The Beacon - Oct 31 - Issue 9

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Vol. 115, Issue 9 October 31, 2013

The BEacon

Every Thursday

The Student Voice of the University of Portland Since 1935

More soccer photos from Saturday night

MPF ideas less than stellar

Women’s soccer falls 1-0 to BYU

Opinions, p. 11

Sports, p. 16

Fr. Gary says farewell to The Bluff Fr. Mark DeMott to take over as director of Campus Ministry Kate Stringer Living Editor

Stephanie Matusiefsky | THE BEACON

Fr. Gary Chamberland

Last Friday, University President Fr. Bill Beauchamp announced that Chamberland will be leaving the University at the end of the semester and moving to Notre Dame. The decision comes from a desire to be closer to his parents, whose health concerns increasingly demand more of his attention. “It’s hard to leave, I love this place,” Chamberland said. “This is a place I’ve always thought of as home, have called home.” A graduate and former professor of Notre Dame, Chamberland will return to work in the Division of Student Affairs as a hall rector. Before his ordination, Chamberland served as Shipstad Hall Director from 1992-1995. He returned to The Bluff in 2009 where he began his role as director of Campus Ministry. Additionally, he served as interim director of the Garaventa Center from 2013-2013, sat on the Presidential Leadership Cabinet and served as pastoral resident of

Kenna and Corrado Halls. To students and colleagues, Chamberland’s role at UP has exceeded those of the job descriptions. Campus Ministry Assistant Director of Faith Beth Barsotti felt a deep sadness at the news of Chamberland’s departure. “I get really happy when I see Father Gary,” Barsotti said. “His presence is beyond Campus Ministry, it’s so much of his person that he shares with all of us. The way he walks around campus, the way he talks to everybody, the way he’ll stop by and just chat with me.” Former Corrado resident and junior Francis O’Halloran will miss the friendly, inclusive energy Chamberland brings to his interactions with students. “He’s a good man. He always made everybody feel included, wanted and happy, regardless of whether you’re Catholic or not,” O’Halloran said. “He doesn’t classify people based on their devotion but on their human worth.” Whether it was through his role as Campus Ministry director

or pastoral resident, Chamberland said he tried to “help students find life in God and celebrate it.” Corrado Resident Assistant and senior Amanda Ewing found this to be true last spring when Corrado’s much-loved housekeeper, Shari Butler, passed away. “The way that he talked about (Butler) in her memorial Mass was so perfect and what everyone needed that came to that Mass,” she said. “He knew exactly what to say about her that was funny and lighthearted and that everyone understood. Chamberland found challenging experiences like these to be both the best and most difficult elements of his job. “When someone’s dealing with the death of a parent, somebody is dealing with deeply personal issues, whether that be alcoholism, or their own sexuality, when somebody is trying to figure out what they’re going to do in life, you help them see ‘You’re okay, this is the human condition,’” Chamberland See FR. GARY, page 4

Library popular, crowded New library sees higher attendance, addresses student concerns

Lydia Laythe Staff Writer Despite still working through some kinks, the new Clark Library is receiving unexpectedly high traffic. According to Drew Harrington, dean of the library, before renovations an average of 1,200 students visited the library every day. This number has now climbed to 2,213. “I’m so pleased to see students using (the library) like this,” Harrington said. “We made one of our goals with this project to add a lot more space and more seating. So we expected it and prepared for it.” The changes created more space for seating and technology. While shelving accounted for about 70 percent of the floor space in the old library, the compact shelving has brought that percentage down to 30. Junior James Oliver, a library staff member, worked at the

library through the changes. “Compared to the old library, as a worker, it’s a lot nicer and it’s got a lot more technology,” Oliver said. “As a student, it’s great because there’s a lot more study space.” Crowded study rooms The popularity of the new study rooms surprised Harrington. “I’m a little surprised at how incredibly popular the study rooms are,” Harrington said. Most study rooms are equipped with whiteboards, lighting, internet, artwork and interactive technology. Harrington is working on adding interactive technology to all the study rooms, but warns it will take years. She is hesitant to equip every study room because the equipment costs over $5,000 per room, and she’s still gauging how much the technology is used. It’s obvious, however, that the study rooms are popular. Senior Mary McIntosh said she reserved a study room two

David DiLoreto | THE BEACON

Sophomores Quinn Devereaux and Megan Tamblyn study in the booths on the second floor of the library. weeks ago for the week after fall break. “You have to reserve them way in advance now that people know to reserve them,” McIntosh said. “I’ve had to kick a lot of people out of study rooms. They’re nice.

It’s just kind of awkward.” Oliver said the new library, especially the study rooms, is catered to group studying and group projects. “It’s good for students because there’s a lot more tables for group

projects,” Oliver said. “The (two upper) floors are dedicated to group study, so it’s not as big of a deal to stay super quiet.” Harrington understands the See LIBRARY, page 5



October 31, 2013


Thursday, Oct. 31 at 4 p.m. in Career Services COSTUME CONTEST Thursday, Oct. 31 at 7 p.m. in between volleyball games two and three in the Chiles Center MASS FOR SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS DAY Friday, Nov. 1 at 12:05 p.m. and 4:45 p.m. in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher DIA DE LOS MUERTOS Friday, Nov. 1 from 6 to 8 p.m. in St. Mary’s Student Center: Celebration featuring food, Mariachi band and DJ, dancing and crafts BLUFFOONS SHOW Friday, Nov. 1 at 7:30 p.m. in Mago Hunt Recital Hall PILOTS AFTER DARK Friday, Nov. 1 from 10 to 11:30 p.m.: Mariachi Calaveras (Mariachi band) with themed food at the Cove Friday, Nov. 1 from 11:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. in The Cove: La Loteria Mexican Bingo Saturday, Nov. 2 from 10 to 11:30 p.m. at The Cove: Dia de los Muertos Carnival by MEChA featuring carnival games, face painting and live music CPB MOVIE Friday, Nov. 1 and Saturday, Nov. 2 at 10 p.m. in Buckley Center Auditorium: “Fast and Furious 6”

Accuracy in The Beacon

The Beacon strives to be fair and accurate. The newspaper corrects any significant errors of fact brought to the attention of the editors. If you think an error has been made, contact us at Corrections will be printed above.

Drones under fire at Hesburgh Lecture On-campus drones lecture targets moral and legal controversies Kathryn Walters Copy Editor This Monday’s Hesburgh Lecture: “Deadly Drones,” delivered by Notre Dame law professor Mary Ellen O’Connell in Buckley Center Auditorium, highlighted the recent moral and legal controversies surrounding the U.S. government’s use of drone strikes in the Middle East. O’Connell, who has testified before Congress several times concerning drones, said her main objection with their legality is that although the U.S. has used drones for military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, it has authorized drone strikes to target suspected terrorists in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, countries not within armed conflict zones. “Killing on a battlefield can be lawful, and if you are targeting an individual leader of your opponent who is a combatant, you are justified to target such persons,” O’Connell said. “What we’re talking about tonight is targeting persons outside those armed conflict zones.” O’Connell’s lecture was timely in regard to recent events in the international debate on drones. Last week, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch both released a report that judged certain incidences of U.S.

drone strikes in the last 18 months to be potential war crimes. On Tuesday, Congress, for the first time ever, heard accounts of an alleged U.S. drone strike from Pakistani civilians who survived this strike. In response to these criticisms, the U.S. government has denied that its drone strikes violate international law and asserted its commitment to reducing civilian casualties. Drones, which are aircrafts without a human pilot on board yet are remotely controlled by a pilot on the ground, have been used by the U.S. military, and more controversially, the CIA, to remotely conduct surveillance of other countries. However, they have recently become known for their ability to target and kill terrorists and other enemies in the U.S.’s war on terror. O’Connell used religious examples, like the Ten Commandments, and philosophical examples, like Aristotle, to emphasize her belief that using drones disregards human rights. “Human beings at all time have a right to life,” she said. “This is a fundamental, if not the most fundamental, legal and moral principle that we have.” In particular, O’Connell stressed the example of the 2011 assassination of Osama bin

