The Beacon Oct 24 Issue 8

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Vol. 115, Issue 8 October 24, 2013

The BEacon

Every Thursday

The Student Voice of the University of Portland Since 1935

Where are the best place to run in NoPo?

UP students spend their fall break on service immersion trips

Your guide to Halloween in Portland

Sports, p. 14

Opinions, p. 13

Living, p. 8-9

NOTHING TO RAVE ABOUT Recent deaths linked to the drug Molly shine light on risks Megan Lester Staff Writer “I’ve only done it once – I was in Barcelona. A bartender in the hostel we were staying at gave it to us and we just took it and rubbed it on our gums.” University of Portland Junior “I have done it twice. It’s kept on the down low I would say. I like it, it just makes you want to dance and it makes you feel happy. I would say a fair share of people have done it once, or want to do it.” - University of Portland Junior “It’s a social drug. Everyone’s happy and happy with themselves – you’re not all depressed. It’s a time to clear your mind and everything. And like, not think about reality. It kind of blocks you off from reality.” - University of Portland Junior Molly, short for “molecule,” is becoming increasingly popular on college campuses, including UP. However, recent deaths connected to the drug may make some students think twice before taking Molly. On Aug. 31, a Syracuse University graduate and a University of New Hampshire student died after taking what they believed to be Molly during the Electric Zoo Festival in New York. A University of Virginia student also died that same weekend at a rave in Washington, D.C. At the Gorge Amphitheatre in Quincy, Wash., one man died of an overdose during the Paradiso Festival.

What is Molly?

Molly is the street name for MDMA, purportedly a pure form of ecstasy. According to

Design by Emily Strocher, Shellie Adams and Sarah Hansell | THE BEACON

the DEA, however, that “purity” is often severely compromised. Molly has been known to contain many contaminants, from “bath salts” to methamphetamines to cocaine. MDMA often causes serotonin to be released in the brain, producing a high that may last up to six hours. The high varies depending on the dose, the purity, the individual using and the environment in which it is taken. MDMA is described as making people feel euphoric, peaceful and enhancing sensory experiences. Taking Molly, or ‘rolling,’ was appealing to junior Hanna. “I rolled a lot in high school and college freshman year,” Hanna said. “I think I took too much of it, to be honest. Like, I did it every other weekend, at least. I used to do it for a couple days in a row if there were really good concerts. I was into more crazy festivals and dubstep and that kind of thing. All my disposable income was going into Molly.”

Risks of using Molly

Hanna liked using Molly because it “brings people closer together,” but the high was not without its costs, especially since Molly is often cut with other substances including cocaine and methamphetamine. “You never know what you’re going to get – I’ve gotten my share, a lot cut with cocaine, for sure. They’re all cut with something different, there’s no consistency in it,” she said. “A significant portion of Molly is cut with meth. You can tell by the way your body’s acting.” Chemistry professor Edward Valente warns that uncertain

purity may be the biggest risk associated with street drugs like Molly. “Ordinarily drugs would be in a pure form from a pharmaceutical company, preserved in that fashion by a pharmacist and prescribed by a doctor,” he said. “Drugs that are on the street have no guarantees. You can’t know what they’re cut with, which is to say what they’re contaminated with. There’s very little in quality control.” Michelle, another UP student, experienced that problem firsthand. “I stopped doing it sophomore year because there was definitely a point where I was like ‘Wow, I’ve been up for two days straight, that wasn’t Molly, that was probably meth.’ We’re in Multnomah County, we’re up See MOLLY, page 2

Negative Effects of Molly • Increased heart rate and blood pressure • Hyperthermia, or an elevation of body heat (potentially fatal) • Hyponatremia, or low sodium levels (potentially fatal) • Bruxism and Trismus, or the grinding and clenching of teeth (most common side effects) • Depression, sleep problems, anxiety *Information from the National Institute on Drug Abuse

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons



October 24, 2013


Friday Oct. 25: Live Music: Little Rascalz at 10 p.m. Spooky Trivia at 11:30 p.m. Saturday Oct. 26: Latin Dance at 10 p.m. KDUP Live DJ Set at 11:30 p.m. *All Pilots After Dark events in the Cove CPB MOVIE Friday Oct. 25 and Saturday Oct. 26: “Man of Steel” in Buckley Center Auditorium at 10 p.m.

MOLLY: college students’ drug of choice? Continued from page 1 there (for meth consumption).” Rolling can also mean harsh comedowns. Commonly, after taking MDMA, users feel depressed. This period of depression is referred to as the Tuesday Blues or “Suicide Tuesday,” referencing the low mood caused by depleted serotonin levels following MDMA use the previous weekend. “There have been bad comedowns,” Hanna said. “Literally bawling my eyes out – I just could not stop crying after it.”

Electronic Dance Music (EDM), raves and pop culture

Senior Jordan Jones, a DJ at UP, has seen Molly dominate the EDM scene. “It’s kind of running on the back of this recent trend in EDM becoming so popular,” Jones said. “With raves becoming more popular more kids are doing drugs and they think it’s part of what you do. “Psychedelics were a big part of producing this because it was already this other-worldly sounding stuff so people take (Molly) as a way to kind of enhance that experience,” he said. Jones is disturbed by the drug’s growing popularity, particularly among kids. “This drug is accessible to really young kids who are at festivals now – I’m talking

13-year-old kids.” Hanna used Molly principally for EDM concerts. “It really enhances that unnatural sound, for some reason, that really powerful sound,” she said. “The festival scene is really appealing there. Sometimes raves, it’s super appealing because everyone wants to go out and party, it feels like a good drug. I got to the point where I was spending more on Molly than the concert ticket itself.” Senior Katy Stevens sees Molly frequently at concerts. “A lot of people take it because they say it increases the (EDM) experience and a lot of people take it because it’s integrated into the EDM society,” Stevens said. “If you think about it, a lot of these music events are all day events. Who is going to be able to dance for eight hours straight? People on drugs!” Michelle says people don’t “roll” just for concerts, though. “I know a lot of people who take Molly and just hang out with their significant others,” she said. “A lot of people who take it hang out and watch TV or look at lights. There’s a lot of people who do it in a more intimate fashion. They’ll have Molly dates.” This feeling of “intimacy” is a result of a chemical response in the brain after new chemicals are introduced to the delicate balance of cerebral fluid. “It releases inhibitions. People under the influence of MDMA are psychologically suggestive,”

MDMA: 3,4-methylenedioxy-Nmethylamphetamine • A synthetic, psychoactive drug, first synthesized in 1912 • Molly is the street name for MDMA, the main chemical in ecstasy • Molly is ingested as a pressed pill, snorted as a powder or taken orally • 100 mg is considered a typical dose • Costs range from $10-$60

a tablet • Molly may be cut with methamphetamine, cocaine, caffeine, Benadryl and a host of other stimulants *Information from CNN Health, World Drug Report 2010 and the National Institute on Drug Abuse

Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

A quarter ounce of Molly Valente said. “It can be used for date rape and things like that.” Valente warns that the brain is a sensitive organ, and introducing foreign chemicals into this intricate network can have disastrous consequences. “It will affect all of your brain chemicals,” he said. “Because it interferes with one particular pathway, the others will be regulated up or down as a result of the presence of that chemical. When you’re fooling around with brain chemistry it’s going to affect all higher functions, and sensory perception.” Hanna thinks Molly use, like other drug use, might just be a passing fad. “I think it’s just a phase, most people grow out of it...,” Hanna said. “Eventually it’ll die down, but we’re not at its peak yet. No way.”

Editor’s Note: In this story, “Hanna,” and “Michelle” are pseudonyms for two UP students. The Beacon granted them anonymity so they could speak freely about their drug use. Generally, The Beacon avoids the use of anonymous sources because we believe our readers are entitled to know the identities of sources so they can evaluate their credibility for themselves. However, we made an exception in this case, believing the public health benefit of openly discussing the use of Molly outweighs the value of our usual practice regarding anonymous sources. We do not make this exception lightly, but with the hope it will spark awareness and constructive discussion about drug use.

Molly in Popular Music “We like to party/ dancing with molly” –Miley Cyrus, “We Can’t Stop” “Palms rise to the universe/ As we moonshine and molly” –Rihanna, “Diamonds in the Sky” “Got your girl on molly

and we smokin’ loud and drinkin’” -Nicki Minaj ft. 2 Chainz, “Beez in the Trap” “Let’s take it back to the first party/ When you tried your first molly/ And came out of your body” –Kanye West, “Blood on the Leaves”

Zahm lecture inspires students Renowned author Jud Newborn spoke on human rights, the White Rose movement W.C. Lawson Staff Writer

Accuracy in The Beacon

The Beacon strives to be fair and accurate. The newspaper corrects any significant errors of fact brought to the attention of the editors. If you think an error has been made, contact us at Corrections will be printed above.

