The Beacon - Issue 7 - Oct. 14

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The Beacon THE STUDENT VOICE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SINCE 1935 October 15, 2015 • Volume 118 • Issue 7 •


Transgender student finds home in Mehling Hall By Cheyenne Schoen THE BEACON

Thomas Dempsey • THE BEACON

Tips for Allies of Transgender People:

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You can’t tell if someone is transgender just by looking. Don’t make assumptions about a transgender person’s sexual orientation. If you don’t know what pronouns to use, listen first. Don’t ask a transgender person what their “real name” is. Understand the differences between “coming out” as lesbian, bisexual or gay and “coming out” as transgender. Be careful about confidentiality, disclosure and “outing.” Respect the terminology a transgender person uses to describe their identity. Be patient with a person who is questioning or exploring their gender identity. Understand there is no “right” or “wrong” way to transition - and that it is different for every person. Don’t ask about a transgender person’s genitals, surgical status or sex life. Avoid backhanded compliments or “helpful” tips. Information cour tesy of

There is a picture of Zeke Pralle at four years old in an angel costume, crossing his arms and making the angriest face possible. He did not want to be an angel. He was in a school play and had begged his mother to make him an animal costume like the boys in the play. This is Pralle’s first concrete memory of questioning the gender society had assigned him. He would struggle with his gender identity until November 2014, when he first came out to his friends as identifying as male. Pralle was assigned female at birth, and struggled to fit into a traditionally feminine mold throughout his middle and high school years. During his childhood, he kept his hair long to please his parents, although he wanted to cut it short. He wore exclusively boy’s clothes, which he said cost him friendships in middle school. “When I went into high school, I forced myself to be more feminine, and that’s when I really started to struggle with depression and pretty much dealt with that all the way through high school,” Pralle said. “I tried to force myself into that box of, ‘I’m a woman. I have to act this way. I have to be a woman.’” Coming to college was eye-opening for Pralle. His first semester at UP, he found a group of friends with whom he openly discussed LGBTQ issues, a freedom he hadn’t experienced in his conservative hometown of Wasilla, Alaska. Around the same time, he joined the microblogging platform Tumblr, which is when he described discovering what it meant to be transgender, and had the realization that “this is what I am.” Pralle, however, struggled with publicly labeling himself as transgender. “I told myself, ‘No, I can’t do that, people won’t accept me.’ I had a boyfriend at the time and I knew he wouldn’t be supportive of it. So, it was very much like, ‘My life is set right now and I can’t change it,’” Pralle said. Ella Bennett, a junior electrical engineering major, was one of the first friends Pralle asked to call him by he/ him pronouns. The two became friends first semester of their freshman year after working together in a Calculus II class. “Zeke is just a really cool guy,” Ella said. “He has a very characteristic yawn. We call it the ‘Wookie Yawn,’ because it sounds a little bit like a Wookie. Freshman year he shaved his head for St. Baldrick’s, and that was really cool.” After living in a co-ed dorm his first two years, Pralle now lives in Mehling Hall. It is traditionally a single-sex female dorm. But it is here that he said he feels safe and a sense of community.

“I wouldn’t feel safe living in an all-male dorm,” Pralle said. “Not that I know anyone on campus specifically that I wouldn’t feel safe around, it’s just there’s just this general fear that violence, both sexual and non-sexual, would be more likely if I were in a male dorm, so that’s part of the reasons why I’m in Mehling.” Mehling Hall director Gina Loschiavo said that Pralle moved in this fall, but has truly been a part of the Mehling community since last year. “When he approached me about living in Mehling, I was really excited about it. He’s a member of our community and we really love having him,” Loschiavo said. Pralle is minoring in gender and women’s studies and education. Those classes have given him an opportunity to educate his professors on transgender issues and how to be a transgender ally. Pralle’s Gender and Violence professor made a statement about a study for which “36 women and two transgender women” were polled. After class, Pralle sent an email to the professor saying that the statement was exclusive to trans women. He suggested instead “36 cisgender women and two transgender women” as a more inclusive way of addressing specific gender identity. “He sent me an email right back saying, ‘I totally get where you’re coming from. I understand what you’re saying, and I will implement that in the future.’ It was a really great response,” Pralle said. Just as Pralle has been transitioning, UP has gone through a transition of sorts. For several years, students and staff had urged the administration to include sexual orientation in the University’s nondiscrimination policy. The prior administration resisted the addition, but was met with protests and a massive online petition signed by students, faculty, staff and some alumni. The efforts paid off and the Board of Regents voted to include sexual orientation in the nondiscrimination policy in September 2013. Though the policy does not include gender identity, it was a change applauded by students, faculty and staff who had championed an LGBTQinclusive policy since the spring of 2012. But Pralle thinks UP could do more to be inclusive, such as adding more genderneutral bathrooms, especially in the dorms. Pralle, who no longer goes by his birth name, said that the University’s name change policy has also been a struggle for him. The University requires that a legal document, such as a marriage license or court record, and a photo ID be presented in order to change the name that appears on student ID cards, emails and other campus documents.


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Photo cour tesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Students across the nation are pushing their universities to divest from fossil fuels. Tufts University students marched in support of divestment on their campus in March. By Alana Laanui THE BEACON The Bluff will soon see the growth of a campaign for the University’s divestment from fossil fuels. UP students Sara McDonagh and Anne Luijten were inspired to start a movement toward UP’s divestment through their Social Work for Sustainable Communities class. The class encouraged them to localize the larger problem of climate change by doing something to make a difference right here on campus. Luijten, a senior sociology major, believes that the University should divest from fossil fuels because the movement aligns with UP’s sustainable ideals. “Our University is so invested in sustainability, it has done so many things already to be sustainable,” Luijten said. “We think it is ironic that the University’s money is still supporting fossil fuel companies.”

Divestment occurs when institutions choose not to invest in the top 200 oil and gas companies (also known as the “Carbon Tracker 200”), which includes removing stocks, bonds or any other kind of financial investments. The hope of the divestment movement, which has taken hold across the country in recent years, is to negatively stigmatize the oil and gas industry. It is seen as just one approach that can be taken to improve care for the planet. Students from UP’s Social Work for Sustainable Communities class hope to get as many students as possible involved in their divestment campaign and plan on circulating a petition in the coming weeks. Through student support, they hope to influence faculty and staff and eventually urge administration to divest the University’s endowment. “We want to get the University’s investments out

of fossil fuels and get them into more renewable resources,” McDonagh said. If UP were to divest, the University would be following in the footsteps of Multnomah County and the City of Portland, both of which made steps toward divestment from fossil fuels just weeks ago. Portland City Council agreed to put the top 200 coal, oil and gas companies on the “Do Not Buy” list. While the “Do Not Buy” list must be voted on annually, the movement demonstrates the city’s commitment to staying on track with the goal of being fully divested by 2018. 350PDX, a grassroots divestment program in Portland, along with students from Reed College who have participated in their own university’s campaign, talked with UP students about the issue last week. Sandy Polishuk, a divestment team coordinator for 350PDX, spoke about the importance

