Spring Magazine

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4 Ways Deck Builders Can Rejuvenite Your Backyard By Alfred Ardis, Contributing writer

Good weather is precious, especially for those of us who live in regions where the temperature plummets and the roads get snowy for six months out of each year. No matter where you live, it’s desirable to optimize your home for enjoyment and relaxation, both inside and out. How can you transform your outdoor space so that you and your family soak up the most sun? Constructing a deck is a great way to start. A deck can recreate your backyard, giving you a convenient place to relax, cook and eat meals, and host outdoor parties and events. These structures can come in all shapes and sizes, and can be built to suit your vision for outdoor living. Let’s look at five space-transforming models that deck builders can construct to help you get the most fun in the sun. Platform Decks This style is the simplest. With one level built low to the ground, the platform deck is the classic, functional style that can serve as the stage for all kinds of warm-weather activities. You can install built-in planters and bench seating, or even a gazebo section to spruce up this design. Freestanding Decks A freestanding model stands apart from your house, rather than running right alongside it. Most decks are bolted to your home’s frame, but the freestanding model is a good option if your house does not allow for this. Freestanding foundations are built with footings, posts, and beams. This model can be placed anywhere in your yard, so it gives you some freedom in choosing how to open up your space. It’s also a nice idea to have a roof built over your freestanding deck so you can store a grill or even install a bar.

Multilevel Decks A multilevel model usually has two, three, or even four main platforms joined by stairs or walkways. These are a great option if your backyard is sloped, as the levels will follow the contour of the land. Connecting each level with a short flight of stairs allows you to enjoy different views from each part of the structure - a key consideration if you have a scenic backyard. The multilevel option also works great alongside an in-ground pool, as deck builders can make them ascend upward off the water to house chairs and create a nice poolside experience. When building this model, be conscious of the light in your yard - you may want to design the structure so that each level gets a different portion of sunlight or shade. Raised Decks If the first floor of your home is raised off the land due to the property’s terrain, you’ll probably want to look into a raised deck design. This style can provide a beautiful accent to your home, and can be optimized for the best possible views of your property. You’ll have to follow safety precautions strictly when installing a raised model: railings, stairways, and lattices are almost always essential. The extra precautions may be worth it for the stunning outdoor vistas that this style can provide, day in and day out. Now that you know some of the basics, you can start talking to your preferred deck builders and begin designing the custom structure that will reshape your property. Article Source:

Refresh Your Porch and Make Way For Spring Decorating By Mary Morris, Contributing writer

“Is winter over yet?” you may be asking yourself. Even if

spring is still a few weeks away, now is the time to give your mood a “lift” and begin thinking about decorating your porch for spring. For this spring, what message do you want to send about your porch? Are you at a new place in your life - maybe you just got married, had a new baby, or you have reached a milestone age. Any of those has probably changed what will work for you. Here is a quick checklist you can run through to see what needs to be done: · Furniture. Give it a once over, do any cleaning or repair that is required and buy new cushions (if applicable). · Rugs. Are they clean and usable or do they need to be tossed and replaced? · Plants. Best to include only winter-friendly plants (e.g., pansies, cabbage, etc.) until the danger of frost is gone. Or are you the type to cover your plants or take them inside? Think about what new plants you might add, where you will place them, and what kind of containers you can find that are in keeping with your “theme.” (Ever thought of planting an herb garden? Nice look, great smell!) · Lighting. While the days will be longer, you will still need lighting to create atmosphere. Consider how you will use the porch during late evening hours and do not rule out lamps with inexpensive lamp shades. Did you know that there are outdoor lamps now available just for porches, patios and decks? Remember candles, too.