For Jud Newborn, UP’s 2013 Zahm lecturer, truth and power can be found in the story of a student-led Nazi resistance movement. “Raising consciousness can make all of the difference in the world,” Newborn said. Newborn, a renowned author, cultural anthropologist and Holocaust scholar, presented a multimedia program, “Speaking Truth to Power,” at the annual Zahm Lecture on Oct. 10 in

Buckley Center Auditorium. He spoke about finding inspiration for current human rights struggles in the White Rose anti-Nazi movement of the Holocaust. He shared the stories of many unexpected heroes from various ethnic backgrounds who continue to lead the fight for human rights. Newborn emphasized the importance of the impact individuals can have by using their words to fight for truth and power. “I thought it was pretty interesting,” senior Ethan Barnes, who attended the lecture,

said. “Newborn was really animated and I enjoyed learning about a resistance movement that still carries weight in our global position.” After completing three decades of research on World War II history, Newborn coauthored “Sophie Scholl and the White Rose” in 2006. The story is about two siblings and former Hitler Youth members, Sophie and Hans Scholl, who led one of the few effective protests in Germany against the Nazi Party in 1942. They anonymously distributed leaflets to educate the public about the Nazi Party’s

atrocities. “This was what they were risking their lives for,” Newborn said. “They were risking their lives for these words.” This anonymous use of media created a sensation as readers were urged to support the movement for “freedom of speech, freedom of religion and protection of the individual citizen from the arbitrary action of criminal-dictator states.” The movement caught much attention from the Gestapo (Nazi See ZAHM, page 5 3


Moreau Center welcomes a familiar face UP grad Lindie Burgess returns to The Bluff as the Moreau Center’s Program Manager Rebekah Markillie Staff Writer Lindie Burgess, a University of Portland grad, has made The Bluff her home again. To fill the positions left open this year by the director and assistant director of the Moreau Center for Service and Leadership, Fr. John Donato created two temporary positions. The University will review the mission and goals for the Moreau Center in the future to determine if the positions will become permanent. The interim director position was filled by David Houglum and the interim program manager was filled by Burgess. “Community is what drew me here,” she said. “It’s why I’m back.” Burgess returns to UP from St. André Bessette Catholic Church (the downtown chapel). She worked as the main coordinator for evening hospitality, a dinner service that provides hot meals for the homeless and people in need on Thursdays and Fridays. While working at St. André’s, Burgess partnered with the Moreau Center to make volunteering connections for students, and was able to get Bon Appetit to donate one meal a

month to evening hospitality. The Moreau Center’s Assistant Director for Leadership Development, Pat Ell, believes Burgess’ work with St. André’s will help her in her position as program manager. “She has a very strong knowledge of Portland and local (volunteer) needs and also good experience coordinating volunteers,” he said. Burgess graduated in 2011 with a major in mechanical engineering and was heavily involved with the Moreau Center during her time as a student. She participated in the rural plunge and participated in and coordinated the Collegiate Challenge, which builds houses with Habitat for Humanity over spring break. Coming from a small town in Montana, Burgess had little experience with homelessness growing up. Her first time seeing a homeless person in Portland was “total culture shock,” she said. “St. André’s gave (me) the opportunity to interact with them,” she said. The social cues from other people around her were to ignore the homeless, but Burgess didn’t feel like ignoring them was the

right thing to do. She wanted to help them. “It has been ingrained in the way that I look at the world to look out for the people around me,” she said. As a student, Burgess wanted to find a way to integrate her passion for helping others into her engineering work. Her senior design project did exactly that. “We had to create a thing that made prosthetics more attainable,” she said. Her group used a myoelectric prosthetic hand that moves when tiny electrical signals are released from the user contracting muscles in the forearm. They used video games to create an engaging way for people to learn how to use their prosthetic. Now that she’s back on campus, Burgess is excited to work with the Moreau Center again and network with people from UP and the surrounding community. “I get asked a lot whether I will end up back in engineering. For me, engineering and the work I am doing right now are two sides of the same life puzzle,” she said, “My current position at the Moreau Center is an important stop on my journey to filling the spaces in between.”

Lindie Burgess


Green Zebra: food and community New Kenton store offers healthy alternative Nastacia Voisin Staff Writer A convenience store of a different stripe opened its doors to the North Portland community on Oct. 8. Named after an eye-catching tomato cultivar, Green Zebra Grocery is the brainchild of former New Seasons CEO Lisa Sedlar, who plans to redefine the convenience store with the Green Zebra. At only 5,600 square feet, the store stocks regionallysourced produce, healthy snacks, a salad bar, deli counter and house-made grab-and-go meals. Sedlar believes the store will flourish like its namesake – green zebra tomatoes – which are small, flavorful and grow well in the Northwest. Her goal is to insure the store balances convenience with quality, a business model that depends on a responsive community, according to Sedlar. “Whatever the community needs – but we like to say we only have room for the good stuff,” Sedlar said. Built on the bones of a 1950s-era Safeway, Green Zebra seeks to be sustainable from the inside-out, and boasts upcycled wood, brick and restaurant equipment. The Kenton store also has bioswales, skylights and offers on-site bike parking. Hoping to meet community needs, Green Zebra is dedicated

to providing local, sustainablyproduced foods for “eaters” – a term Sedlar prefers over “consumers.” “When you consume something it’s pretty mindless, but when you’re eating it’s more thoughtful,” she said. Yet along with kale chips, gluten-free crackers and kombucha on tap, Green Zebra stocks an array of brand-name soft drinks. “Some people are not food purists, and I’m not the food police,” said Sedlar, adding that she drew the line at cigarettes and lottery tickets. The majority of criticism has been directed so far at pricing, not food selection, according to co-founder and marketing director Shannon Hiller-Webb. “We’re not trying to be the cheapest store in town because we’re interested in paying a living wage to farmers,” HillerWebb said. At the same time, she projected prices dropping, balancing and evening out in the next few weeks. Hiller-Webb hopes the prices will not deter UP students who are burned out from Bon Appetit’s selection, although she doesn’t see Green Zebra as competition. “We’re appealing to anyone that’s looking for food options outside the (Bauccio) Commons,” Hiller-Webb said.


The Green Zebra is located on the corner of Peninsular Ave. and Lombard St. Owner Lisa Sedlar hopes to attract UP students looking for healthy, sustainable food options. UP junior Hanna Bauer, who visited Green Zebra with the Food Justice Immersion, thinks the store is an excellent alternative even if the cost is high. If students can justify spending money on new clothing and movie tickets, Bauer said, then they can also use that money to invest in their health. “To me, it’s worth the price,” Bauer said. To help ease the cost, the grocery offers an in-store savings account – Zebra Cash. An initial purchase over $25 earns $5 toward the account, and $1 for every $100 spent

thereafter. When UP students sign up for Zebra Cash with a Pilot Experience Card (available for free to all UP students through the Alumni Relations office) they’re credited $10 off a purchase of $40 or more. A healthy access discount of seven percent is also available to whose use food stamps. Green Zebra also plans to match customer donations to community nonprofits and donate food to Roosevelt High School’s food pantry. “One of our values is being in service to one another, and responding to what the

community needs,” said Sedlar. That means cultivating strong neighborhood ties, including trying to hire directly from the neighborhood. As of now, 33 percent of the grocery’s staff are locals. According to Hiller-Webb, Green Zebra hopes to maintain complementary relationships with local stores, including Village Market and New Seasons. “We’re not trying to take business away from anyone doing the good work,” HillerWebb said.



October 24, 2013

ASUP annouces top 10 list for MPF Maggie Smet Staff Writer After sorting through proposals for dorm puppies, bike racks, inefficient toilet paper and new cars, ASUP decided on a list of 10 potential projects for the Major Project Fund (MPF). The MPF is $51,000 – and it’s up to students to tell their senators what project they would like to see funded. The top 10 list is as follows (in no particular order): 1. University vans for Student Activities (such as clubs, organizations, service trips, hall events etc.) 2. TVs for library, ADvantage 3. General outside seating for the library and Terrace Room 4. Speed bump for traffic control on campus 5. Additional lighting for Prusynski Pitch (intramural field) 6. Re-purpose Buckley Center greenhouse 7. Re-establish end of year event 8. Pilots After Dark programming support 9. Covers for bike racks 10. Ice machines for campus buildings Some senators feel strongly about particular options. “Student activity vans, we need that so much,” sophomore Samantha van den Berg, an off-campus senator, said. “Me and a group of other students volunteered to set up the fall dance and we had to transport ourselves downtown and there was so much confusion and it was terrible.” The MPF comes from 10 percent of the $85 student government fee that is part of students’ tuition each semester. Usually, the fund amounts to about $22,000 per semester. However, with the passage of ASUP Resolution 12-09 in Fall 2012, 90 percent of unused club and ASUP funds from the previous year will now go into the MPF, with 10 percent going into an endowment. This raises the total to $51,000.


The MPF used to be restricted to physical improvements to campus, and was called the Capital Improvement Fund (CIF), which was created in 2006. It became the MPF in 2011, allowing the funds to also be used for campus-wide events. “It’s the chance to put money towards something we really want to do as students,” ASUP Treasurer Jessie Robinson said. In the upcoming ASUP meeting on Oct. 28, the Executive Board will formally present their top 10 list to the Senate. At this meeting, the Senate is able to remove 50 percent of the list. The Executive Board, taking into account the needs and opinions of the community, as well as the projects’ feasibility, will announce those that will be funded on Oct. 30. The MPF is a chance for the student body to have a say on improvements or events on campus. “It’s our opportunity and chance to invest in UP and make a positive impact,” ASUP President Quin Chadwick said. If you have opinions regarding how the MPF money is spent, contact a senator, or attend an ASUP meeting, Mondays at 4:30 p.m. in Shiley 319.