$2.6 trillion appx. value of institutions divested

Statistics cour tesy of

of investing in the future by divesting in fossil fuels. “It’s not just a negative, it’s also a positive,” Polishuk said. “We need to be putting money into renewables, sustainable organizations and things like that.” Many universities in Portland, as well as throughout the nation, have recognized the importance of this movement. Students at Reed College started a movement a few years ago and continue to appeal to their Board of Trustees to divest. Two students from Reed, sophomore Maggie Davies and freshman Sara Gross, came to talk to UP students about how to start a campaign at UP and shared why they believe in divestment. “It is counterintuitive to invest in something that destroys our environment,” Davies said. “Higher learning shouldn’t destroy our future.” One obstacle to divestment that has been expressed by universities who are

considering the change is the potential loss of money. Those top 200 companies that divestment targets are worth billions of dollars, and investors often fear that removing their funding will have negative repercussions. Although divestment can be seen as risky, big institutions like Stanford University have chosen to divest. According to a press release from Stanford, they divested based on the belief that their decision will create a positive impact on the problem of climate change. Other colleges including Georgetown University, University of California, University of Hawaii and University of Washington have also moved to divest from fossil fuels. Through studentled campaigns, petitions and demonstrations, students have changed the financial futures of their institutions. Contact Staff Writer Alana Laanui at

9% of divested


institutions are colleges, universities and schools



Clare Duffy • THE BEACON

Arthur and Andrews Podcast // Sports

Photo by The Beacon

UP Author’s Reception // News


CORRECTIONS In the Oct. 7 ‘Alcohol offenses, stalking up in this year’s safety report’ the graphic accompanying the story incorrectly represented the crime statistics. ‘Residence Halls’ and ‘Campus’ statistics were both presented in their entirety, rather than subtracting ‘Residence Hall’ from the total ‘Campus’ number, as it should be. In the Oct. 7 ‘Pilots attendance record in jeopardy’ it stated an incorrect score and ball posession for the game against BYU. The Pilots fell 2-1 and outshot the Cougars 19-1.

Halloween Costume Quiz // Living
















weather cour tesy of

The Beacon wants story ideas from its readers. If you see something that should be covered, email News Editor Clare Duffy at

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Bringing Portland together one shirt at a time By Natasa Kvesic THE BEACON

Lately, startup companies have popped up in big cities all over the nation, and their owners have changed the way concrete jungles define community. One of them, Marcus Harvey, the founder of Portland Gear, came to UP Tuesday to share his story. Harvey started a company called Portland Gear nine months ago. His company has shipped to over 12 different countries. It sells not only the original Portland shirt, but branched out to phone cases, pint glasses, bottle openers and hats. Harvey even bought a classic VW Westfalia van custom designed to fit his brand, and drives it around Portland so people

can purchase Portland Gear wherever and whenever. During his presentation in St. Mary’s, Harvey shared his “Basics of Branding,” told how he started his company, and gave advice on working in the business world. “His presentation was amazing! He’s a super personable and down-toearth guy who is passionate about what he does,” said freshman business major Ali Cable. “He definitely made me feel like pursuing business and marketing was the right choice.” After studying business at the University of Oregon and struggling to find success in the screen printing industry, Harvey moved to Portland where he began selling apparel designed with partner Wookie

Fields. Harvey created the @portland Instagram account to showcase pictures of “made in Portland” clothing he designed for a company in London. Today the @portland account has over 146,000 followers and Harvey has a strong following on his @portlandnw snapchat as well. On Black Friday 2014, Harvey officially launched the Portland Gear brand by putting two shirt designs on the online store and the Instagram page. In that one night, he sold 200 shirts to four countries and 10 states. As for the future, Harvey has some big plans. “I want to have a store in about six months. My birthday is April 28, so having my name

Parker Shoaff • THE BEACON

Portland Gear travels around Portland in a customized VW bus. Harvey bought the bus soon after starting his business. signed on the lease by the end of that month would be ideal. That has been a life goal, I definitely like the retail side,” Harvey said. “We would have first Thursday parties and it

Transition: Zeke Pralle shares his UP experience Continued from page 1 So what’s next for Pralle? In addition to classes, clubs and painting in his free time, Pralle recently had his first appointment with an endocrinologist and is excited to begin hormone replacement therapy after fall break, which will include a prescription for a dosage of testosterone. Pralle wants others who may be struggling with their gender identity to know that there are resources at UP to help them. He said that counseling services in the Health Center have provided a lot of support and understanding for him, especially after coming out to his parents. “After Christmas break, partially because of everything that happened over Christmas break, I started seeing a counselor at the Health Center and I’m still seeing one this semester,” Pralle said. “They are a really great resource, and both of the people who I have seen are super supportive and understanding.” Pralle is also involved in

would just be a fun place for people to come in. It would be the full Portland experience.” Read the full story online!

Contact Staff Writer Natasa Kvesic at

the Gay-Straight Partnership and is the events coordinator for the Feminist Discussion Group, two groups he said cultivate supportive and open environments. Pralle has found another outlet of support in the YouTube community. Pralle has recently become involved in a video project with other transgender young adults who film themselves talking about subjects such as appearances, name changes and coming out. The channel is called “Trans Kids with Cameras.” As for ways others can help contribute to a more inclusive society, Pralle gives a few points of advice. “Stop gendering strangers,” Pralle said. “There are so many ways to refer to somebody or to a group of people that aren’t gendered.” He described being called “ma’am” by cashiers in The Commons, or “ladies” while in groups at restaurants. “And don’t ask if I’ve had ‘THE surgery,’” he added. “Genitals don’t decide gender.”

Contact Staff Writer Cheyenne Schoen at

Thomas Dempsey • THE BEACON

Zeke Pralle lives in a single dorm room in Mehling Hall. He plans to begin hormone replacement therapy after fall break.



Oct. 10, 12:16 p.m. Student came into the Public Safety office to report that their bike had been stolen. The bike was chain locked to the bike rack at Shipstad Hall. A report was made by the Public Safety officer. The student was also referred to Portland Police Bureau.

Women’s Soccer

UP Author’s Seventh Annual Reception

Sunday, Oct. 18 at 1 p.m. on Merlo Field. The Pilots take on their WCC rivals, the Santa Clara Broncos.

Thursday, Oct. 15 at 3 p.m. on the upper floor of Clark Library. Drop in for a refreshing, intellectual break. See the published work of over 100 UP professors, staff and students.

Oct. 9, 1:37 a.m. Officers responded to the Public Safety Office to take a report of Harassment on the 5600 block of N. Harvard. The individual was encouraged to file a report with Portland Police, and to contact 911 if the suspicious person was seen again. Public Safety Officers patrolled the area throughout the night, but no further suspicious activity was seen.

Thursday, Oct. 24 at 8 a.m. in the Buckley Center Auditorium. The people of the Portland region are invited to join a discussion about ethics and the future of the Columbia River Treaty that governs water management in the river basin.

FOR THE FULL REPORT > News > UP Crime & Fire Log

Ethics and Columbia River Treaty Conference

Earthquake Info Fair Saturday, Oct. 17 at 9 a.m. in the Chiles Center. Portland metro residens have an opportunity this Saturday to learn the top ten things to do to reduce risks and be prepared.


