The Beacon - Issue 10 - Nov. 8, 2012

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The Vol. 114, Issue 10

Check out the beacon’s election cover age. Pgs. 8-9

Thursday November 8, 2012


“We can seize this future together.”

AP Photo/ Chris Carlson


November 8, 2012

On On Campus Campus Post Graduation Service Dinner

The Moreau Center for Service and Leadership will sponsor a dinner and panel presentation for students considering postgraduate service on Nov. 13 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m in the New Commons. This event is open to any UP student considering long-term service after graduation. To RSVP contact Pat Ell at ell@

CPB Movie

This week’s movie is “Paranorman.” The movie will be at 10 p.m. on Friday and Saturday in Buckely Center Auditorium. Pilots After Dark This week’s Pilots After Dark event is Grocery Store Bingo. Students can play bingo and win grocery store items. The event is at 10:00 p.m. in The Commons on Nov. 10.

Campus Play

Students will perform “Machinal” Nov. 9-11. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. except on Sunday, when the performance will be at 2:00 p.m. Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for students and senior citizens. Performances are in Mago Hunt Center Theater. Annual Prayers for Peace On Nov. 13, the Garaventa Center and International Student Services will host a prayer event for all students at the Buckley Center Courtyard. International Students and members of the UP faculty will offer public calls for peace in their native language. Book Discussion Nov. 15 at 4: 00 p.m., Dr. Amalia Gladhart will present her book “Beyond the Islands.” Gladhart translated her novel into English last year. She will present an overview of the novel, selected passages and discuss the difficulties of translation. The lecture is hosted by the Departent of International Languages and Cultures in Buckley Center 163. CORRECTIONS In last week’s issue of The Beacon, former UP soccer player Christine Sinclair’s name was spelled incorrectly. Last week, 48 kilometers was incorrectly converted to miles. The correction conversion is 29.8 miles. Accuracy in The Beacon

The Beacon strives to be fair and accurate. The newspaper corrects any significant errors of fact brought to the attention of the editors. If you think an error has been made, contact us at Corrections will be printed above.


If a natural disaster hits Portland, is UP ready? After Hurricane Sandy devastated the East Coast, UP addresses disaster preparedness Kate Stringer Staff Writer When hurricane-turnedwinter storm Sandy hit the East Coast last week, it devastated the landscape, causing more than 100 deaths, 7.5 million power outages and $50 billion in estimated damage. While hurricanes are not a concern for the Portland area, Portland is susceptible to many natural disasters including flooding and volcanic eruptions. However, the most imminent threat is the 9.0 magnitude earthquake geologists predict will hit Portland in the next 250500 years, said environmental science professor Robert Butler. The University of Portland has an emergency team and plan to help survival and recovery from natural disasters, such as a major earthquake. But with the risks older buildings pose and thousands of students and faculty to provide for, the University also encourages students to create their own personal emergency plan. According to Butler, the forecasted earthquake will take place 100 miles offshore with ground shaking that could last from four to six minutes. “Water - saturated sediments turn to quicksand during shaking, so there would be significant damage along the river,” Butler said. “Swan Island…gone. There would be major damage to some areas of downtown Portland.” While UP’s campus lies above the river, buildings would still suffer damage from an earthquake, especially the ones that have yet to be upgraded to current building standards. While some older buildings such as Waldschmidt and Shiley have been retrofitted and remodeled, buildings such as Romanaggi

Hall and Howard Hall would be at risk, according to Jeff Rook, environmental safety officer. Buildings constructed in Portland before 1990 were not built to withstand a significant earthquake. Therefore, the entire Portland area must retrofit buildings to increase structural Jackie Jeffers | THE BEACON integrity, said Butler. If an earthquake were to hit campus, Howard Hall would be at risk to collapse, “Hopefully 20-30 according to environmental safety officer Jeff Rook. Buildings built before 1990 require retrofitting to be ready for a disaster. years from now the older buildings on trained and certified to assist emergency. campus will have been retrofitted in case of a disaster such as an “All our planning won’t matter and they’ll be earthquake - earthquake. Since 2007, Rook if individuals aren’t personally resilient buildings. The whole has trained over 150 individuals. prepared,” Rook said. region is going through this,” When responding to an Public Safety’s webpage Butler said. “Scientifically we emergency, the team focuses provides documents on how to did not have the information that on three main objectives: life, handle emergency situations. told us about the seismic risk in property and the environment. In the event of an earthquake, the Pacific Northwest. We know “We focus on saving as many it recommends staying inside that now.” people as we can as quickly as and dropping underneath sturdy According to Rook, seismic we can and as safely as we can,” furniture for protection. After the codes help buildings fare better Rook said. shaking has stopped and it is safe in an earthquake but do not Rook offers CCERT training to go outside, students should guarantee the building’s full three times a year with class gather in their residence hall survival. topics ranging from how to safely meeting area. Emergency assistance search inside buildings to the Public Safety uses its To better assist the Portland psychology of terror. Currently, emergency notification system community in the event of 15 students are training to get of text messages, voicemails, and an emergency, the University certified. emails to communicate further recently acquired a disaster Sophomore Margaret Persing information. shelter trailer through the Federal signed up for the class because Rook encourages students Emergency Management Agency she figured it was better to be to have a plan regarding how to (FEMA). The trailer, which will safe than sorry when faced with contact loved ones after disaster be kept on campus, will hold an emergency. strikes. He also recommends equipment such as cots and “[I’ve learned] medical students put together an inflatable shelters. operations, how to splint with emergency kit to keep in their Rook estimates that on any random stuff: cardboard, rulers, rooms. Public Safety’s website given school day coupled with maxi pads,” Persing said. “I provides resources to help build an athletic event, there can be learned how many ways you can kits. as many as 10,000 people on die on campus – that was really Butler believes with more campus. To help assist the UP fun.” preparation, UP will be ready to community, Rook helps run a Self preparedness face a natural disaster. Campus Community Emergency However, it’s not necessary “If we’re smart and we learn Response Team (CCERT), a to get certified to be prepared for from our mistakes, then we can group of students, faculty and disaster. Rook stresses personal be more prepared,” Butler said. community members who are preparedness in case of an

Popular store forced to cooperate with investigation

Forever 21 is required by law to comply with Department of Labor investigation into wages, hours and working conditions Hannah Kintner Staff Writer The United States Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour division announced earlier this month that they have filed an action to force the clothing company Forever 21 to cooperate with their investigation. The company previously refused to comply with requests to show documents about their wages and working conditions. The Department of Labor has been conducting an investigation of Forever 21 for the past four years. Dozens of Forever 21 manufacturers operating in “sweatshop - like conditions,” have been identified, and Forever 21 has been issued a subpoena, or written call to court, requesting that the company provide documentation regarding their workers’ wages, hours and work conditions. According to a

Dept. of Labor press release, the company has thus far refused to comply. No Forever 21 representative was available to comment. The investigation of Forever 21 is part of an initiative to uncover unlawful practices in the Southern Californian garment industry. In the past five years, the department has conducted 1,500 investigations in the area, revealing that American clothing manufacturers have withheld over $11 million from 11,000 workers. The Department of Labor has reported uncovering evidence of Forever 21 significantly violating the conditions of the Fair Labor Standards Act’s minimum wage, overtime and record keeping requirements, leading to the “sweatshop-like conditions.” News that this is happening within American companies is See Investigation , page 4

Photo courtesy of Catie Sutherland



From ruin to reuse: cleanup finishes on River Campus

1. 2.

After months of work, the River Campus property will be safe by EPA standards at the end of November Harry Blakeman Staff Writer



Jackie Jeffers| THE BEACON

1. On-Site Field Engineer Dan Schall (left) motions towards the River Campus where efforts have been focused on cleaning up the toxic soil. 2. Workers use an excavator to sort soil. The large pieces of rock and metal pipes are rejected, and the finer soil will be used. 3. Schall said the pollution had to be cleaned up by diluting the soil. 4. The shoreline along the soil was overrun by plants and debris before it was cleaned up.

