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Leslie Hipp & Chessie the Mirco Goldendoodle
Leslie: What are your favorite activities to partake in while home alone?
Chessie: Collect your and dad's clothes and cuddle them in my bed.
Leslie: What’s your least favorite piece of furniture in the house?
Chessie: The Roomba. You and dad have never seen this, but it comes to life when you're gone.
Leslie: What’s your favorite thing about living with our family?
Chessie: I’ve trained you all to pet me on command.
Leslie: If you could be adopted by any celebrity, who would it be and why?
Chessie: My country queen Dolly Parton.
Leslie: What’s your favorite song to jam to and why?
Chessie: “Dancing Queen” by ABBA because it makes my heart sing and my body move.
Leslie: Who would play you in a movie and why?

Chessie: Shakira, because like hers, my hips don't lie.
Leslie: If you were to go on a reality TV show, which one would it be and why?
Chessie: “The Real House Dogs,” because as RHONY icon Carole Radziwill put it, “all play and no work makes me a happy girl.”
Leslie: Go-to snack?
Chessie: Peanut butter anything, no contest.
Never ones to turn down a chance for self-care, Leslie Hipp and her partner in crime Chessie love a good rest and relaxation moment. Whether they’re lounging in the sun (yes, Chessie has her own mini lawn chair complete with an attached umbrella) or brushing out their gorgeous brown curls, they love a good pampering. Leslie and her husband Harris lovingly refer to Chessie as the “queen of the house.” With a title like that, one might expect drama, but another similar characteristic shared by Leslie and Chessie is their naturally calm demeanor and ability to make friends wherever they go.