The Beacon - April 17 - Issue 24

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FINAL ISSUE: SENIOR EDITION Vol. 115, Issue 24 April 17, 2014

The BEacon

Every Thursday


The Student Voice of the University of Portland Since 1935

Art by Shellie Adams | THE BEACON

Looking for a job? Want to celebrate with students who already found one? Living, p. 6

Look back at your four years at UP

Graduates, don’t be afraid to fail

Living, p. 8-9

Opinions, p. 11

Spencer Young | THE BEACON


April 17, 2014


Are we pushing forwar

Despite campus accommodations, navigating pres

Lydia Laythe Staff Writer

Photo courtesy of Lydia Laythe

Sophomore Lydia Laythe’s dad visited UP this spring for a few days. Her father is temporarily in a wheelchair after having a tumor removed from his thigh.

When parents visit campus, it’s natural to want to give them a tour. When my dad visited campus, I did the same. The only difference was my dad was in a wheelchair. I didn’t realize how much of a difference this would make. I found myself taking different routes to and from various buildings, able to walk only on certain sidewalks and able to enter only through certain doors. Cracks in pavement, steep inclines and poorly functioning handicap doors began to stand out. While wheeling my dad across campus, trying to give him a tour of UP, I found myself walking farther, struggling to hang onto the handles while walking downhill, struggling to push him forward while walking uphill, and nearly launching my dad out of his wheelchair several times when his wheels got caught on bumpy doorways or cracked concrete. That’s when it hit me: for anyone in a wheelchair, this is how they’d have to operate every day. According to a report by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2010,

Map of Problem Spots on Campus

1: Christie Hall

2: The Pavement

When we hit a big crack in the pavement on the sidewalk outside The Cove, my dad nearly flew forward out of his chair and directly onto the sidewalk. I couldn’t show my dad my boyfriend’s dorm room because there are no elevators in Christie Hall. I couldn’t even show him the lobby, because every entrance either has steps to reach the door or it opens onto a stairwell. Christie Hall is not wheelchair-accessible, and that could prevent students from accessing the Office of International Student Services in Christie’s basement or other hall events. According to the U.S. Access Board, University buildings are obligated to have “program access,” but that does not require that every building be wheelchair accessible. It means that every service or program must be accessible somewhere. According to the OSWD coordinator Melanie Gangle, the staff of the Office of International Student Services is willing to meet a student elsewhere, which qualifies as “program access.” I’m not convinced that requiring a student to ask staff to meet them elsewhere really qualifies as true accessibility and equality for students with disabilities.

about 3.6 million people, 15 years or older, use a wheelchair to aid their mobility, and about 1.6 million of those people are under the age of 65. According to the University of California San Francisco Disability Statistics Center, about 0.39 percent of people age 18-64 use a wheelchair. According to Melanie Gangle, Office of Students with Disabilities coordinator, there are eight students with orthopedic impairments on campus, and only one of those eight uses a wheelchair on a regular basis. So it’s obvious that students with mobility challenges make up an infinitely small part of the student body. But does that mean that we don’t ensure them optimal accessibility and inclusion on campus? I guess the issue isn’t a lack of accessibility because UP is, by all appearances, up to state and federal standards. There are wheelchair-accessible doors on almost every building, accessible stalls in the bathrooms and accessible picnic tables outside the Pilot House. But maybe our definition of “accessibility” needs to be expanded. Accessibility shouldn’t just mean the physical capability of entering

a room or building. It shouldn’t mean meeting the minimum requirements. Accessibility should mean physical ability to enter a room or building without feeling different, separated or excluded. It should mean going beyond the basic physical and legal requirements and creating a community where people feel accepted as they are. I don’t expect everything to change overnight, and I realize that sometimes it’s hard to see the small things that might make someone feel excluded. But it’s our job – once we are made aware of an issue – to work to fix it however we can. And I think the University does a lot to help the students that ask. But maybe a student shouldn’t have to ask. Maybe a student shouldn’t have to request a front door entrance into a building instead of a winding side entrance. Maybe a student shouldn’t have to ask for more table options at the Commons so they don’t feel restricted. Maybe a student shouldn’t have to ask for a ramp that allows them to just hangout with their friends. Our university should not just be for the people who can walk across the quad, jump over potholes and pull open every door. This University should be for everyone. Maybe one day it will be.

3: Bauccio Commons Navigating through Bauccio Commons is stressful enough without having to find a table that can accommodate a wheelchair. The long tables at the center of the Commons with benches and the tall tables were off limits for obvious reasons. The smaller square tables and half-booths were too close together for easy maneuvering, and the base of those tables were too wide to allow my dad to pull his wheelchair all the way up to the table. Booths would allow him to pull right up to the table, but if he sits on the end, he blocks aisles for everyone else.

4: The Slopes The hill near Mehling was dangerously steep and the curb cuts on that sidewalk forced me to go out of my way to a point without a clear crosswalk or stop sign directly beside it. During high traffic, I was nervous to cross with my dad.

Graphic by Rebekah Markillie | THE BEACON


rd, or rolling backward? 3

sents many challenges for people using wheelchairs

Campus accessibility on a day-to-day basis When one door closes, another door opens … sometimes. Opening a door shouldn’t be difficult. I can open the door and think nothing of it. When freshman Luke Brown goes to open a door, his dog Mardene pushes the handicap button for him. And if Mardene can’t reach the button or the button isn’t working, he’s stuck. He has to wait for someone else to come to the door. Luke has Duchenne muscular dystrophy, which causes his body to gradually lose muscle over time. This muscle loss is what has put him in a wheelchair. But despite these challenges, Luke’s attitude is one of acceptance and adaptation. “I’ve gotten used to it,” Luke said. “I’ve been dealing with it for so long. I’m not really frustrated by it.” While Luke has adapted to being in a chair, having used a wheelchair since 2004, he still finds certain aspects difficult. Luke identified not having the ability to write in class due to his disability, as one of the

most difficult aspects related to being in a wheelchair. In addition to that, Luke said people make assumptions about him because he uses a wheelchair. “I feel like people have perceptions of me that aren’t true,” Luke said. “Like, I’m an avid sports fan but very few people expect that because of the wheelchair.” As for physical accessibility, Luke said the handicap door buttons are sometimes difficult. “Some places it’s really easy and some places it’s not,” Luke said. “I’m kind of used to (the buttons) being in really weird places. Most people are really helpful so it’s not that much of a problem.” But even Luke identified a difference between being adequate and being good. Luke also looked at Oregon State University when considering colleges, and was impressed by no-touch sensors for handicap doors. These sensors would make entering a building a lot easier for Luke.

5: Curb Cuts The curb cut across from Joe Etzel Field is so worn down and jagged that my dad nearly fell out of his chair. However, the sidewalk across the street has no curb cut. I had to walk back 10 feet and find a different curb cut or walk down the side of the road, hoping someone wouldn’t whip around the corner by Corrado.