Since Dec. 2008, when the University of Portland purchased the 35 acres of what is now known as the River Campus, it has been caught up in a lengthy process to reclaim the site from toxins that were embedded into the soil after more than a hundred years of industry. By the end of November, that process will be complete and the once poisoned property will be restored to an environmental level sanctioned by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and suitable for development. Dan Schall, the on-site field engineer who acts as a liaison between the University and AMEC, the engineering firm responsible for the project, said that over the years the previous owners of the land had treated the property poorly. In the past, the land had housed a power plant, a lumber mill, a concrete company and a barge company. Schall said that before the EPA, many industrial sites like this took little of environmental ethics. “The solution to pollution was dilution,” said Schall. Schall explained that before the EPA, the industrial companies that operated from the site did not have regulations for disposing waste. One option the companies took advantage of was to pile and compact the debris and refuse generated from industry into the shoreline, in an effort to create a near vertical shore that could be used to harbor ships. “We’re pulling out pipes, cables, everything – it’s a mixed bag of blocks, debris and tires – a hundred years of industrial activity,” said Schall. Because this system is toxic and unnatural for the environment, the University has restored the shoreline to a gradual 5:1 ratio that slopes into the river and creates a shallow water area that will support salmon and other freshwater shallow-dwelling animal life. The University will plant a variety of over 15,000 plants to both act as a barrier for the River Campus from the shore and to landscape the area. UP has consulted with the Grand Ronde tribes and the City of Portland to find plantlife that is suitable to the area and that thrives during floods. Jim Kuffner, assistant vice president

of community relations, oversees the project and thinks that even with all the industry, UP has been fortunate that it can recycle much of the material on the River Campus for other uses. “Most of the capping material was on-site,” said Kuffner, referencing the material used to finish the new shoreline. Additionally, much of the debris removed from the shore can be used to create foundations of future buildings or the future baseball stadium, the first project being developed. The long-term goals of the River Campus are to house facilities that would be better suited outside the academic and residential campus on The Bluff. This would include the baseball stadium and eventually parking, practice fields, the tennis center and Physical Plant. The land could also lend itself to a boathouse and an environmental science center. Overall, the River Campus would support students on The Bluff. This will be necessary as per UP’s Master Plan. The student body could grow from approximately 3,200 undergraduates to nearly 5,000. The Master Plan, UP’s official growth plan, was recently approved unanimously by the University Park Neighborhood Association. This makes approval by the City likely, and will make much of the River Campus possible. The hearing is set for Nov. 14. All of these projects at the River Campus are contingent on financial gifts to the University, but having the land and preparing it for development is the essential first step to the process. Sophomore Sean Galvin is excited about the changes that the River Campus offers the University, particularly the opportunity to go down and see all the progress that’s been made. “I don’t think its gonna affect us as students right now, but if the school becomes this big attractive college, alumni might be more willing to feed money back into it,” said Galvin. Kuffner remains optimistic that UP will grow and thrive once the River Campus is developed. “When your children and grandchildren come to UP, the River Campus is gonna be awesome – we’ve been on The Bluff for so many years, down here we get our feet wet,” Kuffner said.



November 8, 2012

Commons’ receipt progam halts stealing

Now that The Commons requires students to purchase their food before getting it, stealing has stopped almost entirely Kelsey Thomas Staff Writer Six months ago, a Commons burrito bowl or burger making its way into the mouth of a hungry student without ever being purchased was commonplace. However, since Bon Appétit began requiring students to turn in their receipt as proof of payment before receiving their meal, virtually all stealing in The Commons has ceased and Bon Appétit Director Kirk Mustain said they are saving $5,000 dollars a week. Mustain said he is pleased at the stamped receipts’ effectiveness. They will be a permanent feature in The Commons. Mustain said occasionally some smaller items are still swiped, but rarely full meals. “There’s still some small petty stuff going on but it’s not as rampant as it was for sure,” Mustain said. “I think the patterns have changed.” Mustain said that receiving full payment in The Commons has allowed them to not raise

prices in over a year despite rising food prices nationally. He also said it allows the staff to put money back into the food and try some different menu options. “When we’re not watching [the food] walk out the door, we’ve been able to spend more time on it,” Mustain said. This year, stuffed pizza and calzones were added to The Commons menu. The global and carve stations have also been offering new dishes. The stamped-receipt measure also saves Mustain, Commons staff and Public Safety from having to watch for students who get their food and then head in the opposite direction of the registers. “I don’t want to be the food police and figure out who paid for it and who didn’t,” Mustain said. “I want to go make great food.” Mustain said he arrived at the figure of $5,000 by comparing sales and amount of food brought in to previous statistics. According to Mustain, since requiring students to have their receipt stamped, Bon Appétit’s sales have remained consistent

but they are bringing in $5,000 less food to prepare and sell. Although Bon Appétit now receives full payment for food, silverware and dishes are still finding their way into students’ bags at the dish drop. Mustain said he spends $20,000 a year on dishes and silverware. “It’s the whole ‘I just took one’ thing,” Mustain said. “Yeah, you and 1,800 other people. All of the sudden 2,000 forks are out the door.” In spite of the runaway forks, Mustain Stephanie Matusiefsky | THE BEACON said he hopes to Commons worker Gwen Johnson stamps a student’s receipt before serving conserve Bon Appétit’s breakfast. Since The Commons started making sure students pay, they are resources and hopefully saving about $5,000 a week. not increase prices. different options available.” consuming a burger and fries, So far, students like Also, students hope the paid for in full. the results of less stealing, as The Commons has even more options. reduced stealing helps to keep “I really like that global is prices where they are. “I certainly hope prices always different,” freshman Jill Maples said. “I feel like [The don’t go up,” freshman Matthew said, contentedly commons] always has a lot of Horton

Investigation: Fair Trade club asks students to think before shopping Continued from page 2 disheartening to some students. Kelsey Robison, president of UP’s Fair Trade Club, has not had a positive impression of Forever 21 since she heard of unethical practices carried out by them in the past. “They do a lot of donations to charity, but that doesn’t make them a good company.” Robison said, “Just because you put ‘John 3:16’ on the bottom of your bag, that doesn’t mean you’re living ethically.” The Fair Trade Club aims to raise awareness of fair trade options, and calls people to consider where the products they buy are coming from. While the fair trade movement has been around for half a century, it is still not very well known.

“I hadn’t heard about the Forever 21 issues at all, so I feel like if word doesn’t get out it won’t affect [their business],” sophomore Bronwyn Jones said. “And they have such cheap clothes, it’s not just a business that people can easily be like, ‘oh whatever, not going to shop their anymore.’”

“Just because you put ‘John 3:16’ on the bottom of your bag, that doesn’t mean you’re living ethically.” Kelsey Robison Junior Jones said the thought of an American company mistreating their workers this way was unexpected and ridiculous.

“You don’t remember to think about fair trade unless companies go out of their way to specify that it’s happening,” Jones said. Robison, a junior, said the best way to do guilt-free shopping is to research companies before you buy their products, or to look for a fair trade logo on the products, which guarantees ethical production of all goods. The most common fair trade logo, known as “bucket boy,” can be identified as a black and white silhouette of a person carrying two buckets. “Although, fair trade products are more expensive, when you look at a free trade product, you’re not necessarily seeing the whole price,” Robison said, “There are a lot of negative things going into the production of free trade items.”

Portland Gay Men’s Chorus performs at UP On Nov. 14, the Portland Gay Men’s Chorus (PGMC) will bring a big sound to a little room. UP’s Gay Straight Partnership (GSP) will host next week’s Espresso UP featuring PGMC at 6:30 in St. Mary’s. PGMC, which was founded in 1980, has about 150 members, although not all of the members will sing at the concert. GSP president Kirsten Rivera said having the chorus come to UP is an exciting opportunity. “It’s a very prominent organization in the Portland area and a very prominent organization in the LGBT community,” Rivera said. Rivera first got in contact with the group after seeing them perform at a gay fair in

Pioneer Courthouse Square. She was impressed by their performance. “It’s a very big sound,” Rivera said. “Because they’re all men, they can produce a lot of sound. It was really a fantastic performance.” This is the second musical group GSP has brought to campus. Last year, GSP hosted another Espresso UP night featuring Elevation, a band from the Metropolitan Community Church of Portland. Rivera said students loved the concert. “We got really wonderful reviews from students who wanted to hear more from the community,” Rivera said. - Philip Ellefson

The UP Public Safety Report 2

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1. Nov. 1, 1:25 a.m. A neighbor called to report two individuals breaking headlights on the street near the intersection of N. Yale and N. Stanford. The caller was advised to call Portland Police.


2. Nov. 2, 11:14 p.m. Received a noise complaint about people yelling and in the street at the 6000 block of N. Amherst St. Officers made contact with the residents and they reported there had been an argument but everything was fine now. 3. Nov. 3, 1:32 am. Received a party complaint about a house at the 6700 block of N. Van Houten Ave. Officers made contact with the residents who agreed to shut down the party. 4. Nov.4, 6:51 p.m. A student reported they were being harassed. A report was taken and case remains open.


5. Nov. 19, 7:24 p.m. A student living off campus reported they were being harassed by neighbors. The student was advised to file a report with Portland Police.



Fight SAD with happy lamps

Students who feel the effects of seasonal affective disorder use lamps that mimic sunlight to feel better

Megan Walsh Staff Writer

Everyone who has spent a year in Portland knows that come October, it is time to break out the rain jackets, boots and umbrellas until April or even May. As the weather changes from bright blue skies to gloomy, gray days, many students experience their moods changing as well. Some students experience the effects of seasonal affective disorder, also referred to as SAD, during these darker months. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), four to six percent of people suffer from winter depression, and another 10 to 20 percent may suffer from a mild case of SAD. But for those who do feel the effects of SAD, the use of lamps that mimic sunlight can help. The amount of people suffering from SAD in Portland is likely on the higher end of the spectrum because of the lack of sunlight in the winters, said Dr. Patrick Bartos, University Health Center clinical psychologist. “A lot of people are impacted by changes in the season,” Bartos said. “I think most people experience some sort of changes during the winter. They may feel less energy and more sadness but it has to be at a certain level to be a true diagnosis.”

