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The Vol. 112, Issue 07

BEACON The University of Portland’s student newspaper

Fake ‘pot’ raises concern:

Thursday October 14, 2010 www.upbeacon.net

Synthetic marijuana use is not widespread at UP, but is not unheard of

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A University of Portland student, whom we’ll call Alex for purposes of this article, gets high legally. “The only reason I do it is to smoke with my friends who can’t smoke marijuana,” Alex said. In an interview with The Beacon, he admitted to using synthetic marijuana, also known as Spice incense or K2. Spice, which is marketed as “incense,” is a legal blend of plants that is sprayed with chemicals that can produce the same high produced by THC in marijuana when smoked. Students might use it to avoid positive drug tests, but experts warn that it is a dangerous substance. While there is no evidence that use of Spice on campus is widespread, it’s not unheard of. Kristina Houck, a counselor at the Health Center, warns students


Editor’s Note: The Beacon has a policy to generally avoid the use of anonymous sources because we believe that our readers are entitled to know the identities of sources of information so they can evaluate for themselves their credibility. We may make exceptions when we believe the public benefit of publishing a story that could best be told only with an anonymous source or sources outweighs the value of the policy. In this case, we decided that because the story of student use of synthetic marijuana illuminates a public health issue, we would grant anonymity and the pseudonym “Alex” to the student who spoke to us for this story. We do not make this exception lightly, but with the hope it will spark awareness and constructive discussion about the use of “spice.”

against using this product. “There is a lot of risk in putting unknown, unpredictable and unregulated substances in your body,” she said. A newsletter from the Oregon Poison Center relays the same message: “The Oregon Poison Center and other poison centers have noted many patients who develop symptoms that bring them to the Emergency Department: Tachycardia Agitation, paranoia, hypertension and mydriasis.” However, it stipulates that the evidence is inconclusive. “It remains unclear if these side effects are due to another drug that is added to these products, or if this is simply the effect of an overdose of the known constituents,” the article said. This uncertainty is exactly what worries Houck. “Nobody knows exactly what it is. The precise make-up varies dramatically,” she said. “To not know what you’re putting in your body is dangerous.” Alex first tried Spice over the summer when a friend introduced him to it. “This summer my friend was on probation and was tested. So during the testing period, he just smoked Spice,” Alex said. Alex understands the risk, but says he has never had a problem with the product himself. “It’s a random mix of herbs and plants, so I guess if you’re sensitive to anything you could have an allergic reaction,” Alex said. Alex said that Spice costs around $45 for three grams. It’s sold at head shops and some convenience stores. Spice is legal in Oregon, but is banned in 12 other states, such as Georgia and Kentucky. There has


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Elizabeth Vogel Staff Writer vogel11@up.edu


See Spice, page 4

The Facts About Spice • Spice is a plant blend sprayed with chemicals that have been proven to produce the same high as marijuana. • Spice is legal in Oregon, but illegal in 12 other states. • Spice does not show up positive in drug tests. • The effects of spice are unpredictable and sometimes dangerous. • Costs around $45 for three grams

Take a Look... What’s inside this week’s issue

Living Hands up! Tommy Stoffel profile See page 5

Paged designed by Elizabeth Tertadian

Living The Beacon ventures inside the Kenna sauna See page 7

Commentary Want peace in Sudan? So does Elizabeth Keaveny See page 13

2  October 14, 2010

On On Campus Campus

“Present Laughter” Tonight, the Department of Performing and Fine Arts presents “Present Laughter.” The show begins at 7:30 in the Hunt Center Theater. The show will also run Friday. For tickets, call 503-943-7287. “What Christians should know about islam” Tonight, UP theology professor Will Deming will present “What Christians Should Know About Islam” in Buckley Center 163 at 7:30. He will explore the basic facts of Islam and dispel typical misconceptions associated with Islam. It is free and open to the public. fruit and flower playground renovation Saturday, the Service and Justice Coordinators are sponsoring a Fruit and Flower Playground Renovation from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Volunteers are needed to help build two new playstructures, sand and seal the old structures and pour concrete. Food, drinks and music will be provided for all volunteers, and transportation to and from UP will be provided. Contact cannon12@up.edu to participate. Blessed Brother Display Sunday, the University Museum will display photographs and artifacts it created about the canonization of the first saint of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Blessed Brother André Bassette, C.S.C. The display is located in the case across from the Shepard Freshman Resource Center on the first floor of Buckley Center. The display will be in place until Oct. 27. Red Mass Oct. 25, the Red Mass and Lecture begins at 5:30 p.m. in Chapel of Christ the Teacher. It continues with a lecture by Patricia O’Hara at 6:30 p.m. in the Buckley Center Auditorium. For more information, contact powell@up.edu. Corrections In the Oct. 7 article, “Making Sense of Your Dollars,” in the part labeled “Who gets big bucks?” it said the Office of Student Accounts is allocated $9,894. It is actually the Office of Student Activities. In the Oct. 7 article headline, “UP presents ‘This Present Laughter,’” and the On-Campus report on p. 2, it incorrectly lists the play’s title. The correct title of the play is “Present Laughter.” In the Sept. 30 article, “Inked Expressions,” “agape” was incorrectly referred to as a Hebrew word. In fact, it is Greek. The Beacon regrets the errors.

Accuracy in The Beacon

The Beacon strives to be fair and accurate. The newspaper corrects any significant errors of fact brought to the attention of the editors. If you think an error has been made, contact us at beacon@up.edu. Corrections will be printed above.

Homecoming dance produces uproar Dance brings controversy: lack of communication about sell-out, students acting up and new check-in system Gaona Yang Staff Writer yang11@up.edu When senior Stephanie Chamness ventured from her Friday afternoon class to the Student Activities office at 3:30, she hoped to purchase her Homecoming dance ticket. Instead, she was greeted on the way by friend Olivia Silva, junior, who informed her that the ticket booth had just been cleared. Disappointed, Chamness checked the Homecoming Facebook page and the University announcements for updates on ticket sales, but there were no notices about the Saturday night dance being sold out. Since she heard students chatting about tickets being sold out, Chamness finally called a friend from ASUP and was told that they probably could not admit anyone else into the dance. “There was no official information we could find that said the dance was sold out,” Chamness said. “We thought it was really bad communication.” This year’s Homecoming dance was the first to be sold out prior to the start of the event, which resulted in complaints on several fronts. Students received no announcements about the sell-out. New card readers prevented students from trading tickets, as they had in past years. Angry students lashed out at coordinators. “Since we’d never sold out before the actual dance,” CPB Director and junior Hillary White said, “we didn’t know what to expect.” With enrollment increasing, the Homecoming dance has also topped the charts in popularity. Last year, Homecoming was three tickets shy of selling out. The Homecoming dance has been hosted at the Melody Ballroom for many years, and this year was no exception. The venue has a maximum occupancy of 1,100 persons. This means only one-third of the student population can be admitted. This year, 735 tickets were free for students who attended the alcohol speaker’s presentation. While CPB aims to provide events for all students, safety regulations limit capacity at offcampus venues. However, relocating to a larger venue would significantly increase expenses and ticket prices, White said. “I know it’s traditional to go to the same venues, but we’re also breaking tradition by bringing more students in to UP,” Chamness said. “That doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t reflect our growth as a student body.” Despite the sellout, only 986 students showed up to the dance, meaning 114 ticket-holding students did not attend.

Alissa White | THE BEACON

New card readers were introduced this year in hopes of maintaining accountability for students and preventing overflow of guests. At this year’s Homeoming dance on Oct. 2, students who tried to get in with a friend’s ticket were denied access to the dance.

Card readers prevent students from cheating the system

Students have strong reactions

A contributing factor to the dance controversy was a new system that links student ID numbers to dance tickets. CPB implemented the card readers, which cost $10,000 for the system and direct programming with UP information, in hopes of maintaining accountability for students and preventing overflow of guests. “We wanted the card readers for risk management,” White said. “All procedures are to keep students safe.” The new card readers’ debuts this year will make students think twice about giving away or selling their tickets. In order to enter a dance, the student must appear in the reader’s system. This is to monitor how many and which students attend the event. After a student purchases, wins or attains a ticket through volunteering, CPB will record his or her ID number into the reader’s system to indicate that the student is in possession of a ticket. When the student’s ID card is scanned at the dance, the system will indicate that the student has access to the event. This way if a student loses the ticket, he or she would still be able to attend. If another student finds that lost ticket and attempts to enter the dance after the original ticketholder has already entered the dance, he or she would not be able to enter the dance because her ID number would not be in the system. “What I saw was students trying to deceive us saying they had tickets,” Jeromy Koffler, director of Student Activities, said. “They tried to beat the system even when we told them at the bus line that they needed to already have a ticket.” Those students were allowed to ride the buses to the site of the dance but were turned away. Tickets are still transferrable among students only if the exchange is done in advance and the students directly confirm the exchange with White or Jillian Smith, assistant director for Student Clubs. ID cards will continue to be required to enter dances. CPB has not decided whether actual tickets must be present as well, White said. “From an organizer’s point of view, this system is fair and consistent,” Koffler said. “From a student’s point of view, it’s not fair and it’s not right.” The card readers also provided a more efficient service for admitting students into the dance. In the time it took for one person to enter the dance via the previous paper ticket system, three people would have been checked in with the readers. The system also time-stamps each entry, an important detail aimed to help organizers and students in an emergency. Koffler agreed that students’ safety is the primary concern when planning an event, and that students, too, should plan in advance. “It’s hard to predict the future,” Koffler said. “CPB will definitely assess the future and try to do good work to make good decisions in the future.”

The sell-out surprised many students who assumed they could get a ticket at the last minute. “We had to make decisions and some students didn’t agree with the choices we made,” White said. Those decisions included whether CPB would sell out on Friday or hold tickets to sell at the door. Since there was a high demand for tickets prior to the start of the dance, CPB decided against holding tickets for the dance in the case that students heard that the dance was sold out and didn’t show up to buy the tickets on site. While Chamness and her friends were disappointed that tickets were sold out, they resigned themselves to a change of plans for Homecoming weekend. Other students were not so tame. Some students used the UP’s directory to track down White. They approached White and her friends in hopes of gaining entrance into the dance. They showed up to her room on several occasions to request tickets. “My privacy was invaded,” White said. “I was surprised. I had to tell the front desk not to let anyone come see me. My friends are not affiliated with CPB, and even they were approached. That took it too far.” Others chose to lash out at Smith. “I saw a whole different side of UP students and how they can behave,” Smith said. “It was a little disappointing.” Smith was called a “b----” several times by students who were turned away at the dance. Students were acting out of anger and frustration, Smith said. Many used profanity and walked away saying, “This is ridiculous.” It is fine for students to voice opinions and explain how they feel about the situation, but some went overboard, Smith said. “This was not students stating opinions but arguing to get their way,” Smith said. “Just be calm and respectful. Have a conversation. If you’re acting that irrational, we’re not going to let you in anyway.” While White understood students’ anger and frustration, she suggested that students reconsider their actions in the future. “I wish it didn’t happen because UP students are better than that,” White said. “It’s never okay to use profanity or harsh language with a fellow student or staff member. It’s not condoned, appreciated or tolerated.” Though CPB decided not to turn in any students, White said that students need to be aware that future lashing out may be reported to Natalie Shank, assistant director of Residence Life and student conduct coordinator, for repercussions. “It’s unfortunate that those were the choices they made in their behaviors and responses,” Koffler said. “We feel bad that some students couldn’t attend. Our goal is to be as inclusive as possible. We want events to provide for everyone but it’s not always possible.” Chamness and her friends also gained a valuable experience, she said, though it is a two-way street. “We’ll definitely get our Dance of the Decades tickets earlier. But if organizers want it to be where most of the student body can go, then go to bigger venue,” Chamness said. “Put more information online and update the sites to get messages out. For me, miscommunication was the big issue.”