6: Handicap Doors The handicap doors across campus were often barely wide enough for my dad to fit through. The raised lips at the bottom of every main doorway created bumps that my dad’s chair got stuck on, and he risked getting hit by a closing door every time he got stuck because they only stay open for a short time. The buttons to activate the handicap doors were sometimes difficult to reach. Whether it was a coffee table blocking the button in Corrado Hall or the inconvenient location of buttons directly beside the doors themselves, their location inhibited natural entering and exiting of buildings. Photos by Lydia Laythe, Bauccio Commons photo courtesy of The Beacon | THE BEACON

Etiquette for interacting with someone in a wheelchair

1. Always recognize the person first, and then their

disability. Don’t let their disability be their identifier. (For example, they are a “student in a wheelchair” or a “student who uses a wheelchair,” not a “wheelchair student.”) *For the complete list, see accessibility

Alexandra Bush | THE BEACON

Freshman Luke Brown uses a wheelchair to get around campus, with the help of his service dog Mardene. He says he’s adapted to many obstacles, but that many people make assumptions about him based on his chair.

What is the University doing? The University has an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Committee chaired by Alan Timmins, vice president for Financial Affairs to address issues on campus. And Timmins agrees that there is a difference between following the rules and doing what’s best for the students. “When we hear about (issues), we fix them,” Timmins said. “It’s not just because it’s the law, it’s the right thing to do.” Members of the ADA Committee include students, faculty and staff who meet at least twice a year to assess and discuss issues of campus accessibility. One example of action this committee has made in response to student, staff and community feedback was the repaving of the curb cuts at the corner of Portsmouth and Willamette. Well-known alumni Sam Bridgman brought up the curb cuts at a barbeque the ADA Committee had a few years ago. When Bridgman pointed this out, the committee immediately began communication with the city of Portland to address the issue. According to Timmins, the curbs were fixed within a few months. But the reality remains, with so few students in wheelchairs, only so much feedback can be given to supply this committee with changes that need to be made. “It takes a village, and it takes continued feedback and many perspectives and many voices to help our community become the most accessible and welcoming community that we can possibly be,” Office of Students with Disabilities coordinator Melanie Gangle said. “We can never have enough feedback.” In addition to the ADA Committee, the University has an Office of Students with Disabilities (OSWD). OSWD addresses the issues a student with physical disabilities might encounter,

provides numerous services for students with any disability, and coordinates other resources across campus. OSWD serves over 220 students with disabilities ranging from learning disabilities to mobility impairment. Facilities, Physical Plant, the Registrar’s Office and Residence Life work with OSWD to coordinate wheelchair/physical access on campus. Fay Beeler, assistant director of Physical Plant, works closely with the OSWD and other offices to ensure physical accessibility across campus. Physical Plant is responsible for building ramps, making counters accessible, smoothing sidewalks, making curb cuts, altering dorm rooms and shower rooms, and many other areas. Specifically, when Physical Plant re-did the Pilot House plaza several years ago, they intentionally bought wheelchair accessible picnic tables for that area. Despite the improvements Physical Plant makes, Beeler says they still require feedback from other people. “We’re constantly looking for areas to make the campus more accessible and easier for wheelchair bound students to get around,” Beeler said. “We try to be forward thinking, but sometimes we’re not in that position and we don’t always realize that it is difficult.” Chris Haug, director of Residence Life, said the University is aware as a whole, but will always continue to improve. “We, at the University of Portland, I think, show a great commitment to this topic,” Haug said. “It’s certainly something I don’t think we’re ever going to rest on. There’s always room to be better and be more accessible.” In all these situations, OSWD serves as a facilitator or a connector between the students at UP and all the other resources on campus.



April 17, 2014

Tuition to increase by 4.5 percent next year Maggie Smet Staff Writer $1,650 could buy you 48 sets of purple scrubs from the UP bookstore. Or 551 Taco Bell A.M. Crunchwraps. Or 23 Fjellse single beds from Ikea. Or 17 years of Netflix streaming. Or you could pay the difference in tuition at UP next year. Tuition is going up by $1,650 next year, from $36,700 for the 2013-2014 school year to $38,350. Room and board rates for residence halls and dining plans are also going up, on average by 4

19fro% m 20102011

percent. A double or triple room on meal plan two will go up from $10,494 to $11,202 while a single room with meal plan one will set you back $12,122. Since the 2010-2011 school year, tuition has gone up by $6,160 - that’s a 19 percent increase, at an average of $1,540 a year. When it comes to figuring out how much tuition is going to cost for the upcoming year, Vice President for Financial Affairs Alan Timmins builds

General admission passes to Coachella

Fjellse single beds from IKEA


Taco Bell AM Crunchwraps

For student voice on the increase, see tuitionincrease14



pairs of purple scrubs from UP bookstore

institutions, such as other West Coast Conference, Holy Cross and Northwest private schools. “On the cost side, we’re comparable (to these schools). On the value side, we provide an extraordinary value for the cost,” Timmins said.

If I had gone to …… what would I pay?

For $1,650 you could buy...


the budget for the upcoming year, and proposes a raise in tuition according to rising costs. Some of the biggest costs for the University, according to Timmins, include employee healthcare, technology and personnel costs. Enclosed with a March letter sent to students returning next year from Fr. President Bill Beauchamp, was a comparison between the tuition costs of other


Louie’s large calzones

Gonzaga University $35,062

Loyola Marymount University - $40,265


years of Netflix streaming

Santa Clara University $42,165 Notre Dame University $44,605

University of Oregon - $9,763 (in state) $29,788 (out of state) Graphics by Emily Strocher | THE BEACON

Q&A with Commencement speaker Anne Thompson Kelsey Thomas Editor-in-Chief Before you don your cap and gown on May 3rd, meet the speaker who will be delivering the commencement address, Chief Environmental Affairs Correspondent for NBC News Anne Thompson. Beacon: What’s your connection to the University of Portland? Thompson: I know Fr. Beauchamp. Beacon: Anything in Portland you plan to visit while here? Thompson: Well first of all, I am excited to go to the University of Portland. I’ve been doing some research for the preparation for


my speech, and any University that gives out humor scholarships is a place I want to go. I think laughter is the best medicine, and in my job I cover a lot of things that need medicine in the broadest sense of the term. Beacon: I know you’ve met an immense amount of people throughout your career, but does anyone stand out as a particularly interesting interview? Thompson: I was on the cable flight from Rio to Rome while Pope Francis came back and gave the news conference. While it wasn’t a one-on-one interview, it was a news conference like I had never seen before. He stood and talked to us for 82 minutes. He never asked an aid for a piece of

information, never looked at his notes, never dodged a question... I never thought I would get to see the pope, let alone be on a plane with the pope, who talked about everything, from women’s ordination to gay priests to the direction of his papacy. That is really one of the most incredible things I’ve seen. Beacon: A lot of graduating students are discouraged either from not having a job yet or from not securing the dream job they’ve pictured themselves doing. Any advice? Thompson: Well first of all, the thing you have to remember is your first job will never be your only job and it’s just a start. You can’t start until you take that first step and that first step

is your first job. We all put way too much pressure on ourselves thinking it has to be perfect and has to be the best and has to set me on the trajectory of my career. It’s funny, in preparing for my speech I’ve asked a lot of people who are much older than the graduating class “what do you wish you knew then that you know now?” and somebody has said to me “I didn’t need to worry so much about my first job.” The other thing is to leave a little room for magic, that sort of kismet that will happen as well. You may start at one job and realize it’s not for you. Your first job helps you figure out what you want to do, it doesn’t have to be what you do, it helps you figure out where you want to go in life and what you want to do.