Illustration from

Laden, who was not killed by a drone strike but by a group of U.S. special forces, as a reason drones are not necessary for successful military operations. “To me, that shows what we could do in a situation of grave danger, sending in skilled forces,” O’Connell said. “It’s not that we have to be weak, but that’s the way to do it, where children are not hurt and less mistakes are made.” Junior Grace Powell, who attended the lecture, thought this example was effective in explaining how not using drones can protect innocent bystanders from being killed in a conflict zone. “She said his (bin Laden’s) wife was in the room and she lived, and I think that’s proof that there are other ways besides

drones to find these individuals and find justice,” Powell said. Despite her serious subject matter, O’Connell offered a brief moment of levity in the early part of her lecture when her remote control to the overhead slideshow seemed to malfunction. “The CIA is obviously interfering with my slideshow,” she quipped, to laughs from the audience. But the light mood quickly sobered when O’Connell added, “And they wouldn’t want us to see this picture.” The slideshow then displayed a picture of a young Middle Eastern girl with the caption “Will I Be Next?” This signified one of the moral complications of using drones to target enemies. See DRONES, page 4

New biomedical engineering master’s program Lydia Laythe Staff Writer Last week, the University approved the first professional biomedical engineering master’s program in Oregon. The program will allow students to complete a professional biomedical engineering master’s program in one to two years. “The program is very different from what we’ve done before,” Sharon Jones, dean of the Donald P. Shiley School of Engineering, said. “It’s geared more toward (UP) students or recent graduates. It’s also not just geared toward engineering students but science and math students as well.” Biomedical engineering involves applying engineering skills in a biomedical field, such as developing prosthetic limbs, the insulin pump and the artificial heart valve. According to Forbes Magazine, biomedical engineering was rated as the number one most valuable college major, with a starting median pay of $53,800 and a 61.7 percent projected job growth. UP’s biomedical engineering master’s program allows students to apply the fall semester of their junior year and gain acceptance the same year. They will then be able to go directly into the

program the summer following their undergraduate graduation. For engineering majors, the master’s program will take a year to complete. For other science and math majors, the program may take two years to complete. Not only will students be able to go directly from their undergraduate degree to the master’s program, but as a professional program, it is intended for students going directly into the professional field following the completion of their graduate degree. “It’s geared, not toward students that want to get a Ph.D. or do teaching or something like that, it’s geared toward students that want to go directly into the biomedical industry,” Jones said. According to Jones, this program is part of the School of Engineering’s work to enhance its graduate programs, as called for by the University’s FiveYear Strategic Plan, which was designed to establish goals including strengthening curriculum, improving campus technology, attracting top students, developing strong leadership, reducing tuition and finding new revenue sources. This program was also selected to honor deceased UP alumnus Donald P. Shiley, who co-invented the Bjork-Shiley artificial heart valve and is the namesake of the School of

Becca Tabor | THE BEACON

Dean of the Donald P. Shiley School of Engineering Sharon Jones Engineering. “Donald P. Shiley is one of the pioneers in biomedical engineering,” Jones said. “We wanted to offer something that aligned with his interests since

he’s been such a great benefactor to the school.” Last year, a committee of engineering, biology, chemistry, See NEW MASTER’S, page 5 3


Spooky Showcase goes indie KDUP withdraws support from UP student concert, but the show goes on Megan Lester Staff Writer KDUP event coordinator George Brockett thought the Spooky Showcase, a concert at a student’s residence, was all set to go on Oct. 25. The concert was a competition to determine the opener for KDUP’s Nov. 15 show featuring Portland-based band Nurses. “It’s a party being put on by the house ... we’re promoting it for the music only,” Brockett said of the event. However, hours before it was to take place, KDUP withdrew its support from the concert. Apparently, KDUP had not followed proper procedure to support the event and notified their adviser. “(The showcase) is a cool idea for an event, had we gone through the different stages to kind of create it,” said Director of Student Activities Jeromy Koffler. But despite the lastminute cancellation, the show persevered. It featured student bands The Randy Jacksons and Secret Sauce, and student DJ, DJ Fixie. However, the students had a few hurdles to clear. Because KDUP pulled support from the event, the Spooky Showcase was prevented from using KDUP’s PA system, which was already set up for the event. “After we found that out it was just like a scramble to find a PA,” senior Brendan Rice, who hosted the concert, said. “Eventually we did, but it was incredibly stressful. I don’t think the administration gave two thoughts to all the work that went into this event.” Koffler, however, did give thought to the necessary regulations for events like the Spooky Showcase. “It’s not a University sponsored event – why would someone want to use University equipment?” Koffler said. “I think it was important for KDUP not to have sponsored that event because they hadn’t gone through

the full proper procedures and protocol to get an event like that approved. “For them to have loaned their equipment to a house party would have been an inappropriate use of University resources. I don’t think students who want to throw a party on N. Willamette Blvd. would go to Media Services and say, ‘Can we borrow your PA?’” KDUP General Manager Katie Husk, a senior, conceded that KDUP did not follow proper procedure for an event where alcohol would be present. “On a level you could see it as our fault,” she said, “because you’re supposed to go through certain channels when you put on an event for anything that can be school affiliated. We were just interested in doing something simple - we have the equipment, why not let bands play?” Brendan Rice, who hosted the Spooky Showcase at his residence, was one of the musicians frustrated by the sudden cancellation of the event. “They weren’t ok with having an unregulated event that was associated with KDUP ... my problem with that is we’ve done these events before and have had no problems,” Rice said. The big question remaining for the student artists, however, is who will be opening for Nurses, who will play in the Terrace Room. “We’re just going to have to come up with a different way to pick who’s going to (open for Nurses),” Husk said. “Maybe we can put a vote on Facebook or Survey Monkey or something.” KDUP plans on choosing an opener for the concert this week. “Our Nov. 15 show is through the proper channels and all that,” Husk assured. “It’s going to be on the school premises.” Despite the last minute issues, UP students said they enjoyed dancing to DJ Fixie, The Randy Jacksons and Secret Sauce. Senior Sarah Letendre said, “I really enjoyed the event. The two bands I saw had very different styles and it was cool to see them showcased together.”

KDUP show featuring Nurses Where: Terrace Room When: Nov. 15 Opener: Winner of the Spooky Showcase, TBA

Photo Courtesy of Sierra Huitt

The Randy Jacksons performed at the Spooky Showcase with seniors Olivia Alsept-Ellis on keyboard and Brendan Rice on guitar and sophomore Hunter Garcia on drums. The fourth band member, Nathan Seale, is not pictured.

Guidelines for having a University event with alcohol 1. No person under the age of 21 may possess or consume alcoholic beverages 2. No person shall sell, give, or otherwise make available any alcoholic beverage to a person who is visibly intoxicated

Photo Courtesy of David Yee

The band Secret Sauce features, from left, juniors David Yee and Kirk Kalbfleisch, sophomore Ian Kinnes and senior Peter Knudsen.

3. Entry into a licensed premise (i.e. bar) by a person under the age of 21 is prohibited 4. Except for persons holding the appropriate state licenses, no one shall sell, either directly or indirectly, alcoholic beverages

DJ Fixie is sophomore Jay Kelly.

Photo Courtesy of Jay Kelly (DJ Fixie)

The UP Public Safety Report 1. Oct. 25, 4:33 p.m. - Received a report from hall staff that a package had been stolen at Fields/Schoenfeldt Hall. Officers took a report and the investigation remains open.


2. Oct. 25, 7:44 p.m. - Received a report from Portland Police Bureau that they were responding to a party complaint for a residence on the 7100 block of N. Knowles. Officers responded to assist and the party was already cleared. No further action taken.

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3. Oct. 25, 10:22 p.m. - Officers spoke with four students outside Schoenfeldt Hall who were found in possession of alcohol while underage. The alcohol was confiscated and the investigation remains open. The students will be referred to the student conduct process.


