election coverage The Battalion will be profiling each of the SBP candidates on Monday, February 21, and will endorse one candidate the following day.
● wednesday,
february 16, 2011
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campus elections
Student, SBP supporter purchases other campaign’s domain names
Future Aggie Nurses prepares students for medical world
SBP race adds drama
Join the FAN club
Christine Perrenot
Matt Woolbright
The Battalion In late F ebruary, Aggieland is gear ing up for campaign season. Yell Leader , student senator and Student Body President candidates ar e making e very effort to win the v ote of the major ity as they vie for positions. For two SBP candidates tr ying to mak e campaign Web sites, ther e w as a problem: their domains w ere not available. On October 17, 2010, more than four months befor e elections, Blak e Ma yhall, a junior ag ribusiness major , purchased and r egistered the domains and through “It was disheartening at first,” said Hilar y Albrecht, a junior political science major and SBP candidate. “I r eally hope this was not another campaign’ s supporter acting maliciously , but regardless, all w e can do is stay positive and move forward.” Junior communication major and fello w SBP hopeful J eff Pickering shar ed Albrecht’s sentiments. “I str uggled with that, I wanted to figure out who and wh y,” J eff Pick ering said. “So early on in that semester , it r eally confused me . We just decided to move on with ‘.org’, forget it and lead by example.” The thr ee other SBP candidates w ere unaffected by Mayhall’s pur chases. Mar shall Bowen, J ustin Pulliam and Chris Tucker each r egistered their r espective campaign domain names months later. Mayhall is not par t of an y of the candidates’ campaign staffs. On his Facebook profi le, Mayhall “likes” only Bo wen’s campaign page. According to the Texas A&M Election Regulations, intentional campaign sabotage is a tier thr ee offense, with fines rang ing fr om $25 to the maximum amount allowable or disqualification.
Voting dates
◗ General election is February 28-March 1 ◗ Runoff election, if necessary, is March 3
App-etite forsuccess
Want to turn your whimsical hobbies into successful businesses? There’s an app for that —141, to be exact.
The Battalion Many Aggies who are future health care or nursing students find it overwhelming to find information regarding top nursing programs, survive the application process and decide on a field of nursing. Future Aggie Nurses at Texas A&M University is an organization designed to help ease the stress of picking and applying to various nursing programs. With many events coming up this spring, the club’s officers have their work cut out for them. The organization has been around a few years, but continues to grow and get better with time. “Future Aggie Nurses is a See Nurses on page 4
Raising the roof in CS Housing Fair to help students living off campus Ronald Ruiz
Illustration by Christina Fuentes and J.D. Swiger — THE BATTALION
Aggie turns app development into side job Mikey Dror
Special to the Battalion Brice Milliorn Class of 2002 is the creator of these popular apps, is not your typical programmer. With no prior technological experience, Milliorn taught himself the basics of programming through books and online resources, and sells 670,000 apps. The full-time financial adviser for Edward Jones published his first application for the Apple iPhone less than two years ago. The creator of such celebrated apps such as “Prank Me” and “iSpy” never expected to be the owner of his own business, JBMJBM, LLC. He credits part of his success to his time at A&M and his degree in agribusiness. Though he
took no programming classes, he uses the business skills he picked up in classes to assist him in designing and marketing apps. “Having a business degree certainly helps when trying to sell apps,” Milliron said. “Texas A&M taught me how to run a business, and having classmates who’ve started their own businesses helps, too.” Milliorn’s success has inspired students with dreams of entrepreneurship, such as John Tee, sophomore anthropology major and creator of several T-shirt designs sold on “His story teaches me I can do something I like and actually make money. For example, I See Apps on page 4
Apps by JBMJBM ◗ Prank Me! ◗ iSpy ◗GeoLert ◗ Gas Genie ◗ iZones ◗ Hurt Booth ◗ Golf Fan ◗ Shake 2 Count ◗ Friday Night
Lights ◗ ANTZ
Special to the Battalion What do the Statue of Liberty, Madison Square Garden and Yankee Stadium have in common with this year’s housing fair? The theme for this year’s housing fair is the bright lights of New York. The 27 annual Housing Fair, Bright Lights-Big Aggieland Dreams, will be from 4 to 8 p.m. today in the Student Recreational Center. The Housing Fair is one of the programs the Adult, Graduate and Off Campus Student Services, AGOSS, coordinates each year. It is an opportunity for students considering living off campus the following school year. Katie Swift, a graduate assistant for AGOSS and coordinator for this year’s Housing Fair, says the fair has about 50 vendors from apartSee Housing on page 4
A&M’s oldest tradition comes in new form Hayley Lawson
The Battalion From Bonfire, to Yell Leaders, to “Howdy!” traditions are the heart and soul of Texas A&M. Tonight the basketball team begins a tradition with the first Military Appreciation Night. Veterans and active servicemen and women will be honored. The Corps drum line will lead
Pg. 1-02.16.11.indd 1
the basketball team out before the game and the evening will have many ways to honor veterans and active servicemen and women. “The basketball team will enter the stadium behind the Corps drum line, similar to how the football team takes the field,” said Brad Knotts, director of marketing for men’s basketball.
The veterans and active servicemen and women will be honored at the game by the team wearing custom-made camouflaged jerseys designed by Adidas. “The team will have a camo jersey signed by the players and it will be auctioned off on and all proceeds will be donated to the USO,” See Military on page 6
Courtesy photo
The team will be wearing custom-made jerseys at the game, one of which will be signed and auctioned online.
2/15/11 11:38 PM
fully ed p p i u eq
Art workshop exhibition
Figurative paintings and drawings by students in Artist in Residence Ron Cheek’s workshop will take place from 4 to 5 p.m. Friday through Feb. 25 at Lang ngfo ford rd A Arc rchi hite tect cture the Langford Architecture Cent ter er. Center.
Must Present Coupon
Hot and Ready
In Tuesday’s Battalion, the concealed carry bill in 2009, SB 1164, was not voted on because of a filibuster. SB 354 is the current bill being addressed.