Past MPF/CIF Projects and Improvements to Campus

Fall 2010: ADvantage computer, the victory bell and The Anchor’s outdoor patio

Spring 2011: new drums and kilts for Villa Maria Hall and new audio and lighting equipment Fall 2011 and Spring 2012: given to the RISE campaign, specifically for the new Recreation Center Spring 2012: new lighting, tables and chairs in St. Mary’s and a cart for the victory bell

Gender Winner of The studies Beacon’s Fall minor Break Photo passed Contest Sarah Hansell News Editor

Yesterday the Academic Senate unanimously passed a proposal to include a gender and women’s studies minor in the University’s curriculum. It will be available to students starting next fall. “Other universities have this minor, including our peer institutions, so it’s just another way to underscore our commitment to diversity and inclusion and to give that a voice,” said Anissa Rogers, director of the gender and women’s studies minor. The minor is interdisciplinary, including classes from different departments, allowing students to learn about gender and women’s studies from different academic perspectives. A faculty committee has been working to include this minor in UP’s curriculum for over a year. Rogers says that the University community has been supportive. “We think the time is right for this minor and we hope students sign up,” she said.

Photo Courtesy of John August Russell

John August Russell reading The Beacon in the cockpit of his LAX to PDX flight.

The Controller’s Office would like to announce The Winners of the Direct Deposit Drawing. Congratulations to the following students:

Lillian Nguyen Freshman UP Pullover Mark Williams Freshman $25.00 Barnes & Noble Gift Card Jaime Rompel Junior $25.00 Barnes & Noble Gift Card Fatima Scotto-Rodriquez Sophomore $50.00 Fred Meyer Gift Card Kari Westenhaver Master’s Cand. Grand Prize Winner: iPad Mini

Fall 2012: Rock the Bluff concert featuring Boys Like Girls

The UP Public Safety Report 2

1. Oct. 18, 2:20 a.m. - A staff member reported a student who had consumed an illegal substance at Villa Maria. Officers made contact with the student and Portland Police and AMR also responded; the individual was referred to the student conduct process. 2. Oct. 18, 5:50 p.m. - A student reported the theft of a GPS unit from their vehicle parked on the 6800 block of N. Haven. A report was taken by an officer and the student was referred to Portland Police Bureau to file a report with that agency. 3. Oct. 19, 2:32 a.m. - Officers checked on an individual found sleeping in a car on the 6900 block of N. Portsmouth. Portland Police Bureau was called upon to assist. The individual was determined to have legitimate business in the area. The individual departed after completing their business.


4. Oct. 20, 12:23 a.m. - Received a report from a neighbor regarding two intoxicated individuals on the 6700 block of N. Portsmouth. Officers checked the individuals and determined they were not community members, but were underage. Portland Police Bureau took custody of the individuals to ensure they were able to make it safely home.



Health center faces flu season Health Center addresses student concerns Erika Murphy Staff Writer It’s that time of year again. People start coughing, calls start pouring into the University Health Center and rumors start flying that students can’t book appointments. Freshman Patrick Doherty has heard since arriving on campus that it’s difficult to schedule an appointment. “That has kind of deterred me from trying to make my own appointment,” he said. Paul Myers, director of the Health Center, seeks to dispel these rumors. “We do get complaints where people will say the Health Center turned them down,” Myers said. “It’s not that we turn them down. It’s that there wasn’t a match to their availability.” The Health Center, in the past two years, has worked to expand its scope with the addition of a fourth examination room and two new positions. Will Meek began working as assistant director of counseling and training last November. Susan Chisum, assistant director for primary care services, was hired in January. Myers said the “rearrangement of responsibilities” has increased efficiency, allowing the providers to see more students. Sophomore Maya Thompson hasn’t had a problem scheduling an appointment. “They’re not like rude or anything if you come out of the blue because you’re not feeling well,” she said. “They’ll take good care of you.” Myers is passionate about providing care to all students. “The verb matters when (students) say we ‘turned them down,’” Myers said. “We’re not in the business of turning students down.” Senior Kylie Pybus, an RA in Mehling Hall, advises residents to be persistent when booking an

appointment. “Sometimes I tell residents that (the Health Center is) trying to meet so many people’s needs,” she said. “So if you really are concerned, like about your health, you can convey that to them.” The average wait time, including weekends, is two-anda-half days, according to Myers. Though the Health Center is not a walk-in clinic, urgent needs, such as a urinary tract infection or strep throat, take priority. “We work those in rather than waiting to see them the next day,” he said. As illnesses pass through campus, appointments are typically booked in waves. “As soon as the weather shifts and the windows close, we see this big jump,” Myers said. “It’s also a function of bringing together freshmen from all over the country. They’re under high stress, they’re not sleeping well, they’re generally not doing a lot of the basics.” Some students, including Doherty, think expanded hours at the Health Center would be beneficial. “It’s closed on the weekends,” Doherty said. “I’m not saying it should be changed, but that’s not ideal because people are sick all the time.” Other resources are available for when students are unable to book an appointment with the Health Center. The Learning Resource Center and the Shepard Freshmen Resource Center help students address academic concerns. For emotional needs, resident assistants, assistant hall directors and hall directors are available within the dorms, as are friends and neighbors. “There’s a lot of people to support students if the Health Center isn’t open or after 4:30 p.m.,” Pybus said. “Because I think it can be inconvenient for students if they’re in class all

ZAHM: Newborn speaks on the power of words Continued from page 2 Germany’s secret police) and Adolf Hitler. These acts of nonviolence would ultimately result in the execution of key members of the White Rose group for their words against the Nazi Party. “Will we tear away what the White Rose said?” Newborn asked the crowd. “We need them to show us the light.” The audience gave Newborn a standing ovation, and students walked away inspired by his message about how powerful

words can be from these examples of “freedom fighters.” Newborn advised students that anyone around the world can stand up and non-violently fight for the freedom of others. “His lecture was very enlightening,” junior Sean Barry said. “With similar crises happening in our world today, we need to start a global revolution.”

Health Center Location: Orrico Hall, Upper Level Phone Number: 503-943-7134 Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. Counseling Walk-In Hours: Monday-Friday, 10-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. *All other appointments must be scheduled in advance. Services Offered: • Health care • Mental health counseling • Learning assistance • Accommodations for disabilities • Spiritual health • Assault or harassment support • Substance abuse prevention

Kayla Wong | THE BEACON

day.” To allow for broader student access to mental health counseling, last winter the Health Center established triage blocks of time similar to the dropin hours of professors. Three hours are allotted every day for students to walk in and talk with a counselor for 20 minutes. During the consultation, students can discern whether the Health Center is able to meet their needs or if a referral would be better. For some students, 20 minutes is all they need to address the issue. Opening up the schedule for drop-in hours has allowed the Health Center to reach more students. Though freshman Charisma

Lauritzen hasn’t had trouble with scheduling, she dislikes the sterile environment. “They could be a little more psychologically and emotionally inviting in terms of atmosphere,” Lauritzen said. Yet, Thompson finds the counseling center very accommodating. “It was especially helpful my freshman year because I had a hard time getting used to college. The therapists really helped,” Thompson said. “I’m getting a lot healthier this year. And a lot of it is thanks to the Health Center.” Myers sees the need to continue expansion down the road. “We do have hopes in the future to add staff,” Myers

Alternative Options: • Legacy Emanuel Urgent Care: 2801 N. Gantenbein
 503-413-2200 • Pacific Medical Group:
 6445 N Greeley Ave.
 503-285-6607 • Crisis hotlines, numbers listed at healthcenter • 911 or Public Safety

said. “They’re kind of longrange plans. They haven’t been approved, but they’re in the conversation. The enrollment has grown and the demand is there.”

Grad School Fair

October 29 · 5–8 p.m. Free! Portland State University University Place Hotel 310 SW Lincoln Street hosted by:



October 24, 2013

Meet UP’s social media sages

Grown by 3,000 followers each year since 2010

14,000+ followers

For Joe Kuffner and Jeff Kennel, a typical day at work in UP’s Marketing department could mean running around Portland dressed in the infamous Wally Pilot suit for an Orientation video, snapping pictures of students’ fall fashion or shooting video while hiking chest-deep in water in the Columbia River Gorge. These projects might seem strange for someone employed at a university, but for Kuffner and Kennel, the faces behind UP’s social media, it’s all about building UP’s brand and bringing the UP community together. “I just like creating something that is awesome for an alum to see that takes them back and say ‘I really miss UP,’ or for current students to say ‘Wow, that’s really awesome, I love seeing my school represented that way.’ Or for prospective students to go ‘Wow, that’s a culture I could really fit into,’” Kennel said. Making media that matters

Kennel is UP’s videographer and photojournalist, and Kuffner, on top of his other duties as assistant director of Media Relations, runs UP’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr accounts. They often work together to create content for UP’s social media, and it’s common to see them on campus on a sunny day taking pictures of students’ school fashion for a Facebook photo album or asking students to share the last photo they took on their phones for a YouTube video.