The Beacon — www.upbeacon.net  3

Burglary, car theft, prowler alarm off-campus students It’s not clear if incidents are related Laura Frazier Staff Writer frazier13@up.edu Over the past three weeks, at least one UP student living off campus has reported a burglary, and others have repeatedly seen a suspicious person hiding in bushes and peering in windows. Senior Alma Madrial had her house on North Willamette Boulevard broken into on the morning of Sept. 27. Her housemate’s car was stolen as well. Madrial said that the burglar tore the screen off a window and used a chair to get inside, then grabbed iPods, credit cards and pots and pans before finding her housemate’s car keys and stealing the car. The burglar also took a bike. In the morning, Madrial came downstairs and was shocked at the damage. She estimates the overall loss to be at about $1,700. Fortunately, the car was found abandoned a few days later. Madrial does not know where it was founded. Though none of the inhabitants woke up during the break-in, one of Madrial’s roommates does remember hearing something. “One of our roommates did hear someone moving around,” she said. “But there are so many

of us you get used to people coming in and out of the house all the time.” They called Portland Police and were advised to lock all the doors and windows. Also, they were told to remember to close the blinds and leave a light on at night to deter another break-in. Inhabitants of a house near North Portsmouth Avenue and North Harvard Street have recently reported seeing a suspicious man in the area. Sophomore Kollin Wadsack, who does not live at the residence, first saw the figure of a head looking in the window last Wednesday. The figure was hiding in the bush outside the window. He said it was a white male, probably in his mid-20s and 5’10’’ with short dark hair. Sophomore Ryan McLaughlin, who is a resident of the house, alerted the neighbors. The neighbors then said that they had previously seen a man outside late at night but assumed it was someone the residents knew. They asked that the neighbors alert them if they saw him again. Then last Saturday, the housemates saw a suspicious, large van parked outside the house. This caused junior Renata Fusso to call 911. As a police car arrived on the scene to check out the car, Fusso’s neighbors ran up to the house to say they saw a man in their backyard staring in

the windows. McLaughlin said that since then, they have increased the security in the house by adding new locks and alarms on the windows. Portland Police said they would increase patrols in the surrounding area and advised them to not confront the person if he returns, in case he is armed. Fusso is comforted that the police are aware of the situation, but the problem is still on her mind. “I feel a little better that we are more protected now,” she said. “But I don’t think I’ll feel completely normal till he’s gone.” It is unknown if the robbery and prowler situations are related. Harold Burke-Sivers, Public Safety director, says safety checks are available for off-campus students who request it. “Every year I come out and do a complete walk through inside and outside the house,” he said. “ I would be happy to do that for any student.” Burke-Sivers said that students should call 911 immediately if they see anything suspicious.

Safety Tips Angela Wagnon, Portland Crime Prevention Officer, suggests that students: • Lock doors and windows even when in the home • Make sure exterior doors are deadbolted and have peep holes • Don’t leave valuable items in view from windows • Make sure that there is ample lighting around the outside of the house • Keep bushes outside trimmed so that there are no hiding places in the yard • Make sure to not give out extra sets of house keys or leave a hide-a-key • Call 911 if you see a suspicious person. Note the address and where the person seemed to be heading • Always report crime! There is also the option of the non-emergency line. Call 503-823-3333 if there is no suspect information or if the crime has already occurred.

Freshman retention reaches all-time high UP freshman rentention rises to almost 90 percent Sarah Hansell Staff Writer hansell14@up.edu According to the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems as of 2008, 74.7 percent of US college students return to school after their freshman year. In Oregon, the percentage is 74.1 percent. At UP, it is now 89.2 percent – the highest ever. The freshman retention rate has improved from 86 percent in 2008 to the current record high, according to Karen Nelson, director of Institutional Research at UP. “You can tell people care and people are making this an issue,” said Eric Anctil, professor of the School of Education and member of the Rentention Task Force. In October of 2008, President William E. Beauchamp created the Retention Task Force with the goal of improving retention at UP. The Task Force made about 40 recommendations, which were carried out by a group called The Enrollment Management Group, headed by John Goldrick, vice president for enrollment management and student life. “The reason the University has been successful at retaining more students…is because the University has begun to operationalize (the Task Force’s) recommendations,” Eric Anctil, professor in the School of Education and member of the Task Force said. Academic changes are being made to help students achieve better grades and pass their classes, such as altering math classes to a more doable level and also requiring professors to issue midterm grades.

“All lower level classes have to give out midterm grades, so that gives students earlier feedback about their academic process,” Nelson said. “It helps them adjust.” There are also changes to improve the social atmosphere for UP freshmen, such as the Shepard Freshmen Resource Center, the pre-academic year service plunge for new students, and requiring freshmen to live on campus. “We put in a requirement (for freshmen) to live on campus with the idea that living on campus creates stronger ties to the community,” Nelson said. Stronger advising and resources such as the Shepard Freshman Resource Center help provide freshmen with the resources and guidance they need when they are feeling as though UP isn’t where they belong. “When students are feeling that this isn’t the right fit, they often don’t tell anyone until they’ve made up their mind, and then there’s no chance to help them find a way to fit here if this is the right place for them,” said Kristen Bryant, special projects coordinator at UP. However, the main thing the University is trying to improve is that freshmen feel they belong here. “One of the biggest things we focused on (in) the Retention Task Force was goodness of fit,” Anctil said. “What can we do to make people feel like they made the right choice and fit in here?” According to last year’s retention rates and what many freshmen say, the University is achieving its goal. “I think part of it is admissions is doing a great job making sure students knows the school and know it’ll be a good fit,” Bryant said. “The reason why I want to stay here is that I like the small classroom sizes,” freshman Alyssa Opland said. “And I didn’t think I

would, but I like the small size of the university, it makes it more like a community.” UP continues to implement changes to improve not just freshmen experiences, but the experiences of all of its students, and provide students with the resources they need when they are questioning whether or not UP is the place Scott Chia | THE BEACON for them. Freshmen Alison Wrede, Emilie Carroll and Jordan Anderson study outside. UP “Changes to advising freshman retention increased to 89.2 percent last year, up from 86 percent in 2008. are not quick, because that’s take very seriously,” Bryant said. something the faculty look at and

Attention Students:

Are you planning to: change or cancel your housing, move on campus, or change your meal plan

for Spring Semester? If you are making ANY changes to your UP housing for spring semester, you must submit a petition form to ResLife. This form is available in BC 101. If you would like to move on campus spring semester, submit a mid-year housing application. This form is available in BC 101. November 15th is the deadline for these petitions and applications. Questions? Please contact us (visit BC 101 or call 503.943.7205)

4  October 14, 2010

Technical problems vex ASUP ASUP had a rough start to the semester because they couldn’t access important documents Natalie Wheeler Staff Writer wheelern12@up.edu

“Access is denied. You do not have permission to enter.” Those are the words that have been driving ASUP executive officers crazy. Since the start of the semester, ASUP has had problems accessing its network drive, which holds much of the archived information that ASUP needs to function. Only the five executive officers and Jeremy Koffler, ASUP adviser and director of student activities, have access to the drive. But for weeks they did not. Because all the budgets and club balances are on that drive, the problem most hampered ASUP treasurer, Ben Thompson. “My job was essentially gone,” Thompson said. “I still had to come in for office hours, but I couldn’t do anything.” Thompson’s job deals mainly with allocating funds to the various clubs. But since he had no idea how much each club’s balance was, Thompson had his hands tied. “I had receipts piling up,” Thompson said. “Some people waited almost a month to get reimbursed.” Those receipts are from the money spent by clubs. When ASUP decides how much money to allocate to each club, the clubs are not given cash, just permission to spend that money. The club treasurers then give the receipts to Thompson to reimburse them. Thompson says that he was lucky it happened early in the year, when clubs generally

spend less. “Surprisingly, I didn’t get complaints, but it was due to the fact that it was early in the semester,” Thompson said. “I had 15 to 20 reimbursements to make, but in October or November I would’ve had 50 to 100.” To frustrate the matter, there was an apparent communication problem. Unbeknownst to Thompson, Koffler had a copy of the ASUP budget with club allocations saved on another drive. While that file would not have provided all the information Thompson needed to reimburse clubs, he still would have benefited from the information. “To an extent (the budget)

“My job was essentially gone. I still had to come in for office hours, but I couldn’t do anything.” Ben Thompson ASUP treasurer and senior would have helped,” Thompson said. “I got around three e-mails a day asking about the budget.” After five weeks of trial and error, the Office of Technical Services was able to restore access for the ASUP officers. The initial problem with the drive started the week before school started, when the ASUP executive officers arrived to prepare for the school year. When the Office of Technical Services came out to solve the problem, the issue seemed to be fixed. “We had permission for two or three days, but over the weekend we were locked off again,” Thompson said. “Had we known, we would’ve pulled off everything and saved them on our desktop.” Over the course of the next five weeks, ASUP and Technical Services scrambled to try to fix the problem. They even replaced

some computers in the ASUP office to see if it was their desktops, rather than the server, which were the issue – but still no luck. “I placed between 20 and 30 calls to (Technical Services) personally,” Thompson said. “All six of us were in contact with them almost every day.” Katie Scally, ASUP vice president, had to put together binders for the new ASUP Senate on their retreat. Many of the papers that go in that binder were in the missing network drive. “I had to work from memory for some papers,” Scally said. “It was just more work.” While there is still uncertainty, it seems the problem had to do with turning on permissions. On campus, there are various levels of permissions for files saved on the UP server, which can be turned on or off. This summer, many these permissions were turned off due to a virus. Technical Services had restored access, but the ASUP network drive might have slipped through their fingers. “There was a really nasty virus that happened over the summer,” Tom Ank, network engineer, said. “We had turned off Scott Chia | THE BEACON the ability to save files to ASUP treasurer and senior Ben Thompson, along with the other ASUP the network.” Kevork Isikbay, help executive board members, experienced server difficulties since before the desk specialist for the Of- semester began. The problem has since been resolved. fice of Technical Services, segregating student and faculty doing my job,” Scally said. “It’s said that the hectic nature of the networks around that time, which just undermined my effort.” start of school added to the con- might have contributed to the Not all of this was in vain. fusion. problem. Thompson has also learned an “In the beginning of the Despite the setback, Scally important lesson about docuschool year, our office was very said that not being able to access ments. busy,” Isikbay said. “We had the network drive was more of an “See? Look!” Thompson said. some changes in the department annoyance for her than a probTurning his computer, he as well.” lem. shows those precious ASUP files The Office of Technical Ser“It hasn’t prevented me from now saved on his desktop. vices was also in the process of

SPICE: UP may institute ban Continued from page 1 been discussion of an Oregon ban. “My understanding is that they are working on legislation to make it not legal,” Houck said. Although Spice is currently legal in Oregon, that does not mean that the University will allow use of the products on campus. “It violates the spirit of the


drug policy,” said Natalie Shank, the assistant director of the Office of Residence Life and student conduct coordinator. “It has to do with harm to self, and it has to do with respect for self. It also has a community impact.” There is currently no specific reference to the use of legal synthetic narcotics in The University of Portland’s drug policy, but Harold Burke-Sivers, director of Public Safety, hopes to help change that.