Due to the prevalence of this disorder, companies have manufactured lights, commonly called happy lamps, that are meant to trick the body into thinking it is experiencing sunlight because the lights give off a full spectrum of wavelengths. This means the light from a happy light is the same type of light as in a natural environment, Bartos said. “The idea is that by using the happy lights, you are mimicking natural sunlight,” Bartos said. “I have heard anecdotally that it has been helpful for a lot of students.” Bartos said the lights help combat the effects of SAD, which include over-eating, oversleeping, fatigue, depression, difficulty concentrating and social withdrawal. Sophomores Brenagh Sanford and Allison Watson, who both experience mild cases of SAD, use these “SAD lamps,” or happy lights to help them feel better in the darker months. “I notice SAD throughout the winter when it’s harder to wake up in a pitch black room, and when there are rare sunny days I feel so much happier,” Sanford said. “I get down when it’s cloudy and cold and it just highlights the stresses in my life.” The happy light produces a very natural light that is easy to study with and greatly improves the atmosphere of the room, Sanford said.


Stephanie Matusiefsky | THE BEACON

Sophomore Brenagh Sanford studies with a happy light on her desk to simulate natural sunlight during the darker months. Happy lamps can help people who feel tired or sad due to seasonal affective disorder. Watson uses her happy light for 30 minutes two to three times a week, depending on the weather. She said the happy lamp helps significantly. “I am from Nevada, where there is like 300 days of sun a year, so when I said I was going to move to Portland, my parents were concerned,” Watson said. “When I moved here, my parents got me the happy lamp.” Whether or not UP students personally feel the effects of SAD, many realize how likely it is to affect students in Oregon. Sophomore Farin Nikdel, a freshman workshop leader, has


witnessed the effects of SAD firsthand with the members of her workshop group. “I have students from Hawaii, Guam and California that have a hard time with all of this rain, and it’s only been a few weeks into fall,” Nikdel said. “A girl from LA told me she wants to just curl up and lay around when it rains, she has no motivation and her energy level is way down.” Students like sophomore Taylor Rudow, who is from Hawaii, have experienced the effects of dark winters, though she does not suffer from SAD. “I definitely am lazier and

down more often when I am in Portland than when I am back home,” Rudow said. “I feel like a new person when I am back in Hawaii over Christmas break.” Nikdel understands how SAD is a definite problem in Portland. The campus is completely different and happier in the spring, she said. “When it’s raining, you’re walking around with your hood covering half of your face and you are in your own little world rather than talking with those around you,” Nikdel said. “Of course people are going to get down in that environment.”

>> Thursday Nov. 8 – Thursday Nov. 15

Thursday, Nov. 8:

Monday, Nov. 12:

• Volleyball Pilots vs. San Diego. 7 p.m., Chiles Center

• Reading: Poet and editor Wayne Miller. 7:30 p.m., Buckley Center, Room 163.

This Weekend:

Tuesday, Nov. 13:

Friday, Nov. 9: • Faith and Intellectual Life Discussion Group at 3:30 p.m. in the Murphy

Room, Franz Hall. All faculty and staff welcome.

• Friday-Sunday: Machinal, an expressionistic modern-age tragedy loosely based on the sensational 1927 trial of Ruth Snyder, the first woman put to death by electric chair. Performances at 7:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday. Sunday performance at 2 p.m., Mago Hunt Recital Hall. Tickets $10/$5. • Women’s soccer first round NCAA playoffs vs. Washington State, Merlo Field,

7 p.m., Tickets at Pilots box office or call x7525.

Saturday, Nov. 10: • Volleyball vs. Saint Mary’s, 1 p.m., Chiles Center. Children ages 12 and under


• 24-hour candlelight vigil with Air Force and Army cadets standing guard beginning at 2 p.m. Saturday. The vigil ends at the end of the ceremony, 2 p.m. Sunday.

Sunday, Nov. 11: • Mass, Chapel of Christ the Teacher, 10 a.m. and 9 p.m.

• Annual Veterans Day ceremony at 1 p.m. at the Praying Hands Memorial

located near Kenna and Christie Hall. The ceremony, sponsored by the University’s Air Force and Army ROTC programs, will recognize campus members who have served during times of war.

Monday, Nov. 12 – Friday, Nov. 16: • Mass, Chapel of Christ the Teacher, 12:05-12:30 p.m. People of all faiths welcome.

Brought to you by UP Marketing & Communications

Sponsored by the English Department’s Reading and Lectures Series.

• Students interested in serving in the Peace Corps, Jesuit Volunteer Corp

or Americorps? Post Graduate opportunity meeting hosted by Moreau Center for Service & Leadership. 6 p.m., Bauccio Commons Dining Room. Dinner provided. RSVP by Nov. 9 to Pat Ell at x7132 or

• Prayers at the Peace Garden will be held in the courtyard outside Buckley

Center Auditorium at 2 p.m. UP students from nations throughout the world will recite a prayer for peace, in his or her native language. All are welcome to join in this international prayer for peace sponsored by the Garaventa Center for Catholic Intellectual Life and American Culture and International Student Services.

Wednesday, Nov. 14: • “Power of Positive Thinking” Brown bag lunch sponsored by HR from noon

to 1 p.m in Buckley Center, Room 163. All welcome.

Thursday, Nov. 15 • Men’s Basketball home season opener vs. Idaho State, 7:00 pm. First 500

fans in attendance will receive a “Proud to be a Pilot” T-shirt.

• Tuition Remission forms for spring term due to HR. Find out

more at

Faculty & Staff – Open Enrollment continues through November

27. All employees can access information on the Human Resources open Enrollment website. For more information contact HR at x7461 or



Spread your holiday cheer, Volunteer

November 8, 2012

Amanda Munro Staff Writer

Are you bored? Stressed? Partied out? Searching for meaning? If you’re looking for something fun to do that leaves you feeling fulfilled this holiday season, one of the best things you can do is volunteer. There is nothing more satisfying and rejuvenating than making an impact in the lives of other people. Luckily for University of Portland students, North Portland is a diverse neighborhood with plenty of local volunteer opportunities for every area of interest and

Oregon Food Bank Oregon Food Bank is working to eliminate hunger in Oregon by taking food that would otherwise go to waste and redistributing it to low-income families in the community. Volunteers can help by repacking food for distribution, teaching classes on nutrition and cooking, or working in community gardens. The fast-paced food packing environment is a lot of fun with friends as well as individually, and volunteers are often surprised by how much they get done in such a short time. Plus, it’s just a bus ride on the 75 from campus! Website: Address: 7900 NE 33rd Dr Contact: (503) 282-0555

Regence Boys and Girls Club A little more than a mile from UP, the Boys and Girls club is a place for North Portland kids to make art, play games, get help with homework and eat a nutritious meal after school. Volunteers can help out depending on their interests in departments that range from art to fitness to education, with age groups ranging from 6-11 and 12-18. After-school programs run weekdays from 2:15 p.m. to approximately 7:00 p.m. Website: Address: 4430 North Trenton St. Contact: (503) 853-8678

availability. Volunteering doesn’t mean dedicating your life to an organization, either; most of the opportunities listed here will only take a couple hours of your time, and many allow you to volunteer as a group! So get a couple friends together, break free of the UP bubble, and donate some much-needed time to great causes close to campus. It feels good to be involved in the community!

Friends of Trees

Roosevelt High School

Planting trees in urban areas can benefit a community by cleaning the air, reducing storm runoff and energy costs, and increasing property value. Friends of Trees has planted over 450,000 trees in 23 years through weekly tree-plantings, and they’re always looking for volunteers to plant more! Every Saturday, you can volunteer to plant trees from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and lunch is included. What’s not to like?

Roosevelt High School is the most ethnically diverse neighborhood high school in Oregon, and it is also the poorest. 84 percent of students receive a free or reduced lunch, and many struggle to complete their education due to a lack of resources. Roosevelt is also less than two miles from UP, just ten minutes by bike. Volunteers can make a significant impact in the lives and success rates of students at Roosevelt by tutoring a multitude of subjects or working in the writing center helping with papers, assignments or college applications.