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Karen Garcia Living Editor


All photos by Thomas Dempsey • THE BEACON

Students partied the night away at the zoo-themed dance hosted by CPB at the Left Bank Annex on October 9. To see more pictures from the night, check us out online at, or download our mobile app.

Calling it: concert review

Nataša Kvesic • THE BEACON Like any other concert I go to, my pre-game ritual is a hearty meal at a trendy restaurant and a quick stop at a coffee shop, just to calm the fangirling jitters. So before getting in line to the Wonder Ballroom, I stop at Bunk for a killer salad and make a stop at Gold Rush Coffee. It was there, sitting on a plush seat cushion, where the fangirling emotions were released. Seeing an artist before their performance is a rare occurrence in my life. But lo and behold, there before me were three of the four guys from the opening act of the night: Hippo Campus. We all sipped our coffee and sat silently while I was scrunching my toes to stop from doing something that made me seem like that cliche “Hippo Campus or die” type of girl. So I waited. I waited in line with a rather young group of people, all wearing the same thing and at least one out of three had a septum piercing that was most likely fake. We all swarmed into the Wonder Ballroom and patiently awaited Hippo Campus to come on stage. They came on in all of their

JR JR & Hippo Campus awkward glory and completely blew everybody away. From their hard-hitting drums and enthusiasm on stage, I couldn’t help but dance to every song. The melodies were infectious and made me feel genuinely happy inside. At one point I felt like I was walking through a field of tulips that was neverending. Every song was like this, even towards the end of their set when we were all becoming impatient to see the next act. Soon, the moment came. It was time for the main act of the night: JR JR. Every inch of my body was in full dance mode. I could not stop. I swear I tried to at one point, but I couldn’t. The crowd caught the energy from this talented duo like a disease, and it never went away. Amidst the personal conversations with the crowd, the mosh-pit during one of their most popular songs and the bubble machines, the smile on my face was permanent. I came in to this concert as a part time lover of both bands, but left with my bruised feet and crackly voice showing otherwise.

In 140 characters or less:

The concert was like a sick 80s saxophone solo that you never wanted to end.


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faith & fellowship A prayer for our daily murder: ‘Bless me, Father, for I have sinned’ Bless me, Father, for I have sinned, and I am totally wrestling with feeling bad about sinning, which I do Brian Doyle a little and then don’t at all – I’ll explain. Yesterday a guy walked into a classroom in my state and shot nine people to death and shot up ten others so bad that they’ll limp and be in pain in a dozen ways every hour the rest of their lives. A cop shot the shooter and now the shooter is dead. But this all happened too in Columbine and Aurora and Sandy Hook and Charleston and Norway and Dunblane and Tasmania and on and on and need I go on? And what is my sin? I’ll tell you, Father. Lean in a little here so no one hears. I wanted to shoot the shooters. In the head. I did. And then when I calmed down I wanted

to punch the idiots who immediately started shouting that this doesn’t have anything to do with gun control. And then I wanted to thump the people who excoriated the school for not having armed guards on duty every fifty feet around the perimeter. And then I wanted to afflict everyone issuing comment and opinion and advice and soundbites with laryngitis that would last a month. And then all I could see were bodybags and people sobbing. The mother and the father of the shooter sobbing and speechless. And I was ashamed of myself, Father, because I wriggle with violent impulses, and I have punched and thumped and shouted, and in me is the same squirm of lashing violence as in every other man and probably most women, if they were honest. So I come to you, Father, to see if you can help me. I need you to tell me this will end someday. I need you

Going somewhere cool for fall break?

to tell me Christ was right and turning the other cheek will not always mean getting a knife slash on the other cheek too. I need you to tell me that this has nothing to do with easy useless labels like Satan and Evil and Insanity and everything to do with the brooding shadow in every heart. I need you to tell me that shadow will be dispersed and disseminated someday and not by fiat from the One but by us working our asses off to make violence something that you visit in the war museum. I need you to confirm that it’s us who can solve our daily murder. I need you to confirm that Christ is in us and we can do this if we stop posturing and preening and labeling and actually do something about lonely idiots with brains full of worms. And we are not just talking about addled lonely boys with squirming brains, are we? Aren’t we also talking about arrogant pompous blowhards like bin Laden and Hitler who are sure they know what’s

best and right for everyone? Aren’t we talking about slimy wannabe caliphs who want to own a desert where they pretend it’s the seventh century? Aren’t we talking about everyone who thinks they knew best? Aren’t we talking about that jagged splinter of bloody bile in every man’s heart, and probably most women, if they were honest? Aren’t we talking about your heart and mine, Father? What’s my sin, really? Deeper than the rage I feel with people who murder innocents, people who close up their brains as they open their mouths? My sin, down deep, is that I often despair of us, Father. I do. At night. I don’t wake my wife. She has enough to deal with. But I lie awake and think maybe we are exactly the same savage primates we were a million years ago, and culture and civilization are mere veneer, and we will always be pulling triggers in so many ways – pistols, rifles,

cannons, drones, bombers, warheads, whatever brilliant murder tool we come up with next. We’re so creative, eh, Father? Always looking for a new way to blow the other guy to bits and then drape righteous excuse over the bloody dirt. So that’s what I wanted to tell you, Father. I rage, I despair. I am ashamed of that. Both are small. I want to be big. I want us all to be big. I want Christ to be right. I want the word shooter to be forgotten. I want us to outwit violence. But I am so often so afraid that we will always be small and Christ was a visionary whose words will drown in a tsunami of blood. I know you can’t forgive me, Father. I know the drill. But I ask that you join me in intercession to the One for hope, for endurance, for a flash of His love like water when we are so desperately thirsty we think we will never find water again. Amen. Brian Doyle is the editor of “Portland Magazine,” and the award-winning author of several books.

M A RT I N F L ANAGAN Thursday, November 5, 2015

Bauccio Commons Boardroom | 7:00 p.m. free and open to all

The University’s renowned Schoenfeldt Visiting Writers Series presents the man Time Magazine calls “Australia’s finest journalist”: the essayist and author Martin Flanagan, from Melbourne (and Tasmania). Flanagan is the author of many books about sport, especially his beloved Australian football, and about Australian history and culture; his newest book, The Short Long Book, is about the great Aboriginal footballer Michael Long, who has become a crucial figure in Australia’s struggle with racism and justice.

Information: Brian Doyle,, 503.943.8225

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The road to Fulbright By Alina Rosenkranz THE BEACON UP prides itself on being ranked third in the nation among producers of Fulbright Scholars. The path to teaching or doing research in a foreign country after graduation requires months of preparation, as seniors find out through working on Fulbright applications. Dylan Vahradian, a triple major in Spanish, philosophy and political science, applied for a research Fulbright in Chile, approaching it as a jumping off point for figuring out what kind of education he wants to pursue in the future. “I didn’t feel ready to go immediately into graduate school. I don’t quite have a good understanding of what I want to do,” Vahradian said. “The Fulbright will hopefully allow me to explore an avenue that otherwise I wouldn’t have the opportunity to.” In his research, Vahradian is especially interested in land right issues of indigenous people in Chile. Having started the application process halfway through his junior year, he describes the process as hectic, but simultaneously rewarding because it pushed him academically. “It definitely has been the thing that I have put the most effort into in my entire life,” Vahradian said. Vahradian noted that researching his subject and developing his ideas took up most of his time, but that the process provided him with clarity, allowing him to already narrow down what he wants to do with his life after graduation. Fatima Scotto-Rodriguez, a Spanish major, applied for an English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) grant in Spain. She hopes to learn from different teaching styles abroad to become a better teacher in the future. Working on the grant proposal was the hardest part of the application process for Scotto-Rodriguez.

