The Beacon - Nov 7 - Issue 10

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The BEacon

Vol. 115, Issue 10 November 7, 2013

Every Thursday

The Student Voice of the University of Portland Since 1935

Bugs, floods and heating dilemmas plague off-campus students

The “Cemetery of the Innocents” sparks controversy, students weigh in

Armed with harnesses, skis or boards, students take to the mountain

Living, p. 8

Opinions, p. 13

Sports, p.14

WHAT ’S AHEAD? Seven top administrators discuss student concerns with ASUP

Rebekah Markillie Staff Writer Seven top administrators, including President Fr. Bill Beauchamp, joined the ASUP Senate on Monday evening to talk about future changes to campus, practical applications for the updated Nondiscrimination Policy and breaking ground for the new recreation center, among other things. The group also included Executive Vice President Fr. Mark Poorman, Provost Thomas Greene, Vice President for Student Affairs Fr. Gerry Olinger, Vice President for Financial Affairs Alan Timmins, Vice President for University Operations Jim Ravelli and Interim Vice President for University Relations Laurie Kelley.

The new recreation center

The biggest news at the meeting, according to several senators, was Ravelli’s announcement that the new recreation center will not have a swimming pool in the first phase of development. ASUP Vice President Elvia Gaona, a junior, said she has heard low use of the current pool in Howard Hall is the reason it was not a priority. “I think that it’s really upsetting,” Gaona said. “If we had a pool in the new rec center, it will be used. I don’t think we should be applying the use of Howard now to the use of a new building.” But Ravelli said a pool may be added in a future phase of development. The new recreation center, budgeted at $23 million, will officially break ground in May on the field where the current Public Safety building is located. Joe Etzel Field was originally considered as a possible location, but was ruled out because the University did not have enough money to fund a replacement baseball field.

Searching for the next president

When Poorman was asked about the speculation on campus concerning him being the next president, he and the other administrators laughed. “If I was one of those candidates, I would be very

pleased,” Poorman said. Since Beauchamp is retiring in May, a search committee, appointed by the Board of Regents, will start the process of looking for a new president. “What makes this a little bit different from other schools is that the next president will be a Holy Cross Priest,” Beauchamp said, “In terms of national search and opening up to everybody, that won’t happen. It will be a Holy Cross Priest.”

When senator sophomore London Ballard asked Beauchamp if the change to the Nondiscrimination Policy would allow faculty members to bring their same-sex partners on study abroad trips, he responded, “Probably not.” “I don’t want to talk about ‘what ifs,’” Fr. Beauchamp said. “But there is an important sentence in that nondiscrimination clause, and that is we will follow the teaching of the Catholic Church.”

Campus: the center of social life

Women in administration

At the start of this year, the Pilots After Dark program moved to Late Night Programming under Student Activities, a change meant to allow for more events and activities. Both Olinger and Poorman want campus to have a livelier social life. “I’m probably one of the few vice presidents (of Student Affairs) in the country that get to say that one of my mandates I’ve received from the president and executive vice president is to increase the fun on campus,” Olinger said. Olinger believes having a vibrant life on campus is an invitation for students living off campus to visit the UP campus community. With more students attending UP and a push for more students to stay on campus, according to Poorman, the University faces a crowding problem. “We have the happy problem of our dorms almost stacked to capacity,” Poorman said. The University is looking at strategically rearranging the residence halls to maximize space, but eventually more dorms will need to be built, Poorman said. Once there is adequate space, Poorman is hoping to instate a second-year live in requirement on campus.

The Nondiscrimination Policy

Despite the recent inclusion of sexual orientation in the Nondiscrimination Policy, Beauchamp doesn’t see practical applications to this change. “If it makes more people comfortable that we have that, that’s important,” Beauchamp said. “But it does not represent a change in University policy. What it did do was put in writing our nondiscrimination practice all along.”

After former Vice President for University Relations Jim Lyons left last month for a job at Santa Clara University, Beauchamp gave Kelley the interim position, making her the only female upper-level vice president – at a school where the student body is 59 percent female. An ASUP senator asked Kelley about her perspective on this. “I think they have had really good people in this position in the past who happen to be men,” Kelley said. “And I would not want to get this position solely because I am a female.” She does hope to be named to the position permanently, she said.

“I think they have had really good people in this position in the past who happen to be men, and I would not want to get this position solely because I am a female.”

“I would just thank you for using the library as much as you are. I am so anxious to see your GPAs!”

Physical changes to campus

Physical Plant is currently in a cycle of performing needed upgrades and repairs each summer to various residence halls that were neglected in the past, according to Ravelli. In the last few years Physical Plant made updates to Kenna and Mehling Halls, including replacing windows and elevators. “I think Mehling had not been touched since it was built,” Ravelli said. Next summer Physical Plant plans to redo the windows in Shipstad Hall. Villa Maria Hall is the next one up for renovations. Ravelli expects Villa Maria Hall will need some extra attention since it was built in 1957. Physical Plant is also taking over the property management duties of the 40 University-owned rental houses from Residence Life. It is already responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the houses. “You just change who you See ASUP, page 5

“At its core, the University hasn’t changed at all. If you’re not a different person than when you arrived, we’ve done something wrong.”

“We have the happy problem of our dorms almost stacked to capacity.” All photos by Parker Shoaff | THE BEACON



November 7, 2013

On On Campus Campus

SOCIAL WORK ICE CREAM SOCIAL Ice Cream Social is on Nov. 7 from 6 to 8 p.m. in Buckley Center 163, and will include a panel discussion with information about the social work program and major. Open to all majors. PILOT EXPRESS FOR THANKSGIVING BREAK Pilot Express sign-ups for rides to and from the airport and train station are now available in the Office of Student Activities, located in St. Mary’s. SENATOR PATRICK LEAHY Senator Patrick Leahy will present “How Faith Can Inform and Enhance Public Service” on Friday, Nov. 8, at 3:30 p.m. in Buckley Center Auditorium. PILOTS AFTER DARK Friday, Nov. 8, 10-11:30 p.m. in the Cove. Student band The Randy Jacksons will perform. Friday, Nov. 8, 11:30 p.m.1:00 a.m. in the Cove. Karaoke show, photo booth, prizes, and give aways. Saturday, Nov. 9, 10-11:30 p.m. in the Cove. UP’s men’s a capella, Call Our Bluff, will perform in addition to students’ open mic. CPB PRESENTS GROWN UPS 2 Grown Ups 2 will be shown this Friday and Saturday night, Nov. 8 and 9, at 10 p.m. in the Buckley Center Auditorium. CORRECTIONS In the Oct. 31 article ‘New biodmedical engineering master’s programm’ Donald P. Shiley was reported as being the co-inventor of the Bjork-Shiley Heart Valve. He is the sole inventor. It was the practice at the time to list the surgeon who first implanted a device as part of the name, hence Bjork-Shiley Heart Valve, but did not mean the surgeon was a co-inventor. In the Oct. 31 article ‘Zahm lecture inspire students,’ Jud Newborn was quoted as saying, “...tear away what the White Rose said.” The full quote should read: “The only question is, will we do what the White Rose demanded in one of their leaflets – ‘tear away the stifling cloak of indifference!’ – and let the echo of the White Rose emerge, full-voiced, from our own lips?”

Accuracy in The Beacon

The Beacon strives to be fair and accurate. The newspaper corrects any significant errors of fact brought to the attention of the editors. If you think an error has been made, contact us at Corrections will be printed above.

Villa hall director leaves suddenly Lydia Laythe Staff Writer As of last Friday, Villa Maria Hall Director Danny Zimmerman is no longer employed at the University. Though administration will not confirm if Zimmerman was let go from his position or voluntarily resigned, it is confirmed that he no longer works at UP. Chris Haug, director of Residence Life, said he could not comment on personnel matters, but Zimmerman’s departure does not mark the end of a community. “Life should not stop at Villa,” he said. “This is a part of life, and we are a strong community and we move forward. That’s a key quality of the University of Portland: We pull together.” Junior Joe Mahan said Zimmerman’s departure was unexpected and left many students with unanswered questions. “I think all of us were shocked,” Mahan said. “For whatever reason, he was gone. Some guys were shocked and were like ‘Why? Why can they do this?’” According to Mahan, Villa Maria residents were informed of Zimmerman’s departure on Friday, Nov. 1 at an all-hall meeting. At the meeting, Vice President for Student Affairs Fr. Gerry Olinger informed students that Zimmerman was no longer hall director, the University could not discuss why, students were

Parker Shoaff | THE BEACON

not to contact Zimmerman and counseling was available through the Health Center. Mahan said Zimmerman was well-liked by many Villa residents. “He’s just a great guy,” Mahan said. “He definitely built up, besides the strong foundation that Villa had, an even better community. He really fueled that fire that we already had.” Mahan recalled Zimmerman sitting in the Villa lobby at night, engaging in friendly banter with residents. “He was a pretty shy guy,” Mahan said. “He was really good at reaching out to the whole community, and really just made sure that everybody was taken

care of. He was just always there.” The Beacon was unable to reach Zimmerman for comment. According to his LinkedIn account, Zimmerman worked at the University since July of 2012. Zimmerman earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Notre Dame and his Master of Public Health in Epidemiology and Behavioral Science/Health Education from St. Louis University. “I think he’ll be greatly missed,” Mahan said. “I think all of Villa is praying for him and hoping that he continues to do well in his life. We’re hoping he doesn’t suffer too much from the loss of his job. We just want

him to be successful in his life, because he was so helpful in our lives.” Moving forward, Villa Maria Assistant Hall Director Kevin McCaffrey and Pastoral Resident Fr. Charlie McCoy will take on more responsibility until Residence Life finds an interim or permanent hall director. “That community in Villa Maria Hall is very strong and Danny had a great part in making it strong,” Haug said. “It was strong before Danny got there as well, so it will continue to be strong as we more forward.”

