The Best of Times February 2010

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February 2010


“Celebrating Age and Maturity�

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Know Where to Go

You need to see a doctor. Willis-Knighton is the right choice – but which choice at Willis-Knighton is best for you? Selecting the right point of care will improve your experience.

—Your Doctor— Your doctor knows you best and is your first-line partner in healthcare for routine health, illnesses, accidents and preventive care. During regular hours, choose your doctor. If you do not have a doctor, call Health+Match at (318) 212-9562 for a referral or search Find a Doctor at Care here is provided by appointment. Hundreds to choose from in Shreveport, Bossier City and the area. Hours vary.

—Quick Care— Quick Care is a great source for minor illnesses and accidents when your primary care doctor is not available. o Minor illness with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, earache, cough, congestion or sore throat o Minor fall, bump, bruise, sprain o Skin rash, sunburn, minor burn o Fever or cold symptoms o Urinary tract infection o Minor cut or animal bite (when bleeding is controlled) o Eye infection Care here is provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

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Experience Matters February 2010

The Best Of Times

February 2010

February Contents BRIEFly Many of you were so kind to compliment us on last month’s issue and unique redesign. We love hearing from you and were overwhelmed with your enthusiasm and positive response. Speaking of don’t want to miss this year’s edition of Silver Pages. We decided to freshen the look and got completely carried away. Our 2010 resource directory has been totally revamped with new and updated information presented in what I’m sure you will agree is a more convenient, userfriendly format. We are so excited about it that we decided to print the entire issue in full color and on high gloss paper. No more tattered copies by the end of the year! Be sure to check out page 6 for details on where you can pick up your copy. But all of that time and effort didn’t keep us from packing this issue with as much valuable and fun information as we could possibly fit into 56 pages. You’ll find all of your favorite columns, a few surprises, and a delightful centerspread feature by Lizzie Lyles on people in our area who have some pretty fascinating collections. Until next month have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and Happy Mardi Gras. ~Tina

February 2010


8 News & Info 10 Eat Like Your Life Depends On It 12 Medical News & Info

This Month 14 Is There a Doctor in the House? Top 10 Ways To Be Happy & Healthy 16 Special Report

Phony BBB Email Spreads Fiction About the 2010 Census

feature 27 Curious Collections by Lizzie Lyles For centuries, people have collected treasures

advice 18 Marci’s Medicare Answers Medicare Part D, State Pharmaceutical

Assistance Program & Osteoporosis

20 Money Matters by Jason Alderman

Columns 37 38

Share With Others While You’re Still Around

22 Laws of the Land by Lee Aronson Beware of Dangerous Dogs! 24 From the Bench by Judge Jeff Cox

Attorney General Buddy Caldwell There’s Wrong Information on My Credit Report! What Do I Do?

by Al Bolton

Profile in Pizzazz by Amanda Newton 2009 Louisiana Volunteer of the Year, Elaine Adkison Remembering the Pacific War

In every issue 42 What’s Cooking? Featuring a Mardi Gras celebration of

36 Moving Free with Mirabai by Mirabai Holland

Weather Facts for Thought

40 Traveltizers by Andrea Gross

Estate Tax Falls to Zero in 2010

34 Consumer’s Corner by Louisiana

from rarities to trinkets. Five area collectors showcase their prized collections.

New Orleans flavors

44 Get Up & Go!

Thin or Fat...Fitness = Longevity

A full month’s calendar of places to go and things to do

46 Answers from the Experts You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers 48 Our Famous Puzzle Pages

Crossword, Sudoku, and a special Valentine’s Day Word Search Puzzle

50 Gold Pages Resource Directory of businesses, services,


and organizations for “those of us 50+”

53 Parting Shots Fabulous photos of fun folks

The Best Of Times

February 2010

tHe best of times

Radio HouR

Hosted by GaRy CalliGas Proudly sponsored by

Broadcasting every Saturday morning from 9:05 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on AM 1130 KWKH, A Gap Broadcasting Radio Station in Shreveport, LA.

FebruAry 6 Bill Burt, with Wells Fargo Mortgage Âł%HQHÂżWV RI D 5HYHUVH 0RUWJDJH´ FebruAry 13 Sandy Davis, Director of Caddo- Bossier 2IÂżFH RI +RPHODQG 6HFXULW\ Âł3UHSDULQJ IRU DQ HPHUJHQF\´ FebruAry 20 broadcast LIVe from the “Louisiana Health and Wellness expoâ€? at the Shreveport Convention Center


FebruAry 27 Dr. Christopher L. Shelby, Ophthalmogist with 3LHUUHPRQW (\H ,QVWLWXWH Âł(\H 3UREOHPV DQG &DWDUDFW 6XUJHU\´ Streaming live on the internet at Previously aired programs are available at Do you have a question for one of our guests? Call 320-1130 during the broadcast or email prior to the show. )HEUXDU\ ‡ 9RO 1R Founded in 1993 as Senior Scene News ISSN Library of Congress #1551-4366 The best of Times A monthly publication from TBT Multimedia, LLC P.O. Box 19510 6KUHYHSRUW /$ (318) 636-5510 Publisher Gary L. Calligas editor Tina Miaoulis Calligas Writers Lizzie Lyles Amanda Newton

Design & Layout Katherine M. branch Jessica rinaudo Webmaster Jason P. Calligas Contributors Jason Alderman, Lee Aronson, Al Bolton, LA Attorney General Buddy Caldwell, Suzy Cohen, Judge Jeff Cox, Andrea Gross, and Mirabai Holland Council of Advisors Terri Brock, Senator Sherry Smith-Cheek, Clara Farley, Dora Miller, Raymon Owens, Mary Anne Rankin, and Mary Alice Rountree

THE FINE PRINT: All original content published in THE BEST OF TIMES copyright Š 2010 by TBT Multimedia, LLC, all rights reserved. Replication, in whole or in part by any means is prohibited without written permission from the publisher. Opinions expressed DUH WKH VROH UHVSRQVLELOLW\ RI WKH FRQWULEXWRU DQG GR QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHĂ€HFW WKRVH RI WKH publication, TBT Mulitmedia, its publishers or staff. Always consult properly degreed DQG OLFHQVHG SURIHVVLRQDOV ZKHQ GHDOLQJ ZLWK DOO PDWWHUV ÂżQDQFLDO medical, legal or emotional. We cannot accept liability for omissions or errors and cannot be responsible for the claims of advertisers.

February 2010


Northwest Louisiana’s Premiere Resource Directory For “Those of us 50+� FResh New Look Silver Pages has been re-designed with a new user-friendly layout, full color and glossy pages! New aND CuRReNT Completely updated with more valuable information than ever before! CoNveNieNT Available FREE at senior events throughout the year, or now at over 500 area distribution sites. Or you can have it delivered to your home. Just send your name and address, along with $5 (S&H) to Silver Pages, P.O. Box 19510, Shreveport, LA 71149.

The Best Of Times

February 2010

News  Info

Caddo Council on Aging Launches Community Living Program in NWla

The Search Begins in Louisiana for America’s Outstanding Oldest Worker

Nominations are now being accepted in the search for America’s Outstanding Oldest Worker. The search is part of a national effort to raise awareness about the contributions older individuals make in today’s workplace and to break down barriers often associated with their employment. It is sponsored by Experience Works, the nation’s largest nonprofit training and employment organization for older workers. America’s Outstanding Oldest Worker nominees must be 100 years of age or older, currently employed, working at least 20 hours each week for pay and involved in his or her community. The honoree for 2010 will be introduced in May, as part of Older American’s Month. Additional information, including the nomination form, is available at The deadline for nominations is March 15, 2010.

New Law Eases Restrictions on Assets, Income for “Extra Help” Program

Effective January 1, 2010, several changes to the law make it easier for older people and those with disabilities to qualify for Extra Help, the federal program that helps people with Medicare pay for their prescription drugs. Under the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA), people who apply for Extra Help will no longer be required to count life insurance policies as an asset, and money and services they receive from family and friends to help cover their living expenses will not count as income. The law will make an additional 1 million people with Medicare eligible for Extra Help. A third change to the program links the Extra Help application to the application process for Medicare Savings Programs (MSP), which help people pay Medicare premiums, coinsurance and deductibles. Effective January 1, the Social Security Administration will forward verified income and asset information from Extra Help applications to state agencies, which will use the data to initiate applications for MSP. The Medicare Rights Center offers free resources for people who want to learn more about enrolling in Extra Help and MSP. To speak with a counselor, call the toll-free hotline at 1-800-333-4114.

February 2010

The Caddo Council on Aging, a partner of the Northwest Louisiana Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC), is offering the federally-funded Community Living Program to assist individuals who are at risk of nursing home placement to stay at home and live independently, announced Mary Alice Rountree, Northwest Louisiana ADRC Executive Director. The program targets older adults, adults with physical disabilities, adults with Alzheimer’s or related dementias and their caregivers. Titled Louisiana Answers…for Living at Home, the program will serve Caddo, Bossier, Webster, Claiborne, Bienville, Red River, Natchitoches, Sabine, and Desoto Parishes. “We will provide community living solutions to seniors and disabled adults who do not qualify for Medicaid. We’ll

help them remain independent and find more options for their care,” said Ms. Rountree. “When someone is struggling, they need to call us.” “We offer a seamless information, assistance, referral and follow up process,” said Ms. Rountree. Interested individuals should call (800) 793-1198 or (318) 632-5900 or (318) 632-2090. The program also hopes to help educate caregivers of older adults with Alzheimer’s or related dementias learn some everyday skills to enhance the good work they are already providing for their loved one. The individual seeking help should not qualify for, but be close to Medicaid eligibility, said Ms. Rountree. For more information, call Louisiana Answers---for Living at Home directly at (800) 793-1198.