“What matters to me is that people enjoy what we post... versus getting a bunch of likes.”

Joe Kuffner Assistant Director of Media Relations “What matters to me is that people enjoy what we post and think that UP is fun and cool versus getting a bunch of likes all the time,” Kuffner, a 2005 UP alum, said. “If I really wanted to, I could

Grown from 300 followers in 2011

Top 70 higher ed Instagram accounts

Joe Kuffner and Jeff Kennel are the faces behind UP’s growing social media presence Kathryn Walters Copy Editor

Top five percent most followed Twitter accounts

post a bunch of cat videos every day and people would like them, but it wouldn’t really do anything in terms of talking about UP and sharing stories about UP and things.” Kennel said tuning into social media, like posting a photo album of campus fall fashion on Facebook, might seem trivial at first, but can reveal unique insights into life on The Bluff. “It’s an interesting insight into people, because what they wear can be interesting, or maybe some people don’t care what they wear, and maybe that means something,” he said. “I think it would be cool to be in New York City and see what kids from Portland are wearing, so you can see little insights into our culture through the things we do.” Over the last few years, Kuffner has made it his mission to amp up UP’s social media presence. He took over the Facebook and Twitter accounts in 2009, and makes an effort to post on the Facebook page as often as possible, but only things he feels that UP students, parents, faculty, staff and alumni will connect with. “I try to stay away from some of the things that companies do on Facebook, like caption contests and fill in the blanks,” he

Ranked among top pages for engagment for past three years

2,200+ followers

2,700+ followers

365 videos

329,000+ views since 2009 said. “I’m a lot more interested in posting good content and seeing how people connect emotionally.” Content could mean an Oregonian article about UP or a Tumblr GIF set titled “30 Signs You Went to University of Portland.” Kuffner posted this GIF set on Oct. 9 and shared it on Facebook.

Within 24 hours it had 498 likes, 75 comments and 97 shares. Last fall, Kuffner also started a UP Instagram account to engage with students, which now has over 2,200 followers. Putting the social back in social media “I spend a lot of time searchSee MEDIA, page 7

Becca Tabor | THE BEACON

Joe Kuffner and Jeff Kennel work on a video for the new recreation center with junior Chelsea Halstead. Kuffner and Kennel’s team efforts have increased followers for all of UP’s social media sites.

Photos courtesy of Jeff Kennel

LIVING Entertain Me

Ashland Shakespeare Festival Of course, I’ve known about the Shakespeare Festival that happens every year in Ashland for a long time (as you probably do too). Growing up in the Northwest, the festival is a hard tradition to ignore (“Have you gone yet?”/ “Think you might catch a show this year?”/ “You excited for next season?”). However, taking the step from hearing to actually going to the yearly production took me a shameful amount of years. Shameful because I was com-

pletely and immediately enamored with the festival from the start and had been denying this to myself for so long. But this fall break was the perfect chance for my Ashland getaway – and for anyone who knows the town, it wears the season of fall extremely well. If you don’t know already, the exciting catch to the Shakespeare Festival is each play has undergone radical interpretations compared to ol’ Shakespeare’s Rose Theater days. What this means is that none of the plays are dry, stale and dated (sorry to all you traditionalists). Rather, they are reinvigorated with a modern spin. Now, not all of them are necessarily set in modern day but the characters and setting are re-examined in a new context. One play I saw was “The Tam-

ing of the Shrew,” which featured a rockabilly cast. The set was still Padua, if Padua were a neon-lit boardwalk. And it was completed with modern references, like to Beyonce and Jay-Z (“Jay-Zedd”). The director didn’t just push the Shakespearean rules but felt bold enough to break them. “King Lear,” on the other hand, was set in the present. There were cars, flat screen TVs and Doritos. Rather than a monarchy’s game of thrones, “King Lear” was presented as a country-clubbin’ upper-class political battle for control. To the modern American viewer, the stupid political games that ended in masstragedy felt extremely relevant. Because I had not yet gone to a Shakespeare Festival play before, the very concept of re-envisioning Shakespeare had a magi- cal effect on me. I felt enabled to connect with the characters more than usual and able to understand the subtleties of Shakespeare that might normally be lost on me. I was also drawn into the world – and by drawn into the world, I mean I screamed embarrassingly loud when the Duke of Cornwall pulls out Gloucester’s eyeballs with a corkscrew. About half of the festival isn’t Shakespeare at all but rather extremely worthy modern pieces. “The Unfortunates” absolutely stunned me into a mild, theaterinduced paralysis. It was an original, all-Americana steampunk musical that told an American prison tale through a dream-within-a-dream perspective. There were many layers of reality which added a sci-fi element that I had previously imagined was only


possible for cinema. However, the show is sold out until the finale (which makes sense because my initial reaction to the show was to buy any possible tickets left available, as I’m sure everyone else did). So while I can’t tell you to pack your things for Ashland to go see “The Unfortunates,” there are plenty of other plays that aren’t sold out and absolutely are worth seeing. The season won’t end until November and the new season begins in February. All in all, I’ve finally caved into the Northwest tradition and have already made plans for the 2014 season. -Olivia Alsept-Ellis For information, to buy 2013 season tickets or to see the 2014 season, visit Photos courtesy of Oregon Shakespeare Festival

MEDIA: life of its own Continued from page 6 ing on the hashtag ‘UP’ or ‘UPortland,’ and if someone says they have a test the next day, I might say ‘good luck!’” Kuffner said. “Sometimes I wonder if people think it’s kind of weird that the college is saying that, but I figure, what the heck, it makes things a bit more personal and special so that’s gone really well.” Senior Susie Sprinson follows UP on Facebook and Instagram, and thinks the level of UP’s social media presence well represents UP’s smaller and more intimate community, which may appeal to prospective students. “I think it’s appropriate for the size of school we are,” Sprinson said. “It’s probably useful in attracting younger students too if they are looking at schools and they see that UP is on Facebook and Instagram, that is a draw for them.” Social media has allowed Kennel to expand the journalistic content he creates for UP. During spring break last year, he travelled to Guatemala with UP nursing alumni and a current nursing student to cover a surgical team that provides free surgeries for rural Mayans, and he found that posting photos live on Instagram instead of taking typical photos

and video made it a more engaging experience. “Usually I have my really nice camera and I take really nice video, but there was something more meaningful about being able to share that photo right away,” he said. Measuring value of content One of the challenges of working in social media, according to Kuffner and Kennel, is trying to quantify the value of social media for a university, as opposed to a brand or company. “In some ways it’s great that we don’t have to hit some kind of number or goal for having to sell X number of something with a post, but at the same time it means that the value is kind of fuzzy and intangible,” Kuffner said. “I want people to connect emotionally. I want them to feel nostalgic and proud about the University, and there’s no way to track that.” For Kuffner and Kennel, the biggest reward for using social media in their jobs is seeing how UP videos, photos, hashtags and GIFs make a mark in the world of social media. “When you create content that’s really good, it has a life beyond just the moment that you post it,” Kuffner said.

Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Essay Contest 2014 Suggested Topic: Articulate with clarity an ethical issue that you have encountered and analyze what it has taught you about ethics and yourself. The Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Essay Contest, now in its 25th year, challenges college students to analyze the urgent ethical issues confronting them in today’s complex world. Students are encouraged to write thought-provoking personal essays that raise questions, single out issues and are rational arguments for ethical action. 

 

Open to full-time Juniors and Seniors. Students may write about any topic they wish, as long as it explores the theme of ethics. Please contact the Dean of CAS with a proposed essay draft by November 13th. Students may also submit online directly, but will need a faculty sponsor to sign off on their application. Deadline: Online by 5 December 2013, 5pm PST. Online entry and detailed guidelines at

For details, please contact: Dr. Michael F. Andrews

Dean, College of Arts & Sciences McNerney-Hanson Endowed Chair in Ethics, Professor



October 24, 2013

Halloween Threads Erika Murphy Staff Writer For students who use minimal creativity putting together the daily uniform of jeans and yes, another T-shirt, Halloween can be daunting. From the friends who started planning their costumes last year to the overpriced outfits in costume stores, it’s hard to put together a stellar costume without breaking the bank or staying up until the early morning hours learning how to sew. Students who know the most about costume creation – drama majors – offer some tips on how to prepare for the year’s biggest costuming holiday.

Junior Annie Ganousis: Be innovative and step outside your comfort zone Sometimes, the best costumes take time in the planning and execution stages. Taking that extra time will pay off Halloween night. “Don’t be boring. People hate boring,” junior drama major Annie Ganousis said. Costume titles chosen by college students often require more creativity than the least-amount-of-clothing approach. Ganousis advocates thoroughly developing costume ideas. “If you’re just putting ‘slutty’ in front of a costume, that’s probably not a costume,” she said.