4. Oct. 26, 5:38 p.m. - A student reported the theft of their bike from outside of Haggerty Hall. A report was taken and individual was advised to file a report with Portland Police as well. 5. Oct. 27, 12:10 a.m. - Officers responded to a noise complaint at the 6700 block of N. Olin. The party was shut down and no citations were issued. For a complete report, visit



October 31, 2013

Registration policy changes W.C. Lawson Staff Writer With registration starting on Nov. 5, many students are preparing for stress as they plan their schedules and hope there will be room left in their desired classes. In hopes of making registration a smoother process, the University has implemented a few key changes. First, students will be notified via email of any holds on their accounts no later than a week before fall and spring break, giving students more time to clear their accounts, ensuring they will not be prevented from registering for classes. Next, the period for registration will begin on the Tuesday following a break, rather than a Monday, and no deadline will occur on a Friday for registration forms except for the last day to add or drop classes. “In the past we had a case scenario where one student needed one more record on file for shot immunizations and the student couldn’t register for their classes on time,” University Provost Thomas Greene said. “We don’t want to create a snowball effect where students can’t register for classes based on extraordinary circumstances.” Students will also now be

allowed to drop their courses even with holds on their accounts. This does not apply, however, if the hold is for a library, parking, residential housing or other behavior related fine. “This is a serious priority,” Greene said of registration. “And the priority here is getting the students into the classes they need to be on track to graduate.” Greene notified students and faculty of these changes via email at ASUP’s request. Students had complained in the past to ASUP about difficulties with registration. Last May, ASUP President Quin Chadwick and Vice President Elvia Gaona, juniors, proposed these changes to the registration policy to the Board of Regents, and set a meeting with Graduate School Dean and University Associate Provost Matthew Baasten, to collaborate on a solution in the fall. “This is all about students receiving information,” Gaona said. “We want students to know what to do prior to registration so that scheduling for classes is at ease, and they can get the classes they need for the following term.” In Greene’s email, he also laid out a step-by-step timeline starting in October as a guideline for students to be on track to have a smooth process through class registration. “I remember having difficulty

DRONES: students and professor weigh in Continued from page 2 According to O’Connell, since 2001, 4,037 people have been killed by U.S. drone strikes, an estimated 205 of them being children. “(With drones), you have to have a sense that you’re only killing in a way that meets your military objective,” O’Connell said. “We have a military goal in these drone strikes, but to kill over 4,000 people over a stated goal of two dozen people on the president’s kill list certainly does question the idea of proportionality.” Senior Cecilia Cervantes, who attended the lecture, was surprised by the number of people who have died from drone strikes. “I mean, the number of casualties of people killed by drones was shocking,” she said. “I have done reading on Pakistan but I had no idea about Somalia, so that was really interesting to see the numbers on that.” UP political science professor

Anne Santiago, who teaches international relations, said recent revelations about the U.S.’s use of drones, like the Amnesty International report, may result in international pressure for the U.S. to stop drone strikes, but that pressure might not be strong enough. “When it comes down to power, the U.S. is clearly the most powerful actor in the international system as a stateentity,” Santiago said. “Now there could be a lot of pressures from a lot of different places on the U.S. that could constrain their actions, but oftentimes the more power you have, the more you get away with things.” O’Connell challenged her audience to hold their government accountable for its controversial decision to use drones. “We should have the courage to demand the United States’ respect for human life,” she said. “That the lives of men, women and children are not sacrificed for some increase in power or psychological security.”

with registering for classes when I was a freshman,” said junior environmental ethics and policy major Kyle Corso. “Now I have gotten used to it, but it was definitely a process to transition into.” These changes will be implemented next term, except the Friday deadline change for registration forms. That portion of the new policy will be implemented next year. “I think the email Dr. Greene sent out was very helpful,” junior civil engineering major Tyler Rockhill said. “I feel these changes will help us be on top of things we need to do before registration.” Currently Greene is working on implementing a software program on campus called “Degree works” that will track students’ progress and show what classes they need to enroll in to be on track to graduate. Right now, faculty members are beta testing this program. Greene hopes the program will be ready by January. “This will create a huge impact on on the registration process. Students will be able to easily look at the classes they need to take the following term with their advisors,” Greene said. “We want to wait to install this program when it is fully ready to go, with no technical difficulties in the system.”

FR. GARY: leaving UP Continued from page 1 said. The news of Chamberland’s departure took many people by surprise. However, Chamberland said he has received huge support in his decision to move. “People are happy that he’s going to take care of his parents. That’s been a huge stressor for him,” Ewing said. “Corrado’s such a supportive community already so we’re just trying to back him up and make his last few weeks count.” The selection of a new pastoral resident for Corrado has yet to be determined, though a new one will be assigned for spring semester, according to Corrado Hall Director Michael Wode. Father Mark DeMott, director of Shipstad Hall, will replace Chamberland as interim director of Campus Ministry in January. He will still continue to serve as hall director for Shipstad. Barsotti sees a similarity in the intentionality both Chamberland and DeMott bring to their work and interactions with students. “You walk into Shipstad and (DeMott) knows everybody’s

name,” Barsotti said. “He dives into everything he does with 200 percent if that’s possible. He has a deep love of people and I think he’s committed to helping individuals grow from wherever they’re at.” As interim director, DeMott is eager to expand the reach of Campus Ministry to a wider sector of students. “My hope is that Campus Ministry won’t just serve students who raise their hand and say they’re interested, but that Campus Ministry would serve all their students and meet them where they’re at,” DeMott said. DeMott is inspired to continue the work Chamberland began as Campus Ministry director. “Father Gary did such a beautiful job with Campus Ministry,” DeMott said. “When you see Father Gary on campus you see students who love him, you see students who he knows by name. I’m excited to have the opportunity as a brand new priest to continue the work that he’s done and to grow in my own faith as I provide leadership for the campus community.”



LIBRARY: survey to come from ASUP Continued from page 1 need for quiet space as well, and said the library staff is working to insure that every student has a space conducive to their study habits. This is why the basement is the “quiet floor.” But sometimes students work in the basement on their group projects, and for students who require absolute silence to study, this can be a problem. “We really do mean that it’s the quiet floor, but somebody has to let us know if there’s a problem,” Harrington said. Oliver said the only problem he’s seen so far is the students’ ability to adapt to the new setup in general. “Downstairs has all the books, so the only inconvenience is if you have multiple people trying to go down different aisles,” Oliver said. “That’s just something that needs to be coordinated. For the most part, it seems that people have been quick to adapt to the new library.” Technology complaints Students also criticize the slow log on speed of the library computers. Michelle Sunderland, director of Technical Services, is dealing with issues as a result of the new computer setup. The new computers are setup in VDI, or virtual desktop infrastructure, work stations. This means that instead of a physical PC with a monitor and tower that houses resources for processing and memory, the VDI setup is simply a display and a keyboard with the memory processing resources housed in a different location. At UP, the data center in Donald P. Shiley Hall houses the resources for the VDI stations in the library. The VDI lab in the library is the first and only lab on campus, so technical services is working to adapt to new issues as they arise. “When you log on in the

library it’s kind of building up your profile and your environment in the data center,” Sunderland said. “So that process takes computing resource and memory resource. And right now we don’t have that really optimized, so that’s something we’re working on improving.” Students ask for longer library hours In addition to noise complaints and technological difficulties, students want longer hours at the library. Students were originally promised a 24-hour study space in the library, but Fr. Beauchamp revised the plan out of concern for students’ health. Library hours are currently 7:30 a.m. to midnight, Monday through Thursday; 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday; 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday; and 10 a.m. to midnight on Sunday. ASUP President Quin Chadwick said ASUP is working to assess student use of the library so that a resolution can be made to extend library hours. ASUP released a survey last week to see what times and resources students were using most often in the library. Chadwick said the survey will further substantiate the students’ request for longer library hours. “We are adults here,” Chadwick said. “And we should be able to dictate when we study and what we do.” Between 800 and 900 students have already answered the survey. Survey results so far show that students want the group study rooms and open study floors open from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. And whether the situations are expected, like the increase in library attendance, or unexpected, like a two-hour power outage, the library staff said they’re ready for whatever comes their way. “We just have to roll with it,” Oliver said.

David Diloreto | THE BEACON

Sophomores Justin Plummer and Kaitlin Andrus use the portable whiteboards in the library.

The newly renovated Clark Library has seen higher attendance than ever before.

