The Aviation Magazine – No. 79 – 2022-07&08

Page 74




t the end of October 2021, for two weeks, the 5th annual edition of the exercise BACCARAT took place in southern France. The exercise was hosted by the 4th Air Combat Brigade (4th BAC). The first week was dedicated to preparation, firing, and reconnaissance of the terrain, while the second week was the synthesis of the air-land maneuvering. A total of 1,300 soldiers, 15 units, 32 combat helicopters of the French Armée de Terre, and the


Spanish Fuerza Aeromóvilles del Ejército de Tierra (FAMET) participated in the high intensity, real lifesize combat simulation. BACCARAT actually started weeks earlier with the exercise CORMORAN 21 with Mistral-class amphibious ships. From the ships, a scenario was created where ground and air assets operated day and night from the ships to stop a virtual enemy and to go ashore and push back the enemy into the mainland.

Armée de Terre NH90-TTH assigne colors the NH90 camouflage prove

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