Drama professor Gregory Pulver: Do your research

Junior Shen Telles: Decide on a price range

Use social media sites to brainstorm ideas. Go thrift shopping and be inspired by those flannel zebra jammies. Ask friends, and hey, maybe even your grandma. Get creative in the preparatory stages. Various factors should be taken into consideration, including color, texture and silhouette. Drama professor Gregory Pulver, who gives support to the drama students producing costumes, recommends really delving into the persona. “If you’re gonna be a bad witch, are you going to be a green bad witch...a sexy bad witch…?” Pulver said.

If you start early, you’ll have time to find the bargains. But if you’re throwing the budget to the wind, that’s great too. Just have a price point in mind before you start shopping. When putting together costumes, junior drama major Shen Telles frequents thrift shops and fabric stores. “If you go to thrift stores, that’ll be the cheapest way to find things that will work for you,” Telles said. “With that stuff, you can always take a needle and thread to it.”

Photos submitted by their respective subjects

Costumes by Numbers Dressing up solo or with a group? Here’s some ideas to coordinate your costumes with friends or rock your solitary style


Santa Claus (Get the most out of your money – once December rolls around, you can drag the costume out again) • Candy – to inspire people to give you more candy, should you find yourself trick-or-treating • Superheroes or presidents


• Pick your pair: Fisherman and fish, gatherer and berry, flower and bumblebee, waterfall and bottle, singer and microphone or iPhone and ear buds • Your favorite singing duo, for a rare opportunity to sing their songs all night long, without even being annoying (right?) • Angel and devil on someone’s shoulder


• Woody, Buzz, and Andy: the true Three Musketeers • Choose two other friends and dress up as each other, exaggerating each other’s quirks • Three blind mice


• Tourists of various cities (A great excuse to pull out that “I Love NYC” t-shirt you never wear) • Highlighters, a fruit bowl, ice cream, Skittles… Just deck out in all one color (Comfort, warmth and ease? Costumes don’t get much better) • Characters from literature, for example, Shakespeare’s King Henry at every stage of his life, from Prince Hal to dead. All cartoons by Ann Truong | THE BEACON



How to bake your pumpkin ot

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2 cups raw pumpkin seeds, washed and patted dry 1 tbsp. organic coconut oil (or any oil will do) 1/4 tsp. cinnamon 1/8 tsp. sea salt Remove seeds from pumpkin, wash in colander, remove bits of pulp, and pat dry (or use store-bought pumpkin seeds.) In a small bowl, toss seeds, oil (you may have to heat it on the stovetop to get it to liquefy), cinnamon and salt. Spread evenly on baking sheet and roast at 400 degrees for 20 minutes, tossing halfway through. Submitted by Hanna Herrin, junior

Looking for a list of fall activities on and off campus? Visit for your guide to P-town Halloween


Sweet and salty pumpkin seeds


Mix together the sugar, cinnamon and cloves. Gradually stir in pumpkin, eggs and evaporated milk. Pour the mixture into eight custard cups and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes at 300 degrees. Let cool for two hours and enjoy! Submitted by Ashley Hanna, freshman


1/2 cup ground sugar 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/4 ground cloves 1 can of canned pumpkin 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 2 large eggs 1 can of evaporated milk



Pumpkin Custards



Cream sugars and oil together. Add eggs and pumpkin; mix well. Sift together the dry ingredients; add dry ingredients alternately with water, beginning and ending with dry ingredients. Pour batter into two wellgreased and floured 9x5-inch loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 1/2 hours or until it tests done. Let stand 10 minutes on a cooling rack before removing from pans to cool completely. Erika Murphy



1/2 tsp. ground cloves



2 cups brown sugar 1 cup white sugar 1 cup canola oil 4 eggs, beaten 1 15 ounce can (1 3/4 cups) pumpkin NOTE: Use plain canned pumpkin, not pumpkin pie filling. 2/3 cup water 3 1/2 cups flour 2 tsp. baking soda 2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. nutmeg 1 tsp. allspice 1 tsp. cinnamon


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Pumpkin Bread




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Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Brownies

1/2 cup pumpkin puree 1 whole egg 2 egg whites 1 tbsp vegetable or canola oil 1 cup flour 1 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp. ground allspice 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg 1/4 tsp. salt 2/3 cup brown sugar, packed 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line an 11x7-inch pan with

parchment paper. In a large bowl, combine pumpkin puree, eggs and oil until smooth. Set aside. In a separate medium bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, spices, salt and brown sugar. Add to the wet ingredients and mix until thoroughly incorporated. Stir in the chocolate chips. Pour into prepared pan and spread evenly. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until it passes toothpick test. Cool completely before cutting. Submitted by Allison Zimmerman, freshman Emily Neelon contributed to this page



Faith & Fellowship

October 24, 2013

Rediscovering God in acts of service

Student finds service helps her rediscover the Christian message during times of questioning

Jessica Kast Guest Commentary Faith has never come easy for me. There have been countless times in my life where I have felt incredibly far away from God and questioned my faith. Throughout these droughts, service has been the only thing that helps to anchor and remind me why it is that I believe in God. There are many things about faith that are hard to grasp, but the one thing that has always resonated with me is the call to serve others. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus does not simply preach about service. He lives it. He spends time amongst the most rejected of society: the lepers, prostitutes, demon-possessed and beggars. Jesus loved these people as His brothers and sisters. The King of Heaven and Earth, the Messiah, the Son of God, spent all of His time among the people that no one else would even bother to look in the eyes.

How humbling is that?! The message of service in the Bible doesn’t stop there. Matthew 25:31-46 tells us that when we serve others we aren’t just living as Christ lived, we are serving Christ Himself. He is the least fortunate, the rejected, the poor and lowly, the person that no one will bother to look in the eyes. So Jesus tells us that not only does He hang out with the marginalized of society, but He is the marginalized in society. When we see a beggar on the street, Jesus lives in him. Whenever I learn about this in class, hear about it in church or read about it in a book, the message about service in the Bible strikes me, but it’s not what moves me to devote my life to serving others. There was a time when I was volunteering at an overnight homeless shelter and was challenged to a game of Scrabble by a man that had been homeless offand-on for 20 years. He beat me at Scrabble five times in a row. Frustrated at the end of the final game, I started to clean up and signal to him that my ego couldn’t take losing one more game. All of a sudden he started laughing. As

I caught his eye, I couldn’t help but laugh as well. We were both doubled over laughing hysterically, neither one of us really sure why. To this day, that experience brings tears to my eyes. That was the exact moment that faith completely made sense to me, that I understood the message of service. I wasn’t called to fix people or solve the world’s problems. Instead, I was called to be part of a human family, where my brothers and sisters came from all walks of life, but with one thing in common. We are all on this journey of faith together. So when I got schooled at Scrabble, I realized that God really lived in that man and God really lived in me. Service became about giving people what I could, be that time, money, or clothes, and most importantly seeing Christ in every person. Service has become central to my life because it has shown me that faith is not something that is taught or professed; it is something that is lived. St. Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the Gospel at all times and if necessary use words.” This reminds me that it

is not enough to know the Gospel or to talk about the Gospel; I need to live it out. My faith calls me to walk with people in the good times and to help people in the bad times because that is what Christ does for us. An act of service doesn’t have to be a grand gesture; rather it is seeing the face of Christ in every person we meet, especially if they are the marginalized in society. Faith comes easier to me when I serve others, because it is there that I am in the presence of Christ, both giving and receiving a faith that only comes from stripping away everything else except the realization that we are all joined together on a journey of faith and that Christ is alive in every person. Jessica Kast is a senior social work and theology major. She can be reached at kast14@



Encyclical of Pope Blessed John XXIII University of Portland | October 25-26, 2013

Buckley Center Auditorium

Want to write an article for Faith and Fellowship? Email your submission to stringer14@


5:00pm | Dr. Michael F. Andrews Welcome and Opening Remarks 5:20pm | Archbishop Alexander K. Sample Opening Prayer 5:45pm | Rev. Richard Ryscavage, SJ Global Human Development and the Evolution of Catholic Social Teaching: From Pacem in Terris to Pope Francis


11:00am | Bro. Dave Andrews, CSC Catholic Social Teaching and Energy Policy 2:00pm | Grand Ronde Cleansing Service followed by Cheryle Kennedy (Grand Ronde Tribal Council) Walking in the Tribal Way 4:00pm | Coffee Break 5:00pm | Bishop William Skylstad Peace Through Justice – The Right Ordering of Relationships in Our Environment 6:30pm | Roundtable Fr. Ryscavage, Brother Dave, Cheryle Kennedy, Bishop Skylstad







Sponsors: McNerney-Hanson Endowed Chair in Ethics Molter Chair in Science Catholic Studies Additional Support From: Garaventa Center Environmental Studies

For ADA accommodation or any questions, contact Belgin Inan at

OPINIONS EDITORIAL It’s been a good semester for equality at the University of Portland. Last month, the Board of Regents voted to change the Nondiscrimination Policy, adding sexual orientation. On Tuesday, the University made yet another step toward greater diversity when the Academic Senate voted to establish UP’s newest minor, gender and women’s studies. It’s about time. Gender studies and women’s studies have been standard departments in universities across the nation – even relatively conservative universities such as Notre Dame – for decades. It’s good to see UP finally giving students an opportunity to study the complex issues surrounding gender. Because UP still struggles with gender inequality. Feminism is still a dirty word in some students’ minds. In literature and history classes, students still sigh when feminist theory is mentioned, thinking that feminists are a bunch of angry, man-hating 11

New minor is an important step toward inclusion

women. Furthermore, students belonging to gender and sexual minorities still don’t feel welcome on campus. Redefine Purple Pride had two goals in last year’s movement: they wanted to change the Nondiscrimination Policy, but they also stressed that attitudes toward LGBT students on campus have to change.