The grant proposal is a two-page outline for students to explain the purpose and vision they have for their projects. “You are like, ‘How do I sell myself?’ But at the same time it helps you build confidence,” ScottoRodriguez said. “Now I know how to really express why I’m a better candidate than other people.” In being forced to reflect on herself and working closely with several professors at UP, Scotto-Rodriguez said that the application process has already yielded valuable results. Augustus Leveque-Eichhorn, a political science and Spanish major, applied for an ETA in Spain after he found out about Fulbright from professors. In his grant proposal, he pitched the idea of teaching ballroom dance to Spanish students learning English as a second language. “I thought that it’d kind of be an informal way for students and the community at large to continue their English language learning,” Leveque-Eichhorn said. He believes that the international outlook gained from participating in community projects and teaching abroad will be beneficial for the career he aspires to have in politics. “I do think that that being able to say that I’ve been part of an international community, been able to assimilate into a new culture is something that will help me in the long run,” Leveque-Eichhorn said. The applications were due on Oct. 13 and award recipients will be announced between March 2 and May 29, 2016.

All photos by Parker Shoaff • THE BEACON


...(Being) able to assimilate into a new culture is something that

will help me in the long run.

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Contact Staff Writer Alina Rosenkranz at Twitter: @RosenkranzAlina

Treasure hunting club goes for gold By Cheyenne Schoen THE BEACON

Parker Shoaff • THE BEACON

From left: Sophomore Andrew Cousins, sophomore Henry Hark, and junior Gregory Smith, co-treasurers of the UP Treasure Hunting Club.

For some, the thrill of striking gold in a mine and sunken ships full of treasure chests are things only portrayed in Hollywood films. For sophomores Gregory Smith and Andrew Cousins and junior Henry Hark, however, treasure exists in the real world, and they’re determined to find it. The trio are co-treasurers of the new UP Treasure Hunting Club, which is awaiting approval from ASUP. “We heard about this treasure that an eccentric millionaire hid in the Rocky Mountains on NPR, called the Forrest Fenn treasure, and that’s what originally inspired us to go out and find some hidden treasure,” Hark said. According to an article published last summer by CBS News, the Fenn Treasure is worth anywhere from one million to several millions of dollars and consists of gold coins, jewelry and hundreds of gold nuggets. Fenn, a wealthy art dealer and writer, drove through the Rockies and buried the treasure, afterwards publishing a memoir that revealed clues hinting at the treasure’s whereabouts. Since then, thousands of determined

treasure hunters have scoured the Rockies looking for it. Hark said he hopes that by spring of 2018 the club will have enough funding to do a trip down to New Mexico to hunt for the multi-million dollar treasure themselves. But while the Fenn treasure is certainly a long-term goal, the group plans to start hunting locally first.

...People see this kind of stuff on TV but they don’t know that it is actually real.

Gregory Smith Sophomore

“Here in Oregon, we’re talking things from pirate gold to Spanish shipwrecks, lots of abandoned silver and gold mines,” Smith said. “There are lots of stories about robbers who would go rob a train and then go bury it nearby and they would get hanged before they could uncover it.” Cousins looks forward to building up the club’s events. He said they will start off small, with documentary viewings, “National Treasure” viewings and metal detection on the Oregon coast. They also plan to incorporate geocaching into their events, an outdoor activity that utilizes GPS to find hidden containers. After


getting established, they plan to bring in professional treasure hunters to come and speak about their experiences looking for loot. While it sounds like all fun and games, Smith assures others that it will require hard work. “I feel like people see this kind of stuff on TV, but they don’t know that it is actually real,” Smith said. “A lot of treasure hunting is research, narrowing down what happened and where the treasure could be, to recover lost artifacts.” “It’s elements of history, science, excitement and some danger,” Cousins added. Even if they don’t strike gold, the trio hopes the club will provide something just as valuable. “You go out looking for some treasures, and maybe you find the most important treasure of all,” Hark said. “Friendship.”

Contact Staff Writer Cheyenne Schoen at



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Where did Pilots apply? 26 students applied to: Andorra, Chile, Czech Republic, Germany, India. Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, South Korea, Spain, Turkey, UK and Vietnam



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my entire life.

Now I know how to really express why I’m a better candidate than other people.

Design by Hannah Baade • THE BEACON

Improv-ing the act By Karen Garcia THE BEACON While most students are asleep, procrastinating or hunched over their desks on any given Tuesday and Thursday midnights, the members of the the Bluffoons can be found onstage, honing their comedic talents during rehearsals. The long nights have paid off — it’s been a landmark year for the improv group, which has had consistently packed performances in Mago Hunt auditorium during its weekly Friday night performances. Junior Gavin Enos and sophomore Tatiana Spisz credit the group’s rising popularity to an increased effort on the part of veteran actors to stress higher quality performances during rehearsals, along with word of mouth and teamwork. Unlike scripted forms of comedy like sketch and standup, the success of improv relies on spontaneity: the actors’ ability to time their moves at the right pace, with just the necessary amount of energy, to make it all appear as seamless as possible. To achieve this, a lot of work must be done offstage. “We do a lot of group bonding things, because if you don’t trust the person you’re with onstage, you’re not going to be able to do (the scene),”

Bluffoons president Tara Egan said. “We hope to eventually achieve groupthink, where everyone knows each other well enough to know what they’re thinking and make up the scene.” The collaborative nature of improv means that Bluffoon members can be seen eating, studying and even living together, which can create the impression that the group is somehow exclusive. Enos said the Bluffoons aren’t a clique, and all that’s needed for a person to start improv is an interest and willingness to follow their creativity. “The way you learn is through playing together, practicing, watching and letting everything in your head that’s saying ‘You’re wrong,’ or ‘Don’t do that’ go,” Enos said. “(Improv) lets your creativity explode, and teaches you how you can take what you think and make it funnier.” In January, the Bluffoons David DiLoreto • THE BEACON will head to Seattle for the Senior Josie Benedetti (left) and sophomore Daniel Bentz (right) improvise their way through a scene Northwest Regionals of at Bluffoons practice. the annual College Improv Spisz said that over the them by ASUP last year to host “[The group] does a very Tournament (CIT). In past next year, the Bluffoons aim to a professional improv group on good job of being supportive,” years, only Upset, the varsity become more active in the local campus for a performance and Enos said. “Nothing you do or sect of the Bluffoons, has comedy scene. During a Friday a workshop at some point later say is wrong.” attended CIT, but this year night performance a few weeks in the semester. the yet to be named junior ago, Upset did a mixer with Club members encourage varsity team plans to attend as “Peter,” an improv group from those who are intrigued by well. The junior varsity team Bellingham made up of recent improv to attend at least one was created in order to start Contact Living Editor Karen Garcia at college graduates. practice to see how they like it, grooming the next generation The Bluffoons plan to use because more likely than not, of actors once this year’s Twitter: @garciaka17 the $5,000 line item granted to they’ll want to come back. seniors graduate.


