The Beacon - Oct 3 - Issue 6

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Vol. 115, Issue 6 October 3, 2013

The BEacon

Every Thursday

The Student Voice of the University of Portland Since 1935

Beauchamp announces resignation after this year

Roommates face tension approaching midterms

Villa Drum Squad supports women’s soccer on the road

News, p. 2

Living, p. 8-9

Sports, p. 16


The University of Portland

does not discriminate in its

educational programs, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs,

athletic and other school-administered programs, or employment on the basis of

race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, disability, age, or

sexual orientation


Nastacia Voisin Staff Writer Last Friday the Board of Regents voted to add sexual orientation to the Nondiscrimination Policy, a change applauded by the students, faculty and staff who have championed an LGBTQinclusive policy since last spring. Yet according to University President Fr. Bill Beauchamp, the new policy is a clarification, not a revision. “This is basically what our policy has always been,” Beauchamp said. “This does not represent a change in policy.” Beauchamp clarified that UP – in accordance with Catholic doctrine – objects to homosexual practices, not diversity in sexual orientation. Beauchamp was adamant that the new policy doesn’t compromise UP’s

Catholic identity. In fact, the final sentence of the new policy reads: “The University expressly reserves its rights and obligations to maintain its commitment to its Catholic identity and the doctrines of the Catholic Church.” Although many activists campaigned to add gender identity as well as sexual orientation to the policy, it was not included because gender identity “is an issue for the Catholic Church,” Beauchamp said. Even with the omission of gender identity, Friday’s announcement was a moment of triumph and excitement for advocates of the policy change. The announcement surprised junior Matt Gadbois. “I think there are a lot of people who did not believe that we would see this happen this year,” he said. “We’re really impressed with the administration’s way of following through.”

Fr. Beauchamp commented at the Fireside Chat that if UP employees in same-sex relationships were to go public about their relationship, there “would be trouble”

UP drafted a Statement on Inclusion, a non-legally binding document stating that the University does not discriminate based on sexual orientation


Gadbois is one of the original members of Redefine Purple Pride, a group that urged the University to amend the Nondiscrimination Policy. The campaign used social media to demand change, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and, where they posted an online petition that garnered almost 2,000 signatures. Supporters included students, faculty, staff, alumni and people across the nation not affiliated with UP. Redefine supporters also staged a silent protest on campus in February to pressure the administration to enact a more inclusive policy. Two months earlier, Beauchamp had created a Presidential Advisory Committee on Inclusion (PACI) to gather community feedback and generate specific recommendations. PACI’s recommendations were presented to the Board of

Dec. 2012

Beauchamp created the Ad Hoc Presidential Advisory Committee on Inclusion (PACI) to gather community feedback and generate recommendations

Feb. 2013

Feb. 2013

Redefine Purple Pride held a silent protest, which more than 100 people participated in

Regents last Friday and will be published in October along with Beauchamp’s responses to them, he said. ASUP President junior Quin Chadwick expressed pride in how the campus united to demand change, and how the administration responded. “We feel there’s often a disconnect between the Board of Regents and students’ concerns,” Chadwick said. “To see those concerns being met by the Board of Regents’ actions, that was a moment when we said: ‘Thank you for doing what we needed.’” Both Chadwick and ASUP Vice President junior Elvia Gaona plan to continue to champion the issue of inclusion throughout their term. Redefine Purple Pride advocate senior Liz Randazzo thinks the policy change will make marginalized students feel more welcome. “People who felt they were

Ad Hoc PACI held confidential listening sessions for students, staff and faculty to gather feedback on issues of inclusion

April 2013

not a part of the campus are now written in,” she said. “They can’t be made to feel they don’t belong.” Both Randazzo and Gadbois predict the Redefine group will reunite at some point to push for the addition of gender identity to the Nondiscrimination Policy. For now, they celebrate their victory and remain hopeful of further change. “We proved that students, faculty and staff could work together and get results,” Gadbois said. “Whether or not Redefine Purple Pride had anything to do with the pace of this change, we definitely had an impact on the culture of this campus.” The effect of the Nondiscrimination Policy change has spread beyond students. English professor Lars Larson says it makes him “proud to See Policy, page 5

Redefine Purple Pride members drafted a letter to Beauchamp asking for a response, and he published one in The Beacon that Ad Hoc PACI was reporting concerns

April 2013

ASUP passed resolutions 13-06 and 13-10, recommending that UP include sexual orientation and gender identity in its Nondiscrimination Policy, and create an Office of Inclusion

April 2013

May 2013

The Board of Regents voted to include sexual orientation in UP’s Nondiscrimination Policy

Sept. 2013

The Board of Regents discussed the Nondiscrimination Policy at their meeting

Emily Strocher | THE BEACON



October 3, 2013

On On Campus Campus

CHRIS SIEGFRIED Q&A Friday, Oct. 4: UP alum and “Bachelorette” winner Chris Siegfried and girlfriend Desiree Hartsock visit campus for Q&A and book signing in Buckley Center Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. PILOTS AFTER DARK Friday, Oct. 4: Brooklyn Jazz Pianist Alex Denzenzo plays at The Cove at 10 p.m. Bingo at The Cove at 11:30 p.m. CPB MOVIE Friday, Oct. 4 and Saturday, Oct. 5: “The Lone Ranger” at Buckley Center Auditorium at 10 p.m FALL DANCE Saturday, Oct. 5: Fall dance, themed Nautical Nonsense, at Jeld-Wen Field. Tickets are $10 before Saturday. CORRECTIONS The Sept. 19 story “New Engineering requirements give students more freedom,” should have included the full title of the engineering school, which is the Donald P. Shiley School of Engineering. The Beacon regrets the error.

Accuracy in The Beacon

The Beacon strives to be fair and accurate. The newspaper corrects any significant errors of fact brought to the attention of the editors. If you think an error has been made, contact us at Corrections will be printed above.

Beauchamp announces final year at UP President Fr. Bill Beauchamp will leave UP at the end of the RISE campaign Sarah Hansell News Editor Last Friday President Fr. Bill Beauchamp announced this would be his final year at UP. Beauchamp said he would stay throughout the RISE campaign, which concludes in June. “I think the time is right, and as much as I enjoy this job, enjoy working here and really love the University of Portland, I think there does come a time where it’s appropriate,” Beauchamp said. “You can be in a job too long and I don’t want that to happen.” The search for a new president will begin with UP announcing the open position to the Holy Cross community. The University will establish a search committee of board members, faculty and staff to evaluate the candidates. Beauchamp said that he doesn’t expect the search to take long. “We have qualified people, people that are very qualified to take over this position,” Beauchamp said. “How many of them will be interested in it remains to be seen.” Beauchamp was ordained later in life than many other priests. After studying accounting at the University of Detroit, he worked as a financial analyst and an accounting and business law professor. He went to law school at Notre Dame and did not enter seminary until he was 35 years old. He served as a professor and the executive vice president of Notre Dame. In 2002 he became senior vice president at UP, living in Corrado Hall, and in 2003 he became UP’s 19th president. Portland Magazine Editor Brian Doyle says Beauchamp’s time as a “layman” lends him a valuable perspective. “He understands that something underneath, that spirituality is bigger than religion,” Doyle said. During Beauchamp’s 11year presidency, the University built Fields and Schoenfeldt Halls, rebuilt the Donald P. Shiley School of Engineering and Clark Library, renovated Bauccio Commons as well as many other buildings on campus and purchased and cleaned River Campus. The University has been honored multiple times for student service, its Fulbright recipients, two athletic teams in the national top 10 and increasing numbers of student applicants. “If you look at the numbers they’re sort of eye-popping,” Doyle said. “And he never said ‘Yeah, that’s because of me.’” Many members of the UP community will remember Beauchamp for his work with the RISE campaign, which made many of these improvements possible. “For me as a student his impact on campus is all around us,” ASUP President and junior Quin Chadwick said. “When you walk into Shiley, that was