ASUP resolution proposes to increase hall access ASUP meets resistance from Residence Life concerning off-campus students’ access to residence halls Nastacia Voisin Staff Writer A new ASUP resolution proposes granting ID card swipeaccess to campus residence halls during visitation hours in an effort to include off-campus students in the UP community. Spearheaded by ASUP senators junior Andrew Bosomworth and sophomore Samantha van den Berg, Resolution 12-13 is fueled by a concern that restricted access creates barriers. “Some of our constituents expressed to us that they don’t feel included in dorm life,” Bosomworth said. “We feel we can bring the entire UP community closer together with better access.” Beginning this semester, residence hall receptionists were replaced by community assistants who don’t monitor hall access as part of their duties. Residence halls locked down as a result, only accessible through a student ID card swipe access system. The current policy grants on-

Kristen Garcia | THE BEACON

As of this year, students can gain access to residence halls only by swiping their ID card. On-campus students can access any residence hall with their ID card during intervisitation hours, but off-campus students cannot. campus students admission to the Off-campus students have If passed, Resolution 12-13 front doors of all dorms during no entrance privilege to dorms, would give off-campus students intervisitation hours. Yet even except when invited in or through the same intervisitation rights as on-campus students can only “piggybacking,” bypassing See ACCESS, page 3 swipe into the living areas of swipe access by entering directly their own halls. behind on-campus students. 3


Skimming for success? Skimming can help students get through mountains of reading, but there are downsides, professors say Emily Neelon Staff Writer As midterms end and finals approach, UP students are beginning to feel the pressure of their reading loads. Rather than take the time to carefully read the entire assignment, or even re-read it, as some professors request, many students turn to skimming, speed-reading or SparkNotes in order to finish their assigned reading. Although skimming can be helpful in speeding up the reading process, it can also be detrimental to a student’s overall understanding of the work they are reading because they aren’t looking over every aspect of the assignment. Some students have found skimming to be essential to success in their courses. Senior Alexander Foy has found skimming to be an extremely effective tool. “Skimming can do a lot when reading non-literary material,” Foy said. “I’ve learned a lot of techniques to get through these mountains of reading material.” For other students, skimming is more harmful than helpful. Senior Beau Borek has found this studying tool to be unhelpful to his academic success. “Skim reading does not work at all in my experience,” Borek said. “I just forget everything. You can’t remember all of the ideas. They don’t flow together

and just become arbitrary thoughts.” Despite the positive effects skimming has had on Foy’s reading comprehension skills, Foy does not feel it is a strategy that can be used when reading literature. “To make a coherent and valid argument, to pick up on anything from the sentence structure to the words to who said that word, you can’t access (these ideas) without in-depth reading,” Foy said. Sociology professor Nick McRee understands why students must skim reading, especially during stressful times in the semester. “I think (skimming) is more likely to happen as the semester goes on,” McRee said. “They’ve got so many competing demands, there’s certain times in the semester that it’s very difficult to satisfy them all.” McRee believes students use skimming as a way to cope. “One of the things they have control over is how much time they want to spend reading, but they don’t have control over when a paper is due,” McRee said. However, professors can often tell when a student has skimmed the reading they have assigned instead of reading it fully. Philosophy professor Alejandro Santana says its a give-away when a student only has a shallow understanding of the material. “They don’t have a firm grasp of the details, they don’t have a

Ann Truong | THE BEACON

precise understanding of what the arguer is saying and they really can only state things in very general terms,” Santana said. Communication studies professor Jeff Kerssen-Griep said he assigns reading for the benefit of his students, so doing the reading is essential. “Reading is all about getting you to class prepared so that classroom time is more exciting,” Kerssen-Griep said. Students must decide what is important to them when deciding whether to skim, according to senior Stan Thompson. “You have to define success. If you are shooting for all A’s, (skimming) will definitely

affect (your grades),” Thompson said. “You can’t get all A’s by skimming. But, if you’re balancing other aspects of life and you’re fine passing your classes with a C, you have to prioritize and skim. For some classes you have to read more, for others you have to skim.” Kerssen-Griep, McRee and Santana all agree that skimming can be an effective studying tool when done correctly. “The student should briefly skim the article to get a sense of where it’s going, then go back and read the article more carefully,” McRee said. When it comes to merely reading chapter summaries

instead of completing the assigned reading, Santana believes students are wasting their time. “If you are spending the time to read SparkNotes, just read the text,” Santana said. “SparkNotes is supposed to make things more clear, but in my experience, they aren’t very good. I’ve found some of the analysis to be very poor.” Foy feels that reading should not be daunting for students if it’s something they are excited about. “If you’re in the right major, a lot of the reading will be really interesting,” Foy said.

ACCESS: senators hope for resolution to pass Continued from page 2 on-campus students. While the resolution garnered support from on-campus ASUP senators, it has encountered resistance from Residence Life and Public Safety. Alex Hermanny, associate director for housing, says the current access regulations are a compromise between access and safety. “We want students to be able to see their friends, but we have to balance that with safety and security too,” Hermanny said. “We had to find a place to draw the line, and make sure we weren’t giving card access to too many people.” Hermanny believes limiting dorm access to on-campus students serves as an essential security measure and helps foster a tighter sense of on-campus community. “This mission of Residence Life at its heart is to build Christian communities on

campus,” he said. “Part of doing that is building a sense of home in each of the halls.” Hermany added that offcampus students have “made a choice to disengage from the community on some level.” While Residence Life views off-campus students as part of the UP community, by moving off campus, students lose privileges granted to those who stay with their hall families. “We want to welcome them back, but during the times when there is someone to welcome them in,” Hermanny said. Corrado Hall resident assistant Ian Coe thinks denying off-campus students access to residence halls does little to foster community. “I think the idea of Christian community extends to the whole campus,” he said. “Barring people access to the dorms – and to their friends – hinders community building.” Along with creating more vibrant residence hall

communities, both Residence Life and Public Safety cited security reasons for limiting offcampus access to the halls. Michael McNerney, administrator of card access on campus for Public Safety, said limiting off-campus student access helps control who enters the halls uninvited.

“I think the idea of Christian community extends to the whole campus. Barring people access to the dorms – and to their friends – hinders community building.”

Alex Hermanny associate director for housing

“It’s really not a question of keeping students out, it’s making sure that access doesn’t compromise security,” McNerney said. One concern is preventing

non-traditional students who may not fully be a part of UP’s community from entering dorms, according to McNerney. Another is keeping track of student IDs. Although Public Safety doesn’t track whether off-campus students lose their IDs more often than on-campus students, McNerney said it’s assumed that on-campus students will report the loss swiftly. An off-campus student – whose life is less tied to their ID – might delay replacing their card. If Resolution 12-13 is approved, off-campus students will have intervisitation swipe access, and unreported ID loss may pose a security threat. Yet some students like junior Hanna Herrin – who moved off campus this semester after two years in Corrado Hall – feel being locked out of dorms is akin to being locked out of the community. “It cuts us off from a part of campus,” Herrin said. “Part of the reason I came to UP was

because of the community and values. I came in expecting to be part of this community.” For Herrin, access to residence hall means access to friends, study groups and work space. Yet she agrees that she might not be as quick to report the loss of her student ID as an on-campus student. Resolution 12-13 has been tabled as ASUP senators reach out to their constituents for feedback. If ASUP votes to pass the resolution, it will be passed to University President Fr. Bill Beauchamp who can approve, deny or pass on the decision to another department. Both Bosomworth and van den Berg are confident of Resolution 12-13’s success. “We’re very, very hopeful,” Bosomworth said. “We represent the students of the University of Portland, and this resolution is something students want to see happen.”



November 7, 2013

Transfer students face unique challenges Olivia Alsept-Ellis Staff Writer As January approaches, Student Activities prepares for a very different orientation than the flurry of Play at UP (formerly Playfair), workshops and Big Al’s – an Orientation aimed at transfers. At UP, students can transfer in at either fall or spring semester. However, the fall transfer orientation is clumped with the first-year freshman, while spring orientation is centered on transfer students, which changes the administration’s planning priorities, said Director of Student Activities Jeromy Koffler. “We recognize that they have different needs. In fact, the transfer students’ hierarchy of needs are a bit inverted,” Koffler said. “We create a different transfer student track so that we can talk about their specific topics.” Senior Rebecca Bell, who transferred from New York University in 2011 said the transfer experience asks the student to put in a lot of extra work, even with the specially designed orientation program. “Being a transfer, you have to do a lot of self advocacy,” Bell said. “I was the one who had to send course descriptions from my NYU classes to the dean. I had a really great adviser who helped me get credit for my classes, but I think I’m the only student at UP who got out of Bib Trad.” Senior Beau Borek, who transferred from University of California, Davis to UP in 2012, said one of the biggest transfer obstacles is finding a community in the midst of peers who are no longer constantly looking to establish new friendships. “As a freshman, everyone is meeting each other and friend groups are established. Two years down the road from that, assimilation is harder,” Borek said. “People in class already have friends, they aren’t going to class to make buddies. And other transfer students don’t know that you are a transfer, so they aren’t going to approach you.”