Listen: the most important thing they have is the best education you can get. I am in part a product of the education given to me by the Holy Cross. I am stunned at how I use it every single day of my life. I jokingly compare it to a good wine, it just keeps getting better and better, and I’m amazed at that. They didn’t just educate my mind, they educated my heart and soul. That’s what makes them unique, what makes them vital... And while you may not have the job when you walk out the door, you will have a job and you will contribute to society and you will have reason to be very proud. You just have to give it a little time and be gentle with yourself. For complete interview, see

The UP Public Safety Report 1

1. April 11, 11:17 a.m. - A student reported the theft of their bike from outside of Schoenfeldt Hall. A report was taken and investigation continues.


2. April 11, 5:11 p.m. - Officers made contact with an individual for offensive behavior. Individual was not affiliated with the University and was asked to leave; they were compliant. 3. April 11, 8:11 p.m. - Officers responded to a report of a physical altercation at the Pilot House. Upon arrival the situation had been resolved.


4. April 12, 2:29 a.m. - A student called for assistance with an intoxicated student at the off-campus residence at the 6200 block of N. Princeton. Portland Police was also contacted and the student was transported to detox. 5. April 12, 4:47 p.m. - Officers made contact with two individuals at the SLUG garden that were smoking marijuana. The individuals were not affiliated with the University and were asked to leave; they were compliant.

For a complete interactive public safety report visit and click UP Crime & Fire Log under the News tab.





April 17, 2014

Seniors pilot into the working world Olivia Alsept-Ellis Staff Writer

Graduation is nearly upon the 2014 class. Panic. Fear. Tears. But then, a sigh of relief when the day finally comes. While every single student has all the reason in the world to throw their cap as high as possible, a

few students are celebrating not just the conclusion of their education but the future that is already laid out before them. Cheers to the inevitable successes of these students and the 2014 class!

All photos by Olivia Alsept-Ellis | THE BEACON

The Internet holds the key Jacob Alvord Civil engineering major - construction management Jacob Alvord, a civil engineering major, jumped right into the thick of the job application world. His strategy was to never stop trying and never stop applying himself. “I did cold calls, Craigslist, searching on these websites — it’s exhausting all your resources. It’s a matter of looking in the right place and finding it, by being thorough,” Alvord said. Finally, (thanks to a savvy Google search!) he stumbled across the perfect job in the exact location he wanted: a construction company right here in Portland. Yet all perfect things tend to have a catch. When he clicked on the “careers” tab, he was disappointed to find that the company wasn’t necessarily hiring. All he found was an ominous link that asked him to send his resume there. “So I did and I told them what I wanted. I was looking for a job in construction management and here’s my resume,” Alvord said. “They contacted a week later and wanted to interview me.” After a phase of three interviews, spread out over a month, Alvord was was asked to join the team. “This job is literally exactly what I wanted so I couldn’t be any happier,” he said.

Second chances in Austria Leah Becker English major - Fulbright teaching assistant

Exploring the business environment Michelle Williamson Marketing major - administrative assistant

The most important decisions about your future can be wrought with complications. But English major Leah Becker had to filter through the pros (and cons!) of staying in America in order to reach her decision to go abroad next year. “It was down to the point that I was either going to go be a teacher in Austria or go to Seattle and work in food services again,” Becker said. “While I do plan on living in Seattle at some point in my life and I love America, I don’t want to work in food services ever again.” The Fulbright award, on the other hand, will have her teaching in Rohrbach, Austria for eight months. In a town of 2,000, Becker will be working with students anywhere between sixth and twelfth grade. “When I found out, I was at first super excited but then super upset because I had to make a really hard decision. So that first day was kind of let down,” Becker said. “But then that second day, I realized that I had to go and then I became really excited.” Since she’s accepted her future, Becker said she’s realized all the opportunities the Fulbright has given her. One of which is to return to Austria, a place she hasn’t seen since attending the Salzburg program in 2011-2012. “I’m excited to go live in my second home again!” she said.

After hunting for a while, Michelle Williamson said things were getting scary. But one of the most ideal options based on her desires presented itself, and she found it on Craigslist of all places. Next year, Williamson will be an administrative assistant for the CEO for a small, local biopharmaceutical company. Her other responsibilities will be in nonprofit outreach. “My goal is to get some experience in the business environment and see if that is something that I am interested in,” Williamson said. “I’m definitely interested in that nonprofit event planning that I will be doing. I have a lot of nonprofit experience but it will be good to see that from a corporate perspective. Plus it’s good to get your foot in the door, make some contacts.” She said that the year after graduation is still an important year of learning, and she’s ready to tackle all of it. But one of the ways she finds comfort is in the fact that she gets to stay in Portland next year. “I’m excited to be in Portland! I love the Portland atmosphere and the relaxed nature,” Williamson said. “I think it will be weird to not be in school and become an actual adult. But I’m ready to explore these new parts of Portland.”

Still on the job hunt? So, you’ve scoured UP’s College Central Network for possible jobs but were met with no luck. Heck, you’ve even bookmarked Portland’s Craiglist “Pet” Forum to try to snag any possible dog-walking jobs. That’s all right — keep looking! Here are some websites to help you on your search: LinkedIn LinkedIn is like OK Cupid but for the job hunt. If you haven’t heard of it before, let’s debrief it for you. Your profile reads like a resumé and so linking to your profile can be a helpful resource when applying to jobs. Many employers are already on LinkedIn and can view your profile. Likewise, you can search for work or internships using the “jobs” tab. If you’re at a complete loss for curating your LinkedIn look, there are eBooks

or panels that can help you construct an intriguing and approachable profile. Mac’s List The List circulates through an exquisite line-up of Portland opportunities, ranging from internships at great local organizations or beyond entry-level jobs. Using the Mac’s List website is a breeze, because they clearly communicate the requirements and expectations of each listing. Make sure to press “View Full Job List,” because the 10 most recent jobs listed aren’t even the half of all the opportunities. Idealist There are almost 8,000 listings in the Portland area alone, but Idealist spans across the nation. Make sure to

utilize the advanced search engine, which can help you filter away jobs that don’t match your needs (or vice versa). The “detail” sidebar helps outline the job requirements, deadlines and other important information. Plus, there are traveling Idealist job fairs or grad school fairs that can help you make that connection in person. Poached Jobs Perhaps taking a career detour is the route for you, and Portland’s delicious food scene would certainly be worth your time. Break out that Food Handler’s permit and check out Poached Jobs Portland. Whether it’s a small cafe, swanky bar or hopping burger joint, Poached has some of the best spots lining up — not only from Portland but from other major cities as well, like Chicago, New York or San Francisco.