Becca Tabor | THE BEACON

President Fr. Bill Beauchamp processes in during the installation mass for Archbishop Sample. This will be his last year at the University. Fr. Bill. When you hear the Bell Tower ringing, that was part of Fr. Bill. The millions and millions of dollars that were raised for scholarships that allow students to be here, that was done with Fr. Bill. So these are all these contributions to our campus, (that are) truly endless.” Some faculty also noted that Beauchamp has been instrumental in the University’s progress. “He very much is somebody who has been involved in the community, has worked with the community and has very much been led by the whole education values and all of the Holy Cross,” Professor Kate Regan said. “And they’re pretty good values, you know, educate the heart and mind.” Beauchamp also oversaw the addition of sexual orientation to UP’s Nondiscrimination Policy. “He was committed to examining this thing and trying to make it work right so everyone would feel protected and the sense of community would be strong,” Professor Robert Duff said. “He’s done a really great job in my mind.” Some students, however, were not impressed by how he handled the situation last year, when students protested the Nondiscrimination Policy’s exclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity, and asked for a response from the administration. “It was kind of an opportunity for him to reach out to the student body, and I think that him allotting one fireside chat and kind of using The Beacon as a vehicle to speak to the student

body was kind of lame,” senior Danielle Knott said. Some faculty and students who know Beauchamp closely have fond memories of him. “I think one part of Fr. Beauchamp that I got to see that maybe a lot of students don’t is his sense of humor,” Chadwick said. “It exists. It’s there.” Chadwick remembers a touching moment between him and Beauchamp before a meeting they had together, when Chadwick’s tie was a bit crooked. “He comes out and fixes my tie for me, and it really was a sweet moment, to be truly honest,” Chadwick said. “The comment made afterwards was, ‘Here is the administration serving students.’” Duff laughed about his memories of Beauchamp, an avid football fan at Notre Dame, learning to love Pilots soccer. “It was really interesting to see him kind of progress towards being a soccer fan because I think he really disliked it,” Duff said. “He just wasn’t a big fan initially and through the years I think he’s just changed in that.” As the University begins the search for a new president, members of the University community look to the future. Some faculty look toward the changes they would like to see at UP, and finding a president who will help make these a reality. Duff appreciates the increase in diversity at UP, but hopes to see more international students. He also sees a need for more faculty in certain departments, and another academic building with more office space, classrooms and labs.

“The quality of our faculty is really increasing, but the students have been increasing, so we really have some areas that we need attention to, like some of the departments are really understaffed still,” Duff said. Some students also see the opportunity for progress in the future. “I like change, so even though I won’t be here I think it’s always a great opportunity when someone new enters a position of power,” Knott said. “I’m counting on students to really use that as an opportunity to challenge things that they don’t like that maybe they weren’t able to get through to Fr. Beauchamp during his time here, to use that as a second chance.” As the community looks toward UP’s future, Beauchamp speaks of his own, saying he is “not ready to retire,” and that his next position depends on the needs of Holy Cross. “This has been my life for 11 years and it’s been a real joy, it’s been a real blessing for me,” Beauchamp said. His time at UP, however, is not over yet. “I expect to very busy over the next nine months, finishing up the campaign and the other things that are taking place on campus,” he said. “I don’t plan to be a lame duck by any stretch of the imagination.” 3


“Can you hear me now?” IT department addresses Wi-Fi and cell phone coverage issues on campus Lydia Laythe Staff Writer Sophomore Dominic Lazzaro knows the stress that bad WiFi and cell phone coverage can cause. “(One day) I was just palling around and playing video games when all of a sudden my phone just had like 10 notifications go off at one second,” Lazzaro said. “Just like ‘boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.’ And I’m like what the heck. (I got) four missed calls, two voicemails, and eight texts. It was my entire squad trying to contact me for ROTC. They were all like ‘Check your email or call us back,’ so I check my email and of course I have no Internet. I try calling them back and I have no service. And I was like, ‘Oh now this is just great.’” Lazzaro searched for service all around his residence hall and then outside, without any luck. It wasn’t until he was running back to his dorm that he received more notifications and was able to call his squad-mates. “It was just for some volunteering event, so it wasn’t even a big deal,” Lazzaro said. “But I didn’t know that based on the messages. Not having Internet turned into a nice 15-minute extravaganza trying to find Internet … which was fantastic.” UP isn’t the only school experiencing issues with Wi-Fi connections. According to a 2013 study by the EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, college

New from the IT Department Right Now: -FrontDoorSoftware for laptops if they are stolen -Google Docs for easy student collaboration In the Future: for comprehensive tutorials on technology, business and more -Mobile applications -Better cell phone and WiFi coverage on campus

Parker Shoaff | THE BEACON

Sophomores Sophia Romanaggi and Erin Puetz set up a fort in a Corrado hallway in order to connect to the Internet. Many students have had issues connecting to Wi-Fi and getting cell phone coverage in the residence halls, especially in their rooms. students will have three to four internet-capable devices with them on campus this semester. This increase in wireless devices is the number one IT issue facing higher institutions in 2013, according to the Educause IT Issues Panel. Information Services (IS) teams at colleges and universities everywhere are dealing with Wi-Fi connectivity issues as a result. Michelle Sunderland, director of Technical Services, is working to improve Wi-Fi as well as cell phone coverage on campus. “It’s a necessity these days to

have cell phone coverage and WiFi,” Sunderland said. “It’s not a luxury.” Junior Katharina Cochran, RA in Corrado Hall, has to stand outside Corrado to make calls. “I’ll be able to answer the call (in my room) but not actually be able to talk to them,” Cochran said. “I’ll be like ‘Hey,’ and then it’ll just go away. And I have to call them back and be like, ‘Yeah, sorry about my room.’” Sunderland said residence halls are especially problematic due to the structure of the buildings and the heavy materials, like

cement, that they’re made of. The IS department recognizes the problems on campus are two-fold. The first problem is students don’t have cell phone coverage. IS is addressing this by meeting with service providers, such as AT&T and Verizon Wireless, and trying to find providers that will invest in the UP community and increase the cell phone coverage. The second problem is students can’t connect to Wi-Fi. IS is addressing this by assessing, improving and adding Wi-Fi ac-

If there are any questions about these additions or other technology questions, go to the IT Help Desk in the basement of Buckley Center. cess points across campus. According to Sunderland, there are about 400 Wi-Fi access points on campus and each access point can accommodate around thirty devices. With the increasing number of devices each person is using on campus, students are maxing out the access points’ abilities to provide coverage. In response, Sunderland is researching problem areas and See Wi-Fi issues, page 5

CPB starting tradition of spirit week at UP CPB hosts new Spirit Week starting tomorrow Kathryn Walters Copy Editor CPB Director and senior Evan Castro has made it his mission to paint The Bluff purple, but he won’t be using paint or a paintbrush. Starting tomorrow through next Friday, CPB will introduce Spirit Week, where UP students, faculty and staff are invited to celebrate the fun of being a Pilot through activities and competitions designed to foster school spirit. Castro, who has been planning Spirit Week since his election as CPB director at the end of last semester, said he wants to build school spirit because he feels students are too focused on other things. “We have good school spirit sometimes, but other than that our students are really focused on academics, which isn’t a bad thing,” he said. “But just getting more of that spirit out there, and to really be proud of your heritage as a University of Portland Pilot, is something I think our school needs.”

Spirit Week kicks off tomorrow with an alumni speaker event featuring UP alum and recent “Bachelorette” winner Chris Siegfried. Following this weekend’s CPB-sponsored silent disco, next week’s activities include a kick-off rally, a faculty kickball match, class teambuilding exercises, a UP trivia night and will end with a Purple Pride parade and the men’s soccer game on Friday evening at Merlo Field. Each of these events will target a specific community within UP, like the residence halls, the four student classes and all the university’s different schools. Students, staff and faculty will compete within these communities to earn points both on a team and individual basis. “It’s just basically identifying all the parts of a student that you identify with at UP, so your living community, your school, your class, and finally everything comes together at the game on Friday, where everyone’s See Spirit week, page 5

Schedule of Spirit Week Events Friday, Oct. 4: alumni speaker Chris Siegfried in BC Aud at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5: silent disco at Jeld-Wen Field from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Monday, Oct. 7: kick-off rally in Bauccio Commons at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 8: faculty kickball match at Prusynski Pitch at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 9: Race to the Finish class team-building in Academic Quad at 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 10: UP trivia night in the New Commons at 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 11: Purple Pride Parade at 6 p.m. followed by the men’s soccer game vs. San Diego at 7 p.m. at Merlo Field.