Bell also struggled to make campus connections. “I got my own apartment and I didn’t know anyone because I was constantly gone or at work,” Bell said. “The transfer orientation definitely tried to get me involved on campus through clubs, and that would have helped, but I just didn’t have time.” Koffler recognizes the

“Being a transfer, you have to do a lot of self advocacy. I was the one who had to send course descriptions from my NYU classes to the dean. I had a really great adviser who helped me get credit for my classes, but I think I’m the only student at UP who got out of Bib Trad.”

Rebecca Bell senior

differences between the needs of freshmen and transfer students. “In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, once the creature comforts are met you can then reach higher academic goals,” Koffler said. “Someone who comes here as a first year student might be interested in things like housing, food, their peer network, and

then they might want to learn about classes, professors, and finally the logistics of getting an education. But their first and foremost concerns are ‘What am I going to eat and where am I going to live?’” On the other hand, Koffler said the transfer student is going to worry about a very different set of issues. “They already know the basics about being a college student. However, they might not understand the particulars of how (their previous college) is different this from this one,” Koffler said. “It’s also a little more professional because we can’t create the campus-wide fanfare in the January orientation.” Sara Jacobs, the 2013-2014 Student Orientation coordinator, helped organize the events of the fall orientation and is preparing for the spring one soon. However, she also helped organize the events for transfers amidst the fall orientation. She said she can imagine that the upcoming spring orientation will be different not only in content but aura. “For transfer students, we give the same welcome but there definitely is less ‘hand holding’ or ‘let me show you’ attitude,” Jacobs said. “It’s the same orientation but less events.” However, she lamented the loss of the ‘fanfare’ that Koffler spoke of. Jacobs said she valued

that exciting quality. “I think UP is so welcoming and inviting, and it’s fun when campus is buzzing with energy - students moving in, meeting RAs, all this excitement. It’s really fun and part of the experience of coming to school,” Jacobs said. Bell, who attended the fall orientation as a transfer student, said she thought transfers are likely to be unresponsive to the excitement of the freshman orientations. “UP tries really hard to make the orientation tight, but I don’t think they realize the people who

“As a freshman, everyone is meeting each other and friend groups are established. Two years down the road from that, assimilation is harder.

Beau Borek senior

transfer in aren’t freshman,” she said. “I think they were trying to make me feel included and get involved. But there is a disconnect because the orientation leaders were 4 year students. It felt very contrived.” Borek said he felt that the transfer orientation was well-

intentioned, but still had some unnecessary elements. “I could tell they were working hard to make the transfers feel comfortable. It was nice for my parents to know I was being accepted into a nice community,” Borek said. “But those icebreakers are always really uncomfortable. I felt like I didn’t near to hear any of it. The sheet they give you with the ‘Lingo on the Bluff’ said things like ‘What’s the Anchor? What’s the Commons?’ I remember thinking, ‘I can figure this stuff out on my own.’” Borek found campus community through clubs, specifically The Bluffoons improv team. “I felt so immediately accepted, especially when I was put on the performance team,” Borek said. Jacobs also agreed the UP community is one of the most important factors that the Student Activities can’t control. “In the end, you know, after we give them all the information and support we can, it’s on UP students to help these transfers feel welcome,” Jacobs said. “I think we have a really great attitude here but there’s also always more that we can do as a community.”

Where do transfers come from?

*All data from Karen Nelson, Director of Institutional Research Graphs by Emily Strocher | THE BEACON

The UP Public Safety Report 34 1

1. Oct. 31, 7:52 p.m. - Officers were contacted by an individual who was sleeping in their vehicle near campus on October 19th. Officers determined that the individual had no legitimate business on campus and issued a written trespass warning. The individual was cooperative and left campus.


2. Nov. 1, 10:35 p.m. - Received an anonymous complain regarding a loud party on the 4500 block of N. Amherst. Officers responded and assisted in quieting the party. While quieting the party, officer encountered a student and their guest who were underage and intoxicated. The student was referred to the student conduct process, and the parents of the guest were notified. 3. Nov. 1, 11:45 p.m. - Officer observed a fight in the street at the 5500 block of N. Willamette Blvd. One individual fled the scene, the two remaining individuals declined to press charges. Portland Police Bureau assisted in the investigation, and it remains open. 4. Nov. 1, 11:45 p.m. - While responding to previous call of a fight, officers encountered an intoxicated student. Portland Police took the student to Hooper Detox.


ASUP: discusses women in administration, residence halls Continued from page 1

to looking forward,” Ravelli said.

write your check to,” Ravelli said. As part of the 10-year Master Plan for facilities planning and construction, the University hopes to purchase streets on campus from the City of Portland. According to Ravelli, “street vacation” is a complicated process that involves obtaining permission from surrounding properties, and it takes time. The street that University Operations is most interested in purchasing is Van Houten, across from Fields and Schoenfeldt Halls. “It gives us the flexibility to use (the street) as we might want

Since the $5 million cleanup of the 35-acre river campus, a former industrial site, the Environmental Protection Agency has given the OK to start planning for short, middle and long-term development. “For the short term, we’ve talked about things like putting a boathouse down there,” said Poorman. “There’s a sore need for practice fields on campus, it’d be great to have a couple lit practice fields (on river campus).” In the long term Beauchamp and Poorman hope to see buildings on river campus.

Upcoming river campus

ASUP decides what to fund for the MPF Philip Ellefson Opinions Editor The ASUP executive board prioritized the final Major Project Fund (MPF) projects yesterday after collecting information from Senate, administrators and a student survey. The top four projects, in order of priority, are vans for Student Activities, funding for Pilots after Dark, an end-of-the-year event and additional outdoor seating for the library and the Terrace Room. ASUP will fund each project in order of priority, and the next project on the list will be funded if funds are left over. ASUP does not expect to be able to fund any more than these top four projects. The Student Activities vans, which will cost between $20,000 and $50,000, will be available for clubs and student organizations to check out for events. ASUP

Vice President Elvia Gaona, a junior, said the vans have been needed for years. “This is something that has been brought up for several years, and no one has done anything about it, so even during the summer, we were saying we would want it to be funded by the MPF,” Gaona said. Gaona and ASUP President Quin Chadwick, also a junior, said the survey gauging student interest in the MPF projects was an important factor in prioritizing the projects. The projects Chadwick and Gaona do not expect to be able to fund are, in order of priority, display TVs for the library, renovation of the Buckley Center greenhouse, bike rack covers and lighting for the intramural field. These projects either have little interest to students or are out of the price range for the MPF.

“There are no foreseeable (budget) cuts I see today.” - Vice President for Financial Affairs Alan Timmins All photos by Parker Shoaff | THE BEACON


“I’m probably one of the few vice presidents (of Student Affairs) in the country that gets to say that one of my mandates I’ve received from the president and executive vice president is to increase the fun on campus.”

“I get a little nervous every time Fr. Bill walks into my office.”

How Faith Can Inform and Enhance Public Service presented by

Senator Patrick Leahy Friday, November 8, 2013 3:30 p.m., Buckley Center Auditorium Free and open to the public

Senator Patrick Leahy, a Democrat and the US Senator from Vermont since 1974, is active on human rights issues especially through his humanitarian work for victims of land mines. He led efforts in Congress to aid mine victims by creating a special fund in the foreign aid budget, and the Leahy War Victims Fund now provides up to $14 million of relief to these victims each year. Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, Leahy headed the Senate’s negotiations on the USA Patriot Act. He is currently the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the senior-most member of the Appropriations Committee and the Agriculture Committee. He ranks first in seniority in the Senate and is the President Pro Tempore. For ADA accommodations or any questions, please contact Jamie Powell at or (503) 943-7702.




November 7, 2013

Students transition to teachers Senior education majors spend their final year in two different student teaching placements Maggie Smet Staff Writer They may still call themselves students and The Bluff their home, but senior education majors are starting the beginning of their professional career.

An education major’s senior year consists of two school placements as student teachers. In their first placement that lasts until Thanksgiving, they devote their mornings to student teaching and their afternoons to college classes. After Thanksgiving, they switch to a different school

to teach full-time with a cooperating teacher (CT) until graduation. Their placements include observations from University supervisors and a work sample detailing their lesson plans and approach to the teaching of a 10-day unit. Education majors have been logging field experience hours

since freshman year in local classrooms, garnering training through observation and handson experience. Despite previous classroom experience, education majors find senior year a crash course in balancing school, a social life and entering the professional world.