First-Time Home buyer Tax Credit extended and Expanded Legislative changes in November 2009 extended and expanded the homebuyer tax credit to those who move to a new primary residence, whether because of a job transfer, downsizing at retirement or moving to a larger home or a new community. The legislation also added documentation requirements for claiming the credit. Although the same income thresholds, purchase cost limit and closing deadlines apply, there are a few unique features for those moving to a new primary residence: • Instead of $8,000, the maximum credit amount is $6,500. • You must have lived in your current home for five consecutive years out of the last eight. • The newly purchased home must become your primary residence and not a second home or investment property. • You are not required to sell your current residence; thus, you could rent it out or turn it into a second home. To learn more, visit Because of the complexity of tax law governing these transactions, consult your tax advisor before finalizing a purchase or deciding which year to claim the credit.

American Red Cross & Sci-Port Named One of Louisiana’s Top 50 for 50+ The American Red Cross was named one of the winners of Encore Louisiana’s Top 50 for 50+ for Best Volunteer Opportunities. Additionally, Sci-Port: Louisiana’s Science Center was recognized as one of the Top 50 places and programs that make life in Louisiana unique and fulfilling for people ages 50 and above. Sci-Port is one of six state locations to make the category Best Places to Visit with the Kids/Grandkids. “The Top 50 for 50+ celebrates the best that Louisiana has to offer - the places, programs and experiences that make life in Louisiana at 50 and above so unique and fulfilling,” said Lt. Governor Mitch Landrieu, who oversees Encore Louisiana. “As our lives are getting longer and healthier, our years at 50 and beyond truly can be our best. Individuals age 50 and above also bring great economic benefit to Louisiana. The Top 50 for 50+ initiative is one way we can retain and attract residents in this age segment.” “The goal of Encore Louisiana is simple – entice people 50 and above to move to or stay here in Louisiana,” said Heather Reggio Finke, executive director of Encore Louisiana. “The Top 50 for 50+ (is one way of ) sharing the experiences that make our state unique.” More information is available at and in the new publication Encore Louisiana - The Official Guide to Louisiana Living for Boomers & Beyond. To learn how you can become a Red Cross volunteer, call (318) 865-9545 or log on to for more information.

Help Is Available during Tax Season

A program to help low-and moderate-income residents recoup their tax returns began January 19, and it’s totally FREE to eligible residents. Free tax-preparation assistance will be offered to Northwest Louisiana residents whose 2009 combined household income is less than $49,000. The program will link residents with free tax preparation and help qualified residents secure the Earned Income Tax Credit, which too often goes unclaimed, said Terri Brock, Centerpoint Community Services, lead agency for the Northwest Louisiana Asset Building Coalition. The free tax help has The Best Of Times

been available through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, or VITA, Program, partnered with the IRS, the state Department of Social Services, and Louisiana 2-1-1 to educate the community about the assistance for the last five years in Northwest Louisiana. By simply dialing “2-1-1” Tax Filers may provide the Call Specialist their zip code and receive the VITA sites nearest them statewide.

February 2010

eat like your life depends on it

Wine, Tea & Chocolate May Improve Mental Performance A team of researchers at Oxford University, working with colleagues at the University of Oslo, say that a combination of wine, dark chocolate and tea, in moderate amounts, enhances cognitive performance in the elderly. According to the study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, people should regularly consume low levels of wine, dark chocolate and tea. All three are rich in polyphenolic compounds called flavonoids found in grapes, tea leaves and cocoa beans. Researchers warn, however, that it’s best not to get carried away - too much chocolate and too much wine are both known to be bad for the health. Previous research on wine, tea and chocolate found that each product contains relatively high levels of flavonoids, and all three are also associated with a lower risk of dementia and greater cognitive performance. The team found that participants who consumed combinations of between 1 to 3.5 ounces of wine, 10 grams of chocolate and up to 200 milliliters of tea, preferably green, per day had a 41% to 53% lower risk of performing poorly on cognitive tests than other participants. The results did not tend to improve for those participants who consumed greater quantities of wine, tea or chocolate.

For Better Vision, Eat Colorfully

Carotenoids, found in green leafy vegetables and colored fruits, have been found to increase visual performance and may prevent age-related eye diseases, according to a study in the Journal of Food Science. Authors from the University of Georgia reviewed the results of multiple studies on the effects of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin on visual performance. The authors concluded that the carotenoids do have an effect on visual performance. Lutein and zeaxanthin can reduce disability and discomfort from glare, enhance contrast, and reduce photostress recovery times. The studies also suggest that the pigments protect the retina and lens and perhaps even help prevent age-related eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataract.

10 February 2010

Older adults who used the herbal supplement Ginkgo biloba for several years did not have a slower rate of cognitive decline compared to adults who received placebo, according to a study from the University of Pittsburgh and reported in JAMA.


Walnuts, almonds, pistachios - almost any kind of nut - pack a lot of nutrition into a small shell. Acccording to the Mayo Clinic Women’s HealthSource most nuts contain some nutrients that can benefit heart health and help with cholesterol control. They include unsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, 1-arginine and plant sterols. Nuts have been shown to reduce low-density lipoproteins (LDL, or “bad” cholesterol) levels in the blood. Eating nuts also can reduce the risk of developing blood clots and improve the health of the lining of the arteries. It’s best to choose unsalted versions and to eat nuts in moderation as they are high in calories. These benefits suggest that a handful of nuts a day may help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Moderate Fish Consumption May Lower Risk in Patients with a History of Heart Failure Including fish in a balanced diet has long been associated with the prevention of heart disease, and scientists now believe that it can help preserve heart function in patients who have experienced heart failure. A new study in the Journal of Food Science reports that moderate fish consumption can help reduce the risk of left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) in post acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients. Researchers from the University of Athens in Greece focused on demographical, nutritional, lifestyle, and medical factors combined with the risk of developing left ventricular dysfunction after nonfatal heart failure. At the study’s conclusion, researchers noted that consuming fish one to two times per week was independently associated with a considerable reduction of the odds of developing LVSD. The authors also cited a study that determined consumption of a wide variety of fish is best for minimizing mercury exposure and increasing omega-3 fatty acid intake.

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(318) 212-OAKS (6257) The Best Of Times

February 2010


medical news & Info

Herceptin with Chemotherapy Improves Disease-Free Breast Cancer Survival

Volunteering May Prevent the Elderly from Becoming Frail Frailty is a geriatric condition marked by weight loss, low energy and strength, and low physical activity. Researchers from UCLA followed over 1,000 healthy adults aged 70 to 79 for 5 years to determine if productive activities - specifically volunteering, paid work and child care - prevent the onset of frailty. After three years, participants in all three activities were found to be less likely to become frail. After accounting for levels of physical and cognitive function, however, only volunteering was associated with lower rates of frailty.

Using Herceptin with chemotherapy, instead of after, clearly improves treatment of women with HER2+ breast cancer, and should be the new standard of care, says a Mayo Clinic researcher who led what is regarded to be a key clinical trial determining the best use of Herceptin. According to the researchers, patients using Herceptin and chemotherapy at the same time had a relative 25% reduction in the risk of recurrence of cancer or death, compared with women who used Herceptin after chemotherapy. These findings may have global implications for women being treated for HER2+ breast cancer, which makes up 20% to 25% of all cases.

Exercise Improves Survival Rates for Colorectal Cancer Patients

According to a new study reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers at DanaFarber Cancer Institute found men who have been treated for colorectal cancer who engaged in moderate physical activity were 53% more likely to be alive and free of the disease than those who were less physically active. The benefit of exercise was seen regardless of age, how advanced the cancer, weight and any history of previous physical activity.

12 February 2010

Hypertension Linked to Dementia Older women with hypertension are at increased risk for developing brain lesions that cause dementia later in life, according to data from the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS) and published in an online issue of the Journal of Clinical Hypertension. Upon enrolling in the trial and annually during their participation in it, the women had their blood pressure measured and underwent tests to measure their cognitive ability. Some of the WHIMS participants also underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). All of these women were free of dementia when they enrolled. The MRI studies revealed that women who, on entry to the WHIMS trial, had elevated blood pressure, had significantly higher amounts of white matter lesions (WMLs) when they underwent MRIs eight years later. Based on the findings, researchers encourage women to maintain their blood pressure at normal levels as the small blood vessels in the brain are especially susceptible to damage from even moderately elevated blood pressure which may increase the risk of dementia.