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Lydia Laythe Opinion Editor

Paper Why stand with Please Planned

FROM THE EDITORIAL BOARD Abortion is a hot button topic. Many a Facebook fight has occurred between Prolife and Pro-choice activists hurling facts and figures at each other, angrily typing rebuttals in all capital letters. Abortion is not an easy topic to address in an editorial. It’s huge. It’s personal. It’s political. It’s cultural. It’s controversial. It’s complicated. The recent media buzz and political debate around Planned Parenthood (and the resulting debate about abortion) has prompted The Beacon to take some time to address this topic — but we know, before even writing the first line, that we won’t be able to convey the depth and complexity of this issue within the confines of this editorial space. So please, read this — but read more. Read news articles. Read testimonies. Read statistics and reports. And then write your own. Submit your thoughts to The Beacon opinion section, so we can continue this conversation, broaden the dialogue, and deepen the insight. Write in, but do so thoughtfully. This section is meant to start dialogue and challenge our beliefs — resulting in either strengthened convictions or shattered illusions. Either way, grappling with these controversial topics will always be a good thing, if we keep it civil and constructive.

The Center for Medical Progress’ secret recording controversy

The House Judiciary Committee began a series of Congressional hearings about Planned Parenthood in early September, after a group called The Center for Medical Progress began releasing recordings that allegedly showed Planned Parenthood officials illegally selling fetal tissue obtained through abortions. Planned Parenthood submitted a forensic analysis to Congress which concluded that the videos were so edited/ altered that the content cannot be trusted, but the debate in Congress continues, and has sparked important tangential debates about Planned Parenthood and abortion in general. Many conservatives in Congress would love nothing more than to see Planned Parenthood closed down forever, and if they can’t do that directly, they’ll settle for defunding the nonprofit. Representatives who want to defund Planned Parenthood, are attempting to make an attachment to the congressional budget bill. A “clean” bill, without this attachment, has passed through the Senate, in order to prevent a government shutdown (at least until Dec. 11). Currently, the bills on the table include: HR 3495, which would change state funding requirements for organizations that perform abortions and HR 3134, which would defund Planned Parenthood — period.

Alexa: Senior Alexa Bryant Capellas loves Planned Parenthood. She’s used Planned Parenthood to receive information about contraceptives, to obtain birth control pills, to get tested for STIs, and to get an IUD. Alexa said their compassionate presence and commitment to nonjudgmental, unbiased education is what she values about the services offered through Planned Parenthood. “I had no idea (what I

As the son of journalists, I have a special appreciation and relationship with newspapers. My first real Gabriel Withol Junior job was as a delivery boy: During Christmas break of freshman year, I woke up at 2 a.m. and from the front seat of a beat-up P.T. Cruiser, spent the nights throwing papers onto people’s porches. By morning, my hands were stained black with ink. My second real job, during the summer before sophomore year, was spent working in the printing press, inserting ad circulars and sorting thousands of newspapers destined for coffee tables and newsstands. Because of my hands-on experience with newspapers, it was with a heavy heart that I read about Jeromy Koffler’s decision to go paperless next year. I think that this is a terrible move. Here’s why: We all benefit from the existence of a school paper and the sense of community it fosters. As humans we crave touch and there is a unique, satisfying feeling associated with being able to hold a newspaper. It is real. It exists. It means something. A newspaper is a gathering point. Students and staff crowd around a paper to see the pictures, read the words and to be a part of something bigger as they experience and discuss the information together. The newspaper is a conversation starter, through a medium that forces us to talk face-to-face. A paper is an opportunity to read something without staring at a screen. You can experience it without an internet connection. A newspaper IS ACCESSIBLE TO EVERYONE — Students abroad, parents, alumni, staff, administration, professors and the local Portland community are connected to campus through the physical existence of The Beacon. A newspaper is a citizen of its community. It is a representative of our collective thoughts and opinions. It’s like a friend we all know, and every Thursday we look forward to their visit. With the plan to go paperless next year, we are losing a friend and a citizen of UP. We are losing our community. We are losing the nostalgia and anticipation of sitting down on Thursday to read the paper. Future students will not know the joy of being able to hold their school newspaper,

See Stand page 9

See Paper page 9


Nathan DeVaughn • THE BEACON

But while the debate in Congress may be stuck on the fetal tissue controversy, don’t be distracted by the politicians and extremists. Amidst the sensational accusations, there are some very important points to be made about Planned Parenthood.

Let’s get our facts straight

Planned Parenthood may be criticized most often for its work in providing abortions, but that’s actually an incredibly

And the truth is: Taking away an option, doesn’t necessarily mean someone will make the right choice — in fact, people don’t really have a choice to begin with if you take away all their options.

small part of the work they do. According to the Planned Parenthood website, abortion services make up only three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services. Eighty percent of Planned Parenthood clients receive services to prevent unintended pregnancy, and that usually comes in the form of contraceptives, which women can receive for free without insurance. But Planned Parenthood is even broader than that; there’s more to women’s health than pregnancy. Planned Parenthood delivers reproductive health care, sex education and information to around 5 million women, men and young people worldwide. Planned Parenthood affiliates provide educational programs and outreach to 1.5 million young people and adults every

year. Planned Parenthood provides about 400,000 Pap tests, 500,000 breast exams and nearly 4.5 million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections every year.

The problem with defunding

There are many problems with defunding Planned Parenthood. First of all, 2.7 million women and men in the U.S. visit Planned Parenthood every year. And one in five women in the U.S. have used Planned Parenthood for health care at least once in their lifetime. Defunding the nonprofit would severely limit the services they could offer to these people, who are mostly working class citizens. Furthermore, Planned Parenthood operates about 700 health centers nationwide, and the majority of their services are preventative primary care, which prevent unintended pregnancies, reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections and screen for various kinds of cancer. So if the services at Planned Parenthood had to be decreased, unintended pregnancy and STIs might increase. Moreover, taking away a clean, safe environment for an individual to have an abortion won’t stop them from having one. And the truth is: Taking away an option, doesn’t necessarily mean someone will make the right choice — in fact, people don’t really have a choice to begin with if you take away all their options. When you take away a person’s choice, you take away their

autonomy and the opportunity they have to make the “right” choice (whatever that means to you). But if you give them a choice, then they can confidently choose the “right” choice for themselves.

Responses to proposals to defund Planned Parenthood

Many pro-Choice activists, liberal politicians and Planned Parenthood supporters are infuriated by the proposed bills. Eric Ferrero, vice president of communications for Planned Parenthood, released a statement saying, “politicians are heartlessly scrambling to attack women’s access to health care however they can,” and “they’re continuing to push that agenda no matter how many they hurt in the process.” Affirmed by White House press secretary Josh Earnest on CNN a few weeks ago, President Obama has promised to “veto any legislation that tried to advance wholesale defunding for Planned Parenthood.”