A balancing act Kristi Convissor’s life has become a case study in switching roles from teacher to student, multiple times a day. Her two worlds are separated by a short walk from Holy Cross School through the University Park neighborhood, but they require a very different way of being. Convissor admits that it is hard to switch into student mode while in her classes at UP. She finds herself critiquing her professors, and some students in her UP classes pick up on her “teacher-y air.” “When I walked into my politics class the first day, I was wear-

ing my student teaching clothes,” Convissor said. “They thought I was the professor!” Convissor admits that she feels different than other college students, and that student teaching is like having a demanding part-time job. But the excitement and passion she has for her classroom shines through as she animatedly speaks about the kids in her third grade class, pounding her hands on the table in excitement. “One student just doesn’t understand numbers. We started multiplication, and it was a scary thing for her. It’s hard for her

and she knows it,” Convissor said. “By the end of the lesson, she was smiling, she was happy and she got an 86 percent on it. Which for her, is amazing.” These success stories, make the 6 a.m. mornings worth it for Convissor. She credits the education department and field experience for preparing her for student teaching. Yet, the process of teaching multiplication for Convissor, who has an endorsement in social studies, is a challenge. “I have some moments where I’m like ‘I don’t know if I can do this,’” Convissor said “but there are other moments where I know,

‘I can do this, I can teach multiplication!” As her second student teaching placement approaches, Convissor still hasn’t been told by the education department where her next placement is, and she was supposed to have met her cooperating teacher weeks ago. Convissor is unsure why she hasn’t been told her placement. It’s a source of stress and insecurity for Convissor as she looks ahead, but she is hopeful that her next placement will be as engaging as her current one.

Kristi Convissor, Holy Cross School, third Grade, Elementary/Middle Education Major with social studies endorsement

Discovering the education gap

Kristin Hortsch, Kelly Creek Elementary, fourth grade, Elementary Education Major with reading endorsement

In her fourth grade classroom at Kelly Creek Elementary in Gresham, Kristin Hortsch is facing the reality of being a teacher (and a real life adult) in the public school system. “Working in a public school has been the most terrifying thing ever,” Hortsch said. “The stress and the pressure on the teachers is just terrible.” Everyday Hortsch sees the stress today’s achievement-centered educational system puts on teachers. The high achievement standards set for low-performing,

high poverty schools like Kelly Creek is a main cause of stress for teachers. Hortsch believes that for students with huge educational gaps, there is just not enough time for them to reach benchmarks. However, this doesn’t stop her from celebrating in moments where her hard work and planning finally click with students. Recently, she did a lesson on the food chain, involving active, engaging activities learned in her education classes, and all her students aced their tests. “I was so proud. Like, Oh my gosh!” Hortsch said. “This

is learning gains, this what you want to see as a teacher!” Yet, lessons don’t always work out perfectly, and are subject to the limits of time and curriculum. Hortsch’s work sample was on regions of the United States. She was frustrated about not having enough time to cover the subject completely in depth, as well as having to use a CD that “basically read the textbook out loud.” She was doubtful about the success of the lessons, but remains optimistic about the overall experience of student teaching. “Working with kids is the most

rewarding thing I’ve ever done in my life,” Hortsch said. From Thanksgiving until the end of the fall semester, Hortsch will be in a reading intensive classroom at Kelly Creek for her reading endorsement. After that, she will be in a second grade classroom at Holy Family School.

Making sacrifices Many student teachers have to make sacrifices their senior year – no more Thursdays at the T-Room, cutting back on an offcampus job, but for Nick Herb, this sacrifice was a bit more personal. As a secondary education and English double major, Herb had to write his senior English capstone this semester. Originally, he was excited about examining F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby.” But faced with the reality of balancing multiple large projects over the semester, he made a choice. “It was either sacrificing myself and my health, or sacrificing this great idea that I wanted to write on.” Herb switched to a capstone topic that incorporated his edu-

cational background and interest in creative writing by creating a guidebook to teaching reading comprehension through creative writing. Herb speaks animatedly about this project, which he is already implementing in his classroom. “It’s to get students writing better and reading better,” he said. As a seventh and eighth grade language arts student teacher at Cathedral Catholic School in Northwest Portland, Herb has already run into some students outside of the classroom at a Pilots volleyball game, smashing that middle school myth that teachers don’t live outside school. “I was watching the game standing in one of the corners,

and I see them come down from their seat across the court and sit down on the steps and hide their phones to take a picture of me. So I look at her and smile and wave and she turns bright red in the face!” A high point for Herb has been the positive response he got from students after a meditation activity he first learned about in his Acting I class here at UP. He read a meditation to them and had them visualize what they were hearing. “That was the high point to see them do that and be so excited about sitting still for 15 minutes!” Herb said, a bit awestruck. “I had several come up to me and ask me if we could do that again.”

Herb looks forward to incorporating more of his interest in drama in his next placement after Thanksgiving. He takes over a drama class in La Salle College Catholic Preparatory High School in Milwaukee. In an interesting coincidence, his cooperating teacher, Ernie Casciato, taught both Herb’s mother and uncle when they were in high school. Herb is especially interested in the jump in discussion and maturity that comes in the move from middle to high school. “I’m excited to get into high school, because that’s where I want to be teaching,” Herb said. “I’ve never really wanted to teach middle school and this is merely reinforcing that fact.”

Nick Herb, Cathedral Catholic School, seventh and eighth grade Language Arts, Secondary Education and English Major, Drama Minor


Sharing passion for nail fashion


Photo courtesy of Jerine flickr

Freshman Karen Brown gives free manicures to dormmates in Mehling Olivia Alsept-Ellis Staff Writer Most nail salons aren’t located underneath a fort in a Residence Hall. But that’s where freshman Karen Brown has set up shop, and the cost is free. “I don’t like to charge people because they’re usually my friends, or if they aren’t my friends, we are by the time I’m done painting their nails,” said Brown, who lives in Mehling. Brown is an experienced nail designer. She has developed her skill of nail design since she was in fourth grade and has been painting her family and friends’ nails for years. “I’m the only girl. I have two brothers so I wanted to do something that made me different from them,” Brown said. Brown said she would usually practice on the weekends but, because she attended a school with a dress code, her nails would have to be wiped clean by Monday morning. Regardless, Brown continued to practice nail art because she loved the art form. “I love to doodle and I think that’s why I love nail design as well. My notebooks are covered in doodles and my walls are too,” Brown said. “It’s always been an outlet for me.” Brown’s toolkit is packed with a variety of color options. Alongside the actual brush, Brown uses toothpicks because nail design is different than typical nail care. On top of a smooth coat of color, Brown will paint intricate designs that fit the impish canvas of a nail. Brown has painted cherries, cats, snowflakes, flowers and many other images on nails before. However, she said that she is usually unafraid to try new designs. “I’ve done some pretty crazy designs and I’m not afraid to mess up because you can just wipe it off and start over,” Brown said. “Once, I glued tiny rhinestones onto my friend’s nails for a dance. That was probably the hardest but it turned out great.” Nicole Stucky, a freshman friend and client of Brown, had her nails done over fall break and she said Brown set up a blanketfort for the event. Stucky said Brown painted her nails pink first

and then decorated them further with tiny roses. Stucky said the whole event took only 20 to 30 minutes. “I thought they looked so perfect. Too perfect, like they were stickers,” Stucky said. “It’s just awesome to be walking around campus and random people will just say, ‘Wow I love your nails!’ It’s a great conversation starter.” Painting nails has, over the collected the years, saved both Brown and her clients lots of money. Around prom, rather than visiting an expensive salon, she could customize her and her friends’ nails for the event, for free. While Brown is currently undeclared, she said she would not be interested in making a living off of nail design because she wouldn’t want to mix stress with her artwork. Although a career as a nail artist is not in her future, she stays informed of trends in the industry. “It started as a fun hobby but now I definitely pay attention. There is a lot of talk about nail design on the internet - about what is ‘in’. I keep up so I can build on what I do and for the people I paint nails for,” Brown said. Because she is well versed in nail trends for almost a decade, Brown has seen many trends fade in and out of popularity. She knows what she likes and what she doesn’t. “Right now there is a trend where you grow your nails out and you file them into a point. They’re called ‘The Teardrop,’” Brown said. “I don’t like them. I think they would get in the way and you might not be able to shower or reach for something in your pocket. If someone asked me to file them into the teardrop, I would definitely try to convince them otherwise. I would be afraid their nails might rip off.” While Brown might not understand ‘The Teardrop,’ there are others who might not understand nail design at all. Brown said her brothers and primarily male friends often jest about the purpose of nail design. “They will ask me why I spend so much time working on my nails, especially when it can really only last one to two weeks tops. Guys definitely don’t get it,” Brown said. “My brothers would

Becca Tabor | THE BEACON

Freshman Karen Brown (right) paints her roommate Maya Ballard’s nails. Brown taught herself the art of painting intricate designs on nails and can also cut hair.

sometimes tease me. But I would tell them, they have video games and I have nail design.” For Brown, nail design is an artistic retreat and a de-stresser. “I think they think that girls paint their nails to impress them,”

Brown said. “But any girl who has ever painted her nails knows that isn’t true. We do this for ourselves.”

Becca Tabor | THE BEACON

(Left) Freshman Karen Brown hung a sign on her door for the first part of the semester offering to do her dormmate’s hair and nails.