Large Pepperoni Pizza
Today patchy fog High: 75 Low: 59 courtesy of NOAA
Film showing
A documentary showcasing media manipulation on public opinion will be presented from 11:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. Friay in Koldus.
Career fair
The Liberal Arts career fair will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today in Rudder Exhibit Hall and is open to all majors.
Thursday patchy fog high: 75 low: 60 T Friday patchy fog high: 76 low: 62 F r Saturday mostly cloudy high: 70 low: 62 S
thebattalion 02.16.2011 For daily updates go to ● Facebook ● Twitter@thebattonline
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Find a penny and pick it up
Samantha Virnau — THE BATTALION
Jory Hamilton, a sophomore business administration major, passes out pennies for students to place on Sully as a part of the “random acts of kindness” service project through MSC Fish, Freshmen in Service and Hosting.
Obama calls for peace in Middle East Ben Feller
Associated Press WASHINGTON — Warily watching protests ripple across the Middle East, President Barack Obama said Tuesday that governments in the vital, volatile region are figuring out that they “can’t maintain power through coercion.” He slammed Iran as an exception, accusing the U.S. foe of beating and shooting protesters. The public uprisings that toppled the leaders of Egypt and Tunisia have ignited protests and violent clashes in Bahrain, Yemen and Iran. With strategic U.S. interests in each of those countries, Obama conceded he is concerned about the region’s stability. In his most expansive comments yet about the unrest spilling across the Middle East and north Africa, Obama signaled that he would stick with his Egyptian model: Prod governments to allow peaceful protests and to respond to grievances, but stay silent about who should run the countries or what change should look like.
The Egyptian experience has cemented Obama’s doctrine of dealing with countries grappling with upheaval: direction that falls short of dictates. He said the lesson for all the nations is that they will only see lasting change, and gain both international and internal support for it, when it comes through “moral force.” “These are sovereign countries that are going to have to make their own decisions,” Obama said at his first full news conference of the year. “What we can do is lend moral support to those who are seeking a better life for themselves.” Whether moral support is enough is often the issue as the United States tries to help shape events in the Middle East that are out of its control. Obama singled out Iran, where hardline lawmakers are calling for the country’s opposition leaders to face trial and be put to death. Tens of thousands of people turned out for an opposition rally Monday in solidarity with Egypt’s revolt, the first such demonstration since a crack-
down on protesters in 2009. “I find it ironic that you’ve got the Iranian regime pretending to celebrate what happened in Egypt when, in fact, they have acted in direct contrast to what happened in Egypt by gunning down and beating people who were trying to express themselves peacefully in Iran,” Obama said. What began with an uprising in Tunisia emboldened massive protests in Egypt, mobilized in part by the social media networks Facebook and Twitter. In less than three weeks, autocratic Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down under enormous pressure, and the makings of a democracy are under way. “You have a young, vibrant generation within the Middle East that is looking for greater opportunity,” he said. “And if you are governing these countries, you’ve got to get out ahead of change. You can’t be behind the curve.” The president suggested that authoritarian rule is giving way to fundamental desires by people to get good jobs, an educa-
tion and a better life. “You can’t maintain power through coercion,” Obama said. ”At some level in any society, there has to be consent.” And then he added: “My belief is that, as a consequence of what’s happening in Tunisia and Egypt, governments in that region are starting to understand this.” Once the outcome became clear, with Mubarak forced out of power and a peaceful, initial transition to democracy, the White House spoke with a vindicated tone. “I think history will end up recording that at every juncture in the situation in Egypt, that we were on the right side of history,” he said. “What we didn’t do was pretend that we could dictate the outcome in Egypt, because we can’t.” As for other protesters across the region, Obama said he supported their aspirations, but insisted that the outcomes will be up to them. “We do want to make sure that transitions do not degenerate into chaos,” he said. “That’s good for those countries.”
Matt Woolbright, Editor in Chief Megan Ryan, Managing Editor Gayle Gabriel, City Editor Rebecca Bennett, Lifestyles Editor David Harris, Sports Editor CITY – Tim Bardin, Austin Burgart, Rebecca Hutchinson, Amber Jaura, Haley Lawson, Stephanie Massey, Luz Moreno-Luzano, Christine Perronot, Ty Petty, Joanna Raines, Sarah Smith, Connie Thompson, Emily Villani, Katie White. LIFESTYLES – Matt Bizzell, Jennifer DuBose, Ryan Haughey, Steven Olivier, Gabrielle Royal, Ryan Seybold, Joe Terrell, Carolyn Ward. SPORTS – Beau Holder, Sean Lester, Austin Meek, Zach Pappas, Brandon Preece, Mike Teague, Alex Welch. WEBMASTER – Xiaosong Pan.
Jill Beathard, Enterprise Editor Evan Andrews, Graphics Chief Tyler Hosea, Video/Photo Chief OPINION – Matt Poarch, Caleb Wilson, Taylor Wolken. COPY – Victoria Daugherty, Joshua McKenna, JD Swiger. GRAPHICS – Adrian Calcaneo, Miki Fan, Christina Fuentes, Abraham Hernandez, Tim Issac, Jorge Montalvo, Osa Okundaye. PHOTO/VIDEO – April Baltensperger, Tiffany Cornelius, Stephanie Leichtle, Paul Mezier, Jeremy Northum, Samantha Virnau. ADVERTISING – Luke Finch, Ashley Gonzales, Dustin Neu, Garrett Phillips Kylee Young.
THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except University holidays and exam periods) at T exas A&M University. Periodicals Postage Paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion , Texas A&M University , 1111 T AMU, College Station, TX 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at T exas A&M University in Student Media, a unit of the Division of Student Affairs. News offices are in The Grove, Bldg. 8901. Newsroom phone: 979-845-3313; Fax: 979845-2647; E-mail:; website: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion . For campus, local, and national display advertising, call 979-845-2696. For classified advertising, call 979-845-0569. Advertising offices are in The Grove, Bldg. 8901, and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 979-845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each T exas A&M student to pick up a single copy ofThe Battalion. First copy free, additional copies $1. Mail subscriptions are $125 per school year. To charge by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express, call 979-845-2613.
