Silver Pages, 2009 Edition

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Welcome Back

Remember last year when I mentioned in this very space how time flies when you’re having fun and that it didn’t seem like a whole year has passed since our last annual issue of The Silver Pages? Well, I’m repeating that message again because it’s still so true. The years are piling up like back issues of The Best of Times, and the flow of history is beginning to flood by like the mighty Mississippi. I don’t know if I should be worried by all that, but at least our levees are holding. So far, so good. Speaking of holding, you are holding the most valuable and important annual published in all of Louisiana. Really. Thousands of readers will SAVE THIS ISSUE and consult it year-round. We are proud to serve our community in this way and thank you for all your kind comments about our work. We welcome your feedback and encourage you to let us know how we can make it better. Enjoy the issue! -- Tina Calligas, editor of The Best of Times & Silver Pages THE FINE PRINT: Copyright © 2009 by TBT Multimedia, LLC, all rights reserved. Replication in any other medium without permission is strictly prohibited. While we try as hard as humanly possible to avoid mistakes, we cannot accept liability for errors or omissions, and cannot be responsible for the claims of advertisers. ISSN LIBRARY OF CONGRESS #1551-4358

  2009 Edition

2009 Edition  The Best of Times SILVER PAGES 

Area Transportation Services B us S e rvice - Sp o rTra n 2 2 1 -7 4 3 3

A -1 C ha rte r S e rvice 6 2 1 -0 7 0 0 D ixie To urs 4 7 0 -9 7 5 7 G re yho und Tra ilwa ys L ine s 2 2 1 -4 2 0 5

Red River Coaches 221-5797 Tri-City Charter 747-4754 Ye llo w C he cke r C a b 4 2 5 -7 0 0 0 A ctio n Ta xi 2 2 2 -8 2 9 4 C a sino C a b 4 2 5 -3 3 2 5 G o ld e n Strip e C a b 6 7 5 -0 4 11 E xe cutive Tra ve l A ir 6 3 1 -1 0 2 8 A lle g ia nt A irline s 7 0 2 -5 0 5 -8 8 8 8 A m e rica n A irline s 8 0 0 -4 3 3 -7 3 0 0 C o ntine nta l A irline s 8 0 0 -5 2 5 -0 2 8 0 D e lta A irline s 8 0 0 -2 2 1 -1 2 1 2 No rthwe st A irline s 8 0 0 -2 2 5 -2 5 2 5 A m tra k Tra in S e rvice 8 0 0 -8 7 2 -7 2 4 5 ďƒž ďƒź 2009 Edition

Adult Day Care Centers C hristus S chum pert A dult D ay C enter

Seniors Club Adult Day Services

Assisted Living Facilities

Address Phone 1700 B uckner # 150 S hreveport, LA 71101 (318) 681-6400

2653 M alcolm Street S hreveport, LA 71108

(318) 635-0010

Address/ Telephone



Arbor and Terrace of Bossier

4770 B randon B lvd B ossier C ity, LA 71111 (318) 549-1001

A n independent and assisted living 60 com m unity offering several levels of care and (24 dem entia apartm ent styles and care for persons with care units) dem entia or A lzheim er's.

Azalea Estates of Shreveport

516 E . Flournoy Lucas S hreveport, LA 71115 (318) 797-2408

Hom e like atm osphere w/efficiency, 1 B R and deluxe 1 B R, 3 daily m eals, weekly housekeeping, m edication m onitoring , assisted bathing & dressing, sm all pets welcom ed, respite suite available.

Spring Lake Assisted Living & Retirement Center

8622 Line A venue S hreveport, LA 71106 (318) 861-2366

Kingsley Place of Shreveport

7110 University S hreveport, LA 71105 (318) 524-2100

Horizon B ay

2540 B eene B lvd B ossier C ity, LA 71111 (318) 747-2114

M ontclair P ark

9100 E ast K ings Hwy S hreveport, LA 71115 (318) 797-1114

The Terrace of S hreveport

8950 E ast K ings Hwy S hreveport, LA 71115 (318) 798-3552



A ssistance as needed for all activities of daily living which allows for continued independence, nurse on-call around the clock, full-tim e com panion staff on duty 24 hours a day.

A ssisted living with dem entia care suites, 79 courtyard suites, rehab and therapy services, ( 20 d em entia weekly housekeeping, sm all pets welcom ed, care units) scheduled transportation. 84




2009 Edition ďƒź The Best of Times SILVER PAGES ďƒž

Agency (LA Government)

Services and Benefits

  2009 Edition

Agency (LA Government)

Services and Benefits

2009 Edition  The Best of Times SILVER PAGES 

Agencies (National Senior Related)

General Information


A d m inistra tio n o n A g ing 3 3 0 Ind e p e nd e nce A ve , S W Wa shing to n, D C 2 0 2 0 1 1 -2 0 2 -6 1 9 -0 7 2 4

P o licy, d e ve lo p m e nt, p la nning , a nd d e live ry o f sup p o rtive ho m e a nd co m m unity b a se d se rvice s to o ld e r p e rso ns a nd the ir ca re g ive rs

A A RP o f L o uisia na 8 6 6 -4 4 8 -3 6 2 0 5 0 4 -8 2 6 -1 9 7 3

3 0 1 M a in St, S uite 1 0 1 2 B a to n Ro ug e , L A 7 0 8 2 5

A lzhe im e r's E d uca tio n & Re fe rra l P. O . B o x 8 2 5 0 S ilve r Sp ring , M D 2 0 9 0 7 -8 2 5 0 1 -8 0 0 -4 3 8 -4 3 8 0 (to ll fre e )

Info a b o ut A lzhe im e r's sym p to m s, d ia g no sis, tre a tm e nt, re ce nt re se a rch, a nd fo r re fe rra ls to sta te a nd na tio na l se rvice s

A A RP B o ssie r C ha p te r 7 4 2 -6 1 7 9

B o ssie r C o uncil o n A g ing 7 0 6 B e a rka t D rive B o ssie r C ity, L A

A A RP 6 0 1 E a st Stre e t, NW Wa shing to n, D C 2 0 0 4 9 1 -8 0 0 -6 8 7 -2 2 7 7

A A RP N. B o ssie r C ha p te r 9 4 9 -3 8 4 5

St. Jud e s C a tho lic C hurch 3 8 0 0 V iking D rive B o ssie r C ity, L A

A no n-p ro fit o rg a niza tio n tha t a d vo ca te s fo r o ld e r A m e rica ns' he a lth, rig hts, a nd life cho ice s

A A RP C e ntra l C ha p te r 7 4 2 -6 1 7 9

L a ke sid e C e nte r 2 2 0 0 M ila m S hre ve p o rt, L A

A m e rica n B a r A sso cia tio n C o m m issio n o n L e g a l P ro b le m s o f the E ld e rly 7 4 0 1 5 th Stre e t, NW Wa shing to n D C 2 0 0 0 5 -1 0 2 2 1 -8 0 0 -2 8 5 -2 2 2 1 (to ll fre e )

Re sp o nd s to la w-re la te d ne e d s o f o ld e r p e o p le . M a ke s re fe rra ls a nd m a inta ins a listing o f le g a l a id o ffice s whe re o ld e r p e o p le ca n g e t fre e o r lo wco st le g a l a ssista nce

A A RP G re a te r S hre ve p o rt C ha p . 7 4 2 -6 1 7 9

Ra nd le M o o re C e nte r 3 1 0 1 F a irfie ld A ve nue S hre ve p o rt, L A

C e nte rs fo r M e d ica re a nd M e d ica id 7 5 0 0 S e curity B lvd B a ltim o re , M D 2 1 2 4 4 -1 8 5 0 1 -8 7 7 -2 6 2 -2 3 2 3 (to ll fre e ) 1 -8 0 0 -6 3 3 -4 2 2 7 (M e d ica re )

A A RP M o rning sid e C ha p te r 8 6 9 -2 1 7 6

Ha ttie P e rry P a rk 4 3 0 0 L e d b e tte r Stre e t S hre ve p o rt, L A

A g e ncy within US D e p t o f He a lth a nd Hum a n S e rvice s re sp o nsib le fo r M e d ica re , M e d ica id , HIPA A , a nd C L IA

A A RP N. S hre ve p o rt C ha p te r 7 9 8 -3 4 8 4

N. Hig hla nd s M e tho d ist C hurch 8 3 5 P o le m a n Ro a d S hre ve p o rt, L A

E ld e rca re L o ca to r 1 -8 0 0 -6 7 7 -111 6 (to ll fre e )

Na tio nwid e a ssista nce he lp ing e ld e rly a nd ca re g ive rs lo ca te re so urce s

A A RP NW C a d d o C ha p te r 6 7 4 -3 3 6 5

D a vid Ra ine s C e nte r 1 6 2 5 D a vid Ra ine s S hre ve p o rt, L A

F irst G o ve rnm e nt 1 -8 0 0 -3 3 3 -4 6 3 6

O ne -ste p a cce ss to a ll o nline fe d e ra l g o ve rnm e nt re so urce s

A A RP Ro se C ity C ha p te r 2 2 2 -6 7 3 8

S o uthe rn Hills C e nte r 1 0 0 2 B e rt K o uns S hre ve p o rt, L A

M E D L INE P lus

Up -to -d a te he a lth ca re info rm a tio n fro m the Na tio na l L ib ra ry o f M e d icine

K re we o f E ld e rs 7 4 1 -6 3 5 8

7 0 6 B e a rka t D r. B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 1111

Na tio na l F a m ily C a re g ive rs A sso cia tio n 1 0 4 0 0 C o nne cticut A ve , # 5 0 0 K e nsing to n, M D 2 0 8 9 5 -3 9 4 4 1 -8 0 0 -8 9 6 -3 6 5 0

G ra ss ro o ts o rg a niza tio n p ro vid ing a d vo ca cy, sup p o rt, a nd info fo r fa m ily who ca re fo r chro nica lly ill, o ld e r, o r d isa b le d re la tive s

Na tio na l Institute o n A g ing B e the sd a , M D 2 0 8 9 2 -2 2 9 2 1 -8 0 0 -2 2 2 -2 2 2 5

Re se a rch o n a g ing p ro ce sse s, d ise a se a nd the sp e cia l p ro b le m s a nd ne e d s o f o ld e r p e o p le

S o cia l S e curity A d m inistra tio n 6 4 0 1 S e curity B lvd B a ltim o re , M D 2 1 2 3 5 1 -8 0 0 -7 7 2 -1 2 1 3 (to ll fre e )

A g e ncy re sp o nsib le fo r S o cia l S e curity p ro g ra m s, survivo rs b e ne fits, d isa b ility insura nce , & sup p le m e nta l se curity inco m e

10 ďƒž ďƒź 2009 Edition


Na tio na l A ssn o f Re tire d F e d e ra l E m p lo ye e s # 11 7 8 - 7 4 2 -5 0 9 2 # 1 3 7 - 6 7 1 -1 7 1 4 # 1 6 2 2 - 8 6 5 -6 7 3 0


9 0 9 M o d ica B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 111 2 8 8 2 0 St. C la ir S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 8 3 3 1 Yo la nd a S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5

Re tire d a nd S e nio rs Vo lunte e r P ro g ra m 6 3 2 -2 11 2

RS V P 4 0 1 7 G re e nwo o d S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 9

S e nio r F rie nd s 7 9 5 -0 8 4 3

2 2 2 2 E a st B e rt K o uns S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5

Care Providers (Hourly care services)




All About Care Private Duty Nursing Service

2 5 2 9 E a st 7 0 th Stre e t S uite 3 1 0 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5

(318) 797-2100

P ro vid ing q ua lity o f ca re tha t we wo uld wa nt fo r o ur o wn fa m ilie s. M uch m o re tha t just a sitte r se rvice .

A nd e rso n & A nd e rso n P riva te D uty S itting S e rvice

2 7 1 5 M a cke y L a ne , # 11 9 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 8

(3 1 8 ) 6 7 1 -0 5 5 3


8 2 0 Jo rd a n S uite 5 2 5 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

(318) 425-2641

B lue b ird P a ra m e d ica l Re g iste r, Inc.

B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 1111

(3 1 8 ) 7 4 2 -2 2 2 4

Comfort Keepers

9 1 0 P ie rre m o nt R o a d S uite 4 1 0 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 6

(318) 934-0090

D e lta M e d ica l S e rvice s

1 8 0 0 B uckne r S q ua re S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

(3 1 8 ) 4 5 9 -1 6 0 0

E ntrum C a re , Inc.

6 2 3 5 Hwy 1 5 7 S o uth Ha ug hto n, L A 7 1 0 3 7

(3 1 8 ) 9 4 9 -1 8 2 8


Family Care Services

7 6 2 3 P ine s R o a d S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 2 9

(318) 671-1799

S ince 1 9 9 2 , ca te ring to the ne e d s o f o the rs, p ro vid ing co m p a nio nship , und e rsta nd ing & e xp e rie nce d ca re .

Home Assistance Services, Inc.

2 5 3 3 B e rt K o uns S uite 11 9 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 8

(318) 682-8182

S ince 1 9 8 7 , p ro vid ing ca re to p e rso ns o f a ll a g e s a t ho m e a nd in fa cilitie s o r the ho sp ita l

Ho m e Inste a d S e nio r C a re

2 2 0 1 L ine , S uite 1 0 3 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 4

(3 1 8 ) 7 4 1 -9 8 9 8

Interim HealthCare Staffing

2 3 2 3 O ld M ind e n R o a d , S uite 5 0 0 B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 1111

(318) 741-3776

P ro vid e s e xp e rie nce d p e rso na l ca re g ive rs to p e o p le o f a ll a g e s in p riva te ho m e s, fa cilitie s, a nd ho sp ita ls

ResCare Home Care Services

8 2 0 Jo rd a n, S uite 3 9 0 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

(318) 678-1890

Ho m e m a ke rs, sitte rs, ho m e he a lth a id e s, C NA s a t ho m e o r fa cility.

M o n A m i, A P riva te C a re g ive r S e rvice , Inc.

P. O . B o x 5 2 3 2 6 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 3 5

(3 1 8 ) 6 2 9 -1 0 6 9

New Horizons Independent Living

8 5 0 8 L ine A ve nue , S uite D S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 6

(318) 671-8131

E na b ling p e o p le with d isa b ilitie s to live ind e p e nd e ntly. A no n-p ro fit a nd no n-re sid e ntia l se rvice p ro vid e r

Northwest LA INCS, LLC

4 111 M e tro D rive S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 9

(318) 636-0390

In ho m e co m p a nio n ca re a nd sup p o rte d ind e p e nd e nt living to the d isa b le d a nd e ld e rly.

P rud ho m m e 's P a ra m e d ica l Re g iste r

4 5 3 4 B a rksd a le B lvd B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 111 2

Seniors' Club PCA Care

2 6 5 3 M a lco lm Stre e t S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 9

(318) 635-0010

In ho m e p e rso na l ca re se rvice s includ ing b a thing , g ro o m ing , d re ssing , a m b ula tio n, e a ting a ssista nce , & lig ht ho use ke e p ing .

S o uthla nd Ho m e He a lth o f S hre ve p o rt, Inc.

9 3 0 1 W a lla ce L a ke Ro a d S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 6

(3 1 8 ) 6 8 3 -11 9 0


Ho m e he a lth, p riva te d uty a nd sta ffing a g e ncy.

P ro vid e s fle xib le in-ho m e ca re se rvice s to m e e t clie nts' a nd the ir fa m ilie s' ne e d fo r e xtra sup p o rt a nd p e rso na l ca re se rvice s.