Website: Address: 3117 Northeast Martin Luther King Junior Blvd Contact: Charles Datulayta,

Address: 6941 North Central Street Contact: Andriana Alexis, and Aurora Myers,

Students get LinkedIn to the business world As a combination of a resume and Facebook, this social network is a way for prospective employees and employers to connect online Rachelle Leduc Staff Writer Want to be in the in-crowd? Get a Facebook. Want to be up-todate on news and current events? Get a Twitter. Want to know to be crafty? Get a Pinterest. Want to land a job? Get a LinkedIn. While spending hours on the computer searching for job openings and sending out tons of resumes and job applications can be appealing, finding multiple job opportunities in one spot could be a lot easier. LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site that does just that. Like Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn allows you to follow or ‘connect’ with people and share articles, YouTube videos, or ‘what’s on your mind’. “LinkedIn is a tool that will allow you to network with people,” UP alum Thomas Le Ngo said. “It makes things a little more organized.” LinkedIn allows you to connect with friends and family you know and the professional contact they may have. Through the use of LinkedIn, you are also able to connect with people you may

never otherwise have the chance to meet or ask for advice. Senior Jonathan Parsons joined LinkedIn his freshman year after being encouraged by his parents and UP’s business department. “At first it was difficult because I had no one to connect with,” Parsons said. “But it offers a lot of good networking possibilities.” Whether you are a student in the Business School or College of Arts and Sciences, all students are encouraged to join LinkedIn and take advantage of all that it has to offer. “The reason is a) it’s a good source to look for jobs, b) puts a professional face and c) I can keep track of them when they graduate,” professor Elayne Shapiro said. “Professionally, they need to know about LinkedIn whether they choose to be on it or not.” Le Ngo affirms that LinkedIn is a valuable source of job opportunities, especially as the job market becomes more about who you know. Not only does LinkedIn connect you with professionals in the field, but it allows you to join ‘groups’ interested in the

same business as yourself and seek advice or a possible interview. “It’s helpful to see who’s connected to who; Portland can be a small town sometimes, so it’s cool to see… you’re only separated by one or two degrees of separation,” Le Ngo said. While creating a LinkedIn account is a very important step, it is just as important to maintain your profile and put your best self forward. It is essential to remember that what you post online is how future employers will perceive you. “It’s almost like an online resume,” Parsons said. “It’s a way to show your accomplishments.” Certain things to remember when creating your profile are to use keywords, choose a clear, professional headshot, be detail-oriented and making sure your contact information is clearly displayed. “You definitely have to have LinkedIn. When someone searches you, you want to be one of the

Ann Truong | THE BEACON

top results,” Le Ngo said. “It’s important to keep your eye out on your title and summary, it’s really the first thing people see.” While LinkedIn shares similarities with Facebook, it tends to provide a stronger jump-off point for job searching and advice-

seeking, providing the user with a larger number of capabilities to do so.


New group sings its way into our hearts A capella group Call Our Bluff performs at the ukulele show sponsored by Campus Ministry Rachelle Leduc Staff Writer Picture a room where a group of men stand in an open circle. “Call Our Bluff, ” one of them says. This is a not a group of men playing poker, but the UP a capella singers with playing cards in their front pocket, serenading a large crowd of people filling the Mehling Ballroom last Friday night. At The Ukulele Show sponsored by Campus Ministry, the relatively new a capella group Call Our Bluff made a special appearance, starting their performance with Adele’s “Rolling In the Deep.” Call Our Bluff is an all-men’s a capella group that was started last April by most of its current members. “We are all friends from University Singers, and wanted to do a project,” junior Call Our Bluff member Anthony Nguyen said. “When we first started, we were all friends and only brought on one new freshman.” Despite having only performed twice the previous semester at Relay for Life and a variety show fundraiser, Call Our Bluff was ready to start this year with

a bang as they wooed the crowd at Nov. 2 performance alongside a large group of ukulele musicians. “At first we were in a terrible predicament. We were only chorally trained,” Nguyen said. “First we did conservative pieces, now we’re pushing it; the more you put into it, the more you get out.” In hopes of performing songs from the Top 40 charts, Call Our Bluff rehearses two or more hours a week, depending on the date of

“I’m that guy that sings or hums through 90 percent of the day, so I love being in Call Our Bluff. Performing with them is something else, entirely amazing.”

Nate Mattix Freshman

their next performance. At Nov. 2 performance, Call Our Bluff’s hard work paid off as they performed other popular songs including “Stand by Me” by Ben E. King, and “Just My Imagination” by The Temptations in between more recent pop songs such as “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz and “The Way I Am” by Ingrid Mi-

chaelson. sings or hums through 90 percent son, one more tenor.” With an even distribution of of the day, so I love being in Call You can catch Call Our Bluff’s tenors, baritones, bass singers and Our Bluff,” freshman Nate Mat- next performance on Nov. 27 beatboxers, the Call Our Bluff tix said. “Performing with them when they will open for the Blufsingers harmonized and fed off is something else, entirely amaz- foons improv show. You can also of each other’s energy to deliver ing.” contact Call Our Bluff on their a lively performance that captiWith only a handful of mem- Facebook page to reserve them vated the audience’s attention. bers, the group hopes to continue for a party or event. “It was good to bring different to grow and expand its fan base. groups together so we could reach “We’re pushing heavy on out to more students,” senior uku- Facebook right now,” Nguyen lele player Noelle Niedo said. said. “Next semester, we are goCall Our Bluff wrapped up ing to try to pick up one more perthe night by serenading two lucky ladies who had won the raffle organized to raise money for World Youth Day 2012 with “She Will Be Loved” by Maroon 5. “Being serenaded was the best part of the night,” senior Brenna Stacy said. “All the guys in the group are great friends of mine so I loved being there to support them.” Call Our Bluff, consisting of nine talented guys who Stephanie Matusiefsky | THE BEACON love singing, is still Top Row: Senior Daniel Jeppesen, junior Peter Chamberlain, senior Aaron Doud, in the making. and junior Anthony Nguyen. Bottom Row: Senior Kimo Camat, senior Clarke Orr, “I’m that guy that freshman Nate Mattix, and junior Garrett Athman.

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During a tense el

Harry Blakeman Staff Writer

AP Photo/ Chris Carlson

Above: Malia and Michelle Obama walk on stage in Chicago with Sasha and Barack Obama before his victory speech. Below: Mitt Romney greets the audience in Boston before giving his concession speech Tuesday night.

AP Photo/ David Goldman

Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON

To win the election, a candidate must receive at least 270 electoral votes. Obama won with 303 electoral votes to Romney’s 206 with 29 electoral votes remaining undecided.

The quiet side of the Bauccio Commons was far from its reputation Tuesday night as the Vote UP event, an Election Night watch party, closely followed the results of the presidential election. Students crowded the tables and watched NBC’s coverage projected larger than life, laughing at the network’s overuse of computergenerated images and cheering for the passing of same-sex marriage and marijuana legalization ballot measures in other states. Many were on Facebook, Twitter or news sites while enjoying the free pizza, salad and fruit punch. Even those who were too busy studying still peered over their work to focus on the screen from time to time. The Commons was close to filled at the beginning of the evening, and most students were talking excitedly about the candidates or ballot measures. The dining room remained well-attended and jubilant through President Obama’s re-election victory as the seemingly overwhelmingly proObama crowd erupted into cheers. Senior Keenan Moore, who came to the Commons to get dinner and decided to drop in on the party to see who was winning, was enthusiastic about the strong voter turnout, which was almost 75 percent in Oregon. Moore believes this election was crucial

303 Obama 60,652,149 votes

Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON


lection night, UP students gather in The Commons to watch the results for the future of America, especially in the way the world perceives the U.S. and in the way young people think of their government. “It’s nice to see that so many people are involved and excited,” said Moore. Sophomore Kevin Sharp, who counted himself among the few Republicans attending the event, was disappointed in the results. Sharp thought Mitt Romney presented a clearer economic vision and believes that under Obama, the economy will likely plateau. “Still, I don’t think the country will explode or anything like that,” said Sharp. Sharp also expressed optimism for emerging civil rights, such as marriage equality, but believes that this sort of progress would likely happen under either candidate. Political science professor Gary Malecha thinks the elections reaffirmed Obama’s popularity. He was not surprised by Obama’s decisive win over Romney. Only

about a week ago, Malecha was one of many who thought the president might win the Electoral College but lose the popular vote. “One of the things I was surprised the networks didn’t mention much is that the exit polls indicated a fair amount of enthusiasm for Obama – there’s a lot of people who still support him and are fairly excited,” said Malecha. Malecha said that in many ways this election served as a referendum on Obama’s initiatives, and believes that the electorate voiced its opinion to let him finish the job. Malecha believes Obama’s healthcare law, which fully goes into effect in 2014, will now be difficult to overturn. Looking forward, Malecha sees the growing deficit as Obama and Congress’ major concern. “It’s going to be a major preoccupation – they may come up with a temporary fix, but they’re going to need a long-term fix as well. Left undealt with, it could threaten the American economic recovery,” said Malecha. Beyond the presidential



election, Portlanders made Charlie Hales their new mayor. He defeated Jefferson Smith 62 percent to 30 percent.While Oregon, Colorado and Washington had marijuana legalization on their ballots, only Oregon rejected the measure, 54 percent to 46 percent. Washington also legalized same-sex marriage, an issue not on the Oregon ballot. Malecha predicts more states will have marriage equality and cannabis legalization on their ballots in the future, and thinks either might be picked up by politicians at the federal level. Sophomore Rachael Smith was voting in her first presidential election, and was excited to attended Tuesday night’s event. “I was happy. I think it’s exciting to be voting at this time – it’s a historical election with the things on the ballot like gay marriage,” Smith said. “That we can even approach voting on these issues makes it a powerful time.” Smith was optimistic for college students voting for the first time, and hopeful that the students that attended the event would engage in the political process in the future. “For college students, it’s a time to form our opinions – elections can move us towards a more accepting society that can and will be able to change,” said Smith.