Backstage with Rock The Bluff performers The Beacon caught up with Andy Grammer, Tyler Ward and Alex G in a rapid-fire interview Saturday Clare Duffy Staff Writer I truly felt as though I was living a “teenage dream” as Tyler Ward belted a pop-rock version of the Katy Perry classic. The performances by Alex G, Tyler Ward and Andy Grammer at Rock The Bluff 2014 this past Saturday evening were met with enthusiastic singing to Grammer’s hits like “Keep Your Head Up” and “Fine by Me.” All three artists sang a mixture of original music and covers of pop hits with their own twist, giving the audience a chance to bob and sing along. Beacon: What is your music guilty pleasure? What’s on your iPod that you’re embarrassed about? Grammer: It’s not actually on my iPod because I’m too embarrassed about it. I don’t want anyone to find it … Am I really going to say this? Ok...there’s something about the new J-Lo song that I kind of like. Have you heard it? It’s called “I Luh Ya Papi”… there’s something about it that’s vibe-y. And now I’m embarrassed. Ward: Now, I’m a huge fan of… it’s so lame… but I like Justin Bieber. And I’m a huge fan of country music. Alex: OK, this is from a long

time ago, like four years ago, I downloaded this Hannah Montana song… (sings and plays the air guitar) “He’s got something special, he’s got something special…” Beacon: What’s the first album you ever bought? Grammer: Miss Education, Lauren Hill. Ward: The first album I ever received was an Eagles album. Alex: Way back in the day… do you guys remember S Club 7? Beacon: What are you listening to right now? Other than Justin Bieber… Ward: (laughs) I’m not really listening to him right now, I just like a few of his songs. Country music is my thing. I’m really, really, really vibing on that new pop country stuff, it all sounds the same but I like the sound. Alex: I like some T. Swift. Lately I’ve been getting into Sara Bareilles. Beacon: Any funny college memories? Ward: This is on the spot, huh? Well, I was at a university (performing) about three years ago and I went to the bathroom and they were like, “you have these bathrooms,” even though it was the girls’ bathroom and I was like, “cool.” So I went in there, it was our green room. So, I went to the stall and was, you know, doing

my business, and all of the sudden they opened them up to the public and so a few girls walked in. One girl sat down to the left of me and one girl sat down to the right of me, and you hear them doing their thing. I was trying to be so quiet; it was so nerve-wracking. So I was just like, “well, I’ve got to man up and get out of here,” So I opened the stall and just left. Alex: I played a spoon in the “Beauty and the Beast” musical. The other role I got in high school was a hand puppet that I stuck out a hole and I was like, “Wow, I’m not going to get anywhere with this music thing.” Beacon: Favorite thing about Portland? Grammer: Voodoo Doughnuts. Ward: I just love how it’s so green! And the bridges, I’ve noticed the bridges. It’s very cool. Alex: Voodoo Doughnuts. Beacon: Peanut butter or Nutella? Grammer: Nutella. Both are good though. Ward: Peanut butter. Fasho’. Alex: Nutella. Answers have been edited for brevity. See videos of backstage interviews and performance photos at

Kristen Garcia | THE BEACON

(Top) Andy Grammer performs at Rock the Bluff Saturday evening, performing hits like “Fine by Me” and “Keep Your Head Up.” (Below) Alex G along with Tyler Ward opened for Grammer.



April 17, 2014

Class of 2014 th

They danced the night away at the infam witnessed a pre-fame Macklemore crowd They took a stand for equality in Redefi survived the “snowpocalypse” of 2014.

They are the Cl

To celebrate UP’s largest graduating s gether a timeline of their four years o revisit some of their highlights, and w make new memories of their own.

Oh, and seniors: May t

Kathryn Copy E walters14

Dec. 2, 2010: University announces the public beginning of the RISE Campaign. The campaign has a goal to raise $175 million over the next four years and intends to raise money for student scholarships, new academic opportunities and physical improvements to campus, such as renovating the Library and building a new fitness center.

Ian Hilger | THE BEACON

2010- 2011 Aug. 30, 2010: The first day of school at UP for this year’s senior class. At 897, they were the biggest freshman class in the history of the University. The unexpected large influx of freshmen causes forced triples, new faculty hires to accommodate larger classes and concerns about financial aid.

Sept. 15, 2011: CPB votes to not host a homecoming dance due to concerns about the rampant alcoholrelated problems that happened at the Dance of the Decades in January. CPB decides to host a homecoming carnival instead, though Dance of the Decades is still scheduled for February.

2011- 2012 Jan. 29, 2011: Alcoholrelated incidents at the annual Dance of the Decades send three students to the hospital for alcohol poisoning, multiple MIPs, unruly behavior and leave the future of the dance in question.

Kayla Wong | THE BEACON

Nov. 10, 2011: Kunal Nayyar, UP alum and actor who stars in popular CBS sitcom, “The Big Bang Theory,” visits campus to meet with drama students and faculty. He reflected on his years at UP: “I miss the micro-brew beer, the rain, the changing colors of the season, the people, my emo phase a little bit…”

April 14, 2012: Macklemore and Ryan Lewis light up the stage at the first-ever Rock The Bluff concert in the Chiles Center. Macklemore pumped up the huge crowd with his hit “And We Danced,” and even crowdsurfed on a blow-up swim mat.



hrough the years

mous Dance of the Decades of 2011. They d-surf at the first Rock The Bluff concert. fine Purple Pride’s demonstration. They

lass of 2014.

senior class ever, we’ve put toon The Bluff. We invite you to wish them luck as they go on to

the Fourth be with you.

n Walters Editor

Feb. 28. 2013: Sparked by University President Fr. Bill Beauchamp’s remarks about gay faculty relationships on campus at the annual Fireside Chat on Feb. 18, UP students and faculty silently demonstrate around campus to compel the administration to include sexual orientation and gender identity in the University’s Nondiscrimination Policy. Prior to the demonstration, UP students started a campaign, Redefine Purple Pride. The campaign used the power of social media and an online petition that garnered nearly 2,000 signatures to spread its message.

Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON

April 15, 2013: Twopressure cooker bombs explode at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring over 200 others. Then-UP junior Grayson Penfield ran the marathon that day and witnessed the aftermath of the bombings, but was fortunately not injured himself.