Pg. 2-02.16.11.indd 1
2/15/11 9:35 PM
5 before you go things you should know
Patrick Burkart coffee hour
Career fair
The Liberal Arts Career Patrick Burkart, professor Fair, which is open to all majors, will take place of communication, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. published “Music and today in the Rudder Cyberliberties� and will Exhibit Hall. discuss the article with students over coffee from 9 to 10 a.m. today in the Glasscock Building.
Plants in space
Professor of horticulture Fred Davies will explain his research in producing crops in space from 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday in the HorticultureForest Science Building.
Aggie African Americans
Contributions and the history of African Americans at Texas A&M will be highlighted at “The Unspoken First� 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday in Koldus 110.
Are you smarter than a freshman?
Honors Student Council will have the event “Are You Smarter Than a Freshman?,� based off the television game show Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?, in which professors test their knowledge of freshmen level subjects, from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Thursday in Rudder 301.
thebattalion 02.16.2011 page3
Prehistoric performers ‘Jurassic Park: The Musical’ to come to A&M Alec Goetz
Courtesy photo
A cast member dressed as a velociraptor sends a text after a rehearsal of Jurassic Park: The Musical.
The Battalion The dinosaur is an unusually popular subject in pop culture, considering it hasn’t been seen alive for 65 million years. The prehistoric beasts have been a sci-fi staple for decades, and while they have appeared in countless films, novels and video games, none of them have achieved the runaway success of Jurassic Park. The novel by Michael Crichton and subsequent blockbuster film adaptation, directed by Steven Spielberg, became a cultural phenomenon in the early ‘90s and inspired a rabid fan base that is still going strong today. Two such fans, Ryan Cortez and Max Brown of Denton, decided to pay tribute to the dinosaur drama with a stage musical adapted from the film and novel. Now, after a series of sell-out performances in their hometown, the unlikely musical is coming to Aggieland at 7 p.m. Saturday in Wehner 113. “Jurassic Park is my favorite movie, no question,� Cortez said. “I love science and genetics, and the concept is just so great. A theme park full of dinosaurs? That’s every kid’s dream.� Jurassic Park: The Musical features all original music performed live by Cortez and Brown, who are students at the
University of North Texas in Denton. While the script is new apart from a few memorable quotes from the iconic film, the plot and cast of characters remains mostly unchanged. The show’s biggest departure is the replacement of realistic CGI dinosaurs with a chorus of crooning carnivores. The prehistoric predators are played by cast members in costumes that fit in with the production’s charming DIY aesthetic, including velociraptors wearing what looks to be toothy purple pajamas and a T-Rex with a huge head operated by the performer’s arms. “[Brown] is like a catchy melody machine, so he handled a lot of the songwriting. We have a song to introduce every main character, and almost every scene with a dinosaur is set to song because those are the most iconic and memorable parts of the movie,� Cortez said. Cortez and Brown, who have been performing together for nearly two years under the band name “Savage and the Big Beat,� finished writing the musical in the fall of 2010 and began performing it shortly after. The play’s reception received a great turnout in Denton, selling out multiple shows and earning glowing reviews from local critics. Word of mouth
eventually reached Jen Taphorn, a senior animal science major at A&M and music education executive for MSC Town Hall. “I heard about the music from our chair, who is a Show info huge Jurassic Park enthusiast, and she â—— Students who convinced me to bring a yer printed get in touch with off of the musical’s the students who Facebook page or created it,â€? Tathe MSC Town Hall phorn said. “Since website to Jurassic the musical is completely student- Park: The Musical’s written and run, we College Station thought it would be debut can enter at cool to invite them 6 p.m. Doors open to perform and talk at 6:30 for those about the creation without yers. of the musical.â€? Entrance is free. While they’re eager to perform in front of a new audience, taking the show on the road has presented a challenge for the production’s cast and crew. “It’s hard to get people and props from one place to another with little to no budget, one crew member for both lights and sound and just a few cars, but we manage with what we have,â€? Cortez said. “We See Jurassic Park on page 6
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Pg. 3-02.16.11.indd 1
2/15/11 6:21 PM
page 4 wednesday 2.16.2011
est-growing and most successful businesses owned or operated by graduates of Texas A&M. Continued from page 1 Published by the Mays Business School, it requires a company to did computer graphics in high demonstrate continued success school and was able to sell the for at least five years. Though designs online,” Tee said. Milliorn’s two-year old business Tee first learned about Milhas a way to go, he is optimistic. liorn when using “Prank Me.” “With Verizon starting to The app, once ranked 94th on carry the iPhone, I expect busiiTune’s top downloads list, feaness to go up significantly,” tures voices of characters such he said. as a police dispatcher and debt Milliorn expects to adjust to collector, and lets users construct the expansion of the app market humorous situations, which are by creating new apps. He rethen sent on to friends. leases new apps once per month, “I found it very, very amusand is on the lookout for new ing,” Tee recalls. “It literally opportunities to make an app. made me ‘laugh out loud.’” “Sometimes an idea just pops But despite achieving national recognition, Milliorn has even into my mind, like when I’m driving on the highway,” Milhigher aspirations. “My goal is to be listed in the liorn explained. “But usually, I see an app on the market that I Aggie 100,” he said. The Aggie 100 is an annual list think lacks some important elements, so I improve it.” which documents the 100 fast-
One of the products of this method is Milliorn’s iPhone application Geolerts. Geolerts, which allows users to program notifications to come up at various landmarks tracked by a GPS signal, was born out of Milliorn’s frustration with similar but inferior apps. As long as Milliorn continues to have ideas for new apps, he hopes to continue publishing them. Milliorn has refused several offers from people seeking to buy JBMJBM, though he plans to eventually sell the company to devote more time to his family and career at Edward Jones. To those at A&M hoping to develop a business, Milliorn has one recommendation. “If you put your mind to it, you can figure out anything. Just follow your passion.”