(3 1 8 ) 7 4 7 -7 5 0 0

2009 Edition ďƒź The Best of Times SILVER PAGES ďƒž


12   2009 Edition

Councils on Aging

Contact Info

Bienville Council on Aging Director: Gertie Baker

600 F actory O utlet D r. S uite 15 A rcadia, LA 71001 (318) 263-8936 (318) 263-9774 F ax

Bossier Council on Aging Director: Mary Anne Rankin

706 B earkat D rive B ossier C ity, LA 71111 (318) 741-8302 (318) 741-7490 F ax

Caddo Council on Aging Director: Mary Alice Rountree

4015 G reenwood Rd S hreveport, LA 71109 (318) 632-2090 (318) 632-2095 F ax

Claiborne Council on Aging Director: Josephine Miller

608 E ast 4th Street Hom er, LA 71040 (318) 927-6922 (318) 927-1070 F ax

DeSoto Council on Aging Director: Mary Adams

1004 P olk Street M ansfield, LA 71052 (318) 872-3700 (318) 872-9473 F ax

Lincoln Council on Aging Director: Michelle Wright

307 North Hom er Street Ruston, LA 71270 (318) 255-5070 (318) 255-5076 F ax

Natchitoches Council on Aging Director: Sandy Robbins

1016 K eyser A venue Natchitoches, LA 71457 (318) 357-3250 (318) 357-2424 F ax

Red River Council on Aging Director: Mary Wailes

1825 F ront Street C oushatta, LA 71019 (318) 932-5721 (318) 932-9572 F ax

Sabine Council on Aging Director: Linda Rigsby

200 Lagacy D rive M any, LA 71449 (318) 256-4140 (318) 256-4164 fax

Webster Council on Aging Director: Dathene Brown

316 M cIntyre Street M inden, LA 71055 (318) 371-3056 (318) 371-3070 fax

Other parishes in Louisiana elderaffairs (225) 342-7100

2009 Edition  The Best of Times SILVER PAGES 


Bossier Council on Aging Bearkat Site (741-8302), 706 Bearkat Drive, Bossier City 8 AM - 4:30 PM Plain Dealing Site (326-5722), 101 E. Oak Street, Plain Dealing, 9 AM - 1 PM Transportation - Vans available to seniors 60+ who have no means of transportation for medical appointments, grocery store, drug store and other necessary stops. Wheelchair accessible. One week notice required. $3 round trip suggested. Also provide medical transportation through referrals from Medicaid. Outreach - Home visits are made to help qualify seniors for services. Homemaker - Trained employees will come to your home to provide light housekeeping for those seniors having difficulty maintaining their homes. $3/visit suggested. Information & referrals - Call us if a se-

nior needs assistance in any way. 741-8302 Caregiver - Support services are provided for family caregivers including in-home respite care for the caregiver, education for the family, and material aid and sitter services for the patient. Legal Services - Education on elder legal issues provided at the sites. Counseling for individuals is accessible monthly with a local lawyer or by referrals. Congregate (Site) Meals - Hot, nutritious meals served at 11:30 AM at the sites, Mon - Fri . $1.25 per meal is suggested. Home Delivered Meals - Meals provided 5 days per week for elderly homebound in Bossier Parish, $1.50/meal suggested. Personal Medical Response System With a referral from BCOA, an auto dial unit is available for installation on your phone. Necklace, wristband, or pocket clip styles

provided. Just press the button for immediate help. $20 fee per month. Senior Centers - Fun and fellowship for the active senior! Enjoy recreation, crafts, educational seminars, and health information. Also provided: day trips, extended trips, exercise and dance classes, bingo, cards, dominoes, health screenings, exercise equipment room, Senior Games and Thursday night dances with a live band. Medication Management - Seminars, brown bag services provided by pharmacists and programs provided by health care providers so seniors know about their prescriptions and the proper way to take them. Drug plan assistance available. Medicaid Applications - We are an application center and provide assistance to seniors in filling out the forms. By appointment only. 741-8302

Caddo Council on Aging 4015 Greenwood Road, Shreveport, LA 71109. (318) 632-2090. 1.800.256.3003. Website address and resource directory - Email - Homemaker - A trained worker will perform light household tasks for house-bound persons. $5 monthly donation is requested. Family Caregiver- Short-term temporary relief care is provided for caregivers so that they may have a break from senior care. A donation is requested. Foster Grandparent - Seniors age 60+ can serve as mentors, tutors and caregivers to youth with special needs. Foster grandparents must meet federal income requirements. A modest tax-free salary is given for 20 hours’ per week service. Aging & Disability Resource Center of Northwest LA - Serving Seniors & Disabled Adults in Northwest Louisiana Parishes. Call 1.800.793.1198 or 318.632.5900 • Long Term Care Resources & Options. Help you navigate through the complex system of Long Term Care • Medicare Counseling. Answer questions on Medicare coverage • Medicare Part D Application. Assist you to find the best plan every year through • Medicine Assistance. Help seniors and disabled adults complete applications to drug companies for free or discounted medicine. Meals on Wheels - Hot meals are delivered to homes of seniors unable to shop or cook for themselves. A yearly wellness

check is included. $5 weekly donation is requested. Medical Alert - Senior emergency response system provided by Acadian on Call for a $20 monthly fee. This system gives immediate access to medical care in case of accidents. Personal Care - Personal care provided weekly for homebound seniors. Nursing Home Ombudsman - An advocate will investigate and resolve senior’s nursing home complaints. Retired Senior Volunteer Program - Seniors 55+ can volunteer to work with community non-profit agencies and health care facilities. A great opportunity to meet new people and have fun! Sheriff’s Operation Safeguard - Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office helps reunite persons with Alzheimer’s who have become lost with their families. Participants are given a special ID bracelet containing information stored in the Sheriff’s Office database. Call 681-0875 to register. A free service. Telephone Reassurance - Volunteers call seniors to offer comfort, support and a chat. Senior Center/Dining Sites - 12 area locations that offer recreation, exercise, and activities like bingo, crafts and sewing. Lunch is served for a $1.25 donation. Transportation is provided on a limited basis. Call 632-2080 for more information. • Myrtle B. Pickering Senior Center - Mon. - Fri. / 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. 4017 Greenwood Road, Shreveport. Lunch served at 11:30

14   2009 Edition

• Blanchard - Crossroad Assembly of God Church, 356 Warriner. Blanchard, LA. Mon., Wed. & Fri. - 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. • Broadmoor Neighborhood - Fridays Only. 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Broadmoor United Methodist Church, 3715 Youree Drive, Shreveport. Lunch served at 11:30 am • Canaan Towers - Mon. - Fri. / 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Canaan Tower Apartments, 400 North Dale, Shreveport. Lunch served at 11:00 am • Cockrell SPAR - Mon. - Fri. / 11:00 am to 12 noon. 4109 Pines Road, Shreveport. • Greenwood - Mon. - Fri. / 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Greenwood Library, 9359 Hwy 80, Greenwood. Lunch served at 11:00 am • Lakeside SPAR - Mon. - Fri. / 11:00 am to 12 noon. 2200 Milam St., Shreveport. • Morning Star - Mon. - Fri. / 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Morning Star Baptist Church, 5340 Jewella Ave, Shreveport. Lunch served at 11:00 am. • Mooringsport - Mon- Wed. / 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Mooringsport Community Center, 603 Latimer Street, Mooringsport. Lunch served at 11:30 am • New Hill - Tues. and Thurs. / 10:00 am to 1:30 pm. New Hill CME Church, 8725 Springridge Texas Line Road, Keithville. Lunch served at 11:00 am • Oil City - Thurs-Fri. / 9:30 am to 12:30 pm . Oil City Community Center, 310 Savage Street, Oil City. Lunch served at 11:00 am • Southern Hills SPAR - Mon. - Fri. / 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. 1002 Bert Kouns, Shreveport.

2009 Edition  The Best of Times SILVER PAGES 


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16   2009 Edition

2009 Edition  The Best of Times SILVER PAGES 


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18   2009 Edition

2009 Edition  The Best of Times SILVER PAGES 


Eye Care Providers

Address / Phone

D r. A u E ye C linic

2539 V iking D r., Ste 103 B ossier C ity, LA 71111 (31 8) 742-3399

B ossier E ye Institute

2300 Hospital D r., Ste 300 B ossier C ity, LA 71111 (31 8) 746-2020

B ossier F am ily E ye C are

927 B enton Road B ossier C ity, LA 71111 (31 8) 747-0302

D avid Raines C om m unity Health C enter

1625 D avid Raines Rd S hreveport, LA 71107 (31 8) 425-2252

D uncan O ptical D ispensary

4843 Line A venue S hreveport, LA 71101 (31 8) 869-3488

Dr. Bryan Vekovius

(318) 675-3733 (877) 675-3160

D r. B ruce C . Henderson

471 A shley Ridge D rive S hreveport, LA 71106 (31 8) 795-4770

Lusk E ye Specialists

451 A shley Ridge D rive S hreveport, LA 71106 (31 8) 222-5555

Pierremont Eye Institute Dr. Chris L. Shelby Dr. Ashley W. Sipes

20 ďƒž ďƒź 2009 Edition

450 A shley Ridge D r. S hreveport, LA 71106

7843 Youree D rive S hreveport, LA 71105

(318) 212-3937

Red River E ye & Laser C enter

2400 Hospital D r., Ste 100 B ossier C ity, LA 71111 (31 8) 21 2-7860

Regional Retina

7330 F ern A ve., S uite 702 S hreveport, LA 71105 31 8) 798-6699

D r. S am S ilverblatt

1803 E ast 70th S hreveport, LA 71105 (31 8) 798-4000

S hreveport E ye C linic

471 A shley Ridge D rive S hreveport, LA 71106 (31 8) 221 -8646

Steen-Hall E ye Institute

2611 Greenwood Road S hreveport, LA 71103 (31 8) 631 -2020

V itreo Retinal A ssociates

836 Olive Street S hreveport, LA 71104 (31 8) 222-8421

V ision S ource D r. Larry C hism

136 S helley D rive Tyler, TX 75701 (800) 243-2020

Financial & Estate Planning Services/Legal Services


A m e rip rise F ina ncia l S e rvice s

7 3 8 No rth A shle y Rid g e L o o p S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 6

(3 1 8 ) 8 6 1 -3 5 2 1

Argent Financial Group

3 3 3 Te xa s Stre e t S uite 6 9 9 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

(318) 798-9797

Daniel C. Scarborough, IV Attorney at Law

8 3 9 K ing s Hig hwa y S uite 1 3 0 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 4

(318) 673-9807

Edward Jones - Terry Langley

7 3 3 0 F e rn A ve nue S uite 6 0 3 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5

(318) 797-1971

E va ns F ina ncia l G ro up

7 6 0 0 F e rn A ve nue , B ld g 1 2 0 0 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5

(3 1 8 ) 6 2 9 -4 8 5 2

E sta te P la nning L a w C e nte r o f W a lte r D . W hite , A tto rne y

111 F re e sta te B lvd , S uite 11 7 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 7

(3 1 8 ) 2 1 3 -9 3 5 0

E xe cutive F ina ncia l G ro up

8 8 4 8 Yo ure e D rive S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 5

(3 1 8 ) 7 9 5 -0 6 6 0

G a rcia F ina ncia l S e rvice s

1 6 0 5 B e nto n Ro a d , S uite H B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 1111

(3 1 8 ) 7 4 2 -4 4 3 7

Ho rto n F ina ncia l S e rvice s, L L C

1 2 0 No rth Ha rd wick D rive B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 1111

(3 1 8 ) 2 2 2 -8 6 0 0

IM F ina ncia l

1 9 4 5 E a st 7 0 th Stre e t S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5

(3 1 8 ) 6 2 9 -11 7 0

JP J Inve stm e nts

3 2 0 1 D e e Stre e t S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5

(3 1 8 ) 2 2 2 -8 9 9 9

R. K e ith Jo ne s F ina ncia l G ro up

1 8 1 0 E a st 7 0 th, S uite 3 0 0 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5

(3 1 8 ) 7 9 7 -0 0 9 6

M cD a nie l F ina ncia l

2 0 0 1 E a st 7 0 th Stre e t, S uite 4 0 7 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5

(3 1 8 ) 7 9 8 -9 0 2 2

New York Life Insurance Company -- Brian Addy

4 0 1 E d wa rd s Stre e t S uite 1 7 0 0 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

S .A .F.E . P la nning , Inc.

9 2 0 P ie rre m o nt Ro a d , S uite 1 0 5 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 6

Serio Investments

8 3 1 K ing s Hig hwa y S uite 2 1 8 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 4

(318) 221-0889

The Law Practice of Joseph R. Gilsoul, Attorney

9 1 2 K ing s Hig hwa y S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 4

(318) 222-2100

W illia m s F ina ncia l A d viso rs

6 2 4 5 Yo ure e D rive , S uite 1 8 0 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5

(3 1 8 ) 7 9 8 -111 2

W L G F ina ncia l G ro up , L L C

2 2 8 5 B e nto n Ro a d B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 1111

(3 1 8 ) 7 4 7 -7 0 8 0


(318) 227-5013 (3 1 8 ) 8 6 9 -3 1 3 3

2009 Edition ďƒź The Best of Times SILVER PAGES ďƒž


Hearing Care Services

Address & Phone

A sso cia te s o f E a r a nd Thro a t

1 5 0 1 K ing s Hig hwa y S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 3 0 (3 1 8 ) 6 7 5 -6 2 6 2

A ud ib e l He a ring He a lthca re

7 0 1 Jo rd a n S uite D S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1 (3 1 8 ) 4 2 5 -5 4 1 7

A ud io lo g y a nd He a ring A id C e nte r

2 4 0 0 Ho sp ita l D rive B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 1111 (3 1 8 ) 7 4 7 -4 9 8 8

B e lto ne He a ring

1 7 0 1 O ld M ind e n Ro a d S uite 1 7 -F B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 1111 (3 1 8 ) 6 2 9 -4 1 8 8

Better Hearing Systems B o ssie r He a ring A id C e nte r D a vid Ra ine s C o m m unity He a lth C e nte r

E a r, No se a nd Thro a t C e nte r

Help L ines

Whom to C ontac t?


Reporting water leaks or sewer leaks

P ublic W orks

673-7600 S HV 741-8466 B C

Reporting of garbage collection problem s

S olid Waste C ollection

673-6369 S HV 741-8461 B C

Recyling inform ation

S olid Waste C ollection

673-6268 S HV 741-8409 B C

Reporting of street sign or traffic signal problem s

P ublic W orks

673-6181 S HV 741-8411 B C

Reporting of potential fire hazard situation in a hom e or at a business

F ire D epartm ent

673-6740 S HV 741-8703 B C

Non emergency contact with police department

P olice D epartm ent

673-7300 SHV 741-8610 BC

2207 C alifornia S uite 6A B ossier C ity, LA 71111

Unsafe structure, high grass, junk cars or debris on property

C ode E nforcem ent

673-7390 S HV 741-9095 B C

Reporting of potential zoning violation of hom eowner or business

C ode E nforcem ent

673-6440 S HV 741-8703 B C

2 2 11 S he d Ro a d B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 1111 (8 0 0 )2 8 4 -0 9 9 5

O btaining a building perm it for hom e or business

B uilding P erm it O ffice

673-6100 S HV 741-8571 B C

Reporting a m issing person

D etective O ffice

673-7020 S HV 741-8641 B C

Reporting a stolen autom obile

D etective O ffice

673-6985 S HV 741-8641 B C

Reporting citizens concerns or com pliants to the M ayor

M ayor's O ffice

673-5013 S HV 741-8501 B C

Needing C itizen or Neighborhood A ssistance

P olice D epartm ent

673-5669 S HV 741-8352 B C

Reporting inform ation to C rim estoppers

P olice D epartm ent

673-7000 S HV 424-4100 B C

P arking Tickets inform ation

F inance D ept.