Key Oregon Ballot Measures Yes

Ballot Measure


Measure #77

Amends Constitution: Governor may declare “catastrophic disaster” (defined); requires legislative session; authorizes suspending specified constitutional spending restrictions

Measure #79 Amends Constitution: Prohibits real estate transfer taxes, fees, other assessments, except those operative on Dec. 31, 2009

Measure #80 Allows personal marijuana, hemp cultivation/use without license; commission to regulate commercial marijuana cultivation/sale

Measure #81 Prohibits commercial non-tribal fishing with gillnets in Oregon “inland waters,” allows use of seine nets

Measure #82 Amends Constitution: Authorizes establishment of privately owned casinos; mandates percentage of revenues payable to dedicated state fund

Measure #84 Phases out existing inheritance taxes on large estates, and all taxes on intra-family property transfers

Measure #85 Amends Constitution: Allocates corporate income/excise tax “kicker” refund to additionally fund K through 12 public education

Charlie Hales elected mayor

206 Courtesy of Charlie Hales for Portland Mayor campaign

270 to win

57,810,390 votes

Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON

Charlie and Nancy Hales greet a cheering crowd after he won the Portland Mayor’s Race.

Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON



November 8, 2012

Growing in your spiritual relationship Senior Georgia Wilson shares her experience participating in the Encounter with Christ retreat sponsored by Campus Ministry Georgia Wilson Guest Commentary Coming from a Catholic high school, I heard advertisements for retreats, such as Kairos and Search, every semester. I had many friends who came from strong Catholic families who would return from their weekend retreat feeling renewed in their faith and feeling closer with the other students who went. I often wondered what happened on these weekends on retreat. No one could ever tell what exactly happened, but they guaranteed it was a life-changing experience. The retreats came and passed every semester, but I did not apply. It seemed like an annoying mystery, and I felt my faith was not as strong as my classmates. I did not think I would belong. It was not until my sophomore year at UP that I heard about the Encounter with Christ retreat. A friend who had been a leader on the retreat approached me and recommended that apply. Why? I was just a sophomore still trying to adjust to college life. I was

not attending church or mass regularly. I was still trying to discover which faith community I belonged to. My friend told me, “That is why.” I did not have my life together, and neither did anyone else. I was not the only one searching for answers about my faith, my community, and myself. Applying then, I had no clue where it would lead me to today. This year I have had the great opportunity to learn from and work with Sean Ducey coordinating the Encounter retreat. As we met weekly to plan the retreat, we were both reminded of our own experiences on this retreat. I was reminded of a weekend meeting new classmates, sharing personal stories, and developing our relationships with God. Being away from cell reception, homework, jobs, and daily responsibilities, I had the time to reflect on who I was and who I wanted to become. In retrospect, I see how much that weekend shaped me into the person I have strived to live every day since. On October 26th, a group of 36 retreatants were rounded up at the Chapel ready to participate in this amazing weekend with the theme, “We Don’t Walk Alone.” I witnessed strangers coming together, sharing their life stories,

singing together, and establishing deep friendships. A quote by St. John of the Cross summarizes the transition from strangers into a family that I saw. “Even if you are not afraid to fall alone, how do you presume that you will rise up alone? Consider: two together can accomplish more than one alone.” This Encounter family is larger than just two people; it is a strong force that is there to support us all in our journeys at UP and beyond. Our next Encounter with Christ retreat is in March, so look out for applications online or swing by the Campus Ministry office. I personally urge you to apply! Put your fears aside about the mystery of this retreat and give it a try! Like Zack Imfeld, previous Encounter coordinator, used to say, “Do not anticipate—participate!” It was my fears about what to expect from this retreat that kept me from applying in high school. Do not let that hold you up too! Ask friends who have been on the Encounter retreat about their experience. It is one experience you do not want to miss out on!

Campus Ministry Calander Thursday, November 08, 2012 9:00 PM Taize Prayer Service - Corrado Hall St. Susanna Chapel 9:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration - Shipstad Hall - Ugandan Martyrs Chapel Wednesday, November 14, 2012 7:00 PM GSP Presents: Portland Gay Men’s Chorus at Fall Espresso UP - St. Mary’s Student Center Lounge 9:00 PM Fish - Buckley Center 163 Wednesday, November 21, 2012 9:00 PM Fish - Buckley Center 163 Wednesday, November 28, 2012 9:00 PM Fish - Buckley Center 163 Wednesday, December 05, 2012 9:00 PM Fish - Buckley Center 163 Thursday, December 06, 2012 9:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration - Shipstad Hall - Ugandan Martyrs Chapel Wednesday, December 12, 2012 9:00 PM Fish - Buckley Center 163

Georgia Wilson is a senior psychology major. She can be reached at

Is God calling you? Do you know? We heard the call and gave over our life in service to the Church and the world in a more explicit way. And our life has not been the same since. We have found purpose, joy, and fulfillment. Christ invited and we answered. Is God calling you to join us? Come and see.

If you are interested in exploring a vocation to Holy Cross, please contact Fr. Gerry Olinger, C.S.C. ( or Fr. Charlie McCoy, C.S.C. ( here on campus for more information.



Let bipartisanship reign At last the 2012 election is over. The ads, canned speeches and personal attacks—for now at least—are over. In the wake of the most expensive and slamming election in history, the nation needs to move forward with bipartisanship. The strict party lines that divide our nation serve no purpose after the election. Both Mitt Romney’s conciliatory speech and Obama’s victory speech upheld the need for bipartisanship into the next presidential term. Obama’s speech might be better described as a mid-year State of the Union address as he emphasized the need of the nation to reach across the aisle, even to recent rivals: “In the weeks ahead, I also look forward to sitting down with Governor Romney to talk about where we can work together to move this country forward,” the President said. Romney also highlighted the need for unity following an at times slimy election: “We can’t risk partisan bickering and political posturing. Our leaders have

to reach across the aisle to do the people’s work,” Romney said. Obama and Congress should take a lesson out of a college student’s book when it comes to bipartisanship. Students are well versed in sharing ways. We share living space in dorms, class notes for midterms and lukewarm pasta from Tupperware. Friendship and collaboration help us make it through the day and succeed in a high-stress environment. If politicians could remember that members of the “opposing” party are part of the same team maybe we would see meaningful reform. Bipartisanship used to be the norm. “Log-rolling,” to use an 1840s term, was the mark of a great politician, not a weak one. Unfortunately, adherence to the party dogma has replaced ingenuity in Washington. New ideas that come from cooperation are what we need most. With a debt crisis, economic recovery (we hope), war and the looming specter of climate change on the horizon, politicians need cross-party leadership to agree on how to proceed.

Ann Truong | THE BEACON

Congress remains divided, and without compromise and sharing ideas, government cannot act. It remains to be seen if either party will make that hesitant first gesture across the aisle, but hopefully politicians can return to the days of Henry Clay and compromise. One of the unintended consequences of a stagnant Congress is a jaded citizenry. People unplug from politics when they know

their voice is not heard. However, one demographic appears to have a renewed interest in politics. Young voters, ages 18-25 increased their voter turnout from 2008 to 2012 and played a critical role in Obama’s reelection. If there is any lasting lesson from this election, it is continued civil engagement. Whether it is simply keeping up on current affairs, sending letters to elected officials or getting involved in a

cause, hopefully the election has piqued the next generation’s interest in our political system. In light of all this enthusiasm, it would be a shame for Congress and the President to continue a trend of partisan fighting. Our nation is running out of time to deal with a mounting list of problems, and we can only hope that Obama’s second term will usher in an age of bipartisan cooperation.


The editorial reflects the majority view of The Beacon Editorial Board. The editorial does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the collective staff or the Administration of the University of Portland. Other submissions in this section are signed commentaries that reflect the opinion of the individual writer. The Student Media Committee, providing recommendation to the publisher, oversees the general operation of the newspaper. Policy set by the committee and publisher dictates that the responsibility for the newspaper’s editorial and advertising content lies solely in the hands of its student employees.