about the myths of renting an apartment or condo,” Viscarra said. “Getting some information Continued from page 1 beforehand can save someone money and a heartache.” ment complexes, management Margaret Langford, assistant and leasing companies in the coordinator for AGOSS and Bryan-College Station area. The supervisor for this year’s Housvendors at the Housing Fair will ing Fair, said each year there is pass out brochures, pamphlets a theme that properties use to and other information about decorate, dress up, design distheir property. plays and offer giveaways for “The main focus [for the students. The AGOSS gives out Housing Fair] is to be able to three awards for the vendors represent their complex or com- that participate at the Housing pany and talk to students about Fair for best use of the theme, considering them for their off most informative vendor and campus housing,” Swift said. best costumes. There are between 1,000 and “All AGOSS staff members the Housing Fair. One of those will be at the Housing Fair to students is Traci Viscarra, a jucoordinate various areas of volnior sociology major. Viscarra unteers or responsibilities such as said people should consider go- vendor check-in, headquarters ing because plenty of things can and survival manual stuffing,” go wrong with renting. Langford said. “This is Katie’s “I expect to get all my ques- event and she’s worked very tions answered and find out hard planning it. I’m there in
case Katie has questions or needs support in anything.” The AGOSS offers different services to nontraditional students, graduate students and students living off campus. These services include leasing appointments, helping with the search for off campus roommates and AggieSearch, the online resource to look for off campus housing. A major publication that the AGOSS puts out for students is the “Off Campus Survival Manual”. “The manual is a step-bystep guide to living off campus,” Langford said. “It starts with finding a place to live and ends with moving out correctly and getting your security deposit back.” “It is a really fun event,” Swift said. “There will be a lot of fun giveaway items that students can enjoy.”
Roman, the organization’s public relations officer. The organization is unique in the fact that their education is different than an everyday degree seeker. Anyone interested in a nursing degree can come to the meetings, and the members look forward to hearing about more nursing programs at upcoming meetings. “Given [that] Future Aggie Nurses is a fairly new organization, we have just started getting our name out in the community. We want to focus on areas where we can volunteer and help others while attending the best university in Texas,” Hart said. Gaining the knowledge and experience from Future Aggie Nurses will be beneficial and helpful in the future for all students who wish to someday be a healthcare professional.
institution’s requirements. “The organization brings in representatives from variContinued from page 1 ous nursing schools who exprofessional organization which plain to our members all about their program, how their apfocuses on providing an easier plication process works and and less stressful nursing school what prerequisites are needed,” application process for our Murray said. members,” said Heather MurChelsea Hart, vice president ray, president of Future Aggie of Future Aggie Nurses is reNurses. “Every nursing school is different in what they require sponsible for finding organization speakers. and how their application pro“We expose our organizacess works so it can become very tion to the various programs overwhelming.” and options that exist beyond The Future Aggie Nurses plan to volunteer for the Health Texas A&M, what they look Science Center’s Disaster Day as for in an applicant, how to prewell as participating in The Big pare ourselves for the profession and what options exist once we Event later this semester. “Because of the need, the of- graduate,” she said. The organization also helps ficers this semester are helping to keep prospective nurses to bring community involveon track. ment to the organization,” “There is so much to do to Murray said. prove yourself as a nurse. This Future Aggie Nurses organization keeps you in check brings in officials from nursand taking initiative,” said Julie ing schools to talk about their
(if you haven’t)
order your 2011 Aggieland yearbook today. The 109th edition of Texas A&M University’s official yearbook will chronicle the 2010-2011 school year — traditions, academics, the other education, sports, the Corps, greeks, campus organizations, and seniors and graduate students. By credit card go online to or call 979-845-2613. Or drop by the Student Media office, Bldg. #8901 in The Grove (between Albritton Bell Tower and Cain Hall). Cost is $64.90, including shipping and sales tax. Hours: 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday–Friday.
Pg. 4-02.16.11.indd 1
Refreshments are provided
2/15/11 10:00 PM
soccer | Head Coach G Guerrieri agreed to a contract extension with the University Tuesday that will keep him in Aggieland through the 2016 season.
men’s golf | The Aggies begin the spring season with the John A. Burns Intercollegiate today in Hawaii.
softball | The women will continue their season with a doubleheader on the road against Stephen F. Austin today.
thebattalion 02.16.2011 page5
Iowa State vs. No. 17 Texas A&M Military Appreciation Night 7 p.m. today, Reed Arena
File photos — THE BATTALION
Saluting troops at Reed Aggies welcome Cyclones for Military Appreciation Night Beau Holder
The Battalion The school with the most military history of any nonservice academy is gathering its ducks in a row on the night it will honor the nation’s heroes. No. 17 A&M welcomes Iowa State at 7 p.m. Wednesday to Reed Arena with a chance to extend its revitalizing winning streak to three after a nervous run of four losses in five games. The three-game losing streak left the Aggies’ Big 12 and NCAA Tournament positioning very much up in the air, but close road wins against Colorado and Texas Tech served to calm the waters. Once dangerously close to a free fall, A&M sits alone in third place in the conference standings. The Aggies (19-5, 6-4 Big 12) will commemorate the occasion with Military Appreciation Night, a salute to active duty personnel and veterans. The Cylones (14-11, 1-9), making the transition under first-year coach and program hero Fred Hoiberg, lost four of its 10 conference games by single digits and two in over-
time, but still find themselves in last place in a competitive Big 12. Iowa State’s one conference win came at home against Baylor — an accomplishment A&M failed to achieve. “We played better,” said Head Coach Mark Turgeon of the road trip. “I thought we played really well at Colorado. Colorado played well. We were more committed ... we all felt like we had our backs against the wall and we played that way. Hopefully we’ll continue to play that way. We didn’t play well at home [against Texas and Baylor in losses]. I just think we played with a little more toughness, a little more fight, last week.” The two home defeats to Texas and Baylor constituted more than A&M suffered in all of 2009-2010, when its only loss in Reed was to No. 1 Kansas. Iowa State is winless on the road in Big 12 play and 2-6 overall, perhaps making the Cylones the tonic the Aggies need. ISU has lost seven straight, and more lopsided of late — a 26-point loss at Colorado and
33-point beating at Kansas sandwich a one-point home loss to Kansas State in the team’s last three games. Point guard Diante Garrett leads the Cyclones in scoring at 17.7 points per game and assists with a 5.8 per-contest mark. Junior guard Scott Christopherson follows at 14.3 points per game. As of Tuesday, it was speculated that Cyclones center James Vanderbeken would be unable to play due to the high ankle sprain he suffered against Kansas on Saturday. The senior aids the Iowa State 3-point shooting attack where he shoots his 43 percent. His absence could hinder ISU’s ability to space the floor, something it bases its offense on. The team ranks second in the Big 12 in free-throw percentage, but its ability to force the issue inside and create fouls without Vanderbeken will be tested by a deep A&M frontcourt that also continues to lead the conference in rebounding margin. “We’re getting really good leadership now, because we’ve been humbled,” Turgeon said.