“The bottom line for me is that this stuff is dangerous. I plan on recommending that the University draft a policy similar to the weapons policy (where we ban weapons and simulated weapons) that would impose a ban on synthetic narcotics,” he said in an e-mail. Shank said that the University might take action under the current policy if a student were found in possession of Spice on campus.

“I might charge it if I think it is a possible violation. That way we can have a transparent discussion with the person being charged,” she said. According to Shank, it’s the same approach they would use if a student was found using another legal product to get high, such as aerosol or glue. Like BurkeSivers, she can foresee the policy changing in the future, although for now she is not greatly concerned.

“I haven’t heard a lot of buzz. It’s something we need to think about. We’ll probably add something to the policy in the near future,” she said. Burke-Sivers confirmed, “The Public Safety department has received no reports of synthetic marijuana use on campus.”

The UP Public Safety Report 2


1 4

1. Oct. 8, 11:02 p.m. - Public Safety officers responded to a neighbor complaint of a party at a house in the 7400 block of N. Haven. The neighbor reported that he observed a couple of the partygoers were urinating on the side of his house. PPB was also dispatched to the same address on a separate call. The party was shut down by PPB due to a fight at the same address. 2. Oct. 9, 12:45 a.m. - Public Safety officers responded to a noise complaint at a house in the 5000 block of N. Syracuse St. A neighbor complained of loud music and people screaming in the street. Officers contacted the renters and told them to keep the noise down. 3. Oct. 9, 11:31 p.m. - Public Safety received a noise complaint about a house at the 7900 block of N. Portsmouth Ave. The complainant was advised to call Portland Police. 4. Oct. 10, 12:01 a.m. - Public Safety officers made contact with an intoxicated student on N. Willamette Blvd. The individual was release to the care of his hall director. 5. Oct. 10, 2:09 a.m. - Public Safety responded to a noise complaint at the 5800 block of N. Warren St. Officers spoke with the renters and asked that they keep people inside.


The Beacon — www.upbeacon.net  5

From hall director on The Bluff to cop on the street Former Villa Hall Director Tommy Stoffel is embracing the challenges and benefits of his new career as a Portland Police officer

Meet Officer Tommy Stoffel

Hometown: North Portland, right off Lombard Street Age: 31

Best perk about being a cop: Job security Desired superpower: Being able to write police reports with a snap of my fingers Favorite sports team: Oregon Ducks football Favorite food: Pho and Mexican

Proudest moment: Being hired by the Portland Police Bureau Favorite movie: “The Big Lebowski”

Alma Maters: Central Catholic High School, University of Oregon Photo Courtesy of Tommy Stoffel

Laura Frazier Staff Writer frazier13@up.edu Life has changed lately for Tommy Stoffel. Instead of Tommy, he is often called Officer Stoffel. Instead of working with college students, he handles criminals. Instead of sitting comfortably at a restaurant, Stoffel keeps his eye on the door, carrying his gun even when he’s off duty. But the former Villa Maria hall director wouldn’t want it any other way. “I knew I wanted a job that was meaningful and had some sort of community aspect,” he said. “That, combined with my desire to drive with lights and sirens, pointed to one thing and one thing only.” That one thing has become being a police officer for the Portland Police Bureau. However, during high school, Stoffel felt destined for the religious life. “I felt called to priesthood in high school,” he said. “The more time I spent at U of O, the stronger the calling got.” After graduation, he applied for St. Albert’s Priory in Oakland, Calif. and became a Dominican seminarian. Then Stoffel found himself back in Portland, finished at the priory but without a job. Stoffel saw what Ken Hallenius, former classmate in the Dominicans, was doing as the hall director of Tyson and Haggerty Halls. Hallenius connected him with people in UP Residence Life, and helped him apply for the hall director position at Villa Maria. Stoffel’s connections paid off. “I got it, which ended up being an awesome thing in my life,” he said. Fr. Gerry Olinger C.S.C, assistant to UP President Fr. E. William Beauchamp C.S.C., remembers the first time Stoffel spoke at the all-hall speech. “He was just pumped about it,” he said. “He was so excited about that moment.” It’s this enthusiasm that guided Stoffel’s role to students in Villa. “No other hall is really like Villa,” he said. “I kind of saw myself as everyone’s older brother.” Senior Ryan Alice, who worked with Stoffel as an RA last year, saw how Stoffel wanted to mentor students. “There is so much transition and so much going on in this age,” he said. “Tommy recognized that and understood and took it upon himself to work with and talk to every person in the building. He found out who they are and who they want to be and then provided the opportunities.” Stoffel’s mission applied to his own life as well. “Helping them to develop from immaturity to good responsible men, and being a part of that transformation was truly valuable,” he said. According to Alice, Stoffel’s versatility is what made him able to connect with so many students. “There were so many sides to him that he could bring out in you,” he said. “He was part of the reason why Villa is so much fun.” As Stacy Noem, the director pf Campus Ministry, said “he was the Villans’ villain.” After four and half years in this position, Stoffel felt that he was more called to the married life and his ambition of being a

police officer. He started the application process and prepared to leave Villa. It took Stoffel two years to get on the police bureau staff, due to the extensive process including background checks, interviews and health tests. Stoffel made it all the way through before failing to pass the health standard. “I lost at the medical point due to my blood pressure being too high,” he said. “Probably due to the stress of dealing with rowdy Villains.” But Stoffel didn’t give up and was officially instated as a police officer in Feb. 2010. However, he is still on probation. “It’s the thin ice period,” he said. “You have to be very open to training and critique, and you have to avoid mistakes more vigilantly.” So far, Stoffel is embracing the difficulties of his position. “The big challenge is multitasking,” he said. “You have to do several things all at once and very well. At times, it can be pretty overwhelming the amount of information you have to process.” One of the best parts of the job for Stoffel is community appreciation. “I love having people say ‘thank you, officer,’” he said. “Having people thank me after I have cited them for a ticket or arrested them is great. Obviously there are a lot of drunk idiots who won’t thank me, but that’s fun too.” Stoffel said that he often deals with people who have tough problems. “A lot of times people with mental health issues will use drugs or alcohol and that’s when we get called,” he said. “Like a guy is dancing in traffic or running into McDonalds and punching people.” Stoffel wants to portray a positive image of police officers through what he does everyday. “I want to have people walk away and be surprised about the respect they got from a police officer,” he said. “People have a jaded view of Portland Police, and it’s a great feeling to change that opinion.” Stoffel knows his communication skills learned at UP helped him. “To make people feel safe and protected it requires a lot of really good communication skills, like verbal judo,” he said. Fellow Portland Police officer Hayley Shelton also notices how well he works with people. “He’s a smart guy and can communicate with anybody about anything,” she said. Teige Weidner, assistant hall director at Villa, thinks that Stoffel’s collected demanor helps him as a cop. “As a person he’s very level. He never overreacts to anything,” he said. Shelton agrees. “He kind of puts everyone at ease. Everyone just loves being around him,” she said. “I definitely think he has found his niche. It’s clear that Stoffel is more than content with his new career, but he will be a Pilot forever. “I always love having an excuse to come back on campus,” he said. “I just love UP and I have such an awesome feeling when I come back. It’s actually a rare thing that we got here.”

6  October 14, 2010

Cadet on campus gets ‘sense of pride’

Sarah Hansell Staff Writer hansell14@up.edu

We see ROTC cadets every day, saluting and marching and training in the grass fields, or getting lunch in The Commons in their camouflage uniforms.

Bryan Brenize | THE BEACON

Freshman Air Force ROTC cadet Cassie Van Lier performs a fireman’s carry during a recent Leadership Laboratory. The weekly AFROTC lab is an opportunity for cadets to undergo new training and participate in leadership activities.

Maybe one of them is living down the hall from you. We see them every day but we don’t really know what they do or why they do it. Freshman Cassie Van Lier is one of them. The Air Force ROTC program started out as a scholarship opportunity enabling her to pursue a major in nursing and a minor in Spanish studies, but she now sees it as much more. “At first I was completely overwhelmed, and I was like, ‘I’m never going to get the hang of this,’” she said. “But as it goes on, you get this sense of pride.” An Air Force ROTC cadet’s week is similar to that of any other involved UP student, with a few important differences. In addition to her six classes a week, Van Lier also has Air Force class and leadership lab on Tuesdays. Together these last about three and a half hours. Afterwards she attends what the cadets call PT, or physical training, at 6:30 p.m., where she does workouts such as push-ups, sit-ups and running. PT is four times a week, and cadets are required to attend two of those times. Van Lier has voluntary drill practice directly after that. Tuesday is also the day cadets are required to wear their uniforms. A cadet isn’t necessarily very busy with these requirements, according to Van Lier. But she, along with many other students in ROTC, wanted to do more. So she is in voluntary ROTC clubs and participates in ROTC socials and other events. Van Lier is also involved in Spaatz Air Corps, named for Gen. Carl A. Spaatz. Spaatz, as many

of the cadets call it, is a voluntary club that holds fundraisers and does fun activities like skydiving, bungee jumping and visiting flight museums. As for the weekend, Sunday is the day that many students could spend sleeping in, doing homework, studying or relaxing before the week starts. If you have fun with your friends on Saturday, you might cram on Sunday. But instead of reserving half of her weekend for homework and free time, Van Lier is among the many cadets who go to their weekly Arnold Air Society meeting, an Air Force honor society that does volunteer work. This might seem like a very hectic schedule, but there is a lot of support for cadets, such as mentor groups and tutoring resources. “ROTC gives you so many more resources,” Van Lier said. “One of the most valuable parts of it is how many people I’ve met and how many friends I’ve made.” However, Van Lier acknowledges that she is very busy. According to Maj. Mark Durrell, Unit Admissions Officer and Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies, there are several things the officers tell the cadets to help them balance ROTC commitments with schoolwork. “The main key that we talk about with the cadets is time management,” Durrell said. He also stresses the importance of not overextending time commitments. “What we tell (the cadets) is to focus on one club, make that your primary focus. If you join another club that’s fine, just may-

be don’t get as involved,” Durrell said. ROTC students are different from the average college student — not only do they have more responsibilities, but they also will be commissioned to serve for the U.S. Military after they finish college. Yet, despite the fact that the ROTC program gives them different experiences and a much different future, cadets in the program are really not that different from other UP students. They still hang out with their friends, study for tests and cram in their homework at the last minute. “I feel like people think ROTC girls are intimidating, but they’re really just like normal girls,” freshman Alison Kratochvil, Van Lier’s roommate said. The ROTC program, like many other programs on campus, is more than it might seem, just like the students who are part of it. They gain more than just military skills and knowledge. “They get involved in things they never would’ve done before, and as they succeed in those things, they gain confidence,” Durrell said. Van Lier has three more years of ROTC training left until she graduates. She won’t leave UP as simply a college graduate, but also as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force. She’ll then be commissioned to serve for four years, which she will spend as a nurse. “The idea of being in the military and serving your country is pretty rewarding,” she said.

Bryan Brenize | THE BEACON

Van Lier listens to instructions during a recent Leadership Lab consisting of multiple Warrior Fitness Challenges. These exercises help the cadets hone their leadership skills for use both in ROTC and when they are commissioned onto the active duty Air Force.