Sept. 27, 2013: The University Board of Regents votes to add sexual orientation to the Nondiscrimination Policy, which is applauded by students, staff and faculty who supported LGBTQinclusion in the wake of the Redefine Purple Pride movement in the spring.

2012- 2013 February 2013: Students react to the administration’s decision to change the required introductory theology course focus from a world religions view to a solely Christian perspective.

Jan. 25, 2014: The Board of Regents elects Fr. Mark Poorman, executive vice president, to replace President Fr. Bill Beauchamp at the end of the school year, after Beauchamp’s announcement to retire.

2013- 2014 Mid-August: The newly renovated state-of-the-art Clark Library opens its doors after over a year of construction. Students clamor for seats and soon complaints that the Library is too loud with student voices begin to emerge.

Jackie Jeffers | THE BEACON Becca Tabor | THE BEACON

For a complete interactive timeline visit senior-timeline

Design by Rebekah Markillie and Nina Chamlou | THE BEACON



April 17, 2014

Students serve after graduation Seniors will give their time to religious-based service projects in the U.S. and abroad

McKena Miyashiro Staff Writer Senior Kay Bodmer thought she’d spend the fall semester of senior year applying for postgrad summer internships related to her major, environmental science. Instead, she applied to a Holy Cross program to live and teach in Uganda for 16 months after graduation. “I hit senior year and I thought, ‘What am I doing with my life?’” Bodmer said. “I always wanted to do long term service, and what better time than after graduation?” Bodmer is one of several seniors who will be working in religious-based service placements after graduation, both abroad and in the U.S. Bodmer, who worked at a Catholic youth camp for the past three summers, is eager to continue working with children when she teaches a subject of her choice in Uganda, which she hopes will be science or music. Senior Karl Groneman, is also serving through Holy Cross’ Overseas Lay Ministry program. Groneman, a Spanish and Ger-

man major with a theology minor, has chosen to serve in Santiago, Chile for a year and a half. Groneman wanted to serve in Chile due to the high percentage of income inequality attributed to Chile’s long history. “For a long time, I’ve wanted to give back. Even when I was in high school, I had an idea about doing service after college. I want to use my privilege to give back to those who are less fortunate,” Groneman said. Groneman initially discovered the Overseas Lay Ministry program from Brother Thomas Giumenta, who spent 16 years in the Holy Cross missions in Latin America. After serving, Groneman hopes to become a medical or legal Spanish interpreter. He hopes to continue serving others through the use of language. “I want to take the time to put my life on pause and focus on the rest of humanity and those who are forgotten,” Groneman said. “I want to give back to the world.” Service has been a constant part of Bodmer’s life, as she participated in service projects throughout high school and college as well as with her family. However, she worries about her

David DiLoreto | THE BEACON

(Left to Right) Kay Bodmer and Elizabeth Polsin will be participating in religious-based service after their time on The Bluff. teaching abilities as well as the 16 months’ commitment. “I know I’m going to hit a point where I’m really homesick and I’m going to want the comforts of home again,” Bodmer said. Senior Elizabeth Polsin, a biology and Spanish major, has been accepted to work with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps (JVC), another religious service organization, though her placement has

yet to be determined. Polsin found out about this opportunity through the Moreau Center. The application process included a couple essays about why she was interested in doing service, in addition to scenario questions about community living. Polsin felt that she wasn’t ready to attend graduate school right after college and wanted to do something more meaningful

with her time. JVC places their volunteers around the world, though Polsin wanted to spend her time in the States. “I think living with other people who have a passion for social justice and also have a passion for God will allow us to mutually affect each other’s faith and grow together,” Polsin said. Reporting contributed by Kate Stringer.

To our brothers in Holy Cross... Adam D.P. Booth, C.S.C. Patrick E. Reidy, C.S.C. May God bless you as you prepare for your ordination to the priesthood on Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 2:00 pm EDT at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart Notre Dame, Indiana

Adam D.P. Booth, C.S.C.

Patrick E. Reidy, C.S.C.

Watch the live stream:

Holy Cross priests and brothers have been serving at UP since 1902. To learn more about Holy Cross at UP, contact Fr. Gerry Olinger, C.S.C. ( or talk with any of the Holy Cross priests or brothers on campus.

OPINIONS EDITORIAL I am proud to present to you the Class of 2014, a group of students whose resourcefulness, brilliance and moral courage will surely lead them to change the world... But that’s not really how it is, is it? All that optimistic, worldchangey graduation talk probably feels dishonest to a lot of graduating seniors. Because many of this year’s graduating seniors will be moving back in with their parents. Pew Research found that in 2012, 45 percent of college graduates had moved back home. Perhaps UP students will be less likely than the average national college graduate to move in with their parents, but no doubt many will follow the national trend. Many more seniors have not yet secured a job or even a summer internship. After graduation they’ll find themselves in limbo in a job market where having a brand new college degree doesn’t guarantee employment. 11

Don’t be afraid of post-graduation failure

Maybe some will find restaurant jobs or retail jobs and wonder whether the four years of study were worth it.

“We may not have any Steve Jobses or J.K. Rowlings in this year’s graduating class, but we can learn an important lesson from them: failure is what you make of it.”

We often hear stories of those graduating seniors who have gotten Fulbrights or jobs with prestigious businesses, who know their career paths and are well on their way to achieving their goals. But others, who know they’ll be sleeping in their childhood bedroom and hunting for a job after graduating, are probably tired of hearing those success stories because they know

the uncertainty in store for them. We should be honest with ourselves: Most of this year’s graduating class really will not be changing the world. Not right now, that is. Not this summer, and maybe not this year or even next year. But that’s okay. In a commencement speech more honest than most, Steve Jobs told Stanford’s graduating class of 2005 that his failures were the very events that led to his success at Apple. Jobs dropped out of college and got fired from his own company. But he cited his failures as the sources of his successes. “Getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me,” Jobs said. In another commencement speech, J.K. Rowling told Harvard’s 2011 graduates she found herself in a position of failure and poverty after graduating college. But she, too, cited her rockbottom failures as the source of

Rebekah Markillie | THE BEACON

her successes. Sure, we may not have any Steve Jobses or J.K. Rowlings in this year’s graduating class, but we can learn an important lesson from them: failure is what you make of it. Failure can lead to excellence if you let it. Every job interview for every uninspiring job is preparation for a dream job interview. And every botched interview for a dream job? Preparation for a successful interview. It might feel like failure to move back home, but think of

it as a constructive experience. Nothing is better preparation for challenging living situations than trying to treat parents as housemates. Each failure, each rejection, each infuriating obstacle is, viewed from another vantage point, not just a stepping stone to success but a necessary exercise in figuring out how to succeed. So amid all the anxiety of graduation, seniors should rest easy. Try hard, fail hard, try harder.