Drug Shows Promise in Reducing Complications for Stem Cell Transplant Patients A drug that has become a mainstay of multiple myeloma treatment may outperform alternative therapies in re-establishing the immune system of patients who have received stem cell transplants from unrelated, partially matched donors, according to early clinical trial results by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. The trials suggest that the drug bortezomib (trade name Velcade), when added to routine agents (tacrolimus, methotrexate), can improve control of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and improve immune system recovery following a transplant from a mismatched-unrelated donor with little toxicity. GVHD is a common and potentially severe side effect of blood-forming stem cell transplants, in which donor immune cells attack normal patient cells and tissues.

N rev Sout EW h No epor east wO tO PE ffice N!


Reaping What You Sow Some see an empty field of dirt. Robbie Brown sees bushels of homegrown tomatoes, foot-long zucchinis and some of the sweetest peas your teeth have ever had the pleasure of meeting. When he’s not driving his tractor or guiding his tiller through the garden, you’ll find him living life to the fullest in some other way. “I do anything I want to do with the legs I get from Snell’s,” Brown says confidently. “I don’t back up for nothing.” It is that same type of commitment that Snell’s licensed practitioners and technicians make to our patients every day. Our staff members take the time to attentively listen to the patient to determine what his or her needs truly are. Then, after careful consultation with the patient’s physician, we begin the design and fabrication process. Once the prosthesis or orthosis has been fitted, we work tirelessly with the patient to make sure that it functions correctly. Our investment in new technology and in specialized training for our staff allows us to deliver prosthetic and orthotic devices of the highest quality. Because, as Mr. Brown will attest to…what you invest in today will yield abundant returns tomorrow.

Returning independence to our patients since 1911


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The Best Of Times

February 2010


Is there a doctor in the house?

Top 10 Ways to Be Happy and Healthy


It’s Easy Being Green Whether you are a vegetarian, vegan, carnivore or pescetarian, vegetables should be a central part of your diet. Often referred to as a “protective food,” dark green foods provide essential vitamins and nutrients to your body that protect you from many of life’s worst diseases. The Food and Drug Administration recommends 3 to 5 servings a day for pristine health. This is not as hard to accomplish as it sounds. Examples of one serving include: two broccoli spears, three tablespoons of green beans or three sticks of celery.

squeeze in some walking or a run a couple of times a week.


Brush Your Teeth We are all aware of the cosmetic benefits of keeping those pearly whites, well, pearly, but there are additional benefits hidden between the bristles of your brush.



Get on Your Feet If you’re a biker or a swimmer, you may need to add an additional element to your workout regime. Dr. Warren Levy, Ph. D., of Unigene Laboratories reminds people that, “when it comes to the risk of thinning bones, it’s the weight bearing nature of exercise that signals bones to create more mass. Without such stress, bones do not get stronger, and become more prone to injury.” There is still a lot to learn about bone health, but in the meantime, it is important for both men and women to partake in exercises that get you up on your feet. This is a fact. If you’re a biker or a swimmer,

14 February 2010

magazine once in a while! There is more information out there than you can imagine. Sift through the bounty of news because when it comes to your health and healthcare, no one is more responsible for their management than you are. Instead of following what your office mate or carpool buddy says, take the time to understand the healthcare debate and arm yourself with knowledge. A good place to start? www.whitehouse. gov/issues/health-care

Brushing and flossing your teeth not only prevents tooth decay, but it prevents gum disease, which has been linked to heart attacks and strokes. Healthy gums are one more way to keep that heart pumping strong.


Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Pick up your local newspaper or

Be a Small Fry Don’t try to deny it. Everyone has something they can’t get enough of. Whether it’s ice cream, cheddar cheese or dinner out, take the opportunity to start the new decade off with a little less on your plate. You don’t have to deprive yourself, just regulate. By ordering a small fry from McDonald’s versus a large, you save yourself from 270 calories and too much artery-clogging grease, but are still left with the sweet nectar of a delicious fried food.


Give Yourself a Break Not only are vacations an important part of maintaining your sanity, but there are many other positives about sneaking away for a week or two (or three!). Studies

have proven that employees come back to work post-vacation more creative and more productive. Investor Relations Group CEO and Founder Dian Griesel encourages her employees to take vacations. “It is so important to get away from the daily routine to recharge your batteries and reconnect with family or friends,” says Griesel.


Scrub a Dub Dub The easiest way to avoid infectious diseases - a common cold, the H1N1 virus - is by hand washing. According to the Mayo Clinic, it is important to lather up and wash for at least twenty seconds, but don’t use antibacterial products. Antibacterial soap is no more effective at killing germs than is regular soap. Even worse, using antibacterial soap may even lead to the development of bacteria that are resistant to the product’s antimicrobial agents - making it harder to kill these germs in the future.


Lend a Hand A study at Vanderbilt University found that volunteer work was good for

The Best Of Times

both mental and physical health. People of all ages who volunteered were happier and experienced better physical health and less depression. Other studies have found the volunteering has even helped alleviate chronic pain. Not to mention the benefits of volunteering to society. Think about something you like to do in your spare time anyways – running, cooking, shopping – and there will be an easy way to incorporate volunteering into your lifestyle. Visit and you will on your way in no time.

new decade. Rather than thinking about mishaps of the past ten years, focus on your goals for the next ten. Think about it this way: Recall the excitement leading up to a new school year? It was so exciting to pick up new pencils, notebooks, a new look for the first day of school and most importantly, to think about how this would be your year. Channel that same excitement into the year ahead and who knows where you will end up! (Newswise)


Treat Yourself! It’s just as important to help yourself, as it is to help others. Think about something you have always wanted and start the decade off with a plan in mind to have it in your grasp before year’s end. Whether it’s a nice bottle of wine, a new suit or a fresh hairdo, rewarding yourself with a treat shouldn’t be just for little kids anymore.


Start With a Clean State Finally, position yourself to be on the upward climb at the beginning of the

February 2010


special report

Phony BBB E-Mail Spreads Fiction About 2010 Census An e-mail which falsely claims to be from the Better Business Bureau (BBB) about the upcoming 2010 Census is inaccurate and BBB is advising consumers to get the facts: In March of 2010, census forms will be delivered to every residence in the United States and Puerto Rico. When you receive yours, just answer the 10 short questions and then mail the form back in the postage-paid envelope provided. If you don’t mail the form back, you may receive a visit from a census taker, who will ask you the questions from the form. A census taker must follow-up in person with every address that doesn’t mail back the form in order to obtain the responses.

The Census is Safe

• The 2010 Census will ask

for name, gender, age, race, ethnicity, relationship, and whether you own or rent your home – just 10 simple questions that will take about 10 minutes to answer. • The Census Bureau safeguards all census responses to the highest security standards available. • Your answers are protected by law and are not shared with anyone. The census taker who collects your information is sworn for life to protect your data under Federal Law Title 13. Those who violate the oath face criminal penalties. Under federal law, the penalty for unlawful disclosure is a fine of up to $250,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both.

When Census Takers will be Going Door-to-Door • From April to July 2010, the Census Bureau will knock on the door of every household that does not mail back a completed 2010 Census form. • It’s critical that you take just 10 minutes to fill out and mail back your form rather than wait for a census worker to show up on your doorstep. About $85 million in taxpayer dollars are saved for every one percent increase in mail response. • The Census Bureau must get a census form to – and a completed form back from – every residence in the United States. That’s more than 130 million addresses. This is why the census is the largest domestic mobilization our nation undertakes. How to Identify a Census Taker If a U.S. Census Bureau employee knocks on your door, here are some recognition tips to assure the validity of the employee: • The census taker must present an ID badge that contains a Department of Commerce watermark and expiration date. The census taker may also be carrying a bag with a Census Bureau logo. • The census taker will provide you with supervisor contact information and/ or the Local Census Office phone number for verification, if asked. • The census taker will ONLY ask you the questions that appear on the census form. However, you should never invite anyone you don’t know into your home. What the 2010 Census DOES NOT Ask • 2010 Census takers will not ask you for your social security number, bank account number, or credit card number. • 2010 Census takers also never solicit for donations and will never contact you by e-mail. For more information about the upcoming 2010 Census visit

16 February 2010

The Best Of Times

February 2010


marci’s medicare answers

Medicare Part B, State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program, & Osteoporosis


Dear Marci, I turned 65 last month, but I’m still working and have employer insurance. Should I enroll in Medicare Part B? --Wilbur Dear Wilbur, It depends on your situation. In general, if Medicare is your primary coverage, you should enroll in Part B. If you are 65 or older and there are fewer than 20 employees in the company you or your spouse works for, Medicare is your primary coverage. If you have not yet enrolled in Part B, you should enroll during your Initial Enrollment Period. If you decline Part B, neither Medicare nor your job coverage (with limited exceptions) will pay for your doctors’ services and other medical care. If you are 65 or older and there are 20 or more employees in the company you or your spouse works for, your employer group health plan is your primary insurer. You do not need to enroll in Medicare if you are satisfied with your job coverage. In either case, you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period, which means you can delay enrollment in Part B without penalty if you were

18 February 2010

covered by employer health insurance through your or your spouse’s current job when you first became eligible for Medicare. You can enroll in Medicare without penalty at any time while you have group health coverage and for eight months after you lose your group health coverage or you (or your spouse) stop working, whichever comes first. ~Marci