Senior Nate Walkup (top) and junior David Loubeau (bottom) lead the third-place Aggies against Iowa State a 7 p.m. today at Reed Arena. “I think the guys are doing great. We’ll see what happens in the next six games in the league, but hopefully they’ll continue to do great. We weren’t picked
to win it but we’re fighting, we’re up there. We’ll just keep plugging. It’s not easy for us, but you know what? I think we’re playing well. But us play-
ing well doesn’t mean we’re going to roll over somebody. It means we’re going to have a chance to win the game.”
$1.50 Bar Drinks $3 Crown $3 Jager $2.50 Longnecks $2.00 Aggie Bombs $1 Lone Star Pints $5 Pitchers
Pg. 5-02.16.11.indd 1
2/15/11 4:29 PM
page 6 wednesday 2.16.2011
Mexico ranks Mays 43rd For the fourth year, Texas A&M’s business school has been recognized by Mexico’s leading business magazine Expansión in its “Best MBAs for Mexicans” category. The ranking of 43 globally is an increase from the program’s 45 rank in 2010. Mays also ranked 24 out of programs in the U.S. and seventh among programs at U.S. public universities. Kelli Kilpatrick, director of Mays Business School’s full-time MBA program, said the ranking reflects the program’s impact on a global level. Complete results from the 2011 Expansión magazine “Best MBAs for Mexicans” ranking are available online at http://www. A&M newswire
For more information
Continued from page 1
said Delaney Elliott, marketing coordinator. “This is the first time in NCAA collegiate history for the team to have a camo jersey.” Veterans and active servicemen and women will receive up to two free tickets and be allowed to purchase additional tickets for $10. “This is the first time we’ve do ne Military Appreciation Night with the jersey since I’ve been here,” Head Coach Mark Turgeon said. “We
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FOR RENT $1200 Available now, short-term leases ok. 3&4 bedrooms. W/D, pets ok, near TAMU. Call agent Ardi 979-422-5660. $295 1-room in shared, furnished apartment. All bills paid. Short-term leases ok. Call agent Ardi 979-422-5660. $375 Available now and prelease. 1/1, 2/1. Free Wi-Fi, on Northgate, on shuttle. Short-term leases ok. Call agent Ardi 979-422-5660. 1/1 and 2/2 apartments for immediate move in and pre-lease. 1501 Holleman Drive, College Station TX 979-693-2108 for more info. 2,3,4 and 5/bdrm. CS duplexes. Very nice, garage on shuttle, tile, fireplace, w/d, fenced, lawn service, pets o.k. Available August. Details and photos available online. 979-255-0424, 979-255-1585. 2-3/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$600/mo. 979-219-3217. 2/1 W/D Conn., Large fenced yard, Pets ok, very spacious, Good location. 1825 Wilde Oak. $600/mo 979-693-1448. 2bd/1ba apartment, 800sq.ft. New appliances, carpeting and tile. W/D. Bus route. $550/mo. +$300 deposit. 210-391-4106. 2bd/2ba 4-plex. Spacious floorplan, W/D connections, close to campus. $550/mo. 979-776-6079.
◗ The Aggies will honor members of the U.S. Armed Forces tonight with more details available on should seize any chance we get to honor the military and recognize all that they’ve done for us.” No identification will be required to purchase the ticket; veterans and active servicemen and women will go to the ticket window and claim their status.
TO CALL 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day
4/3, 3/3 &3/2 Houses, Townhouses, Duplexes &Fourplexes, 1250-1700sqft. Very spacious, ethernet, large kitchen, extra storage, W/D, great amenities, on bus route, now pre-leasing, excellent specials. 694-0320. 4bd/2ba house. Close to campus, wood floors, tile floors, ceiling fans, W/D, fenced yards. 979-776-6079. 4bd/4ba condo for rent. $400 /person. Wood laminate flooring, kitchen and living area, outdoor patio, close to campus. Call 713-548-6248. 4bd/4ba house, 3526 Wild Plum, refrigerator, W/D, huge backyard! $1,650/mo. 361-290-0430. 4bd/4ba Waterwood Townhome available June 1, $1760/mo, granite counter tops, new appliance package, a&m bus route. Available now 2/1.5, W/D Connections. Large fenced yard. Pets ok. Large closets, fireplace. 2404-B Long Drive. $575/mo. Call 979-693-1448. Brand New 4bdrm/4ba luxury cottage style home! With fenced yard, full front porch, 3 blocks from campus, on bus route, $550/person per month. Call 979-314-1333. Duplex near campus. 2bd/2ba. W/D. No backyard. 307 Spruce. $650/mo. Call 254-760-8242. Large 1800sqft, 2-car garage w/storage shed. 4bd/2ba, eat-in-kitchen, dining room, family room w/fireplace. Wood/tile floors, W/D, 2 refrigerators, large patio, fenced yard. Lawn maintenance, pest control service. $395/room. Available 2011-2012. 832-326-3215. Need summer sublet. 1bd $599/mo free water with great pet policy. 210-213-5453. New/Newer 1/1, 1/1.5 lofts, 2/2, 3/3. Available May and August. Broker/owner. 979-777-5477.