路 Windows. One of the latest trends to make your porch an outdoor room is with panels, curtains, or blinds. Treat each opening between the two porch columns as a window. How would you frame it if it were inside your home? The key is to select the proper materials - e.g., heavy sail cloth for curtains, vinyl blinds, etc. - that will withstand rain and heat. 路 Storage. Since the front porch has truly resurfaced as a living area, be sure you have some storage where you can tuck things away if the elements get nasty. You may love to snuggle with the quilt on a cool summer night - but if it has gotten wet or dirty, the thrill is going to be gone. 路 Decor. Tables and art and decorations, oh my! Are you in minimal list phase, country motif mode, or all about fantastic? There is always something you can pick up and find a place for in any decor. Have some old china that you can hang on the wall? Do you have a small wicker basket that you can paint black and add to that contemporary design?

Challenge yourself to walk around inside and outside your home and find ways to use what you already have. (Boy: that will take up some hours of all that spare time you have!) 路 Paint. There can never be too much paint. Grab one of those new sample size paints in a color you love and had it to a few areas around your porch for emphasis. How about the door frame or a window box or even a small table? Again, the sky is the limit!

Simple Vegetable Gardening By Mary Amos, Contributor

Successful vegetable gardening involves far more than just popping a few seeds into the ground and waiting for a tomato to appear. I’ll briefly cover the basics of vegetable garden design, but you might also want to get some gardening books. Planning your garden is one of the most important parts of vegetable gardening, and it’s quite simple. Whether it’s a vegetable garden, a flowerbed, indoor houseplants, or some combination, successful gardening requires planning, patience, and a little detective work. Whatever you do, do not choose garden soil, no matter how rich it might be, for indoor vegetable gardening! No matter what gardening zone your garden is located in there are catalogues with myriad variety of vegetables. Use these vegetable gardening tips to prepare your garden and keep your home full of fresh vegetables. Preparing your garden soil for planting is the most physically demanding part of vegetable gardening and may also be the most important part. The patios and balconies of apartment buildings and condominiums often have good exposure for container vegetable gardening. Container gardening makes it possible to position the vegetables in areas where they can receive the best possible growing conditions. Container gardening can provide you with fresh vegetables as well as recreation and exercise. Although vegetable production will be limited by the number and the size of the containers, this form of gardening can be rewarding. Soilless mixes such as a peat-lite mix are generally too light for container vegetable gardening, since they

usually will not support plant roots sufficiently. A fairly lightweight potting mix is needed for container vegetable gardening. The right type of soil for the right type of plant is key to successful vegetable gardening. Clay and sandy soils must be modified for successful vegetable gardening. Proper fertilization is another important key to successful vegetable gardening. Buy seeds, seed starting kits and gardening supplies for vegetable gardens. If you are new to gardening, starting vegetables from seed may be too huge an undertaking, instead purchase plants. Practice crop rotation in your vegetable gardening by planting tomatoes and other vegetables in a different spot every year. Mulches can be used effectively in all types of gardening situations from vegetable gardens to flower gardens and even around trees and shrubs. I know an eyebrow or two might be raised at the suggestion of indoor vegetable gardening, but it can be done, within limits. Added to the pleasure of gardening will be satisfaction derived from relishing vegetables freshly picked from your very own plot. Learning is a process, vegetable gardening needs time. As in so many other pursuits, so it is in the art of vegetable gardening: practice does make perfect.

Article Source:

10 Great Ideas for Spring Décor By Lisa Mason, Contributor

Spring is finally on its way which is a big relief to people in parts of the country who may have had some rough winter weather this year. It’s time to celebrate the new time of year, the coming of a new season and the beautiful weather in store for us. One way you can celebrate this great weather is by decorating your home for spring. This is a time for spring cleaning, as you know so it’s a great time to revamp your home, especially the main rooms that visitors see when they come to your home. Decorating your home for spring does not have to be difficult or expensive and can be achieved with some nice cleaning and reorganizing. Here are 10 hot sprint decor ideas and tips for your home that won’t cost you a bundle: 1. Clean out that clutter! This is a great time to clean out the clutter that has been collecting over the past few months. Open up the drapes, get some sunshine in your room and clean out all that extra stuff that’s lying around. 2. Clean up your front! Take this time to clean out the front doorstep and make it more inviting for people. Sweep the stoop, dust out the mats, clean the windows, etc. 3. Bring on the green! Now is time to get rid of those old dusty silk plants and flowers and bring out some fresh flowers, greenery and lively plants. Spring is a great time for brightening up the home.