Parker Shoaff | THE BEACON

NEW MASTER’S: UP partnering with OHSU Continued from page 2 math and business faculty formed to design a curriculum and draft a proposal for the new master’s program. This committee was chaired by Deborah Munro, an engineering professor at UP. Munro worked for about 15 years in the biomedical engineering industry and is passionate about the program. “Biomedical engineering is one of the only engineering fields that has almost equal representation between male and female students,” Munro said. “One of the things that I have noticed, and I think it’s pretty universally true, is that female students in particular really are attracted to fields where they can see how it’s helping humanity in

some way. So that appealed to me.” Once the committee’s draft went through several review processes, it went to Academic Senate, where it was passed last Tuesday. Implementing the new curriculum is a gradual process. The School of Engineering will hire one new faculty member to head the new program, but will also rely on other faculty members at UP for instructing some of the master’s level courses. “Ethics, healthcare, business, and entrepreneurship will be woven into the curriculum as well,” Jones said. “It’s a very holistic program, and that’s why it’s interdisciplinary.” The School of Engineering will also begin investing in new equipment after they’ve hired the

new faculty member. “We are waiting for this new hire to come in with his or her own expertise, and give us guidance in terms of what’s needed,” Jones said. “But since we already have some biomedical faculty here, we have some things already in place.” The current engineering program offers a biomechanics and a biomaterials course, so the program is capable of offering new courses. But Munro acknowledges some of the limitations of the program. “We’re always resourcelimited,” Munro said. “We’re partnering with OHSU, and I think that will allow us to have a more flexible and creative offering.” The first group of students accepted into the master’s program will begin their studies

at the start of the summer of 2015. Until then, the School of Engineering will hold information sessions as early as next semester. Current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are eligible to apply for the new program. Jones said she will have no trouble filling the seats of those information sessions. According to Jones, UP has seen an increase in biomedical engineering interest among students and graduates. “There’s interest nationwide,” Jones said. “So there are a lot of opportunities. We think it’s really exciting.” Munro feels the excitement of this field too. “I’m excited about (this) because there’s so much room for improvement and advancement of the technology,” Munro said.

“We’re just at the forefront of what we can possibly accomplish in the medical field. We’ve gotten technologies refined enough that we can really make a difference in peoples’ lives.” Senior Brenden Klennert, a mechanical engineering major considering applying for the masters program, also identified with the desire to help others. “It’ll be a really good program,” Klennert said. “I like it because I like the math and physics of engineering but I like medicine and helping people in that way. I like using what I’ve learned the past four years now and trying to apply that to people and making their lives better.”


October 31, 2013


New women’s a cappella group staged to be aca-awesome Sophomore Tori Dunlap forms female a cappella group Under a Rest

Cassie Sheridan Staff Writer There is a new all-female a cappella group at UP that is tuning themselves for greatness. These aca-awesome women have come together to form an a cappella group, Under a Rest, and hope to bring pitch-perfect melodies to The Bluff. Sophomore drama major Tori Dunlap has a passion for a cappella that led her to pursue developing a female singing group at UP. “There has been various a cappella (groups), male or coed, at UP in the past,” Dunlap said. “However, I was like ‘Why is there not a female a cappella group on campus?’ It was kind of ‘If not now, then when?’ sort of thing.”

Dunlap began to gauge interest for a female a cappella group at the end of last year by holding an informational meeting where 20 to 25 girls showed up. “It was really incredible to have so much interest,” Dunlap said. “I really wanted the group to be inclusive of all types of passion for creating music. We have some incredible talent musically and vocally and we are excited about where it takes us.” Sophomore Marissa Kelly joined Under a Rest for a different singing experience. “I’m currently a member of the University Singers,” Kelly said. “That is great, however, working in an a cappella group is a very different vocal setting than a traditional choral group and I really wanted to be a part of it.” Under a Rest is conducting weekly practices on Sunday eve-

nings and is aiming for a cohesive group of around 20 women. If you are so musically inclined or interested in learning the art of a cappella, the group prides itself on inclusivity. “One of the most fun things about this is that we are all kind of learning together,” Dunlap said. “We are all new and figuring out what we want it to be. It’s been so great having so many similarly passionate singers and performers really wanting to develop this group together.” Dunlap finds a lot of a cappella inspiration from such groups as Pentatonix, with their unique sound and various approaches to the creative process. “None of us have a lot of beat boxing experience,” Dunlap said. “So we are really going to be focusing on developing various sound developments in our next

Photo courtesy of Tori Dunlap

Sophomore Tori Dunlap (center) sings with a cappella group Pentatonix from Texas. Dunlap is forming her own a cappella group Under a Rest this year. couple practices.” Although Under a Rest has just begun development and practice, they are striving to be heavy hitters at Christie Pub and other singing events around campus.

Keep your ears open for perfect pitch and try not to avoid treble. This singing group is sure to be talented.

Café Procrastiné seeks more students, hosts fewer events Villa Maria Hall’s Café Procrastiné cuts back on their Thursday coffee breaks in hopes of making their events more impactful Rebekah Markillie Staff Writer It’s going to be easier to get work done on Thursday nights in Villa Maria Hall as the chaos of loud music and students dancing at Café Procrastiné won’t be a weekly activity. After the number of participants at Café Procrastiné began dwindling last year, the event changed from weekly to every other week last Christmas. This year it’s been cut back even further to provide more funds for other hall activities. Café Procrastiné is a Villa Maria event that serves free Italian sodas to all students who bring their own cups. “The intent for Café is provide Villa, and there by in extension the rest of the quad, a social event on Thursday nights,” Villa Maria Hall Director Danny Zimmerman said. “A lot of times (Thursday nights are) a dead time on campus where students are wrapping up their work for the week or deciding to skip it all together. It was originally designed as a cool social event.” At the beginning of the year Zimmerman presented the budget for hall events to the Villa Maria hall council. The hall council decided the money for Café could be used for other hall events because the overall turnout for the event last year wasn’t as high as they wanted. They decided to go from every other week to around six to eight times a semester. “Last year we realized we weren’t getting as many people to Café as we wanted and it was costing a lot of money,” Zimmer-

man said. With having fewer Cafés, Villa Maria hopes to bring more students to the event. “We want to make them more impactful,” senior Villa Maria RA Stan Thompson said. “If we had them every week, attendance kind of fades. We want them to be special. Basically, less is more.” With this mindset, Café Procrastiné is going for quality rather than quantity. “(The hall council wants) to do it, big and they want to do it well,” Zimmerman said. “If they could do fewer but spend more time planning it and spend more money on it per each Café, they can do it big, have a lot more people show up and have a lot more fun.” With the idea of making Café a bigger event, Villa Maria hopes to provide live music in the future. Their attempts at a larger event seem to be working. The first Café Procrastiné at the beginning of the year was a huge success. “We had an audience of about 330 people, which easily is the most we’ve ever had,” Café Commissioner and junior David Rinella said. They had to shut down early because they ran out of supplies. Last week’s Café also had a large turn out. “(Tonight) I’ve personally served over 30 people,” Rinella said. As Cafe Procrastiné has gained more popularity, many students think Villa Maria should host more of them. “I think that there should be more Café Procrastinés because

Becca Tabor | THE BEACON

(Above) Freshman Nick Coad serves hot chocolate to Café Procrastiné customers. (Below) Sophomore Jamiey Sears, freshman Maurya Bahl and junior David Rinella prepare ingredients for Italian sodas. it’s fun to meet new people,” freshman Gabe Kerr said. “It’s hard to not have had fun. Everyone wants to include you on the good time.” Freshmen Matthew Nelson agrees. “It was a good way to distract yourself, I think there should be more,” Nelson said.

The next Café Procrastiné will be Nov. 7 at 10 p.m. in Villa Maria Hall


What the apocalypse Students celebrate Oktoberfest on and bacon have to do The Bluff with Tuesday Senior Olivia Alsept-Ellis shares her experience having dinner with guest author Lucy Corin Olivia AlseptEllis Staff Commentary Getting dinner with Lucy Corin, author of “Everyday Psychokillers: A History for Girls” and “The Everyday Predicament,” probably should have been more awkward than it was. Here I am with other students from my Creative Writing class, getting a burger with an author we had only just dissected in class days prior. (There are these invisible walls that follow you out of the classroom that don’t exist in real life; it’s as if, by reading about someone, they are shrouded in this mysticism - they can’t be a real person!) I got bacon on my burger because the school was paying for my meal, but that’s not the point. The point is that the dinner was kindly put on through the UP English department as a precursor to the reading held on Oct. 29, organized by Sara Jaffe, the adjunct professor.