3/2 Houses, Townhouses &Apartments, 1250sqft. Very spacious, ethernet, large kitchen, walk-in pantry &closets, extra storage, W/D, great amenities, on bus route, now pre-leasing, excellent specials. 979-694-0320,
Northgate, available now and prelease, new duplexes and fourplexes, 1/1, 2/2, and 3/2, call 979-255-5648.
3bd/3ba duplexes. Great floorplans, fenced yards, W/D, tile floors, icemakers, alarm systems. 979-776-6079.
The Association welcomes perspective students to Aggieland.
4/2.5 Perfect Roommate Floor-Plan. 1mi from campus, w/d, large backyard, built 2006, available August 2011, $1600/mo.
tried looking for places in Austin, Houston and San Antonio, but we haven’t found a venue that could house us yet.” While the musical has kept them busy for the last few months, Brown and Cortez have still found time to continue to work on new material for their band, Savage and the Big Beat, which took something of a backseat to new responsibilities as stage producers once the musical production got off the ground. The band’s latest release is an album called The Comet Cometh, described by the songwriters as “short sing-song tales from a cozy town as the impending doom of a comet sits over the townfolk’s shoulders.” The band also has a
Continued from page 3
new album in the works. “The next Savage and the Big Beat album will probably be called Wings of a Man. It’s about a man with wings coming from the sky and bringing grave news, and the songs cover humorous stories of people’s reactions around the world,” the duo said. In the meantime, Cortez and Brown will keep working on the musical, but whether or not the show will go back on the road after the College Station performance remains to be seen. “We’ll continue to book shows in Denton as long as our cast is willing and the audience wants to see it,” Cortez said. “We’ll keep looking for out of town shows too, but they’re much more difficult since we have no budget and 15 different work schedules to work around.”
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“We have been working on this for some time, and believe it has the potential to be a lasting tradition for Texas A&M Basketball. We will be honoring the veterans of our nation’s armed forces, as well as all active service men and women,” Knotts said.
Jurassic Park
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Oak Creek Condos, high-speed internet and basic cable. 2bdrm/1.5ba. $515/mo. Water, sewer, trash paid. Fireplace, icemaker, pool, hot-tub. 979-822-1616. Prelease for May or August, 2/1 fourplex. W/D connections, water paid. 609 Turner. $465/m. 979-693-1448. Prelease for May or August. Large 2/2 with fenced yard, W/D connections, large closets, great location. University Oaks. $775/m. 979-693-1448. Prelease for May or August: 2/1 duplex, fenced back yard, w/d conn. 3 locations to choose from $600.00, 693-1448. Preleasing for May! 4/2/2 Fenced totally remodeled, 1312 Timm, $1750/mo, biking distance to campus. 979-776-8984. UNBELIEVEABLE 4bdrm! At almost 1700 sqft, it’s the best in town! Call Peggy at 696-9638 for info or to make an appt.
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Cheddar’s Casual Cafe and Fish Daddy’s on University Drive are now accepting applications for servers and hostesses. Come be a part of our friendly team! Apply in person. EOE.
The Callaway House, a private student housing residence hall, is accepting applications for P/T night desk, apply in person at: 301 George Bush Drive West. EOE.
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Unscramble the letters that appear within the circles, to answer the following question: What people should adopt when their contrivance to obtain nectar fails: ANSWER TO YESTERDAY’S PUZZLE: Left Wing Surakshith Sampath — SPECIAL TO THE BATTALION
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2/15/11 9:54 PM
page 7 wednesday 2.16.2011
Studying abroad offers opportunities Christine Perrenot
The Battalion The Texas A&M Study Abroad Program provides Aggies with traveling opportunities and experiences that can affect a student’s education and career choices. Many students want to get involved in studying abroad, but they do not always have the information or means to do so. With the pending deadlines for admission to the program, students and advisers look forward to the opportunities to come and reflect on memories from previous trips. Olga Catalena, a senior study abroad adviser meets with students before they apply for the program. Catalena sees all the preparation in applying to study abroad. “We have in depth discussions about the program. The faculty reviews the application and if the professor accepts,
the office does soon after. The student gets 10 days to think over the offer and confirm their decision,” she said. There are three different kinds of study abroad programs that students can get involved at A&M. “There are faculty lead programs, where most students are involved because credits can be transferred and is good for their major, the reciprocal exchange program in which you would need to know the language and the transfer credit program that is best for students that are mature or have traveled a lot,” she said.” Brandi Pustka, a senior and early childhood education major, visited Costa Rica and Nicaragua summer 2010, with the education department. “We learned Spanish and visited schools to observe and teach the students,” Pustka said. Traveling to Costa Rica and Nicara-
gua greatly affected Pustka’s education and memories of college. Experiences out of the country and in new working environments often draw attention to the cultural differences within similar career choices. “Being a teacher comes with many tasks and one of those is to make sure every student feels comfortable in their own skin,” Pustka said. Madeline Mignano, also an early education major, taught in a foreign country through her involvement with the study abroad program as well. “I went to Texas A&M’s Study Abroad website to see where would be the best place for me and my studies,” Mignano said. Many students who have traveled with the study abroad program urge other Aggies to take interest and get involved. “It really was the experience of a
lifetime. I made such great friends, got to experience a totally different culture and take part in some insane adventures,” Mignano said. “Studying abroad was definitely one of the highlights of my college career. I traveled to another country knowing I was safe and well-off being with Texas A&M. I made friends that will always be special,” Pustka said. Students should not hesitate to get information or get involved as they might miss the chance of a lifetime. “Studying abroad can broaden your thinking and understanding,” Catalena said. “It can make you a well rounded person.”