4. Clean out the fireplace! If you have a fireplace that you’ve been using all winter, now is a great time to clean it out. Even if you still need to use it on a few chilly nights, it’s still a great idea to clean out all those old ashes and soot now. 5. Redo your rugs! If you have rugs throughout your home, this may be a great chance to switch them out for spring or summer rugs. If you don’t have any to switch out, try moving them to different rooms throughout your home for a fresher look and also be sure

to clean them properly and remove any dust build up. 6. Let in the light! This is a great time to begin opening your shades and window coverings, cleaning your windows, using sheer curtains and finding other ways of letting that great spring sunshine into your home. 7. Check your accessories! Look around your home at your wall décor and other accessories. This is a great time to revamp the decor look in your home by changing some simple accessories to more spring-like designs, colors and patterns. 8. Clean your fans! If you have ceiling fans in your home, take time to clean and dust them properly, including lights and fixtures, and change the direction in which your fans are blowing. 9. Create a window box! Another great craft/decor idea is to create a lovely springtime window box for display. It’s fun to do and it looks great. 10. Spring scents! Remember that a clean-smelling home is all the more inviting. Instead of wasting money on sprays and other products designed to make your home smell better, create your own spring scents. Try a simmering pot of cloves and cinnamon or dried flower leaves to give your entire home a great scent. These ideas are a great way for you to bring a little spring-time into your home! You can see more spring decor items for your home over at Unique Decor Online. Stay tuned to our blog for more home decorating, spring and holiday ideas and tips. Article Source:

Driveway Paving: What You Need to Consider

By Kenneth Nel, Contributor a number of different things to consider. It is very important to not only have a finished product that can stand the test of time, but also that suits the rest of your house. This is why getting the correct paver is the first and most important thing to consider. There are a number of different pavers out on the market, the question is which one can accommodate your needs? The two most popular pavers for driveways are either made out of clay or concrete. In most cases the clay will be made into brick like shapes to create clay brick pavers. Depending what your needs are will determine which paver will best suit you driveway. Concrete is less expensive than clay, but is not as easy to install. The clay can also provide your driveway with an old school finish. Both the clay and concrete are extremely durable and will be able to handle the pressure that is placed on them every day from vehicles. Whichever one you decide to go with you will certainly have an end result that will not only be beautiful but strong.

Are you planning on upgrading your driveway? Than you need to know what to consider when it comes to driveway paving. It comes down to not only having a driveway that is aesthetically pleasing but also sturdy.

The other thing to consider with driveway paving is the design. It is always important to have a good design in mind before taking on a new project. The truth of the matter is that the design is not only about how its looks at the end but also how it is installed. There are three parts that need to be achieved while paving a driveway:

Driveway paving takes a lot of time and effort to get right. There are

路 The base: the base is extremely important as it will be the grounding

for the rest of the driveway components. It needs to be solid and put in place properly. 路 The pavement: driveways need to have smooth layers that are also strong. Making sure the thickness of the pavement is the same for each layer (depending on what material you are using) is a necessity. 路 Drainage: rain will come and go, but with your driveway it is important to make sure that there is some form of drainage pitch in place. This will help to maintain the integrity of the pavers for longer. You can even have the drainage lead off into the garden to give your flowers a drink. In order to have a happy marriage between the design and the paver you decide to use, you will need to do research on what the best options are for your home and area. Article Source:

Spring Fashion In Bloom By Alexandria Mauritz, Contributing writer

Doesn’t everybody love spring? That time of the year when trees regain their colors and flowers bloom while the birds are chirping in the cool and perfect weather. Spring is also a time for cleaning up which means it is time to do a little spring cleaning for your closet as well. Put away those winter wears with heavy fabrics and make room for the light and colorful fabrics of spring fashion. First thing everyone has to know about spring fashion is that you have to dress according to the weather. Why suffer wearing something for winter when it’s spring? You would look like a laughing stock rather than a fashionable person. Here are some key pieces that every woman should own for the ultimate spring fashion: Spring fashion is all about exaggerated prints, bright colors and tons of accessories. Tired of hiding your legs all winter long? Then a bright midi dress is just the thing for you. Not only is it light, it is also very comfortable as you stroll along the streets enjoying the spring breeze. Heads might also turn for you along the way. Spring also means it is season for the fedora hats. Fedora hats are cute spring fashion accessories but it takes confidence to wear them. Pairing them with sonnies and tees will give you the perfect look. During the cooler times of spring, colorful blazers are a must. Although the temperatures are slowly going higher, the spring breeze can still be quite nippy and require outfits with more coverage. Stock up with cardigans too which are perfect to pair with dresses. Tank tops with prints are also in for spring fashion. During the cooler days of spring, you can wear them under blazers or cardigans. When the temperature rises, it is time to strip down to your tank. Make sure to choose tank tops made with light weight fabrics.

Spring fashion is also about skirts. Take out those skirts and start flaunting your legs during spring. Skirts with floral or any kind of prints are a must during the spring. Midi skirts below the knee are must have too if the weather is still kind of cool. Accessorizing can be pretty fashionable during spring. Why settle for just one accessory when you can wear many at the same time? Just make sure you do not over do it. This season’s must have bags are light and fun at the same time functional. The long cross body bags are great spring fashion finds that are very easy to carry and are perfect for the playful spring. They may look small, but with expert “packing skills,” your essentials will fit into this bag. Choose brighter colors for a more youthful look. Don’t forget about the shoes. Ditch those boots and move to fun flats. Ballet flats are in this spring while espadrilles are so last year. Sport flats this season for a fun and comfy look. Comfortable while fun clothes are something to look forward to during spring because spring fashion is all about being free and flaunting some skin after the long agonizing winter wherein people wear heavy and dull clothes. Comfort and color is the main goal. Aticle Source:

Word Search You know how this works. It’s not hard. In fact, you probably already see three or four words. Or do you?

Swimming Pool Lights - Turn Your Pool Into a Night Time Paradise By Michael X. Petersen, Contributing writer

With the arrival of warmer weather comes the anticipation of your spring pool opening. With the swimming season stretching before you, you want to make the very most of your pool and enjoy it as much as you can before autumn arrives. One of the best ways to get more hours of use out of your pool each season is to make it as functional and fun at night as it is during the day. With a wide variety of different swimming pool lights available for pool owners to choose from, it’s easy to do just that. From underwater lights to floating lanterns, there is a multitude of styles and designs in a rainbow of colors that will allow you to turn your pool into a night time paradise. To prepare your swimming pool for night time use, it’s always a good idea to start by lighting up your pool deck. This will make it easier to navigate your way to and from your swimming pool and will also make your pool area safer for everyone. Fortunately, adding stylish and decorative lights to your pool deck doesn’t have to be expensive and doesn’t have to consume a lot of power. Many retailers of pool equipment and supplies offer solar deck lights that will brighten up your pool area without requiring any electricity. If your pool is fenced, you may want to consider pool lights designed to attach to deck posts or pool fencing. That way, your lighting design will be integrated into the overall pool setting. Once you have arranged for your pool deck to be well lit, it’s time to consider the options for the pool itself. Having swimming pool illumination directly in the pool will make night swimming easier and safer, and can also transform your pool into an eye-catching wonder. Even if you have an above ground pool, there are a variety of different lights available that you can use to bring your pool to