Stephanie Matusiefsky | THE BEACON

Senior Evan Castro is CPB’s director. He has been planning Spirit Week since his election last year.



October 3, 2013

Students, professors take on technology in class Technologies like smartphones, iPads and digital clickers have potential to aid education if used responsibly Kathryn Walters Copy Editor In the midst of readings and Moodle forum posts, senior Gwendolyn Pitkin counts Twitter and Instagram as some of her weekly homework for her News Writing and Reporting class. “It’s kind of a way to encourage us to be more active in social media and develop a more professional presence,” she said. Pitkin’s class is just one instance of the increasing trend of technology as a learning and teaching tool for students and professors at UP. While some have reservations about the use of digital devices like smartphones, e-readers and tablets in class, technology continues to have a growing prevalence in education. Students put technology to the test Senior Elizabeth Cavender uses her iPad in class to take notes and follow along with course lectures. She said her iPad’s portability allows her to bring important papers to class and keeps her organized. “I just like not having 600 papers to worry about. It’s all in my iPad,” she said. “There’s folders for my classes, and all my PDFs are in there, and I can look for the name and find it.” Although Pitkin doesn’t own a smartphone, she still uses social media platforms like Instagram for her journalism class, and appreciates how helpful they can be to her education. “Using Instagram, it’s a little harder for me without a smartphone, but it’s a really good use of technology to just snap a picture instead of thinking long and hard about what to write,” she said. Technology in the classroom is especially helpful to Cavender, an education major. “If a bunch of us have our computers in class, we can look things up for the professor and add in extras from outside the class, which is helpful for ed classes because when we’re


talking about the standards and curriculum, we can be pulling up the websites for the standards,” Cavender said. Teachers tackle technology Students aren’t the only ones taking advantage of technology in the classroom. Communication studies professor Jennette Lovejoy, who teaches Pitkin’s journalism class, uses Twitter, Instagram, her iPad and other technology to prepare her students for life after graduation. “Honestly, with the global media businesses and organizations, often you’re going to be Skyping or tweeting or chatting with a counterpart, and you may show up in London together and have to present to the company and you’ve never seen each other face-to-face,” Lovejoy said. “Students should be able to hone in on this skill.” Lovejoy also said using technologies for class can be a good strategy for teaching students with various learning styles. “Some people are very visual, some people are very auditory, some people are very verbal, some people are more introspective and quieter and some people like to talk a lot in class,” she said. “I think using and tapping into social media and trying to create an online discourse allows for different personalities and learning types to contribute in a safe space.” Journalism classes aren’t the only ones where technology comes into play. After years of teaching, earth science professor Bob Butler noticed that students had trouble grasping certain concepts in his classes. With the help of a Portland computer animator, he began creating video animations that illustrate geological processes. “What’s challenging about earth science is that you have to work over a huge range of scales, literally from sub-atomic scales all the way basically to the size of the solar system, if not the universe,” Butler said. “And we have to think about processes


Sophomore Chelsea Christensen logs on Twitter from her iPhone for a class activity in Jennette Lovejoy’s News Writing and Reporting class. Using smartphones, iPads and digital clickers for class are just a few examples of the increasing prevalence of technology in education. operating over thousands and millions of years, so that does invite you to figure out a technological approach.” Technology can be useful for teachers to put their students’ learning to the test. History professor Brian Els has used digital clickers in several of his courses to quiz students on assigned readings and save time grading, which has actually enabled him to interact more with them. “Not only do students answer the questions, but I can stop after every question and we can talk about it. So it actually forces me to get into the readings as well in a much more interactive sense,” Els said. Technology: help or hindrance? Despite technology’s ability to aid teaching and learning, students and professors agree that it can also complicate the education process. Pitkin said using social media for class can be distracting. “The way social media is set up, it can encourage distractions,” she said. “It’s really easy to have good intentions at first and then get distracted.”

Cavender said her iPad can sometimes be more interesting than what’s happening in class. “It’s really easy to just go on Facebook, but I try not to,” she said. “But it’s always there so it’s an option.” Lovejoy said it’s important to teach the difference between casual and constructive use of technology in her class. “It’s easy to teach technology,” Lovejoy said. “It’s not easy to teach critical thinking about technology.” Even though Els was pleased with how his clickers worked in class, he still remains wary of introducing technologies into his teaching. “Because I’ve used them (clickers) in a very simple way, I don’t think it interfered,” he said. “But it is introducing another wild card in the classroom that could get in the way of what you are trying to do: teaching and learning.” Butler experienced what it was like to use a new technological advance in the classroom and fail. When PowerPoint first came out years ago, he tried using it for a geophysics class and saw it didn’t help his students learn.

“It was dangerous because you could outrun the student and they would be buried and be unable to follow the mathematical derivation,” he said. “It was much safer for me to do the mathematical derivations on the blackboard and field questions.” Whether technology helps or hurts education, Pitkin said it all comes down to whether a student or professor uses it in a productive way. “It’s our responsibility to use it in a responsible way. It’s really easy to get off track and stop being productive,” she said. “It really takes everyone agreeing to use it responsibly to have a positive benefit that it has the potential to have.”

The UP Public Safety Report 5


1. Sept. 27, 10:08 p.m. - Officers responded to a party complaint at the 6300 block of N. Princeton. Portland Police also responded and the residents were issued a citation for violation of the noise ordinance and for providing a place for minors to drink. 2. Sept. 27, 10:32 p.m. - Officers responded to a party complaint at the 6900 block of N. Wall. Officers advised the residents to shut down the party and they were compliant. 3. Sept. 28, 1:38 a.m. - Residence Life reported suspected drug possession in Villa Maria. Officers searched one room and confiscated marijuana, alcohol and prohibited paraphernalia. The student received a referral to the Student Conduct process.


4. Sept. 28, 1:40 p.m. - A group of students came to Public Safety to report a theft from their UP vehicle while at an off-campus event. The students were advised to report the theft to Portland Police. 5. Sept. 29, 12:11 p.m. - A student reported that their vehicle was stolen from outside their residence at the 5500 block of N. Willamette. A report was taken and student also reported the theft to Portland Police.


Policy: announcement surprises students Continued from page 1 be part of a community of compassion.” “We evolve by figuring out what our priorities are and I think we have always been on the side of love and understanding,” Larson said. “I’ve looked around for these eight years and thought, ‘There’s something not quite

right on this campus,’” he said. “But I’ve been able to bury that under the busyness. When the students brought up this issue, I began to feel it more deeply. I began to see a subtle oppression. I’ve seen it in my colleagues’ eyes. I’ve seen it in my students that have been in tears in my office. That’s what made me want to help see a change.”


Wi-Fi issues: IS working on improvements Continued from page 3 looking to add or improve existing Wi-Fi access points across campus. Curt Pederson, Chief Information Officer, said improving the access points is a gradual process. “We’re going building by building, floor by floor making improvements,” Pederson said. “It’s more complex than it sounds, but we’re working through it.” Sunderland’s team of student workers spent the summer creating a map of the Wi-Fi coverage in dorms, so that problem areas

could be more easily identified. “We can look at our research map and say ‘Oh hey, look. We need to fix this little area here,’” Sunderland said. The IS department recently hired consultants to help them identify where and how to improve bandwidth and coverage, and they predict to have some feedback to work with in a few months. Beyond basic research and improvements, Sunderland said feedback was a major factor in the work the IS department can do. Student workers in the IS department recently sent out questionnaires to the RCCs and hall

residents asking them to identify problem areas so that the IS department can better serve their needs. “Feedback is the most important,” Sunderland said. Pederson said he wants to help the students, but change takes time. “We do care a lot,” Pederson said. “We know the frustration. How do we make sure that everybody gets an equal improvement? It needs to be done in a planned, methodical, funded way. And we have some funds set aside. It just takes time.”