Novemner 7, 2013

Winter house woes: students face critters, floods Colder weather poses challenges for students living in off-campus housing Kathryn Walters Copy Editor As the last autumn leaves fall, the nights get colder and the rain begins to drench Portland, one thing is certain: winter is coming. For UP students, winter approaching can mean exciting things, like Thanksgiving, Christmas and possibly a snowfall or two if we’re really lucky.

But when temperatures plummet and the sun sets earlier, off-campus students have to deal with the less enticing aspects of winter and how it can affect their rental houses. The summer problems of rising house temperatures and buzzing fruit flies evolve into a new host of winter-related problems, like heating issues, insect invasions and risks of flooding. In order to combat potential problems, Fay Beeler, assistant director of Physical Plant, advises all off-campus

students to let Physical Plant or their individual landlords know as soon as a problem becomes apparent before it can escalate into a larger issue. “The most important thing is to let us know,” Beeler said. “We can’t fix it if we don’t know about it.” Whether it’s an ant invasion, heating problems or a damp basement, off-campus students have become creative in figuring out ways to prevent winter from getting the best of their humble abodes.

Heating Problems

Insect Invasion

Keeping houses warm in the winter is important to many off-campus students. But heating a house can be expensive, and the desire to have a warm house can conflict with the need to save money on a heating bill. “A lot of times, students aren’t used to having to pay for these kinds of things so it’s a shock,” Beeler said. “Heating bills can be fairly significant at times.” To maintain a level of comfort, Beeler advises students to keep their heat on low during the day when they are in classes and then turn it up at night. She also recommends keeping thermostats at about 68 degrees Fahrenheit on average to keep costs down. “That does feel cold, so you need to wear socks and sweatpants and that kind of stuff,” she said. Sometimes, even a newer house can present heating challenges. Senior Emily Reynolds’ off-campus house, while it was built within the last decade, tends to distribute more heat upstairs and leave the downstairs very cold. But she and her housemates have found different ways to be comfortable whether they are upstairs or downstairs. “We keep a lot of blankets downstairs and upstairs we have a window cracked usually because the heater just gets super hot upstairs,” Reynolds said. “We keep the oven open a lot after we’ve been cooking to keep the downstairs warm, so we’ve just found little things that have worked, but it was definitely annoying in the beginning.”

When winter sets in, off-campus students may find some new creepy-crawly boarders in their houses. As the weather gets colder, insects look for a warm environment to survive which they find in students’ cozy houses. “It’s getting cold outside and they’re making their way into a warmer area,” Beeler said. “It’s normal, it’s just part of the process here.” Lately, Beeler has seen an increased number of stink bugs and ladybugs both on and off campus, but believes as the weather gets colder, they will soon die out and won’t be a concern anymore. UP isn’t the only place in Oregon crawling with stink bugs. As it turns out, this year the brown marmorated stink bug has spread all over Oregon up through the Columbia River Gorge and into Washington State, according to researchers at Oregon State University. While senior Kay Bodmer, who lives in a University-owned rental house, has seen these stink bugs lurking around her house, her kitchen recently faced a large invasion of ants. They came in under the kitchen sink and quickly made their way to the sugar and flour cabinet. “They were all over the back of the cabinet and there was this constant line zig-zagging along the cabinet because they were all following the same path,” she said. Bodmer and her housemates received ant traps from Physical Plant, but when these proved unsuccessful they were driven to other methods to rid their house of the unwelcome visitors. They took their food out of the cabinet and now keep it in sealed plastic bags. After unsuccessfully creating a line of salt to deter the ants, they ended up buying their own ant traps which vanquished them. As with all insects, Beeler believes the decreasing temperatures in the next few weeks will offer a more permanent solution to bug problems, despite requests to exterminate bugs at off-campus houses. “It’s annoying, but we won’t extinguish them,” she said. “It will stop when we have more consistent cold weather.”

Facing Off Against Floods

Tips for student housing

Constant rain in Portland can be irritating for many people, but for those students with basements, significant rain poses a risk of flooding through the basement foundations. “We take the roof drains and we take them away from the house, but we really run into trouble when we have a big downpour and there’s no place for the water to go so it sits, it goes down into the ground and then water will always find some little way into a house,” Beeler said. Senior Katie Bauer encountered this problem last month when Portland experienced a major storm that knocked down trees and cut power to much of the area, including many houses in the UP neighborhood. Her basement bedroom closet in her UP-owned rental house flooded, causing her shoes to mold. Living in the basement can mean damp conditions. But Bauer helps alleviate this problem by keeping jars of water around different parts of her room to collect water. “It’s just the dampness, I think we all can feel it,” she said.

- Keep the heat on to at least 61 degrees Farenheit during Thanksgiving and winter breaks to prevent water freezing which can lead to exploding pipes. - Houses that are heated with oil tanks need to keep an eye on their oil levels, otherwise low levels can lead to sediments being picked up and ruining the heat filters. - Raccoons, mice and other critters can burrow underneath houses and destroy insulation. Contact Physical Plant: 943-7306



Student-directed play ‘Alkestis’ opens tomorrow Drama production of Greek tragedy “Alkestis” features an all-female cast W.C. Lawson Staff Writer An award-winning mask artist, 10 female actresses and a Greek tragedy. That’s what the audience of the drama department’s latest production, “Alkestis,” will encounter when Mago Hunt doors open Nov. 8. The play is directed by Andrew Wardenaar, a graduate student of fine arts. The tragedy, one of the oldest surviving plays by fifth century B.C. Greek playwright Euripides, explores the story of a woman who was fated to die in her husband’s place and the events following her death. “This is a very unique play,” Wardenaar said. “Tragedy is all about the world and not being able to do anything about it.” In traditional Greek theater, all characters were played by male actors. Wardenaar wanted to use this aspect of single-sex casting from the Greeks, while keeping his entire cast female. The cast features 10 women from the University’s drama department. Sophomore Emily Claire Biggs, an actress in the play, said Wardenaar’s single gender cast was a strong decision. “Andrew’s vision was so clear and precise that the challenges

usually associated with a single gender cast in a play where both genders are represented were nonexistent,” Biggs said. “Doing this play with all women just seems so fitting for this particular production, and it is difficult for me to imagine what it would be like otherwise.” Another aspect of traditional Greek theater that Wardenaar wanted to incorporate was the use of masks. When Wardenaar pitched this play to the department last February, he suggested to bring in award-winning mask artist Tony Fuemmeler to help the cast gain experience with the use of masks on stage. “A lot of academic programs don’t exercise the use of masks,” Wardenner said. “We have been so grateful to have Fuemmeler help out with the production.” The actresses were eager to learn from Fuemmeler and take on the challenge of using masks in their production. “Tony was fantastic. Mask work is very daunting to me because much of my acting, for me personally, is done through my facial expressions, but he made it easier to understand,” said sophomore Tori Dunlap, also an actress in the play. “He was so incredibly helpful in finding out who our characters were, and how our masks reflected that.”

Photos by Becca Tabor | THE BEACON

“Alkestis” features an all-female cast. The play is directed by graduate student Andrew Wardenaar. For the upcoming show, Wardenaar will be using mask designs from UP drama professor Gregory Pulver. The production also includes orchestration. The cast has been learning musical arrangements sung by the chorus. In between the choruses, original musical compositions by junior music

major Dana Coppernoll-Houston will be featured. “Having all of our actresses act as a unified chorus will create a heightened form of speaking,” Wardenaar said. “The play is about people dealing with grief, so hymns sung by the chorus really will create a great impact on the play.”

When: Nov. 8-10 and 1416, 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, 2:00 p.m. Sundays. Tickets sold from box office in Mago Hunt lobby from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Selected evenings free to students.

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EDITORIAL Stop calling humanities impractical Humanities majors at UP have heard all the questions and quips. History, huh? What are you gonna do with that? You’re a philosophy major? So are you headed to law school after this? I don’t always talk to English majors, but when I do, I ask for a caramel frappuccino. On its face, UP appears to be a humanities-friendly school. The Office of Admissions touts the liberal arts-rich core curriculum, citing the Holy Cross belief in the education of the mind, heart and hands. But humanities departments have to constantly advocate for themselves by trying to convince students that humanities majors can actually get jobs after graduation. At an open house called “Why Philosophy?” on Oct. 8, philosophy professors worked to answer questions like What can one do with a philosophy major in the real world? to ease the troubled minds of students con-

sidering a philosophy major. English and history professors keep reminding their students that the research and critical thinking skills they learn in their studies will, in fact, be desirable to future employers. As it turns out, they’re right, according to a study published by Oxford University professors this summer based on data from previous generations of graduates. The study found that it is true that humanities majors don’t tend to get rich right out of college, but they do end up making plenty of money later on in their careers. Still, the perception of the lack of monetary value in studying the humanities persists. Parents still worry about shelling out tens of thousands of dollars per year for their child to get a political science degree. Big contributions from wealthy benefactors give some students the impression that there’s more value in the Donald P. Shiley School of Engineering and the Pamplin

School of Business Administration than in the nameless College of Arts and Sciences. Across the nation, the status and financial support of humanities in higher education is waning at universities. The focus has shifted to favor science, math, engineering and technology (STEM) departments, whose graduates will pick up a hefty salary right out of college. But all discussion of monetary value in regards to a liberal arts education reveals a misunderstanding of what a humanities degree is for. Administrators, faculty and students need to stop thinking that a college degree is a means to a well-salaried career. A degree – especially a degree in the humanities – is a symbol of distinction, a sign that a student has learned to think, speak, question, challenge and discern. For people who study the humanities, it does not matter what value is placed on their education and work because they recognize that education is valuable in it-

Ann Truong | THE BEACON

self, regardless of a paycheck or pricetag. None of this is to say that STEM education is unimportant. People who study sciences are indispensable in an ever digitizing world, and the value of scientific research at universities should not be understated. But liberal arts is the foundation of our university and of all western institutions of higher education, and it should not be

dismissed as frivolous simply because its value is not immediately apparent. The next time someone asks about the purpose of a history degree, maybe they’ll hear the proper answer: What am I going to do with my history degree? Well, I’ll learn and know and think.