life at night. For example, there are standard above ground pool lights that simply attach to the edge of your swimming pool and will brightly illuminate your pool. Above ground lights can also provide mood lighting, especially if you use bulbs that come with color lenses. Some above ground pool lights also come with a fountain attachment to create an even more impressive effect. While there are swimming pool lighting solutions available that are designed specifically for above ground pools, there are also many different lighting styles and options that can be used for both above ground and in-ground swimming pools. Floating swimming pool lighting is a particularly popular and economical form of lighting that can be used for any type of pool. Usually powered by batteries or solar power, floating pool lighting can provide your pool with an intriguing ambience as well as light. Floating lights are available in round disc designs as well as in stylish lantern designs. With an entire spectrum of colors to choose from, you can easily use floating lights to transform your pool into a night time spectacle. Underwater pool lights also provide a great way to make every night time swimming experience memorable. Particularly great for parties, underwater lights will create dramatic, dancing patterns of colorful light on the bottom and walls of your pool so that your entire swimming pool will be awash in light and color. Some underwater pool lights also come with a floating fountain, providing color changing cascades of water as well as a colorful underwater kaleidoscope effect. Often these lights will come with several different modes and settings so you can adjust the display to suit a particular mood or atmosphere. When looking for swimming pool lights that will transform your pool into a night time paradise it’s always important to consider quality and performance so that you will get the best overall results for the best value. In order to feel confident with your purchase, it’s often a good idea to go with highly respected and trusted brand names that have established a solid reputation in the marketplace. Hayward, for example, is one of the best-known and most respected manufacturers in the pool supply industry. Hayward pool lights are available in a number of different models and designs and are known for their top-notch quality. Hayward lights that are readily available from many pool equipment retailers include above ground pool, niche and floating LED lights. Whether you decide to go with Hayward pool lights or lights from another trusted manufacturer, you can create some truly impressive lighting effects for your swimming pool. While bright lighting for your deck and pool will make your pool area safer and will make night swimming easier, you can also use the available lighting options to do much more. With the help of swimming pool lights that provide different colors and dramatic effects, you can easily take your pool out of the dark and transform it into a dazzling night time paradise that will be the talk of the neighborhood.

A Guide to Spring Flowers By Candis Reade, Contributing writer

The colors and scents of spring flowers are probably no more vibrant and intense than the flowers of summer or fall, but they certainly seem so. Perhaps this is because we have adapted to the dull, washed out, gray of winter. Whatever the reason, we seem to feel a sense of wonder and revitalization in response to that first rush of spring color and fragrance. The immense sensual pleasure that spring flowers provide us makes the small effort required well worth it. I encourage you to create your own fragrant, kaleidoscope of spring color. Toward that end, I have created this guide to spring flowers. It is intended to give the beginning gardener a place to start, with these five, traditional favorites. Plant these in fall to bloom in spring 1. Crocus - These orange-gold or midtone purple plants bloom very early. Theyll even explode through the snow to show their faces on sunny days.

heads during cloud cover Perennial

Very easy to grow Pick the sunniest areas as they hide their

2. Daffodil - They are easy to naturalize and quick to multiply. They love coming back year after year. These yellow and white flowers are most beautiful when planted in scattered patches on lawns and hillsides. They also do very well in containers. Very easy to grow Prefers sun but will tolerate partial sun Superb as a cut flower Perennial 3. Grape Hyacinth - These grape like clusters come in purple or white and thrive in pots as well as traditional gardens. They are especially nice in window boxes. Plant these bulbs in your window boxes in fall and then come spring; open your window to enjoy their one of a kind, sweet perfume.

Easy to grow Prefers full sun to partial shade Perennial 4. Hyacinth - These hardy blooms come in white, yellow, purple, blue and even pink. The flowers possess an appealing fragrance. The purple variety is especially amazing with its burst of orange-yellow in the center of one point, of each star shaped blossom. Easy to grow Sun or shade Terrific cut flower Perennial 5. Tulip - Name a color, any color, even a non color like black or white, and Ill bet you there is a tulip that comes in that color. Tulips look great anywhere whether planted in traditional gardens or even in old buckets. How about planting them in a whiskey barrel half ? Easy to grow Prefers sun but will tolerate some shade Perennial with the right care, especially the Darwin Hybrid. When on that late wintry cold morning, you find yourself gazing at a sudden burst of gold and purple crocuses that are presenting their faces through the snow; I assure you that you will find yourself smiling. And you will be glad for that slight effort you put forth to welcome spring. Be sure to pick up a local guide to spring flowers at your neighborhood nursery or gardening center. It will help you further in planning and planting your own, unique spring garden. Article Source:

5 Easy Home Improvement Projects to Make Your Home Feel New By Chuck Barnes, Contributing writer

Would you like to live in a new home? A home improvement project can be an easy way to change the look and increase the appeal of your home, make it feel like new. Below are five very easy ways to improve your home and increase the value at the same time. Home improvement projects do not have to take a lot of time or money to make your home look better. Easy Home Improvement Project - Kitchen Paint the kitchen cabinets. An easy kitchen home improvement project that most anyone can do is to repaint the cabinets. A dull, lifeless kitchen can easily be brought back to life by a new coat of paint on the cabinets. Select a bright, crisp color and a new coat of paint on the cabinets will change the look of the kitchen. It will look clean and fresh. With the sharpness of the new paint, the kitchen will appear and feel larger. A light, bright color seems to expand the feel of the room. For a finishing touch that will complete the cabinets in your kitchen home improvement project change the hardware. Cabinet hardware can become dull and worn over a long life of use. Changing the knobs and handles will drastically change the appearance of the cabinets and give the kitchen a newly remodeled look. Easy Home Improvement Project - Flooring Replace carpet flooring. Old, worn carpet is thin, hard and makes a home look dirty and dungy. Replace old carpet with new in your next home improvement project. New carpet adds a soft touch. It looks good and insulates to some extent. If you have a limited budget, purchase good carpet padding and an inexpensive carpet. The result will be a thick expensive feel.

Easy Home Improvement Project - New Faucets Change the faucets in the kitchen and bathroom sinks. Old faucets dull and wear with age. Replacing faucets will give the sink a fresh new appearance.

This home improvement project is much simpler that it may sound. You can hire a plumber to install new faucets or you can do it yourself. Nice faucets can be purchased at your local hardware store, along with proper plumbing supplies that are quite easy to install. Easy Home Improvement Project - Painting Paint the exterior and the interior of your home. A fresh coat of paint is a simple home improvement project that will give your home a new clean look. The exterior appeal will look inviting to visitors and the fresh new interior will make them glad they entered. This is a relatively inexpensive, simple home improvement project that you can hire done or you can do it yourself. Easy Home Improvement Project - Driveway A very easy home improvement project that will add a new look to the exterior of your home is to pressure wash the concrete driveway. Over the course of a short season, a concrete driveway will get dirty and grungy. Simply rent a pressure washer and wash the driveway. The process is not hard but it is a slow process. The result will be worth the time. The concrete will look like it has been recently placed. So there it is - five easy home improvement projects that will make your home feel like new. If you want to improve the appeal and add value to your home, try one or more of these home improvement projects. Article Source:

Spring Decorating: A Guide To Brighten Up Your Home By Bet A. Ann, Contributing writer

Fabrics Rather than changing out your furniture, add a touch of spring with throw pillows, blankets, slipcovers and curtains. Replace wool and velvet with cotton, chenille or linen. Hemp, canvas and bamboo fabrics also help create a natural look and feel to coordinate with a room’s natural decor. Choose pastel colors or other colors inspired by Mother Nature to really make your home feel refreshed, airy and truly delightful. Bold colors, such as bright orange or hot pink, will also add a lively flair. Floral and spring-themed fabrics are also a welcome addition for the season. Accessories Enjoy the fresh flowers of the season. Find light-colored or clear vases and bring the outdoors inside. Cherry blossoms, tulips, lilies and freesia add a beautiful look and a wonderful scent to your home. Flowers will brighten up any space. Wicker, bamboo and light wood create a spring ambiance. Try decorating with baskets, small furnishings and other accessories made from these natural materials.