The editorial reflects the majority view of The Beacon Editorial Board. The editorial does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the collective staff or the Administration of the University of Portland. Other submissions in this section are signed commentaries that reflect the opinion of the individual writer. The Student Media Committee, providing recommendation to the publisher, oversees the general operation of the newspaper. Policy set by the committee and publisher dictates that the responsibility for the newspaper’s editorial and advertising content lies solely in the hands of its student employees.

Appreciate the fruitfulness and grace of the universe W.C. Lawson Staff Commentary We are living in the apex of humanity as we have entered what some researchers call the Anthropocene, an era marking the evidence and exponential extent of our human activity that has resulted in a global impact on the Earth’s natural operations. Some researchers believe this

could result in a mass extinction on Mother Earth, and there is a chance we may not survive. So how can we retain the stride for living fruitful lives when as far as human sustainability goes, the most sustainable thing a single human can do is to remove yourself from the agreedupon consensus reality we have dreamed up? It goes without saying that this would be extreme and counter-productive because every person deserves a chance to do right. But what is the force that drives us to thinking that we will have a positive impact in our world?

It appears on a fundamental level that obtaining greed and evil is almost like a mutation in our psyche, where most people can agree when someone exudes

“I have found that everyone is operating on faith, even if they don’t realize it. But first, it’s important to point out that faith is different from having a belief.”

W.C. Lawson senior

evil into the world, we recognize that as wrong. What do we have to say about the strive for compassion? How is it that every major religion on this planet is pointing towards the very same way of compassionate life, and what do such interpretations tell us? Throughout history, the people who run the infrastructure of religion don’t always have a working moral compass, but when we look at the basic, fundamental dogmas, scriptures and other writings on these religions, their ideals are all similar. Why do we care to be compassionate? What’s the point? Why does it

appear through the emergence of consciousness in our evolutionary trajectory that compassion is the direction consciousness lures itself towards, at least for most of us, anyways? I have found that everyone is operating on faith, even if they don’t realize it. But first, it’s important to point out that faith is different from having a belief. Faith didn’t come to me until I was traumatized by watching the most important person in my life pass away. It is extremely pro-

See FAITH, page 13

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Letters and commentaries from readers are encouraged. All contributions must include the writer’s address and phone number for verification purposes. The Beacon does not accept submissions written by a group, although pieces written by an individual on behalf of a group are acceptable. Letters to the editor must not exceed 250 words. Those with longer opinions are encouraged to submit guest columns. The Beacon reserves the right to edit any contributions for length and style, and/or reject them without notification. University students must include their major and year in school. Nonstudents must include their affiliation to the University, if any.

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Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief.. . . . . . . . . . . . Kelsey Thomas News Editor. . . . . . . . . . . �������� Sarah Hansell Living Editor ������������������������������ Kate Stringer Opinions Editor. . . . . . . ��������Philip Ellefson Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . �������������Katie Dunn Design Editor . . . . . . . . . �������� Shellie Adams Asst. Design Editor. . . . . ������� Emily Strocher Copy Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathryn Walters

Contacting The Beacon

E-mail: Website: Address: 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. ● Portland, OR 97203-5798

Staff Writers

Clare Duffy, Olivia Alsept-Ellis, Mitchell Gilbert, Maggie Hannon, W.C. Lawson, Lydia Laythe, Rebekah Markillie, McKena Miyashiro, Emily Neelon, Cassie Sheridan, Maggie Smet, Nastacia Voisin, Kathryn Walters.


Alexandra Bush, David DiLoreto, Kristen Garcia, Parker Shoaff, Spencer Young.

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April 17, 2014

WiFi problems interrupt education McKenna Stack Guest Commentary I am a junior at the University of Portland. I love the friendly environment I find on campus, I love how on sunny spring days professors will teach outside and I always find myself craving iced mochas from the Commons while I’m working on homework. I have loved my time that I have spent here over the last three years. However, something has changed this year that has really affected my experience as a student: the Internet. Just today, I have tried to download two documents for class. One of those was a 10-slide PowerPoint and the other was an eight-page article. The amount of time spent doing just these two things has already been one hour and 47 minutes, and I’m not even done downloading the second part. I’m irritated, frustrated and most of all confused. Questions flood through my head, as they have time and time again, whether I am in class and the professor cannot load a lecture properly or whether I’m sitting in the library and waiting

patiently for an article to load. Honestly, I would like some answers. I have never had a problem with the Internet on this campus before. Why this year? What changes were made? Why can’t I download an article to print for class?

“I have never had a problem with the Internet on this campus before. Why this year? What changes were made? Why can’t I download an article to print for class?”

McKenna Stack junior

UP is made up of 5,000 students, which is a relatively small campus. If we have problems with our Internet, how do big schools like the University of Oregon, which has over 24,000 students, have the capacity to even have Internet? Do they have a different system? If so, why aren’t we using it? I know next year come a lot of upper division classes with online readings and lots of senior thesis research. I’m nervous I won’t be able to complete the assignments and tasks I need to fulfill in order to graduate. Will this problem be

fixed? Or should I start to look for another option? It’s coming to the end of the year, and with all due respect, I’m coming to the end of my rope. If you were curious, it took me 12 minutes to write this letter, and my second document is a quarter of the way done downloading. McKenna Stack is a junior organizational communication major. She can be reached at



Justice for immigrants: a truly Christian response Patrick Tomassi Guest Commentary Earlier this month, eight US bishops met in Nogales, Ariz., to celebrate Mass for the thousands who have died trying to cross the border from Mexico into the United States, and to advocate for comprehensive immigration reform. While the Senate passed a bipartisan bill last year, the House of Representatives has refused to take up the issue. Faced with the current situation, what is needed is a truly Christian response, one which takes into account the person. As with issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage, immigration reform tends to be a

polarizing debate. It is tempting to jump to one political stance or another, and we see this in the fact that House Republicans refuse to address the problem. But it is not politicians who lose when this happens; it is immigrants. As Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, the auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Seattle, said, “our nation can no longer employ an immigration system that divides families and denies basic due process protections to our fellow human beings.” It is not acceptable to respond with impersonal absolutes; we have to look at the person. For those of us who are Catholic, and probably for those who are not as well, it is more than clear what the Church teaches about the “pelvic” issues. We are all too familiar with the Republi-Catholic and Demo-Catholic mindsets, which often stem from where we as individuals stand on these issues.

But these labels do not describe Christianity and have become unhelpful in dealing with the diverse issues that face us today. In contrast to this stands Pope Francis. Around the world, Catholics and non-Catholics alike have been captivated in the past year by the example set by the pope. Why? Because over and over again, he has returned our focus from the “hot-button issues” to people. This became clear in his comments about ho-

mosexuality. “Tell me: When God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person? We must always consider the person,” Pope Francis said. “Here we enter into the mystery of the human being. In life, God accompanies persons, and we must accompany them, starting from their situation.” This is where our conversation about immigration reform must begin. I am encouraged by the bishops’ gesture last week. I hope that it can return our awareness to those whose lives are most impacted by the debate.

