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Pearls of Wisdom 14 Monthly Mailbag

Kelpies belong in Ardlethan.

Put a Leash on It!

Words Pearl Bullivant Photo Matt Flagg

With a change of Federal Government, Pearl had assumed that her role as self-appointed COVID Ambassador would go the same way as Scott Cam’s $345,000 2020 National Careers Ambassadorship - down the toilet - with Pearl free to revitalize her career as a little known reality TV star. But after a quick browse of the letters to The Beast over the past few months, with readers expressing consternation over unleashed dogs and mega utility vehicles, it appears that Pearl’s guidance and words of wisdom are needed more than ever as we learn to live in a COVID-infected world.

The problem of unleashed dogs and their errant owners is an analogy for modern life. The Eastern Suburbs, like the rest of suburbia, is becoming exceedingly overcrowded, and rather than adapting to this new norm, some people cope by encroaching upon the personal space of others, demanding more resources from an already limited and expensive pool. Naively, Pearl had dearly hoped the challenges of COVID would result in personal austerity and provide society with a reality check, but instead we have turned to materialism as a coping mechanism through the accumulation of investment properties, the desecration of “Insta-worthy” places of nature, the purchase of larger vehicles to clog up congested roads and the construction of bigger houses. And while some people are quite prepared to inflict discomfort onto others for the sake of their own personal ease, these same people wince at making sacrifices for the sake of the community.

In the face of shrinking personal space and resource scarcity, Pearl is here to assist readers whose sense of entitlement exceeds their sense of resilience. As we know, resilience is a buzzword amongst private school educators, but to truly instil resilience in our youngsters it is the parents who must change; a Cranbrook bush camp in Wolgan Valley can never undo the entitled behaviour learned from a parent who cannot walk 500 metres from a car park to a gym.

Pearl’s solution is an easy one. It is all about thinking before doing. I know I have previously broached this subject, but mindfulness is the key. Before purchasing a kelpie and allowing it to run feral, ask yourself whether you would be better off moving to a quarter acre block in Chester Hill. If leashing your dog is a philosophical issue, consider whether a guinea pig would make a better pet. Before erecting a cabana on Clovelly Beach, think about your fellow beachgoers, whose space you will be encroaching upon. You might “deserve it” but do you really need matching husband-and-wife Lexus SUVs that consume fuel and Eastern Suburbs road space? Instead of purchasing a Tesla to offset one’s frivolous lifestyle, could one conserve energy by hanging washing on a clothes line instead of using a dryer, opening a window instead of running the air conditioning 24-7, catching a bus or walking instead of driving? Remember, we can only live our best lives by allowing others to do the same. A safe dog is a leashed dog.

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The Beast's Monthly Mailbag

Words The Good People of the Eastern Suburbs


Pearl, thanks for the brilliant article (The Purveyor of Community Misery, The Beast, September 2022), please keep them coming. We got thrown out of our apartment at 95-105 Wellington Street in Bondi two years ago, where developers have demolished eight houses and four apartments to build 72 apartments with a huge underground car park (who needs more cars in Bondi?). Also, as you pointed out, submission to developers will mean less beautiful suburbs. So, let’s stop this madness and create greener suburbs.

The good news is we can all contribute. First of all, we can ask Waverley Council to plant a tree in front of our houses, if there are none (google ‘request a street tree’). Secondly, Waverley Council has a program for us to create street gardens (google ‘verge garden’). The third option: just go out and plant stuff. I’ve never seen Council intervene. In fact, they probably appreciate it, as long as you use native plants.

What kind of streets do we want for our community and future generations? Those with wide nature strips and street gardens, providing habitat for wildlife, feeling like a subtropical forest; or soulless concrete jungles? Just walk down Read Street in Bronte and you will feel what I mean (you might even be lucky enough to score a free passionfruit).

Lastly, a massive thanks to everyone out there already contributing to greener streets, you’re awesome.