Spirit week: CPB hopes it will encourage school pride Continued from page 3 in purple,” Castro said. “So even though you’re competing throughout the whole week against each other, this is where everyone comes together to be a Pilot.” Eric Luke, weekend and late night programming director, has been advising Castro and the rest of the CPB board on Spirit Week. He said CPB choosing

to celebrate all different types of communities on campus is a strength of the event. “It allows students to realize all the different ways, all the different groups they’re a part of at UP, which I think allows for that sense of pride, that sense of spirit for being a part of this community,” he said. Each of the four student class teams have been randomly assigned different mythological

sea creature mascots, such as hydras and hippocamps, which represent virtues like courage, strength and honor. Castro said he hopes a unifying idea like a mascot will encourage students to feel more spirited and rally together in their respective classes. “It allows for continuity, it allows for that connection between classes,” Castro said. “If they think it’s silly, they’ll

think it’s silly and make fun of it, but it’ll bring them together nonetheless.” Luke said because Spirit Week is new this year, it will set the standard for potential future Spirit Weeks at UP. “I really think the expectation this year is to set the baseline for years to come,” he said. Castro said his biggest hope for Spirit Week, other than getting people to participate, is

to encourage students to show off their school spirit instead of keeping it hidden. “Really, my hope is just to bring that school pride and have students realize that they have it,” he said. “Because they do have it, but it’s buried, and so I hope this will allow them to take it out and let them show it.”

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The Consular Office of Japan in Portland, Oregon will be at University of Portland for an informational orientation on the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program on the following day:

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October 9th, 2013 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Orrico Hall - Lower Level Career Services

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October 3, 2013


Barefoot in the Park: a glimpse of the married life The fall production “Barefoot in the Park” follows the lives of two newlyweds living in New York Emily Neelon Staff Writer After only hours of separation, Corrie Bratter leaps into her husband Paul’s arms as he walks through the door of their apartment. “You know, for a lawyer, you’re some good kisser,” Corrie exclaims. “For a kisser, I’m some good lawyer,” Paul banters back. UP’s fall production of “Barefoot in the Park” follows Paul and Corrie Bratter, married just six days, as they begin their lives together. When they move into their first apartment, the couple’s dysfunctionality becomes clear. With no furniture and endless repairs to make, six flights of stairs to climb, and neighbors that are less than mentally stable, the couple get their first glimpse at married life. “I’ll say this Corrie: It won’t be a dull two years,” Paul said. Set in the1960s in New York, “Barefoot in the Park” by Neil Simon explores the relationship of the newlywed couple over the course of four days. As Paul and Corrie realize that playing “grown-ups” is not as easy as it looks, they continuously quarrel and make up in comical sequences of events. Whether it’s Paul is climbing up six flights of stairs, bursting into the apartment out of breath and unable to speak, or Corrie playing matchmaker to her unwilling mom and crazy neighbor, the production is never dull. “Barefoot in the Park” takes place entirely in Paul and Corrie’s apartment. As the couple attempts to settle into their new home, their lack of furniture and space to move about adds to the hilarity of their situation. This simple setting gives the audience a more intimate glimpse into the character’s lives. Senior Jordin Bradley, who plays Corrie Bratter, finds her character to be a passionate, young woman with endless enthusiasm.


Junior Michael Rexroat and senior Jordin Bradley play newlyweds Paul and Corrie Bratter in UP’s production of “Barefoot in the Park.” The play will run at Mago Hunt Center Theater through Sunday. “She’s a bundle of energy. She’s very anxious, very excitable,” said Bradley. “She wants everybody to love her, wants to think of herself as adventurous and independent, but actually really needs other people.” Junior Michael Rexroat sees his character, Paul Bratter, as more of a realist than his wife. “He’s recently gotten a job

“The play’s about letting go of the idea of the way we think things have to be, and figuring out the way things should be.”

Andrew Golla Director

with a law firm and gotten married, so he’s really excited about starting the adult portion of his life,” Rexroat said. “He’s very aware of how he’s coming off

to other people. He tends to be a little anxious and over-excited about things that are going to end up maybe being uncomfortable for him.” When the couple’s expectations of their lives with each other collide, Paul and Corrie must learn how to compromise. “She learns over the course of the show that she can’t always be focusing on herself,” Bradley said. “In order to get love from other people she has to give up a little bit of herself.” Director Andrew Golla asserts that the main objective of “Barefoot in the Park” is to figure out how to live happily with another person, something all college students must learn to do. “The play’s about letting go of the idea of the way we think things have to be, and figuring out the way things should be,” Golla said. Both Bradley and Rexroat found kinship with their charac-

ters. “I can see bits and pieces of Paul in me,” Rexroat said. Bradley found the same comfort in Corrie. “She and I are really not that far from each other. I understand her adventurous spirit, her desire to be liked and loved. I understand putting on a mask of fun, even if that’s not what’s necessarily inside,” Bradley said. “She and I have a lot in common. I don’t have quite as much anxiety as she does and I’m not quite as heightened, but it was honestly not too difficult to understand her point of view for the show.” Golla chose “Barefoot in the Park” because of its playful disposition. “We’ve got some heavier shows coming up this year, so we wanted to do something lighter to start out with that had a broader appeal,” he said. Golla believes the show is one that students will be able to relate


“It’s about two young people starting their lives in the wider world for the first time. It’s about relationships, about love.” Bradley agrees that this is a production everyone will enjoy. “Everybody’s going to laugh their butts off,” Bradley said. “If you want a good laugh, it’s the place to come.”

“Barefoot in the Park” will be playing in the Mago Hunt Center Theater from Oct. 2-6. Admission is $5 for UP students and senior citizens and $10 for adults. The show will begin at 7:30 p.m. the 2nd to the 5th and 2 p.m. on the 6th.

In a (game) jam

Power failure disrupted Portland Indie Speed Run and Pixel Art Education’s game jam, held in Shiley Hall last weekend Rebekah Markillie Staff Writer When the power went out Sunday night across campus, Shiley 319 was a buzz of anger and confusion. “We’re giving up! Everyone is giving up!” freshman Shamus Murray said. This weekend the Portland Indie Speed Run and Pixel Art Game Education hosted their 48-hour Portland game jam in Shiley. The game jam is a race against the clock for teams or individuals to build a new video

game in the allotted time. There is a universal theme that the jammers needed to incorporate into their game. The theme this year was agriculture. Engineering professor Tanya Crenshaw heard about the event and decided to offer University of Portland as a host. “(The game jam) benefits the students by letting them interact with people from the industry,” Crenshaw said. 54 participants from UP and the community had the opportunity to register with the international Indie Speed Run and get their game evaluated by profes-

sional judges or just game jam and see what kind of game they could create. All weekend long the jammers camped out in Shiley 319 and slept in St. Mary’s Student Lounge. When the power went out, no one could upload their games and competitive jammers fled the building in the hopes of finding wifi to upload their project elseSee Game jam, page 7 Rebekah Markillie | THE BEACON

Seniors Devin Helmgren and Stan Peck brainstorm ideas for their video game. They were in a team with Aubrey Hall and Skyler Jordan who they met at the meet and greet part of the event.



Game jam: power outage haults students Continued from page 6 where. Before the game jam started Friday night, Murray and his friends, freshmen Garrett Becker, Otto Steckler and Lucas Burns put together a team. They decided to try out game jamming to see what it was like and make connections with other people in the community. “We’re here to get involved,” Murray said. “And have fun.” Since none of them had done any kind of game creating before, Steckler said they were on an “up the wall, learning curve.” The team watched hours of tutorial videos and to add to their struggle’s they had to learn C# (pronounced “see sharp”), a programming language.

“We’re giving up! Everyone is giving up!”

Shamus Murray freshman

Becker had no experience with C# before so it was all new to him. Steckler had it a little easier since he had used C++ which he said is the “predecessor language to C#.” Their game was based around cavemen. The player would wan-

der around the game and interact with their surroundings and face different obstacles. The team built their game through a program called Unity, which is a cross-platform game engine. Murray created the graphics while the other three built the game and created the audio. After eight hours of work the team suffered a blow when, somehow, Murray deleted the terrain he created and had to restart from scratch. Seniors Stan Peck and Devin Helmgren also wanted the learning experience from participating in the event. They too had never participated in an event like game jam. In correlation with the agricultural theme, they created a game where the player controls a farm and their goal is to pay back the debt they own on their farm or they will be evicted. As computer scientists, Peck and Helmgren had to figure out how to to create the game internally. They joined with two members from the community, Aubrey Hall and Skyler Jordan who did their graphics and writing. To keep the game simple, they used a lot of text to guide the player through the game. After about nine to 10 hours of work, they had most of their coding done. They had the game fin-

Parker Shoaff | THE BEACON

Students and community pictures work for 48 hours designing a video game that adheres to the theme “agriculture.” The game jam was interrupted by the power outage last weekend. ished, but there were only empty dialog boxes and blank buttons on the screen for the player to see. “We had most of the stuff implemented but none of it was navigable (by people who didn’t already know the game),” Hemgren said. “Now, the things mean things.” Sunday afternoon, both teams were feeling confident and were very proud of their work.

