? It’s not too late. Downtown Old Courthouse 301 W. Market St. is the one-stop voting site for Aggies. (336) 641-3836 for info

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The A&T Register | ncatregister.com | Wednesday, October 27, 2010

&Scene heard

A&T gets the rapper instead sejal chappell Contributor

Prince Reveals First “Welcome 2 America” Tour Prince is all about the teasing, slow reveal. Less than two weeks after the enigmatic singer took the stag a Harlem’s Apollo Theater to announce that he would be launching the Welcome 2 America Tour, he finally made public the initial string of dates on the all-star outing. For his first run on the East Coast since 2004, Prince will hit the stage for three consecutive nights at the Izod Center in East Rutherford, New Jersey, pn Dec. 14, 15, and 17, and follow that up with two dates at new York’s Madison Square Garden on Dec. 18 and 29. For more information on this story, go to: www.mtv.com/news -Gil Kaufman



The A&T radio station, WNAA 90.1FM, hosted a meet and greet Oct. 25 which was supposed to feature Lloyd, the R&B singer, in Exhibit Hall. Exhibit Hall was filled with students anticipating singer Lloyd to be in attendance but to the surprise of the audience, Enzima Murphy, office manager of WNAA and advisor of WNAA street team announced that Lloyd Banks was coming instead. WNAA street team is the group responsible for bringing celebrities to make appearances on campus. “When you have more than one artist that go by the same name, and eveytime the management always mentioned Lloyd, not Lloyd Banks, everyone figured it was the singer,” said Murphy. The crowd was confused by the news but the crowd was still just as excited to see Banks. When Banks entered Exhibit Hall, the crowd started to cheer and taking out their cell phones to take pictures of the star. Murphy summed up the situation, “Since both are pretty much established artists, we still had a good turnout.” Lloyd Banks opened with a question and answer portion then, signed autographs and took pictures with fans. Nicole Reynolds, Miss Junior, a business education major, from Winston Salem, NC and was very excited to see the rapper. “ It was a good opportunity… it is nice to see that he defeats

Oct. 20 to 26th The A&T Register’s guide to what’s going on this week in arts and entertainment.

on screen

Photo by Kenneth hawkins •The A&T Register

Lloyd Banks was the featured artist at the meet and greet hosted by WNAA 90.1 FM in Exhibit Hall of the Memorial Student Union Oct. 25. The event was supposed to feature R&B singer Lloyd, but due to management mix up, the rapper was sent instead.

the stereotypes people make about him and that he is about his money and a good business man.” Reynolds said she would like to have other events like this on campus she said jokingly, “Definitely… as long they are free.” William Harmon, a senior business major from Oxon Hill, MD, thought that Banks was very down to Earth. “Yeah he is very inspirational… to see a rapper come and talk to us college kids and encourage us to follow our dreams.” Harmon also, said that he is a

Lloyd Banks fan. The crowd thought that having Banks do a meet and greet on campus was a great experience. Banks seemed to be very relaxed and eager to answer questions. He elaborated on his personal experiences and on balancing his personal life and career. “You have to be groomed with artist development to take you through balancing out your career,” said Banks. He also mentioned that it is all about your upbringing and that you have to allow yourself to grow as a person and as a artist. “Hunger for More 2,”

Banks new album following the prelude “Hunger for More Pt. 1,” comes out Nov. 22. After leaving A&T’s campus, Banks tweeted from his verified account “Much love to everyone at A&T in NC!” Banks will be collaborating with many artists such as Eminem, Kanye West, Lloyd the R&B singer, Akon and Fabulous just to name a few. “The album is pretty wrapped up… and I am making new music for 2010,” said Banks. For more information on Lloyd Banks new album and tour dates, go to www.thisis50. com.

1. Why would you pick a bison as the mascot for a school in DC? 2. Did there used to be a high population of bison in southeast DC at some point? 3. Did you know we finally won a football game this past weekend? 4. Why did no one show up for the game? 5. So, does the football team only perform when no one shows up to watch? 6. Do you think they have performance anxiety? 7. Should we not go to the last two home games so the football team can win those too? 8. Did you know we dropped more points on Howard than we have points from every game in the last 3 seasons combined? 9. Did you know we’re going to be on TV this Thursday on ESPNU? 10. Did you know we’re playing 7-0 Bethune-Cookman? 11. Do we really want our whooping to be nationally televised? 12. Is that gangster? 13. Or baller? 14. Speaking of baller, can you be a baller and a college student? 15. How baller is a meal plan or living in a dorm room? 16. Is it baller to have $3,000 rims and a boot from parking services? 17. Why are some of you spending $100+ for a bottle of Goose in Lotus when you buy that same bottle for $35 at the package store? 18. How many of you bottle poppers still don’t have books for class? 19. Do ballers graduate? 20. Can we get an AGGIE PRIDE for our 1 (and soon to be two) game-winning streak?

SAW 3D starring Tobin Bell comes out Friday. As a deadly battle rages over Jigsaw’s brutal legacy, a group of Jigsaw survivors gathers to seek the support of self-help guru and fellow survivor Bobby Dagen, a man whose own dark secrets unleash a new wave of terror.

- J.V.

on shelves SEX IN THE CITY 2 starring Sarah Jessica Parker and Kristin Davis is out on DVD. Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda set out on a sundrenched adventure to one of the most luxurious and exotic places on earth, where the party never ends and there’s something mysterious around every corner. - J.V.

on stage

BE Scene Contributor’s Meetings every Wednesday at 5 p.m. in GCB 328A

AGGIE HOUSE OF TERROR brought to you by the Student University Activities Board and the National Pan-Hellenic Council in association and sponsorship with Woods of Terror takes place Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Holland Bowl. - J.V.

on campus HEAD 2 TOE RADIO SHOW your guide to ethnic hair, nail and skin care is on air Friday and Saturday at 10 a.m. on WNAA 90.1 FM. The show is hosted by Ezinma Murphy and Nikki Henry and this week’s special guest is Kamilah Blackston referring to her Natural Hair editorial she wrote for the A&T Register.

- J.V.

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