“I learned two inspiring things: first, Corin exemplifies the wonderful balance between humor and humility, and second, something magical will always come out of the intersections between the classroom and the social spheres.”

Olivia Alsept-Ellis senior

Corin’s most recent publication and the one she read at the meeting is called “One Hundred Apocalypses and Other Apocalypses.” How can you not already be a little bit in love with her, based on the title? Her book deconstructs the very familiar concept of an apocalypse. Yet with this new, fragmented idea of an apocalypse, she applies it speedily and without hesitation to a massive collection of situations. Some short stories are about cake or Circuit City. In my favorite short (and lucky me, a story she chose to read it during the meeting), a kitten helps the protagonist gain perspective by trying to scratch out her eyes. Look, I’m over-simplifying here because these simplified descriptions seem so funny to me. But I must address the fact that there is so much going on in each of these stories but I just

don’t feel like telling you how to interpret the collection. As Jaffe pointed out in her introduction for Corin, there is a wonderful sense of choice that the reader experiences while reading Corin’s works. Much like in a real apocalypse, the reader can help Corin construct a new world order or maybe just revel in the dying of the old. And so it’s a table of Englishmajor types (you know the kind) who are sitting at a table at McMenamins and discussing all the glorious things that English majors do when conversation is unstructured. Leah Becker, senior English major, is writing her senior thesis on apocalyptic novels. I can’t describe it any better than that but it sounds really interesting. Basically, you can imagine her and Corin having this real next-level conversation about apocalypses and I’m thinking, dang I spilled ranch on my cheeseburger. Next thing I know we’re all getting really into a conversation about technology and analyzing Google. You know, real people conversations. Everything Corin has to say is pretty funny and suddenly I realized how I’ve probably been reading her stories too dramatically. Not to knock the seriousness of “100 apocalypses and other apocalypses,” but now I’ve heard the humor in her voice and I can’t un-hear it. Yet, much like her stories, there was no trace of a conceited or all-knowing personality. She said in the reading that, when writing, she has a practice of calling BS on herself and that she isn’t interested in creating “one big message.” Likewise, there was something so humble and real about her as well. I haven’t gone to many events outside of UP. Sometimes it takes an insane amount of motivation to get me out of my house when I don’t need to be in class. But I’m insanely fearful of the alternate universe where I didn’t attend the dinner because I learned two inspiring things: first, Corin exemplifies the wonderful balance between humor and humility, and second, something magical will always come out of the intersections between the classroom and the social spheres.

Kristen Garcia | THE BEACON

(Above) Junior Issa Santos decorate cookies on The Bluff. (Right) Junior Mikayla Posey decorates a stein. Students celebrated the German celebration Oktoberfest last Thursday evening.




October 31, 2013

How to find Begin research early Determine industry of interest

Utilize sites like College Central Network to find internships

Use internships to explore different fields

Now is the time to start researching and networking for spring and summer internships Erika Murphy Staff Writer Some students spent the summer running in their Nikes. Senior Stan Thompson spent his working as an intern for the company. As one of 120 students, Thompson enjoyed activities such as Thirst Thursdays, when a department of Nike brought free beer and entertainment to its employees. Thompson was on the court with LeBron James and Kevin Durant for a dunking contest one such Thursday. Working on three different projects, Thompson mastered a data visualization tool, presented to Nike employees and mentored high school students. For other students looking to secure internships, it is best to begin searching three to six months prior, according to Academic Internship Coordinator Amanda Wheaton. Spring internships are now available, with opportunities for the summer soon approaching. “Internships are really starting to become the new entry level

job, particularly since the recession,” Wheaton said. Career Services provides resources at every step of the process, but the aim is to empower students to take initiative themselves. “No one is going to place you into a job.” Wheaton said. “We are all for empowerment and support and giving you the best tools.” Wheaton recommends two simultaneous actions for students: figuring out the industry they would like to experience and networking. Over the summer, senior Hannah Robinson secured an internship at HarperCollins, a major publishing house in New York City. Robinson urges students to begin researching deadlines during their freshman year to ensure they are prepared as upperclassmen. “I think a lot of people don’t apply because they don’t think they’re going to get an internship, and my advice would be to just apply anyway,” Robinson said. “If it’s something you’re truly passionate about, that’ll show.”

Conveying interest to professionals already in the industry is imperative, according to Wheaton. Networking could be the thing to land students an internship. Service work is one way for all students to begin. The Moreau Center for Service and Leadership helps students get connected off campus.

“I think a lot of people don’t apply because they don’t think they’re going to get an internship, and my advice would be to just apply anyway. If it’s something you’re truly passionate about, that’ll show.” Hannah Robinson senior Wheaton encourages students to let people they already know that they’re searching. Students can often get involved in faculty-

led research projects, such as the Crab Lab for biology majors. LinkedIn has a variety of groups, allowing students to introduce themselves directly to professionals in the field. “Pilots Guiding Pilots,” a University of Portland group, introduces students to alumni who have committed to enter into mentorships, Wheaton says. Also online, College Central Network and subject-specific boards, including Mac’s List or Portland Creative List, allow students to talk with companies with positions already available. Junior Sarah Barr found an internship through a friend of her dad’s, who works at a research lab - the very lab that engineered the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. As an intern, Barr worked with algae to create a biofuel alternative to oil purchased from the Middle East. Though Barr was not immediately drawn to the project, the process of exploration has led her closer to determining her career. “I was like, ‘You know what? I’m just going to try it. It’s not

what I want to go into, but I might as well.’” Barr said. “I ended up loving it, and now I’m highly considering working with bacteria the rest of my life!” A showcase of her work is on the second floor of Swindells Hall. Robinson had anxieties about, “uprooting her life (to New York).” But she doesn’t regret the decision. Robinson suggests that students be open to internships beyond their hometowns. Wheaton advises students to ensure the internship is an actual learning experience and more than just grabbing coffee. Career Services advocates paid internships. “Nationally, studies show that if interns are paid, they have a higher conversion to employment,” Wheaton said. Yet unpaid internships and those for academic credit offer students the opportunity to explore, build contacts and develop skills, according to Wheaton, all of which will serve as indirect preparation for a career.


an internship Network

Convey interest to professionals

Get involved with professor research

Conduct informational interviews

Career Center Drop-In Hours

Join social media networking groups

Monday - Wednesday: 2 - 4 p.m. Thursday, Friday: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Upcoming Internship Fairs Jan. 29: Career Service’s second and final fair of the year, in Franz Hall Feb. 21: Science and Engineering Fair, tentatively in Shiley Hall April 4: Liberal Arts Fair, in Chiles Center

LinkedIn, Mac’s List, Portland Creative List

Career Center Monthly Workshops First Thursday: Intro to Internships Second Thursday: Resumes Third Thursday: LinkedIn Fourth Thursday: Networking Your Way to a Job or Internship




October 31, 2013

A community like no other Students team up with the Archdiocese of Portland every month to host the Religous Experience for Exceptional People

Emily Neelon Staff Writer Once a month, University of Portland students of the Faith and Leadership House can be found on campus spending time with adults with developmental disabilities from the Portland area. The Religious Experience for Exceptional People, better known as R.E.X., began 34 years ago under the guidance of Dorothy Coughlin, director of the Office for People with Disabilities in the Archdiocese of Portland. Coughlin relates that the purpose of this group is to form a community of people that, no matter their denomination, share the same faith in God. “The basis of our coming together would be to form relationships, to share our stories, our joys, our challenges, to support each other,” Coughlin said. During meetings, students and R.E.X. members join together to pray and socialize. At this past Saturday’s meeting, the R.E.X. community celebrated Halloween, dressing up in costumes, decorating pumpkins, en-

joying treats and celebrating their faith. The Faith and Leadership House, a group of students living in intentional community on campus, partners with Coughlin to put on R.E.X. every month. Students from the house volunteer their time each month, helping Coughlin with every event and spreading the word around campus. Faith and Leadership House junior Chika Eke began volunteering with R.E.X. at the beginning of the semester, and after two meetings, has already begun to see the positive impact that the program has had on her life. “It’s helped me to be less judgmental,” Eke said. “Working with (R.E.X. members), I realized how interesting and talented they are. Hanging out with them is really fun, so it’s been a good experience”. Pat Ell, director of the Moreau Center, helps the Faith and Leadership House with their endeavors to advocate for R.E.X. As the oldest outreach program on campus, Ell sees R.E.X as an excellent opportunity for students to give back to the Portland com-

munity. “It’s one of the only things we do at the University where people come here and get to be our guests and we get to treat them to some hospitality,” Ell said. Coughlin stresses that all UP students are welcome to join in the festivities. She has seen many students transform from their experiences in R.E.X. “This experience opens up college students to an experience that they may not have in their ordinary life,” Coughlin said. “Instead of seeing anybody with a disability as being very needy, they see extreme inner strength and courage.”