However, when the power went out Peck and Helmgren hadn’t synced the different copies of their code together and Murray, Becker, Steckler and Burns hadn’t finished putting all of their work together either so they were both stuck. Neither teams were competing in the Indie Speed Runs so losing power didn’t affect their eligibility.

They had gone into the game jam not knowing how to create a game or really what to do. They wanted to challenge themselves, learn something and make connections with other game makers. “(Game jam) is such a learning experience,” Hemgren said. “This is so cool, everyone should do this.”



October 3, 2013

The honeymoon is ov After the first few weeks of school, harmonious roommate relationships can become tense as stress and lack of communication develop Olivia Alsept-Ellis Staff Writer There is a certain tension about UP’s dorm life this time of year. The initial few weeks of living with someone are often smooth. But lately, something has changed. Students suddenly feel like their roommate breathes too loud, wakes up too early or goes to sleep too late. In short, after a month, students often feel less likely to compromise and more likely to roll their eyes. UP’s on-campus residents have likely experienced the burn of what is unofficially called ‘the end of the honeymoon.’ “It’s true what they say,” said Shipstad Hall resident assistant and senior Stephanie Petrie. “At this point in the year, we start dealing with resident conflict reports. The most common complaint is going to be things like, ‘We decided to share food but she eats way more.’ Out of my 33 residents, I’ve only had about three to five complaints so far but this is

the time of year things can become a bit tense.” Petrie explains that this process is normal and even a bit expected. A few weeks into the first semester, problems begin to surface. Communication about these tensions with a roommate can be intimidating, but mediation from an RA helps facilitate that process.

“Some of the best roommates are people who would seem like opposites on paper. In a way, that’s because a roommate relationship is completely different from a friendship.”

Stephanie Petrie senior

“RAs can help open up a conversation if you don’t feel comfortable confronting your roommate,” Petrie said. “That’s what we’re here for! But it’s important for everyone to address these issues as

they are happening. Don’t let it happen a couple times and then decide to blow up all at once. Christie Hall RA and senior Anthony Bedoy agrees the post-honeymoon phenomenon exists in Christie Hall as well. “People tend to forget that they share the room and will leave their stuff all over the place,” Bedoy said. “We haven’t had many conflicts here, however.” Bedoy attributes the lack of Christie conflict to the Christie Hall motto. “We really stress the Christie brotherhood here,” Bedoy said. “I know, it sounds cheesy. But when you tell the residents that you expect them to treat their roommates with compassion and understanding, they really do.” Christie freshman resident Jourdan Casio demonstrates the Christie Hall motto and found that philosophy towards room-sharing to be successful. “From the start they made it clear that there is a Christie brotherhood,” said Casio. “What that means is you just have to respect your roommate.” Bedoy remembered tackling his first

roommate conflict as a freshman Christie resident. “I had a roommate who would track mud into the room a lot. But we were really good friends at this point, so it was easy for me to ask him to clean it up. I trusted that he would respect me and he absolutely did. It was hardly a problem,” Bedoy said. Returning Shipstad sophomore residents Megan Mosca and Sydney Philbin agreed that approaching your roommate as an opportunity for friendship can turn a potentially awkward experience into a positive one. “I was randomly placed with my roommate freshman year and we’re living together this year as well,” said Mosca. “When you become friends through being a roommate first, it can definitely make for a closer friendship. You learn about them, flaws and all, right from the start.” Philbin notes that not only does it make for a tight friendship, but it protects against any possible roommate drama. “It’s easier telling a friend the prob-

lems I Wh hall re best fr guaran “I’v by livi any pe close t Sh best fr “So people on pap becaus pletely a diffe how yo She roomm break. “Pe ious to little t stress. versati

College roommate characters

Hopelessly Devoted

Sticky Fingers Thief

My roommate is in an extremely involved, highly intense and disgustingly romantic relationship? Oh, I hadn’t noticed…

I’m not saying this roommate has a kleptomaniac issue all the time. I’m saying they have an issue stealing all of MY FOOD.


This is the roommate w to shower and brush t increasingly convince is that they are extrem



All cartoons by Ann Truong | THE BEACON

might be having,” Philbin said. hile Petrie said she loves when her esidents bond, she said becoming riends with your roommate isn’t a nteed solution to roommate drama. ve seen some friendships dissolve ing together. You can’t hide or have ersonal time when you are super to your roommate,” Petrie said. he stressed that it’s OK to not be riends with your roommate. ome of the best roommates are e who would seem like opposites per,” Petrie said. “In a way, that’s se a roommate relationship is comy different from a friendship. It’s erent kind of communication than ou might speak to your best friend.” e said the typical low point for mate relations is just before fall

eople get overworked and are anxo get home,” said Petrie. “All the things start to add to their own Don’t do that. Just open up a conion.”

bly Batman

who only returns to the dorm their teeth. You’re becoming ed that the only explanation mely busy fighting crime.



My Roommate or My Mother?

Gets a healthy dosage of 18 hours of sleep each day.

The overly neurotic roommate: they will always remind you to clean up your mess and straighten your bed. Once, they even told you to “Rise and shine, sleepyhead!”



October 3, 2013

Finding joy on the Encounter with Christ retreat Offered three times per year, Campus Ministry’s Encounter with Christ retreat provides students a weekend of reflection and prayer

Ellen Holton Guest Commentary Growing up in a small community and attending a public high school, retreats were far and few between. I had never heard of Kairos or Encounter before stepping foot on this campus. I hear people in passing and eventually many of my friends who would encourage me to go on Encounter. After many applications and backouts, I finally decided it was time to commit and find out what the big hype was about this retreat. Not only did this experience reignite my faith, it also brought a joy to me that I continue to embrace as part of my third Encounter at UP. This joy is what brings me back: the joy that others radiate through their own transforming experiences and passion and zeal for Christ and life. Joy was once described to me as an acronym: Jesus, others,

yourself. The Encounter is where I was able to find the joy that everyone searches for because of the opportunity the retreat offers to explore these aspects of joy.

“This joy is what brings me back: the joy that others radiate through their own transforming experiences and passion and zeal for Christ and life.” Ellen Holton senior The Encounter with Christ Retreat invites retreatants to enter into a conversation with Christ. As a result of that conversation we are able to share our journeys with others and accompany them along theirs, to remove masks and learn more about our true self and the self of others. Being a part of the Encounter family brings joy and my prayer is that all students who are still searching for that joy go on Encounter. Think and pray about the opportunity in the spring to experience this. Ellen Holton is a senior biology major. She can be reached at

Want to go on The Encounter with Christ retreat? The spring retreat is March 21-23, 2014. For questions about applying contact

Photos courtesy of Beth Barsotti

(Top left)The theme of this September’s Encounter retreat was “Who am I?” (Top and bottom) Retreatants spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday reflecting and praying.

OPINIONS EDITORIAL Imagine The Bluff with no Bell Tower. Imagine 800 fewer students walking to and from class each day. Imagine Fields and Schoenfeldt Halls don’t exist, Bauccio Commons and Shiley Hall are half their sizes and the Clark Library still looks like it was built in the 1970s. That’s what campus was like in 2003, before Fr. Bill Beauchamp took office as University president. Last Friday, Beauchamp announced in an email to the UP community that he will step down from office at the end of this academic year. Beauchamp leaves behind a legacy not only of physical changes to campus, but also of high standards and academic achievement. Under the president’s leadership, the University’s profile has skyrocketed. Incoming classes have grown – and continue to grow – larger, smarter and more diverse, making UP a more selective and prestigious school. The University consistently earns high rankings in U.S. News and World Report’s annual Best Col- 11

Beauchamp leaves legacy of transformations

leges Rankings. Also during Beauchamp’s time as president, the University has committed itself to environmental sustainability. Several buildings on campus are LEED certified and bottled water is no longer sold on campus. Steps like these have established UP as an environmental leader among American colleges.