Passport applications ◗ The Study Abroad Programs Office will be UNABLE to accept passport applications February 22nd – February 24th, 2011. The College Station Post Office, the Bryan Post Office, and the Brazos County Clerks’s Office will be able to accept applications.
news for you texas Man to be excuted for torture-slaying HUNTSVILLE, Texas — A North Texas man was executed Tuesday for the 1998 torture-slaying of a 19-yearold mentally challenged woman. Michael Wayne Hall, 31, received lethal injection less than an hour after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to stop his punishment for the abduction and murder of Amy Robinson. Hall was pronounced dead at 6:23 p.m. at the Huntsville Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. The second man convicted in her death, Robert Neville, was put to death five years ago.In appeals, Benjet questioned an assessment from one mental health expert who shifted from an earlier finding and said Hall was not mentally impaired. Three others who examined Hall said he was impaired.
Your future’s timeline, fed.
nation&world Immigration scandal PHOENIX, Arizona — Three illegal immigrants arrested near the scene of a shootout that left a Border Patrol agent dead have been cleared by federal authorities of involvement in the shooting. Robbie Sherwood, spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Arizona, says two of the immigrants pleaded guilty to an immigration violation Tuesday and the third is expected to do so Wednesday. They will be deported to Mexico.Sherwood says in a written statement that there’s no evidence tying the three to the Dec. 14 shooting. The three immigrants from Mexico were arrested near the Arizona border city of Nogales the day after Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was shot. Terry was waiting with other agents in a canyon 13 miles north of the border when a shootout with bandits erupted.
License to kill PIERE, S.D. — Efforts to expand South Dakota’s definition of justifiable homicide to include killings that protect unborn children ran into opposition Tuesday, when one critic argued that recently added language could provide a “license to kill” abortion providers. The bill’s main sponsor, Rep. Phil Jensen, said the measure merely seeks to make self-defense laws consistent with other South Dakota laws that allow murder or manslaughter charges for the death of an unborn child. The bill originally sought to allow a pregnant woman to use force to protect her unborn child without being prosecuted for homicide or assault. Associated Press
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2/15/11 9:09 PM
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Time is running out
YOUR LAST CHANCE to have your graduation portrait made for the 2011 Aggieland yearbook
ALK IN OR SCHEDULE your appointment. Go to www., go to School Portraits, Scheduling, click New User, complete with Login Password: tam; or call 1-800-883-9449, or see the photographers 9 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5 p.m. this week in Training Room 027 of the Clayton W. Williams Jr. Alumni Center. There is no charge to get your senior or graduate student section photo in one of the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top yearbooks.
AGGIELAND 2011 A Texas A&M University tradition since 1895
Lydia Wessner Entomology David West Aerospace Engineering Erin West Chemistry Amanda Whatley English Lesley Wheeler Communication
Bradley Whelan Aeronautical Engineering Matthew Whigham University Studies Lindsay White History Bryan Whiting Industrial Distribution Emily Whitmoyer Communications & Journalism
Morgan Whitwell & Journalism Agricultural Communications Jonathan Widdig Biology Koby Wilbanks Psychology Ryan Wilck Political Science Kathleen Wild Biomedical Science Eric Wilkins Mechanical Engineering Dana Willenborg Psychology Ashley Williams Biology Clora Williams Health Jennifer Williams Biomedical Science Rachel Williams Forensic Entomology Kelly Wilmoth History Emily Wilpitz University Studies Angela Wilson Horticulture Jason Wilson Agricultural Education Jazmyn Wilson Bioenvironmental Sciences Jordan Wilson Interdisciplinary Studies Markay Wilson Biomedical Science Tory Wingate Bioenvironmental Sciences Heather Winkle Interdisciplinary Studies Paul Witkowski Civil Engineering Joshua Witter Agricultural Economics Ryan Wolff Information & Operations Management Jordyn Woltersdorf Health Alyson Wolthoff Human Resource Development
Re Rebe Re Reb Rebec eb becc b e ca Abbat e Health Ken Abdul lah Physics Maegan Ables Finance Miche Wildlife and Fisher lle Abney ies Scienc es Andrea Abram Communicat s ion Managemen Kelli Adam Adam t Inform ation tion on System on S Sy mss Emily E Mana age ageme y Adam gemen gemen A ement men ntt Inform cik c ation ati a t System Syst S emss Seth Adam Ada a s ams Spacia aciall Sci Sciences Sc Joshu oshua a Adu Adud uddell uddel ud dde dell d l Health H Teres T Huma Hu uman u a Aguilar man n Re Resource R Development Kryst Interdiscipli le Aguirre nary Studie s Omobola Ajao Chemical Engineering Food Scienc Teresa Aldredge e and Techn ology Denise Alex Communicat ion Monica Alexander Kinesiology Kimberlee Allen Sara Morg English an Allen Agribusines s Kiley Biomedical Allred Science Brant Alten hofen Economics Matthew Biomedical Altman Science Seetha Ram Amujula Ocean Engin eering Justin Ancho Petroleum rs Engineering Kellen Ancin Business ec Managemen Agricultural t Clayton Anderson Leadership and Develo pment David Ander son Political Science Agricultural Whitney Anderson Leadership and Develo pment Victoria Andrews English Marit za Wildlife and Fisher Anguiano ies Scienc es Julio Araiz a Jr. Mathematics Carolina Aramayo Finance Lauren Arditti Psychology Ashley Arisc o Finan Cody Arnolce Agricultural d Economics Crystal Arnote Accounting Kaitlyn Arrington English
536 | aggie
Tracy Ashto Agricultural n Kaela AstleyLeadership and Development Accounting Michael Atkinson Computer Science Jonathon Ausburn Biomedical Science Jaime Austin Psychology Jamesia Austin Agricultural Laura Avila Leadership and Development Mathematics Michael Babcock Accounting Eliezer Badil Internationa lo l Commerce Brennan Bailey Biomedical Science James Baker Agriculture Leadership Andrea and Develo Bakke pment Biomedical Science Mary Baldw Psychology in Zachary Baldwin Wildlife and Fisher Nathan ies Scienc Ball es Civil Engin eering Chrystel Ballard Sociology Mary Ballen Communicat ger John Banda ion Ocean Engin s Kyle Banne eering Electrical r Engineering Sarah Bansc hbach English Mary Anne Internationa Baring l Studies Megan Barin Environment ger al Design Blanton Barkemeyer Industrial Distri Ashlie Barke bution r Psychology Lindsey Barlow English Kristen Womac Management Andrew Wood Psychology Benjamin Wood Meteorology Dorothy Wood English Amber Woodin Biomedical Sciences