The next R.E.X. event is Saturday, Nov. 23rd at 2 p.m. in St. Mary’s Student Center Lounge. Contact Samantha Johnson at johnsons15@ for more information

Photos by Emily Neelon | THE BEACON

(Above) R.E.X. Community member poses with senior Corey Trujillo. (Below) Dorothy Coughlin (center) pictured with R.E.X. community members at last Saturday’s Halloween party. Coughlin started R.E.X. 34 years ago as part of the Archdiocese of Portland.






OPINIONS EDITORIAL $51,000 can do a lot. It can pay a good chunk of a student’s tuition. It can commission a work of art. It can plan a concert. According to one productions company, $51,000 can pay for a performance by The Roots, Sara Bareilles or (God forbid) Smash Mouth. Unfortunately, students and ASUP senators have not been so ambitious. The Major Project Fund (MPF) is $51,000 this year, $30,000 more than most years. ASUP has the opportunity to do something big. But the top 10 ideas ASUP has chosen to give the MPF to? Vans for Student Activities, repurposing the Buckley Center greenhouse, reestablishing an end-of-the-year event, support for Pilots After Dark, seating outside the library and Terrace Room, lighting for the intramural field, display TVs for the library, bike rack covers, a speed bump and ice machines. After brainstorming and consulting constituents, ASUP cre- 11

Students, Senate need to dream bigger about MPF

ated a list of 74 possible projects to fund, which was narrowed down to these 10 last week. Frankly, the suggestions are underwhelming. When students look back on their time at UP, will they remember the speed bump their student fee paid for? If a speed bump is crucial to students’ safety, the University should just install one. It shouldn’t take a vote and a decision from the ASUP executive board.

“When students look back on their time at UP, will they remember the speed bump their student fee paid for?”

The problem with the MPF ideas is that they don’t think big enough about what ASUP can do with student money. Ice machines are a tiny luxury. More TVs will hardly improve the renovated library. The MPF is

students’ opportunity to improve UP, to make it a better institution and a better place to be. Most of these ideas waste that opportunity. That’s not to say all the ideas are bad. Repurposing the greenhouse outside of Buckley Center into, say, a coffee cart, would be useful and enjoyable for students and faculty. Reestablishing an end-of-the-year event could make poignant memories, depending on how the event was planned. But the inclusion of minor projects on this top 10 list of major projects shows a lack of imagination and ambition by both Senate and the student body. One of the ideas senators brainstormed was another major concert in addition to Rock the Bluff, but it didn’t make the top 10. Seating outside the Terrace Room – a part of campus few students visit – did make the cut. After the executive board meets with administrators about the feasibility of each project, they will present their findings

Ann Troung | THE BEACON

at the ASUP meeting this Monday. Senate will narrow down the selection to five possible projects, and the executive board will choose from those five by Wednesday. So ASUP still could eliminate the least inspiring ideas from the list. To help ASUP prioritize their ideas according to constituent input, fill out their MPF survey, which can be accessed through PilotsUP. And please,

vote for the options that will do something meaningful with the $51,000 we’re about to spend. Because $51,000 can do a lot, and it would be a shame to squander it.


The editorial reflects the majority view of The Beacon Editorial Board. The editorial does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the collective staff or the Administration of the University of Portland. Other submissions in this section are signed commentaries that reflect the opinion of the individual writer. The Student Media Committee, providing recommendation to the publisher, oversees the general operation of the newspaper. Policy set by the committee and publisher dictates that the responsibility for the newspaper’s editorial and advertising content lies solely in the hands of its student employees.

Take a moment to appreciate your RA Maggie Smet Staff Commentary Last year, I was an RA. It was simultaneously one of the most difficult and fulfilling experiences of my life. I handled emergencies, had dance parties in the lobby, dealt with faulty fire alarms and met amazing people. Everyday, RAs across campus balance class, jobs, off-campus commitments and more. They work hard everyday to build

community and keep an eye out for those around them. RAs deserve thanks and recognition for all they do.

“Do I regret being an RA? No. Did it greatly curtail my personal life? Yes. It was a sacrifice I had to make to better serve myself and my community.”

Maggie Smet senior

Being an RA isn’t all sunshine and roses. It requires much more behind the scenes work

than many know. Before students even step onto campus, there are long days of training followed by longer days of decorating. When students arrive on campus, it’s a whirlwind of new and old faces, learning names and stories, and a crash course in planning fun and interesting events. When it comes to being on duty for a building, you never know what you’re going to be up against that night. The first couple of times, being in charge of an entire building is absolutely terrifying. That anxiety often turns into excitement and fun during those long duty nights. I loved being able to welcome people back into the building, hang out with residents

and stay up way too late on duty nights. RAs are rarely out to get people in trouble. When we do have to write people up, it’s more work for us – breaking up a party, writing a detailed report and then trying to rebuild a relationship with a resident who now sees you as the enemy. When you’re an RA, there’s the delicate balance of taking care of yourself and others. My hall director had to remind me to actually leave the building once in awhile. I didn’t have to be there all the time, always available to my residents, but I felt like I did. It’s hard to take a break from a job that’s tied into the

place where you live and spend most of your time. Do I regret being an RA? No. Did it greatly curtail my social life and personal life? Yes. It was a sacrifice I had to make to better serve myself and my community. Why do it then? I can’t speak for others, but for me, there were always moments that outweighed the difficult or frustrating times. Moments when I saw my freshmen making friends and enjoying their first weeks made me feel so proud. When I offered a safe space to listen and some candy See RAs, page 12

THE BEACON Submission Policy

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Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief.. . . . . . . . . . . . Kelsey Thomas News Editor. . . . . . . . . . . �������� Sarah Hansell Living Editor ������������������������������ Kate Stringer Opinions Editor. . . . . . . ��������Philip Ellefson Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . �������������Katie Dunn Design Editor . . . . . . . . . �������� Shellie Adams Asst. Design Editor. . . . . ������� Emily Strocher Copy Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathryn Walters

Contacting The Beacon

E-mail: Website: Address: 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. ● Portland, OR 97203-5798

Staff Writers

Olivia Alsept-Ellis, Peter Gallagher, Mitchell Gilbert, W.C. Lawson, Lydia Laythe, Megan Lester, Rebekah Markillie, Erika Murphy, Emily Neelon, Cassie Sheridan, Maggie Smet, Nastacia Voisin, Kathryn Walters


David DiLoreto, Kristen Garcia, Parker Shoaff, Becca Tabor

Staff Members

Business & Ad Manager. . . . . . Anne Uruu Artist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann Truong Web Content manager . . . . .John Liedtke Circulation Manager . . Shelby Steinauer Adviser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Copic Publisher. . . Fr. E. William Beauchamp, C.S.C.



October 31, 2013

RAs: They’re not out to get you Continued from page 11 to someone, planned fun and interesting events, was greeted by hugs after a long day. When I got to see residents change and grow over the year into mature adults, it was all worth it.