“This response to Redefine Purple Pride shows that Beauchamp cares deeply about student voices and opinions. He cares about the University community, and he’s done a good job leading it.” But Beauchamp’s mark on UP goes beyond statistics and advertising points. People who know Beauchamp well say that even though he may not be gregarious or outwardly enthusiastic, he cares deeply about the

students of UP. John Soisson, special assistant to the president, said that Beauchamp grumbled when the Board of Regents told him to move into the president’s house. He enjoyed his time living in Corrado Hall in close community with students. Soisson also said Beauchamp’s main concern – the thing that keeps him up at night – is making sure students can pay for their education. Most recently, Beauchamp showed that he cares about students by facilitating the conversation on Nondiscrimination Policy that students called for last spring. Though Beauchamp’s remarks triggered the Redefine Purple Pride movement, he was willing to continue the conversation students asked for. While many students may have wished the change in the Nondiscrimination Policy would come faster (and it was a long wait), Beauchamp did what he could within the rules to expedite the process. He formed the PACI, talked to the Board of Regents about it and asked them to

Kristen Garcia | THE BEACON

University President Fr. Bill Beauchamp speaks in the Chiles Center. Beauchamp announced last Friday that he will step down from office at the end of this academic year. vote as soon as they could. And last Friday, the same day the Regents voted to include sexual orientation in the Nondiscrimination Policy, he announced it to the community. Beauchamp’s leadership allowed the change to take place. This response to Redefine Purple Pride shows that Beauchamp cares deeply about student voices and opinions. He

cares about the University community, and he’s done a good job leading it. Thank you, Fr. Bill, for caring. Thank you for your service to the community and for transforming The Bluff into what it is today. We can only hope our next president is equally ambitious and dedicated.


The editorial reflects the majority view of The Beacon Editorial Board. The editorial does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the collective staff or the Administration of the University of Portland. Other submissions in this section are signed commentaries that reflect the opinion of the individual writer. The Student Media Committee, providing recommendation to the publisher, oversees the general operation of the newspaper. Policy set by the committee and publisher dictates that the responsibility for the newspaper’s editorial and advertising content lies solely in the hands of its student employees.

Have faith in the Harry Potter generation Kate Stringer Staff Commentary You’ve heard it from major news sources, parents and professors alike. We, the millennial generation, are fat, lazy, malicious vampires appointed the task of saving the world from all its misery. We know. Thanks for the support. But there’s another characteristic many millennials share that

their prestigious ancestry never understood. We were the children who spent recess reading large books about a boy with glasses and a lightning bolt scar. We were the kids moved by words to leap from staircases astride kitchen brooms. We were the teenagers camping outside bookstores and movie theaters for hours (if not days) for admittance into a magical world both drastically different and eerily similar to our Muggle universe. This odd similarity between our two worlds of fiction and reality didn’t fail to leave a scar on our developing adolescent minds, making us a visibly marked gen-

eration. Published last spring, the book “Harry Potter and the Millenials” by University of Vermont professor Anthony Gierzynski, argues that our generation is “more open to diversity; politically tolerant; less authoritarian, less likely to support the use of deadly force or torture; more politically active.” While I wouldn’t categorize Harry Potter into a specific political category (apart from J.K. Rowling worshipers), it is undeniable that the books have profoundly impacted our approach to life. Loyalty, courage, acceptance, intelligence, forgiveness, altru-

ism, compassion, unconditional love. Rowling wove these themes through 4,100 pages wrought with conflict, prejudice and cruelty. And these themes won’t go ignored as the millennial generation analyzes today’s problems: 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. Our carbon pollution is creating climate changes, causing drought, superstorms and wildfires. One billion people are unable to read or write. Violent acts of terrorism worldwide inspire fear and war. No, these problems cannot be addressed by adolescents whose only concern is with the attractiveness of their latest selfie. But

despite magazine covers that argue the opposite, not all of us have this problem. We are a generation trained by Neville Longbottom that regardless of our popularity, we can incite an undercover army of change against evil. We are a generation taught by Hermione Granger that education and observation can unlock secret chambers, track down the splintered pieces of Voldemort’s soul and incite a movement for the equal treatment of all people. We are a generation shown by Harry Potter that love and selfSee POTTER, page 12

THE BEACON Submission Policy

Letters and commentaries from readers are encouraged. All contributions must include the writer’s address and phone number for verification purposes. The Beacon does not accept submissions written by a group, although pieces written by an individual on behalf of a group are acceptable. Letters to the editor must not exceed 250 words. Those with longer opinions are encouraged to submit guest columns. The Beacon reserves the right to edit any contributions for length and style, and/or reject them without notification. University students must include their major and year in school. Nonstudents must include their affiliation to the University, if any.

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Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief.. . . . . . . . . . . . Kelsey Thomas News Editor. . . . . . . . . . . �������� Sarah Hansell Living Editor ������������������������������ Kate Stringer Opinions Editor. . . . . . . ��������Philip Ellefson Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . �������������Katie Dunn Design Editor . . . . . . . . . �������� Shellie Adams Asst. Design Editor. . . . . ������� Emily Strocher Copy Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathryn Walters

Contacting The Beacon

E-mail: Website: Address: 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. ● Portland, OR 97203-5798

Staff Writers

Olivia Alsept-Ellis, Peter Gallagher, Mitchell Gilbert, W.C. Lawson, Lydia Laythe, Megan Lester, Rebekah Markillie, Erika Murphy, Emily Neelon, Cassie Sheridan, Maggie Smet, Nastacia Voisin, Kathryn Walters


Kristen Garcia, Parker Shoaff, Becca Tabor, Jin Yun

Staff Members

Business & Ad Manager. . . . . . Anne Uruu Artist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann Truong Web Content manager . . . . .John Liedtke Circulation Manager . . Shelby Steinauer Adviser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Copic Publisher. . . Fr. E. William Beauchamp, C.S.C.



October 3, 2013

KDUP: ‘Exactly what you need it to be’ Katie Husk Guest Commentary Try this experiment: Find a large group of UP students and ask them what KDUP is. If more than 50 percent of them can tell you, you’ve run into a group who are friends with a disk jockey. Now ask them where KDUP is. If more than 10 percent can tell you, you’re probably lying. It’s been this way the entire time I’ve been at UP. Having worked at the station since my freshman year, I can personally tell you how ri-

diculous these (entirely made up) statistics are. KDUP can be exactly what you need it to be. If you want a building to yourself for an hour while you blast your favorite music at high volume, KDUP is for you. If you want to explore new musical tastes and have access to new music before it is officially released, KDUP is for you. If you want your opinion heard, or if you just want a place to give your opinions out loud, you can do it at KDUP. Because our school is so small, we have the opportunity to allow for complete creative freedom for all of our DJs, and DJs are taking complete advantage of it. We’ve seen shows ranging from talk shows, music shows, comedy

routines and periodic readings of “Animorphs” at KDUP. Not to mention our events. Every Saturday we come to Pilots After Dark to play music from 11:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. We put on house shows, backyard barbecues and our annual winter show where we bring in amazing bands and put on a killer show simply for your enjoyment (Nov. 15, save the date). Our news department is putting out extremely entertaining and informative videos (@ KDUPNews) while our music department is bringing in new music and keeping you all updated on what CDs and shows you should keep an eye out for. There are only nine of us on staff, but we are doing everything we can

to keep the music scene alive and well on campus. KDUP is a place to make friends, express yourself and practice skills like public speaking and organization. Plus it’s something you can add to your resume that you will actually enjoy doing. But the fact remains that student participation is low at KDUP. If there were more participation, we could get a bigger budget to bring in bigger artists and get equipment for the artists at UP to record and practice on. Without it, students aren’t given this vast creative space for students to express themselves and have a good time. What does this mean for you? Well, for starters, you should be-

come a DJ! If that’s not for you, you can hop online and listen to our amazing DJs we have already. You should come to our free events, like us on Facebook, follow our Tumblr and Twitter, and maybe even stop by the station. If you have a band and would like to play at our events, or you want to live DJ or interview bands, you should let us know! Oh, and for the record, KDUP is located to the left of the Commons behind St. Mary’s. Katie Husk is a senior environmental engineering major. She can be reached at husk14@

POTTER: Lessons learned Continued from page 11 lessness are ultimately the demise of violence We are a generation inspired by the wisdom of Dumbledore, who instructed us that “words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.” So make as many lofty conjectures as you desire about the

millennial generation. We are a generation enchanted by the words of J.K. Rowling. As the woman herself summed up beautifully, “We don’t need magic to change the world. We carry all the power we need inside.” Kate Stringer is a senior English major. She can be reached at 13



on The Bluff by Jin Yun

What’s the strangest thing your roommate has done this year? Janny Tan, sophomore, nursing

Joey Solano | THE BEACON

Students demonstrate last spring, urging the administration to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the University’s Nondiscrimination Policy. Last Friday, Sept. 27, the Board of Regents voted to change the Nondiscrimination Policy to include sexual orientation.