Enid Spitz Staff Writer spitz13@up.edu Where can you find Henry Adams, Homo erectus and the SUV all in one place? In the collected literary works of UP authors, these subjects, and many more, spark conversation. Students on The Bluff may have the advantage of a small student-to-faculty ratio, but how well do you really know your professors? Maybe professor Matthew Warshawsky of the International Languages and Cultures Department didn’t tell you about his work on “a crypto-Jew in colonial Mexico,” or you might have missed professor of engineering Aziz Inan’s math puzzlers in the Franklin Gazette. UP is home to a large group of published authors, some of whom might be teaching your classes. Last year, 55 UP authors and their writings filled the Library one day with everything from “A female Homo Erectus pelvis from Gona, Ethiopia,” by professor

Authors’ reception celebrates UP authors Robert Butler to physics professor Shannon Mayer’s analysis of the SUV. Today at 3 p.m., the UP Authors’ Reception returns for a second year, offering the community a closer look into the scholarly accomplishments of the university’s faculty. You can think of it as a chance to meet the intellectual rock stars of UP, who often fly under the radar. “The event gives students and faculty a chance to see more facets of the people they work with,” Drew Harrington, dean of the Library and event creator, said. This year’s event will feature 70 authors. Their scholarly articles, nonfiction books and even some works of fiction will be on display on the main floor of the Wilson W. Clark Memorial Library. The Library tries to include all works published in 2009, referring to the annual UP report of professors’ printed works and inviting all staff via the upbeat newsletter so no one is left out. Professor Genevieve Brassard of the English Department enjoyed taking part in the event

last year. “It’s a wonderful initiative from Library staff to remind the UP community of the scholarly part of the teacher’s life,” she said. In addition to their role in

“This is our way of bringing people together in a scholarly way and a human way.”

Drew Harrington dean of the Library

the classroom, professors are required to stay active as intellectuals in their selected field. According to Lars Larson, professor of English, his department requires teachers to publish three scholarly articles to merit tenure. “We follow the philosophy that the truly active teacher delves into the well of scholarship,” Larson said. “I hunger to do more writing.” The University considers it

important that professors, like Larson, have a certain dedication to their subject. “You have to demonstrate that you’re engaged in your profession,” Brassard said. Being engaged involves research, writing and being published. For Tisha Morrell, professor of education, it meant writing the textbook that is required in Educational Research classes. Much of this work goes unnoticed by students. “I’m sure none of my undergraduate students know I wrote a book,” Morrell said. Though much of professors’ work is directed at professionals in their specialized fields, Larson explained what they publish is important to students as part of the academic community. “What we write still matters because we’re pushing the boundaries,” he said. Harrington sought to remedy the disconnect between authors and their students when she began the Authors’ Reception last year. “I wanted us to be connected

in more ways,” she said. “The most important connection is between students and faculty.” Even if you can’t make it to the event, the Library website features a UP Authors’ bibliography with direct links to almost all the featured articles. Students can read what their professors and other UP authors have contributed in areas from mathematics to theology to education. The UP bibliography is a diverse list with something for every interest. The Library encourages all students and staff to visit the event if they are able to. Students can read and learn, meet the authors and enjoy free snacks and refreshments. “This is our way of bringing people together in a scholarly way and a human way,” Harrington said.

UP Authors’ Reception Today at 3 p.m. in the Library

The Beacon — www.upbeacon.net  11

Sweating it out at the Sauna Social Laura Frazier Staff Writer frazier13@up.edu Where can students go to sweat out their issues and embrace the experience of sitting in a dark, smelly room with a bunch of their friends? The Kenna Hall sauna, of course. Thanks to a few UP students, the Thursday night Sauna Social is the new place to be. Last year, sophomore Phil Stenberg started using the sauna in the basement of Kenna Hall regularly after a swimming class. The next thing he knew, he was posting on a white board in the lobby, advertising for company, and found himself joined by most of his wing from Kenna. It wasn’t easy getting people to buy into spending time in the infamous sauna, thanks to a group of Kenna boys four years ago. Stenberg explained how the group of boys made a video where they took black lights into the sauna. Fluids showed up under the light and made the sauna seem disgusting, and students decided not to use it. Stenberg claims that the video was staged. However, sophomore Trevor Webber assures students that the sauna is indeed sanitary. “There is nothing gross about the sauna,” he said. “They clean it every night and we clean up after ourselves.” Another issue complicating the popularity of the Sauna Social was the smell. Stenberg and Webber thought up a creative solution for this problem: they pour tea over the hot rocks. According to both students, it instantly it smells better, at least faintly like tea instead of body odor. But Stenberg thinks that the smell is just another aspect to the sauna.

Sarah Hansell Staff Writer hansell14@up.edu Whenever we surf the Internet, we see headlines about new gadgets and electronic devices to make our lives easier. The headlines read something like, “Newest Multi-Tasking Touch-Screen Hand-Held iMachine Takes Nation by Storm.” Masses of people camp out the night before in front of the store that will be selling this magnificent new product at 6 a.m. The truth is, these new gadgets aren’t just products to keep the market going. They are revolutionizing the classroom, especially in college, where it is becoming increasingly normal to bring your laptop or netbook to class instead of your spiral-bound notebook and No. 2 pencils. “I don’t think how students learn has changed. I think we’ve started to recognize how students learn differently,” Courtney Fletcher, communication studies professor, said. “I think technology, if harnessed correctly, can aid

“The smell is a large complaint,” he said. “But it’s not supposed to smell beautiful.” Webber agrees. “It’s an acquired smell for sure,” he said. Stench aside, the Sauna Social is gaining popularity with students. Stenberg said that last year the most students they had at once was nine, but this year it has increased to 15. Last year, mostly men attended the Sauna Social because girls felt uncomfortable with the whole concept of the sauna, Stenberg said. “I don’t feel like girls are comfortable sweating in front of other people,” he said. But now, Webber said that girls are warming up to the idea. “Girls were kind of afraid,” Webber said. “They did not want to be wet and gross, but now

“When it starts to get uncomfortable, you just know that everyone is in it together.”

Trevor Webber sophomore

more girls do come.” Freshman Amanda Marques needed to be convinced to attend by Webber and Stenberg, but now enjoys the sauna and puts the sweat aspect into perspective. “You really sweat a lot and can’t hide that fact. But guys sweat just as much, or more,” she said. “We are all friends with the guys so it’s not weird.” Marques said that one of the main reasons she attends is for the quirky activities that go along with the Sauna Social, like playing the memory game “concentration” or reciting the Pledge of

Allegiance while standing as to best feel the heat. Webber said that the best aspect of the Sauna Social is the group bonding. “When it starts to get uncomfortable, you just know that everyone is in it together,” he said. “We are all sweating.” Stenberg likes how the sauna helped him get to know people in Kenna Hall better, especially the underclassmen and even the RAs who attend. “I’ve gotten to know a lot of the guys for sure, and I am getting to know the freshmen a lot better,” he said. Webber said that people always seem to make it back to the sauna. “Everyone who’s been there once has come back again,” he said. “Even past Kenna residents who now live off campus return.” Junior Brendan Ermish, who lived in Kenna Hall as a freshman and a sophomore, returns to the Sauna Social to keep in touch with people. “It’s a combination of seeing people that are there, and enjoying the sauna,” he said. But Webber wants to emphasize that Sauna Social is not only for Kenna residents. “We are always recruiting,” he said. “ It’s a school-wide thing, not just a Kenna thing.” Sophomore Emma Healy does not live in Kenna Hall, but still had a positive experience at the Sauna Social. “It was a good way to get together and meet people,” she said. “I didn’t feel different that I was outside of Kenna.” Webber, the self-proclaimed founder of Sauna Social put it simply. “We are all presidents of our own bodies. We are all citizens of the sauna.”

Bryan Brenize | THE BEACON

The Beacon in the hot box It took a lot of convincing, but I agreed to test out the Sauna Social myself. Honestly, I was nervous. The concept of being surrounded by a bunch of guys I didn’t really know in a terribly confined area was intimidating, not to mention the whole sweat factor. Was I really agreeing to sit there and drip for an hour? Nonetheless, I went into the sauna and found myself a corner in which to hide. I stayed quiet while the guys in the sauna started talking about football; clearly I was a little out of the conversation. I looked to the other three girls for help, but they just seemed to be taking it all in as well. However, this didn’t last for long as the group decided to play a riddle game, which I was invited to participate in. I was just starting to get comfortable when four more guys showed up at the sauna door, pushing the quaint little sauna past its capacity. Yet no one seemed to care. I just figured, what’s four more people? It’s not like I am going to look any more ladylike or stand out less with more guys involved. I felt like busting out “Man I Feel Like A Woman,” Shania Twain style, just to remind myself that I was indeed different from all the smelly men. As far as the aroma of the sauna, it was tolerable, though

it definitely didn’t smell like the fresh ocean breeze. It was actually a more distinctive scent along the lines of orange — I think it was orange tea and that marvelous smell of sweat. But the vapors from the tea did sting my eyes just a little. I was dying for fresh air. I couldn’t leave though, as that would show weakness. Then it was time for the notorious recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Oh no, I thought, this is the part of the night when I pass out and some guy has to cart me out of the sauna. Thankfully, it was not as bad as I thought it would be, but it was undeniably hotter standing up. I sat down after, and went back to focusing all my energy on not rubbing up on the guy next to me. I stayed in the sauna for as long as I could, and left when the rest of the group did. They thanked me profusely for coming. Overall, the sauna was far from a negative experience. I made 15 new friends in possibly the most awkward way possible. Will I go back? Of course. After that first slightly overwhelming experience, it can only get better from here. From now on, look for me in the sauna on Thursday nights at 10. Maybe. – Laura Frazier

Students get tech-savvy

these different learning styles,” In 2007, Amazon came out with the Kindle, a six-inch touch screen on which you can download and read books. In April of 2010, the iPad was released, one-upping the Kindle with Apple’s slightly bigger screen and full internet capabilities. It’s basically a touchscreen laptop without the keyboard. “Actually having an iPad really helps me, because it’s a lot more portable than carrying around a laptop,” freshman Cassandra Tenorio said. In addition to the Kindle and the iPad, students also can use applications (apps) on the iPhone for study-related activities. There are apps available on the iPhone for reading novels, taking notes and a Bible app. The UP Bookstore has also followed the trend of going paperless by offering an e-book alternative to buying textbooks. Ebooks are a much cheaper option. “They are, I believe, about 45 percent less expensive than buying a new textbook,” Erin Bright, manager of the UP Bookstore,

said. Despite the lower price, many students still settle on the hard copy. “They’re still fairly new to the market, so most students are still more comfortable with a purchase or rental,” Bright said. However, there are students who use e-books and are satisfied with them. “I don’t have to carry books, I can just keep them on a netbook,” junior Adrian Gorman said. “Then I can carry one thing around instead of having to juggle with several.” Having all these new gadgets for taking notes, reading and following along with class material has an effect on the classroom. “It definitely shifts the classroom dynamic” Fletcher said. “You definitely see a lot more focus on multi-tasking.” These new gadgets can be detrimental to the classroom — now you can check Facebook and play online games during class under the guise of taking notes or following along with the discussion. “I think that it can be effective

but most people don’t use it effectively,” freshman Chase Calvi said. “Some people just check their Facebook rather than do any classrelated stuff.” But they also can help — you can take notes faster, get quick, easy and open access to information, and do all of your work and studying on one device, rather than wasting the paper on numerous notebooks and textbooks. “It can be used as an effective tool as note-taking and whatnot, and it can help you look up further

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information toward a subject you’re looking at in class,” Calvi said.