Say goodbye to winter and hello to green grass, colorful flowers and a new season with a fresh start. Here are some fabulous ideas that will help spruce up your home for spring.

Art prints are a fantastic way to create a beautiful and seasonal focal point to any room. Spring landscapes, pastel colors, birds and other nature-themed art prints are great choices. Frame these art prints with white, gold or light wood frames. Spring Cleaning Make your home feel like a new. Spring is the season of renewal, so put in the effort to a good spring cleaning. Clean out the coat closet, dust the shelves and mop the floors. Wash cabinets, door knobs and fixtures. Thoroughly clean and disinfect bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms. Recycle old magazines, newspapers and papers that are lying around the house. Clean your windows to enjoy the fresh, green scenery. Take this one step further and replace heavy drapery with sheer curtains to let the sunshine in. Open the windows to let fresh air permeate through your home to remove winter scents. If you are feeling extra ambitious, paint a room for the season. Freshen up furniture by painting it a lighter color. Try white, yellow, light green or sky blue. Painting is a relatively inexpensive quick-fix to change the look of a room. The best part is the color change isn’t permanent. You can always change it back or change it up for different seasons. Article Source:

Gardening Tips For Complete Beginners By Raphael D’Angelo, Contributing writer

Vegetable gardening can be a wonderful hobby that anyone can start regardless of age. Usually when people start this hobby they quickly get hooked on to it. Even though it is simple, there are a lot of things which you have to learn if you want to take on gardening seriously. You should take steps to educate yourself and increase your knowledge of becoming a good gardener. Thankfully there are many ways available now through which you can acquire the necessary knowledge. In this article, we shall discuss a few key points when you are just starting out with vegetable gardening. I shall also mention a few other sources where you can get additional information. 1. Decide what vegetables want to grow. You need warm weather for some vegetables while others need colder climates. So the place where you stay and the season can play an important role in selecting the vegetables you want to grow. Cabbage, lettuce and peas need cooler climates. These vegetable plants should get sufficient amount of time to mature before the weather becomes warm otherwise they may die or seed prematurely. On the other hand, tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet corn grow well in warm climates. They need average temperatures between 60-95 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. When you have selected a vegetable, the next step is to research the soil quality in your home where you want to plant the vegetable. You have to make sure that the soil is really suitable for the vegetable you are trying to grow. 3. After confirming the soil condition, the next step would be to decide on a suitable spot in your garden. The spot you choose for planting the vegetables should be such that it should not cause disturbance or inconvenience to you or other family members.

grown just for their leaves, can grow nicely in the shade and don’t need direct light from the sun. In fact they may need some protection if the sun is too bright and shiny. 4. When you start a garden and try to maintain it, you may encounter various difficulties from time to time. You have to acquire knowledge of how to maintain your garden and what steps are needed to prevent the plants from damage. If you know someone who has experience in gardening, you can take the help of that person. If not, you have to do the research yourself. Google can be your best friend when you are looking for a solution to a specific problem. You can also get hold of a few good books on gardening. You can browse through hundreds of such books on Amazon. You can even read blogs on this topic where gardening experts share their tips and techniques. YouTube is another wonderful source for people who are visual learners who prefer watching instead of reading.

Secondly, the spot should receive a good amount of sunshine and Head over to our website if you want information on gardening in adequate wind. The garden should ideally receive 6-8 hours of sunpots. On our site you can find tons of useful information teaching you light every day. Sunlight provides energy to plants to convert carbon how to grow vegetables in containers and pots. dioxide into sugar which they use for food. If the plants do not receive sufficient sunlight, they may not give fruits even if the plants look Article Source: green and healthy. Carrots, tomatoes, radishes and beets need at least 6-8 hours of direct light every day. Plants such as lettuce, which are

Thyme: An Herb That Attracts Many Beneficial Things To Your Garden By Michael X. Petersen, Contributing writer