222-0290 S HV 741-8835 B C

Reporting stray or noisy anim als

A nim al C ontrol

226-6624 S HV 741-8499 B C

Hom e ram ps or im provem ents for disabled person

C om m unity D evelp.

673-7528 S HV 741-8560 B C

S eeking Liftline services for a disabled persons



C enterP oint E nergy A rkla


Reporting of electric service problem s



Report of local telephone problem s

AT& T O ther providers

877-737-2478 Refer to Your P hone book

(318) 747-9191

1 6 2 5 D a vid Ra ine s Rd S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 7 (3 1 8 ) 4 2 5 -2 2 5 2 8 5 7 5 F e rn A ve . S uite # 1 0 3 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5 (3 1 8 ) 7 9 8 -0 7 5 9 2 1 2 1 L ine A ve nue S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1 (3 1 8 ) 2 2 6 -9 4 4 1

Hig hla nd C linic A ud io lo g ica l S e rvice s

1 4 5 5 E a st B e rt K o uns S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5 (3 1 8 ) 7 9 8 -4 4 4 2

Jo ne s A ud io lo g y

7 0 2 0 Yo ure e D rive S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5 (3 1 8 ) 7 9 7 -3 3 11

S e a rs He a ring A id C e nte r

3 6 0 1 S o uthe rn A ve nue S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 4 (3 1 8 ) 4 0 2 -0 4 3 3

S hre ve He a ring A id S e rvice

1 8 1 0 E a st 7 0 th Stre e t S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5 (3 1 8 ) 7 9 7 -7 7 3 3

S o und S o lutio ns He a ring C e nte r

8 0 3 9 L ine A ve nue S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 6 (3 1 8 ) 2 1 9 -4 1 5 5

22 ďƒž ďƒź 2009 Edition

C ity Utilities & S ervic es

Reporting of gas leaks or problem s

H elp L ines

Help L ines


P aris h S ervic es

Whom to C ontac t?

V ita l R e co rd s a nd B irth R e co rd s

P a rish V ita l R e co rd s

6 7 6 -5 2 0 1 C 9 6 5 -2 3 3 6 B

Vo ice co nce rns to G o ve rno r

P a rish H e a lth U nit

6 7 6 -5 2 2 2 C 7 4 1 -7 3 1 4 B

S e nio r Info rm a tio n a nd C o nce rns

C o uncil o n A g ing

6 3 2 -2 1 8 3 C 7 4 1 -8 3 0 2 B

B o a t Re g istra tio n

Social Services Referrals & Needs

C e nte rP o int

211 2 2 7 -2 1 0 0

F o o d Sta m p s

F o o d Sta m p O ffice

6 7 6 -7 6 0 0

D rive r's L ice nse

D e p t o f M o to r Ve hicle s

6 7 6 -7 5 1 2 C 7 4 1 -7 1 3 5 B

Ve hicle R e g istra tio n

D e p t o f M o to r Ve hicle s

7 6 7 -5 8 5 7

M o sq uito P ro b le m s

D ept of M o sq uito C o nto l

2 2 6 -6 6 2 7

D e p t o f A nim a l C o ntro l

2 2 6 -6 6 2 4 C 9 6 5 -3 7 5 2 B

C ivil a nd C rim ina l situa tio ns

S he riff's O ffice

6 7 5 -2 1 7 0 C 9 6 5 -2 2 0 3 B

H o m e ste a d E xe m p tio n

Ta x A sse sso r o ffice

2 2 6 -6 7 0 5 C 9 6 5 -3 4 0 0 B

G e ne ra l P a rish Issue s

P a rish A d m in. P o licy Jury

2 2 6 -6 9 0 0 C 9 6 5 -2 3 2 9 B

Vo te r re g istra tio n

R e g istra r o f Vo te rs

2 2 6 -6 8 9 1 C 9 6 5 -2 3 0 1 B

N ursing ho m e p ro b le m re so lutio n

O m b ud sm a n P ro g ra m

6 3 2 -2 0 9 0 C 6 3 2 -2 0 9 0 B

A ssista nce fo r tra nsp o ra tio n ne e d s

C o uncils o n A g ing

6 3 2 -2 0 9 0 C 7 4 1 -8 3 0 2 B

E ld e rly P ro te ctive S e rvice s

6 7 6 -5 2 0 0

M a rria g e L ice nse s

C le rk o f C o urt

2 2 6 -6 7 8 9 C 9 6 5 -2 3 3 6 B

E ld e rly C rim e V ictim s

S he riff's O ffice

P ro p e rty Ta xe s P ro b le m s

P ub lic H e a lth Issue s M e a ls o n W he e ls

A nim a l/R a t P ro b le m s

R e p o rting e ld e rly a b use o r ne g le ct

(C =C addo, B =B os s ier)

Whom to C ontac t?

P hone

G o ve rno r's O ffice

2 2 5 -3 4 2 -0 9 9 1 8 0 0 -2 5 6 -7 7 7 7

O ffice o f E ld e rly A ffa irs

2 2 5 -3 4 2 -7 1 0 0

W ild L ife & F ishe rie s

6 7 6 -7 5 9 4 3 1 8 -3 7 1 -3 0 5 0

A ssista nce o n hig hwa ys

L o uisia na Sta te Hig hwa y P a tro l

7 4 1 -7 4 11 8 0 0 -2 5 9 -4 9 2 9

F ishing a nd hunting lice nse s

F ish a nd W ild life

8 0 0 -3 4 4 -9 4 5 3 8 8 8 -7 6 5 -2 6 0 2

Re p o rting to xic o r o il sp ills

To xic Re p o rting

8 0 0 -4 2 4 -8 8 0 2

Re p o rting o f F o re st F ire s

F o re stry D e p t

8 0 0 -2 4 2 -3 4 7 3

Ra ilro a d e m e rg e ncy

8 0 0 -2 3 2 -0 1 4 4 8 0 0 -4 5 3 -2 5 3 0

D ept of Insura nce

8 0 0 -2 5 9 -5 3 0 0


8 0 0 -2 5 9 -5 3 0 1

Re ve nue D e p t

6 7 6 -7 5 0 0 8 0 0 -8 2 9 -3 0 7 1

L A P ub lic S e rvice C o m m issio n

6 7 6 -7 4 6 4 8 0 0 -2 5 6 -2 4 1 2

Re d uce te le m a rke ting ca lls to ho m e te le p ho ne num b e rs

L A D o No t C a ll P ro g ra m

8 0 0 -6 7 6 -0 7 7 3

Q ua lity o f ca re p ro b le m in a ho sp ita l, nursing ho m e , o utp a tie nt fa cility, o r ho m e he a lth a g e ncy

L o uisia na He a lth C a re Re vie w

8 0 0 -4 3 3 -4 9 5 8 M e d ica re Rig hts Ho tline

C o nce rns o r p ro b le m s with a lice nse d he a lth ca re p ro vid e r

LA D ept of He a lth a nd Ho sp ita ls

8 6 2 -9 8 9 9 8 0 0 -2 5 6 -3 0 6 8

L ouis iana S ervic es

Re p o rting o f ra ilro a d cro ssing p ro b le m s Insura nce p o licy co m p la ints Insura nce co m p a riso n g uid e s A ssista nce in sta te inco m e ta x filing Re p o rting p ro b le m s with p ub lic utility co m p a nie s

E ld e rly M e d ica id Wa ive r a ssista nce & LT-P C S


7 4 1 -7 4 5 5 8 0 0 -8 6 2 -1 4 0 9

D isa b ility D e te rm ina tio ns

D isa b ility O ffice

8 6 9 -6 4 0 0 8 0 0 -2 5 6 -2 2 6 6

6 8 1 -0 8 7 1 C 9 6 5 -2 2 0 3 B

M e nta l He a lth Info rm a tio n

M e nta l He a lth C e nte r

6 7 6 -5 111 8 6 6 -4 1 6 -5 3 7 0

F ina nce O ffice

6 8 1 -0 6 3 8 C 9 6 5 -3 4 0 0 B

Re p o rting F ra ud & A b use

Sta te F ra ud Ho tline

8 0 0 -4 7 7 -8 4 7 7 8 0 0 -4 8 8 -2 9 1 7

L ib ra ry S e rvice s

va rio us lo ca tio ns

2 2 6 -5 8 9 7 C 7 4 6 -1 6 9 3 B

C a ll B e fo re yo u D ig (D O TTIE )

L A o ne ca m

8 0 0 -2 7 2 -3 0 2 0 2 2 5 -2 7 5 -3 7 0 0

F o o d a ssista nce

F o o d B a nk o f N W L o uisia na

6 7 5 -2 4 0 0

L A Ve te ra ns A ffa irs

6 7 7 -7 5 4 0 8 0 0 -8 2 7 -1 0 0 0

C o ro ne r's O ffice

2 2 6 -6 8 8 1 C 7 4 2 -0 5 7 9 B

D e a th inve stig a tio ns

C hro nica lly D e ve lo p m e nta lly d isa b le d p e rso ns

M e d ica id Wa ive r 8 0 0 -6 6 0 -0 4 8 8 O ffice 8 6 6 -2 2 9 -5 2 2 2

A ssista nce fo r L o uisia na Ve te ra ns C o nsum e r C o m p la ints

A tto rne y G e ne ra l 8 0 0 -3 5 1 -4 8 8 9

To urism Info rm a tio n

LA Tourism Office

9 3 8 -5 6 1 3

2009 Edition ďƒź The Best of Times SILVER PAGES ďƒž


Help L ines

US Government S ervices P resident of The United States

Whom to C ontact? B arack Obam a

P hone 202-456-1111 202-456-1414

US S enator for Louisiana

M ary Landrieu

676-3085 202-224-5824

US S enator for Louisiana

D avid V itter

861-0437 202-224-4623

US House Representative D istrict 4 of Louisiana

John F lem ing

798-2254 202-225-2777

F ederal investigations & tips on suspected terrorists


221-8439 504-816-3000

F ederal Inform ation C enter

Governm ent inform ation


F ood and D rug A dm inistration



D iscrim ination & em ploym ent issues



National W eather S ervice

635-7575 631-3669

F ederal Housing Inform ation


676-3385 800-358-6216

A ssistance in com pleting federal incom e tax form s



S ocial S ecurity B enefits


676-3209 800-772-1213

S S A Hearings & A ppeals



Veterans A ffairs

676-7540 800-827-1000

US C ustom s

677-2216 504-670-2416

Reduce telem arketing calls to hom e telephone num bers

D O NOT C A LL Registry


M ail service problem s/concerns

US P ost Office

677-2235 800-275-8777

Questions about M edicare benefits

M edicare Office

800-633-4227 800-932-7644

Questions about M edicare B C laim s

M edicare C arrier


M edicare S avings P rogram s


862-9862 888-544-7996

Railroad retirem ent benefits

US Railroad Retire

676-3022 800-724-5995

B arksdale Retirees A ffairs Office

Retiree A ctivities


National & Local W eather forecasts

Veterans B enefits US P assport inform ation

24 ďƒž ďƒź 2009 Edition

Help L ines

Whom to C ontact?


C onsumer complaints and business complaints

S hreveport B etter B usiness B ureau


Locating senior housing, meals, transportation, home health, etc.

E ldercare Locator


Reporting obscene or harassing telephone calls



A ssistance in advocacy on various senior concerns

A dvocacy C enter

227-6186 800-960-7705

Free Legal A ssistance

Legal S ervices of North Louisiana

222-7186 800-960-9109

Legal Representation

P ro B ono Legal S ervices


P roduct safety issues

C onsumer P roduct P rotection


D igging a trench or deep hole on a property


800-272-3020 225-275-3700

P oisoning Information

P oison C ontrol


Flu/pneumonia shots

Red C ross




Foster grandparent volunteer opportunities

Foster Grandparent P rogram


C able service problems

C able TV company

213-4130 S HV 747-1688 B C

P roblems with delivery of daily newspaper

The S hreveport Times B ossier P ress Tribune

459-3322 747-7900

D onation of unneeded items

S alvation A rmy NW La Goodwill

424-3200 869-2571

A lcoholics A nonymous

Local contact

865-2171 800-729-6686

D omestic V iolence Hotline

Local contact

888-411-1333 800-799-7233

Gambling Hotline

Local contact


D rug & Narcotics A nonymous

Local contact

677-8862 800-662-4357

Metro Hot Lines


S HV-B C Tourist B ureau

222-9391 800-551-8682

Mis cellaneous

S eeking to be a volunteer

S enior Health Information Tourism and E vents in Northwest Louisiana C omments, subscriptions, advertising information

The Best of Times


Home Health Agencies (Medicare Certified)





820 Jordan, S uite 525 S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 425-2641

Offers physical, occupational and speech therapists, skilled nursing services including IV therapy and certified wound care specialists, medical social workers ; home health aides.

Ark-La-Tex Home Health, Inc.

2090 Stockwell Road B ossier C ity, LA 71111

(318) 747-6180

Eligible clients may receive skilled nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, home health aide services.

M ediStar Hom e Health

2102 Old M inden Road B ossier C ity, LA 71112

(318) 742-4026

C hristus Hom e C are

1700 B uckner, Ste 200 S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 681-7200

Gentiva Health Services

920 P ierrem ont, Ste 520 S hreveport, LA 71106

(318) 865-8865

Louisiana Hom eC are of S hreveport

920 P ierrem ont, Ste 220 S hreveport, LA 71106

(318) 219-9549

National Hom ecare S ervices

827 M argaret P l., #201 S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 221-8799

North Caddo Home Health

815 S outh P ine V ivian, LA 71082

(318) 375-5710

P rofessional Hom e Health S ervices

3601 Youree D rive S hreveport, LA 71105

(318) 861-3900

S m art Health C are

127 Honeysuckle Lane Haughton, LA 71037

(318) 747-1965

S outhland Hom e Health of S hreveport

9301 Wallace Lake Rd. S hreveport, LA 71106

(318) 683-1190

S TAT Hom e Health

820 Jordan, S uite 110 S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 424-5365

S upra Hom e C are

8889 Jewella, Ste D S hreveport, LA 71118

(318) 865-3111

Synergy Home Care

2533 B ert K ouns, #117 S hreveport, LA 71118

(318) 550-0285

Thom pson Hom e Health

2529 E ast 70th, Ste 110 S hreveport, LA 71105

(318) 797-9392

United Hom e Health C are of S hreveport

9400 V illage Green D rive (318) 798-7777 S hreveport, LA 71115

Willis Knighton Home Health Agency

3300 A lbert B icknell #4 S hreveport, LA 71103

One of the largest home care providers in the US. Effective cost and quality driven home care. Skilled nursing, home health aides,and therapies at home.

Home health agency providing home skilled nursing care, home health aide services, and therapy services.

Nurses, PTs, OTs, STs, social workers,& home health aides providing care in the comfort of your home.

Home health agency providing home skilled

(318) 212-4180 nursing care, home health aide services, and therapy services

2009 Edition ďƒź The Best of Times SILVER PAGES ďƒž


Hospice Care Providers



Agape Hospice Care of Shreveport, LLC

806 B rook Hollow D rive (318) 861-2150 S hreveport, LA 71105

C hristus S chum p e rt Ho sp ice a nd G ra ce Ho m e

O ne St. M a ry P la ce S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 110 1

Circle of Life Hospice, Inc.