Special Section

The Beacon — www.upbeacon.net  7

Plan your Not sure where you’re going with your degree? Are you just beginning to plan your future and career, or are you just ready to dive in? Regardless of where you are in the planning stage, here is some information on what you can do now...

The Scoop on the Career Services

You choose your major. You pass your classes. You graduate. Now what? Caitlin Yilek Staff Writer yilek12@up.edu Lisa McMahan Copy Editor mcmahan11@up.edu Job hunting can be a scary thing for many college students, especially when you consider today’s rough job market and the fact that over 3 million college graduates will join the “real” world this year. Here to help students and alumni of The Bluff is the Office of Career Services. “We help students identify their skills, interests and values while finding ways to teach students strategies to apply their experience to professional work life,” Amy Cavanaugh, director of the Office of Career Services, said. Located in the lower level of Orrico Hall, Career Services offers guidance in selecting majors and finding internships, as well as career counseling and advising. Although the Office of Career Services assists students with their job searches, it does not match students to jobs. “We facilitate networking by identifying people to talk with to help find positions, but finding a job is ultimately up to the student,” Cavanaugh said. Senior Katie Holman secured a paid summer internship at Fred Meyer’s corporate office in the human resources department after

learning of the opportunity through the Career Services website. Holman, who is majoring in organizational communication and Spanish studies, signed up for updates from the website after working with staff at the Office of Career Services to refine her cover letter and résumé last year. “It was valuable for me because I have obviously never worked in

“It is never too early or too late to take advantage of the Office of Career Services,”

Amy Cavanaugh Director, Office of Career Services

the human resources sector before,” Holman said. “I have made connections with people in the company.” Holman went on a business trip with Fred Meyer President Michael Ellis on the company’s private jet to collect information and photos for the website she helped update. The internship gave her extraordinary access. “He and I have actually highfived before,” she said. Senior electrical engineering major Emily McKaig also turned to the Office of Career Services for advice as she applied for internships. McKaig had two interviews lined up, one in person and a phone interview. “I went in (Career Services) and

Timeline for success Year-by-year Guide to Getting Ahead

Enid Spitz Staff Writer spitz13@up.edu

Freshman Year: ‘Explore’ Find out what it means to live here on the Bluff. Try to take a variety of courses, getting a feel for what will really interest you.

Meet with your academic adviser and create a four-year course plan.

they helped me learn how to approach the interviews,” she said. “I actually ended up being offered both positions.” McKaig remembers one of the most important pieces of advice she learned was to be prepared for her phone interview the night before. The HR department called at 9 the next morning, instead of the scheduled 1 p.m. interview time. “They were so surprised and impressed that I could think on my feet,” McKaig said. “(Career Services) really gave me a lot of confidence before I went into the interview.” She accepted the paid avionics internship with Insitu Inc., a Hood River-based company that works on unmanned air vehicles. Although internships are often reserved for upperclassmen and recent graduates, all students are encouraged to start preparing their résumés and polishing their interview skills. According to Cavanaugh the average job search takes six to nine months. “It is never too early or too late to take advantage of the Office of Career Services,” she said. “When students come in they have a better sense of the time it takes to find a job and we can help refine their materials and give them feedback.”

Services offered at Career Services • • • • • • • • • •

Advice on choosing a major Career counseling and advising Résumés and cover letters Internship guidance Mock interviews Graduate school or postgraduate service application assistance Internship and job fairs Online internship and job database-UP Career Connections Contacts with alumni for informal interviews and job shadows Drop-in hours for résumé reviews

The Office of

Career Services • Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. • To make an appointment call 503-943-7201 • Drop-in hours (without appointments) for résumé reviews are Monday-Wednesday from 2 p.m.to 4 p.m. and Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. • The Office of Career Services is located in the lower level of Orrico Hall

Attend the Studies Abroad open house to learn about opportunities for next year.

Join clubs and attend campus events. Show you’re involved, which will look great on a résumé.

Meet with your professors. Take advantage of UP’s small size.

8  Ocotber 14, 2010

What employers want

In interviews... In résumés... Have that scary interview coming up for your dream job or Employers look at a résumé for an average of 5-20 seconds. internship? Read on for some tips to get you prepared, confident, and (somewhat) reassured. Natalie Wheeler Staff Writer wheelern12@up.edu With nerves already tingling madly, interviews are a fright-fest for many students. Luckily, there are ways to tone down the clammy hands and anxious fidgeting. According to Max Kalchthaler, Assistant Director of Employer Relations and Internship Coordinator at the Office of Career Services, the best way to avoid this feeling is preparation. “Have five success stories and one failure ready to go in the pipe,” Kalchthaler said. The Office of Career Services recommends following the P.A.R. (Problem, Action, Result) format of stories: name a problem, show the action that you used to fix it, and explain what happened as a result. “More and more, employers are switching to behavioral questions,” Kalchthaler said. “Rather than just knowing your skills, employers want to see how you deal with situations.” This includes dealing with your own imperfections. Kalchthaler cautions against using the “strength disguised as a weakness” approach to the notorious question, “what are your weaknesses?” It is better to admit a true weak spot in yourself, and then to talk about steps you’ve taken to combat your flaw. Junior Jessie Hethcoat recently got an internship blogging for an author. Before the interview, she made sure that she was prepared for the questions.

“I thought of a bunch of attributes that would be useful (for that position),” Hethcoat said. She also remembered to keep her wardrobe professional. “I dressed up, and I made sure that I wore modest clothing,” Hethcoat said. Kalchthaler also recommended professional attire, but cautioned about interpreting the words ‘dressing up.’ “There’s a difference between dressing up to go out and dressing up for church,” Kalchthaler said, “think grandparents or Easter with the family.” According to Kalchthaler, the way that you dress is your introduction to an employer so it is important to present yourself well. This means avoiding loud jewelry and pungent perfumes. “You want employers to see you as neutral,” Kalchthaler said. Rather than noticing your ensemble, “they should be looking at your strengths as an employee.” The Office of Career Services also recommends following up after the interview. Get contact information after the interview is over, and write a thank you note one to two days after your interview. If you haven’t heard back from the employer in several weeks, give them a polite call to inquire about the position. In the midst of the job race, Kalchthaler also recommends investigating whether you really want to work for that employer. “It is about determining a match between you as a person and the company,” Kalchthaler said. “Ask yourself if this is a place you want to stay.”

14 hottest Jobs for College Grads 1. Health Information Technology 2. Clinical Trials Design and Management for Oncology 3. Data Mining 4. Embedded Engineering 5. Feature Writing for the Web 6. Geriatric Health Care 7. Mobile Media 8. Occupational Health and Safety 9. Spanish/English Translation and Interpretation 10. Sustainable Business Practices and the Greening of All Jobs 11. Teaching Adult Learners 12. Teaching English as a Foreign Language 13. Marine Biodiversity and Conservation 14. Health Law Source: forbes.com

Make that time count by conveying traits and skills in a clean format.

Résumé tips

• In general, the top of your résumé should contain the most important material. • Don’t use “I” statements. Instead of saying “I supervised six people,” say “supervised six people.” • Tweak your résumé for each employer. For example, if you’re applying for the Peace Corps, highlight your volunteer experience. • Look online for résumé formatting ideas. Be unique! • If you have relevant class projects, use them as applied experience. • After your sophomore year of college, avoid including high school material

UP gr aduate continues dedication to service Elizabeth Vogel Staff Writer vogel11@up.edu Don’t know what you’re doing after you graduate? Don’t worry. Like 2010 UP alumna Alyssa Reget, you could take an alternative route that fits your style. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in English from University of Portland, Reget was inspired to enter a field of service to the community. “UP’s commitment to service kept this option in the back of my mind,” Regent said. Regent works for the Department of Justice’s Office of Consumer Protection and Victim Services in Helena, Mont. through a program called AmeriCorps VISTA. “It’s like the Peace Corps except you stay in the U.S.,” Regent said. According the AmeriCorps’ website, “VISTA members commit to serve fulltime for a year at a nonprofit organization or local government agency, working to fight illiteracy, improve health services, create businesses, strengthen community groups and much more.” The program provides people with real jobs, but they work more like volunteers than full-time employees. Reget does get paid, but she also experiences what it is like to live below the poverty line. “I get paid about $4.50 an hour,” she said. “It’s not easy.” She works with lawyers to help victims of fraudulent business as well as

other social issues. “I work an eight to five day,” said Regent. “Working is very different from college.” Her duties include recording complaints, investigating cases of consumer abuse and public outreach and education. “We take complaints from consumers about bad business, telemarketers, scams, junk mail,” Regent said. “We also help victims of domestic violence.” But the hands-on work is what Regent enjoys the most. “Investigating is one of my favorite parts,” she said. Regent would like to eventually attend law school, but she thinks AmeriCorps VISTA is a good stepping-stone because she gets real life experience and can decide what kind of law to focus on. “My plan was to go to law school,” Regent said. “This job has given me the chance to experience different law that sparks my interest, like domestic law.” Reget credits her experiences at UP as helping prepare her current job. “I learned important skills like researching and critical thinking,” Regent said. “For example, I’m researching a case about a hearing aid advertisement and I’m able to look at the ad and I’m thinking, wait a second, what’s wrong with this picture?” Reget leaves the following words of wisdom for current UP students, “Be prepared for anything. You never know where you’ll end up next.”

Sophomore Year: ‘Get Involved’ Branch out in your second year at UP. Declare your major and minor, if you’re considering a minor.

Take a full course load focused on the core curriculum.

Get a job on campus. The ability to balance a job and school is important to future employers.

Gain leadership experience. Start or lead a club, join your hall council or creating an intramural team.

Create your résumé. You can find instructions under the “Students” tab on the Career Services website.

The Beacon — www.upbeacon.net  9

SociIt’sal network ing more than just socializing! Jocelyne LaFortune Staff Writer lafortun12@up.edu

1. UP Alumni online network

What comes to mind when you hear

the words “social networking?” Facebook? MySpace? Maybe the new Facebook movie? You’re Hired! “Yes, Facebook is a social network, but social networking is more than just Facebook,” Career Services Director Amy Cavanaugh said. “There is a difference between using it socially and using it professionally.” Beyond Facebook, there are a number of social networking web sites that can be helpful for students seeking jobs and internships. LinkedIn has proven to be an effective way for students to make connections and land jobs, according to Cavanaugh. “It can’t hurt students to get on LinkedIn now,” Cavanaugh said. “Make online connections now, and they can turn into face-toface connections later.” Not only is LinkedIn a good tool for making connections, it can also be used to find jobs that are otherwise unheard of.

UP grads have yet another social networking resource available to them. With the UP Alumni Online Network, UP alums can connect with other graduates and find job postings. Because of the strong UP community, connections with other alumni can be invaluable tools for finding employment after graduation.

