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This Issue Brought to You by...
The Beestonian is...
Lord Beestonian: Matt Turpin
Co-founder /Resident Don: Matt Jones
Editor in Chief: Debra Urbacz
Business stuff: John Cooper
Deputy Editor /Community Editor: Christopher Frost
Communications Editor: Amy Victoria Gathercole
Rylands Community Activist: Janet Shipton
Wellbeing Warrior: Amy Gill
Music and Booze Editor: Lulu Davenport
Design & The Beest: Dan Cullen contributors
this issue:
Tom Hibberd & Stephanie Muzzall, Jade Moore, Jess Machin, Joanna Hoyes, Danny Riley, Lucy Morrow, Tim Pollard, Scott Bennett, Amy Victoria Gathercole
Thanks to all who help us get the issue sustainable and available to all who want to read. If you’d like to help out - by advertising, promoting or writing with us, then drop us a line at thebeestonian@gmail.com. We are an absolutely independent, grassroots non-profit community magazine with the sole intention of making Beeston a wonderful place to live, work and visit.
In this issue we are proclaiming some of the wonderful things we are fortunate to celebrate as Beestonians. The Beeston Civic Society celebrates its half-century this year! That’s fifty years that our town has had the benefit of a group of willing volunteers ‘dedicated to protecting and enhancing our district.’ There are new independent businesses opening up between each issue and plenty to write about in appreciation for our more established ones. In recognition of our wide range of excellent eateries, we welcome food bloggers Tom Hibberd and Stephanie Muzzall of ‘Food Glue’ to the 2023 team.
So as spring re-energises us and brings us back outside into our green spaces, we acknowledge the disruption, unrest and protest in our wake and remain committed to our cause – to stay connected, be a pillar for our community and spotlight all that is good.
As always, we are grateful for your support. Whether you seek us out in print, follow us online, advertise with us or subscribe via Ko-Fi on our website, we appreciate it all. Look out for more social media presence this year and get in touch with us if you have something to shout about!