“Next time you think about complaining about your RA, think about the people behind the position. They’re students, just like you.”

about you and your community. Otherwise, they definitely wouldn’t be doing this job. Your residence hall staff is not out to get you (unless it’s to get you to come to that event next week!), they’re there to keep you and your hall mates safe and comfortable. Next time you think about complaining about your RA, think about the people behind the position. They’re students, just like you, just trying to look out for you and make your year great. So thank them, go to a program and appreciate all the work they do. Maggie Smet is a senior Eng-

Maggie Smet lish major. She can be reached senior at Your RA, hall director and assistant hall director care deeply

SUDOKU Solutions on the opposing page 13


Libraries are for studying, not talking Rebekah Markillie Staff Commentary There are few things more frustrating than, after a long day of classes and a pile of homework to start, going to the basement in the library for some peace and “quiet,” only to be met with bursts of giggles and whispering (read as hushed shouting). The Clark Library is a beautiful facility with a variety of spaces for different styles of studying. The main floor is open to chatter. The tables and booths provide a nice area to go over material for exams in groups and help your friends out with homework. Also, you can reserve a study room online for up to four hours. Nine of the 19 study rooms are equipped with TVs that can hook up to laptops so powerpoints and online tests can be viewed as a group. The closed door also can provide more privacy and quiet if that’s

on The Bluff

what you want, or a space to talk without disturbing others. The basement, however, is reserved for students who are looking for quiet. So while I’m studying for my biology exams on the quiet floor, I don’t need to hear all about how your sister got asked to homecoming or how much you hate your professor. You can save that for one of the upper floors where talking is okay, or you can find yourself a nice study room (but remember, no shouting -- the study rooms aren’t soundproof).

“While I’m studying for my biology exams on the quite floor, I don’t need to hear all about how your sister got asked to homecoming.” Rebekah Markillie freshman Maybe it’s because students haven’t had a library for so long that they forget what library etiquette is, what a six-inch voice is

Speak Your Mind

comments from On “Pilots After Dark goes to late night”: “Pilots after Dark was started by Residence Life several years ago because Residence rightly got tired of CPB serially refusing to use imagination or plan resident appropriate events on the weekends. Residence Life took on this work with the goal of making it highly successful using a great diversity of fun events in different locations. The goal was to be so successful that Student Activities and the administration would take notice. This they did. The assessment of late night events was a fixed farce with a “consultant” wholly unqualified to make an assessment – she was from Notre Dame. The assessment simply placed the Notre Dame template on UP which is entirely inappropriate. This consultant, and the leadership who hired her, had no idea about the uniqueness of UP and the Northwest. The only thing they got right is that Student Activities should have always been doing that kind of programming from the beginning. Not because RAs shouldn’t do programs (they should) but because that is their mission. Unfortunately Pilots after Dark and Student Activities is resorting to a Notre Dame model of same style activities in one location. But that seems par for the course now at UP — call it the Mothership Phenomenon. The Mothership being Notre Dame, the specter of which, brought by clueless and visionless leaders from South Bend, may actually extinguish the good Northwest soul of a once great University of Portland. Pilots after Dark is just one canary in the coal mine of this possible reality if the UP leadership continues with the Mothership Phenomenon.” Post Comment

FACES by Parker Shoaff

What are you being for Halloween? Sam Wilmart, sophomore, psychology

Ann Troung | THE BEACON

or what a “quiet study floor” is. But here is a quick reminder: 1) No talking on the quiet floor. I mean, it’s reasonable to sneeze, ask someone where the bathroom is, zip your backpack up or ask if anyone is using a seat, but it’s rude to carry on a full conversation in an open area where people around you are trying to study quietly. 2) When talking, use a hushed tone. For group work, be considerate of the people around you, so

try not to start a talking-louderthan-each-other war. Maybe I could throw out this list and just say, please be considerate of other people in the library. Respect general library rules and try to make the space around you as pleasant for other people as it is for you.

Guest Commentary This Halloween, before you’re headed off to numerous costume parties over the span of a weekend-long celebration, you’ll no doubt find yourself scrambling for a last-minute, thrown-together outfit. Before you reach for that feather headband or that tribal print top, bear in mind that a culture is not a costume. Year after year people either knowingly or unknowingly dress themselves up in costumes that perpetuate negative cultural appropriation.

“Before you reach for that tribal print top, bear in mind that a culture is not a costume.” Sam Lee junior Though you may think your costume is all in good fun, you never know who your costume could be offending and the stereotypes you could be reinforcing. For example, many people choose to construct their costumes based around sexualizing Native Americans. Besides this costume being overtly racist, it is also insensitive to the staggering rates of sexual abuse against Native American women. This message also rings true for men, who

Randall Olson, freshman, mechanical engineering

Rebekah Markillie is a freshman nursing major. She can be reached at

Don’t make a culture your Halloween costume Sam Lee

“Dexter from ‘Dexter’s Lab.’”

may find it funny and convenient to throw on a sombrero and a poncho without fully understanding the ramifications of offending someone’s cultural identity. The University of Portland strives to create a safe and inclusive atmosphere for students, making the appearance of culturally appropriative costumes counterproductive to the University’s mission. In short, donning a costume that mocks any minority – intentionally or unintentionally – is never OK. Just because Cady Heron from Mean Girls said that “Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it,” does not mean that it’s OK to dress culturally insensitively and expect not to offend anyone. Just remember that while you wear the costume for one night, others have to face stigmas everyday. Sam Lee is a junior organizational communication major and a diversity events coordinator. She can be reached at

“A sexy lawyer.” Talbot Andrew, sophomore, political science

“A cat-bug.” Thomas Manfredonia, freshman, engineering

“A bush.” Mary O’Brien, sophomore, organizational communication


“T-I-double guh-er (Tigger).”



October 31, 2013

Rowing dominates the Willamette at Portland Fall Classic

Courtesy of UP Athletics

Cassie Sheridan Staff Writer Despite the slight drizzle and ominous gray skies, the atmosphere Sunday at the Portland Fall Classic was anything but gloomy. Women’s rowing had a stellar performance at their first home regatta, where UP raced six boats on a course that was about three miles. Portland’s first eight kicked off the day with a second place finish and a time of 17:41.30, the varsity four came in at third, and the novice eight finished first. “It was a good day of racing,” said Head Coach Pasha Spencer. “I am confident in the team’s fo-

cus for winter training and excited to gain more speed by our main racing season that starts next March.” Despite strong currents and a slight drizzle, the rowers said they felt strong about their performance, especially considering the team is used to the Willamette River and Portland’s often lackluster weather. Both senior coxswain Hannah Dahlem and grad student Jamie Opra felt very positive about their varsity eight finish. “We were really clipping along,” Dahlem said. “The current was kind of bad in some spots, however, the Willamette is our river and we are used to the weather. I am really happy about

our performance today and the incredible amount of support we had.” Last spring, the team finished their season by earning a tie for third place at the WCC championships and had two members named to the WCC all-conference team. At their first regatta this fall in Washington, the team raced six boats and had a strong first showing for the new season. However, many rowers were excited about capitalizing on the home river advantage. “It was our first home race for the season and that definitely helped us,” Opra said. “We are used to the conditions here and we maintained a strong race as a

result.” There was a large outpouring of support at the regatta of fellow students, parents and administrators creating a very positive environment as well. “The atmosphere was so positive and supportive,” junior rower Kaelynn Schmall said. “Even though the weather was not the best, it’s so encouraging to have so many people come out and show their support for us.” The Pilots have one more event scheduled for this fall, the Head of the Lake on Nov. 3 in Seattle. After this event the team will begin their winter training for the spring season beginning in March.

Rowing terms made simple: Coxswain or Cox: the oar-less team member who is responsible for steering and race strategy. “Four”: a boat with 4 rowers. “Eight”: a boat with 8 rowers. Novices: first year rowers. Regatta: a sporting event consisting of a series of boat or yacht races.


Pilot in the Spotlight

What is your role as the coxswain? The simplest way to put it is that we are like a coach in the boat. My main focus is safety. I am responsible for my boat and the girls in it. I motivate and encourage while we are rowing. I can give instant feedback because where I’m sitting. Rowing is unbelievably exhausting, so a huge part of my role is just to keep the energy high. What kind of leadership skills have you learned as coxswain? I think the biggest thing is just being receptive to feedback. Every rower is different and responds to different types of criticism. It has helped me realize that a good leader responds to what most improves their team’s performance, not what they personally think is best.

Courtesy of UP Athletics

Hannah Dahlem Coxswain Senior Buckley, Wash.