900 P ierrem ont Rd, S uite 110 S hreveport, LA 71106

(318) 869-4012

C o m m unity Ho sp ice s o f A m e rica

8 6 6 0 F e rn A ve , Ste 145 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 110 5

(3 18 ) 5 2 4-10 46

Features and Information S erving North Louisiana with the highest standard of palliative care. P ersonnel have over 30 years of com bined experience in providing com fort care when cure is no longer possible.

(3 18 ) 6 8 1-46 0 5

Locally owned and operated hospice providing care anywhere it is needed.

M aking every m om ent m eaningful through com passionate service and care for the hospice patient and their fam ily m em bers

Harmony Life Hospice

2529 E ast 70th, #306 S hreveport, LA 71105


Ho sp ice o f S hre ve p o rt/ B o ssie r

3 8 2 9 G ilb e rt S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 110 4

(3 18 ) 8 6 5 -7 17 7

Jo rd a n's C ro ssing Ho sp ice

6 6 6 Tra vis St, Ste 7 0 0 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 110 1

(3 18 ) 6 3 1-6 7 8 9

L ife P a th Ho sp ice C a re S e rvice s

15 0 0 M a rke t, Ste B 10 8 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 110 7

(3 18 ) 2 2 2 -5 7 11

Odyssey HealthCare

8508 Line A ve, Ste 6A S hreveport, LA 71106

(318) 868-8788

M edicare certified hospice agency serving North Louisiana for m any years with dedication, com -passion, and love.

SouthernCare Hospice

2924 K night Street, S uite 324 S hreveport, LA 71105

(318) 227-9160

P art of a m ulti-state network devoted solely to hospice patients and their fam ilies.

(318) 222-8723

A spiritually driven hospice with m any years of experience providing em otional, spirtual, & physical support to patients & their loved ones.

(318) 212-4697

P rovides holistic com fort care to people living with term inal illness and their fam ilies with a goal of keeping patients in their hom es.

Jordan St. Joseph Hospice 688 S hreveport LA 71101

Willis Knighton Hospice of Louisiana

3300 A lbert B icknell #3 S hreveport, LA 71103

26 ďƒž ďƒź 2009 Edition

2009 Edition  The Best of Times SILVER PAGES 






Brentwood Hospital

P sychiatric and C hem ical D ependency 1006 Highland A venue Treatm ent C enter - Inpatient, D ay S hreveport, LA 71101 Treatm ent and Outpatient S ervices

(318) 678-7500

C hristus S chum pert St. M ary P lace

601 bed acute tertiary care hospital with m ore than 600 physicians serving all m edical specialties

O ne St. M ary P lace S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 681-4500 681-4223 em ergency

C hristus S chum pert B ossier

Specialty hospital which provides com prehensive rehabilitation care

2105 A irline D rive B ossier C ity, LA 71111

(318) 848-80000

C hristus S chum pert Highland

160 bed acute care hospital offering various m edical and surgical care

1453 E . B ert K ouns Ind. Loop S hreveport, LA 71105

C ornerstone Hospital of B ossier C ity

Specialty hospital treats m edically com plex patients

4900 M edical D rive B ossier C ity, LA 71112

(318) 747-9500

D octor's Hospital of S hreveport

A cute care hospital providing a variety of health care services

1130 Louisiana S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 678-4435

D ubuis Hospital

F ull service long term care acute care hospital

O ne St. M ary P lace S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 221-3802

Lifecare Hospital Pierremont

P rovidies services to patients with m edically com plex diagnoses

8001 Youree D rive S hreveport, LA 71105

(318) 212-3200

Lifecare Hospital Linwood

P rovides services to patients with m edically com plex diagnoses

9320 Linwood A venue S hreveport, LA 71106

(318) 688-8504

Lifecare Hospital - North

P rovides services to patients with m edically com plex diagnoses

2550 K ings Highway S hreveport, LA 71103

(318) 212-6860

LS U Health S ciences C enter

F ull service com prehensive care hospital with m any specialty units and 60 clinics for outpatient services

1501 K ings Highway S hreveport, LA 71130

M inden M edical C enter

F ull service acute care hospital providing a variety of services

#1 M edical P laza M inden, LA 71055

North C addo M em orial Hospital

A cute care hospital providing a variety of health care services

1000 S outh Spruce Street V ivian, LA 71082

(318) 375-3235

O verton B rooks Veterans A dm inistration Hospital

A cute care hospital for veterans and other eligible persons

510 Stoner A venue S hreveport, LA 71130

(318) 221-8411

P rom ise Specialty Hospital of S hreveport

146 bed hospital provides intensive treatm ent to adults needing care

1800 Irving P lace S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 425-4096

P rom ise Specialty Hospital of B ossier C ity

Hospital provides intensive treatm ent to adults needing care

2525 V iking D rive B ossier C ity, LA 71111

(318) 841-2525

Stonewall Hospital

F or all inpatient and outpatient adult m ental health needs

960 Hwy 171 Stonewall, LA 71078

(318) 925-6660

Willis Knighton Medical Center - North

369 bed acute care hospital providing 2600 G reenwood Road S hreveport, LA 71103 various m edical and surgical care

212-4698 em ergency

Willis Knighton Medical Center - Bossier

85 bed acute care hospital providing various m edical and surgical care

2400 Hospital D rive B ossier C ity, LA 71111

212-7500 em ergency

Willis Knighton Medical Center - South Shreveport

186 bed acute care hospital providing various m edical and surgical care

2510 B ert K ouns Ind. Loop S hreveport, LA 71118

212-5500 em ergency

Willis Knighton Medical Center - Pierremont

112 bed acute care hospital providing various m edical and surgical care

8001 Youree D rive S hreveport, LA 71105

212-3500 em ergency

28 ďƒž ďƒź 2009 Edition

(318) 798-4300 798-4343 em ergency

(318) 675-5000 (318) 377-2321 371-5655 em ergency

(318) 212-4000 (318) 212-7000 (318) 212-5000 (318) 212-3000

NEW Southeast Shreveport Office Now OPEN at 8730 Youree Drive, Building A

High Tech for High Quality of Life /24(/4)#3 s 5PPER ,OWER ,IMBS (ANDS &EET s -YO /RTHOTIC 4ECHNOLOGY s 3PINAL /RTHOSES "ODY *ACKETS s 3PORTS /RTHOSES


02/34(%4)#3 s -ICROPROCESSOR #ONTROLLED #OMPONENTRY s -YOELECTRICS s &LEXIBLE 3OCKET $ESIGNS s 5LTRA ,IGHT 0ROSTHESES s #!$ #!- .3.! s 3PORTS 0ROSTHESES Certified Practitioners & Facilities -EDICARE s -EDICAID Most Insurance Plans

Some see an empty field of dirt. Snell patient Robbie Brown sees bushels of homegrown tomatoes, foot-long zucchinis and some of the sweetest peas your teeth have ever had the pleasure of meeting. When he’s not driving his tractor or guiding his tiller through the garden, you’ll find him living life to the fullest in some other way.



(318) 424-4167 4OLL &REE Offices conveniently located in Shreveport, Monroe, and Alexandria.

2009 Edition ďƒź The Best of Times SILVER PAGES ďƒž


New Horizons Independent Living 8508 Line Avenue, Suite D Shreveport, LA 71106 (318) 671-8131

Ambulance Balentine Ambulance Service 3516 Old Minden Road Shreveport, LA 71103 (318) 222-5358

Artificial Limbs and Braces Snell’s Orthotics and Prosthetics 1833 Line Avenue Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 424-4167 Snell’s Orthotics and Prosthetics 8730 Youree Drive Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 795-0953

Automobile Sales and Services Brock’s Collision Repair Center 8752 Business Park Drive Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 798-1353

Associations and Organizations Aging and Disability Resource Center 4015 Greenwood Road Shreveport, LA 71109 (318) 632-5900 Alzheimer’s Association 910 Pierremont Road, Suite 410 Shreveport, LA 71106 (318) 861-8613 LATAN 820 Jordan, Suite 120 Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 841-1548 The Robinson Film Center 617 Texas Street Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 424-9090 The Best of Times P. O. Box 19510 Shreveport, LA 71149 (318) 636-5510

Care Providers

Brock’s Collision Repair Center 740 Bert Kouns Shreveport, LA 71118 (318) 687-5070

All About Care Private Duty Nursing Services 2529 East 70th Street, Suite 310 Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 797-2100

Brock’s Collision Repair Center 2654 Barksdale Blvd Bossier City, LA 71111 (318) 742-5575

Comfort Keepers 910 Pierremont Road, Suite 410 Shreveport, LA 71106 (318) 934-0090

Hebert’s Town and County Chrysler Jeep Dodge 1155 Bert Kouns Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 221-9000 Landers Dodge and Chrysler 2701 Benton Road Bossier City, LA 71111 (318) 797-1233

Family Care Services 7623 Pines Road Shreveport, LA 71118 (318) 671-1799 Home Assistance Services 2533 Bert Kouns, Suite 119 Shreveport, LA 71118 (318) 682-8182 Interim Healthcare Staffing 2323 Old Minden Road, Ste. 500 Bossier City, LA 71111 (318) 741-3776

30  The Best of Times SILVER PAGES  2009 Edition

Northwest INCS, Inc. 4111 Metro Drive Shreveport, LA 71109 (318) 636-0390 ResCare Home Care 820 Jordan, Suite 390 Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 678-1890 Seniors Club Personal Care Services 2653 Malcolm Street Shreveport, LA 71109 (318) 635-0010

Charter Travel Services Red River Coaches 4277 North Market Street Shreveport, LA 71107 (318) 221-5797 Tri-City Charter 1323 Canyon Court Bossier City, LA 71111 (318) 747-4754

Financial & Estate Planning Services/Legal Services Argent Financial Group 333 Texas, Suite 699 Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 798-9797 Barksdale Federal Credit Union 2701 Village Lane Bossier City, LA 71112 (318) 549-8240 New York Life Insurance Brian Addy 401 Edwards, Suite 1700 Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 227-5013 Carter Federal Credit Union 6885 Bert Kouns Shreveport, LA 71129 (318) 688-3620 Daniel Scarborough, Attorney at Law 839 Kings Highway, Suite 130 Shreveport, LA 71104 (318) 673-9807

Edwards Jones – Terry Langley 7330 Fern, Suite 603 Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 797-1971 Serio Investments Phillip Serio 831 Kings Highway, Suite 218 Shreveport, LA 71104 (318) 221-0889 The Law Practice of Joseph Gilsoul 912 Kings Highway Shreveport, LA 71104 (318) 222-2100

Hearing Care Services Better Hearing Systems 2207 California, Suite 6A Bossier City, LA 71111 (318) 747-9191

Home Maintenance and Improvement Anti-Pest Company 1301 Youree Drive Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 221-6181 Home Innovations 405 Watts Road Shreveport, LA 71106 (318) 869-4663

Home Health Agencies (Medicare Certified) American Nursing Services 820 Jordan, Suite 525 Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 425-2641 Ark-La-Tex Home Health, Inc 2090 Stockwell Road Bossier City, LA 71111 (318) 747-6180 Gentiva Health Services 920 Pierremont Road, Suite 520 Shreveport, LA 71106 (318) 865-8865 North Caddo Home Health 815 South Pine Vivian, LA 71082 (318) 375-5710 Synergy Home Care 2533 Bert Kouns, Suite 117 Shreveport, LA 71118 (318) 550-0285

Willis Knighton Home Health Care 33000 Albert Bicknell Drive, #4 Shreveport, LA 71103 (318) 212-4180

Hospice Care Providers Agape Hospice 806 Brook Hollow Drive Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 861-2150 Circle of Life Hospice 900 Pierremont Road, Suite 110 Shreveport, LA 71106 (318) 869-4012 Harmony Hospice 2529 East 70th Street. Suite 306 Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 798-5775 Odyssey Healthcare 8508 Line Avenue, Suite A Shreveport, LA 71106 (318) 868-8788 Southern Care 2924 Knight Street, Suite 324 Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 227-9160 St. Joseph Hospice 688 Jordan Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 222-8723 Willis Knighton Hospice of LA 3300 Albert Bicknell Drive, #3 Shreveport, LA 71103 (318) 212-4697

Hospitals Brentwood Hospital 1006 Highland Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 678-7500 LifeCare Hospital 9320 Linwood Shreveport, LA 71106 (318) 688-8504 LifeCare Hospital 8001 Youree Drive Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 212-3200 LifeCare Hospital 2550 Kings Highway Shreveport, LA 71103 (318) 212-6860

Willis Knighton Hospital 2600 Greenwood Road Shreveport, LA 71103 (318) 212-4000

Dr. Bryan Vekovius 450 Ashley Ridge Drive Shreveport, LA 71106 (318) 675-3733

Willis Knighton Hospital - Pierremont 8100 Youree Drive Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 212-3000

Dr. Gary Booker 851 Olive Shreveport, LA 71104 (318) 227-9600

Willis Knighton Hospital - South 2150 Bert Kouns Shreveport, LA 71118 (318) 212-5000 Willis Knighton Hospital - Bossier 2400 Hospital Drive Bossier City, LA 71111 (318) 212-7000

Insurance Humana, Inc. 910 Pierremont Road, Suite 410 Shreveport, LA 71106 (318) 861-8609 (800) 219-7540

Pierremont Eye Institute 7843 Youree Drive Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 212-3937 The Comprehensive Neurosurgery Network, Inc. Dr. Ravish Patwardhan 8100 Youree Drive, Suite 970 Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 797-5543 Willis Knighton Physician Network 2551 Greenwood Road Shreveport, LA 71103 (318) 212-4232

Senior Living Options

Pilgrim Manor Guest Care Center 1524 Doctors Drive Bossier City, LA 71111 (318) 742-1623 Shreveport Manor Guest Care Center 3302 Mansfield Road Shreveport, LA 71103 (318) 222-9482 Spring Lake Guest Care Center 8622 Line Avenue Shreveport, LA 71106 (318) 868-4126 Spring Lake Assisted Living and Retirement Center 8622 Line Avenue Shreveport, LA 71106 (318) 861-2366 The Arbor and Terrace of Bossier City 4770 Brandon Blvd Bossier City, LA 71111 (318) 549-1001

Azalea Estates Assisted Living 516 East Flournoy Lucas Road Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 797-2408

The Bradford Guest Care Center 3050 Baird Road Shreveport, LA 71118 (318) 688-1010

Medical Supplies and Equipment

Colonial Oaks Guest Care Center 4921 Medical Drive Bossier City, LA 71112 (318) 742-5420

The Guest House Guest Care Center 9225 Normandie Drive Shreveport, LA 71118 (318) 686-0515

Home Medical Supply 1204 Shreveport Barksdale Blvd Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 226-4663

Kingsley Place of Shreveport 7110 University Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 524-2100

The Waterford at Shreveport 2222 East Bert Kouns Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 524-3300

Home Health Medical Supply 4212 Pro Street Shreveport, LA 71109 (318) 631-1466

Leslie Lakes Retirement Center 1355 Sixth Street Arcadia, LA 71001 (318) 263-9581

Willis Knighton Progressive Care Center 2715 Albert Bicknell Drive Shreveport, LA 71103 (318) 212-8200

Live Oak Retirement Center 909 East Flournoy Lucas Road Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 212-2000

Willis Knighton Extended Care Facility 2510 Kings Highway Shreveport, LA 71103 (318) 212-6840

Medical Spas Fixx Medical Spa 7330 Fern Avenue, Suite 1103 Shreveport, LA 71103 (318) 798-0635

Pharmacy Services Line Avenue Pharmacy 1822 Line Avenue Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 221-5114

Physician Services Cardiovascular Consultants 2727 Hearne Avenue, Suite 301 Shreveport, LA 71103 (318) 631-6400

NurseCare of Shreveport 1736 Irving Place Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 221-1983

Transition Services Senior Transition Services 513 South Dresden Shreveport, LA 71115 (318) 572-4167

2009 Edition  The Best of Times SILVER PAGES 


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2009 Edition  The Best of Times SILVER PAGES 


Independent Living Apartments


Units Telephone

G le n Stile s A p a rtm e nts

4 0 3 E . F lo urno y L uca s S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 5

A p a rtm e nts = 1 0 3 (3 1 8 ) 7 9 7 -6 8 1 0

G le nvie w G a rd e ns R e tire m e nt C o m m unity

4 8 2 8 M e d ica l D rive B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 111 2

A p a rtm e nts = 11 7 (3 1 8 ) 7 4 6 -0 4 7 0

Leslie Lakes Independent Living Apartments

Live Oak

1 3 5 5 S ixth Stre e t A rca d ia , L A 7 1 0 0 1

6 0 0 E a st F lo urno y L uca s Ro a d S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 5

A p a rtm e nts = 2 0

(318) 263-9500

A p a rtm e nts = 1 2 0

(318) 212-2000

Spring Lake Retirement Village

8 6 2 2 L ine A ve nue S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 6

(318) 861-2366

S um m e rfie ld E sta te s

9 1 3 3 B a ird R o a d S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 8

A p a rtm e nts = 1 0 1 (3 1 8 ) 6 8 8 -9 5 2 5

The Waterford at Shreveport

2 2 2 2 E a st B e rt K o uns S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5

34 ďƒž ďƒź 2009 Edition

A p a rtm e nts = 5 6

A p a rtm e nts = 1 2 0

(318) 524-3300


L o ca te d ne xt d o o r to a nursing fa cility to p ro vid e p riva te living a cco m o d a tio ns in a co m m unity a tm o sp he re with cho ice o f thre e typ e s o f unfurnishe d a p a rtm e nts C o ntinuing ca re re tire m e nt co m m unity, m ultifa ith, se rving se nio rs since 1 9 8 2 . O ffe ring stud io s, sm a ll a nd two b e d ro o m s. 1 o r 2 b e d ro o m s, 3 m e a ls a d a y, 2 4 ho ur se curity, we llne ss p ro g ra m s, a ssiste d living se rvice s, e m e rg e ncy ca ll, in-ho use p re scrip tio n d e live ry se rvice .