The editorial reflects the majority view of The Beacon Editorial Board. The editorial does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the collective staff or the Administration of the University of Portland. Other submissions in this section are signed commentaries that reflect the opinion of the individual writer. The Student Media Committee, providing recommendation to the publisher, oversees the general operation of the newspaper. Policy set by the committee and publisher dictates that the responsibility for the newspaper’s editorial and advertising content lies solely in the hands of its student employees.

Going beyond Thanksgiving Cassie

Sheridan Staff Commentary It seems every November my social media gets backlogged with individuals posting a daily tidbit of something in their life they are thankful for – a dog, a sister, a father or pumpkin spice lattes. This challenge of thankful expression culminates on Thanksgiving Day in an enormous and gluttonous feast sur-

rounded by family, friends, dogs and pumpkin spice lattes. I’m not against social media expression. In fact, I find the idea of thinking critically for at least five minutes every day about the things in our lives to be thankful for unbelievably positive. I just wish it didn’t end. I am not asserting that people don’t recognize their privilege, I just don’t think it is recognized enough. We all (and I am as guilty as you) complain and gripe about impossible papers, colds, P-Safe, girl-to-guy ratios and bad lattes. We “hate” the Internet on campus and we “hate” that pro-

“I don’t want individuals to only think critically about their blessings for one month per year and then feast on them while watching football.”

Cassie Sheridan junior

fessor – you know, the one that had a test or assignment due the Friday after Halloween. I know what you’re thinking: “Another diatribe about first world problems and how privi-

leged we are, and how we can’t complain about anything.” To this I respond yes … and no. Of course you can gripe about the injustice of 8:10 a.m. exams and how it takes 15 minutes to print something off in the library, which is in fact ridiculous, I am right there with you. However, after you have exhausted the subject, you should move on and recognize you are blessed to sit there at all. I am not discounting our problems as insignificant. They are our problems, and they seem as big or small as we make them. But once we have vocalized the injustice of pumpkin flavors only

existing in October, it is time to move on, especially because red Christmas cups are back. I don’t want individuals to only think critically about their blessings for one month per year and then feast on them while watching football. A world in which our newsfeeds are full of cuddly cats and amazing mothers is far better than one of complaints. We should all work on having the positive conversations outweigh the negative ones, because the trend of being thankful See THANKS, page 13

THE BEACON Submission Policy

Letters and commentaries from readers are encouraged. All contributions must include the writer’s address and phone number for verification purposes. The Beacon does not accept submissions written by a group, although pieces written by an individual on behalf of a group are acceptable. Letters to the editor must not exceed 250 words. Those with longer opinions are encouraged to submit guest columns. The Beacon reserves the right to edit any contributions for length and style, and/or reject them without notification. University students must include their major and year in school. Nonstudents must include their affiliation to the University, if any.

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Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief.. . . . . . . . . . . . Kelsey Thomas News Editor. . . . . . . . . . . �������� Sarah Hansell Living Editor ������������������������������ Kate Stringer Opinions Editor. . . . . . . ��������Philip Ellefson Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . �������������Katie Dunn Design Editor . . . . . . . . . �������� Shellie Adams Asst. Design Editor. . . . . ������� Emily Strocher Copy Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathryn Walters

Contacting The Beacon

E-mail: Website: Address: 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. ● Portland, OR 97203-5798

Staff Writers

Olivia Alsept-Ellis, Peter Gallagher, Mitchell Gilbert, W.C. Lawson, Lydia Laythe, Megan Lester, Rebekah Markillie, Erika Murphy, Emily Neelon, Cassie Sheridan, Maggie Smet, Nastacia Voisin, Kathryn Walters


David, DiLoreto, Kristen Garcia, Parker Shoaff, Becca Tabor

Staff Members

Business & Ad Manager. . . . . . Anne Uruu Artist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann Truong Web Content manager . . . . .John Liedtke Circulation Manager . . Shelby Steinauer Adviser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Copic Publisher. . . Fr. E. William Beauchamp, C.S.C.



November 7, 2013

Internet surveillance infringes on our rights Parker Kimball Guest Commentary Edward Snowden’s revelations confirm what has been suspected all along. In this age of digital information, it is no surprise that governments around the world keep one ear to the ground when it comes to Internet surveillance. Snowden’s leaks about the U.S. Secret Service were justified. He stood up for telling the truth at great personal cost. To defend his actions, the former NSA contractor said to Reuters, “Instead of causing damage, the usefulness of the new public knowledge for society is now clear because reforms to politics, supervision, and laws are being

suggested.” These suggestions Snowden speaks of are just beginning to take hold. According to the Russia Times, “On Nov. 2, Germany and Brazil submitted a new draft resolution to the U.N. General Assembly which calls for an end to excessive electronic surveillance, data collection and other snooping techniques.” Surveillance has impended on individuals’ rights to free speech, civil rights and civil liberties. Government transparency is essential for not only a citizen, but for international trust amongst cooperating nations. European Union leaders say their “relations with the U.S. have been undermined by reports of NSA spying on European leaders and ordinary citizens.” Similar scandals have been provoked between the U.S. and a number of countries in Latin America and Asia due to Snowden’s revelations of the U.S. allegedly scanning emails and tapping the phones of world

leaders and their citizens. Yet with all of this news cir-

“Surveillance has impended on individuals’ rights to free speech, civil rights and civil liberties. Government transparency is essential.” Parker Kimball junior culating, we are ultimately unmoved by the actions and intrusions established by the U.S. government. Americans are relatively undecided as to whether Snowden was justified in his unveiling of classified surveillance programs. According to a TIME poll conducted back in June following the first leaks, “51 percent said the administration is right to continue these programs” origi-

nating during George W. Bush’s administration, while “48 percent said the NSA was wrong.” It seems that civil liberties are important to the public, but such liberties being infringed upon is less of an ordeal when the government is doing so in the name of fighting terrorism. It is easy to go about our daily lives utilizing numerous social networking sites routinely and without consequence. Yet if we were to, for some reason, investigate by any means available a typical student, the compilation of everything that person has posted online both in public and private most likely gives an accurate representation of who that person is. Ultimately any unsuspecting individual could have something incriminating somewhere posted on the Internet. Even non-incriminating information can circulate. The entire online history of an individual can be discovered.

With current security practices left the way they are, the online resources in existence would not allow for any individual to adequately shelter themselves from the overseeing eye of the government. With the continually expanding data on every individual increasing online, we must hope that, in the name of fighting terrorism, the government’s eye doesn’t peer into aspects of our lives we don’t want them to see. Edward Snowden has revealed to the world the comprehensive online spying our government currently performs, in the hopes of halting the NSA from becoming Big Brother for the entire world. Parker Kimball is a junior computer science major. He can be reached at kimball15@

Letters to the Editor

Be courteous in the library

Library staff read with interest Rebekah Markillie’s column speaking to her frustrations in trying to find quiet study areas in the library. Although we’ve tried to create spaces for everyone, it can be a challenge balancing group and individual needs, and the tension over noise is not unexpected. We do understand the need for quiet study space and are committed to providing that on our lower floor. When the noise level becomes unacceptable, we encourage students in the library to communicate with each other – in most cases people just






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aren’t that aware of how much their voices are carrying (let’s call it the “cell phone phenomenon”). But if you aren’t comfortable with that, just let us know at the service desk and we’ll do our best to talk the noisemakers down. We’re really pleased to see so many in the campus community using and enjoying the library and we want to do our best to make Clark Library a superior study destination.



8/9/13 2:35 PM

















 












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on The Bluff

by David DiLoreto

Abortion is an injustice

Voice for who?

What’s the worst problem you’ve had with your house?

Photo courtesy of Damir Colja

Margaret Persing Guest Commentary Abortion hurts. We are all stunningly aware of this fact, as evidenced by both the positive and negative reactions to the Cemetery of the Innocents memorial that occurred last Friday. The children whose lives were memorialized there are as real as the feelings of regret, grief and anger experienced by the many who have been personally affected by abortion. Unfortunately, society expects all negative feelings associated with abortion to be swept under the rug, because if they aren’t, the “dark side” of abortion is revealed. It is an extreme injustice to tell people that what they feel is insignificant and unimportant. We, as Voice for Life, feel compelled to respond to this injustice by bringing to light the reality of the emotional pain of abortion. It takes an average of 11 years for a woman to seek healing after an abortion experience. During this time, she may suffer in silence and suppress feelings of anger, grief and depression. This suppression often leads to other serious emotional complications such as thoughts of suicide, issues with eating disorders, substance abuse and chronic relationship troubles. These feelings are especially apparent on the expected due date of the baby and the date of the abortion.