Dear Marci, I’ve heard that some thing called an SPAP can help me pay for my prescription drugs. What is an SPAP, and how does it work? --Hans Dear Hans, Many states offer a state pharmaceutical assistance program (SPAP) to help their residents pay for prescription drugs. Each program works differently, but many states coordinate their drug assistance programs with Medicare’s drug benefit (Part D). If you do not have Part D but qualify for your state’s SPAP, you will have the chance to sign up for Part D, and may be required to enroll in a Part D plan. Your SPAP may help pay for your Part D plan’s: • premium; • deductible;

• copayments; and/or • coverage gap. (Many SPAPs

give you coverage during your part D plan’s “coverage gap” or “doughnut hole.”) To find out more information about SPAPs in your state, visit ~Marci


Dear Marci, I’m at risk for osteo- porosis. Does Medicare cover bone density tests? --Shirley Dear Shirley, Yes. If your doctor believes you are at risk for osteoporosis and orders the test, Medicare will cover 80 percent of the cost of one bone mass measurement (sometimes called “bone density tests”) every two years (24 months), after you pay your annual Part B deductible. Medicare will also cover follow-up measurements or more frequent screening if your doctor prescribes them. Bone mass measurements show if you need medical treatment for osteoporosis, a condition that causes “brittle bones” in many older adults. Those at high risk for the disease include people who have a family history of the disease, have spinal abnormalities, have certain conditions (such as thyroid disorders) or have taken certain medications for a prolonged period of time (such as a steroid anti-inflammatory). ~Marci Marci’s Medicare Answers is a service of the Medicare Rights Center (, the nation’s largest independent source of information and assistance for people with Medicare. To speak with a counselor, call (800) 333-4114. To subscribe to “Dear Marci,” the Medicare Rights Center’s free educational e-newsletter, simply e-mail To learn more about the services that Medicare will cover and how to change plans, log on to Medicare Interactive Counselor at the Medicare Rights Center’s website at www.

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The Best Of Times

Warning Signs That May Indicate the Need for Treatment

• • • • • • • •

Depression, extreme sadness Confused thinking, difficulty concentrating Hallucinations; hearing voices Misuse of alcohol or medications Disorientation Numerous unexplained physical ailments Difficulties coping with daily living Excessive fears, anxieties or suspiciousness

February 2010


money matters

by Jason Alderman

You’ve probably already thought about how you’d like to share your assets with relatives, friends and favorite charities when you’re gone, whether it’s money you’ve saved, your home, or family heirlooms you want to pass along to the next generation. But you needn’t wait to begin making a difference in people’s lives. Plus, you can reap significant tax advantages by distributing a portion of your assets now. First, make sure you’re on track to fund your own retirement, have adequate health insurance, can pay off your mortgage and are otherwise

Share With Others While You’re Still Around debt-free. You wouldn’t want to deplete your resources and then become a financial burden on others. If your finances are in good shape, consider these options: Avoid gift tax. You can give cash or property worth up to $13,000 a year, per individual, before the federal gift tax kicks in. This limit doesn’t apply if you’re paying someone’s tuition or medical expenses, or for gifts to your spouse, charities or political organizations. Read Publication 950 at for more details. Pay for education. If college is still far off for your children, grandchildren or others, consider funding 529 Qualified State Tuition Plans for them. Account interest earned is not subject to federal (and in most

cases, state) income taxes; plus, many states offer tax deductions for contributions made to their own 529 Plans. To learn more about the intricacies of 529 Plans, read FinAid’s comprehensive overview at www. phtml. Another good resource for information on the different types of financial aid, grants and loans available to college students is Practical Money Skills for Life, Visa Inc.’s free personal financial management program (www. Roth IRAs for kids. If your minor children or grandchildren earn income, you may fund a Roth IRA on their behalf up to the lesser of $5,000 or the amount of their taxable earnings. You contribute on an after-tax basis, but the earnings grow, tax-free, until the account is tapped at retirement. For young people, these earnings can compound tremendously over time. For example, if you made only a one-time $1,000 contribution for your 16-year-old granddaughter, at 6 percent interest the account would be worth nearly $20,000 – tax-free – at age 66. If she contributed an additional $50 a month going forward, it would grow to more than $210,000 at 66. Fund someone’s benefits. Many people cannot afford health insurance and so forego coverage, putting themselves just one serious illness or accident away from financial disaster. Many also cannot afford to fully fund their 401(k) plan or IRA. Consider applying your tax-exempt gifts mentioned above to help loved ones pay for these critical benefits, greatly increasing their financial self-sufficiency. Charitable contributions. If you’re planning to leave money or property to charities in your will, consider beginning to share those assets now, if you can afford to. You’ll be able to enjoy watching your contributions at work – and deduct them from your income taxes. Read IRS Publication 526 for details ( Before taking any of these actions, consult your financial advisor to make sure your own bases are covered. If you don’t have an advisor, visit www.fpaforfinancialplanning. org for help locating one. Jason Alderman directs Visa’s financial education programs. Sign up for his free monthly e-Newsletter at www.practicalmoneyskills. com/newsletter.

20 February 2010

The Best Of Times

February 2010



Beware of Dangerous Dogs by Lee Aronson

You know you are having a bad day when the day after your dog attacks a neighbor, the dog then sends someone else to the hospital. Here are the facts of a real life case that took place around Baton Rouge: Animal Control gets a complaint that a 13 year old boy had been attacked by a dog. The next day, Animal Control sends an

22 February 2010

investigator to the home of the dog owner, Ms. Timmy (not her real name.) Ms. Timmy comes out of her house to talk to the investigator, leaving the dog in the kitchen. During the conversation, “the dog managed to escape from the house after apparently forcing open the back door.” (I found that to be a little odd but the dog was a hundred pound German Shepherd and had “inexplicably escaped” numerous times in the past.) Anyway, the dog then lunged at the Animal Control investigator, Thelma (again, not her real

name), and mauled her. Eventually the dog was restrained and Thelma was taken to the hospital by ambulance. “After the arrival of emergency response personnel, the dog was put down by” Ms. Timmy. As a result of this attack, Thelma, the Animal Control investigator, sued Ms. Timmy. Here’s what Louisiana law says on the matter: as a general rule, a dog owner will always be liable for injuries to a person or property caused by a dog no matter what. However, there are 2 exceptions to this general rule. The first exception says that the dog owner will not be liable for injuries caused by the dog if the owner could not have prevented the damages. The second exception says that the dog owner will not be liable for injuries caused by the dog if the injured person provoked the dog. In Thelma’s case there was no question that she did not provoke the dog. But could Ms. Timmy have prevented the damages? Ms. Timmy didn’t think so. When Animal Control showed up, she didn’t invite the investigator into her house. Instead, she left the dog inside her house, closed the door behind her, and went outside to talk to Thelma. But whether or not the injuries could have been prevented is a question for the Judge to decide. In one case, a person climbed his neighbor’s fence and entered the neighbor’s backyard without permission. The neighbor’s dog then bit the person. The Judge found that the dog owner was not liable. By keeping the dog in a completely enclosed yard with a secure fence, the owner did all that was necessary to prevent the injury and therefore could not have prevented the damages. It was not necessary for the neighbor to go to the extra steps of warning the neighbor not to enter the backyard or of placing a “beware of dog” sign or of tying the dog to something inside the fence. However, in another case, the Judge was faced with a situation where a workman was asked to go into a homeowner’s backyard to do some work. The yard was completely fenced in and the homeowner’s dog was in the yard and was roaming free. The worker was not warned about the dog. The dog injured the workman. The Judge found that the owner could have prevented this injury and the worker was therefore allowed to recover. In Thelma’s case, the Judge said, “Given the fact that Ms. [Timmy] had knowledge of

not only the dogs recent propensity for aggression, but also that it had inexplicably escaped from her home on 2 prior occasions, the attack on [Thelma] could have easily been prevented had Ms. [Timmy] simply locked the door to the house behind her” or had properly confined or restrained the dog. As a result, the Judge held Ms. Timmy to be liable for Thelma’s injuries. Well, as you can imagine, Ms. Timmy did not think this was fair. She pointed out that Thelma was an Animal Control professional and that getting attacked by animals was just part of Thelma’s job and therefore she shouldn’t be allowed to recover damages. After all, she was hurt on the job and got disability benefits and medical benefits from her job. Normally, firemen, police officers and others who in their professions protect life and property are not entitled to damages when they are in-

The Best Of Times

jured in the performance of their professional duties. But if the circumstances leading to the injury are extraordinarily blameworthy, then recovery is available. In Thelma’s case, the Judge was willing to assume that as an Animal Control officer, Thelma was hired to protect the public from harm occasioned by animals. And that “Animal Control officers could reasonably expect in the course of apprehending a dangerous animal that the animal would respond aggressively” and that the officer could therefore be injured. But even if this assumption was correct, the Judge found that Ms. Timmy’s actions were so extraordinary and blameworthy that Thelma should be allowed to recover damages for her injuries. Lee Aronson is an attorney with Legal Services of North Louisiana. His practice areas include consumer protection law, housing law and health care law.