“Eighty percent of jobs are not advertised,” Career Services Assistant Director , Employer Relations and Internship Coordinator Max Kalchthaler said. “LinkedIn can help you see what other people have done with their degrees, or see what people with a given job have done to get there.” LinkedIn essentially creates an online résumé that is available for recruiters to view, so connections on LinkedIn will differ from your Facebook friendships, says Kalchthaler. “These connections should be very intentional,” Kalchthaler said. “These are people you know professionally, such as co-workers or professors.” Luckily for students here on The Bluff, UP alumni are a famously close-knit group. “UP has an extremely strong alumni presence,” Kalchthaler said. “It is important to know that the fact that you’re a Pilot now is just as important as the degree you earn while you’re here.”

3. Blogging for Jobs Try using an online blog to show potential employers your résumé. Eric Duncan, a writer for eHow.com, recommends using wordpress.com, a free blogging site, to show recruiters and potential employers your electronic résumé. Keep in mind…

Your online résumé should look professional. Use a simple theme and give your blog an address similar to your name. Make sure employers will be able to contact you. Be sure to include your email or phone number in a visible place on your blog. Place links to other sites that may have relevant samples of your work that would be of interest to potential employers.

2. Tweeting your way into a job

Do you tweet? Twitter can be another great tool to get up-to-date reports on job openings, according to Sherice Jacob, web designer for iElectrify. Since Twitter feeds are constantly being updated, job hunters can find the most recent postings without having to search though online job boards, which could be out of date. College students can find internships and make connections that may help them land jobs after graduation. Follow @TwitterU for updates on internships with Twitter itself. Websites such as TwitJobSearch and TwitterJobFinder can be useful for those on the hunt for employment. By entering a keyword search on TwitJobSearch. com, job hunters can view the most recent tweets that pertain to their desired job. Searches can be based on a job description or on a desired location. Like LinkedIn, Twitter can act as an online résumé, says Jacobs. Employers can view prospective employees’ accounts, which can either be positive or negative – so tweet with caution!

Junior Year: ‘Apply and Experience’ Research potential jobs. It’s never too early to start looking and informational interviews can help you discover what’s right.

Find an internship in your field. Internships are great experience and offer a chance to begin networking.

Plan for any standardized tests your major may require.

Connect with your adviser, alumni and faculty who can help you refine your job or graduate school goals.

Do mock interviews at the Office of Career Services to prepare for the real thing. Create a LinkedIn profile.

10  Ocotber 14, 2010

Internships: who has them, how to get one Laura Frazier Staff Writer frazier13@up.edu For students looking for internships, Office of Career Services Assistant Director and Employer Relations and Internship Coordinator Max Kalchthaler encourages students to look past the obvious postings. “Most jobs are not posted and most internships are never posted as well,” he said. He suggests that students look online and students take advantage of the Office of Career Services. For example, the Office of Career Services provides access to College Central Network Services at http://www.studentcentral.com. Students can access the website from the Career Center site, then make an account and search for jobs or internships both on and off campus. The website also offers résumé and portfolio help in addition to other resources for students. Another way that students can find internships is by directly calling companies and inquiring about openings, even if the position is not initially as an intern. Kalchthaler said that starting with volunteering at a company can lead to an internship position. Kalchthaler puts this strategy in the hands of students. “It’s really on the student to pursue that,” he said. There are also resources such as the Portland Business Journal that supply listings for positions in different academic fields. The Office of Career Services recently hosted an internship fair in Franz Hall, which allowed students to come and meet with potential employers who had booths set up. Kalchthaler said that the fair is both an effort toward raising awareness for students looking for positions. Provides recruitment opportunities as well. Kalchthaler said that for visiting employers, students who attended the fair had the benefit of being UP students. “The advantage of this is that they have worked with University of Portland students in the past,” he said. “This sets you apart, and they are looking for you.” Overall, Kalchthaler thinks that internships are found in a variety of different ways, and it all depends on what works

for the student. “There is no straight path to finding internships,” he said. “Our offices provide a few of these opportunities, and also support students who are seeking the others.” As far as paid internships, Kalchthaler explained that students can sometimes earn college credit for an internship, and there are both unpaid and non-credit internships in addition to paid and creditearning positions. “It depends on the company and availability of the internship,” he said. But even without a salary, students should understand that the experience is what makes it worthwhile, Kalchthaler said. Kalchthaler said that though career services can’t fully track how many students are currently interning, UP students are successful in their positions. “I would say a majority of students graduate with internship experience,” he said. “UP students have a reputation as being truly wonderful interns.” Katchthaler stresses how important it is for students to intern at some point, and how this is different from a part-time job. “What separates a part-time job from internship is the opportunity to apply the skills that are gained in your specific discipline,” he said. “Internships are important, and employers expect you to have them.” UP students and interns, Ashley Donahoo and Mckinley Pfahl agree that it is important for students to pursue internships. Pfahl suggested inquiring for a position in an area of interest. “Just focus on what you want to do, and find somebody who does that,” he said. “Call, but if they don’t call you back, don’t let it hold you down.” Donahoo advises that students need to be prepared. “Keep your ears open, and always have a résumé ready,” she said. Pfahl also suggested being persistent. “Just keep calling them, you can’t let off,” he said. “The worst they can do is say no.” Donahoo thinks that UP has helped her prepare her for life after college. “The real world is definitely different than school,” she said. “School prepares you but you don’t know exactly what you will be doing. I really do think UP has prepared me for my internship and when I get a real job after I graduate.”

Mckinley Pfal on his Internship

Photo Submitted by Mckinley Pfal

Kevin Kadooka | THE BEACON

Employer Relations and Internship Coordinator Max Kalchthaler works with Senior Emily McKaigin the Career Center. The Office of Career Services helps students find employment and internships, and is located in the lower level of Oricco Hall.

Ashley Donahoo on Her Internship Senior Ashley Donahoo has a paid internship position at Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), which is the agency that manages all federally-supported hydroelectric projects in the Pacific Northwest. Donahoo works for about eight hours a week. She started with the BPA over the summer. Donahoo decided to stay on for the current academic year. “They treat their students really well, and try to teach them as much as they can,” she said. During the year Donahoo commutes to Vancouver, Wash. Donahoo interns in the communication planning department and works on different ways that aspects of the power site, such as the control center and meter, communicate with one another. Donahoo does this by making databases and drawing diagrams for equipment. Donahoo found out about the position from engineering professor Robert Albright. Albright’s connection was helpful, as she was able to meet with the student board for the company more informally. As an electrical engineering major, Donahoo loves how her internship works directly with her education. “Though some of it is tedious work, I

do feel like I am doing real engineering work,” she said. As an intern, Donahoo has to be aware that she is not yet a full-fledged engineer and that everyone is still learning. “I understand that I am the intern,” she said. “They are all still learning, but I am really still learning.” Donahoo said she plans on working at BPA after she graduates, and the internship helped her see what it will be like. However, she says it can be hard to handle interning and staying on top of schoolwork, especially with her senior design project. “Sometimes it’s difficult,” she said. “I don’t feel it’s just my internship. It could be any job.” But Donahoo likes how her internship is separate from the stresses of schoolwork. “I like that I don’t have to take home any work,” she said. “I love what I am doing right now, and I can go home and relax after.” Donahoo stresses how important it is for students to intern before they graduate. “You gain work experience,” she said. “It’s just going to give me a step up over an undergraduate without experience.”

As an intern for the Portland Winterhawks, the local junior ice hockey team in the Western Hockey League, junior Mckinley Pfahl has f ound a way to live out his dream. Sort of, that is. “I am a huge ice hockey fan but not good enough to go pro,” he said. “So I figured I would go to college and then try to get into the National Hockey League somehow.” Pfahl came across the internship on the team’s website and then contacted people in the company. Pfahl said it took several phone calls, but eventually he was hired into the program. By interning, Pfahl is working in professional hockey as he always wanted to, although his internship is unpaid. Technically, Pfahl is earning “volunteer hours.” Pfahl has a variety of tasks, including setting up for home games, helping with sponsorships and advertisements and reporting on statistics for games. Pfahl has even met some of the players, such as Winterhawks Captain Brett Ponich. However, it is not all fun. “Some of it is total internship

work,” he said. For example, Pfahl said he often does office work, which includes filling envelopes and other tedious tasks. Pfahl works four times a week at the home games for the Winterhawks and other times during the week depending on his schedule. Pfahl appreciates that his managers understand he is a student as well as an intern and are flexible as to when he comes in during the week. However, Pfhal admits, it can be hard to balance schoolwork and interning. “It’s just a little time consuming,” he said. “But it’s just good that I enjoy going to work.” As an economics major, Pfahl is interested in finding another internship at some point that is more closely related to his area of study. His current position does not specifically cater to his college education. “I am in game operations, and they are not using me the right way, because I actually have an education,” he said. “But it’s somewhere to start and I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

Senior Year: ‘Take Action’ Make sure your résumé is up to date.

Research, apply and interview for various jobs and attend graduate school fairs.

Apply to graduate school.

Build a network with faculty, alumni and businesses to help you in your job search.

Graduate! Get out there and find a job! Megan Irinaga Design Editor


12  October 14, 2010

Fish group dives into Faith Students meet weekly to socialize and share beliefs. Luke Riela Staff Writer riela14@up.edu Walking into the Wednesday night Fish gathering, one may be surprised to see groups of people chatting, not about the Bible, but about their classes and their high school senior pranks. This casual socializing that precedes the singing and Bible study at every weekly Fish gathering is not merely something to do before the meeting begins. It is an essential part of the congregation.

“One of the biggest things we do in Fish is question what we believe.”

Matthew Hill Corrado Hall’s Bible study leader

Fish is a non-denominational Christian fellowship whose name originates from Matthew 4:19 in which Jesus says “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Fish strives to answer that call by creating a supportive community at UP. According to sophomore Mathew Hill, Corrado Hall’s Bible study leader, the Fish gatherings are focused on forming a tight-knit community of attendees. The people attend meetings to share their thoughts and learn from one another. Sophomore Jamie Hall emphasized how friendly and inviting everyone was. “Not very often can you get into a group where you feel comfortable talking about your religion,” Hall said. The socializing starts at 8:45 every Wednesday night in Buckley Center 163. At 9 p.m., the group of 30 to 40 people joins in

song and then the biblical discussion begins. The group is currently focusing on passages from the book of Matthew. In these discussions, they do not only talk about religion, but they also investigate it by inquiring about the text. The gathering is open to people of all faiths interested in exploring Christianity. Hill wants people to be able to communicate and support their beliefs, whatever they may be. “One of the biggest things we do in Fish is question what we believe,” Hill said. In the Fish gathering, participants learn about religion and personal faith from hearing others’ opinions and voicing their own. After the discussion comes to an end, the gathering concludes with the singing of hymns. Even after the weekly meetings, the 13 Fish leaders still have tasks to complete, from managing Fish’s finances to heading a dorm Bible study. However, when it comes to the Bible studies held weekly in nearly every hall on campus, everybody gets a chance to lead. Junior Kam McHenry, Christie Hall’s Bible study leader, pointed out that there is no hierarchy in the conversation. The abbreviation for Christie Hall’s Bible study, after all, is CHUBS because “U are in the middle,” reflecting the mindset of Fish in general. “It’s a comfortable, mature group,” McHenry said. Like the attendees of the Wednesday Fish gathering, the guys at the Bible study became accustomed to simply talking for the first 30 minutes of the meeting. The Bible study offers a more personal way to “delve deeper into the faith,” as McHenry put it. Fish also hosts activities that don’t focus on religion, such as volleyball games and free ice cream socials throughout the year. The most popular activities are the dodgeball tournaments,

Bryan Brenize | THE BEACON

Members of Fish gather at a recent meeting. Fish is a non-denominational Christian fellowship that gathers weekly for singing, biblical discussion, and socializing. with the next one scheduled for Nov. 5. “It is good to surround yourself in a sort of fellowship,” Hall said.

