4 minute read
Much of mom’s wellness advice is myths
By Carmen Dargel, M.D. Dear Mayo Clinic:
My mom always scolded me for not drying my hair after washing it, telling me I’d catch cold. She also talked about dressing right for the weather, starving a fever and lots of other things.
I’m wondering if there is any truth in any of these sayings. With Covid still lingering, I’m trying to convince my grandchildren, ages 8 and 12, to be more mindful about germs.
A: Does wet hair cause the common cold? The short answer is no.
Colds are caused by viruses, so you can’t catch a cold from going outside with wet hair. And wet hair won’t make you more attractive to germs.
The same is true with respect to dressing for cold temperatures. While it might be optimal to dress in warmer clothes when it’s cold outside, research indicates that cold weather — just like going outside with wet hair — doesn’t make you sick.
People often associate going outside with wet hair or being underdressed with getting sick because exposure to germs is often more likely when you go outside.
The common cold is transmitted through bodily fluids, such as when people who are sick sneeze, cough or blow their nose. So, you have just as much of an opportunity to be exposed to germs indoors, especially when you are in close contact with others.
Other myths I’m often asked about include:
Myth: Vitamin C will help stave off illness.
Fact: Though it has been subject to much research, no definitive body of work says high doses of vitamin C prevent or treat colds.
Myth: Starve a fever; feed a cold.
Fact: While it might be hard to remem-
Anyone 50 or over looking for employment opportunities is invited to participate in the JCA’s free Virtual 50+ Employment Expos: Friday, Apr. 14, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for residents of Fairfax County and Northern Virginia, and Tue., May 16, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for residents of Montgomery County. Advance registration is required at vlrtualexpos.accessjca.org. Businesses looking to hire older adults may participate free of charge as well. For more information, email SeniorExpo@AccessJCA.org or call (301) 255-4209.
Learn more about SSA disability benefits, eligibility requirements and the application process. A free virtual presentation takes place on Tue., May 9, from 1 to 2 p.m. Register to attend online at bit.ly/DisabilityBenefitsVirtual. For more information, call (240) 455-5451.

Cold myths
From page 6 ber the adage, the bottom line is that when you don’t feel well, eating may not be on the top of your list. And that is OK.

Hydration is more important when you are ill. The best advice is to drink plenty of water or other fluids to stay hydrated, and rest and relax.
Myth: Avoid dairy products if you have a cold because they can produce more mucus.
Fact: Ingesting dairy products will not cause more mucus. Most likely, the texture of certain foods or drinks may coat your throat, which would give the feeling that you have more phlegm.
Certain dairy products can be good when you are under the weather, though. Cold ice cream can soothe a sore throat, and probiotics in yogurt can help alleviate stomach upset if you are taking antibiotics for an infection.
Check with your primary healthcare provider or pharmacist to get a list of foods you should avoid with medications.
Some advice worth following
The best advice I have is to rely on the most common safe behaviors to avoid falling ill:

Wash your hands. Clean your hands thoroughly and often with soap and water. If soap and water aren’t available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Disinfect your space. Clean kitchen and bathroom countertops with disinfectant, especially when someone in your family has a cold. Be diligent about wiping down doorknobs and frequently touched surfaces. Use tissues — and masks. Sneeze and cough into tissues. Discard used tissues right away. Then thoroughly wash your hands. If you are wearing a mask, discard the mask and replace it with a clean one. Don’t share. Don’t share drinking glasses or utensils with other family members. Use your own glass or disposable cups when you or someone else is sick. Label the cup or glass with the name of the person with the cold.
Practice social distancing and safe behaviors, especially if others are ill. Avoid close contact with anyone who is ill. Consider wearing a mask if you are
Beacon Bits
Apr. 27 going to be out in public or around a lot of people in an intimate setting. Since Covid is still a threat, it’s important to practice safe behaviors regardless of whether you have been vaccinated for Covid. And cold and flu germs are still prevalent.

Take care of yourself. Eating well, getting exercise and enough sleep, and managing stress might help you avoid getting sick.
You can rest assured that if you go outside with wet hair, or without a jacket, you won’t increase your chances of getting sick, but it may cause temporary discomfort.

— Carmen Dargel, M.D., Family Medicine, Mayo Clinic Health System, Onalaska, Wisconsin.
Mayo Clinic Q & A is an educational resource and doesn’t replace regular medical care. Email MayoClinicQ&A@mayo.edu. For more information, visit mayoclinic.org.
© 2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
Beacon Bits
Apr. 25
Plan Your Retirement
A free presentation on retirement planning from the Security and Exchange Commission will cover topics like employer-sponsored plans, IRAs, investments, required minimum distributions (RMDs) in retirement accounts, identifying your risk tolerance when investing, how to choose an investment professional, important estate planning documents and how to avoid fraud. The class takes place on Tue., April 25, from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Wheaton Library, 11701 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, MD. For more information, call (240) 777-0678.
Virtual Fraud Prevention Class
Apr. 24

During this free virtual class, you’ll learn from an expert from the SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy about investing and how to protect your money. This event takes place online on Mon., April 24, from 6 to 7 p.m., hosted by the Brigadier General Charles E. McGee Library. Join the Zoom at bit.ly/SeniorsFraudZoom or call (301) 715-8592 and use meeting ID 849 5601 7002.
Are you tired of high cable, phone and internet bills? Join tech guru Shettima Abdulmalik to learn how to use today’s technology to combine resources and possibly reduce costs. Q&A to follow. This event takes place on Thu., April 27, from 4 to 5 p.m. at Arlington Mill, 909 South Dinwiddie St., Arlington, VA. 55+ membership required. Choose your 55+ pass and sign up at bit.ly/55PASS.