Urs Bronte


Congratulations to Allegra Spender, our new MP, who has represented the views of the majority of people in the Wentworth constituency by voting to assist in the passage of the Climate Change Bill.

Some might say that Allegra has done more to address this pressing issue in the first two weeks of the new Parliament than the previous incumbent did in his three year tenancy.

David Boyd Bondi Beach


Recently I wrote to the City Of Sydney Council to highlight what appears to be poor design standards in the placing of the new bus shelters. The particular location is the shelter on Oxford Street near Whitlam Square, which has changed to become a virtual interchange station since our bus services to Coogee have been slashed, necessitating catching the 373 bus at this stop.

I noted that the footpath at this spot is over six metres wide yet the shelter is placed less than a wheelchair’s width from the kerb, potentially risking passengers stepping into the path of an arriving bus in the rush to get climb aboard.

I received a reply stating that the shelter complied with the industrial safety standard for disabled access, as one could go round through the opening at the back of the shelter.

Merely complying with a minimum standard begs the question of whether we should improve on a standard where the conditions allow, as is the case here. There is no limited footpath width to restrict the location of the shelter. It seems that the replacement just went where the previous one was. It is apparent that the shelter design puts the priority of incorporating an advertising pillar of fixed size above what should be the primary function of providing a safe and convenient shelter for bus users.

Simon Bartlett Coogee


I voted for Allegra Spender at the last election, in large part because she promised to fight for greater action on climate change.

Allegra told us during the campaign that she believed the policy of neither major party was ambitious enough, and that a minimum 50 per cent reduction in emissions was needed by 2030. Quite rightly, she said this was necessary to avoid the devastating effects of climate change, as outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

So, imagine my surprise to find Allegra voting enthusiastically in Parliament for Labor’s woefully inadequate target of only a 43 per cent reduction. If the science demands more, why didn’t she insist on more? Allegra did not even seek to amend the legislation to push for a higher target! Instead, she pushed for a totally meaningless amendment.

If I had wanted Labor’s policy, I would have just voted for Labor. How can she possibly justify or explain this?

Hugh Pittet Bronte


Evil heretics have falsely claimed that Jenny has slept next to (not ‘with’) five different federal ministers. Luckily for all involved, it boiled down to Australia’s super-high-five-minister and Prime Minister, ‘Scotty from Marketing’.

Well, after Scotty’s $180 million “Where the bloody hell are ya?” PR fiasco, it was yet another mess to add to his pitiable portfolio. Next to his - also failed - secret Hawaiian-shirt-bushfire-escape, this botched secrecy saw Scotty asking for his privacy to be respected, even saying, “I don’t think that’s an unreasonable request.”

Yet it would have been a reasonable request had Scotty not wasted over $10 million of our tax money to violate the privacy of an ordinary family trying to live peacefully in Queensland. Starting on the 5th of March, 2018, Scotty’s henchmen removed the Tamil family from their home in Biloela, setting the path of four years of destroyed privacy.

In short, Scotty wants privacy while having destroyed the privacy of this family for four long years - for no reason. The hypocrisy of the Liberal Party knows no limits.

Thomas Klikauer Coogee Private


In early August I found my delivery van covered with graffiti on three sides. The van belongs to my boss and it’s a very costly job to have the graffiti removed.

It was vandalised some time between the evening of Sunday, August 7 and the early morning of Monday, August 8.

I think there is a new breed of vandals in this area, particularly around Cook Street, Randwick, and between Cowper and Francis Streets, Randwick.

A few weeks ago, all of the glass panels at the bus stops on both sides of Cook and Francis Streets were broken. Something really needs to be done.

Bernardo Randwick


Can The Beast start a campaign to put the mermaids back on Mermaid Rock? I am sure all residents and readers would be happy to donate a few dollars as they were always a tourist attraction. From a long-standing reader and resident,

George Bondi

Bring back the mermaids!