Te n flo o r p la ns a va ila b le , 3 m e a ls a d a y, we e kly ho use ke e p ing a nd line n se rvice , co m p lim e nta ry tra nsp o rta tio n, full a ctivity p ro g ra m , a nd 2 4 ho ur sta ffing .


Medical Equipment & Supplies (Telephone)


A bility M obility M edical (318) 631-8467

5150 Interstate D . S uite 219 S hreveport, LA 71109

M edical Technology, Inc. DME (318) 798-5140

8860 Q uim per, # 200 S hreveport, LA 71105

A ccucare M edical (318) 687-1444

9011 Linwood A ve S hreveport, LA 71106

A llegiance M edical S upply (318) 865-7111

Northwest M edical S upply (318) 549-3031

4010 V iking D r, Ste X B ossier C ity, LA 71111

6011 Line A venue S hreveport, LA 71106

A m erican Hom e M edical E quipm ent (318) 524-2463

6560 Youree S uite 1009 S hreveport, LA 71105

P hysician's C hoice Hom e M edical and D iabetic S upply (318) 746-6288

1509 D octors D rive B ossier C ity, LA 71111

A pria Healthcare (318) 631-6701

5201 Interstate A venue S hreveport, LA 71109

Red B all M edical S upply (318) 424-8393

1020 North M arket S hreveport, LA 71107

A rkLaTex M edical S ervices (318) 861-5907

3825 G ilbert A venue S hreveport, LA 71104

Regional M edical Rental and S ales (318) 797-1864

8855 Q uim per D rive S hreveport, LA 71105

A rtex M edical, Inc. (800) 968-8210

1802 M oores Lane Texarkana, TX 75505

S am aritan Hom e M edical & Respiratory (318) 688-4080

9162 M ansfield S hreveport, LA 71118

A shley M edical E quipm ent & S upplies (318) 676-0881

1435 Hawn A ve S hreveport, LA 71107

S enior Respiratory S olutions (800) 398-9804

3448 S um m erhill Road Texarkana, TX 75503

A ssociated M edical and O xygen S upply (318) 798-6004

8870 Youree D rive S hreveport, LA 71115

8837 K ingston Road S hreveport, LA 71118

D udley M edical (318) 459-1440

2521 S am ford A ve S hreveport, LA 71101

S hreveport D iabetic S hoes & M edical S upplies (318) 687-7317

F irst Response M edical S upplies (318) 746-7774

4000 V iking D r. S uite B B ossier C ity, LA 71111

S outhern Rehab and Hom e 2207 C alifornia # 9A M edical E quipm ent B ossier C ity, LA 71111 (318) 747-6118

Home Medical Supply (318) 226-4663

1204 S hreveport B arksdale B lv d

Sterling Hom e M edical S ervices (318) 683-5119

2535 B ert K ouns,# 203 S hreveport, LA 71108

4212 P ro Street S hreveport, LA 71109

W ellNecessities for Life DME (318) 222-0885

8835 Line, S uite 500 S hreveport, LA 71106

Medical Equipment & Supplies (Telephone)

Home Health Medical Supply (318) 631-1466

S hreveport, LA 71105

2009 Edition ďƒź The Best of Times SILVER PAGES ďƒž


Parish Coverage

Medicare Health Plans for 2009 Plan Name and Number/ Toll Free Contact Number

Monthly Premium

Plan Type

Covers Drugs

Vision Coverage

Dental Coverage

Ratings of Health Plan and Rx Plan (5.0 max)

Doctor Choice

B o ssie r

A d va ntra F re e d o m 3 (H0 8 4 6 -0 0 6 ) 8 0 0 -7 11 -1 6 0 7




Ye s

Ye s


A ny

B o ssie r

A d va ntra F re e d o m 5 (H5 2 2 7 -0 0 2 ) 8 0 0 -7 11 -1 6 0 7

$ 3 4 .0 0


Ye s

Ye s

Ye s

N/A 3 .0

A ny

B o ssie r

A d va ntra F re e d o m 5 P lus O TC (H5 2 2 7 -0 0 5 ) 8 0 0 -7 11 -1 6 0 7

$ 2 7 .0 0


Ye s

Ye s

Ye s

N/A 3 .0

A ny

B o ssie r

A d va ntra S a ving s P la n 3 (H7 2 0 6 -0 0 4 ) 8 0 0 -4 7 4 -5 9 9 3







A ny

B o ssie r

A ny, A ny, A ny G o ld 2 (H5 8 2 0 -0 0 3 ) Unive rsa l He a lth / 8 6 6 -6 9 0 -4 8 4 2



Ye s

Ye s

Ye s

N/A 3 .0

A ny

B o ssie r

A ny, A ny, A ny M A o nly 2 (H5 8 2 0 -0 2 7 ) Unive rsa l He a lth / 8 6 6 -6 9 0 -4 8 4 2




Ye s

Ye s


A ny

B o ssie r

A ny, A ny, A ny P la tinum 2 (H5 8 2 0 -0 0 9 ) Unive rsa l He a lth / 8 6 6 -6 9 0 -4 8 4 2

$ 6 9 .0 0


Ye s

Ye s

Ye s

N/A 3 .0

A ny

C addo

A ny, A ny, A ny P la tinum 4 (H5 8 2 0 -0 1 3 ) Unive rsa l He a lth / 8 6 6 -6 9 0 -4 8 4 2

$ 1 0 9 .0 0


Ye s

Ye s

Ye s

N/A 3 .0

A ny

C addo

A ny, A ny, A ny G o ld 4 (H5 8 2 0 -0 11 ) Unive rsa l He a lth / 8 6 6 -6 9 0 -4 8 4 2

$ 2 5 .0 0


Ye s

Ye s

Ye s

N/A 3 .0

A ny

C addo

A ny, A ny, A ny M A O nly 4 (H5 8 2 0 -0 2 9 ) Unive rsa l He a lth / 8 6 6 -6 9 0 -4 8 4 2

$ 0 .0 0



Ye s

Ye s


A ny

B o ssie r C addo

A rca d ia n C o m m unity C a re B a sic(H7 1 7 9 -0 0 8 ) 8 8 8 -2 6 1 -1 0 6 1

$ 0 .0 0



Ye s

Ye s


P la n

B o ssie r C addo

A rca d ia n C o m m unity C a re -P lus(H7 1 7 9 -0 0 7 ) 8 8 8 -2 6 1 -1 0 6 1

$ 0 .0 0


Ye s

Ye s

Ye s

N/A 3 .5

P la n

B o ssie r C addo

A rca d ia n C o m m unity C a re - P lus P o int(H7 1 7 9 -0 0 9 ) 8 8 8 -2 6 1 -1 0 6 1

$ 2 0 .0 0


Ye s

Ye s

Ye s

N/A 3 .5

P la n

B o ssie r

C IG NA M e d ica re A cce ss P la n O ne (H2 7 6 2 -0 2 1 ) 8 0 0 -5 7 7 -9 4 0 9

$ 2 0 .0 0




Ye s


A ny

B o ssie r

C IG NA M e d ica re A cce ss P la n Thre e (H2 7 6 2 -0 2 5 ) 8 0 0 -5 7 7 -9 4 0 9

$ 7 5 .0 0



Ye s

Ye s


A ny

B o ssie r

C IG NA M e d ica re A cce ss P lus Rx P la n 4 (H2 7 6 2 -0 5 2 ) 8 0 0 -5 7 7 -9 4 0 9

$ 11 3 .0 0


Ye s

Ye s

Ye s


A ny

B o ssie r

C IG NA M e d ica re A cce ss P lus Rx P la n 2 (H2 7 6 2 -0 4 4 ) 8 0 0 -5 7 7 -9 4 0 9

$ 3 8 .0 0


Ye s


Ye s


A ny

C addo B o ssie r

Humana Gold Choice PFFS (H1906-003) 8 0 0 -8 3 3 -2 3 1 2

$ 1 6 1 .0 0


Ye s



2 .5 3 .5

A ny

C addo B o ssie r

Humana Choice PPO (H5826-011) 8 0 0 -8 3 3 -2 3 6 4

$ 5 8 .0 0


Ye s


Ye s

2 .5 2 .5

A ny

C addo B o ssie r

Humana Gold Plus HMO (H1951-013) 8 0 0 -8 3 3 -2 3 6 4



Ye s

Ye s

Ye s

3 .5 3 .5

P la n

C addo B o ssie r

Humana Choice PPO (R5826-068) 8 0 0 -8 3 3 -2 3 6 4

$ 0 .0 0




Ye s

2 .5 N/A

A ny

C addo B o ssie r

S e curity C ho ice E sse ntia l (H0 5 4 0 -0 8 8 ) 8 8 8 -9 4 9 -5 3 8 4




Ye s


2 .0 N/A

A ny

C addo B o ssie r

S e curity C ho ice E sse ntia l P lus (H0 5 4 0 -0 8 9 ) 8 8 8 -9 4 9 -5 3 8 4

$ 3 5 .0 0


Ye s

Ye s


2 .0 3 .0

A ny

36   2009 Edition

Parish Coverage

Medicare Health Plans for 2009 Plan Name and Number Toll Free Contact Number

Monthly Premium

Plan Type

Covers Drugs

Vision Coverage

Dental Coverage

Ratings of Health Plan and Rx Plan (5.0 Max)

Doctor Choice

C addo B o ssie r

Ste rling B a sic (H5 0 0 6 -0 1 8 ) 8 8 8 -8 5 8 -8 5 7 2

$ 1 0 .0 0



Ye s

Ye s

3 .0 N/A

A ny

C addo B o ssie r

Ste rling O p tio n I (H5 0 0 6 -0 1 4 ) 8 8 8 -8 5 8 -8 5 7 2

$ 2 5 .0 0



Ye s

Ye s

3 .0 N/A

A ny

C addo B o ssie r

Ste rling O p tio n II (H5 0 0 6 -0 1 7 ) 8 8 8 -8 5 8 -8 5 7 2

$ 4 6 .0 0


Ye s

Ye s

Ye s

3 .0 3 .0

A ny

C addo B o ssie r

Ste rling O p tio n III (H5 0 0 6 -0 1 5 ) 8 8 8 -8 5 8 -8 5 7 2

$ 5 5 .0 0



Ye s

Ye s

3 .0 N/A

A ny

C addo B o ssie r

Ste rling O p tio n IV (H5 0 0 6 -0 1 6 ) 8 8 8 -8 5 8 -8 5 7 2

$ 6 1 .0 0


Ye s

Ye s

Ye s

3 .0 3 .0

A ny

C addo

To d a y's O p tio ns P re m ie r (H5 4 2 1 -0 5 1 ) 8 0 0 -9 9 6 -8 8 6 7

$ 9 9 .0 0



Ye s



A ny

C addo

To d a y's O p tio ns P re m ie r C C RX (H5 4 2 1 -0 6 9 ) 8 0 0 -9 9 6 -8 8 6 7

$ 1 5 3 .5 0


Ye s

Ye s


N/A 2 .5

A ny

C addo

To d a y's O p tio ns Va lue (H5 4 2 1 -0 5 7 ) 8 0 0 -9 9 6 -8 8 6 7

$ 6 5 .0 0



Ye s



A ny

C addo

To d a y's O p tio ns Va lue C C RX (H5 4 2 1 -0 7 5 ) 8 0 0 -9 9 6 -8 8 6 7

$ 8 6 .7 0


Ye s

Ye s


N/A 2 .5

A ny

B o ssie r

To d a y's O p tio ns P re m ie r (H5 4 2 1 -0 4 9 ) 8 0 0 -9 9 6 -8 8 6 7

$ 6 9 .0 0



Ye s



A ny

B o ssie r

To d a y's O p tio ns P re m ie r C C RX (H5 4 2 1 -0 5 7 ) 8 0 0 -9 9 6 -8 8 6 7

$ 11 2 .8 0


Ye s

Ye s


N/A 2 .5

A ny

B o ssie r

To d a y's O p tio ns Va lue (H5 4 2 1 -0 5 5 ) 8 0 0 -9 9 6 -8 8 6 7

$ 3 0 .0 0



Ye s



A ny

B o ssie r

To d a y's O p tio ns Va lue C C RX (H5 4 2 1 -0 7 3 ) 8 0 0 -9 9 6 -8 8 6 7

$ 5 1 .7 0


Ye s

Ye s


N/A 2 .5

A ny

C addo B o ssie r

Va nta g e Ze ro (H5 5 7 6 -0 0 7 ) 8 8 8 -8 2 3 -1 9 1 0

$ 0 .0 0


Ye s



N/A 3 .5

P la n

C addo B o ssie r

Va nta g e Va lue (H5 5 7 6 -0 0 9 ) 8 8 8 -8 2 3 -1 9 1 0

$ 3 1 .0 0


Ye s



N/A 3 .5

P la n

C addo B o ssie r

Va nta g e B a sic (H5 5 7 6 -0 0 5 ) 8 8 8 -8 2 3 -1 9 1 0

$ 5 7 .0 0


Ye s

Ye s


N/A 3 .5

P la n

C addo B o ssie r

Va nta g e Tra d itio na l P lus (H5 5 7 6 -0 0 8 ) 8 8 8 -8 2 3 -1 9 1 0

$ 2 6 .0 0


Ye s

Ye s

Ye s

N/A 3 .5

P la n

C addo B o ssie r

Va nta g e P re m ium (H5 5 7 6 -0 0 6 ) 8 8 8 -8 2 3 -1 9 1 0

$ 9 9 .0 0


Ye s

Ye s


N/A 3 .5

P la n

C addo B o ssie r

W e llC a re C o nce rt (H1 3 4 0 -0 3 4 ) 8 6 6 -2 3 8 -9 8 9 8

$ 2 9 .0 0


Ye s

Ye s

Ye s

1 .5 3 .0

A ny

C addo B o ssie r

W e llC a re M e lo d y (H1 3 4 0 -0 0 2 ) 8 6 6 -2 3 8 -9 8 9 8

$ 0 .0 0



Ye s

Ye s

1 .5 N/A

A ny

C addo B o ssie r

W e llC a re S e re na d e (H1 3 4 0 -0 3 9 ) 8 6 6 -2 3 8 -9 8 9 8

$ 8 9 .0 0



Ye s

Ye s

1 .5 N/A

A ny

C addo B o ssie r

W e llC a re S o na ta (H1 3 4 0 -0 2 6 ) 8 6 6 -2 3 8 -9 8 9 8

$ 0 .0 0



Ye s

Ye s

1 .5 N/A

A ny

C addo B o ssie r

O rig ina l M e d ica re P la n (H0 0 0 1 -0 0 1 ) 8 0 0 -6 3 3 -4 2 2 7

$ 0 .0 0

O rg .