February 2010


from the bench

Estate Tax Falls to Zero by Judge Jeff Cox

Wonderful news for those of us who survived to the year 2010! The estate tax no longer exists. Based on the Tax Reconciliation Act passed by the Bush Administration, the estate tax was abolished at the stroke of midnight on January 1, 2010. With no estate tax in place this year, every estate whether you have $1 to $1 billion dollars is exempt from estate taxation. Now that the good news is out of the way, let’s get back to reality. The trade-off for this exemption is that there will be no step-up in basis of property as in the former estate tax regulations. Step-up in

24 February 2010

basis means that if you bought a piece of property at $10000 and at the time of death the property is worth $100000, then the basis of the property would step-up to $100000. This is important because most people don’t pay estate tax but under the new rules, they would pay capital gains tax on the difference between $100000 and $10000 meaning tax on $90000. More taxes will be paid this way than under the estate tax situation. In addition, the estate tax exemption that is in place now will sunset January 1, 2011. This means that we will go back to the old law before this act was passed. At that time, the exemption was on estates of $1 million dollars or less. Anything above $1 million dollars was taxable for estate tax purposes prior

to the passage of the above referenced act. What does this mean to you? If Congress does not act to pass a new tax bill that addresses the estate tax situation, then we will go back to the year 2000 law. Dollars in the year 2000 were worth more then than they are today. This means that more estates may be taxed today at a higher cost than in the past. In addition, higher tax rates applied to estates in the year 2000. It is widely speculated that Congress will pass a new estate tax law this year. Provisions that have been discussed in the law include an estate tax exemption of estates of $3.5 million dollars or less with a 45% tax rate on estates above that amount. Regardless of what happens, know the value of your estate and do proper estate planning so your heirs do not get unwanted tax consequences at the time of your death. Jeff Cox is the 26th Judicial Court Judge for Bossier/Webster Parishes, Division C.

The Best Of Times

February 2010


26 February 2010

or centuries, people have collected treasures, trinkets and everything in between: rare jewels, family heirlooms, antiques, baseball cards, spoons, even bottle caps. Whether it contains rarities worth thousands of dollars or inexpensive items of everyday use, a collection has sentimental value to its collector and represents a collector’s particular interest or hobby. Five collectors showcase their collections, which garnish their homes, have special meaning in their lives and connect them with friends, family and their communities. These are more than just baubles and knick-knacks sitting around collecting dust. These collections are clever, sentimental and far from boring. Wanda Cook, 65, celebrates Christmas and Coca-Cola every day of the year. With the help of her husband, she has decked her house inside and out with Christmas décor and her collection of Coca-Cola memorabilia. From floor to ceiling and bathroom to living room, with Coca-Cola bottles, teddy bears, poster board cutouts of the classic Coca-Cola Santa Claus and an authentic 1948 Coca-Cola machine that still works, Cook has it all and everywhere. Cook is affectionately known as the “Crazy Coca-Cola The Best Of Times

Lady” by her family, friends and neighbors. “They think I’m a little odd. I say that’s a term of endearment,” Cook said. Her collection began at flea markets while searching for old jewelry to make collage pins. She often came across Coca-Cola trinkets that always caught her eye: “I don’t know if it was the colors of Coca-Cola or remembering those six ounce bottles from when I was kid.” Cook’s collection is extensive. Six years ago she counted about 2,000 Coca-Cola pieces. Since then her collection has doubled or tripled. She estimates that she now has 5 to 6,000 Coca-Cola pieces in her collection. And it’s still growing. Not from Cook’s purchases, but from community contributions. Cook seldom buys any pieces anymore. In fact, two-thirds of her collection has been given to her by family and friends. “Once people found out that we collected, they would buy or bring me something I’d like, or they would look in a drawer and find a Coca-Cola bottle opener or magnet. Anything with CocaCola on it and they would bring it to me.” Cook is not much into the monetary value of her collection. “I say it’s invaluable because of the sentiment of the gifts that people have given me.” She never refuses a gift or February 2010


donation to her collection, even if she has as many as eight of the same item. Cook and her Coca-Cola collection are well-known throughout her community. Each year Cook invites the second grade students at a local school to tour her house and enjoy a coke. She teaches the students three things that they are unlikely to forget: 1. You can celebrate Christmas every day. “You don’t have to wait until December. We leave our Christmas decorations up all year.” 2. It’s OK to be different. “You don’t have to try to be like someone else by wearing the same kind of clothes or doing your hair the same way. God made us all different and he loves us

28 February 2010

just the way we are.” 3. “Don’t ever wash anything red or white together because the whites will turn pink. If you wash a red shirt with white sox, you’ll have pink sox.” The CEO of the Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta, Ga., heard word of this and sent Cook a very nice letter congratulating her on her collection. She also received a Coca-Cola Barbie doll, which is now one of her favorite pieces. Cook never gets tired of Coca-Cola and Christmas in her home. “Sometimes I forget how different it is until I see someone’s reaction.” Though it may be unusual, Cook and her collection always bring a smile to a visitor’s face. “Everyone who comes in our home has a smile and a coke before they leave.” f Wanda Cook is the Coca-Cola Lady, then Nadine Siegele, 59, is the Santa Lady. Siegele has collected Santa Claus dolls, figurines and ceramics for almost 40 years. Her Santas range in size from tiny ceramic figurines to life-size wooden cut-outs that

decorate her home and bring so much joy to her and her family during the Christmas season. She became known as the “Santa Lady” by her friends for displaying her Santa collection all year long. “I was telling my hubby when we were putting them away one year, ‘I don’t know why we put them away because they make me so happy.’ When I look at them I’m happy,” Siegele said. After a move to a smaller house six years ago, Siegele has had to consolidate her collection. Her Santas no longer stay out year-round. She now keeps them in a closet neatly displayed on shelves, not thrown into boxes. Whenever she’s having a bad day she can open the closet door and see her Santas. Siegele’s parents helped her start her Santa Claus collection and have been big contributors over the years. She now has well over 200 Santas. Siegele’s Santas have character. They are different, whimsical and tied to her family in some way. She has cowboy Santas and a Texas A&M Santa: two of her three children went to Texas A&M University. She has a

dentist Santa given to her by a sonin-law oral surgeon. She has a police Santa from her grandchildren and a cooking Santa holding baguettes of bread, bags of sugar and pastries because Siegele loves to bake. A few golfing Santas sit on her shelves because Siegele loves golf. She has beach Santas for her family’s beach house in Florida. A musician Santa with an accordion and mandolin reminds her of her younger days of playing the accordion and her mother who played the mandolin. One very attractive characteristic of her Santas is their faces. They have round rosy cheeks, kind eyes, jolly grins, fluffy beards and bushy eyebrows. “When I choose a Santa it’s because of its face. Every single one is so different and so special. I just love them!” When the holiday season begins, Siegele looks forward to displaying her Santas with her Christmas decorations in her home, taking each Santa out of the closet and choosing the best place to display each one. “I feel like a kid in a candy shop.” Her favorite piece in her collection is not an object, but a very special professional photo of Siegele with her husband and their two grandchildren sitting with Santa Claus reading a book by a fireplace. Her daughter surprised her with the photo a few years ago on Christmas Day after all the gifts had been opened. It shows a timeless holiday moment with her family and Santa Claus that is disThe Best Of Times

played throughout the year. “It’s my special Santa that stays with me all year long.”

red McClanahan, 63, likes beer. But after a trip to Breckenridge, Co., a few years ago, his liking of beer turned to the bottle. He was attracted to the unique labels on beer bottles he found at a local Breckenridge brewery. The labels featured modes of transportation: trains, cars, skis, snow shoes and sleds. “I thought it was different. You don’t see these on beer bottles that you buy in Shreveport,” McClanahan said. He bought about a dozen bottles from his Breckenridge trip and from there his collection grew. He now has over 300 bottles and a few cans with labels that feature some mode of transportation. Sometimes, it’s a little bit of a stretch. McClanahan has one bottle with a flying pigs label. “If you got on one, you could travel with it.” Another bottle that might raise some questions is Texas Tornado beer. McClanahan argues that “a tornado worked for Dorothy and it moved a whole house, so that qualifies as a mode of transportation.” Beer bottle collecting has turned into a fun hobby for McClanahan. It gives him an opportunity to travel and take side trips to new places with local breweries. “I’ll actually go out of my way to go to places and look for different kinds of things,” he said. “When I go to a store in a different place I will

go through the beer section and scan the bottles.” McClanahan displays his beer bottles on custom-built cabinets in his house. All of his bottles are empty. So who drinks all that beer? “I have a friend, a retired air force colonel [who] drinks the contents and brings me the bottle.” McClanahan has tried his fair share of beer, too. He explains the differences between American and European brews like a bona fide beer connoisseur. Most American pilsners (light lager beers) are brewed from raw grains. If the grains are roasted before they are brewed - as in Belgium beers - the beer takes on a fuller taste and darker color from amber to ruby red. “It’s a worthy endeavor,” he said. “You should try it some time, but not too much at one time.” He commends Belgium for its “amazing loggers and ales.” He suggests Fat Tire, a beer brewed by his favorite American brewery, the New Belgian Brewing Company. He has included in his collection two Fat Tire bottles with tires on the labels. McClanahan has American and European bottles in his collection. His preferred bottle is an Aviator Red with an Air Force plane on the label. “It’s got a P-51 World February 2010


War II fighter plane. That’s what my Dad flew in World War II. So that one’s kind of special. But beyond that, I have different favorites on different days.” McClanahan’s other passion in life is pipe organs. As with his beer bottles, he travels around the U.S. and some in Europe to see pipe organs. Unlike his beer bottles, pipe organs are not collector’s items and will not fit in his house.

o Dianne Harmon, 63, the best people in the world are Elvis Presley fans.