Don’t stop fighting for Nondiscrimination Poliequality cy change is a landmark will continue to carry on to make sure you are completely safe.

Andrea Merrill Guest Commentary By the time this is published in The Beacon, most of you will know about the change in the Nondiscrimination Policy that the Board of Regents approved last week. I’ll be the first to admit that I cried when I found out that sexual orientation was included because never in a million years did I believe that I would be here to see this change. This is such a monumental step in the University’s history that many have been a part of. But in the midst of celebrating (and yes, let’s celebrate!), let’s remember that this is just a part of making UP the welcoming community that it can be. Let’s not forget our fellow trans* and gender queer Pilots who still aren’t covered in the policy with gender identity. Let’s keep in mind that this policy needs to be lived out throughout our community and as individuals, we need to make sure that this campus is a safe and welcoming one for every Pilot that comes our way. So to all of my fellow Pilots who are still waiting, know that I personally

“In the midst of celebrating (and yes, let’s celebrate!), let’s remember that this is just a part of making UP the welcoming community that it can be.”

Andrea Merrill senior

For me, this policy change is incredibly personal. It means that the Board of Regents and the administration listened to students. It means that all of the stress and tears and vulnerability that came with sharing my story last spring was so worth the pain that it brought. So, to the Board of Regents, to the administration, but especially to Fr. Beauchamp: I cannot thank you enough. Thank you for taking this step forward and thank you for making me feel proud to be a Portland Pilot for the first time in the three-plus years that I have been here. Thank you for making me feel a little less broken. Andrea Merrill is a senior sociology major. She can be reached at

Letters to the Editor

Change in Nondiscrimination Policy something to be proud of I am very proud of our community at UP. Even after having experienced UP’s deep commitment to social justice for 10 years, I am awed at the process we have just completed in relation to truly integrating LGBT students and staff into the fabric of our school. The first thanks goes to our LGBT students and allies who spoke their truth with both urgency and grace. The second goes to President Beau-

champ for building a community process that encouraged dialogue and listening without judgment. We never devolved into a destructive us/them confrontation. Finally, thank you to our Board of Regents for understanding the need for this enhancement of our community. Compassion is at the core of our university’s teachings. We are better people, all of us, when we can participate in the fullness of our humanity. -Peter Thacker, associate professor of education

Matthew Gadbois

Guest Commentary To those that aren’t convinced of the significance of the Nondiscrimination Policy change: Adding “sexual orientation” to the Nondiscrimination Policy doesn’t instantly change the culture on campus, but it is a sign of what this institution deems as important to respect and protect. The policy has legal power and will stand as a testament of UP’s values for other people and even other institutions to recognize and follow. The presence of just two words is outward, visible proof that the administration has not overlooked the protection of sexual minorities. This change is a historical moment that anyone can point to and use to measure how far we have come. Long overdue, but worth celebrating nonetheless. To those that think the fight for equality is won: The fight for equality is never over. I still believe there is plenty that can be done with the diversity programs on campus, and there is a lot of change that students need to be a part of. A lot of interesting conversation has already emerged regarding the continuing absence of “gender identity” from the Nondiscrimination Policy and the more complex barriers that arise with this issue. I know students will never stop talking about these is-

sues, but I hope that students will also bring these conversations to the clubs and organizations on campus to utilize the resources around them. Redefine Purple Pride proved that when student leaders decide to organize for a cause, they can shake the whole campus. While the Redefine movement may be remembered by the petition, videos and demonstrations of last year, I hope student leaders will be inspired to create new energy for positive motion.

“This change is a historical moment that anyone can point to and use to measure how far we have come. Long overdue, but worth celebrating nonetheless.”

“She would randomly sit up and talk to herself in her sleep.” Jordan Paul, freshman, psychology

“I don’t know. I don’t see him very often...” Chelsea Davidson, senior, organizational communication

Matthew Gadbois junior

Lastly, to the students who have fought for this change in the past - those that raised the initial questions and challenged assumptions even before the Redefine movement existed: We owe you an enormous amount of respect for fighting for a change that you never got to see. I just wish you were here to see the University of Portland light up in this moment. It is a significant moment and I think like every new day, it marks the beginning of a bright future.

“I can’t narrow it down. We do weird things together everyday ... like we just meow at each other and stuff.” Joe Mahan, junior, organizational communication

Matt Gadbois is a junior nursing major. He can be reached at

“He went around one night taking everyone’s socks off their feet and hiding them. We call him the sock monster.”



October 3, 2013

Bill Irwin: men’s head soccer coach focuses on defense Continued from page 16 Relegation and promotion are often unfamiliar terms to American sports fans. Imagine if Major League Baseball demoted the San Francisco Giants to the minor leagues after a particularly poor season that took them to the bottom of the standings. This is relegation. The only way the Giants could return to the professional ranks would be through promotion, or winning their league outright the following season. Irwin left Cardiff City in 1978 and traveled across the Atlantic to play for the Washington, D.C. Diplomats of the North American Soccer League. The NASL was the first professional soccer league in North America, and lasted from 1968 to 1984. Though virtually unknown now, the league attracted some of the best soccer players in the world and filled large capacity stadiums across the U.S. “The NASL when I first came in was very good,” Irwin said. “There was a lot of talent, like George Best, Rodney Marsh. These are players probably kids today have no idea who they are, but these were world-class players. It was fun for me.” The NASL grew rapidly during the 1970s but, due to overexpansion and expensive player

contracts, folded in the 1984 season. “I think … we were fighting NFL, baseball, stuff like that. I think, just fighting for that sports dollar, and not getting those crowds. Maybe America wasn’t ready for it. But I think we blazed a trail for today’s MLS,” Irwin said.

“He’s the best goalkeeper coach in the country.”

Brandon McNeil assistant coach, men’s soccer

In 1987, Irwin shifted his focus from the goal to the sideline. Clive Charles, the famed Pilots coach, hired Irwin as his assistant after the two men found themselves in the same city, though not for the first time. “Clive and I, we went way back. We both played together in Cardiff,” Irwin said “When he finished playing, he came back to Portland ‘cause he liked the area. And I came back to Portland ‘cause my wife is a Portland girl. I came out to see him one day and he said, ‘Hey, come help me out.’ And that was it. We had a lot of fun together. I usually got fired about six times a week.” After the death of Charles in October 2003, Irwin was promoted to director of soccer, a

Kristen Garcia | THE BEACON

Bill Irwin (right) heads onto the field with the men’s soccer team before the game Friday. Irwin has been head coach for the Pilots for 10 years. position he has held for the last 10 years. With Irwin’s promotion came a renewed focus on the defensive end of the field, a strategy borne of his experience in front of the goal. “Being a coach here now, and seeing Bill and the detail with which he teaches goalkeepers, he has forgotten more about goalkeeping than I know about goalkeeping,” said former player and

assistant men’s coach Brandon McNeil. “He’s the best goalkeeper coach in the country.” Senior Justin Baarts has spent five years in goal for the Pilots after redshirting his freshman year. He does not hesitate when asked to expound on Irwin’s philosophy for the team. “He preaches fundamentals,” Baarts said. “He always says, ‘Be a pessimist.’ If someone else

messes up, how can you find yourself in a good spot to cover them up? Work on defense first. That’s our team philosophy.” The men and women of Pilots soccer are off to a strong start and begin conference play this coming weekend. The unchanged Irwin philosophy of defense, enjoyment and personal betterment will continue to inform their winning ways.