“Students who already identify as feminists are bound to be the first to enroll in classes within the minor, but it is the students who are not feminists ... who ought to be studying gender.” So we need the gender and women’s studies minor. Unfortunately, the people who need it most are probably those who are least interested in it. Students who already identify as feminists

are bound to be the first to enroll in classes within the minor, but it is the students who are not feminists or who have no understanding of feminism who ought to be studying gender. Senior Danielle Knott, president of the Feminist Discussion Group, noted in an interview with The Beacon that it’s important for students to open themselves up to new ideas of gender. “There’s no harm in studying the way another person might identify,” Knott said. “Having that knowledge, that everyone doesn’t feel the same way about themselves and their sexuality, is really important.” Men who think that feminists are out to get them ought to take gender studies classes, if only to learn that feminism does not have an anti-man agenda. Students who aren’t sure what gender studies is even about should enroll in a class offered by the minor. Only by educating ourselves can we make progress. Furthermore, it’s easy to take

a class within the minor because it’s interdisciplinary. There are gender and women’s studies classes in theology, philosophy, sociology and history, so no matter what major you’re in, a gender or women’s studies class can fulfill a requirement. Students have nothing to lose by taking a class on gender. Even though most students

will not choose to minor in gender and women’s studies, all students should consider taking a class on the subject. The existence of the new minor reminds us all that gender is still an important issue that we all must strive to understand.


The editorial reflects the majority view of The Beacon Editorial Board. The editorial does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the collective staff or the Administration of the University of Portland. Other submissions in this section are signed commentaries that reflect the opinion of the individual writer. The Student Media Committee, providing recommendation to the publisher, oversees the general operation of the newspaper. Policy set by the committee and publisher dictates that the responsibility for the newspaper’s editorial and advertising content lies solely in the hands of its student employees.

Dare to say hello Erika Murphy Staff Commentary It’s that awkward distance – you see someone you know walking toward you, but it’s both too soon and too late to acknowledge each other. Some deal with it by pulling out the phone, while others are unashamed to wave that entire minute. What is the proper etiquette? As a freshman, my roommates and I practiced how to

walk by people. It was (mostly) an excuse to put off studying a little longer. One of us advised never smiling with our teeth – be coy, look down, just give them a little smile. Though she wasn’t (too) serious and we laugh about it now, looking away seems to be something many of us do, whether from being too rushed, too stressed or too something that takes us out of the present. It’s so easy, walking around, to feel separate; we see so many faces, but give very few a smile. Some of us wonder, Why smile at people if I don’t know their names? Why hold the door if they’re a few steps behind and

I’m not expected to anyway?

“As human beings, we share connections that won’t go away just by averting eye contact. Just how interconnected we are is pretty daunting.”

Erika Murphy junior

Yet, as human beings, we share connections that won’t go away just by averting eye contact. Just how interconnected we are is pretty daunting if you start

to think about it. Because it’s about more than just smiling at someone on a sidewalk It’s that the carbon emissions of developed nations like ours have affected the water supplies and climates of developing nations on the other side of the globe. It’s that the kid perpetually left out at recess felt so alone he came to find himself standing atop a bridge in St. Johns, with only a police officer and not a friend to talk him down. But the human effect goes both ways. I still remember my fifth grade teacher who greeted every student, every morning, while walking into class. I remember how valued each of us

felt, if only for a single minute. Our actions, regardless of whether we acknowledge it, are impactful, whether to the people walking right beside us or people we’ll never meet. It can be an overwhelming task, if undertaken at a global level, to be that change we wish to see. But those changes often aren’t all-encompassing anyway. Thinking back to the bus boycott of the 1950s in Montgomery, Ala., many African Americans began with the simple decision to walk. Voices unheard, their actions became means for change. See DARE, page 12

THE BEACON Submission Policy

Letters and commentaries from readers are encouraged. All contributions must include the writer’s address and phone number for verification purposes. The Beacon does not accept submissions written by a group, although pieces written by an individual on behalf of a group are acceptable. Letters to the editor must not exceed 250 words. Those with longer opinions are encouraged to submit guest columns. The Beacon reserves the right to edit any contributions for length and style, and/or reject them without notification. University students must include their major and year in school. Nonstudents must include their affiliation to the University, if any.

Advertising in The Beacon

For advertising information, contact Anne Uruu, business and advertising manager, at


Subscriptions are available at $30 for the year, covering 24 issues. Checks should be made payable to The University of Portland: The Beacon. For more information about subscriptions or billing questions, contact Business and Advertising Manager Anne Uruu at

Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief.. . . . . . . . . . . . Kelsey Thomas News Editor. . . . . . . . . . . �������� Sarah Hansell Living Editor ������������������������������ Kate Stringer Opinions Editor. . . . . . . ��������Philip Ellefson Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . �������������Katie Dunn Design Editor . . . . . . . . . �������� Shellie Adams Asst. Design Editor. . . . . ������� Emily Strocher Copy Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathryn Walters

Contacting The Beacon

E-mail: Website: Address: 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. ● Portland, OR 97203-5798

Staff Writers

Olivia Alsept-Ellis, Peter Gallagher, Mitchell Gilbert, W.C. Lawson, Lydia Laythe, Megan Lester, Rebekah Markillie, Erika Murphy, Emily Neelon, Cassie Sheridan, Maggie Smet, Nastacia Voisin, Kathryn Walters.


Kristen Garcia, Parker Shoaff, Becca Tabor, Jin Yun

Staff Members

Business & Ad Manager. . . . . . Anne Uruu Artist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann Truong Web Content manager . . . . .John Liedtke Circulation Manager . . Shelby Steinauer Adviser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Copic Publisher. . . Fr. E. William Beauchamp, C.S.C.



October 24, 2013

What Cory Monteith’s death means DARE: Make a difference Sean

Eckhardt Guest Commentary I have to admit that “Glee,” despite its flamboyant reputation, is an important cultural benchmark for people who came up at the same time that I did. That being said, when Cory Montieth died last July as a result of drug and alcohol abuse, it was a bit of a shell shock. It was something that I had put out of my mind until the Finn tribute episode of “Glee” titled “The Quarterback,” which aired Oct. 10. The 40-something minute episode missed an opportunity. “Glee” has never been a show to pull punches. When dealing with issues such as mental handicaps, the struggles of homosexuals, even school shootings, the show is blatant and sometimes

hyper-realistic. Not once did any of the characters on “Glee” mention how or why Finn died. Addiction is a demon that affects just as many, if not more people Finn’s age than any of the above issues. Yet the show’s producers, whatever their intention, did not use their voice and the magnitude of this tragedy to make something out of a life wasted.

“Not once did any of the characters on ‘Glee’ mention how or why Finn died. Addiction is a demon that affects many people Finn’s age.” Sean Eckhardt sophomore “Finn Hudson – 1994-2013,” was what the memorial at McKinley High read; a terribly haunting image of someone my age losing his life too soon. But the real-

ity is that Cory Monteith’s death wasn’t the result of an immature 19-year-old decision. He was a 31-year-old grown man responsible for his own choices. The sad culmination of years of drug abuse by someone who seemingly had everything he needed to overcome addiction. In the words of Kurt (played by Chris Colfer), “It doesn’t matter how he died, it matters how he lived his life.” Yes, it matters how he lived his life. It also matters why he died. Reality matters. Hiding it accomplishes nothing. I’m not saying that the death of Cory Monteith isn’t tragic. It is. It’s an important message and reminder of the tragedy and waste that is a result of addiction. Unfortunately, “The Quarterback” was a missed opportunity to make the loss of Cory a little less wasteful. Sean Eckhardt is a sophomore communication studies major. He can be reached at

Continued from page 11 I doubt any of us wake up thinking I’m about to make the world a better place today (except maybe the chipper people who thankfully drive the discussion in morning classes, but we can’t all be such morning people). In rain jackets forever plastered to our arms, it is tempting to look down beneath heavy hoods, eyes tracing puddle to puddle as we draw inward. It is tempting to ignore passersby in favor of running through a growing list of assignments and meetings and dates and all the rest. Yet when worries and to-do’s take precedence over people, I realize my priorities have shifted. Those 1950s rebels who chose to walk likely didn’t feel as if they were making a life-changing decision. Neither will waving at that kid who sits next to me in class, or stopping to help a person whose napkin just fell on the floor. But it’s a ripple ef-

fect. Some people won’t wave back; some will give you those no-teeth-allowed smiles once recommended to me. But I’ve found that something happens when I ask how someone is and take the time to really hear. Something happens when I thank the cashier. To experience this something is addictive, life-changing even. Realizing how much potential is packed into such small actions is empowering. Individuals like Miep Gies and Gandhi who pause to look around inspire freedom and acceptance in us all. Not only that, but they make long lines waiting for lunch seem to go a little faster. And they make our 97th day of rain seem not so wet – both of which are much needed. Erika Murphy is a junior English and Spanish major. She can be reached at murphye15@

