What I wish I had known Life & arts editor Rebecca Morris says college is the time to be who you want to be Rebecca Morris @RebeccaSheWrote Dear incoming freshmen,
Kaylee Cogbill — THE BATTALION
Students often hammock in Academic Plaza in between classes to study and relax.
One year ago, I was in your shoes — filled with hopes and fears about college life. In less than 365 days, I’ve learned so much about life (more specifically college), and I wanted to share some helpful tips with you. First, utilize the resources here on campus. Transitioning from home to completely on your own is a huge change. My first semester, I didn’t go to the Counseling and Psychological Services here on campus because I was afraid of what people might think. But once I started talking about going, I realized a lot more people go than you think. It really helps to at least have someone to talk to, and thanks to your university fees, it is free! (That’s another word you’ll become best friends with at Texas A&M as well.) Secondly, this is an opportunity to be who you want to be. Maybe a lot of people from your high school came here, or maybe you’re the only one, but either way, you’ll most likely not run across anyone you knew before college on campus unless you plan to meet up. No one here has any expectations for you. While that may be scary, it’s also freeing. Be yourself! Then, everyone you meet will only know you for you, not your previous reputation or status. You can make a whole new life here if you choose, so don’t be afraid to grab the chance. Thirdly, please don’t overload yourself. All the opportunities may sound fantastic, and it may be hard to choose what to do, but know your limits. It’s perfectly OK to shop around for the perfect organization. No one will hold it against you if you decide to leave an org, I promise. Find what you are passionate about and groups that you click with, and stick with those. If you want to get outside your comfort zone and join a random fun organization, definitely go for it, but don’t keep yourself in a group that you find to be a burden. Trying to do everything will only cause you more stress than you will already experience at college. Find friends. There’s nothing better than having people you can rely on to be there for you when things get tough. We are all going through this together, leaning on each other
for support. Meet people who are different from you and the same as you. Build a group that is founded on love and friendship. Take time to tell them how much they mean to you. And spend as much time with them as possible. Next, take a break. Studying 24/7 may sound productive, but it really does a number on your health. After a big exam, reward yourself with a Starbucks break or hammocking time in Academic Plaza. Play a game, chat with friends and don’t isolate yourself. Get outside often and see people, even if it’s just reading a book in silence in the Commons or playing a video game in the MSC Underground. Most importantly, have an open mind. A&M is a diverse campus with people from around Texas, the country and the world coming together for the Aggie experience. These are your friends, colleagues and family members for the next four years. Love them and spread kindness to everyone you meet, no matter how different they seem. You’ll meet so many interesting people and make so many deep connections if you approach every opportunity with an open mind. You’ll find so many unique chances and new interests if you come to college with a curious mindset. This open-mindedness can lead you to adventures you never dreamed were possible, changing your world forever in the best way. Finally, participate! Don’t be scared to join in on activities. Ask to play frisbee with the people tossing disks around on the empty field. Go to Silver Taps and football games. Get invested in the traditions on campus or make your own! College is so much better when you do things with others and get invested in the culture of the campus. If you take advantage of opportunities, Aggieland will become your home. Relish every second and live life to the fullest, and looking back you won’t regret a single moment of it. College is a fresh start, and from here on out the future is what you make of it. A&M welcomes you with open arms! Thanks and Gig ‘em! With love, Rebecca Morris Class of 2023