The problem with the little white crosses

Alex Foy Guest Commentary Last week on your way through the academic quad you may have encountered over a hundred white little crosses placed in front of the chapel. The Voice for Life organization placed these crosses along with a plaque of statistics to protest abortions. The plaque itself detailed the amount of abortions that have occurred since Roe v. Wade was enacted by the Supreme Court; these statistics are accompanied by a picture of a newborn, and the statement

that by week six of pregnancy the heart begins to beat. My critique is not with the general pro-life argument, but rather the execution of this argument. I believe we live in a country where everybody should be entitled to express their own opinions. My problem stems from how Voice for Life falsely universalizes their argument and thereby removes the woman’s individual life story from her choice to seek an abortion. Moreover, Voice for Life fails to recognize how this demonstration may affect certain women within the UP community. By holding their demonstration as such, particularly because they place their demonstration in front of the church and use

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the little crosses, the clubs argument presents to a passerby as: abortion is murder, murder is a sin, and thus a woman who has an abortion is a sinner. Yet, this argument removes all contexts from abortions, and with this particular medical procedure I believe context shines through as the most critical part to consider. What if a woman seeks an abortion because she was raped and became pregnant? What if she seeks an abortion because attempting to give birth to a child could prove fatal? What if she is a pregnant thirteen-year-old who cannot support the child? Of course, Voice for Life could answer these context related questions through many different means: they could argue

in favor of adoption with supplemental therapy for rape victims. They could even advocate safe sex or abstaining from it in some cases. But they don’t. The sole message of the demonstration is that women who have abortions are murderers; that they copped out from responsibility. Moreover, this argument implies that women do not have a choice when it comes to pregnancy, an event which should center itself around their own experience and left up to their own opinion. The pro-life message through the little crosses also fails to consider how this representation of their message may affect members of the community. It is certainly possible that a student, faculty member, or parent

THE BEACON Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief.. . . . . . . . Elizabeth Tertadian News Editor . . . . . . . . . . ��������� Laura Frazier Living Editor �����������������������Rachel McIntosh Opinions Editor. . . . . . ������������� Will Lyons Sports Editor . . . . . . . . �Kyle Cape-Lindelin Design Editor. . . . . . . . . �������� Shellie Adams Photo Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jackie Jeffers Asst. Design Editor . . . ������� Emily Strocher Copy Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philip Ellefson

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who encounters this demonstration, may have had an abortion. Could you imagine your choice illustrated as a little cross? In this way, the little crosses demonstration makes a universal argument without considering context; while also making the UP community a less inclusive place. I am an advocate of pro-choice who can understand the reasons why someone would be pro-life. But not when they present their argument in the form of little crosses. Alex Foy is a junior English major. He can be reached at

Staff Writers

Amanda Blas, Harry Blakeman, Kaitlyn Dunn, Philip Ellefson, Hannah Kintner, Lydia Laythe, Rachelle Leduc, PJ Marcello, Amanda Munro, Kate Stringer, Kelsey Thomas, Taylor Tobin, Megan Walsh


Stephanie Matusiefsky, Giovanna Solano, Kayla Wong

Staff Members

Business & Ad Manager. . .Morgan Rapozo Artist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann Truong Web Technician . . . . . . . . . . . . Et Begert Circulation Manager. . . . . . Anne Uruu Adviser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Copic Publisher . . Fr. E. William Beauchamp, C.S.C.



November 8, 2012

Ideas are bulletproof

Theater students stage political uprising Nathaniel Quinn Guest Commentary Clifford Odets’ landmark play Waiting for Lefty can be described as an event to be experienced by all. While this show was written about a union strike that took place in the 1930s, it is just as significant for society today. Its goal then and now is to remind us to stand up for what we believe in, much like occupiers and protesters are doing now. It is about a group coming together for a unifying cause, overcoming obstacles and deciding to take the initiative.

“Audiences will feel like they are entering an Occupy camp as they enter the theater.”

Nathaniel Quinn Graduate directing student

Jared Lee, the second-year directing grad in charge of the piece, wants the audience to be reminded that “we are the 99 percent.” He hopes the audience will be moved to participate during the action of the play, though it’s not a requirement. In order to facilitate this, Lee intends to rear-

range the theater space “to create a sense that we are all in a camp together—in one unifying space, where the audience and the actors are equals.” When the play opens on Nov. 28, cast members will be protesting outside the Mago Hunt Theater, and encouraging incoming audience members to rally as well. Upon entering the space, should you feel like having your voice heard, you can take up a sign—or bring your own—and treat our show as a place to voice that opinion, be it for or against the movement. Audiences will feel like they are entering an Occupy camp as they enter the theater. Cast members for this show are going above and beyond taking on the roles of Odets’ sharply delineated characters; they will portray actual occupiers as well. You can expect to see these people, hear their opinions and witness their strife and anguish as you move further into the performing space. Once in the theater, designer Eric Lyness has created an environment defined by chain link fences, a wall of doors, and tarps overhead, to deepen the audience’s feeling of being in an Occupy camp. By stretching the set out into the audience, Lyness intends to help create Lee’s idea of unity between actor and audience. Actors will also be present in this environment, but not until the show begins will the audience actually know who is a performer

and who is a spectator. Student costume designer Hope Robinson is also working to make the show feel as real as possible. All cast members have a basic occupier costume, and as they adopt other characters throughout the show, they add and remove costume pieces to signal a change in character. These costume pieces will be seen hanging around the set in various locations, as though they were donated articles of clothing for the protesters. As you walk around campus this month, you will see some of your colleagues sporting buttons that say “Where’s Lefty?” and “Occupy.” We encourage you to ask about them. While these emblems are there to gain your attention, they also represent individual stories for each character of the show. Stop and ask, and we’ll happily give you some insight into the production—as well as buttons of your own, if you’d like. Waiting for Lefty performances are free and will take place in Mago Hunt at 7:30 Nov. 28-30 Nathaniel Quinn is a firstyear graduate directing student who, in addition to appearing in Waiting for Lefty as a union boss, is also the show’s dramaturge. He can be reached

Matt Gadbois Guest Commentary On Saturday Nov. 3, over 500 people gathered in the Lloyd District to talk about something big. A group of citizens found connection to each other on the brink of a controversial political election. There were people with drums, bikes, signs, saxophones, bandanas, and masks. They were not just college-aged students, but elderly folks and young men and women all united by an idea. I attended the Protest Against Austerity because I don’t think it’s fair for corporations to be able to bribe their way out of taking responsibility for their environmental and social impact in this country. I also wanted to gain more perspective on what Portlanders have to say about how the medium-to-low income families are treated in this country. I invited lots of my friends to get off campus and see what activism is all about, but most of them unfortunately had video games to attend to. There were musicians, rappers, and organization leaders gathered in Holladay Park to share their personal stories before taking to the streets in protest. At least 20 people got pepper sprayed for non-violent

protest by an army of police during the march. The news reporters like to focus on the fact that the protesters took to the streets without a permit, but not the fact that the 150 cops on horses, bikes and motorcycles were the ones dressed and ready to incite violence. Being at a protest is nothing like the media paints it: from the outside, you will see only yelling, drums and signs, but from the inside, there is community, connection and heartwrenching stories that make you want to yell and beat drums and make signs. I don’t care what you believe in or where you come from; you should share your ideas, you must, because the only thing that is certain is this: YOU WILL DIE. And unless you join a group or build community on an idea, what you stand for will be meaningless. The police may or may not value your voice, but I do. It doesn’t matter who you love or what you want to see in the world, what you have seen is your perspective and when you share it, it will bring us all closer to the truth. I believe that if all those students at UP that shared my concerns had come to Holladay Park on Nov. 3, they would have found only support, love and free coffee. Next time, don’t be afraid. Don’t give in to apathy. Matt Gadbois is a sophomore nursing major. He can be reached at




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Returning to a galaxy far, far away

Harry Blakeman Staff Commentary A little over a week ago when it was announced that The Walt Disney Company would purchase Lucasfilm from George Lucas for $4 billion and then release a new “Star Wars” trilogy starting in 2015, I was instantly ecstatic. The nay-sayers came out of the Internet woodwork with lightning speed calling Leia the newest Disney princess and Photoshopping two little Death Stars above a regular-sized Death Star to make Mickey Mouse’s silhouette.

Yes, I was worried too. I love “Star Wars” and the idea of it being butchered by a mega-corporation naturally doesn’t sit too well with me. However, I grew up with Luke saving the the galaxy and then watched the prequel trilogy retroactively demote him to second protagonist at best. JarJar, Jake Lloyd’s horrific acting as a young Anakin, and George Lucas’ staggered and forced dialogue tarnished the once sterling reputation of “Star Wars.” I’m not the first commentator to express the wish that “Star Wars” be left in 1982 after “Return of the Jedi.” “Star Wars,” was ruined by the prequels, and the saga was never able to recover. It did not, however, damage the reputation of the original trilogy. If anything, the commercial popularity of the prequels was a good thing

because it brought “Star Wars” to a whole new generation of fans. Sure, the new movies were terrible, but at least they kept the franchise relevant. When I found out about the impending “Episode VII” this is what I thought about. If it’s horrible (and it almost certainly will be) the silver lining is that all the kids born after 2005 when the last “Star Wars” movie came out will have an opportunity to be introduced to such an amazing and fantastical world. Should the movie be awesome, well then that’s just a plus. On Dec. 14, 2012 the world will have a chance to re-enter Middle-Earth in “The Hobbit.” While this film differs from “Episode VII” in that all signs point to it being critically acclaimed, it is similar to the new “Star Wars” installment in that it allows the

fans to go back to a fictional world that they love so much. I can’t wait to see hobbits, elven magic, and hear tales of the kings of old. For this exact same reason, I want to see another lightsaber, another Jedi robe, another Force push. The story will be lacking, the dialogue will be laughable, and it’ll never have the heart of the original trilogy, but in the end it’s more “Star Wars” that I can wait in line at midnight for. The world of a galaxy far, far away will be opening it’s doors once again, and I for one can’t wait to visit once more.