Students’ Experiences

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Women deserve better

Veronica Nicacio, Jenny Labrousse, Kelsie Smith

Freshman, Senior, Sophomore

Women’s health care is extremely important. As three college-aged women and members of the Voice for Life Club at UP, we value quality and ethical standards for our health care providers. While Planned Parenthood does provide a number of services to women and families, it lacks in comparison to comprehensive women’s health care. Moreover, Planned Parenthood engages in a number of practices that we, and many Americans, find ethically troubling. We believe in a higher ethical standard and that there are better options for women than Planned Parenthood.

According to a study by the Alliance Defending Freedom, for every one Planned Parenthood clinic, there are 20 Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and Community Health Centers (CHCs) that provide more comprehensive services for low income and urban populations. For instance, FQHCs provide women with mammograms, immunizations and bone mass measurements, all services not provided by Planned Parenthood. According to Illinois Right to Life, Planned Parenthood clinics in Illinois are not required to be licensed by the state or undergo health and safety inspections. According to the Alliance Defending Freedom, some Planned Parenthood clinics do not always have a nurse on call. In addition to Planned Parenthood’s lack of strong medical services, their general practices raise major ethical concerns. Most importantly, Planned Parenthood is by far

the largest abortion provider in the nation. While Planned Parenthood claims that only three percent of their services are abortions, this claim is ambiguous, because what counts as a “service?” Looking at Planned Parenthood’s own numbers, about 30 percent of their total revenue comes from abortion. More to the point, what services does Planned Parenthood actually provide specifically for pregnant women? The truth is, for every one pregnant woman whom they provide with prenatal care or an adoption referral, Planned Parenthood provides 15 women with abortions. If Planned Parenthood really prided itself on empowering women with a true choice, then how could the “services” they provide turn out so lopsided in favor of abortion? This is where our voices from Voice for Life come in. We do not support the practice of abortion because we believe in upholding the dignity of all persons: women, men and their

born and unborn children. Science tells us that, from the moment of conception, what is in a woman’s womb is already a distinct, living and truly human being. Contrary to the very notion of health care, abortion destroys a human life. The FQHCs and CHCs mentioned above do not provide abortions. Finally, recent events suggest that, in their abortion practices, Planned Parenthood is willing to push ethical and legal boundaries. This only further demands the question: Why should we be spending our taxpayer dollars supporting Planned Parenthood, instead of those clinics that provide higher levels of medical care without the morally questionable practices? While the Hyde Amendment technically prevents taxpayer money from directly funding abortions, any federal funding to Planned Parenthood ultimately props up their profit-making abortion business. Essentially, we are a pro-


life group, aiming to protect human life from conception to natural death. And as such, we are here to provide educational resources, pregnancy support, and an alternative to what people would consider a choice. The University of Portland — as stated in the student handbook, Health Center website, and on the national website entitled “Pregnant on Campus Initiative” — supports women and families in their pregnancy. We aim to provide care for our campus and community. As members of Voice for Life, we believe that there is a better choice for women than Planned Parenthood. Women deserve better. Freshman Veronica Nicacio, senior Jenny Labrousse and sophomore Kelsie Smith are members of Voices for Life. They can be reached at nicacio19@,, and or

Stand: Planned Parenthood does good work Continued from page 8 wanted),” Alexa said. “So they took the time to explain everything from natural family planning... to a hysterectomy, and everything in between. They wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting myself into, that I knew everything that was going to happen. And for me, that was wonderful, because I grew up in Catholic school, never really had sex ed, my parents never really talked about it. So it was nice to have somebody there. I loved it. They were so sweet and wonderful, and never pressured me.” Not only did the staff at Planned Parenthood provide Alexa with the information she needed to make informed decisions about her health and body, they also provided the physical and emotional support she needed. “There was a day I went in, because I thought I was going to get an IUD, and then I second-guessed myself… so I literally made an appointment just to come in and talk about it and I cried in the appointment,” Alexa said. “And the doctor just came over and gave me a hug and was very compassionate. So that’s how I think of Planned Parenthood: a compassionate organization.” When Alexa contracted an STI from her (now ex-) partner, she said the staff at Planned Parenthood was informative and empathetic. Because her partner was the only person she had had sex with, and she had been tested

before, she knew he had to be sexually involved with other people. The staff at Planned Parenthood helped her decide how to have the conversation with her partner about cheating in a relationship. Alexa even went to Planned Parenthood to get tested for STIs after she was sexually assaulted. When she informed staff of her situation, they asked if she wanted to get information about sexual assault advocacy centers or if she wanted a counselor. Bryant Capellas said she’s always impressed by their compassion, thoughtfulness and awareness. “Everytime I go in, they ask me, ‘Do you feel safe in your relationship? Do you

Every time I go in, they ask me, ‘Do you feel safe in your relationship? Do you trust your partner? Do you think your partner respects your boundaries?’

Alexa Bryant Capellas Senior

trust your partner? Do you think your partner respects your boundaries?’” Alexa said. “They ask you stuff like that because they want to know if, not only are you aware of what’s going on, but are you consenting to it, is it something you want to do.” “(It’s nice to know) at least these people won’t judge me,” Alexa said. “These people won’t look at me and say ‘It’s awful what you’re doing. This is a terrible decision.’ I want somebody to just say, even if they have their own reservations, ‘Well, okay, I

still respect you as a person.’ I think that gets lost (in the debate).” Jenna: Anonymous UP student, “Jenna,” recalled an experience she had with a friend: “One of my really good friends fell in love with a guy,” Jenna said. “And they slept together. Then a month later she missed her period. She thought, ‘Oh, this happens. Periods don’t start on the same day every month, at least not for most girls.’ So we went to the store just to be sure. But then (the pregnancy test) came back positive and she just had a heart attack, in the bathroom stall (she) started hyperventilating.” After a second positive test, Jenna and her friend made an appointment at Planned Parenthood to learn about her options. At the appointment they learned she wasn’t far along, the embryo hadn’t grown into a fetus yet. “We talked about it,” Jenna said. “And she was like, ‘I want this one day, but I don’t really want this right now. It’s something that would hold me back from who I could potentially be.’” Jenna and her friend gave themselves a week to make a decision. Jenna said she and her friend had many conversations about life, motherhood, and abortion. But most importantly, they discussed the difference between “life” and “a life.” “I don’t think that this (embryo) is ‘a life.’ I definitely think that I’m terminating life,

but in a general sense. Like, this has so much potential to be a child, but right now it’s an embryo. It’s a grouping of cells. It’s not a baby.” Jenna said. So they went back to Planned Parenthood and Jenna’s friend took two pills. “(It was) one of the most awful things I’ve ever

I think she really discovered that her life is worth so much more than her reproductive system.