A ny

2009 Edition  The Best of Times SILVER PAGES 


Medicare Prescription Drug Plans for Louisiana residents

Monthly Premium

Yearly Deductible


Coinsurance (% )

Gap Coverage

Member Quality Rating

A e tna M e d ica l R x E sse ntia ls(S 5 8 1 0 -0 5 5 ) 8 0 0 -4 5 5 -1 5 6 0

$ 3 0 .7 0


$ 0 -$ 8 0


N o ne


A e tna M e d ica l R x P lus(S 5 8 1 0 -1 5 7 ) 8 0 0 -4 5 5 -1 5 6 0

$ 5 9 .7 0


$ 0 -$ 7 6


S ome


A e tna M e d ica l R x P re m ie r (S 5 8 1 0 -1 9 1 ) 8 0 0 -4 5 5 -1 5 6 0

$ 9 2 .1 0


$ 0 -$ 6 5


S ome


B lue C ro ss a nd B lue S hie ld - R xB lue (S 5 9 3 7 -0 0 1 ) 8 0 0 -5 9 3 -9 7 3 5

$ 4 5 .3 0


$ 8 -$ 7 3


N o ne


B ra vo H e a lth R x (S 5 9 9 8 -0 2 6 )

$ 2 7 .6 0




N o ne


C IG N A M e d ica re R x P la n O ne (S 5 6 1 7 -1 0 3 ) 8 0 0 -7 3 5 -1 4 5 9

$ 2 8 .4 0


$ 2 .5 -$ 7 1


N o ne


C IG N A M e d ica re R x P la n Thre e (S 5 6 1 7 -1 9 1 ) 8 0 0 -7 3 5 -1 4 5 9

$ 6 9 .9 0


$ 6 -$ 6 0


S ome


C IG N A M e d ica re R x P la n O ne (S 5 6 1 7 -1 0 5 ) 8 0 0 -7 3 5 -1 4 5 9

$ 3 9 .8 0


$ 6 -$ 8 0


N o ne


A d va ntra R x P re m ie r (S 5 6 7 0 -11 2 ) 8 0 0 -8 8 2 -3 8 2 2

$ 4 1 .5 0


$ 5 -$ 6 9


N o ne


A d va ntra R x P re m ie r P lus (S 5 6 7 0 -11 4 ) 8 0 0 -8 8 2 -3 8 2 2

$ 5 5 .9 0


$ 4 -$ 7 5


S ome


A d va ntra R x Va lue (S 5 6 7 0 -111 ) 8 0 0 -8 8 2 -3 8 2 2

$ 2 4 .6 0


$ 8 -$ 5 5


N o ne


E nvisio n R xP lus G o ld (S 7 6 9 4 -0 5 5 ) 8 6 6 -2 5 0 -2 0 0 5

$ 4 7 .6 0


$ 0 -$ 7 5


N o ne


E nvisio n R xP lus S ilve r (S 7 6 9 4 -0 2 1 ) 8 6 6 -2 5 0 -2 0 0 5

$ 3 0 .7 0


$ 4 -$ 7 5


N o ne


F irst H e a lth P a rt D -P re m ie r (S 5 7 6 8 -0 4 4 ) 8 0 0 -5 8 8 -3 3 2 2

$ 2 8 .5 0


$ 7 -$ 5 2


N o ne


F irst H e a lth P a rt D -S e cure (S 5 7 6 8 -1 0 3 ) 8 0 0 -5 8 8 -3 3 2 2

$ 1 7 .9 0


$ 4 -$ 4 7


N o ne


H e a lth N e t O ra ng e O p tio n 1 (S 5 6 6 7 -0 4 8 ) 8 0 0 -6 0 6 -3 6 0 4

$ 3 0 .0 0


$ 2 -$ 9 0


N o ne


H e a lth N e t O ra ng e O p tio n 2 (S 5 6 6 7 -0 4 7 ) 8 0 0 -6 0 6 -3 6 0 4

$ 4 0 .4 0


$ 0 -$ 7 5


N o ne


H e a lthSp ring P re scrip tio n D rug P la n(S 5 9 3 2 -0 2 0 ) 8 0 0 -3 3 1 -6 2 9 3

$ 2 5 .6 0




N o ne


Humana PDP Complete (S5884-049) 8 0 0 -7 0 6 -0 8 7 2

$ 9 3 .9 0


$ 0 -$ 7 0


S ome


Humana PDP Enhanced (S5884-019) 8 0 0 -7 0 6 -0 8 7 2

$ 4 5 .1 0


$ 0 -$ 7 0


N o ne


Humana PDP Standard (S5884-079) 8 0 0 -7 0 6 -0 8 7 2

$ 4 3 .7 0



1 5 % -4 5 %

N o ne


C o m m unity C C R x B a sic (S 5 8 0 3 -0 9 0 ) 8 6 6 -4 2 3 -5 0 4 0

$ 2 7 .0 0



2 5 % -5 0 %

N o ne


C o m m unity C C R x C ho ice (S 5 8 0 3 -1 5 8 ) 8 6 6 -4 2 3 -5 0 4 0

$ 4 4 .8 0


$ 5 -$ 6 0


N o ne


C o m m unity C C R x G o ld (S 5 8 0 3 -2 3 8 ) 8 6 6 -4 2 3 -5 0 4 0

$ 6 3 .8 0


$ 5 -$ 6 0


S ome


Plan Name and Number / Toll Free Telephone Number

38 ďƒž ďƒź 2009 Edition

Medicare Prescription Drug Plans for Louisiana residents

Monthly Premium

Yearly Deductible


Coinsurance (% )

Gap Coverage

Member Quality Rating

M e d co M e d ica re P re scrip tio n -C ho ice (S 5 6 6 0 -1 9 1 ) 8 0 0 -7 5 8 -3 6 0 5

$ 6 9 .1 0


$ 6 -$ 3 5

3 3 % -7 5 %

S ome


M e d co M e d ica re P re scrip tio n -C ho ice (S 5 6 6 0 -0 2 1 ) 8 0 0 -7 5 8 -3 6 0 5

$ 3 2 .1 0


$ 6 -$ 3 5

3 3 % -7 5 %

N o ne


M e d co M e d ica re P re scrip tio n -Va lue (S 5 6 6 0 -1 2 3 ) 8 0 0 -7 5 8 -3 6 0 5

$ 2 4 .7 0



2 3 % -5 3 %

N o ne


P re scrib a R x B ro nze P la n(S 5 5 9 7 -2 5 5 ) 8 0 0 -8 0 7 -9 9 9 0

$ 2 6 .8 0




N o ne


P re scrib a R x G o ld P la n(S 5 5 9 7 -0 5 3 ) 8 0 0 -8 0 7 -9 9 9 0

$ 4 0 .5 0


$ 6 -$ 4 4


N o ne


P re scrib a R x P la tinum P la n(S 5 5 9 7 -2 1 8 ) 8 0 0 -8 0 7 -9 9 9 0

$ 7 1 .4 0


$ 6 -$ 4 4


S ome


A d va nta g e F re e d o m P la n b y R xA m e rica (S 5 6 4 4 -1 8 2 ) 8 0 0 -4 2 9 -6 6 8 6

$ 3 4 .8 0


$ 4 .7 5

3 3 % -4 5 %

N o ne


A d va nta g e Sta r P la n b y R xA m e rica (S 5 6 4 4 -1 9 6 ) 8 0 0 -4 2 9 -6 6 8 6

$ 2 7 .4 0



2 5 % -4 5 %

N o ne


S ie rra R x B a sic(S 5 9 1 7 -0 2 3 ) 8 6 6 -8 1 9 -3 4 4 9

$ 3 7 .3 0




N o ne


S ilve rS crip t (S 5 6 0 1 -0 4 2 ) 8 6 6 -5 5 2 -6 1 0 6

$ 2 4 .0 0


$ 4 -$ 9 8


N o ne


S ilve rS crip t C o m p le te (S 5 6 0 1 -0 9 2 ) 8 6 6 -5 5 2 -6 1 0 6

$ 7 9 .9 0


$ 2 -$ 9 8


S ome


S ilve rS crip t P lus (S 5 6 0 1 -0 4 3 ) 8 6 6 -5 5 2 -6 1 0 6

$ 5 9 .8 0


$ 3 .2 5 -$ 9 5


S ome


Ste rling R x (S 4 8 0 2 -0 1 2 ) 8 8 8 -9 0 9 -1 7 1 3

$ 3 9 .8 0


$ 7 -$ 5 8


N o ne


M e d ica re R X R e w a rd s Sta nd a rd (S 5 9 6 0 -1 2 7 ) 8 6 6 -8 9 2 -5 3 3 4

$ 2 7 .0 0




N o ne


M e d ica re R X R e w a rd s Va lue (S 5 9 6 0 -0 2 1 ) 8 6 6 -8 9 2 -5 3 3 4

$ 3 1 .7 0


$ 8 -$ 8 5


N o ne


U A M e d ica re P a rt D R x (S 5 7 5 5 -0 2 4 ) 8 6 6 -5 2 4 -4 1 6 9

$ 4 4 .5 0


$ 7 -$ 6 6


N o ne


U A M e d ica re P a rt D R x S ilve r P la n (S 5 7 5 5 -0 5 9 ) 8 6 6 -2 9 9 -3 4 0 6

$ 3 8 .3 0


$ 4 -$ 8 0


N o ne


A A R P M e d ica re R X P re fe rre d (S 5 8 2 0 -0 2 0 ) 8 8 8 -8 6 7 -5 5 6 4

$ 3 7 .5 0


$ 7 -$ 6 6 .2 5


N o ne


A A R P M e d ica re R X E nha nce d (S 5 9 2 1 -3 3 3 ) 8 8 8 -8 6 7 -5 5 6 4

$ 7 3 .6 0


$ 7 -$ 8 2


S ome


A A R P M e d ica re R X S a ve r (S 5 9 2 1 -3 3 1 ) 8 0 0 -7 4 5 -0 9 2 2

$ 3 4 .9 0


$ 5 -$ 4 9 .4 5


N o ne


U nite d H e a lth R X B a sic (S 5 9 2 1 -3 3 2 ) 8 8 8 -8 6 7 -5 5 6 1

$ 4 7 .2 0


$ 7 -$ 8 6


N o ne


W e llC a re C la ssic (S 5 9 6 7 -1 5 8 ) 8 8 8 -4 2 3 -5 2 5 2

$ 2 8 .5 0


$ 0 -$ 8 3


N o ne


W e llC a re S ig na ture (S 5 9 6 7 -0 5 5 ) 8 8 8 -4 2 3 -5 2 5 2

$ 3 5 .4 0


$ 0 -$ 7 9


N o ne


Plan Name and Number/ Toll Free Telephone Number

2009 Edition ďƒź The Best of Times SILVER PAGES ďƒž


Psychiatric & Mental Health Services



Alzheimer's Association Louisiana Shreveport Office

9 1 0 P ie rre m o nt, S uite 4 1 0 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 6

(318) 861-8613 (800) 272-3900

A nta re s B e ha vo ria l H e a lth, L L C

3 3 4 1 Yo ure e D rive , Ste 1 0 2 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5

(3 1 8 ) 8 6 5 -4 4 8 3

B e ha vio ra l H e a lth o f S hre ve p o rt

2 0 2 5 D e so to S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 3

(3 1 8 ) 6 3 6 -7 5 0 0

Brentwood Hospital

1 0 0 6 H ig hla nd A ve nue S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

(318) 678-7500 (877) 678-7500

C e nte r fo r F a m ilie s

8 6 4 O live Stre e t S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

(3 1 8 ) 2 2 2 -0 7 5 9

C hristus S chum p e rt H e a lth S yste m B e ha vio ra l M e d icine

O ne S a int M a ry P la ce S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

(3 1 8 ) 6 8 1 -4 2 6 0

F a m ily L ife D e ve lo p m e nt C e nte r

1 7 1 8 C e nte na ry B lvd S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 4

(3 1 8 ) 4 5 9 -1 8 9 8

Gary Booker, MD

8 5 1 O live Stre e t S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 4

(318) 227-9600

P ro m ise Sp e cia lty H o sp ita l o f S hre ve p o rt

1 8 0 0 Irving P la ce S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

(3 1 8 ) 4 2 5 -4 0 9 6

P ro m ise Sp e cia lty H o sp ita l o f B o ssie r C ity

2 5 2 5 V iking D rive B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 1111

(3 1 8 ) 8 4 1 -2 5 2 5

R e d R ive r B e ha vio ra l C e nte r

2 8 0 0 M e lro se B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 1111

(3 1 8 ) 5 4 9 -2 0 3 3

S a m a rita n C o unse ling C e nte r

1 5 2 5 Ste p he ns S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

(3 1 8 ) 2 2 1 -6 1 2 1

S hre ve p o rt M e nta l H e a lth C e nte r

1 3 1 0 N o rth H e a rne S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 7

(3 1 8 ) 6 7 6 -5 111

Sto ne w a ll H o sp ita l

960 Hwy 171 Sto ne w a ll, L A 7 1 0 8 7

(3 1 8 ) 9 2 5 -6 6 6 0

W e stw o o d M e nta l H e a lth

1 W e stw o o d C ircle S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 0 9

(3 1 8 ) 6 3 5 -4 4 4 4

Ve te ra ns A d m inistra tio n M e d ica l C e nte r

5 1 0 E a st Sto ne r A ve nue S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

(3 1 8 ) 2 2 1 -8 4 11

Willis Knighton South Institute of Behavioral Health

2 5 1 0 B e rt K o uns S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 8

40 ďƒž ďƒź 2009 Edition

(318) 212-5200

2009 Edition  The Best of Times SILVER PAGES 


42   2009 Edition

2009 Edition  The Best of Times SILVER PAGES 


Senior Care at Brentwood Hospital Levels of Care • Inpatient • Partial Hospitalization (Day Treatment) • Outpatient

Call us, we can help!

Brentwood Senior Care Unit (318) 678-7500

44   2009 Edition

Warning Signs That May Indicate the Need for Treatment

• • • • • • • •

Depression, extreme sadness Confused thinking, difficulty concentrating Hallucinations; hearing voices Misuse of alcohol or medications Disorientation Numerous unexplained physical ailments Difficulties coping with daily living Excessive fears, anxieties or suspiciousness

2009 Edition  The Best of Times SILVER PAGES 


A vanity plate would be redundant.

