5 minute read
Have prediabetes? Try this helpful class
By Margaret Foster
One in three Americans has prediabetes and doesn’t know it. If untreated, the condition can lead to type 2 diabetes, which can wreak havoc on the body.
The good news is that type 2 diabetes can be prevented if you make a few lifestyle changes, which is easier said than done.
That’s where Johns Hopkins comes in. Its Diabetes Prevention Program, led by people trained by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), is a “yearlong lifestyle change program,” explained Megan Brown, program director.
“We’ve had really good results,” Brown said. “The thing that’s most appealing are the [content and skills] we cover,” which include nutrition, physical activity, sleep, stress and eating habits.
How it works
People 18 to 80 who have prediabetes
Sept. 9 are eligible for the program. If they call or email Hopkins, one of Brown’s team members will contact them to complete a short screening questionnaire.
Once enrolled, participants will join a weekly one-hour class with around 15 to 18 other people. They’ll meet either at a community center or church in Baltimore City or remotely via computer. For the second six months of the program, they take a class every other week.

The classes are taught by a CDC-trained Lifestyle Coach, who work with participants to make small changes in one’s diet or activity levels.
“It’s really a problem-solving program on how to incorporate healthy everyday behavior into their lifestyles,” Brown said.
Medicare and Medicaid cover the cost of the national program.
The end goal of the program is to lose 5% to 7% of your body weight and increase
East Baltimore Walking Tour
In the mid-20th century, Fells Point and Washington Hill hosted a vibrant Indigenous community. Join Ashley Minner, a community-based artist, scholar and member of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina, for a free walking tour based on her project Mapping East Baltimore’s Reservation. The tour begins at 10 a.m. at the South Broadway Baptist Church, 211 South Broadway, Baltimore. Advance registration is required. For more information and to register, visit bit.ly/EastBaltimoreWalkingTour.
At risk for developing diabetes? Living with diabetes? We can help.
Our evidence-based programs are proven to improve your health.
The Diabetes Prevention Program can help you lower your A1C, lose weight and get more active. Diabetes Self-Management Training can help you lower your A1C, better manage your medications and avoid serious health complications.
your activity to an average of 150 minutes a week, per CDC guidelines. Either one of those adjustments can cut the risk of developing diabetes and its degenerative complications.
“Preventing type 2 diabetes also prevents increased risk of blindness, amputation, kidney disease” and other diseases,
Brown pointed out.
“Diabetes affects almost every organ in the body. So, preventing that [should] protect you from getting other secondary health conditions.”
To apply for the program, email the Diabetes Prevention Program at brancaticenter@jhmi.edu or call (410) 614-2701.
To enroll or learn more, visit Healthier2gether.org.
Johns a Phase II clinical trial to determine whether an investigational drug known as CORT108297 will improve memory in individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and in people without memory impairment but who are worried about developing Alzheimer’s disease.

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Sense of smell
From page 8 chemical senses. It works through specialized sensory cells called olfactory neurons, which are found in the nose.
These neurons have one odor receptor that picks up molecules released by substances around us, which are then relayed to the brain for interpretation. The higher the concentration of these smell molecules, the stronger the smell, and different combinations of molecules result in different sensations.
Smell is processed in the brain’s olfactory bulb, which is believed to interact closely with the amygdala, hippocampus and other brain structures that regulate and enable memory, decision-making and emotional responses.
The Hopkins researchers say their study
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The researchers plan to replicate their findings from this study in more groups of older adults, and examine changes to individuals’ olfactory bulbs to determine if this system is, in fact, altered in those diagnosed with depression.
They also plan to examine if smell can be used in intervention strategies to mitigate the risk of late-life depression.
This work was supported by the National Institute on Aging, the National Institute of Nursing Research, and the Intramural Research Program of the National Institutes of Health: National Institute on Aging.

The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences is a peer-reviewed publication of The Gerontological Society of America (GSA), the nation’s oldest and largest in- terdisciplinary organization devoted to research, education, and practice in the field of aging.
The principal mission of the society — and its 5,500+ members — is to advance

Beacon Bits
the study of aging and disseminate information among scientists, decision makers, and the general public. GSA’s structure also includes a policy institute, the National Academy on an Aging Society.
Sept. 8 Sept. 23
Arts Exhibit And Contest
Are you an artist or writer? Submit a creative piece for the 2023 Creative Arts Contest, presented by the Baltimore County Department of Aging. The theme for both written and visual art is “Living Longer, Living Well.” Email submissions to powerofageexpo@baltimorecountymd.gov by Fri., Sept. 8. They must be original, created in 2023, and unpublished. For more information, contact your local senior center or visit powerofageexpo.com.
It’s time to prepare your garden for the changing seasons. Join The Hillen Road Improvement Association to learn how to enhance your garden in Autumn while preparing it for Spring. The free session lasts from noon to 2 p.m. on Sat., Sept. 23 at the Northwood Library, 4420 Loch Raven Blvd., Baltimore. For more information, call (410) 396-6076 or visit bit.ly/FallExchange.