30 February 2010

Harmon has been an Elvis fan and a collector of all thing Elvis since Elvis first hit the scene. Her collection began with country music magazines that featured a young Elvis from 1954, 1955 and 1956. Harmon’s collection has come a long way since the 1950s and fills her house, storage rooms and a motor home turned Elvis showroom from floor to ceiling and wall to wall. When she first started putting her “showroom” together, she wanted it to be unusual. She will keep adding to it with family contributions and items she buys on her frequent trips to Graceland in Memphis, Tn. “I can cover the whole place if I need to,” Harmon said. Walls are covered with Elvis posters, license plates, photo collages and concert tickets. Shelves are filled with Elvis figurines, teddy bears, puzzles, watches, music boxes, rare silver col-

lector coins, beer mugs, water globes, A-track tapes, Christmas ornaments and more. Even Harmon is amazed with the number and variety of items in her collection. “It’s amazing the things they come up with, all these little gizmos.” She can’t even count the number of items she has collected over the years. Harmon’s more interesting pieces include a copy of a check that Elvis signed when he bought an international harvester tractor; a replica of

the Graceland mansion at Christmas; and her favorite poster signed by the band members of Elvis: The Concert that toured in Australia. But Harmon’s love of “the King” goes beyond her collection of memorabilia. She is a devoted Elvis fan and philanthropist who has organized fundraisers, music festivals and Elvis impersonator contests in her community. In 1997 she founded the Shreveport Elvis’ Angles Fan Club, an official fan club licensed through Graceland, and announced its start

The Best Of Times

from the lawn of Graceland. With Harmon at the helm for the past 13 years, the Club has fundraised for local and national charities including Sutton Children’s Hospital, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, The James Burton Foundation, The American Diabetes Association and the American Cancer Society among others. The Club also contributed to the placement of the statues of James Burton and Elvis Presley in front of the Shreveport Municipal Auditorium. Harmon served as an Elvis Ambassador at the 2009 James Burton International Guitar Festival held in Shreveport, La., welcoming fans from all parts of the U.S. and around the world. “It’s an exciting and interesting time in my life for sure. I just turned sixty-three and I’ve got all this fun stuff going on!” Harmon never thought

that her love of Elvis would have taken her this far. “But that’s the way Elvis fans are. If you’re a fan, you’re a fan!” Her family members are also Elvis fans. Her daughter is an original fan club member and is “a nut for the Elvis 68’ special.” Her youngest grandson, a musically inclined four year old, is a big Elvis fan. Friends and family have called him the next little Elvis. Even though she has never met Elvis, Harmon has been “very fortunate to be around a lot of Elvis people.” Her late husband Pat Patrick played on the Louisiana Hayride tour with guitar legend James Burton. She has become close friends with James Burton and his wife Louise. Harmon has enjoyed the many experiences she has had as an Elvis fan throughout her life, which is reflected in her collection. “It’s hard to pinpoint something from it all that just jumps out at you because it’s all awesome!”

February 2010


ichard Biernacki, 52, has a man cave like no other. It is a mini-sports world right inside his own home: flat screen TV, ping-pong and pool table, mini-bar and an impressive sports memorabilia collection representing baseball, basketball, hockey, golf, soccer, boxing, tennis and NASCAR. Biernacki started his collection about 17 years ago after outbidding a neighbor at an auction to win a Bart Starr helmet. He began to come across more stuff. “And then it just seemed like all hell broke loose. It just started.” One of his early pieces is a framed Michael Jordan basketball jersey from the Chicago Bulls. Hanging next to this are other signed jerseys from Brett Farve of the Green Bay Packers, John Elway from the Denver Broncos, Dan Marino from the Miami Dolphins and Tom Brady from the New England Patriots. Footballs and helmets signed by these athletes and by other athletes - Emmett Smith and Archie, Peyton and Eli

32 February 2010

Manning - are displayed throughout the room. Being a golfer, Biernacki has an extensive collection of golf items. He has a rare Tiger Woods autographed golf ball. “Those are just hard to find,” he said. “There’s no telling how much it’s worth.” He has pictures and signed pin flags from the Masters and an unusual collection of warn and autographed golf gloves, golf shoes and even golf clubs from professional golfers. He

proudly displays a scorecard from a round of golf he played with Hal Sutton and the autographed golf bag that Sutton used when he was captain of the U.S. Ryder Cup team in 2004. Baseball is another big feature in his collection. Biernacki has signed baseball jerseys, old baseball cards in mint condition (Brooks

Robinson, Willie Mays, Jim Palmer, Mickey Mantle, Steve Carlton), and an autographed base from the old Yankee Stadium. When the World Series comes around, he likes to take his chances in picking the winning team. “I will take a gamble and buy hoping [a team] will win the World Series before the World Series is over. I’m not a Red Sox fans, but when they won the World Series against the Yankees, I pre-bought and got lucky.” He also got lucky buying Yankee pieces when they won the World Series in 1996 and 1998. Other highlights from his collection are a basketball signed by Shaquille O’Neal, a soccer ball signed by Mia Hamm, a hockey stick signed by Wayne Gretzky and signed baseball bats from Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, Ted Williams, Barry Bonds and Derek Jeter. A replica of a 165 pound marlin that Biernacki caught on a vacation to Los Cabos, Mexico, hangs on the wall as well as guitars signed by musicians Kix Brooks,

The Best Of Times

Buddy Flett, Kenny Wayne Shepherd and the group Lynyrd Skynard. Biernacki’s favorite piece is his Mickey Mantle bat, which was one of his better bargains. “What I paid for it and what I could probably sell it for now would be 10-fold. Easily.” He doesn’t always know if it’s a good deal or not. He has never sold a piece and probably won’t. He just likes collecting. His wife and two daughters are interested in his sports collection and it is always a fun conversation starter. He usually comes across his unique items at auctions or finds them through brokers like Steiner Sports and Grand Stand Sports. “I see it and I

think, ‘Will that fit into my collection? Or is it a good deal?’ And I like doing it because it’s usually going to good charities. I get tax deductible, but that’s not why I do it.” For Biernacki collecting is a win-win situation. Quirky, interesting, cluttered or cool: call it what you may. These collectors are sticking with Coca-Cola, Santa Claus, Beer, Elvis and sports and love every bauble and trinket of it. 

February 2010


consumer’s corner

by Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell

Your credit report reveals a lot about you - if you pay your bills on time, whether you’ve been sued, or if you have filed for bankruptcy. It is important to review your credit report periodically to ensure the information in your report is accurate. But, what can you do if you find wrong information on your credit report? Under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), both the consumer reporting company (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion) and the information provider are responsible for correcting inaccurate or incomplete information in your report. The first step to take if you believe your credit report contains incorrect information is to contact the consumer reporting company, in writing, what information you think is incorrect. Your letter should clearly identify each item you dispute, explain why you dispute the information, and request that the information be removed or corrected. It is a good idea to include a copy of your credit report with the items in question circled. It is recommended that you send your dispute letter by certified mail, return receipt requested. Also, remember to keep copies of your letters. Consumer reporting companies must

34 February 2010

There’s Wrong Information On My Credit Report! What Do I Do? investigate the items you believe are incorrect or inaccurate, usually within 30 days, unless they consider your dispute frivolous. They must forward all the relevant data you provided about the inaccuracy to the organization that provided the information. After the information provider receives notice of a dispute from the consumer reporting company, it must investigate,

review the relevant information, and report the results to the consumer reporting company. If it’s determined by the information provider the disputed information is inaccurate, it must notify all three consumer reporting companies (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion) so they can correct the information in your file. Once the investigation is complete, the

consumer reporting company must give you the results in writing and a free copy of your report if the dispute results in a change to your report. If you ask, the consumer reporting company must send notices of any corrections to anyone who received your report in the past six months. If an investigation doesn’t resolve your dispute, you can ask that a statement of the dispute be included in your file in future credit reports. You can ask the consumer reporting company to provide your statements to anyone who received a copy of your report in the recent past. You will pay a fee for this service. You can also contact the creditor or information provider to dispute an item that is reported on your credit report. Contact the provider, in writing, that you dispute an item. Be sure to include copies of documents that support your position. If the provider reports the items to a consumer reporting company, it must include a notice of your dispute. If it is found the information is inaccurate the information provider may not report it again. If you have questions about how to correct credit reporting errors, please contact the Attorney General’s Office at 800-351-4889 or To view a sample credit report dispute letter, please visit the Federal Trade Commission’s website at

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East Texas Eye Doctor Helps Legally Blind to See Again Diplomate in Low Vision Care trains Dr. Larry Chism to help those with macular degeneration to keep reading and driving. By Elena Lombardi Freelance Writer