witnessed a woman go through,” Jenna said. “It was like a period on drugs. She had to take Vicodin she was in so much pain. I sat with her for three days as she could barely move or eat. Not only that, but going through the emotional trauma of knowing that you had to make that choice.” “It was really really hard for her,” Jenna said. “After that experience, we talked about it for a couple months, and she ended up feeling like that was the right decision for her. She never thought she’d have to make the choice to abort. But I think she really discovered that her life is worth so much more than her reproductive system.” Jenna’s experience with her friend strengthened her belief in choice and her desire to give women the power to choose what is right for themselves. Jenna is deeply offended by the idea of Congress defunding Planned Parenthood. “I think that Planned Parenthood gives women

a chance,” Jenna said. “I think (defunding Planned Parenthood) is awful. I think it’s a way to target working class women, and the majority of those women happen to be minority women. I think it’s a way to take away our power and to put us in this position where we have no choice over when we want to have children.” But Jenna recognizes the complexity of the issue. She is constantly conflicted by overlapping values: politically, religiously and personally. “On a religious level, I’m a Christian,” Jenna said. “I don’t agree with abortion. I think it’s really sad. But I also think, as a woman, I should never be forced to have a child. I think that forcing a woman to be pregnant is the same as raping her. You’re taking her body and using it, and taking away her freedom.”

So what’s our opinion?

Planned Parenthood should not be defunded. Abortions are traumatic events and shouldn’t be taken lightly. They should be avoided at all costs. But a woman’s body and life is hers to own, no one else’s. If a woman chooses abstinence, we support her. If a woman chooses natural family planning, we support her. If a woman chooses to have sex, we support her. If a woman chooses to have an abortion, we support her — we don’t have to support the behavior — but we will always support the woman, the autonomous, freethinking human being.

Paper: Student disagrees with online only Beacon Continued from page 8 and appreciate the community that comes with it. Any plan to abolish physical production of the newspaper is a loss for you, for us and for the

community of the University of Portland. I urge you to take ownership. Students, staff, alumni: This is your paper. This is OUR paper. It is a proud tradition that shows we care about our

community. It shows that we believe everyone has the right to access the paper and to enjoy its presence. Tell Koffler that you do not agree with his decision to abolish paper printing by emailing him

at with the subject line “Paper Please.” Perhaps he could pursue alternatives like printing fewer copies or releasing the paper once every two weeks. Either way, “The student voice of the

University of Portland” needs your help.

Gabriel Wihtol is a junior nursing major and can be reached at

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Madison Stadeli Senior

It started with a Facebook message. That was the beginning to the longest and hardest road I have ever taken in my life. It all started with an innocent

message. I was sucked into his charisma, his charm, his flattery. I got lost in the appeal of his uniform, in the excitement of a new relationship, and I dove in headfirst. It didn’t matter that he was a state away. It didn’t matter that my dad got a bad vibe off him. It didn’t matter at all. We got along so well, it was all going to work out. And it did... for a short while. He told me I was beautiful. He told me that he loved me. He told me how I was different from all others. And that drew me in; it encompassed me. I became his... and that’s when it changed. It was small things at first: “Babe, I don’t really like it when you talk to other guys.” “OK,” I thought. “That makes sense. I’ll pull back.” But then it turned into suspicion and rage whenever my phone would go off. It turned into, “Who the hell is texting you? I bet it’s a boy.” Then he’d turn off Skype, text me and tell me what a slut I was. It was “Babe, you’re so pretty, you don’t need to wear makeup. I don’t like guys seeing how pretty you are I love your body, but I don’t want other guys looking at it, don’t wear yoga pants, low cut shirts or anything tight.” “OK,” I thought. “That makes sense.” So I hid under my baggiest clothes, I quit wearing makeup. Then it was, “I need to Skype you right now,” to ensure I was where I told him I was. It was “Leave your Skype on at night,” so he knew I wasn’t sneaking off into the night. It was, “If you’ve loved me, you would sleep with me. That would make me special. Then I’d know you’d really love me.” He took my virginity. “Slut, bitch, fucking whore….” Words I became used to. “Who are you cheating on me with? Why didn’t you answer your phone? WHERE ARE YOU?” Daily questions

Let’s Talk: Emotional abuse I answered, pleading with him to stay, pleading with him to forgive me for not answering my phone, for not being available, explaining that I didn’t leave in the middle of the night, but that my Skype turned off. He told me no one else would love me. I was convinced he was right. While at the same time, “Baby you’re the love of my life. I want to marry you. I can’t wait for our family.” Sweet words rolled off the same tongue that lashed at me. I became his. I stopped eating, too anxious to keep food down, terrified of his next outburst or accusation. I dropped weight. I spent all my spare time Skyping him — even at night. I lost sleep. I stopped leaving my room. I became depressed. I lost my roommate and friend. I turned against my friends, family and roommate, as they all tried to open my eyes to what was happening to me. My dad pled with me to see what he was doing, to see how I was shrinking into a shell of who I used to be. “You’re not being fair! You don’t know him like I do!” I would protest. “He just has a hard time, he’s in the military, he’s just tired, he’s just worried for me.” Excuses rolled off my tongue each and every time I was confronted with the truth. I finally figured I could appease him by quitting school and moving down to California. I applied to Azusa Pacific and was accepted. He would have to trust me if he knew where I was at all times. If I lived with him, maybe he’d stop being angry with me. It was eight months in when my parents gave me a choice: I could either go to therapy or they were going to pull me out of school. I chose therapy. I look back at my sophomore year with such regret, with such sadness and with such terrifying realization of how I let one person define who I was, of how I was emotionally abused and defended my abuser for months. He still lingers in my life, in my nightmares, in my inability to trust people when they tell me they love me, when they tell me they’d never hurt me. I heard him taunting me when I got into a new relationship, calling me a slut and a whore. A year and a half later, I’ve never shaken him. But I have my voice, and no longer will I be silent. No

longer will I pretend that it was just a “bad relationship.” It’s time to call it what it was: It was abuse — emotional abuse. Don’t let the word “emotion” fool you. People look at the word “emotional” and don’t realize the damage this abuse brings. If I was physically abused, you could see my scars, see the proof. There’d be no doubt. But I can’t open my chest and show you my heart, show you where he damaged me, where he changed me, where he made me bleed. Just because he never hit me, does not mean he didn’t abuse me. Abuse doesn’t have to be a fist to the face, emotional abuse can be just as damaging. But everyday I heal. Every day I thank my family and friends for never giving up on me.

If I had not gone to therapy, I can’t even imagine where I would be. I was battered. I was scared and damaged. And I found the strength I needed once I accepted help. There is always help. Sometimes it just takes the courage to accept the help offered to you.


Madison Stadeli is a senior nursing major and can be reached at Madi is a member of Active Minds, a group on campus dedicated to educating our community about mental health and demonstrating that people are not alone in their mental health struggles. We all struggle. Let’s struggle together.

Mental health resources: UP Health and Counseling Center: 503-943-7134 Multnomah Mental Health Crisis Line: 503-988-4888 Active Minds: or activemindsatup


What’s your favorite fall break

Broderick House Sophomore Biochemistry Major

Matthew Nelson Junior Theology Major

Celina Perez Sophomore Chemistry Major

Haley Finley Sophomore Nursing Major

Connor Burke Sophomore Elemntary Education Major



“Everett, Washington.”