Fish Meetings Every Wednesday at 9 p.m. Buckley Center 163


The Beacon — www.upbeacon.net  13

Unhappy homecomers have trouble with tickets Last year, the Homecoming dance was short of selling out by only three tickets. Last year, students could still buy tickets at the door the night of the Homecoming dance. And last year, you could give or sell your ticket to someone else and still get into the dance. But this year, things were different. The tickets sold out before the night of the dance, people rode buses all the way to the Melody Ballroom to be told they couldn’t purchase tickets at the door or that the tickets they got from friends were not valid for them. This made some people upset. So upset, in fact, that students yelled at Jillian Smith, the director of Student Clubs. So distraught, evidently, that they showed up at CPB director Hilary White’s dorm room to beg for more tickets. Whether or not information about dance tickets was handled smoothly by CPB, it is simply inappropriate and rude to yell at a UP staff member. This kind of behavior by even one student degrades the standards of the UP community as a whole and should not be tolerated. It is also terribly rude and obnoxious to stalk the CPB Director to her dorm room to demand more tickets, no matter how badly you wanted to go to Homecoming. These confrontations and problems could have been solved by CPB clarifying the parameters of dance tickets ahead of time. For starters, CPB should have advertised that the tickets were limited and that there may not be enough to sell them at the door the night of the dance.

CPB also should have informed students that if they bought their tickets from CPB their student IDs would be attached and therefore they could not sell them to other students. Knowing that the dance nearly sold out the previous year, that they had the same venue with limited capacity and that this year’s freshman class is the largest ever, CPB should have been prepared to sell out. Next time CPB should clearly inform students that tickets are limited. CPB should also decide whether it is going to set aside tickets to sell at the door or if tickets can sell out on campus. CPB should also clearly inform students that they can’t sell or give their tickets to others because ID

numbers correspond with tickets. Hopefully next year, with these changes, Homecoming will be another successful event.

Sam Heathcote| THE BEACON


The editorial reflects the majority view of The Beacon Editorial Board. The editorial does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the collective staff or the Administration of the University of Portland. Other submissions in this section are signed commentaries that reflect the opinion of the individual writer. The Student Media Committee, providing recommendation to the publisher, oversees the general operation of the newspaper. Policy set by the committee and publisher dictates that the responsibility for the newspaper’s editorial and advertising content lies solely in the hands of its student employees.

Write a letter to help build peace in Sudan Elizabeth Keaveny Guest Commentary After the Holocaust the world said, “Never Again.” The world has failed, however, not only to prevent but in many cases has failed to even acknowledge genocidal violence in Cambodia, Rwanda and Darfur. It is impossible to change the violent events of the past and very difficult to change the violent events of the present. But what if we could tilt the scales of the future toward peace? What if we could act now to prevent another human tragedy? We have that op-

portunity right now in Sudan. Sudan will soon arrive at a critical juncture. In January 2011, the people of Sudan will vote on a referendum that will determine whether Southern Sudan will secede from the north and form an independent nation. In an ideal world, this vote would lead Southern Sudan down a path of either peaceful unification with the north or a path of peaceful reconstruction, repatriation and self-determination. However, Sudan is a nation broken down by 19 years of civil war and recent genocidal violence in Darfur. According to Amnesty International, these two conflicts combined have displaced an estimated 6.5 million people and killed approximately 2.3 million people. The International Crimi-

Submission Policy

Letters and commentaries from readers are encouraged. All contributions must include the writer’s address and phone number for verification purposes. The Beacon does not accept submissions written by a group, although pieces written by an individual on behalf of a group are acceptable. Letters to the editor must not exceed 250 words. Those with longer opinions are encouraged to submit guest columns. The Beacon reserves the right to edit any contributions for length and style, and/or reject them without notification. University students must include their major and year in school. Nonstudents must include their affiliation to the University, if any.

Advertising in The Beacon

For advertising information, contact Emily Lindgren, business and advertising manager, at beaconads@up.edu.


Subscriptions are available at $26 for the year, covering 24 issues. Checks should be made payable to The University of Portland: The Beacon. For more information about subscriptions or billing questions, contact Business and Advertising Manager Emily Lindgren at beaconads@up.edu.

nal Court has charged Sudan’s president, Omar al-Bashir with five counts of crimes against humanity and two counts of war crimes. These charges allege that al-Bashir is “criminally responsible, as an indirect (co)-perpetrator, for intentionally directing attacks against an important part of the civilian population of Darfur...during a five year counter insurgency campaign” (International Criminal Court). The reality is that political and military power lies in the north of Sudan whereas natural resources including oil lie in the south. Under these conditions, a fair vote and a peaceful outcome appear highly unlikely. The International community is preparing for renewed violence to break six years of unstable peace in Sudan. International aid

organizations have traditionally been reactive agencies but now these organizations have the opportunity to be proactive. Catholic Relief Services has taken the step forward to be proactive by embarking on a Peace Building Campaign within Sudan. This campaign is not only a response to the destruction, displacement and starvation of Sudan’s violent past, but also in anticipation for the violence that the January vote could incite. Catholic Relief Services asks how the violence in the past could have been different if the world had known about the Holocaust, Cambodia, Rwanda and Darfur in advance. The world has the opportunity to build peace in Sudan before renewed violence occurs. Although Sudan may seem to be a world away, we each take ac-

tion shape future peace now. We have the chance to be proactive through prayer, education, advocacy and generosity. We can Learn about the situation in Sudan. Visit www. peaceinsudan.org for more information. We can Advocate for Sudan. Write a letter Representative Blumenauer asking him to co-sponsor Resolution 1588 that supports full implementation of the Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement. We can Give to Peace Building Efforts in Sudan. Finally, if nothing else, we all can Pray for the people of Sudan as the January referendum approaches. Elizabeth Keaveny is a junior Spanish studies major. She can be contacted at keaveny12@ up.edu

THE BEACON Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief. . . . . . . ����� Rosemary Peters News Editor . . . . . . . . . . ��������� Hannah Gray Design Editor . . . . . . . . ���������Megan Irinaga Opinions Editor . . . . . . �������� Megan Osborn Living EditoR �������������� Roya Ghorbani-Elizeh Sports Editor . . . . . . . . �����Aaron O’Connell Copy Editor. . . . . . . . . . . �������� Lisa McMahan

Contacting The Beacon Main phone: (503) 943-7376 E-mail: beacon@up.edu Website: www.upbeacon.net Address: 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. ● Portland, OR 97203-5798

Staff Writers

Kyle Cape-Lindelin, PJ Marcello, Gao Na Yang, Laura Frazier, Natalie Wheeler, Enid Spitz, John McCarty, Bruce Garlinghouse, Elizabeth Vogel, Jocelyne LaFortune, Caitlin Yilek, Sarah Hansell and Luke Riela


Alissa White, Kevin Kadooka, Bryan Brenize and Scott Chia Designer. . . . . . . . . . . . . Elizabeth Tertadian Business & Ad Manager . Emily Lindgren Artist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samantha Heathcote Web Technician . . . . . . . . Joshua Letendre Circulation Manager. . . . . . . Sal Liotta Adviser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Copic Publisher . . Fr. E. William Beauchamp, C.S.C.


14  October 14, 2010

Faces on The Bluff

UP students race for charity Alexandria Rackerby Guest Commentary This semester has been an exciting and busy one for The Richard J. Mallon squadron, the University of Portland’s chapter of Arnold Air Society. While we can’t pick a favorite volunteer event, the most fast paced event was helping at the Doernbecher Dash. For two days our club helped sick kids from Doernbecher Children’s Hospital get in and out of racecars at Portland International Speedway. The souped up super cars were a blast to see and ride in, and the kids loved it. There was also a silent auction and pinewood derby, which our cadets helped run and clean up. Commander Chris Schmidt spent his entire weekend at the event, helping coordinate volunteers and selling tickets to anyone who wanted to feel the adrenaline rush of a racecar driver. Everyone had a great time, from the people selling tickets to the professional drivers- all racing for the Doernbecher kids.

Our squadron also helped host an ice cream social at the Oregon Veteran’s Home. We met up with our local AFA chapter and had lunch, scooped ice cream, and served it to various veterans right here in Oregon. One of the highlights of the trip was meeting a gentleman who is an alumnus of the University of Portland. John was a student at the university between 1939-1942, stopping as a junior to enlist in the United States Marine Corps to fight in WWII. He became a pilot in the military because he had taken flying classes at the University of Portland. Back then, all students were offered classes in “civilian aviation” and “civilian-military aviation” as undergraduates. John described the University as “small and just full of two hundred guys.” John crashed mid-air with his wingman in a training exercise, he was hospitalized for over a year. He recovered and became a flight instructor, still helping his nation as best he could. John’s story was inspiring, as was seeing pictures of him in uniform and hearing about his student career at the same university we now attend. Our next project is Veteran’s Day, where we will have ceremonies and hold a vigil in conjunc-

By KEVIN KADOOKA Photographer

We asked: What is the best job you have ever had?

Photo courtesy of Alexandria Rackerby

Sophomore David Carruth helps fit a helmet in preparation for a boy’s high-speed ride. tion with Army ROTC. Every year we make a “Remembrance Book.” These books are compiled from stories and letters written by students to veterans. Arnold Air Society invites all students to write a letter to be included in this book. We don’t have a length requirement, but ask that it be handwritten in blue or black ink and given to Kourtney Kugler. Typed letters will also be accepted. Miss Kugler can be reached

“I worked at a surf shop over the summer.”

at either kugler12@up.edu, and handwritten letters can be sent through campus mail to Kourtney Kugler, Tyson 214. These books will be distributed to various veterans homes, and are sure to be appreciated by many!

Jhana Young, sophomore, business

Alexandria Rackerby is a sophomore engineering management major. She can be contacted at rackerby13@up.edu

“I was a ballet teacher.”

Search for your face in the pages of the Log Elly Thompson Guest Commentary No, it’s not Christmas yet. But it is a time of sharing, remembering and celebrating. And don’t forget presents! That’s right, it’s yearbook distribution time! Thanks to all the sophomores, juniors and seniors who stopped by the Pilot House on Tuesday to pick up their 20092010 yearbooks, including Erica Heindl, who is the winner of our iPod Shuffle door prize. We distributed a record number of more than 600 yearbooks! The exclusion of freshmen wasn’t a typo. Freshmen will get their chance to pick up the 20102011 Log next fall. Want a yearbook, but didn’t make it to the event? Want a copy of the Log from a previous year? Email me (thompson12@up.edu) or stop by the yearbook office in St. Mary’s and we’ll help you get a book.

My office hours are Mondays 2:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. and Wednesdays 5:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m. The Log adviser, Rachel Mills, has office hours Tuesdays 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. and Wednesdays 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.. We’re usually around during Espresso UP too. Do you have feedback? Suggestions for the 2010-2011 edition? Want to submit a story or a photo? Want us to cover your club or class or event? Want to make sure you and your friends make an appearance? Good! The Log is ultimately about you. Tell us how the yearbook can better serve you. Years after you’ve left The Bluff, after you’ve deleted your Facebook account, and after you’ve recycled your copies of The Beacon, you’ll still have your yearbook sitting on your shelf, ready to take you back down memory lane at any moment. And did I mention it’s free? The 2009-2010 Log is here. Celebrate with us. Elly Thompson is the chief editor of The Log and can be contacted at thompson12@ up.edu.