Donald Paquette, 72, a former assessor from Anaheim, California thought that his driving days were over. “I could not read the street signs soon enough and I couldn’t pass the vision test at the DMV office.” Gonzalo Garcia, 74, Albuquerque, New Mexico, wanted to be able to read and write more easily. He wanted to see the nails and screws when he tried to use them in home repairs. He wanted see his grandchildren singing in the church choir. But he thought those days were over when he was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration. California Optometrist, Dr. Richard J. Shuldiner and East Texas optometrist, Dr. Larry Chism, are using miniaturized binoculars or telescopes to help people who have lost vision from macular degeneration or other eye conditions. “Some of my patients consider us the last stop for people who have vision loss,” said Dr. Chism, a low vision optometrist who has just completed training with Dr. Shuldiner in California. “Amazing!” says Donald. “I can read the street signs twice as far as I did before and even see the television better!” Dr. Shuldiner also provided special prismatic reading glasses to make the newspaper a little easier to read. Macular Degeneration is the most common eye disease amongst the senior population. As many as 25% of those over 65 have some degree The Best Of Times

Carole Buckels wearing bioptic telescope driving glasses. of degeneration. The macula is one small part of the entire retina, but it is the most sensitive and gives us sharp images. When it degenerates, Macular Degeneration leaves a blind spot right in the center of vision making it impossible to recognize faces, read a book, or pass the drivers vision test. The experts do not know what causes macular degeneration. But major factors include UV light from the sun, smoking, aging, and improper nutrition. Vitamins can help. The results of two studies, AREDS and LAST demonstrated a lowered risk of progression by about 25% when treated with a high-dose combination of vitamins. A new, proprietary supplement based on the scientific studies is available from these doctors. Nine out of ten people who have macular degeneration have the dry type. There is no medical treatment except for vitamins. The wet type involves leaky blood vessels that can sometimes be sealed with hot or cold laser. Unfortunately it’s a temporary fix. Newer treatments, such as Macugen injections try to prevent leakage. “Our job is to figure out everything and anything possible to keep a person functioning,” says Dr. Chism. “Whether it’s driving, reading, watch-

ing television, seeing faces, playing bridge…we work with whatever is on the persons “wish list”. Even if it’s driving. Louisiana and Texas allow the use of telescopic glasses for safer driving. Carole Buckles, 71 of Arcadia, California came on the advise of a friend. “I wanted to be able to keep driving and do the fun things in life.” One of those fun things is baseball. “I love going to baseball games and now I can see those close plays again,” she says. Bioptic Telescopic glasses were prescribed to read signs and see traffic lights farther away. As Carole puts it, “These telescope glasses not only allows me to read signs from a farther distance, but makes driving much easier. I’ve also used them to watch television so I don’t have to sit so close. Definitely worth the $1975 cost. I don’t know why I waited two years to do this; I should have come sooner.” “Telescopic glasses usually cost over $2000”, says Dr. Shuldiner, “especially if we build them with an automatic sunglass”. Not all low vision devices are that expensive. Reading glasses start at $500 and hand magnifiers under $100. Every case is different because people have different levels of vision and different desires. Dr. Chism also provides special prismatic reading glasses to make the newspaper a little easier to read. Dr. Larry Chism speaks to every patient on the telephone before scheduling the one hour low vision evaluation appointment.

Call Dr. Chism, toll free, at 1-888-243-2020 for a FREE telephone interview. February 2010


moving free with mirabai

by Mirabai Holland, MFA

Dear Mirabai, Can you be fat and fit? ~KKC You don’t have to be thin to be fit. A number of the people I work with in my practice are both fat and fit. They work out and don’t always lose weight but they are reaping the health benefits that regular moderate exercise can bring to everyone. According to Dr. Steven Blair in a study from University of South Carolina report published in the Journal of the American Medicine Association. (2007) “There is a great benefit to being fit” Blair noted, “even if you are, in fact obese…across every category of body composition, unfit individuals have a much higher death rate than those who are fit…Our follow-up has shown that the death rate for women and men who are thin but unfit is at least twice as high as their obese counterparts who are

Thin or Fat...Fitness = Longevity fit…Fitness appears to provide protection against early mortality no matter how much you weigh” So if you’ve got a few extra pounds on that you are finding impossible to shed, don’t obsess and don’t use it as an excuse not to exercise. Get yourself on a pleasurable and sustainable fitness program. You’ll feel and be healthier and you may eventually end up thinner too. Here are some safety guidelines for exercising while carrying some extra weight: • Do low impact cardio activities like walking, biking, swimming or low impact aerobics. High impact exercise like jumping or running while carrying extra weight can over-stress your joints. • Stay in your target heart zone. If you’re

a normal, healthy person, here’s the formula for finding yours: 220 - your age = your max heart rate in beats per minute. Your should exercise at between 55 – 85% of your max heart rate. A good rule of thumb is you should be just barely able to carry on a conversation while exercising. Here are a few tips for making your exercise program pleasurable and sustainable. • Find something you like or at least don’t hate! • It helps to exercise with a friend or loved one. • Use your favorite music to help motivate you. • Find a regular time in the day and make it a habit. • Try to do at least something 5 days a week. • Don’t over do it. Stay in your comfort zone. Enjoy! And remember, fat or thin, Fitness = Longevity! Mirabai Holland M.F.A. is one of the leading authorities in the Health & Fitness industry, and public health activist who specializing in preventive and rehabilitative exercise for people. Her Moving Free® approach to exercise is designed to provide a movement experience so pleasant it doesn’t feel like work. www. W e

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36 February 2010

Weather facts for thought

by Al Bolton

What was our weather like last February? The warmest temperature was 80° on the 18th and again on the 27th. The coldest temperature was 27° on the 4th and the 22nd. Rainfall measured 1.63 inches. Our normal February rainfall is 4.21 inches. As for our February records, the warmest temperature of record was 89° on the 20th in 1986. The coldest was -5° on the 12th in 1899, which was also Shreveport’s coldest temperature of record since Shreveport’s official weather records were begun in September, 1871. Our wettest February of record was 8.96 inches in 1939. Louisiana’s coldest February of records was -16° at Minden on February 13, 1899. In our neighboring states, here are the coldest February temperatures of record. In Texas, -23° at Seminole on February 8, 1933. In Arkansas, -29° at Pond on February 13, 1905. In Mississippi, -16° at Batesville on February 2, 1951. During the winter season, freezing rain and sleet are indeed a possibility. There is a difference. Freezing rain is not frozen rain. Freezing rain is rain that freezes when stiking the ground or other objects that are below freezing, forming a treacherous coating of ice on bridges, overpasses and roadways. Tree limbs can be weighted down with an accumulation of ice and can fall on power lines causing power outages. Sleet, on the other hand, is a rain drop that freezes when falling through a layer of cold air that is below freezing, and, as you have seen, bounces when striking a hard surface such as streets, driveways, roof tops and automobiles. Al Bolton, a member of the American Meteorological Society and the National Weather Association, began reporting with KSLA-TV in February, 1954 and for The Best of Times in February, 2002. The Best Of Times

© 2008 The Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism

This is your


Come discover the magic of your Louisiana. The food, the music, the art, the festivals, the state parks, the history...they’re not just for visitors. Go to to learn more about “Your Louisiana” today.

The Civil War in Louisiana

Louisiana played a significant role in the War Between The States in the 1860s. Both the Union and the Confederacy realized control of Louisiana meant possession of vital ports along the Mississippi and Red rivers and access to war supplies the ports harbored. The largest port, New Orleans, was also a manufacturing center supplying other Confederate states with goods ranging from uniforms and tents to ironclad gunboats. * Louisiana’s Civil War Museum at Confederate Memorial Hall in New Orleans is the second-largest collection of Confederate Civil War artifacts and memorabilia in the U.S. and Louisiana’s oldest continuously operating museum. Over 90 percent of the contents was donated by Civil War veterans and their families. * Port Hudson State Historic Site north of Baton Rouge was the site of a 48-day siege in 1862 between Union and Confederate forces - the longest in duration of any Civil War battle. Its significance and the aftermath are explained in a museum at the battlefield. * Mansfield State Historic Site south of Shreveport marks the culmination of a series of battles in 1864 that comprised the Red River Campaign. Like Port Hudson, Mansfield hosts battle re-enactments and frequent living history programs featuring costumed historians.

Many museums, military sites, plantation homes and historic structures sites statewide tell Louisiana’s Civil War story. To learn more, visit and

February 2010


Profile in Pizzazz

2009 Louisiana Volunteer of the Year, Elaine Adkison by Amanda Newton As a bus driver, Elaine Adkison’s hours between dropping students off at North Highlands Elementary School and driving them home in the afternoons could be child free. But Adkison, 55, instead chooses to fill most of her days voluntarily working with the children, serving in just about every capacity from classroom grandmother to cafeteria volunteer. In 2009, Adkison’s volunteer efforts earned her one of 10 state Volunteer of the Year awards presented by the Associated Professional Educators of Louisiana (A+PEL). It was an honor that she was a bit bashful about receiving, but one that was definitely deserved. “After listening to the people who talked about what all they had done, I was kind of figuring one of them should have gotten it instead of me. I was happy to hear it and it was nice. But I don’t go around tooting my own horn. I don’t like to. I am kind of bashful sometimes. I don’t ever mind helping anybody do anything. You don’t know, you might need

38 February 2010

some help yourself one day,” she said. For 25 years Adkison has been a school bus driver, most of those years spent driving special needs children. She has a special place in her heart for the children and said she wouldn’t “take a whole herd of regular students for two of (her) special needs kids.”