Alexander Computer Barnes Engineering Mackenzie Barnhart Human Resource Development Monica Barone Psychology Jonathan Baros Agricultural Economics Kristina Barsten Biomedical Engineering Sarah Bass Communicat Mark Batis ion Nutritional Catherine Sciences Chemistry Baxter Brock Beard Managemen Staci Beaty t Human Resource Development
Lauren Woodring Kinesiology Jared Wright Computer Science Jeremy Wright Agricultural Economics Laura Wright Communication Lauren Wyly Interdisciplinary Studies Britney Wynn Sport Management Christopher Wynne Petroleum Engineering Harika Yalamanchili Biology Jessica Yancey Animal Science Dustin Yates Electrical Engineering
seniors & graduate students | 537
Ryan Yeatman Geology Krysten Yezak Development Educational Admin and HR Sarah Yezak Interdisciplinary Studies Tiffany Ynosencio Microbiology Chase Young Sport Management Katherine Young Spanish Lauralee Young Marketing Lauren Young Environmental Geosciences Lauren Young Economics Shaley Young University Studies Lauren Youngblood Development Agricultural Leadership and Casey Zander English Sadie Zapalac Biomedical Science Tegan Zealy Animal Science Mark Zemanek Agricultural Economics Karen Zerda Communication Amanda Zietak Kinesiology Tamara Zuehlke Communication Michael Zurovec Mechanical Engineering Haili Zwiercan & Journalism Agricultural Communications
seniors & graduate students |
The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors and forum participants in this paper do not necessarily reďŹ&#x201A;ect those of Texas A&M University, The Battalion or its staff. Direct all correspondence to: Editor in chief of The Battalion, 979-845-3315 | page 8
wednesday 2.16.2011
Concealed issues
ast week Student Senate approved a referendum to gauge the interest from the student body on the issue of concealed carry of firearms on campus, a referendum that has sparked a debate. The group â&#x20AC;&#x153;Texas A&M Students for Concealed Carryâ&#x20AC;? has been representing the opinion to support concealed carry, but not much has been done to articulate the argument against and I thought it important to do so. many concerns about ing law enforcement presence, the potential impact The Supreme of legislation allowing Court decision concealed weapons on District of Columbia v. campus, a few ring Heller (2008), states very true to me. that the Second I am very aware Amendment of the Robert of the chances for United States Conan accidental disCimmino stitution provides charge or misuse of senior computer individuals with the science major weapons, especially right to â&#x20AC;&#x153;possess a with the decision firearm unconnected blurring presence of with service in a militia, and to alcohol in the college experiuse that arm for traditionally ence. Students go through a lawful purposes, such as selfgreat deal of personal developdefense within the home.â&#x20AC;? ment including dealing with As a qualifier I think it is emotions, stress and conflict important to note that I do and adding the proximity of a not own a CHL (concealed weapon could increase the risk handgun license), but I am of incidents, including suicide. considering applying for the I foresee that the presence license as I live in an area in of weapons also provides logisCollege Station with a high tical concerns for the Univercrime rate, including violent sity and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s students, faculty, crime. I also fully support the staff and law enforcement. In Supreme Court decision menthe event of a situation requirtioned above. However, later in that same decision (Section 2), the court states â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Courtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions onâ&#x20AC;Ślaws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings,â&#x20AC;? essentially stating that the Second Amendment does not protect concealed carry on campus. There seems to be a concern, even at the highest levels, for allowing armed individuals on campus. While there are
having multiple armed students on the scene could add to confusion and accidental incident. Not to mention the liability and legal ramifications after an incident related to a lethal exchange. Concern also arises related to the rights of students who do not wish to be in the presence of firearms. Students often do not get to choose their roommate, residence hall or other relationships on campus, which may be more sensitive when firearms are involved. Studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; rights, safety and voice are all very important in this issue, as are those of faculty and staff. I think the arguments on both sides of the issue are strong, however, I think we must be aware of the impact of an expansion of concealed carry legislation on a college campus.
Associated Press
MAILCALL From Victor L. Willson, Head and Professor, Department of Educational Psychology The Student Senate voted to put a concealed carry referendum for student vote, but concealed carry affects more than just students on campus, however, and the student discussion seems not to have thought that faculty and staff also are concerned and affected. I have a simple proposal related to concealed carry, that it be permitted for students when their auto insurance rate drops to adult levels.
576 | aggieland
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There is overwhelming evidence that frontal lobe activity associated with judgment and evaluation does not completely mature until the mid-twenties, which auto insurers have long known and accounted for by their rate structure, a reasonable indicator of maturity. As a combat platoon leader in Vietnam and the second oldest man in my platoon at age 24, I saw ďŹ rsthand what lots of guns in the hands of young men could lead to when in base camp, and it was not pretty.
A comment was made in The Battalion that thousands of students carry on campuses with no incidents â&#x20AC;&#x201D; if so, why carry at all? This is like the analogy of using elephant repellant in your home. See? No elephants. As a professor I do not wish to be in a classroom with students with concealed weapons, mostly because they are unlikely to know how or when to use them properly and concealed carry classes are not going to give them adequate training. The concealed carry proposal has the familiar ring of legislating to extreme conditions that have occurred in total only a handful of times on campus in the last 50 years. The same logic would lead us to carry gas masks for anthrax attacks or body armor for potential gunďŹ ghts. If you are so scared to be on campus because of a potential attack, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t come. You are much more likely to be struck by lightning, or one of your fellow students in a car, than any sort of gun attack. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s get on to meaningful issues, like the effects of budget cuts on students.
2/15/11 9:56 PM