Leah Biesiadeki, junior, nursing

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Scott Chia| THE BEACON

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9/15/10 3:02 PM

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Freshmen carry scoring load as Pilots beat Zags UP bests rival Gonzaga squad 4-0 en route to 13-1 record Kyle Cape-Lindelin Staff Writer capelind13@up.edu If there is a black mark on the Pilot women's soccer team this season, it has been their struggle to score early in games. However, that mark is fading as three freshmen stepped up to score for the Pilots against WCC rival Gonzaga (5-8-2). The trio was led by Micaela Capelle, who

scored twice for the Pilots in the first half alone. Ellen Parker and Amanda Frisbie, the other freshmen to contribute, scored insurance goals in the second half. “This was a good win to start out interconference play and will certainly build momentum carrying forward,” Head Coach Garrett Smith said following the win. “To be able to shut out rivals like Gonzaga makes it pretty special as well.” Playing in Spokane, Wash. on Sunday, Oct. 10, the Pilots applied constant defensive pressure on the Bulldogs, opening many opportunities offensively in the game. Capelle scored her first

goal at the 10-minute mark, finishing a cross p ass from Parker for the goal. Capelle provided the offense again in the 34th minute. Senior captain Keelin Winters sent a cross pass through the box where Gonzaga's goalkeeper was able to tip it. Capelle was left unmarked right where the ball bounced and she easily scored her team-leading ninth goal to push the Pilots up 2-0. “It was amazing scoring those goals and being able to do it earlier then we usually have,” Capelle said. “It really gave us confidence and cushion.” Parker continued the offensive

strikes in the 64th minute when she buried in her own rebound after her first shot was blocked by a Gonzaga defender for her first career goal. Frisbie came off the bench and scored a one-onone goal against the goalkeeper in the 74th minute for the final blow to Gonzaga. Frisbie stealthily tapped the ball around the oncoming goalkeeper to score easily for her second career goal. “It's really excellent how these freshmen are consistently performing, and it shows how hard they've worked and how committed they are to getting better,” Smith said. Both Pilot goalkeepers got

some playing time in this game. Junior Hailee DeYoung started and recorded one save in her time. Freshman Erin Dees came in at the 75-minute mark and also made a save. The Pilots won the shot attempts 18-9 while continuing their dominance in the WCC as they built on their winning streak of 22 games against WCC opponents. The Pilots head home to defend their nation-leading 32 game home-field winning streak against fellow WCC opponents Loyola Marymount on Friday, Oct. 15 at 7:30 p.m. and Pepperdine on Sunday, Oct. 17. at noon.

Pilot soccer fans extend beyond campus barriers PJ Marcello Staff Writer marcello13@up.edu University of Portland soccer is known throughout the country as an elite program with one of the strongest fan bases in the entire nation. But there are far more fans cheering than can simply be found in the student section. The Villa Drum Squad and Christie Crazies are recognized for their ferocious display of antics against opposing teams, but the seats are not filled with just students. Many of the Pilots’ most deeprooted fans come from beyond the student realm. Pat Ell, an alumnus and current assistant director of the Moreau Center has witnessed the program grow tremendously over

his years at UP. “I went to my first UP soccer game in the fall of 1985 when I was a freshman at UP. There were, at most, 20 people watching the game – just a smattering of parents and friends,” Ell said. “There was really no fan atmosphere then: no chants, no songs, no drums, no flags and hardly any fans. It was also a disappointing game to watch, and I didn’t go to any more that year.” Over the next few years the program began to improve on the field and that is when Ell became a lifetime fan. “As a fan, I simply love soccer. Sometimes it feels like an addiction or a doomed romance. There’s no escaping it. Being a fan of UP soccer means quite a bit to me; it’s a link to all the teams and all of the people from past years,” Ell said.

The passionate fans of UP soccer span beyond members of faculty and staff as well. Many local season ticket holders come from around the university to enjoy the benefits of the Pilots’ storied program.

“As a fan, I simply love soccer. Sometimes it feels like an addiction or a doomed romance. There’s no escaping it.”

Pat Ell

Assistant Director of the Moreau Center “I have been a fan since approximately 1992,” local resident Tim Briare said. “If you want access to great local soc-

cer, the University of Portland is where it’s at.” Over the years Briare has been able to observe amazing soccer moments and a fanatic environment that he could not get anywhere else in the country. “I am a season ticket holder I have been able to witness National Championships and the type of attack soccer that Clive Charles started and Garrett Smith continues,” Briare said. “And no other program in the U.S. can say they have a drum squad or the type of fans that we do.” Briare doesn’t simply support the Pilots because of how they play soccer or their record each year; he is also a huge fan of how the players act off the field. “Pilot soccer is great for the city, from youth to adult soccer fans,” Briare said. “Not only for soccer but also how well they do

in school. Our team is recognized each year for academics as well.” With a nationally contending team each year and students that strive to do well in the classroom ,there is a lot to love about UP soccer. But what fans appreciate most is what Pilot soccer does for fans, which can go unnoticed. “It is great how Pilot soccer reaches out to youth programs with soccer camps and other community events,” Briare said. “They build community and spirit within the community and are role models for many young players.” Students, faculty and local residents have come together for decades to participate in this university’s rich soccer traditions and to cheer on the premier soccer program UP has built.


Men’s Soccer vs. SMC @ 5:00 pm #2 Women’s Soccer vs. LMU @ 7:30 pm


#2 Women’s Soccer vs. Pepperdine @ 12:00 pm Men’s Soccer vs. USF @ 2:30 pm


Ryan Luke

Micaela Capelle

You have won a FREE footlong Subway sandwich! WANT TO BE ENTERED TO WIN FREE BOOKS FOR SPRING SEMESTER? The steps are easy: 1) Find Wally at any Pilot sporting event 2) Take your picture with Wally 3) Upload your picture onto Facebook 4) Tag Wally Pilot

The winner of free books will be announced in December!

16  October 14, 2010


Find out how women’s soccer fared against rival Gonzaga Page 15 www.upbeacon.net

Scott Chia | THE BEACON

UP students race in 39th annual Portland Marathon Bruce Garlinghouse Staff Writer garlingh13@up.edu

If you live on Willamette Boulevard or in Shipstad Hall you may have woken up to the tune of cheers and cowbells on Saturday morning. The source? The 39th Annual Portland Marathon. The race is a standard marathon length of 26.2 miles, and according to The Portland Marathon’s official website, the course is a U.S. Track and Field Certified course, which means it is a qualifier for the Boston Marathon. Miles 18 and 19 were run on Wil-

lamette Boulevard, along the UP campus. Junior Christopher Lew said that running past campus was a comforting experience. “Running past campus helped. It was familiar territory,” Lew said. Lew finished the race in four hours and nine seconds but said he was hoping to finish his first marathon in under four hours. He signed up for the marathon with his friend senior Jayme Schroeder, who competed in the race last year. “My friend Jayme mentioned it to me,” Lew said. “And running

was something I wasn’t very good at and I wanted to get better.” Lew and Schroeder began training together in early August and tried to find time during the school year to train. “It was hard to find time to train with school,” Schroeder said. “We would just get in a run whenever we could, like if we had 45 minutes between class we’d go for a run.” Lew said would go on a few six to eight mile runs during weekdays and would “up” his weekend runs on the weekends from 12 miles to, eventually, 18 miles.

It was around the 17 mile mark that Lew said he began to hit his wall, also known as “runner’s wall,” which is a dramatic feeling of fatigue. “At around mile 17 I began feeling pretty tired. All I could think was ‘I’m freaking tired, but I have to finish,’” Lew said. Lew also said he felt like he was hitting his wall around mile 23 but said he was too close to finishing to give up. “Mile 17 or 18 is tough because you’re tired and know you still have a lot of miles to go. But around 24 or 25 all you’re thinking is that you’re already so close

and you have to finish,” Lew said. Schroeder said he never really hit his wall. “I guess I never hit my wall, but I ate more this year than last year,” Schroeder said. “I munched on a honey and jam sandwich during the race, which was key.” Both Schroeder and Lew plan on doing more marathons in the future and both plan on participating in the Portland Marathon next year. “It was the most painful experience of my life,” Lew said. “But it was also one of the most worthwhile.”


Senior Rob Church fights for possession in the Pilots’ game against Central Washington University. The Pilots won the game 8-0, and then defeated Willamette Universiy 4-1.

Pilots’ club lacrosse plays its first home games on a recentlylined turf field at UP John McCarty Staff Writer mccarty12@up.edu While most UP students were holed up inside avoiding the rain on Saturday afternoon, the men’s Club Lacrosse team was racking up goals on the field and checking off goals on their to-do list. For the first time in program history, the club lacrosse team was able to play a home game on campus, having previously called Delta Park their home turf. With a new head coach, new stopping nets, lines on the field, and their first home tournament un-

der their belts, the lacrosse club looks forward to a promising spring season. Despite a drenching Northwest downpour, the men’s lacrosse club faced off against Central Washington University winning 8-0, and against Willamette University winning 4-1. Senior attackman and nursing major Rob Church has been with the lacrosse club since his freshman year and has seen the program develop. “We started with ten guys who wanted to play and I think we only won one game but every year we get more players and we keep improving,” Church said. “Having a team and continuing to grow the program helps our chances of bringing a new sport to UP.” According to Church, one of the best things that has happened to the program is the addition of head coach Mike Wilkerson.

“Mike knows how to coach and to use what he’s got to make each player achieve the best of their potential,” Church said. Though originally from Portland, Wilkerson was interim head coach and an assistant head coach at Claremont University and head coach at UC Irvine before coming to UP. According to Wilkerson, his time at UC Irvine where he revived a nearly defunct program has prepared him well for UP. “I got used to developing players at a college level and working with a startup program,” Wilkerson said. UP is at a critical position in terms of lacrosse programs because of its membership in the WCC according to Wilkerson. Schools with well-established programs like Santa Clara, Stanford and Saint Mary’s bring players to the WCC, and Wilkerson thinks that more players will

start considering UP. “My main goal for the program is building toward the future. I am going to run the program as though I had a full squad of four-year players. We are not going to hold anything back,” Wilkerson said. Sophomore goalkeeper and mechanical engineering major Mike Henry said, “This year’s team is incomparable to last year’s. Mike’s (Wilkerson) focus on the fundamentals is already showing and we’ve got a really strong freshman class.” The men’s lacrosse club is a member of division 2 of the Pacific Northwest Collegiate Lacrosse League. The top three teams in the league make playoffs to vie for their chance in the national championships. Wilkerson says that this will be a growth year for UP. “Right now we don’t have the

numbers or the budget to do a lot of travelling,” Wilkerson said. “We are going to focus more on league games while trying to maintain an aggressive out of league schedule to prepare us.” According to Henry, if the team continues to improve at their current rate then they will stand a good chance of making the playoffs, making this a possible breakout year for UP. Hosting a game on campus is a big deal for the lacrosse program according to Wilkerson.. It gives the team much needed visibility on campus and should draw players and spectators alike. As a senior, Rob Church says the home games are a mixed blessing. “In a way it’s a bummer because I’ll be leaving, but I’m glad to think I can come back in 15 years and there will be an NCAA team,” Church said.

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