ASUP update: smoking policy, registration, and more

Quin Chadwick & Elvia Gaona Guest Commentary As we return from fall break, we as UP students know that this time marks the halfway point in the semester, and a quarter of our school year. With the school year well underway and the homework load increasing, the campus is a flourish of activity and work. ASUP is no exception to this trend. Here’s a brief update on what we have been working on for the first quarter of the school year. As your executive board, we have been diligently working to

address our community’s concerns. First on our list is to work with the University to extend the current library hours. We have created a survey to assess the needs of students in regards to their study habits. We are looking to use this data from the survey in an upcoming ASUP Senate resolution. We are partnering with the Office of Residence Life, Public Safety, and the ASUP off-campus senators to create an off-campus guide to living. It will be a webpage that is housed under Residence Life on the website. We are collaborating with Athletics to improve attendance at sporting events and building spirit within women’s residence halls. ASUP is also following up with the Presidential Advisory Committee on Health & Safety on Res. 13-09 concerning the Smoking Policy. Expect changes to the policy to take effect at the start of spring semester.

We have worked with Matt Baasten, dean of the Graduate School and associate provost, as well as Provost Tom Greene on the bringing back the Straight Forward Personal Finance course, which will be taught by the vice president for Financial Affairs, Alan Timmins, in spring semester. We’ve also discussed a variety of registration concerns and requested that an email be sent out to all student and staff members regarding the changes made to the registration rules and process as well as registration timeline and task list. ASUP is seeing great success in its day-to-day operations as well. Secretary Alysse Thomas pulled off a very impressive senate elections with nearly onethird of the student body voting for 41 potential Senators. CPB Director Castro and his CPB board have been planning new and different events for our campus with over 3,000 students attending the events this semester.

Lastly, Treasurer Jessie Robinson recently reported that over 29 percent of the budget has already been spent and that receipts are being turned in often. Club treasurers: don’t forget that budgets are due Nov. 1. Best of luck in the second half of your semester!

Quin Chadwick is a junior organizational communication major. He can be reached at Elvia Gaona is a junior political science major. She can be reached at

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on The Bluff

by Becca Tabor

What should ASUP do with the extra money in the Major Project Fund this year?

Photo courtesy of Marissa Kelly | THE BEACON

Emily Barbieri, sophomore, nursing

Students work on a farm during the Moreau Center’s Rural Immersion trip. Over fall break, 15 UP students went to the Yakima Valley in Washington to learn about issues surrounding migrant workers and agriculture.

The story behind the apple Alyssa

Thornburg Guest Commentary As fall break comes to a close, I reflect back on my week that surprisingly did not include a week in bed gorging on “Breaking Bad” episodes or road tripping with friends to the beach. I instead caravanned up to Washington’s Yakima Valley with 15 other students from UP to learn about migrant worker and agricultural issues as part of the Moreau Center’s Rural Plunge. Despite co-coordinating the trip with Cassie Van Lier, my knowledge of migrant farm workers was limited to the relationships forged between my grandfather and the Latino workers that harvested his pear orchard years ago.

“Before conforming to ideas of deportation of undocumented workers, one must consider all the implications, such as a serious lack of workers to harvest our food.”

Alyssa Thornburg senior

Having never spent much time in Washington, let alone the agricultural mecca of the state, I could only guess what the valley would hold. It did not disappoint – a gorgeous landscape of patchwork farms framed by rolling hills, and the turning trees were a welcome change from the urban forest of Portland. Without cell phones to distract from the scenery, our group had plenty of opportunities to enjoy the landscape and also each other’s company. The lack of electronic distraction allowed us all to critically examine the farms and organizations we had visited as we traveled to our next destination. The experience of meeting small, independent farmers to see their livelihoods and hear

their stories was powerful. Our personal assumptions about immigrants in the United States and the roles they play in our food system were challenged to a degree that many were admittedly surprised to experience. Hearing commentary from immigration lawyer Tom Roach regarding his experience with migrant workers over the past 30 years was reaffirmed by every dairy and farm we visited. The praise these farm owners sang for their dedicated workers was touching and telling – produce farmer Lon Inaba estimated that up to 75 percent of the workers he relies on are undocumented. And yet, the need for farmhand positions in Yakima Valley continues to persist, largely due to refusal on the part of others to fill them. Before conforming to ideas of deportation of undocumented workers, one must consider all the implications, such as a serious lack of workers to harvest our food. But it does not boil down to simply economics – these are hard-working people that deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, which I believe translates into all of the rights and benefits of a U.S. citizen. To compromise the life of any person that has worked so hard for our country’s benefit is, in my opinion, criminal. Ultimately, the immersion reminded me to never be quick to claim simple, one-dimensional solutions to complex issues with very serious implications for many people. I was amazed at the beauty and generosity of so many people and organizations working to better the lives of themselves and others. With a simple helping hand, we can affect great personal and social change. I am so grateful for this opportunity to learn and grow with an amazing UP community and the hospitality of all those who had a hand in the journey. Alyssa Thornburg is a senior environmental ethics and policy major. She can be reached at

Rural Immersion offers life-changing week Marissa Kelly Guest Commentary Over fall break, I traveled to Yakima, Wash. through the Moreau Center as a participant in the Rural Immersion. The trip highlighted agribusiness and migrant workers in the United States. Not only did I make new friends, eat fresh fruits and veggies and enjoy the sun, I learned so much about the food we eat and the people who provide it for us. Because of Rural Immersion, I developed a much deeper appreciation for food. Throughout the trip, we visited a variety of farms and a dairy, and had the opportunity to interact with the farmers and workers who make it all possible. The next time you eat an apple, pause to reflect that that very apple you are holding in your hand is someone’s livelihood. Multiple somebodies labored in the fields, in the sun and in the rain, to bring that apple straight to you. Work on the farm is arduous and highly skilled. Before the immersion, I never really thought about how technical farming is. Gleaning too soon or too late is detrimental to the crops. I was humbled to see workers much older than me and even older than my parents bent over, hard at work. I developed empathy for the many migrant families, documented and otherwise, who make our agricultural system possible. Imagine moving to a country knowing little or nothing about the language. Imagine only having an elementary education in your own country. Imagine the negative media that continually condemns you simply because of your national origin. This is the reality for many migrant workers. I had the opportunity to work in an adult ESL classroom and was amazed at the desire to learn English that was present there. Huge obstacles stand in the way, however. For many individuals,

the need to work in the fields prevents them from attending ESL classes nine out of 12 months in the year. After speaking to a local lawyer who works with the migrant population, it became clear that the many myths surrounding the community are false. This community, documented and undocumented, contributes greatly to our system. These men and women do the jobs nobody wants to do, and they do so with humility. These men and women pay into programs like Social Security but receive no benefits in return.

“Imagine the negative media that continually condemns you simply because of your national origin. This is the reality for many migrant workers.”

Marissa Kelly sophomore

The 2013 Rural Immersion was life-changing. I was humbled by my own privilege and the disparity that exists between the migrant community and my own life experience. I developed a great appreciation for my food and the hands that bring it to me. When you sit down and eat a meal today, stop and think about just where it came from. Our interconnectedness is a beautiful, undeniable reality. Marissa Kelly is a sophomore social work major. She can be reached at

“Start redoing Howard Hall.”

Maddy O’Brien, sophomore, organizational communication

“I think everyone wants a new rec center.”

Fahad Al-Ayyadhi, junior, marketing

“Either an innovation lab or an astronomy observatory.”

Trevor Webber, senior, civil engineering


“New desks in Franz Hall.”



October 24, 2013

Running in NoPo

Cassie Sheridan Staff Writer

Getting tired of competing for the few treadmills in Howard Hall? Do you find yourself dreaming of

lush forests, stunning cityscapes and the thump of dirt-encrusted Nikes hitting pavement? You aren’t alone. Discovering the outdoor running opportunities in North Portland can be as daunting as choosing which food cart to try for lunch. The Beacon polled

The iconic Adidas shoes are a landmark along a run down The Bluff. Cathedral Park-St. Johns Bridge There seems to be no unanimous name for this route that takes the adventurer down along the back streets in the direction of St. Johns, to Cathedral Park and across St. Johns Bridge. There is however, unanimous agreement that it’s a perfect run. Start by running toward St. Johns, through Cathedral Park, then adventure across the St. Johns Bridge. This run is blissful for someone looking for a little escape from traffic and desirous of a grassy knoll to jog through. “I like to run to Cathedral Park,” junior John Weiser said.

Katie Dunn | THE BEACON

80-plus students (and some professors too) on their favorite runs in NoPo and we have put together the four most popular running routes. We’ve done the research; all you have to do is the running.