What is special about rowing? It takes every member of the group to finish. You could have the fastest eight rowers in a boat, but if you’re out of sync mentally with one another, your boat is going to still perform terribly. It’s an incredible amount of teamwork and trust. Do you feel like you have a special relationship with water now? Being on the water is like nothing else. Obviously getting up in the morning is hard sometimes, but once you get down on the water it’s just instantly relaxing. No one else is awake; it’s just the team and incredible solitude. What kinds of things do you like to do outside of rowing and school? I work full-time as an EMT. When I’m not working I have an internship at Emanuel Hospital in the Trauma Center. I spend a lot of my time in hospitals I guess. When I am not doing that, I really love the outdoors. I love to rock climb, hike and downhill ski. I did a triathlon earlier this year and the warrior dash. I also like to travel a lot. Oh, I guess I hang out with my boyfriend too. With your clear passion for health care, do you plan to pursue that in the future? I’ve just been building up patient care hours so I can apply to physician’s assistant (PA) school once I graduate. Once I am a PA, to work with something like Doctors without Borders so I can combine my passion for travel with my passion for medicine. -Cassie Sheridan

Feeding the fantasy football addiction Mitchell Gilbert Staff Commentary Many people live their lives with addictions. Some people are addicted to social media. Some are addicted to watching endless hours of Netflix. Some are addicted to cigarettes. I live with my life with a different addiction: fantasy football. I live for those moments when my players score miraculous touchdowns on Monday night. I am at my happiest sitting on the couch for seven hours on a Sunday watching every single game. I could not live in a world where checking on my fantasy projections wasn’t my first priority, ahead of homework, sleeping and overall general hygiene. I know, however, that I am not alone in my addiction. Currently 50 million people from all around the world are addicted to fantasy football much like myself, including many UP students. These fantasy fanatics are all around us. They are our friends, enemies, acquaintances and professors.

It is the connections with my fellow addicts that make playing fantasy football so special. Fantasy football is something that I have in common with anyone who plays, and it is something that I can talk for hours about with anyone who understands. No matter what our background, race or religion may be, we can connect and agree that Peyton Manning is the best quarterback in the NFL. We can always talk for hours about the beast that is Marshawn Lynch. Chelsea Olivas is a junior at UP who has played fantasy football since her senior year in high school. “Playing fantasy football has helped me meet and form connections with people that I otherwise most likely would have never met,” Olivas said. “It has a way of being a sort of bridge for people, making it easier for them to get to know one another through fantasy.” Currently, I play in a league with a group of my six closest friends here at UP. At the beginning of the year we believed that the league would just make watching the games a bit more fun. However, it has developed into so much more. I think about our league constantly, planning

how I can beat each of my friends into fantasy obscurity. Trash talk is not irrelevant. I spend most of my weeks yelling curses and putting down the players that play on my friends’ teams. Hopefully, none of those players ever hear some of the things that I have said about them, or I will be making some terrifying enemies. It is the competitive nature of fantasy football that makes it so intensely gratifying. There is something fulfilling in absolutely demolishing one of your closest friends, that the correct path to enlightenment can’t be found by walking into the woods naked and renouncing all of your possessions, but rather that true happiness can only be achieved if Calvin Johnson is able to catch four touchdowns and end with a total of 329 yards. “The reason that I love fantasy football is because it is incredibly competitive,” sophomore Michael Bonacci said. “When everyone in my league is able to put everything that is going in their lives aside and solely focus on football, that is when I have the most fun playing fantasy football.” Fantasy football is a simple and easy concept to understand. At the beginning of each NFL season a group of my friends

and I get together and draft our favorite players from all different NFL teams. Every Sunday I have a match-up where I play one of my friend’s teams. As all of my players play on ESPN, Yahoo keeps track of how many yards, touchdowns and receptions that they have. On Monday after all of the games have been played, all of the players’ statistics are added up and the team with the greater point total is declared the winner. This process is repeated 16 times throughout the season, eventually ending with the naming of a league champion. I have played fantasy football since the beginning of my junior year of high school. At the beginning I knew next to nothing about any of the major sports. This has all changed drastically in the past few years. Watching sports has become a frequent and relaxing part of my life. Fantasy football leagues have served as a connection with the new people in my life at college and those that are from my past. It doesn’t take any prior knowledge to start playing and compete. Everyone should sign up and play.


This week in sports Women’s Soccer The Pilots beat San Diego 2-0 Thursday night then ended their 10-game win streak with a 1-0 loss to BYU Saturday. This dropped the team to No. 11 in the nation and to a record of 13-2-1. They travel to play St. Mary’s today at 2:30 p.m.

Men’s Soccer The Pilots lost to Gonzaga last night 2-1 and are now 8-7-0 . They play Santa Clara Friday night at 7 p.m. on Merlo Field.

Cross Country The cross country teams go to the WCC Championships in Malibu, Calif. Saturday.

Volleyball The Pilots lost to Pepperdine last weekend 1-3. They play San Francisco tonight at 7 p.m. and Santa Clara Saturday at 1 p.m. in the Chiles Center. (courtesy,



October 31, 2013


10-game win streak comes to an end

David DiLoreto | THE BEACON

Men’s basketball head coach Eric Reveno pumped up the fans outside of the game before the BYU game in full kilt and basketball jersey. Peter Gallagher Staff Writer The Pilots’ 10-game winning streak came to an end late Saturday night, as conference rival BYU scored in the 78th minute to secure a 1-0 win over the sixth ranked women’s soccer team. The defeat adds a new sense of urgency for the squad over the final three matches of the season beginning this Thursday afternoon in Moraga, Calif., when the Pilots take on the struggling St. Mary’s Gaels, which currently sit at the bottom of the WCC. A spirited Villa Drum Squad, over 5,000 spectators, and bas-

ketball head coach Eric Reveno, clad in only a kilt and jersey, sounded their support for the Pilots at Merlo Field. Despite a series of dangerous runs down the wings and activity in front of goal, the Pilots simply could not place the ball on frame. The low shot count betrayed an otherwise tremendous showing from both sides. “The best part about playing for UP is playing good soccer,” senior Micaela Capelle said. “We played some great balls out of pressure. You come to UP to play good soccer, and I think that we did that. We just couldn’t create in front of goal tonight.” Emotions ran high given the

David DiLoreto | THE BEACON

The Pilots jump up in an attempt to head in a corner kick against BYU. The BYU goalie made two saves during the game.

long standing rivalry between the two sides. Pilots defender Lorielle McCluskie received a yellow card in the 76th minute after tangling with BYU goalie Erica Owens. Three minutes later, and only seconds after her goal, Hatch received a booking after a reckless tackle. “To me it was more than a game,” McCluskie said. “It was personal on some levels. Because of things between the schools, between the players, I just wanted to come out and prove a point that we’re the better team.” The only goal of the evening emerged in the 78th minute, when BYU freshman forward Ashley Hatch capitalized on a dangerous cross into Portland’s box. The shot skittered past goalie Erin Dees, who had only allowed eight goals in eleven conference matches. “Everybody treats the game

Becca Tabor | THE BEACON

Senior forward Micaela Capelle fights for the ball with a BYU player during the Saturday match that resulted in a 1-0 loss. differently,” Capelle said of the physical play between the two sides. “For me, it’s just another game. Yes, they are a rival. But I don’t know. It’s tough. It’s tough to lose to anybody. It’s not that it’s BYU, it just would’ve been tough to lose to anybody.” The Villa Drum Squad, unwavering supporters of Pilots soccer, matched the passion on the field with their signature flair. Minutes before kick off, the squad raised an enormous tifo that depicted a Spartan warrior with the phrase “Return to Glory.” The banner included the years 2002 and 2005, referring to the two Pilots’ NCAA championship seasons. For now, the Pilots’ focus is not on the recent past or distant future, but their performance in the upcoming match at St. Mary’s. “At the beginning of the year

we set goals, and one of the goals was to win the WCC,” McCluskie said of the Pilots’ mentality entering the season’s final stretch. “We’re still in the running and we’re placed at number two, but it definitely makes us want to work that much harder and earn that number one spot.” For Capelle, McCluskie and the rest of the Pilots squad, earning the top spot in the tightly contested WCC means sticking to a style of play that has taken them within reach of their preseason goals. “If we continue to do what we’re doing, we’re gonna go far, play awesome, and be fine,” Capelle said. “It’s pretty to watch, and that’s why people come here, why they come to UP to watch us play. (Coach) told us we’re playing good soccer, and to keep doing that.”

Becca Tabor | THE BEACON

The student section of Saturday’s game was filled with the drum squad, boys from Schoenfeldt and Christie as well as many other UP students.

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