Staff Commentary Have you ever said hello to a friend or asked someone a question only to be met with a cold silence? You look over and, sure enough, they have their headphones in and their communication skills turned off. Awkward… it’s not a good feeling, and it’s instances like these that have caused me to feel bitter ev-

ery time I see someone walking across campus with their headphones in. Do you really need to block out the world so badly? I get it, you just love music and sometimes feel you do need to block out the world. Well guess what, there are tons of amazing people on this campus and by wearing those headphones you are telling each and every one of them that you want nothing to do with them. Don’t you think between texting and smart phones we have enough portable technological distractions to keep us from interacting with one another? You might as well take online classes

if you’re not here to enjoy the people you’re sharing this campus with. Even beyond the social aspect of it, it’s fall, and with those songs implanted in your ears all the time, you’re missing out on one of the best parts of the season. It’s so cool stepping on dried leaves and hearing nature imitate the audio clip your computer plays when you empty your trash bin. It’s kind of fun walking across the quad with the tapping of rain on your umbrella as your own personal soundtrack. And sometimes it can be really helpful to be able to hear those longboards coming up behind you so

you know when to dodge out of the way. I’m not trying to call people who use iPods all the time bitter or completely antisocial. I just think that maybe they don’t see how they come across to other people, and if they want to get the most out of their college experiences—and their lives in general, for that matter—it’s time to give the headphones a rest.

Guest Commentary In case anyone on campus forgot that the University of Portland is a Catholic university, the white crosses planted in front of the chapel last Friday served as a reminder, with a steaming side of fresh guilt. Now, to start this off, I understand and respect the fact that many people and institutions, especially those of the Christian faith, are pro-life. I understand that using my own free will, I have decided to attend this university. However, even with this basic understanding, I still have so many issues regarding the white crosses that are put up every year at the beginning of November. I find the white crosses to be disrespectful towards the campus population and especially towards those who may have had abortions in the past. The display crosses the line of having a respectful message meant to educate and bluntly forcing an intense opinion about a very complicated issue. Currently, I believe that the

By Kayla Wong

We asked: Do you think the new Star Wars movies are going to be good? Shelley West, freshman, nursing

abortion debate is a misdirected and emotional debate that doesn’t address the real problems that cause women to decide to have an abortion, other than for medical reasons. For me, the more pressing issue behind the abortion debate is to create a society that is less patriarchal and victim blaming and more educational and respectful. Yes, I am more than well aware that this is a big task to accomplish. But, by addressing issues surrounding abortion rather than making it illegal, we might actually be able to reduce the number of abortions done in a year. For example, people should be taught how to have safe sex, rather than being taught abstinence only. Or, as another example, victims of rape or sexual assault should not be shamed for something they wore or what they drank. Instead, the blame and the shame should be on those who committed the crime. Rather than shame victims, let’s teach people how to respect others and that when someone says no, they actually mean no. Last but not least, I have a word for those who put the display up. I respect the fact that you are pro-life. But that coupled with the fact that we are a faith based campus does not give you the right to make everyone on the campus feel guilty and horrible.

Next time, think about those around you. In particular, think about those who have had an abortion in the past. Think about that decision they’ve made and how it probably haunts their life to this day. Think about the factors that may have existed to aid that decision. Think about how those white crosses probably brought back unwanted and trau-

matic memories for those people. In the end, rather than guilt trip the entire university campus, I wish those behind the display had been more respectful and professional with their message.

“I feel like they could either be really good or really bad.” Lexie Morgan, junior, mechanical engineering

Hannah Kintner is a senior english major. She can be reached at

White crosses unnecessarily shame people Andrea Merrill

Faces on The Bluff

Harry Blakeman is a sophomore history major. He can be reached at

Ditch the headphones and listen up Hannah Kintner


“Disney might do a good job. I’m hopeful but we’ll see how it turns out.” Matthew Chavarria, sophomore, chemistry & spanish

Andrea Merrill is a junior sociology major. She can be reached at


Find the answers to the sudoku at in the Opinions section.

“I think they’ll do a decent job based on their past performances.” Corey Hubbard, junior, social work & spanish

“I’m wary because my heart was broken by the most recent three but I’m hopeful.”



November 8, 2012

Women’s basketball is young, energized and ready Despite the prospect of losing their top scorer, the Pilots look to the energy and effort of the young talent for success. Taylor Tobin Staff Writer The women’s basketball team may be young, but they are ready to take on this season with energy and hard work. The Pilots have no seniors and just three juniors on the team, leaving little experience on a team that finished 11-17 overall and a 7-9 WCC record last season. However, the team is embracing is youth. The team’s atmosphere is livelier this year, due in part to the energy brought by five new freshmen, guards Ellen Nurmi, Allison Ryan, Jazmyn Johnson and forwards Sara Ines Hernandez and Annika Holopainen. Junior guard Alexis Byrd says their energy on the court pushes the team forward. “It’s ten times more fun this year because we have a young team. Usually when you first get to college, you have a lot of energy, so it’s good that they bring that to the table,” Byrd said. “It just keeps reinforcing for us older girls to bring energy everyday to the court.” Sophomore guard Jasmine Wooton says one major advantage to having a young team is that they get to shape their roles this season and perfect them for next year. Wooton also enjoys this years’s young squad. “I actually love it. It’s not that last year’s team was terrible, but this year the comaraderie is so much better,” Wooton said. “Everyone is actually friends, not just teammates, which is great.” As far as goals for the season, head coach Jim Sollars said their ultimate goals are always

winning games, a WCC title and going to the NCAA tournament. But this year they have tried to establish more process-oriented goals. “Young teams have the tendency not to focus for the solid two hours and that’s happened, but we’re getting better,” Sollars said. “I think they’re doing a really good job of trying to understand that it’s a process. If you do the process correctly, the end results will take care of themselves.” Sollars said the team needs to focus on playing hard, taking the right shots, and hitting the open people. “All the little things that make you a better team, that’s what we’ve got to focus on, and not worry a lot about the score,” Sollars said. The team’s leadership this year has not suffered despite having no seniors. Sollars said Byrd, who averaged 7.7 points per game, and junior forward Amy Pupa, the leading rebounder from the 2011-12 season at 5.3 per game, have done a great job stepping up as team leaders. Last spring, Byrd and Pupa went through leadership training once a week where they discussed solutions to issues that could arise during this season. Byrd, Pupa and Sollars say the preparation was helpful. “I think they have done a really nice job,” Sollars said. “Really taking over the reigns of the little issues that we don’t have to deal with. Somebody’s upset with their boyfriend, those kind of things. It happens.” Byrd said she felt weird going into the season having to be a

Jackie Jeffers | THE BEACON

Freshman Jazmyn Johnson weaves through a dribbling course during morning practice with assistant coach Sean Kelly carefully observing her technique. leader as a junior, but her coaches prepared her well. “It was a different transition, but I think we’ve got it down,” Byrd said. “I like to motivate my teammates on the court by trying to energize them, and being upbeat. I like to make them feel like they’re the best out there.” Pupa notes that it helps that the team is close this year. She believes a lot of the comaraderie has to do with off-the-court bonding. The Pilots recently volunteered at a low-income elementary school together, where they played at recess with kids and taught them the fundamentals of basketball. “It’s just fun to do stuff together and give back to the community,” Pupa said. “A lot of the kids come out to our games afterward because they look up to

us. They tell us that they have our poster in their room. It’s cute.” This year’s team does not have a large gap in ability and experience on the court, because they are all so close in age. “There are no huge superstars on the team,” Pupa said. “We’re all just together working really hard, playing off each other’s strengths and getting better as a group.” The Pilots are not sure if last year’s second-highest WCC scorer and top Pilot’s scorer, junior Cassandra Brown, who averaged 9.9 points per game, will be a able to play this season due to an offseason surgery to repair an injury to her sternum. “She may have to redshirt this year. We should know within a month whether she will be there to help or not,” Sollars said. “It

would be a great help if she could come, because she’s our best shooter.” Brown hit a career-high of 32 points in the second round of the WCC Championships last year against the Santa Clara Broncos, becoming the first person to hit the 30-point mark in a game for the Pilots since 2009. Even if Brown is unable to play, the Pilots are ready to show their hard work on the court. They hope that Pilot fans will come out to support them this year, something that has not been the case in past years. “I want them to know that it’s going to be a completely different season,” Wooton said. “They’re going to have a lot of exciting things to watch.”