“The coast.”


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WCC play rolls on:

The Chancellor Effect

Women’s Soccer

Sophomore Jess Kennedy dribbles the ball around a Washington State Player.The woman’s soccer team is currently on a two game winning streak. Kristen Garcia• THE BEACON

By Malika Andrews THE BEACON Things are looking up for women’s soccer. The Pilots are currently on a two-game winning streak and sit at 2-2 in WCC play. Even with the rocky start, no one is counted out of the playoffs yet. The playoffs are comprised of 64 teams. The 30 conference champions qualify automatically while the remaining 34 teams are selected by the NCAA soccer committee. The most glaring issues for the Pilots this year have been injury, inexperience and the lack of a “go-to scorer.” Portland impact players

are struggling with injury. Hanna Armendariz, who was expected to be a big scorer for the Pilots, is out for the season with an ACL tear. Kaycie Young tore her ACL last season and then fractured her patella while rehabbing her ACL. Jess Kennedy, who was still recovering from last season’s ACL tear, is finally starting to look like herself on the pitch. Considering all of these injuries, it was no surprise the Pilots were 0-2 in the WCC before last weekend. Last Sunday in Stockton, California, the Pilots steamrolled Pacific with a 4-0 win. It was the midfield that stepped up to score. Three different Pilots scored

in the game against the Tigers. Allison Wetherington netted her second goal of the year. ESPN W’s Griffin Hayes has called out Wetherington as the next superstar for the Pilots. Cecilia Pederson, who has picked up the slack in Portland’s offense this year, scored her fourth goal of the season. Hannah Griffiths Boston scored two goals in the game. Historically, women’s soccer is athletics’ dynasty on The Bluff. This weekend, UP will be celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Portland’s NCAA championship. With that honor, comes responsibility. Every team following the 2005

team is in some way, even unintentionally, compared to that squad. It is an expectation that Portland at least make the tournament. Last week, I wrote that Portland soccer is looking hopeless this year. After last weekend’s two wins, I have changed my mind. They are broken, but a 2-2 record isn’t a death sentence. This is the tipping point. If Portland can carry the momentum they have now into the remaining games, they will make the tournament. There is fight left. Contact Sports Editor Malika Andrews at Twitter: @malika_andrews


The men lost their opening WCC game against Gonzaga 1-0 last Sunday.


The Volleyball team is currently on a five game losing streak after falling to Pepperdine on Thursday night and LMU on Saturday.

Women’s Soccer

The women’s soccer team swept their road trip last weekend first beating St. Mary’s 1-0 and then beating Pacific 4-0. The Pilots advance to 2-2 in WCC play.

Two weeks into the season, the Seattle Seahawks suffered two tough losses against two tough Sheldrup opponents. Jimmy Sophomore Without a win, and in last place in the NFC West, many so-called experts and fans began to question the Hawks. Fast forward to now, and Seattle is right back in the thick of it in the NFC West at 2-2. The offensive line is still awful. The answer then, can only be the return of Kam “Bam Bam” Chancellor. Chancellor sat out the first two games of the season. He felt he deserved more money, and so he decided to not show up to training camp or the first two games of the season. Whether or not he should have done that is a topic for another column, (Short answer: He deserves the money) but during his absence, the Hawks struggled. Chancellor is the enforcer in the Seahawks’ defense, a living, breathing dump truck. In the two games he sat out, Seattle allowed a massive 61 points. Not every point scored against Seattle was the defense’s fault, but to think Chancellor’s absence wasn’t a big factor is naive. Since his return, the Hawks have allowed merely 10 points over the two games. Granted one of those games was a shutout against the lowly Bears, but the Hawks allowed 34 points to the Rams and they are not exactly an offensive juggernaut. Chancellor is the linchpin of the stout Seattle defense. Against the Lions, Chancellor helped limit Calvin “Megatron” Johnson to 56 yards receiving. He also lit up Johnson, one of the most imposing receivers in the league, with a bone crushing tackle. Later on, Chancellor forced a fumble, from Johnson no less, to help seal the win for the Hawks. With Chancellor back and making plays for Seattle again, Seahawk’s fans should be optimistic about the future of the season. While the team is far from playing its best football, just getting Chancellor back is a huge step in the right direction. The Hawks may have started slow this year, but they did the exact same thing last year too. Assuming this team can answer some of the current question marks, expect Seattle to dominate the NFC West, and quite possibly the rest of the league. Contact Sports Writer Jimmy Sheldrup at

SCOREBOARD Women’s Soccer

On Sunday, the women host Santa Clara at 1 p.m. In addition, the Pilots will be celebrating their 10 year National Champion Anniversary.


The team takes on San Diego on the raod today and then head to Utah to take on No. 13 BYU.

Sports Midseason update: O C T. 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 • U P B E A C O N . C O M

Malika Andrews Sports Editor

A team that showed promise in the preseason is dwindling. Beat down from injury, the once commanding volleyball team doesn’t have the energy to finish what they started. Where their preseason broke the record for the best start in program history, the team finds themselves back to where they were last year: with only one win in WCC play. Key players have suffered tweaks, bumps and bruises that have made a noticeable impact on the court. Junior middle blocker Katie Sullivan returned from an ankle injury that sidelined her out for eight matches. While Sullivan was out, junior Makayla Lindburg started at middle blocker. Lindburg had surgery on her right shoulder in December. She is still unable to swing with full force consistently. Senior Emily Liger tweaked her back. This was most noticeable against Santa Clara on Oct. 1. Liger usually averages 4.8 kills per set, but she only recorded seven kills on the match. In their last match on Saturday, the 25-10 loss in set two was the worst loss Portland has suffered all season. The team hit an abysmal .083 on the match. Today, the Pilots face San Diego (5-1) on the road. Saturday, the Pilots take on No. 13 BYU. The last six times the Pilots and Cougars met, the Cougars have swept the match.

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Men’s soccer

It isn’t quite midseason for the men’s soccer team yet. Last weekend, Portland opened WCC play with a 2-1 overtime loss to Gonzaga. With a 3-7-2 record overall and a 0-1 record in WCC, it is too early to predict how the Pilots will fair in conference. Early standouts on offense this year include sophomore Erik Edwardson who has recorded two goals on the season and senior Hugo Rhoads. Rhoads has netted three goals on the season thus far. Defensively, sophomore goalkeeper Paul Christensen has 59 saves, leading the WCC, and has a .738 save percentage. Christensen has 12 more saves than the next best WCC keeper and three shutouts. San Diego, Gonzaga, St. Mary’s and San Francisco have all won their first conference games. San Diego leads the conference in winning percentage with .545. Pacific sits at the bottom of the WCC with a .091 win percentage. On Tuesday, the team announced the signing of Arizona high school senior Musa Morris. Morris, who was the 2015 Arizona Player of the Year, will join the team in the spring. Morris was high school teammates with Portland freshman Jackson Jellah. This weekend the Pilots will take on San Diego and Loyola Marymount University on the road. David DiLoreto• THE BEACON

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