The Eastern Suburbs Legion Club, located in Charing Cross, Waverley, has closed its bistro in August 2022. Sonya has created fabulous ‘home cooked meals’ at this venue for many, many, many years. She worked tirelessly, often with her husband Norm meeting and greeting club regulars and visitors.

The eye fillet with brandy pepper sauce, lamb rack and crumbed lamb cutlets are legendary. The seafood was always cooked to perfection and included sumptuous snapper fillets, barramundi and classic fish and chips. As well, there were always the old faves such as bangers and mash and Sonya’s home cooked pie. There are not many venues in the East that provide such excellent home style food for under $30.

“What to do with this predicament?” you ask. Well, there are clubs nearby. The bistro in Paddo RSL has just had an upgrade, and they do a fab goat curry! So that may be the plan for friends to catch up on a regular basis, to try to win raffles and to partake in good, hearty food and wine at reasonable prices. But alas, it will not be the same. We will miss you Sonya!

Friends & Foodies of the East


Dear Editor - Over 50 per cent of Waverley residents have at least one dog, yet in the Bondi Basin there is nowhere for dog owners to let their dogs off-leash.

If dogs do not get to exercise off-leash with other dogs, everyone suffers. Dogs don’t socialise and can become aggressive. Dogs get frustrated and cause havoc and noise at home. Responsible dog owners need to exercise their dogs at least twice a day, and one of those times should be in a leashfree park that they can walk to.

Waverley Council understands the problem and is trying for a compromise at Barracluff Park. They have four alternatives, all of which have the majority of the park fenced off for a sports field. I would argue there is no need to fence the area. To compromise, allow Saturdays for organised sport with no dogs during that time, and allow small groups to continue to play sport alongside dogs at other times - same as it ever was. Importantly, return the park to being leash-free.

I appreciate that the allocation of space is difficult, but if 50 per cent of us have dogs, we need to be considered fairly. If dogs are playing in one spot it is much easier to monitor them for their poo, more effective for training and better for the health and wellbeing of the dog, its owners and neighbours. Surely that would keep even the biggest complainers of dogs happy?

To have your say, please visit https://haveyoursay.waverley. nsw.gov.au/barracluff-park-dogs.

Lynne McGimpsey Bondi Beach


I write to express my gratitude for Billy McEvoy’s sensitive, informative article in the most recent edition issue of The Beast (An Important First Step to Healing Our Ancient Nation, The Beast, September 2022). I am a Bondi resident and ‘new Australian’. The first step to heal our ancient nation is ever so much needed.

Anna Prior Bondi

The Bondi Mermaids in 1962.


Hi James - Your September 2022 edition cover of The Beast brought back wonderful memories. I found an old pic of the mermaids before they got washed away that Mum took on her box brownie. I was lucky enough to grow up in Bondi when it was the good old Bondi. We lived in a flat opposite the beach next the old Bondi Diggers. I’m told the whole block was worth 9,000 pounds back then - pity we couldn’t afford at least one! Love The Beast, thanks for keeping it going.

Annette Petrie Randwick


(A rhyme extolling the plentiful virtues of the tomato) Have you ever heard it said, The tomato, which is red, Is the greatest in the fruit and veggie scene? It is better than the spud, Which is said to be a dud, And it’s twice as good as every type of bean. They are great on buttered bread, Great for throwing at a head, Great for stomping underfoot into a sauce. Great for slicing on a bun, Great for eating on the run, Great for studying at a TAFE or uni course. Great for placing on a chair, When the sitter’s unaware, Great for eating with Italian Bocconcini. Great for trying to quell a crowd, When the voices get too loud, And especially good for chucking at a greeny. Yes the Tommy is a ripper, Eaten fresh or with a kipper, Be they Roma, Mr Stripy or the cherry. Shove them in your mother’s salad, Sing about them in a ballad, Or drink them in a spicy bloody Mary. But whatever else you do, Make a point of coming to, The conclusion that the Tommy is the best. Stand erect and give a shout, “Go the Tommy!”, yell it out, Then wander back to bed and take a rest.


Bondi ¢

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