Pilots prepare to tame the Cougars

After winning five of their last six games to end the season, the Pilots earned a No. 4 seed in the NCAA Tournament. UP hosts Washington State tomorrow at 7 p.m. Katie Dunn Staff Writer The Pilots blew their preseason prediction of finishing eighth in the WCC out of the water. The regular season ended Nov. 3 with a win against San Francisco 5-0 and UP finished second in the conference with an 11-4-4 overall record just behind WCC champion Brigham Young University. UP earned a No. 4 seed in the NCAA Tournament for the 13th consecutive year and their 20th in 21 years. They will host Washington State tomorrow, Nov. 9 at 7 p.m. WSU is 12-6-1 going into the playoffs. The Cougars made the tournament after going on a three-game winning streak, defeating Pac-12 rivals Oregon State, Oregon and Washington. They have appeared in the playoffs four of the last five years. Last year the Pilots finished fifth in the WCC and lost in the second round of the NCAA Tournament. The team hopes

this postseason will be a different story. The general sense is that the team is peaking at just the right time. Junior defender Kendall Johnson was named 2012 WCC Defender of the Year as well as being named to the All-WCC first team with junior forward Amanda Frisbie. Frisbie also was named WCC Player of the Month for October. “I have an unbelievable team that surrounds me and I could not do it without them,” Frisbie said. The Pilots overcame a short slump in the middle of the season to end with five wins in the last six games. “We can handle anything,” Johnson said. “We’ve come back, we’ve lost and we’ve faced a lot of challenges.” The postseason holds teams that are at the top of every conference in the country, but head coach Garrett Smith has complete confidence in his team. “I don’t think any team wants to play us in the country now,” Smith said.

With a healthy team and a set group of starters, the Pilots have gotten into a groove with each other. They don’t want to break up the consistency this team is putting out on the field, and will keep a set lineup in the playoffs. With only one senior, defender Taylor Brooke, the Pilots were looking for everyone to step up and play their role to get to achieve their goal of post season play.

“I don’t think any team wants to play us in the country now.”

Garrett Smith Head Coach

“Our motto has been ‘Show Them Portland’. We need to not respond to them and just show them what we have,” Frisbie said. The game Nov. 3 against the San Francisco Dons showed everyone who Portland is and how they are approaching the

Photograph courtesy of

WCC Player of the Month and All-WCC first team selection junior forward Amanda Frisbie fires a shot against San Francisco. playoffs. The Pilots scored five goals and had 28 shots in their 5-0 win. This win moved them up to second and solidified a spot for UP in the playoffs. The Pilots are no strangers to the playoffs and know they have to keep bringing the effort and focus onto the field no matter who they play. The Pilots have

focused on defense and being energetic from the first minute to the last. “We need to keep our momentum going,” Johnson said. “We can not take any game for granted and have to come out with lots of energy.”


Athlete tattoos: passion embedded in the skin Continued from page 16 “It’s something my dad always used to say to me and my brother when we were growing up,” Kersh said. “This is the most time I’ve spent away from my family, so I just wanted something that connected me with them.” Another UP athlete whose tattoos represent his family background is junior basketball player Korey Thieleke. Thieleke’s family, especially his grandparents who helped raise him, is a big part of his life. One of his nine tattoos actually reads, “Family.” Thieleke says his tattoos are so much a part of him that at times he forgets he has them until people make comments. “Old ladies in the Cove line will be like, ‘Oh my gosh I like your family tattoo,’” Thieleke said. Some of Thieleke’s first tattoos were his four Chinese symbols on his forearms, two on each arm. They mean “patience,” “blessed,” “respect,” and “loyalty.” “I choose these in high school. It was a family decision, my mom and brothers helped me choose them,” Theileke said. “Drawing them out, I liked these the most.” Thieleke drew his Chinese symbols as well as the clowns on his right shoulder that represent the phrase, “Laugh now, cry later.” “It’s what we lived by growing up,” Thieleke said. “Live life to the fullest while you’re young, regret bad decisions and cry about it later.” The men’s soccer team is less known for having tattoos, only two players have them: senior defensive player Marc Tonkel and sophomore defensive player Alex Gatewood. Gatewood explains that in sports like cross country and basketball, athletes are allowed to have their tattoos show, but in men’s soccer they are not. “Our program wants to have more of a clean cut look,”

Gatewood said. “We’re not allowed to have any sleeves on our arms or anything.” Gatewood has three tattoos that you cannot see when he’s in his soccer uniform. His tattoos represent his Germanic and Northern European heritage. Gatewood has the tree, called Yggdrasil, and stags on his calf that represent his family’s heritage. “My brother and I are into learning about where our family came from,” Gatewood said. “The tree and animals each represent something different in Norse mythology and my life.” Gatewood got his first tattoo, a Norse rune on his thigh meaning his name, on his 18th birthday. “I just always thought tattoos were the coolest thing. I wanted to get one for my birthday, so I got one,” Gatewood said. “Besides the family background, that was really the main reason.” It’s not only guys who are inked, but there are some tough women athletes who have tattoos, too. Freshman soccer midfielder Shelby Vaver has two tattoos. Her first tattoo is a Celtic knot on the back of her neck that represents her family and her Celtic Scottish heritage. “I got it for my 18th birthday,” Vaver said. “It’s special to me because my mom took me to get it.” Her other tattoo is a dream catcher on her rib cage. “When I was little, my grandfather told me the story about the dream catcher and how it protects you,” Vaver said. “I got it to symbolize him, as well as protection.” Shelby says she likes to show her passion of soccer on the field and her other passions on her body through her tattoos. “I think there is a connection between showing your passion on the field and showing your passion by portraying your inner self to others,” Vaver said.


This week in sports Women’s Soccer The women’s soccer team made it to their 13th straight NCAA Tournament and 20th in the last 21 years as the team host’s Washington State on Nov. 9 at 7 p.m. If the Pilots knock out WSU, they will face the winner of Michigan vs. Central Michigan. WSU finished with a 12-6-1 record.

Men’s Soccer

The men’s soccer team improved their slim playoff chances of making it into the NCAA Tournament with a 2-1 win over San Diego. Their record puts them as a middle of the pack team with a 7-9-1 overall record and a 5-5 conference record. The team finishes out the regualar season on the road against Gonzaga on Nov. 7 at 2 p.m. The Pilots then travel to San Francisco for their final regular season game on Nov. 11 at 12 p.m.

Cross Country

After taking the WCC conference championship on Oct. 27, the team travels to Seattle, Wash. on Nov. 9 at 1:15 p.m. to take part in the West Regional of the NCAA Tournament. The women’s team will also compete in the regional at noon after placing second in the WCC conference championship.

Men’s Basketball The Pilots trounced ConcordiaIrvine 77-66 on Nov. 3 behind a 27 point effort by junior guard Tanner Riley. The team will travel to face Ohio University on Nov. 10 at 11 a.m. Ohio returns nearly their entire roster that led the team to a Sweet 16 appearance in last year’s NCAA Tournament.

Women’s Basketball

The women’s basketball team demolished Concordia 88-51 behind sophomore Kari Luttinen’s 18 points and junior Alexis Byrd’s 17 points. The Pilots travel to Cal-State Northridge on Nov. 9 at 5 p.m. before traveling to face No. 9 Louisville on Nov. 11 at 9 a.m. Photographs taken by Giovanna Solano| THE BEACON

(Top, clockwise, left to right) senior Aiden Irish, junior David Perry, junior Korey Thieleke’s Chinese symbols, junior Alex Gatewood, Thieleke’s “Cali Bred”


WOMENS SOCCER IN FIRST ROUND OF NCAA PLAYOFFS! With a No. 4 seed, the Pilots take on WSU at home Friday, Nov. 9 at 7 p.m.



The story November 8, 2012


behind the


Taylor Tobin Staff Writer Our athletes are disciplined. Our athletes are competitive. Our athletes are tough. Some of our athletes are even inked. That’s right, underneath all of that sweat, you can see what is important to our athletes by the

designs and words tattooed on their skin. Many of the Pilots with tattoos are cross country runners. Junior cross country runner David Perry has four tattoos. “Runners have a fascination with pain, because our whole sport hurts when we race. It’s a weird process, because it hurts so bad, but once it’s done it’s beau-

tiful and something you have for the rest of your life. It’s kind of like a race, but you get to keep it,” Perry said. “And I guess we’re not wearing a lot of clothes, so you can see them for the majority of the time.” Perry’s favorite tattoo is the Ferrari horse on his forearm. On either side of the horse are his uncle’s initials. Four years ago,

Perry’s uncle passed away, and he got the tattoo in remembrance of him. Junior cross country runner Stephen Kersh shows off his thigh tattoo when he wears running shorts. His tattoo is a line from William Blake’s, “Auguries of Innocence.” It reads “And eternity in an hour.” See Athlete Tattoos, page 15

All photographs taken by Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON

(Above) Junior Korey Thieleke’s dragon tattoo. (Left to right, top to bottom) Thieleke’s “Laugh Now, Cry Later,” junior Alex Gatewood, freshman Shelby Vaver, junior Stephen Kersh’s “And eternity in an hour,” and junior David Perry’s “Family”.

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