We recognize this injustice and are working to help postabortive men and women overcome this unending cycle of emotional trauma. Silence is not the answer. Those in Voice for Life want the men and women who are hurting to know compassion, mercy, hope and most of all, love, because these are the only forces capable of transforming a great injustice into an experience of healing.

“It is an extreme injustice to tell people that what they feel is insignificant and unimportant. We, as Voice for Life, feel compelled to respond to this injustice.”

Margaret Persing junior

If you or someone you love is hurting, take a stand. Be a part of the change that needs to happen in our society so that this injustice comes to an end. You are not alone, and we will never stop fighting for the good of all women and men, including those still in the womb. For information about postabortive healing, please visit,, or Margaret Persing is a junior nursing major and president of the Voice for Life club. She can be reached at persing15@

THANKS: Stay thankful Continued from page 11 should not just be a trend. I am practicing this, just as you are. I have been ungrateful, spiteful and far too angry about insignificant nothings on a daily basis. Instead of acting as if my privilege does not exist, I am trying to embrace it. So yes, I am unbelievably privileged and beyond thankful for everything in my life, from the ability to purchase a latte every morning to having a grandma that sends me magazine clippings in the mail; I am blessed. Now, I recognize I will still gripe about my workload, slow Internet on campus, tab indents on Microsoft Word and gravitydefying rain that slants into my face. However, I will try to smile

through it instead of shaking my fist at the universe. In a world ravaged daily by injustices, the least we can do is maintain positivity when we spill our coffee all over ourselves, despite how unjust it may feel. So this November, keep the trend going past Thanksgiving. While you sip the underappreciated gingerbread latte, take note of your blessings all the way into 2014 and have the positive conversations outweigh the negative ones.

Danielle Knott Guest Commentary Every year, Campus Ministry’s Voice for Life club displays rows of white crosses on our campus’ main quad in a demonstration called “Cemetery of the Innocents.” Each cross is meant to represent an abortion statistic – grave markers for aborted fetuses. Every year without fail, this display causes outrage among a section of the student body. Sometimes a student will be outraged enough to share their opinion on a public platform in an attempt to catalyze a constructive debate (keyword search “cemetery” in The Beacon’s archives if you’re interested).

“The cemetery does not show the injustice of abortion, it shows the injustice of a society and culture that permits behaviors like rape and domestic abuse.”

Danielle Knott senior

The intent of this commentary is not to engage in the philosophical or ethical discussion on abortion and family planning. Rather, I want to draw your attention to the inefficiency of reactionary spectacles like Voice for Life’s abortion cemetery and encourage you to think about the harmful effects of public shaming. According to the description on their webpage, Voice for Life claim that their club’s mission is to “show the injustice of abortion and support those in crisis pregnancies through education, prayer and service.” I would argue that the cemetery demonstration accomplishes none of these goals. First, the cemetery does not show the injustice of abortion, it shows the injustice of a society

and culture that permits behaviors like rape and domestic abuse to exist, behaviors that force women into difficult and involuntary situations. Second, the cemetery does not “support those in crisis pregnancies” at all. It publicly shames, humiliates and vilifies every woman who has had an abortion and those who might be contemplating one. Does the Voice for Life club really think that women who are experiencing the incredible emotional and mental burden of an unplanned pregnancy will feel supported by the display and be moved to seek the club’s help? Third, the cemetery does not “educate” anyone. I guarantee that the students, faculty, staff and employees on this campus already know that abortion procedures exist and what their outcome is. The club’s time would be better spent educating men and women on how to practice safe, consensual sex. It is a fact that increasing sex education reduces unwanted pregnancies. Fourth, while I recognize that I attend a Catholic university and respect its policies, I would ask that the Voice for Life club and Campus Ministry also recognize and respect the individuals on campus that do not wish to be inundated with pro-life rhetoric on their way to lunch. Considering that prayers are effective anywhere, I do not understand why the cemetery cannot be displayed in a more discrete location, where individuals can pay their respects privately and voluntarily. Lastly, how is the production of the cemetery an act of “service?” Taking everything into account, I have to wonder who actually benefits from this demonstration. Women and girls troubled by their unintended pregnancies? Women and girls who have had abortions? Pregnant women and girls that plan to have an abortion? Men? Future mothers? Unborn fetuses? Anyone? Danielle Knott is a senior history major and the president of the Feminist Discussion Group. She can be reached at

Richard Parsons, senior, biochemistry

“The garbage disposal in the sink broke, so we had a lot of dishes.”

Amanda Walworth, sophomore, nursing

“The spiders coming in.”

John Lien, junior, computer science

“A raccoon got into our garage.”

Jacob Hagen, freshman, engineering


Cassie Sheridan is a junior English and political science major. She can be reached at

“Found a dead baby possum in the basement.”



November 7, 2013

Nontraditional sports offer alternative fun Scalling rock walls and shredding powder prove fun and athletic escapes for students

Cassie Sheridan Staff Writer

Rock Climbing

Outside of the gym, field, diamond or running routes are incredible and exhilarating athletic opportunities if students are willing to reach for them. Rock climbing in Oregon is considered some of the best globally and places such as Smith Rock are frequently listed as world-class climbing destinations. Don’t let the equipment (or the mountain slant) intimidate you. There are abundant opportunities to discover the fun of rock climbing at UP and in the greater Portland area. Students say it’s an unbelievably fun way to work out, while simultaneously discovering a new hobby. *Warning: do not attempt rock climbing without proper equipment or instruction. Free climbing is dangerous. The Circuit For climbing beginners, a great place to start is The Circuit, with two locations in Southeast and Northeast Portland. Bouldering is a unique and very popular style of rock climbing that involves less equipment, fewer slants and more padding. Almost no special knowledge is required, making it quick and easy to get into. “Climbing at The Circuit has made me way more confident in climbing outdoors,” junior Chelsea Olivas said. “I went with a group of friends and we were

mostly all beginners. You just put on a simple harness and climb around. It’s seriously fun and a serious workout.” The climbing experience ranges from beginner to advanced slants, so as you improve there are more diverse opportunities and challenges. The Circuit frequently has Groupon rates making it an even more affordable activity for a group. Outdoor Pursuits at UP The Outdoor Pursuits Program (OPP) through UP provides an easy way to get involved in climbing and other outdoor adventure opportunities on campus. “It’s a fantastic way to meet like-minded adventurous spirits,” said sophomore Talbot Andrews, co-coordinator for OPP. “You meet fun people while being outdoors, what could be better?” OPP typically has an adventure planned every weekend, and their 2014 schedule will be released by Dec. 1. There are usually climbing opportunities monthly and they are in the preliminary stages of organizing a weekly ride to The Circuit for bouldering. One of OPP’s biggest trips occurs over spring break in which they go on a climbing expedition at Smith Rock that spans four days. OPP is also planning on conducting some introduction to mountaineering and rock climbing courses in the spring for those interested in learning or perfect-

ing their craft. OPP provides all gear for their sanctioned rock climbing events and instruction, so even those without specialty equipment can experience pristine views and aching muscles. Their next trip is to Bagby Hot Springs this Saturday for a hike followed by a soak. The Clymb For individuals who are on the prowl for inexpensive recreational items, a fantastic opportunity to find high quality equipment at unbeatable prices is through the Portland based online retailer: They offer items for all sorts of outdoor activities, including climbing, for far less than retail value. 2013 UP grad Chris Davis works for The Clymb, finding a way to combine his love for the outdoors with his degree. “The Clymb is an outdoor retailer e-commerce website that I was introduced to at an internship event at UP,” Davis said. “After learning about it, I realized it’s a company I would like to be involved with. It also won an award from The Oregonian for the most fun place to work in Portland … so that’s pretty awesome too.” This outdoor mecca portal is an easy way to find an incredible deal on whatever equipment you are searching for, and more than likely a lot of awesome stuff you didn’t even know you wanted.

The Circuit Info: Northeast Portland address: 410 NE 17th Ave. Hours: MWF: 11 a.m.-11 p.m. T/Th: 7 a.m.-11 p.m. Sat/Sun: 9 a.m.11 p.m. Rates: student day pass-$10/student monthly pass-$49 No special equipment is required and you can wear tennis shoes. Outdoor Pursuits Program: For more information, and to see current trip schedules, visit them at their office in Howard Hall or find them on Facebook at “Outdoor Pursuits Program UP” for a complete schedule and contact information. To join the OPP list and receive emails about upcoming trips and adventure opportunities email Leave the subject line blank. On the first line enter: subscribe %upoutdoor

Mt. Hood

Photo courtesy of Byon Hetrick’s flickr

Photos courtesy of Patrick Kempster, Elise Nyland and Talbot Andrews

(Top) Sophomore Talbot Andrews scales a rock wall. (Bottom) Juniors Patrick Kempster and Elise Nyland go rock climbing with fellow students.