The Classic ‘Run along The Bluff’ This route is fantastic for any level of runner. Whether you are more of a horizontal runner, jogger or training for a marathon, you can’t go wrong. “The best thing about running along The Bluff is that you can go as far as you want, whether it’s just to Greeley or the five-mile loop to Adidas headquarters,” junior Nicole Lawton said. “It’s great for when you just want to get a quick run in.” “My day is not complete without a run along The Bluff. I wake up most mornings around 5:30 a.m. to get it in,” said German

professor Laura McLary, who lives in NoPo. It’s virtually impossible to get lost and this route is also highly populated with like-minded exercise fiends. Many students cited a preference for evening versus afternoon running, stating that the cityscape of downtown Portland was breathtaking (and distracting) at twilight. Be wary, however, as the sidewalk can be treacherous at night. Whether you just want a quick gander to Greeley or a five-mile doozy to Adidas, you can’t go wrong with this scenic overlook.

“It’s nice to just get down into the park and away for a little while.” The run across the bridge, although loud and somewhat high in traffic, allows a beautiful view of the Willamette River. A precaution for this run is to be wary of it at nighttime. Always remember reflective gear and make sure to bring your phone if you take this route just in case. Although beautiful, there can be some cautionary characters mingling in the park too late at night. Bring a running buddy and enjoy this lovely nature-filled jog. Parker Shoaff | THE BEACON

Sophomore Christian Borris takes advantage of a sunny day to run around campus. Forest Park Although technically not in North Portland, enough students mentioned their love for this woodsy wonderland that it had to be included! Forest Park is the name for the Urban Forest Reserve and boasts over 80 miles of hiking, walking and naturally, running trails. Just an 11 minute drive from campus, it’s fantastic for a Saturday or Sunday distance day. It is a beautiful place to get away from the thoughts of school and take in some fresh air and get a change of scenery. The newly changing leaves are sure

to make the trees a great thing to run under and enjoy. “My housemates and I love to run in Forest Park together,” junior Clara Leeways said. “The Leif Erickson Trail is a gorgeous 10-mile loop. It’s my favorite.” Forest Park also boasts an impressive array of races from 5K fun runs to the Forest Park Half Marathon. For iPhone users, download the Forest Park App to map out running routes, track mileage and get updates on running events.

Courtesy of Szapucki’s Flickr

Forest Park boasts many trails to go running, walking or hiking just a few minutes from campus. The historic route through St. Johns If you haven’t gotten an opportunity to explore St. Johns, get up right now and go. Seriously. This fantastically quaint and surprisingly historical little village is full of treasures. Winding your way through the small sidewalks takes a certain talent. One must be ready to avoid hipsters on tandem bikes loaded with locally grown produce, but it is worth it! The ample paths, stores and wonderful gems in this tiny chunk of Portland cannot be overemphasized! You can run around town and stop into a few specialty shops for some nourish-

ment like pizza or baked goods. “I love running through St. Johns,” junior Taylor Tinley said. “There’s always super interesting people watching; great distraction.” Go and get lost again and again in historic St. Johns and discover a new coffee locale or boutique. Just head down Willamette Blvd toward Fred Meyer and Safeway, go over the bridge and you’ll end up in the back of St. Johns. This quirky section of Portland is a must-see. What could be better than seeing it while getting in your cardio?

Katie Dunn | THE BEACON

The run into the St. Johns neighborhood takes you past the St. Johns Pub after you cross the bridge by Fred Meyer on Willamette Blvd.


Pilot in the Spotlight

Eddie Sanchez

Forward/Midfielder Freshman Canby, Ore.

What are your goals for this season? My goals are mostly centered on the goals of the team. I am just trying to make sure that I do what I need to do in order for us to make the playoffs. I try to play to the best of my abilities every game so that I can help us win as many as possible. What can you credit for your ability to score goals this season? I think just hard work. I have played soccer for a long time and have worked hard at it; so scoring goals really feels like I am getting some credit for that. I also cannot forget to credit the teammates around me. Without them I never would have scored any of my goals. What are some surprises of playing D1 soccer? I think I was mostly surprised by the physicality of the game. Everyone is going at 100 percent all of the time. Not to mention most of the players are much bigger than I am used to playing against, with most of them averaging heights of 6’4’’ or 5’’. Why did you choose UP? I really liked the atmosphere here at UP. It is a super soccer-centric school

and I think that makes playing the game even more exciting for me. I also really enjoy the tight knit community that we have here. It is nice walking around campus and always running into people I know and people from the team. What are your career goals? I think that becoming a professional soccer trainer has always been a goal of mine. I try not to focus on that though. I try to stay focused on where I am at right now and improving day in and day out, so that I can play to the best of my abilities. What is the dynamic of being a freshman starter on the team? Everyone on the team is very helpful and supportive of me. They treat me with the same amount of respect as they would any other member of the team. What do you use as a motivation to keep working hard on and off the field? My family is a huge motivation to me. I have a 6-year-old brother and he really looks up to me. Being an inspiration to him is very important to me so I try to focus on becoming the best player that I can be.

This week in sports Women’s Soccer The Pilots took on Gonzaga and came out on top with a 3-2 victory in over time last Saturday. This put them to a 12-1-1 record and earned them a No. 6 ranking nationally. The team battles San Diego tonight at 6 p.m. and BYU Saturday at 7 p.m., both on Merlo Field.

Men’s Soccer The Pilots beat Santa Clara last Sunday 4-1 leaving them with an 8-6-0 record. They take on Gonzaga Wednesday at 6 p.m. on Merlo Field.

Volleyball The team fell to 0-18 this past week and travel to face LMU at 7 p.m. tonight and Pepperdine Saturday at 1 p.m.








Remember to also join the Pilots on Oct. 24 as they take on USD at 6pm!


October 24, 2013


Hard work will pay off for volleyball

Becca Tabor | THE BEACON

Peter Gallagher Staff Writer Records are convenient, but they rarely tell a story. Marginal losses and blowout wins are still losses and wins. After one look at the 0-18 Pilots volleyball record, one might make assumptions. But senior outside hitter Autumn Wedan doesn’t want to hear them. “It’s hard for people on the outside to understand our season,” Wedan said. “Because what you guys see is a win-loss record, which is a reflection of it, but underlying all of this is the work we put in. We’re getting better every day and everyone is still 100 percent committed.” In 2012, the Pilots went 1-15 in conference play and 7-23 overall. The roster was made up of eight upperclassmen. This season, the Pilots start five freshmen, no sophomores, and a handful of juniors and seniors. Where some might see inexperience, Wedan and head coach Joe Houck see potential. “We don’t have any sophomores,” Wedan said. “We don’t have that middle transition ground. You’re an incoming freshman, or you’re someone

who’s been here for two or three years.” Houck, now in his fifth year on the Bluff, cannot help but smile as he talks about this year’s squad. “In any given year, (the freshmen) would have come in and been a redshirt, or maybe just been a support player and learned during practice, but (this season) they’re learning on the court,” Houck said. “They’re eager to do the extra things that pay off not just short term, but long term as well. Their growth has been amazing.” With a devoted and experienced group of seniors leading the charge and a talented core of freshmen surpassing early expectations, the Pilots’ head coach continues to keep morale high despite the difficult start to the season. “It’s easier with a younger group,” Houck said. “What has made it easier this season is that we know we’re getting better. We can feel it. We can see it with the stats, we can see it with the results, we can see it in the things we’re able to do offensively and defensively.” Graduation, transfers and injuries presented opportunities for

Becca Tabor| THE BEACON

The team comes together to celebrate after a point. They travel to Southern California this week to continue WCC play.

newcomers on the 2013 squad to shine. Freshman Katie Sullivan is among those that have made an immediate impact on the floor, despite the pressure of being thrown head-first into the elite ranks of WCC volleyball. “Everything we’re doing right now is really positive,” Sullivan said. “I think what we’re doing is setting us up for success in the future of this season and in the future of this program. To go through this, to go through a season where you don’t always win, (we) use it as an impetus for future winning. “Going forward, since we already have experience in our freshman year, we’re getting training and court time. It’s really helpful for confidence and knowing how to play at this level.” So far, the Pilots are 0-9 in WCC play. After a difficult loss to Gonzaga in which they won the first two sets only to fall to the Bulldogs 3-2. The Pilots realize they must glean all they can from every match, no matter the outcome. “It’s a lesson. With every downfall, we learn something new about ourselves,” Wedan said of the loss to Gonzaga. “There’s a difference in what you pick up from games you get completely blown out (at), and then games you start out really good and then lose, or start with losses and try to pick yourself back up. Each one brings something new to the table.” After their strong showing against Gonzaga, there is a growing sense among players and coaches that a reversal of the team’s fortunes is imminent, and their continued hard work and perseverance will pay dividends in the win column. “The results have not been at all what we want or expected,” Houck said. “But the reality is that we’re working hard. It’s a very positive feeling in the gym right now … With this young team, it’s a little bit like Christmas. You open it up, and you see what you got.”

Becca Tabor | THE BEACON

(top) Freshman outside/middle hitter Makayla Lindburg jumps up to serve the ball in the second match of a game against Wichita State. (bottom) Senior setter Monica Jordan back sets the ball.

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