2701 Benton Rd, @ I-220, Bossier City, LA 71111

(318) 797-1233 46   2009 Edition

2009 Edition  The Best of Times SILVER PAGES 


Nursing Homes

Address/ Telephone

B ooker T. Washington Nursing Hom e

7605 Line A venue S hreveport, LA 71106 (318) 219-2608

Bradford Guest Care Center C laiborne Healthcare C enter

Colonial Oaks Guest Care Center

3050 B aird Road S hreveport, LA 71118

(318) 688-1010 1536 C laiborne S hreveport, LA 71103 (318) 631-3426

4921 M edical D rive B ossier C ity, LA 71112

(318) 742-5420

Units or Beds

(SNF= skilled nursing) S NF beds = 80

S NF beds = 120

S NF beds = 118

2901 D ouglas B ossier C ity, LA 71111 (318) 747-2700

S NF beds = 124

G arden C ourt Nursing Hom e

4405 A irline D rive B ossier C ity, LA 71111 (318) 747-5440

S NF beds = 77

G arden P ark Nursing Hom e and Rehabilitation C enter

9111 Linwood S hreveport, LA 71106 (318) 688-0961

S NF B eds = 1600

Guest Care Center at Spring Lake

S NF B eds = 160

(318) 868-4126

Heritage M anor - S outh

9712 M ansfield Road S hreveport, LA 71118 (318) 687-2080

Heritage M anor of B ossier C ity

2575 A irline D rive B ossier C ity, LA 71111 (318) 746-7466

S NF beds = 58

Heritage M anor Stratm ore Nursing & Rehab C enter

530 Stratm ore D rive S hreveport, LA 71105 (318) 524-2202

S NF beds = 142

Landm ark Nursing C enter

9105 B aird Road S hreveport, LA 71118 (318) 688-6691

Leslie Lakes Retirement Center M agnolia M anor Nursing and Rehabilitation C enter

NurseCare of Shreveport

1355 S ixth Street A rcadia, LA 71001

(318) 263-9581 (800) 850-5505

1411 C laiborne A venue S hreveport, LA 71103 (318) 868-4421

1736 Irving P lace S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 221-1983

48 ďƒž ďƒź 2009 Edition

Newly rem odeled private/sem i-private room s, progressive activities program . www.guestcarem anagem

S NF beds = 82

C ypress P oint Nursing and Rehabilitation C enter

8622 Line A venue S hreveport, LA 71106

Features and Amenities

P rivate/sem i-private room s, activities beauty shop, transportation services, and rehab center. www.guestcarem anagem

Newly rem odeled private and sem i private room s, accepting long-term care insurance, 24 hour nursing care, licensed dietician, progressive activities program . www.guestcarem anagem

S NF beds = 169

S NF beds = 140

S NF beds = 150 A lzheim ers units = 20

P rofessional staff provide quality care 24 hours a day. O ffers full range of nursing services and therapy services. Spotless and sanitary are watchwords throughout the entire facility. E xperienced staff prepare quality m eals and provide special diets daily.

S NF beds = 98

S NF B eds = 227 A lzheim ers Units = 60

Recently rem odeled facility with 24 hour skilled nursing with a short-stay M edicare rehab unit and special alzheim ers/dem entia care units.

Nurs ing Homes

Addres s / Telephone

M eadowview Health and Rehabilitation C enter

400 M eadowview Road M inden, LA 71055 (318) 377-1011

P ierrem ont Healthcare C enter

725 M itchell S hreveport, LA 71106 (318) 868-2789

Pilgrim Manor Guest Care Center, LLC

1524 D octors D rive B ossier C ity, LA 71111

(318) 742-1623

Units or B eds

(S NF = S killed nurs ing) S NF B eds = 214

S NF B eds = 196

S NF B eds = 177

Riverview C are C enter

4820 M edical D rive B ossier C ity, LA 71112 (318) 747-1857

S NF beds = 151

Roseview Nursing C enter

3405 M ansfield Road S hreveport. LA 71103 (318) 222-3100

S NF beds = 124

S outhern O aks Nursing and Rehabilitation C enter

1524 G len O aks P lace S hreveport, LA 71103 (318) 221-0911

S NF beds = 60

Shreveport Manor Guest Care Center, LLC The Guest House, LLC

3302 M ansfield Road S hreveport, LA 71103

(318) 222-9482

9225 Norm andie D rive S hreveport, LA 71118

(318) 686-0515

F eatures and Amenities

New rem odeled facility devoted to m edically ill residents needing 24 hour nursing services, with m any supervised activities program . www.guestcarem angem

S NF B eds = 126

Newly rem odeled private & sem i private room s, skilled care, in-house therapy, caring staff, dietician for special diets, respite & hospice care. www.guestcarem anagem

S NF B eds = 177

Newly rem odeled private and sem i-private room s, progessive activities program , special diets, new rehab center, all in a fam ily-like atm osphere. www.guestcarem anagem

V illage Health C are at the G len

403 E . F lournoy Lucas Rd S hreveport, LA 71115 (318) 798-3500

Town and C ountry Health and Rehabilitation C enter

614 W eston Street M inden, LA 71055 (318) 377-5349

V ivian Healthcare C enter

912 S outh P ecan Street V ivian, LA 71082 (318) 375-2203

S NF B eds = 100

W estwood M anor Nursing and Rehabilitation C enter

1 W estwood C ircle S hreveport, LA 71149 (318) 631-1846

S NF beds = 101

W hispering P ines Nursing Hom e

309 Hwy 3 S outh P lain D ealing, LA 71064 (318) 326-4259

S NF beds = 124 S NF beds = 143

S NF B eds = 70

Willis Knighton Progressive Care Center

2715 A lbert B icknell D r. S hreveport, LA 71103

S NF beds = 131

Willis Knighton Extended Care Facility

2510 K ings Highway S hreveport, LA 71103

S NF beds = 24

Specialized rehabilitation care for patients requiring extended care treatm ents

Winona B. Ward Health Center of Live Oak

600 E . F lournoy Lucas Rd S hreveport, LA 71115

S NF beds = 130

M ultifaith health center serving seniors since 1982. M edicare skilled nursing services with S em i-private and private room s available.

(318) 212-8200

(318) 212-6840

(318) 212-2000

C om prehensive nursing 24 hour nursing, inhouse rehab, infusion therapy, wound care, with private and sem i-private room s.

2009 Edition ďƒź The Best of Times SILVER PAGES ďƒž


Parish, City, State and U.S. G Bossier Parish

Animal/Rat Control 318-965-3752 Bossier Community Service 318-747-1045 Bossier Parish Police Jury 318-965-2329 Bossier Parish Fire District 318-949-9440 South Bossier Parish Fire District 318-987-2555 Bossier Parish Health Unit 318-741-7314 Bossier Parish Civil Department 318-965-2368 Bossier Parish Clerk of Court 318-965-2336 Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Office 318-965-2203 Bossier Parish Sheriff Substation 318-747-8600 Bossier Parish Tax Assessor 318-965-2213 Bossier Parish Registrar of Voters 318-965-2301 Social Services Needs and Information 211

City of Bossier

Community Oriented Policing 318-741-8352 Bossier City – Main Number 318-741-8500 Community Development 318-741-8560 Community Property Standards 318-741-8578 Mayors Office – The Mayor 318-741-8501 Bossier Clean City Committee 381-741-8409 Parking Tickets and Traffic Fines 318-741-8835 Police Department - Emergency 911 Non Emergency 318-741-8611 Crime Stoppers 318-424-4100 Parks and Recreation 318-741-8463 Public Works 318-741-8402 Fire Department - Emergency 911 Fire Prevention Bureau 318-741-8704 Non – Emergencies 318-741-8700 Metropolitan Planning Commission 3 18-741-8824 Billing Permits and Inspections 318-741-8985 Animal Control 318-741-8499 Water Bills 318-741-8757 Sewer Repairs 318-741-8466 Street Department 318-741-8402

MAKE YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE A PRIORITY. To schedule your complimentary financial review, call or visit today. Terry P Langley Financial Advisor


7330 Fern Avenue, Suite 603 Shreveport, LA 71105 318-797-1971

50   2009 Edition

Member SIPC

Caddo Parish

Animal/Rat Control 318-226-6624 Caddo Community Action Agency 318-861-4808 Caddo Parish Commission 318-226-6596 Caddo Parish Fire District 1 318-929-3575 District 2 318-425-2712 District 3 318-938-5290 District 4 318-925-2200 District 5 318-797-4111 District 6 318-925-8791 District 7 318-995-7114 District 8 318-375-3233 District 9 318-861-9210 Caddo Parish Food Stamp Office 318-676-7600 Caddo Parish Health Unit 318-676-5223 Caddo Parish Office of Vital Records 318-676-5201 Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office 318-675-2170 Caddo Parish Coroner’s Office 318-226-6881 Department of Motor Vehicles 318-676-7512 Driver’s License Bureau 318-676-5858 Mosquito Control 318-226-6628 Social Services Needs and Information 211

Medicaid Numbers

Bureau of Community Supports and Services/Home and Community Based Waiver Services 877-456-1146 Doctors Who Accept Medicaid 877-455-9955 Easter Seals 318-868-5840 Home and Community Based Waiver Services 877-456-1146 LT-Personal Care Services 866-229-5222 Home Health Complaints 800-327-3419 Long Term Care Assistance 877-456-1146 Louisiana Department of Health & Hospital Medicine Savings Prog. 318-862-9862 Medicaid Card 800-834-3333 Fraud 800-488-2917 Fraud & Abuse Hotline 800-447-8477 Reimbursement 800-256-3068 Services 800-488-6334 Transportation 800-259-7235 Nursing Homes 888-810-1819 Physicians 800-296-7549 Replacement Medicaid Cards 800-256-3068 To Appeal A Medicaid Decision 225-342-0443 Transportation 318-862-9898

overnment Contact Numbers City of Shreveport

Citizen & Neighborhood Assistance 318-673-5669 City of Shreveport 318-673-5463 Community Development 318-673-5900 Community Support Program 318-865-1422 Council Offices 318-673-5262 Fraud Hotline 318-222-5698 Mayors Office - Citizen Concerns 318-673-5013 Mayors Office - The Mayor 318-673-5050 Neighborhood Assistance Team Area 1 (North) 318-673-6936 Area 2 (East) 318-673-7390 Area 3 (West) 318-673-7354 Area 4 (South) 318-673-7399 Office Of Environmental Affairs 318-673-7660 Parking Tickets 318-222-0290 Police Department - Emergency 911 Police Department - Non-Emergency 318-673-2583 Public Assembly & Recreation (SPAR) 318-673-7727 Public Works - Emergency 318-673-7600 S’port/Bossier Community Renewal 318-425-3222 Shreveport Fire Dept.- Emergency 911 Fire Prevention Bureau 318-673-6740 Non-Emergencies 318-673-6650 Shreveport Police - Crime Stoppers 318-673-7000 Forgery & Fraud Unit 318-673-6985 Non-Emergencies 318-673-7300 Transportation (SPORTRAN) 318-673-7425 Water Bills 318-673-5510 Weed & Seed Area 2 (Olive St.) 318-673-7390 Weed & Seed Area 3 (Midway St.) 318-673-7357

U.S. Government

1-800 FED-INFO 1-800-333-4636 Food & Drug Administation (FDA) 318-676-3343 Health & Human Resources 318-676-3850 Housing - FHA 318-676-3401 Housing Counseling for Homebuyers & Renters 800-358-6216 Local HUD-FHA General Information 318-676-3385 Medicare Part B Information 800-462-9666 Postal Service 800-275-8777 Shreveport Vet Center 318-861-1776 Social Security Administration 318-676-3173 U.S. Congressman - John Fleming 318-798-2254 U.S. Senator - David Vitter 318-861-0437 U.S. Senator - Mary Landrieu 318-676-3085 United States Railroad Retirement 318-676-3022 Veterans Administration Med. Center 318-221-8411 Veterans Affairs/Benefits Information 800-827-1000

State of Louisiana

Commissioner of Public Service 318-676-7464 Consumer Credit Complaints 888-525-9414 Dept of Housing & Urban Development 318-676-3440 Do Not Call Program 800-256-2397 Elderly Protective Services 318-676-5200 Group Benefits Office 318-676-7026 Justice Dept. - Attorney General 318-227-3790 LA Dept. of Health & Hospitals Home & Comm. Based Waivers 318-741-2700 Toll Free 800-660-0488 Office of Mental Health 225-342-5774 LA Dept. of Insurance (Toll Free) 800-259-5300 LA Dept. of Justice Consumer Protection 225-339-5191 Toll Free 800-351-4889 LA Dept. of Motor Vehicles 318-676-5858 LA Dept. of Revenue Taxpayer Assistance Program 225-219-2448 LA Dept. of Trans.and Development 225-379-1100 LA Housing Finance Agency 888-454-2001 LA Office of the Governor Department of Veteran Affairs 225-922-0500 Office of Disability Affairs 225-219-7550 Office of Elderly Affairs 225-342-7100 LA State Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities 800-922-3425 Medicare Beneficiary Hotline 800-433-4958 Mental Health Advocacy Service 318-676-7332 Mental Health Office 318-676-5111 NW Reg. Center For Addictive Disorders 318-632-2040 Office For Citizens With Developmental Disabilities 318-741-7455 Office Of Elderly Affairs 318-676-5200 Office Of Family Support 318-676-7600 Public Health Office 318-676-7470 State Police Office 318-747-7411 Representative (Dist 1) James Morris 318-995-6852 Representative (Dist 2) Roy Burrell 318-676-7137 Representative (Dist 3) Barbara Norton 318-632-5887 Representative (Dist 4) Patrick Williams 318-676-5990 Representative (Dist 5) Wayne Waddell 318-219-9000 Representative (Dist 6) Thomas Carmody318--862-9956 Representative(Dist 7) Richard Burford 318-925-9588 Representative (Dist 8) Jane Smith 318-741-2825 Senator (District 36) Robert Adley 318-965-1755 Senator (District 37) Buddy Shaw 318-861-5941 Senator (District 38) Sherri S. Cheek 318-687-4820 Senator (District 39) Lydia P. Jackson 318-676-7029 Taxpayer Assistance 318-676-7500 Veterans Affairs Office 318-676-7540 2009 Edition  The Best of Times SILVER PAGES 


Public Transportation Services for Seniors and Disabled Persons AmPm Medical Transportation - Lift Capable, Medical. 686-3314, 426-6709. Balentine Medical Transportation - Lift Capable, Medical & non- medical. 222-5358 Bienville Council on Aging - Lift Capable, medical & non-medical. 1-800200-6161 Bossier Council on Aging - Wheelchair accessible. Seniors 60+ and Medicaid. 3 day notice. $3 contribution requested, 741-8302 Brookhaven Transportation- Medical. 459-1877. Casino Cabs - Wheelchair accessible taxi available. 635-6677. Desoto Council on Aging - Lift Capable. 1-800-259-3874. G&F Transportation - Medical. 925-1134. Lakeside Transportation - Lift Capable. Medical. 226-5619. Liftline (Sportran) - Lift Capable, Medical and non-medical. ADA. 6737415. M&J Transportation - Medical. 687-3712. Medical Transportation Services - Medical & non-medical. 222-5358 Natchitoches Council on Aging - Lift Capable, Medical and non-medical. 800256-3004. Socialization - Lift Capable, medical and non- medical. Low income seniors living in Cedar Grove, Hollywood, & Moore-town. Donations. 687-9696. State Medicaid Transport - Lift Capable, Medical only. Have Medicaid number when calling. 1-800- 259-7235 Webster Council on Aging - Lift Capable, Medical and non-medical. 1800-256-3004. Wells Transportation - Medical. 7733098, 631-3098. VA/Disabled Vets (DAV) - Trans. to VA Med. Ctr for Disabled Vets. Lift Capable - 221-8411, Ext. 6487 VA/Veterans - Transportation for Non-disabled Veterans. 221-8411, Ext. 7025. Volunteers of America - Transport for Mental Health appointments with Shreveport Mental Health Services. 429-7520.