Skiing and snowboarding Mitchell Gilbert Staff Writer Ski resorts surround Portland. The closest is Mt. Hood, which consists of three major ski areas: Ski Bowl, Timberline and Meadows. These three resorts are located only an hour and a half away from UP and offer some of the most amazing scenery and best snow conditions in the country. Many UP students take frequent advantage of this amazing situation, consistently choosing to go up and explore what the mountain has to offer on the days that they don’t have class. For many of these studentskiers, the sport is not a new part of their lives. Snowboarding has become both a way to get away from the real world, and a way to enter into an entirely new one. Sophomores Peter Luciano and Sam Young have been snowboarding since they were 4 and 7 years old, respectively.

“Competition has always been a big part of my life,” Luciano said. “Snowboarding can serve as a break from that. It is really not about the destination but it is about the adventure that is along the way.” Students say skiing and snowboarding provide an opportunity to escape from everyday life and explore the beautiful mountains. It is also a welcoming sport to beginners. “I think that snowboarding is easy for people to pick up and have fun doing,” Luciano said. “The first few times going up will be a bit difficult, but after going up around three times going on almost any run is achievable.” The true reason that most people snowboard is simple: it is just fun. “I snowboard because I like to have fun. Snowboarding is fun. I do not see any reason why I would not go out and do it if I didn’t have fun every time I go,”

Young said. Young said company makes hitting the slopes an even better experience. “Going snowboarding with your friends is really what completes the equation,” Young said. “Riding has always been fun for me. But, when I can find someone that has a mutual interest in it, that is when I can always have the most fun.” A UP ski bus goes to Mount Hood four times during the year on Friday nights. The ride and a lift ticket are $30. Mount Hood is expected to open on Nov. 23rd and stay open until the beginning of May. Lift tickets will cost $80 for individual day passes and $500 for student season passes. The snow is expected to be dumping all through the winter and into the spring, causing UP snowboarders and skiers to anticipate a good year on the mountain.


Pilot in the Spotlight

Kristen Garcia | THE BEACON

Erin Dees

Goalkeeper Senior Downers Grove, Ill.

What are your goals for this season? I am focused on winning the WCC and to stay home as much as we can through the play-offs, because our fans are the best. Also, get past the second round in the play-offs, hopefully farther. When there is a set play, such as a corner kick, that is a serious threat. What are you focused on? Making sure everybody is marked up and where they’re suppose to be. To have certain people in certain positions, makes my job a lot easier and it’s far easier to focus and feel (relatively) at ease. When did you realize your talents as a keeper? I start playing keeper consistently around U-12, so I was 11. I was not really built for running around and I was a lot better at strategic diving. I got set in goal and just fell in love with it. How do you think your role as a keeper differs mentally from that of a field player? I think that a huge thing for keepers is staying engaged in the game. There may be no action for 40 minutes and then suddenly a very stressful 10-second threat. Some famous former Pilots have said, “Playing on Merlo is an experience like none other.” What are your feelings toward Merlo? I love Merlo; it’s probably one of my favorite places ever, even when nobody’s there in the sum-

mer. On game nights, it’s unparalleled. Away games make you appreciate Merlo so much because there may be 100 fans at some of those games and you think “Wow, this is their home game experience.” Merlo is one of the reasons I came to UP. What is your favorite memory from Merlo? Beating Washington State in PKs last year. The fans storming the field and the celebration that occurred are indescribable. It was just such a great moment; pure happiness. We were all very much living in the moment. I think an experience like that, with the fans and the atmosphere could only happen on Merlo. What do you enjoy doing outside of soccer and school? I like to play Frisbee golf and just being with friends. I’ll get into a book or a show but I spend most of my free time just with my friends. When you are playing something like Frisbee golf do you bring your competitive edge to it? It’s funny to me because a lot of athletes have a problem separating those things, but I don’t. It may be because I’m not that good at it. Where do you hope you are a year from now? Hopefully right here going to grad school. I intern with the sports information department at UP and that is the career track I am interested in pursuing. -Cassie Sheridan

SOCCER: Winning is a must in November Continued from page 16 went on to win 1-0 in overtime. “I think they just played us differently than they did before,” Sanchez said. “Knowing what we could do, and trying to take those opportunities that we had when we beat them to this game, they strategically changed with what they did. It’s tough when a team just sits back and doesn’t let you do what you’ve been doing all season. They knew we would jump on them, being at home and needing the win.” The Pilots have four matches left to turn the page on a particularly dreary October chapter. As the weather chills and the days get shorter, the Pilots’ priority to come away from each match with a win remains the same. “We’re still trying to win games,” Sanchez said. “Our goal this year was to get in the playoffs again. That’s kind of a loss. It’s hard to do that now, after dropping those two games. But we’re still going to play our game.” The Pilots will finish off their season at home with a pair of matches on Nov. 15 and 17 against Saint Mary’s and San Francisco.


This week in sports Women’s Soccer The Pilots beat St. Mary’s 3-1 last week which boosted them to 14-2-1. They are ranked No. 12 and take on No. 8 Santa Clara tonight at 8 p.m. on Merlo. The game will be on ESPNU. They also finish up WCC play San Francisco Sunday at 2:30 p.m. on Merlo.

Men’s Soccer The Pilots lost to Santa Clara 0-1 in over time last Friday. The team is now 8-8-0. They travel to California this weekend to play Loyola Marymount Friday at 7:00 p.m. and San Diego Sunday at 2 p.m.

Cross Country Both men and women’s cross country teams took second place at the WCC Championships.

Men’s Basketball The Pilots begin their season against UC Davis Friday night at 7:30 p.m. in the Chiles Center.

Women’s Basketball They begin their season against Eastern Washington at 5:15 p.m. Friday in the Chiles Center. (courtesy,

Kristen Garcia | THE BEACON

(Top) Freshman standout Eddie Sanchez fights off a San Diego opponent in a game earlier this season. Sanchez has 11 goals and the first hat trick for the Pilots since 2004. (Right) Sophomore midfielder Dustin Munger goes after a ball against a Gonzaga Bulldog during the game last week. The Pilots continue WCC play this week and look for an outside chance of making the playoffs.

Parker Shoaff | THE BEACON



November 7, 2013


Strong finish new goal for men’s soccer

Chances of making the playoffs are dimming, but players continue to shine and the team aims to keep winning games Peter Gallagher Staff Writer As conference play enters the last third of the season, the men’s soccer team finds themselves on the outside of the playoff picture looking in after dropping two matches to Gonzaga and Santa Clara in last week’s action at Merlo Field. The pair of defeats drops the Pilots to fifth in the WCC standings with a record of 3-5-0. The men’s squad began WCC play in early September with five victories in seven matches, their strongest start in recent memory. But since a crushing 3-2 overtime loss to St. Mary’s on Oct. 6, the Pilots have dropped five of the past seven contests and have fallen in the WCC standings. The Pilots entered last week’s matches with a growing sense of urgency after their pre-season goal of reaching the playoffs grew dimmer by the week. Gonzaga proved to be too much for the Portland team in a physical display last Wednesday evening. The victory was the Bulldogs’ first in 24 WCC away matches, a streak that began in February of 2009 after a win over the Pilots at Merlo. The Gonzaga

defense was stifling, and Pilot midfielders and forwards struggled to string together plays in the middle of the field. “Gonzaga’s a hard working team and they did a lot to break up the play,” senior midfielder Thomas Iwasaki said. “They definitely caused some problems for us. We got a little frustrated.” The Wednesday night matchup against Gonzaga was Iwasaki’s first match after an MCL tear early in the season that kept him sidelined for most of October. “Him being a senior, and the caliber player he is, just the leadership he has on the field, it’s huge for us,” teammate and freshman Eddie Sanchez said about Iwasaki’s return. “Having him back was a huge thing for us. It helped a lot, we’re glad he’s back, and we’re just going to finish the rest of these games for him and the seniors.” Emotions flared throughout the match, with three yellow card bookings and two penalty kicks highlighting the tenacity of the conference rivalry. “Them being so close to us, it’s even more of a rivalry game,” Sanchez said. “It’s a tough one, especially after a loss like that. Emotionally, it hurts you. It sets you back. It makes you think

about how the season has been going, like ‘What do we do from here?’ Mentally it’s tough, but you just got to bounce back.” Sanchez is in the midst of a dazzling season with the Pilots. The freshman forward led the nation in points going into last Wednesday’s match and sat at second in goals scored. On Oct. 20, Sanchez recorded the first hat trick, or three goals in one match, for a Pilot since 2003 in a 4-1 drubbing of Santa Clara in California. Yet on Friday night, the Pilots were held scoreless in 120 minutes of action as Santa Clara See SOCCER, page 15

Parker Shoaff | THE BEACON

(Top) Freshman midfielder Matthew Coffey passes the ball to a teammate in what became a very physical match Wednesday. (Bottom) Red-shirt senior Jason Dodson saves a shot, one of 18 the Bulldogs had. The Pilots fell to WCC rivals Gonzaga and Santa Clara last week and continue playing this weekend.



FRI. 11/8 · 5:15PM · CHILES CENTER








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