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letter from the editor
Hoo boy! At last, the May issue! This month, we’re celebrating the starlets of the silver screen with thick, black outlines and broad washes of coloranimation!
For many, animation is the first type of media exposure they experience. Whether it’s a Disney film or a Cartoon Network show, we all know something drawn or modeled that’s made us feel all warm and fuzzy. What draws us to these fictional figures? Who knows! Who cares? Me personally, I will be watching regardless.
On a slightly more somber note, I am sad to announce that this will be my last issue as The Beat’s Editor-in-Chief. I thank you, my dear reader, for supporting this passion project of ours; whether this is your first issue or your eighth, I truly appreciate your taking the time to pick up this silly little zine.

On to the toons!!
With love, MacLean Bishop Your Editor-in-Chief