52 ďƒž ďƒź 2009 Edition

Pharmacy & Home Infusion Providers

Address/ Phone

B o ud re a ux's C o m p o und ing P ha rm a cy

2 5 5 1 G re e nwo o d # 11 0 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 8 (3 1 8 ) 6 3 1 -2 0 0 5

IV P lus o f S hre ve p o rt

2 5 3 5 B e rt K o uns, Ste 2 11 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 8 (3 1 8 ) 6 8 3 -5 1 3 9

Line Avenue Pharmacy

1 8 2 2 L ine A ve nue S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

(318) 221-5114

M e d ic's C o m p o und ing P ha rm a cy

1 8 4 7 L ine A ve nue S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1 (3 1 8 ) 2 2 2 -8 4 7 7

Na tio na l P ha rm a cy S e rvice s o f S hre ve p o rt

8 8 6 0 Q uim p e r P la ce S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5 (3 1 8 ) 7 9 7 -9 5 1 7

Ste rling He a lthca re S e rvice s

2 5 3 5 B e rt K o uns S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 8 (3 1 8 ) 6 8 7 -4 5 4 6

W e llca re P ha rm a cy a nd Ho m e Infusio n

3 9 11 S o uthe rn A ve nue S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 6 (3 1 8 ) 2 1 2 -9 9 9 0

W e llNe ce ssitie s - P ha rm a cy

8 8 3 5 L ine A ve nue , Ste 5 0 0 S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 6 (3 1 8 ) 2 2 2 -0 8 8 5

Prosthetics & Orthotics Providers

Address/ Phone

A d va nta g e P ro sthe tics & O rtho tics

3 8 2 1 S o uthe rn A ve nue S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 4 (3 1 8 ) 2 1 9 -8 0 0 0

A rno ld 's O rtho tics & P ro sthe tics

6 1 9 Jo rd a n S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1 (3 1 8 ) 4 2 5 -2 4 0 0

C e rtifie d L im b s a nd B ra ce s

3 2 2 7 P o rtla nd A ve nue S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 3 (3 1 8 ) 6 3 6 -9 1 4 5

1 8 3 3 L ine A ve nue S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

Snell's Orthotics and Prosthetics

(318) 424-4167 (800) 219-5273

8 7 3 0 Yo ure e D rive S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5

(318) 795-0953

2009 Edition ďƒź The Best of Times SILVER PAGES ďƒž


Rehabilitation Services Address and Physical Therapy


B ayou State Therapy

457 A shley Ridge D rive S hreveport, LA 71106

(318) 219-7737

C enter for Rehabilitation at D octors Hospital

1130 Louisiana A venue S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 678-4311

O ne S aint M ary P lace - S hreveport, LA 71101 C hristus S chum pert P hysical M edicine 2105 A irline D rive - B ossier C ity, LA 71111 1453 E ast B ert K ouns - S hreveport, LA 71105

(318) 681-4432 (318) 848-8662 (318) 798-4367

C ornerstone P hysical Therapy & Rehabilitation

463 A shley Ridge B lvd S hreveport, LA 71106

(318) 671-8772

E berhardt P hysical Therapy

820 Jordan, S uite 150 S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 222-7442

Handicap S ervices, Inc.

1820 K ings Highway S hreveport, LA 71104

(318) 226-0935

Larsen P hysical Therapy

1717 Irving P lace S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 425-5604

Northwest Louisiana P hysical M edicine

1801 F airfield S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 424-4224

North Louisiana P hysical Therapy

2906 P lantation D rive B ossier C ity, LA 71111

(318) 746-5295

P rom ise Healthcare Hospital P hysicial Rehabilitation

1800 Irving P lace S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 425-4096

Rehab C oncepts, Inc.

350 Jordan S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 220-7334

River C ity P hysical Therapy, Inc.

1202 Louisiana A venue, S uite B S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 226-8100

Tietjen P hysical Therapy

1017 Jordan Street S hreveport, LA 71101

(318) 221-4216

Tri-State P hysical Therapy

2250 Hospital D r., Ste 120 - B ossier C ity, LA 71111 2120 Industrial Loop - S hreveport, LA 71129 1610 E ast B ert K ouns - S hreveport, LA 71105

(318) 747-1760 (318) 687-4156 (318) 797-6156

Willis Knighton Health System Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Programs

2600 2530 2300 7925 7825 2403 2600 2600

(318) 212-4720 (318) 212-5720 (318) 212-7720 (318) 212-3749 (318) 212-3720 (318) 212-7746 (318) 212-8110 (318) 212-4710

54 ďƒž ďƒź 2009 Edition

G reenwood - S hreveport, LA 71103 B ert K ouns, #148 - S hreveport, LA 71118 Hospital D rive,#460 - B ossier C ity, LA 71111 Youree D rive - S hreveport, LA 71105 Youree D rive, #140 - S hreveport, LA 71105 G reenwood Road - S hreveport, LA 71103 K ings Highway - S hreveport, LA 71103 G reenwood - S hreveport, LA 71103

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2009 Edition ďƒź The Best of Times SILVER PAGES ďƒž


Senior Apartments




Arbor and Terrace Apartments

4 7 7 0 B ra nd o n B lvd

B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 1111

(318) 549-1001

B a rto n D rive M a no r A p a rtm e nts

1 6 2 5 B a rto n D rive

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 7

(3 1 8 ) 2 2 1 -3 3 5 1

B e ntle y A p a rtm e nts

6 7 6 0 Ra sp b e rry L a ne

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 2 9

(3 1 8 ) 6 8 7 -2 0 0 7

B e rkshire A p a rtm e nts

2 1 2 0 No rth He a rne

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 7

(3 1 8 ) 2 2 1 -4 6 2 2

B la ncha rd P la ce I& II A p a rtm e nts

3 9 0 0 Ro y Ro a d

S hre ve p o rt,L A 7 11 0 7

(3 1 8 )9 2 9 -7 3 5 9

B la ncha rd S e nio r A p a rtm e nts

2 2 3 No rth M a in

S hre ve p o rt,L A 7 11 0 7

(3 1 8 ) 9 2 9 -2 4 4 6

B la ncha rd S e nio r II A p a rtm e nts

2 4 6 P he lp s

B la ncha rd , L A 7 1 0 0 9

(3 1 8 ) 3 0 9 -9 111

B rid g e sto ne I & II A p a rtm e nts

3 8 5 2 Hwy 1 7 1

G lo ste r, L A 7 1 0 3 0

(3 1 8 ) 9 3 3 -8 5 9 4

B ro o kha ve n E ld e rly A p a rtm e nts

2 7 0 5 Sta nb e rry

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 8

(3 1 8 ) 6 8 7 -8 8 9 4

C a na a n To we rs A p a rtm e nts

4 0 0 No rth D a le

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 8

(3 1 8 ) 2 2 2 -4 2 3 0

C a na a n V illa g e A p a rtm e nts

1 9 1 5 P a tzm a n

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

(3 1 8 ) 2 2 1 -6 6 6 3

C e d a r Hills A p a rtm e nts

7 4 0 1 St. V ince nt

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 6

(3 1 8 ) 2 2 2 -4 2 3 0

C lo ve rd a le P la za A p a rtm e nts

2 2 1 3 S he d Ro a d

B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 1111

(3 1 8 ) 7 4 2 -6 2 0 2

C o ve ntry P la ce A p a rtm e nts

4 5 6 5 No rth M a rke t

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 7

(3 1 8 ) 4 2 5 -7 9 1 3

D e vo nshire A p a rtm e nts

2 1 3 0 No rth He a rne

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 7

(3 1 8 ) 4 2 4 -4 7 7 5

E va ng e line F o und a tio n A p a rtm e nts

3 8 7 5 L ine A ve nue

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 6

(3 1 8 ) 8 6 1 -11 7 7

F a ir P a rk Te rra ce A p a rtm e nts

3 4 0 1 M e rtis

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 3

(3 1 8 ) 6 3 1 -5 5 0 2

G a lile e E d e n G a rd e ns

1 5 0 0 P a rk A ve nue

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 3

(3 1 8 ) 2 2 6 -9 7 3 4

G a lile e M a je stic A rm s A p a rtm e nts

5 2 5 S yca m o re Stre e t

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 3

(3 1 8 ) 2 2 2 -4 8 1 0

G le nvie w G a rd e ns A p a rtm e nts

4 8 2 8 M e d ica l D rive

B o ssie r C ity, L A 7 111 2

(3 1 8 ) 7 4 6 -0 4 7 0

G o o d m a n P la za A p a rtm e nts

6 2 5 Jo rd a n

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

(3 1 8 ) 2 2 7 -2 5 9 1

G re e nwo o d A p a rtm e nts

9 2 2 4 G re e nwo o d Rd

G re e nwo o d , L A 7 1 0 3 3

(3 1 8 ) 9 3 8 -1 4 9 6

G re e nwo o d E ld e rly A p a rtm e nts

8 9 1 0 G re e nwo o d Rd

G re e nwo o d , L A 7 1 0 3 3

(3 1 8 ) 9 3 8 -0 0 3 8

Ho ly C ro ss V illa s W e st A p a rtm e nts

9 3 3 3 No rm a nd ie D r

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 8

(3 1 8 ) 6 8 8 -8 0 5 1

Je ffe rso n A p a rtm e nts

9 0 7 L o uisia na A ve nue

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

(3 1 8 ) 2 2 1 -7 5 0 5

Leslie Lakes Independent Living Aptartments

1 3 5 5 S ixth Stre e t

A rca d ia , L A 7 1 0 0 1

(318) 263-9500

56 ďƒž ďƒź 2009 Edition

Senior Apartments




Live Oak Retirement Apartments

6 0 0 E a st F lo urno y L uca s Ro a d

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 5

(318) 212-2000

M o o ring M a no r A p a rtm e nts

1 0 0 8 O ld M o o ring sp o rt

M o o ring sp o rt, L A 7 1 0 6 0

(3 1 8 ) 9 9 6 -6 1 9 3

No rth P a rke A p a rtm e nts

1 0 0 No rth P a rke D rive

D o yline , L A 7 1 0 2 3

(3 1 8 ) 7 4 5 -2 6 8 6

No rthsid e V illa A p a rtm e nts

4 5 8 5 No rth M a rke t

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 7

(3 1 8 ) 2 2 1 -2 8 7 6

O il C ity Ho using A p a rtm e nts

1 2 6 No rth D icke y

O il C ity, L A 7 1 0 6 1

(3 1 8 ) 9 9 5 -6 6 6 9

O ld S a le m V illa g e A p a rtm e nts

6 7 2 5 B unco m b e Ro a d

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 2 9

(3 1 8 ) 6 8 7 -2 3 7 8

P a rk P la ce M a no r A p a rtm e nts

3 2 3 1 M e rtis

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 9

(3 1 8 ) 6 3 5 -2 4 1 6

P e nd le to n A p a rtm e nts

1 0 3 4 Sp ra g ue

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

(3 1 8 ) 4 2 5 -2 7 2 0

S e a so ns A p a rtm e nts

9 1 0 0 W a lke r Ro a d

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 8

(3 1 8 ) 6 8 6 -9 8 3 3

S hre ve p o rt G a rd e n E ld e rly A p a rtm e nts

2 3 5 Sto ne r A ve nue

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 1

(3 1 8 ) 6 7 8 -5 3 7 5

S o uthwo o d G a rd e ns A p a rtm e nts

3 5 5 0 C e d a r C re e k

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 8

(3 1 8 ) 6 8 2 -4 0 2 2

Sp ring F o re st A p a rtm e nts

6 7 5 9 C o lq uitt Ro a d

K e ithville , L A 7 1 0 4 7

(3 1 8 ) 9 2 5 -2 6 3 0

Spring Lake Retirement Village

8 6 2 2 L ine A ve nue

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 6

(318) 861-2366

Stile s A p a rtm e nts

4 0 3 E a st F lo urno y L uca s

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 5

(3 1 8 ) 7 9 7 -6 8 1 0

S um m e rfie ld E sta te s

9 1 3 3 B a ird Ro a d

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 111 8

(3 1 8 ) 6 8 8 -9 5 2 5

The V illa g e E ld e rly A p a rtm e nts

4 2 0 No rth S ib le y

B e nto n, L A 7 1 0 0 6

(3 1 8 ) 9 6 5 -9 2 5 8

The Waterford at Shreveport

2 2 2 2 E a st B e rt K o uns

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 5

(318) 524-3300

W e lling sto n S e nio r A p a rtm e nts

1 8 1 2 Je we lla

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 9

(3 1 8 ) 6 3 5 -5 8 6 7

W ilkinso n Te rra ce A p a rtm e nts

2 7 2 5 S o uthe rn A ve nue

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 4

(3 1 8 ) 2 2 1 -5 2 8 6

W ind so r V illa g e A p a rtm e nts

1 9 2 0 No rth He a rne

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 7

(3 1 8 ) 4 2 4 -0 0 6 7

W o o d cre st A p a rtm e nts

1 0 0 V illa g e M a no r# 3 3

Ha ug hto n, L A 7 1 0 3 7

(3 1 8 ) 9 4 9 -1 2 2 9

Yo rkshire A p a rtm e nts

2 0 2 0 No rth He a rne

S hre ve p o rt, L A 7 11 0 7

(3 1 8 ) 4 2 4 -4 7 7 5

2009 Edition ďƒź The Best of Times SILVER PAGES ďƒž


Brock’s Collision Repair Center values their clients, their employees and the community, and feel responsibility to each. In keeping with these ideals, we are proud to announce “We’ve Gone Green”! At all three Brock’s Collision Repair Centers, we are committed to promoting a “greener” Shreveport/Bossier. Each of our stores has replaced the traditional solvent-based paints and coatings with low VOCs (volatile organic compounds) waterborne basecoat. By using the more environmentally friendly products to refinish our clients’ vehicles, we are able to significantly reduce the emission of VOCs into the atmosphere. This change not only improves the quality of our air, it also contributes to a healthier working environment, and provides a safer place for us to conduct business with our clients. VOCs are chemical compounds commonly found in paint coatings and cleaning products, and when released into the atmosphere, contribute to the creation of smog and ozone pollution. By switching to a low VOC waterborne basecoat, these emissions can be reduced by up to 80%. This is a major technological advancement that creates a “win-win” situation all around. Waterborne basecoat is the latest coating system used by manufacturers to create the color on vehicles today. This is the first product to be as close to factory paint that has EVER been available to collision repair shops before. Using waterborne color toners in our centers affords us the ability to achieve more exact color matches and shorter repair completion times. We are serious about being a “green” business; so we are transitioning to paperless working files, recycling parts instead of sending to a landfill, using biodegradable paper cups instead of plastic, and using environment friendly cleaning products. This is our home, and we believe in what we are doing to help make it a cleaner place in which to live. We invite all businesses to join us in this worthy endeavor.

Brock’s Collision Repair Centers Shreveport AutoMall 8752 Business Park Dr. (318) 798-1353

South 740 Bert Kouns (318) 687-5070

Bossier City 2654 Barksdale Blvd. (318) 742-5575

58   2009 Edition

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