Pilot in the Spotlight

Photo courtesy of Jamie Opra | THE BEACON

Jamie Opra

Port/Starboard Senior Keizer, Ore.

SPORTS How do you feel about the newest addition to the team, head coach Pasha Spencer? It is good for our team to have a fresh start. All three of our coaches are new this year and it has been a fairly easy transition getting to know each other and translating that onto the water. Over the last three years of rowing, has waking up at six every morning become easier for you? Yeah, I would say it has become much easier as time has gone on. Rowing is a huge commitment and if you are going to be on the team, you are going to have to work hard. What does representing UP mean to you? Rowing for UP really means a lot to me. I am very proud to be representing the students on this campus and the city of Portland. I think we live in a beautiful place and I feel blessed that I get to row down the Willamette through downtown every day during practice. What are some things that you do outside of rowing? I spend most of my time either at school or at work. I spend 20 hours a week working and most of my time outside of that is spent either at practice or studying. What have been some highlights of rowing at UP? I think one of the greatest highlights has been rowing for the University in the WCC championship and placing third this last year. I am in the three seat, which means I am third from the front, it has been an honor rowing with the team. What is your pre-race warm up? I just kind of zone out and listen to music. Usually before the race I don’t talk very much and just focus upon the task in front of me, try to motivate myself to perform to the best of my abilities during the race. One of the tougher things about that strategy is transferring that energy into a team. I cannot only be focused on myself; I have to be focused on the girls around me as well. What is something unique about yourself? I have never had a pet. It isn’t because I dislike animals. I actually love animals. If anyone has an animal that needs a home and they see me around campus, don’t hesitate to approach me. I would love to meet him/her. - Mitchell Gilbert


This week in sports Women’s Soccer

The Pilots improved to 8-1-1 this weekend as they took down Wyoming 4-2 and Washington 3-0. The team is now ranked No. 10 nationally and second in the WCC. They travel to Stockton, Calif. to face Pacific on Saturday at 7 p.m.

Men’s Soccer

The Pilots split the home series this last weekend in a 0-1 loss to Denver Friday and a 3-0 win against Southern Methodist Sunday. The team is second in the WCC with a record of 5-3-0. They go to play San Francisco this Friday at 7 p.m.


The Pilots fell to Pepperdine 2-3 and Loyola Marymount 0-3 this past weekend. They travel to Santa Clara tonight at 6 p.m. and San Francisco Saturday at 1 p.m. (courtesy,



October 3, 2013


Where you go, we will follow

Photo courtesy of Villa Drum Squad | THE BEACON

The drum squad cheers on the women’s soccer team during a home game this season. They have been traveling all over the West Coast in support of the team, most recently to Seattle and San Diego. said junior drum squad co-cap- and starts conference play this “It takes a really crazy, really Auxier said. “It’s seriously menCassie Sheridan tain Connor Snashall. “With Palo weekend, making their perfordedicated group of guys to want tal. We had like three or four Staff Writer Alto it was literally a last minute mance all the more important. to travel this much. Especially to guys that were that crazy, now decision on a Friday night to just “Having Villa traveling with hop in two cars and make a 10- there is 20. That’s a serious difWe are all too familiar with drive down there. Our trip to San us has been an enormous motiva- hour drive,” Snashall said. “It’s ference.” the rhythms that echo through Diego had actual planning.” tor,” said senior goalkeeper Erin awesome that we have level of In addition to their increased campus on game days. Beats The Drum squad invited along Dees. “They make every away commitment.” travel agenda, the drum squad along with the chants that match five students from both Christie game feel like a home game.” This commitment to both has also significantly increased are a reminder that there’s a home and Padre to join them on the Despite minor issues getting travel and to the drum squad in their social media presence. Begame that day. However this sea- trip. Although they were at first into stadiums with their equip- general has been slowly growing yond their Facebook page, the son in particular, the Villa Drum not allowed into the stadium due ment, the Villa Drum Squad has for years. squad has developed a Twitter, Squad has taken its show on the to noise ordinances, they chanted found the travel experience to “I mean, we’ve been talking Instagram and a Youtube channel road and teams all over have be- from outside the arena until be- other universities positive. about these things forever and with the ID @VillaDrumSquad. gun to hear the same drumming ing allowed in at halftime. “It’s been cool at the away how cool it would be if we just “We collaborate on the sothose on The Bluff know well. The women’s soccer team games talking to their athletic did this or that,” said junior co- cial media. We want to develop Two weekends ago, 30 stu- didn’t know the drum squad was administrators,” said junior co- captain Ryan Kain. “I remember the culture of women’s soccer,” dents, with the help of an anony- coming along. captain Jared Johnson. “Even being a freshman and talking Snashall said. “It’s an exciting mous donation, flew down to San “There’s very little liveliness though we are coming in and about how awesome it would be to time with the new women’s proDiego to support the women’s at San Diego State and we all totally heckling their teams and make a Tifo. Then slowly, we just fessional league and we want to soccer team against San Diego went in with the mentality that their fans, they seem to really started doing those things. In- be a part of it.” State. The weekend preced- we needed to bring that energy,” enjoy us coming in because it is stead of being like ‘That’d be cool The drum squad this season ing this San Diego trip, 12 Vil- said senior defender/forward such a new experience for a lot of if we did that’, we are like ‘Okay has certainly lived up to their lains piled into a couple cars and Amanda Frisbie. “Then, we are the other teams. Even in San Di- how can we make this happen?’” use of their hashtag #whereyoudrove to Palo Alto for the Stan- in the middle of warm-ups and ego, where we had some issues at Senior past Villain Paul Aux- gowewillfollow and are hoping ford game. This past weekend I heard the drums and I was just first, they told us in the end how ier has noticed a significant in- to continue their support on the the drum squad made the trip to like ‘There’s no way’ but there appreciative they were we had crease in commitment as well. #roadtoNC. the University of Washington in they were and suddenly I just felt come.” “I think a lot of the guys inThe next game where Villa’s Seattle in a university-sponsored like I was back at Merlo.” This increased emphasis on volved in the squad from when Drum Squad can be heard in fan bus for all students. The women’s soccer team is travel was as unplanned as their I was a freshman wouldn’t even Portland is against Gonzaga on “It all kind of started with us on a five-game winning streak spontaneous trip to Palo Alto. recognize this level of crazy,” Oct.19. traveling to Oregon on a fan bus,”

A simple philosophy for a beautiful game

Peter Gallagher Staff Writer Bill Irwin adheres to a simple philosophy. And after 27 years of coaching in the Pilots soccer program, few can challenge his singularly holistic approach to The Beautiful Game. “My philosophy is to make (soccer) enjoyable,” said men’s head soccer coach Bill Irwin. “If they’re playing or training in an enjoyable environment, learning will take place, and they will leave here a better soccer player, a better student, a better person, with a degree.”

Irwin grew up in the small coastal town of Donaghadee, Northern Ireland. Situated 18 miles southeast of Belfast, Donaghadee remained relatively unaffected as the period of violent unrest known as The Troubles enveloped large swaths of Northern Ireland in political and religious conflict. From 1967 to 1971, Irwin played goalkeeper for Bangor F.C., a local club, until he attracted the attention of suitors from across the Irish Sea. “I was playing part time and working in the shipyard,” Irwin recalled. “There were several clubs from England that had an interest, and Cardiff came in and

bought me. They bought me, and off I went.” Cardiff City, a Welsh football club founded in 1899, is currently in the midst of its first season in the vaunted English Premier League. “We were in the old second division,” Irwin said. “We were always sort of fighting relegation. We were in the bottom half (of the league) and I think we got relegated once or twice, then got promoted. I was there for eight years and we went through three managers.” See Bill Irwin, page 14

Kristen Garcia| THE BEACON

Men’s soccer head coach Bill Irwin talks to freshman forward Aaron Caprio before their game Friday vs Denver.

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