“We are all too familiar with the Republi-Catholic and Demo-Catholic mindsets, which often stem from where we as individuals stand on issues.”

Patrick Tomassi is a senior mechanical engineering major. He can be reached at

Patrick Tomassi senior


on The Bluff

by Philip Ellefson

What will you miss least about UP after you graduate? Kristin Hortsch senior education

“Writing papers. I just hate writing. It makes you think so much.” Anthony Nguyen senior chemistry

How will you make a difference? A letter on sustainability from University President Fr. Bill Beauchamp Fr. Bill Beauchamp University President Recently, an editorial in this student newspaper commented that our university must “not lose sight of sustainability.” With new scientific reports emerging regularly on critical challenges such as climate change, water scarcity and food insecurity, I want to assure our community that I agree. These are serious times, and all universities must face this reality. This is also a time when there

are tremendous opportunities for creativity, leadership and innovation as we work together to heal our world. Sustainability is about your future – extending well beyond your years here at the University of Portland – and it is important to me that all students realize that we are committed to your future. Sustainability-related issues touch all careers, and the individuals who are best prepared will be able to seize opportunity, do well and help to better society. Fedele Bauccio, the founder of Bon Appetit and a University of Portland alumnus, is one example. He has helped to shape an entire industry in the pursuit of healthier food with less environ-

FAITH: Even for atheists Continued from page 11 found and difficult to wake up each day scared that you don’t know where they went, or if the universe will grant you the golden ticket to ever see them again. It was a humbling experience to be exposed to these kind of matters at such a young age, but it also granted me faith in myself and others to continue to live fruitful lives. But I don’t think you have to go through a traumatic event to see the beauty of faith, and for the atheists I don’t think you have to believe in God or an ultimate reality of consciousness to attain faith. It’s important to at least believe in yourself, or you’ll feel like floating like a feather through this life. I know this to be true in myself, because I felt this way after exploring these metaphysical issues for quite some time. After my good friend and author Paul Levy exposed

his Buddhist perceptions of the operations of evil in the universe to me, I’ve stepped back to do my own search for where the mirrorreflected space for grace holds in our universe. And I think I’m on my way. I’m aware the world is insane and is literally suffocating itself, but I get up each day to see the beauty in this disordered world. I encourage everyone to search for faith and grace because it will brighten your life. You don’t have to be a believer to have faith. That’s not what faith is. Faith is consciously knowing that even though in a world full of suffering the glass will never be full, but the glass always be whole through grace, even when it doesn’t appear to be so. W.C. Lawson is a senior communication studies major. He can be reached at lawson14@

mental impact. Because of this commitment, I created a Task Force on Sustainability for the University in the spring of 2013. We have made excellent progress on sustainability over the years and have been recognized nationally for our leadership. However, by last year it was obvious that we needed a clearer vision for sustainability on our campus along with better insight into how to realize that vision. The task force members have completed their work. Their vision document is now the University’s official vision document for sustainability. I would like everyone to read it; it is concise and easy to understand. An email with that document attached will

be available from me today. Our vision boils down to one main theme: Sustainability involves everyone, and everyone should get involved. By working together – students, faculty, staff and administrators – we can foster a culture of sustainability that is true to the unique character of the University of Portland. I encourage everyone in our community to do their part – in our daily practices and in teaching and learning, faith and formation, and service and leadership. Together, we can ensure that our best work is in front of us. How will you make a difference?





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“I won’t miss the fact that you can’t use Chrome on campus. You can only use Firefox.” Blaine Bradburn senior English

“Freshmen. They move slower around campus. They’re always in the way.” Laura Andrich senior psychology and social work

“The raccoons in the bushes that sporadically basically run you down or attack you.”



April 17, 2014

‘There’s always time to turn it around’ intensity and they want to compete. I just think we need to do it for a complete game rather than just the latter end.” Although they have had a rough season so far, senior outfielder Chet Thompson found the team’s strength is their speed on both offense and defense. He is optimistic that they will improve as the season winds down through an emphasis on hitting and trying to play an error-free defense. “There’s always time to turn it around. It’s been a struggle in the beginning but that’s what’s good about baseball, you can turn a season around,” Thompson said. One of the team’s best hitters this season is junior infielder Caleb Whalen who is batting .303 with 142 at bats. Before Tuesday’s game he had a 13-game hitting streak, but went 0-3 against Seattle. Junior outfielder Turner Gill is also getting on base, batting .264 with 144 at bats. Feldtman leads the team’s pitching with a 4.76 ERA. Senior pitcher Chad Kjemhus has been solid out of the bullpen with a 2.70 ERA in 26.2 innings pitched. The team has 14 games left this season and has seven home games in a row starting on April 25 after their away series in Spokane against Gonzaga this weekend.

Maggie Hannon Staff Writer UP baseball has about a month left of conference play for the season and they have a lot of catching up to do. With a 9-4 loss in a non-conference game to Seattle U on Tuesday, the Pilots remain in last place in the WCC with a record of 2-13. One of the main issues the team has had this season is giving up early runs to opposing teams and needing to play catchup throughout the game. Although Assistant Coach Tucker Brack said the team never gives up and the players continue fighting through the early runs, he admits he does not want the team to get into this position in the first place. “I think if we start competing we’re going to be fine but we got to come out and play 27 outs, not just the last six,” Brack said. “If we can do that, we’re just fine when we do that.” Redshirt senior pitcher Colin Feldtman also thinks the team is able to get fired up after early runs, but he found that this progress should happen early in the game, rather than as a way to catch up. “I think our biggest hindrance right now is being dialed and locked in from pitch one, inning one,” Feldtman said. “I know our guys have that fire, they have that

All photos by David DiLoreto | THE BEACON

(Left) Junior second baseman Caleb Whalen watches as a pitch comes in from the San Diego pitcher. (Above) Head coach Chris Sperry argues with the umpire and kicks dirt over home plate after he contested an interference no-call. (Below) The team celebrates and swarms shortstop Michael Lucarelli after his walk off single to get the Pilots their 10-9 victory over USD on Saturday.


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1/27/14 11:34 AM


Pilot in the Spotlight

What has been the highlight of your season so far? I’d have to say for me it has been playing the game last Tuesday against Oregon. I had six RBI’s on two hits with a homerun. a sacfly and the double. What is a challenge you have faced so far this season? It has just been putting everything together. Some days our hitting is on, but our pitching is off. If we can put it all together we can potentially be good, but so far this season it hasn’t been coming together at the same time. What does it mean to you to represent the Portland Pilots? We are one of the smaller schools in the conference, and we often play big schools during mid-week games. We represent smaller schools in a bigger conference, and it feels good to prove to the big schools that we aren’t the little guys.

Spencer Young | THE BEACON

Caleb Whalen

Second Base Junior Vancouver, Wash.