Thyme is a popular widely used herb that is admired especially for its culinary benefits and uses. It is a hardy herb which can flourish even in a pot or container. It would not even die if not watered very frequently. In fact it can even bear drought. Not only in terms of watering, thyme does not require large quantities of fertilizer as well. Thus it is a low maintenance plant from every possible facet which does not demand a lot of care and attention. It is also perennial in nature, meaning that it will have a tendency to come back again and again. It can grow to a height of around eight to twelve inches which makes it an ideal herb to be grown in a container. Thyme is a beneficial herb that acts a natural attractor of numerous pollinators that bring additional values to any garden. In the stage of its blossoming, thyme tends to attract bees using its flowers. The flowers contain rich pollen and nectar which has the ability to appeal to pollinating insects and birds. While honeybee and native bees are nearing the stage of rapid reduction and potential extinction, thyme can help such essential populations to survive by being an effective pollinating plant. Apart from reasons for pollination, this attracting nature of thyme can bring a number of beneficial and beautiful bees, birds and insects in any garden and thus, add to the beauty and pleasure of a gardener’s dream garden. Thyme is an attractive plant to grow and maintain in any herb or vegetable garden. It requires minimum of maintenance and attention and yet provides a magnificent view with its flowers which are usually shades of white or lavender in color. They contain a fragrance, which along with their beauty enhances a milieu of color, peace and health. The herb also acts as an eye-catching ground cover or decorative edging plant as well as attracting bees to pollinate tomatoes, eggplants and peppers with its aromatic blossoms. Thyme can be of different varieties. Most of these can be bought from herb stores or garden centers in the form of seeds or plants. The most common of these is the Thymus vulgaris which is often known as the wild thyme or common thyme. This variety of thyme is the most commonly used for cooking. Other well known and widely used kinds of

thyme are the French and German thyme. Also there are some types of thyme containing various citrus flavors such as orange or lemon. The seeds and plants of thyme can be purchased from most of the garden centers and nurseries. Though the seeds are very small, they can be conveniently grown both indoors and outdoors in a sunny area a number of weeks before the last frost date. Thyme seeds typically tend to germinate within a week if grown in a warm sunny location. On the other hand, established plants can be dug during the spring days and divided in well drained soil rather than extremely soggy soil. The herb should be allowed to grow and blossom after the mid-summer harvest. The sprigs and flowers of thyme are both edible. The sprigs can be easily dried and stored. The gourmet flavor and aroma of thyme can be used in preparing many dishes including breads, meats, stews, soups, and salads. It has been used since the ancient Roman, Greek and Egyptian times for its medicinal properties. It has effective antiseptic and remedial abilities. Thyme also contains perfume and burial qualities. In fact, during the middle ages, this herb was linked with valor and was hence often used as an emblem of courage on clothes. It was also believed by many to be a dwelling herb for garden fairies, such were its magnificence. Thus, despite being such a beneficial herb, thyme is an effective attractor of pollinating bees and birds that is very easy to grow and maintain. It is an attractive addition to any garden. Article Source:

Strawberry Napoleons By

Ingredients Original recipe makes 8 servings 1 (3.5 ounce) package instant vanilla pudding and pie filling 1 cup cold 2% milk 1 1/2 cups non-dairy whipped topping, thawed 1/2 (17.25 ounce) packagefrozen puff pastry, thawed 1 pint fresh strawberries, thinly sliced 1/4 cup confectioners’ sugar

Directions Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Combine pudding mix and cold milk; fold in whipped topping. Refrigerate until ready to use. Unfold pastry on a cool, lightly floured surface. Cut into 3 strips along fold marks, then cut each strip into four equal pieces. Place 2 inches apart on a baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes in the preheated oven, or until golden brown. Remove from baking sheet, and cool. Split pastries into 2 layers, setting the 8 best looking tops aside. Spread 8 bottom layers with dollops of the pudding mixture. Top each with a layer of strawberries, a small amount of pudding, and another pastry layer. (A small amount of the pudding mix on top of the berries will help keep the layers together.) Spread with remaining pudding mixture and strawberries, and top with remaining pastry layers (the best looking ones). Sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar.

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