The Beast - April 2021

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Do you have any artistic inspirations? I adore Julian Schnabel’s work, and I also draw inspiration from Jean-Michel Basquiat and Ken Done. Do you have any exhibitions coming up? I actually have a solo show coming up in June at Twenty Twenty Six Gallery, which will be fun. When did you realise you had a gift for art? I guess I’ve painted since I can remember. My mum has always said I’m gifted in art since I was a 10-year-old. Any other local artists to look out for? Ryan Paulder (Love Ryan ceramics), he’s making some beautiful stuff right now. Did you study art? Nope, it’s always been a natural progression for me.

Expressing himself.

Local Artist: Jacob Pedrana from North Bondi Interview James Hutton Photo Trevor King Introducing North Bondi’s Jacob Pedrana, the talented local artist behind this month’s cover... How long have you lived here? Just over a year in Ben Buckler. I’ve lived in Bondi for 14 years. What is your favourite beach? North Bondi. I live a stone’s throw from the water. I love jumping off flat rock to start my day. What is your favourite eatery? It’s a tie between North Bondi Fish and Porch. I don’t care what anyone says, Porch makes the best coffee. Where do you like to have a drink? I can’t really beat the cocktails at Rocker bar. Best thing about living in the Eastern Suburbs? The beaches, the food and the people.

32 The Beast April 2021

Worst thing about living in the Eastern Suburbs? The unnecessary potholes and the waste that hits our shoreline after a storm. How would you describe your art? Expressionism. I like to paint moving objects - I couldn’t paint a bowl of fruit. I love using softer pastels in my pallet, combined with thick oil stick.

Any words of wisdom for young aspiring artists? Throw yourself in the deep end! What music are you into? I’ve been loving this band Spacey Jane. I also jam out on Alan Power and Van Morrison. Who is your favourite person? My beautiful son Ryka. I feel really grateful to be his dad. We paint together and he loves the ocean, which is great. What do you get up to on the weekends? If I’m not stuck in the studio, I like catching up with mates over a beer or a surf, and hanging out with Ryka.

Where can people see your work? I’m currently being represented at Twenty Twenty Six Gallery on O’Brien Street, Bondi. You can also follow @jakeypedro on Instagram.

What do you do for work? I was working as a tradesman for the last 15 years, but for the last six months I’ve become solely an artist, which I love. It’s my dream job!

What are you currently working on? I’ve been really enjoying painting rodeo cowboys in action. It’s a great subject to paint due to the movement. I’ve also been working on a bunch of abstract cowboy portraits.

What’s your favourite thing about work? Flexibility, passion and meeting like-minded people. Do you have a favourite quote? “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”

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