How do you enjoy playing for coach Sperry? He is a good coach on and off the field, is easy to talk with on and off the field. He has been very supportive this season despite our poor record.

What do you think your hitting success this year can be attributed to? Summer ball is a big help. I really had a good summer going into this year. Staying shorter in my swing and kind of slowing myself down. Keeping my breathing in check has been a very important part of my hitting. What do you hope to improve on looking into your senior year? To be consistent everyday and not have any lulls in my hitting throughout the year. Obviously, I also want to be a lockdown player defensively, and have a low number of errors. What are your aspirations after you graduate? Yeah, I do have aspirations to play at the next level. I just want to have a good final season. The MLB draft is junior and senior year, so all I can do is play well and see what happens. What do you look forward to looking into your senior season? I am looking forward to being a leader on the team. Our goal for next season is the same as it has always been, to go to the WCC championship. -Mitchell Gilbert

Sam Jam draws Portland community to Chiles Mitchell Gilbert Staff Writer Sam Jam is a charity-based wheelchair basketball game played between the UP women and men’s basketball players, and the WheelBlazers, an actual wheelchair basketball team based in Portland. The even is hosted by Sam Bridgman, a UP alum who graduated from UP last year. Sam started the event last year with the hope to raise money to find a cure for a disease known as Friedreich’s ataxia, a neurological disease he was diagnosed with at the age of 15. The second year of Sam Jam

was a rousing success, with a large turnout from both UP students and the Portland community. Though the students athletes didn’t stand much chance on the court against the practiced WheelBlazers, there were smiles and jokes on the court throughout the game. During Sam’s halftime speech he said, “To be fighting a disease like Friedreich’s ataxia where there is no treatment, no cure, and when I was diagnosed there was no hope. To have family around you like Coach Scott, Coach Kat, and all my friends that I made at UP, it creates hope and gives you hope that you can find a cure.”


This week in sports Baseball The Pilots had a home series against San Diego FridaySunday where they went 1-2. They also fell to Seattle U 9-4 on Tuesday. They head to play three games in Spokane against Gonzaga.

Women’s Tennis The women lost their sixth and seventh games in a row this past weekend against San Francisco and Santa Clara. They are 5-9 overall. Their next opponents are BYU at home today at 10 a.m.

Men’s Tennis The men split their games this last weekend losing to San Francisco and beating Santa Clara. They are 12-6 on the season. Next they travel to San Diego to play Friday at 9 a.m. and at BYU Saturday at 12 p.m.

Track & Field The men and women will send a group of Pilots to the Mt. SAC Relays this weekend in Walnut, Calif.

Rowing The Pilots took fourth place at the Covered Bridge Regatta in Dexter Lake, Ore. Next up for the team is the Western Intercollegiate Rowing Association Chapionships in Sacramento, Calif. April 26-27. (courtesy,

Alexandra Bush | THE BEACON

(Above) Senior Korey Thieleke cracks a smile during the game against the WheelBlazers. (Below) 2013 alum Sam Bridgman talks during half time about his fight against Friedreich’s ataxia. (Left) The men and women’s basketball teams pose with Bridgman after the third annual Sam Jam.


April 17, 2014


PILOTS YEAR IN REVIEW Maggie Hannon Staff Writer

Women’s Soccer: The women’s soccer team had another standout season, with a record of 17-3-1. They went to the NCAA Women’s Soccer Championships and beat Seattle in the first round at home then lost in overtime to Illinois in the second round in Lincoln, Neb. Men’s Soccer: The men’s soccer team finished their season overall with 9-11. In their conference, they had four wins and eight losses. Newcomer Eddie Sanchez was named the WCC Freshman of the Year.

Kristen Garcia | THE BEACON

Men’s Cross Country: Men’s cross country took second in the WCC Championships and third at the NCAA West Regionals. They completed their strong season with seventh place at the NCAA National Championship, tying the team’s previous best which was last achieved in 2008. Women’s Cross Country: The women’s team finished ninth overall at the NCAA West Regionals passing their 11th place ranking. Like the men’s team, they also finished second in the WCC Championships. Volleyball: Brent Crouch has been named the new head coach for the volleyball team for the 2014 season and is heading up to Portland from St. Mary’s College. The Pilots are coming off a disappointing 2013 campaign with a record of 0-27 last season.

Kristen Garcia | THE BEACON

David DiLoreto | THE BEACON

Men’s Basketball: On Jan. 9, the men’s basketball team beat their WCC rival Gonzaga 82-73 for the first time since 2003. Another great win for the Pilots was their defeat against BYU on Jan. 23 in which junior Bobby Sharp made eight clutch threepointers and the Pilots won in triple overtime 114-110. At the WCC tournament in Las Vegas, the Pilots suffered a close defeat in the first round to Loyola Marymount University 67-64. The men’s team finished their season with a 15-16 overall record. Women’s Basketball: In head coach Jim Sollars’ last year with the team, women’s basketball ended their season with an overall record of 14-13 and a conference record of 7-9. The Pilots lost to Pacific at the WCC Championships in Las Vegas, which marked the end of Sollars’ 28-year career coaching women’s basketball at UP. Baseball: Although the team has struggled this season with an 8-29 record in overall play and 2-13 in the WCC, the Pilots revealed their overall potential for victory through their surprising win against last year’s NCAA champs, UCLA, on Feb. 14.

Courtesy of UP Athletics | THE BEACON

Men’s Tennis: With an 8-1 record, men’s tennis has done well on their home court. Their only loss at home was to San Francisco last weekend. This small team of eight players, four of whom are seniors who have been on the team for all four years, has an overall record of 12-6 and are third in the WCC. Women’s Tennis: Women’s tennis has an overall record of 5-7 and are 1-4 in conference play. The team can expect many returning players next year as it is made up of only two seniors but has two juniors, five sophomores and two freshman. They are currently tied for ninth place in the WCC. Men’s Track and Field: Both men and women’s track and field have surpassed their own personal records as well as broken school records. Redshirt junior Ryan Poland had a UP record mile time of 4:01, placing second in the heat at the Husky Invitational early this season.

Spencer Young | THE BEACON

Katie Dunn | THE BEACON

Spencer Young | THE BEACON

Women’s Track and Field: The women’s team saw standout races from freshman Sanna Mustonen, sophomores Madison Leek and Lorea Ibarzaba and juniors Melissa Baller and Julia Fonk. Leek set the 400-meter school record in 57.70 and also beat the 600-meter record with her time of 1:35.98. Ibarzaba, Baller, Fonk and Leek set a record in the 4x400 relay team that set the indoor school record with at time of 3:56.98. Rowing: The Pilots, at their first home regatta, got second place for their first eight with a time of 17:41:30. The varsity four came in third at the meet while the novice eight finished first. Last weekend, the team continued their success with first-place finishes at the Covered Bridge Regatta.

Courtesy of UP Athletics | THE BEACON

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