Letter from Elections Committee Regarding Elections

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March 2, 2010 TO:

The Student Body of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


SGA Elections Committee


Student Government Association Presidential Candidacy

The SGA Elections Committee held the Campaign Implementation Workshop on March 1, 2010. Unfortunately, candidates did not emerge for the office of SGA President because the applicants did not provide the necessary documentation to meet the qualifications as described in the SGA Constitution. The two applicants previously served as Class Officers, therefore, neither met the qualifications as stated in the SGA Constitution: Article VI, Sec. 1.f., “At the time of his/her election he/she must have served twenty academic weeks, in good standing, in an elected office as defined by the constitution as part of the Legislative, Executive, or Judicial Branch of the Student Government Association at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, or secure the signatures of one-third (1/3) of the University Fall Student Headcount who are considered Student Government Association members as defined by the constitution.”

In addition, the SGA Elections committee requested an opinion from University Legal Counsel for further substantiation. The following is the discussion provided by University Legal Counsel which validates the original conclusion of the SGA Elections Committee: Article V, Sec 1 defines the officers of the executive branch. President of a class is not on that list. A class president serves on the SGA Executive Board, ex officio, meaning by virtue of the office he/she holds. (Sec. 4.g.) Article VI, Sec 1.f. states that a candidate for President of the SGA may run without obtaining the required number of signatures when a person has served the requisite period of time “in an elected office as defined by the constitution as part of the Legislative, Executive, or Judicial Branch of the Student Government Association. . . .” While not as clear as it could be, the phrase “elected office as defined by the constitution” appears to mean those offices identified in Article V, Sec.1. It is certain, however, that a class president is not an elected officer of the Executive Branch. Thus, the class president does not meet the requirement to avoid the need to obtain signatures to run.

Consequently, the SGA Elections Committee will move forward with a “Special Election” for the Office of President to be held on March 31, 2010 at the same time as the “Run-off” election, as defined by the SGA Constitution. We will open up the candidacy to the entire student body and begin the process from the beginning (qualifying, etc.) on March 3, 2010 at 12:00am.

A Land-Grant University and A Constituent Institution of the University of North Carolina 1601 East Market Street * Greensboro, NC 27411 * (336) 334-7792 * Fax (336) 334-7434

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