“With the special ed, they love you no matter what,” she said. “They don’t get mad at you and they don’t stay mad at you. Your heart goes out them. Those kids know if you really like them or not. There isn’t any pretending as far as a special ed child and I definitely get back more than I put into it.”

Since many of the children’s family members can’t attend school functions and birthday parties, Adkison stands in for them as a classroom grandmother. The kids call her “grandma” and she makes sure she is there for them and they have any little extras they might need. Her sister and daughter both work at the school and she took time off just before the start of the school year to help her daughter get ready for the new year. She spends the largest part of every day at the school and would encourage others to do the same if they need something to fill their time. “My husband passed away three years ago and, a lot of times during the day, I don’t have anything else to do. There are all kinds of things to do at a school. If you don’t have anything to do, go to one of those elementary schools and they will put you to work. I think it is important to stay busy. It keeps me out of trouble sometimes and it’s good for everybody to keep their mind going.” The mother of two and grandmother of five volunteered to put her bus driving skills to work after Hurricane Gustav. The experience is not one she will soon forget. She left

Shreveport at 10 o’clock in the morning, got to Alexandria and had trouble finding fuel, and then drove on down to a small town in south Louisiana where the evacuees were in a desperate situation. “There were people with little babies that just had maybe just a couple of bottles and then we ended up being on the bus for over 24 hours. We finally did get back to Shreveport about four the next morning, and they sent us to the evacuation location on Jewella Road and they said they didn’t have anywhere to put us. They sent us to CenturyTel, and they said they couldn’t accept them there. So, we sat on the bus with them until about 9 o’clock that morning. We finally ended up carrying them back over to Jewella Road.â€? She said she was recently asked if she would be willing to do it again, and she told them she would. Though it couldn’t have been a pleasant experience, her empathy for the people who had to leave their homes was obvious and it was yet another way she found to help those in need. As for what she is most proud of, Adkison, a Mooringsport resident, doesn’t mention the state volunteer award or even her long service as a bus driver. Instead, her answer is centered on her family. “I am most proud of my children‌and my sister just had a liver transplant and I am pretty proud of that. I didn’t get to go to Baton Rouge for the volunteer award presentation. I was supposed to go to Baton Rouge but it was on June 9. She had her liver transplant June 2 and she got out of the hospital June 9. I didn’t get to go to Baton Rouge but I got to bring her home that day with a new liver so that worked out better.â€? Her sister’s husband passed away shortly before her own, and Adkison began living with her when her health deteriorated. Now that her sister is doing much better, Adkison wants people to know how important organ donation is. “That is giving that doesn’t cost anything and everybody ought to have a little heart on their driver’s license. You can’t take it with you.â€? Adkison was ready for the start of school this year. Although she enjoys her time off, and goes fishing almost everyday with her grandson, she gets a great sense of pleasure from her job working with children. “If you can make a kid smile sometimes‌. We are the first ones they see in the morning and the last ones in the evenings and there’s not much better than a kid’s smile.â€?  The Best Of Times

“A Resource You Can Trust� 6425 Youree Drive, Suite 585 Shreveport, LA 71105 318-213-5483


February 2010



R e m e m b e r i n g t h e Pa c i f i c Wa r Story by Andrea Gross Photos by Irv Green

which some say is the largest naval battle in history. Visiting the museum is healing for veterans and their families. Esther Glassman Wilson, whose husband “fought on every godforsaken island” in the Pacific, tells me that people need to know how very brutal this war was. “After my husband came home, he didn’t smile for eight years,” she says. It takes time to absorb these stories,

The room is dark. In front of me, a 78-foot long Japanese submarine is silhouetted against a screen the color of pre-dawn sky. Suddenly the sound of airplanes pierces the silence, and a siren blares. My heart starts pounding, even though my head knows I’m safe and sound in Fredericksburg, Texas, home of the newly enlarged National Museum of the Pacific War. This museum, which reopened last a banner advertising a county fair. Instead, December after receiving a $15.5 million, it’s a nuclear container like that used for Fat 43,000 square-foot expansion, was origiMan, the bomb that devastated Nagasaki on nally established to honor Fredericksburg’s August 9, 1945. Had Japan not surrendered local son, Fleet Admiral Chester W. six days later, this canister would have A restored PT boat showing a gunner Nimitz, commander of the Allied Forces been used to deliver another bomb. using a 22mm. canon in the Pacific during World War II. In A final multi-media show depicts the accord with Admiral Nimitz’s wishes, it ceremony aboard the USS Missouri when honors all of the men and women who General Douglas MacArthur accepted served in the Pacific Theater. It is, to put the Japanese surrender on behalf of the it mildly, quite a place. Allies and Fleet Admiral Nimitz signed on Angled walls lead visitors through a behalf of the United States. “I’m not here series of small cubbies, each devoted to as an individual, but only as a representaa different segment of the war. Several tive of the brave men who fought under galleries, like the one devoted to the atmy command in the Pacific,” he said, tack on Pearl Harbor, feature large-screen forecasting the focus of the museum that multi-media presentations complete would later be built in his hometown. with theatrical Hint: The sound effects. A Japanese Aichi “Val” dive museum lacks Ot h e r s h a ve bomber used during Pearl Harbor only one thing smaller screens - places to sit that feature old down. Even the newsreels, tables lobby is devoid with animated of chairs. If you maps and comcan’t be on your puter kiosks feet for long pewith interactive riods of time, exhibits. bring your own An American light tank used during Then there chair. the Battle of Buna on New Guinea are the artifacts: To see more some small, like weapons, uniforms and and the folks who planned the museum about World War II in the Pacific: The USS equipment; others large, like the Japanese wisely made the admission tickets good Midway was commissioned eight days after submarine. Outside a three-acre Pacific for 48 hours so that folks can take a break the Japanese surrender, but it remains a Combat Zone shows still more equipment, midway through. I spend the rest of the fine example of the type of aircraft carrier including a restored PT boat. day exploring the shops and galleries of that plied the Pacific during the War. Now I wander through the exhibits slowly, Fredericksburg’s downtown and return to docked at Navy Pier in San Diego Bay, it reading the story of an Iowa mother, who the museum early the next morning. is filled with more than 60 exhibits and lost five sons off the Solomon Islands, I walk into Gallery 33 to see a rather restored aircraft. and listening to recordings where veterans unimposing yellow canister - 10.6 feet For more information about The National speak of their experiences on the Bataan long, 5 feet in diameter - that looks like a Museum of the Pacific War in FredericksDeath March or the Battle of Leyte Gulf, metal blimp. It should, I think, be carrying burg visit

40 February 2010




Friday, March 5, 2010 | 7:30 PM Riverview Theater Tickets online at or call 318-227-TUNE (8863) Tickets: $15-$40, $10 for students SPONSORED BY

The Best Of Times

February 2010


The Big Easy Jambalaya

what’s cooking?

Prep Time: 15 minutes; Cook Time: 35 minutes Makes 8 (1-cup) servings

The Big Easy Jambalaya

A Celebration of New Orleans Flavors


Family Features

et the good times roll with authentic New Orleans-style food to make your party as genuine as the Big Easy celebration. Mardi Gras is actually part of a larger celebration, Carnival, that begins 12 days after Christmas (January 6) and ends Fat Tuesday, 46 days before Easter. “For us, Mardi Gras is about three things: food, fun and family. If you have these key ingredients, any Mardi Gras celebration will be a success,” said John Besh, Louisiana native and nationally acclaimed chef. This Mardi Gras, celebrate New Orleansstyle by jazzing up your menu with popular and traditional dishes that will feed a crowd. Of course, don’t forget to wrap up the party with a King Cake - whoever finds the toy baked inside is king or queen of next year’s celebration! For more New Orleans-style recipes, visit

1 tablespoon olive oil 1 package (12 ounces) 1 cup chopped onion fully cooked smoked 2 bell peppers, diced andouille sausage, (one yellow, one green) sliced 1 can (14.5 ounces) fire 1 pound peeled and roasted diced toma- deveined uncooked toes, undrained large shrimp, thawed ¾ cup water if frozen 1 package (8 ounces) ¼ cup chopped parsley Jambalaya Mix (optional) 1. Heat oil in large deep skillet or 5-quart Dutch oven on medium heat. Add onion and bell peppers; cook and stir 7 minutes or until vegetables begin to soften. 2. Stir in tomatoes, water and Jamba­laya Mix. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to medium-low; cover and simmer 15 minutes. 3. Stir in shrimp and sausage. Cover and cook 10 minutes longer or just until shrimp turn pink and rice and vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat. Let stand 5 minutes. Sprinkle with parsley, if desired.

King Cake - Did Ya Know? A King Cake is a traditional dessert decorated with sugar sprinkles in the customary Mardi Gras colors of purple, green and gold, which represent justice (purple), faith (green) and power (gold).

Andouille Dirty Rice

Courtesy of Executive Chef John Besh 1 Tbs. minced 1½ Tbs. flour 2 Tbs. cooking oil parsley ½ cup minced onion ½ cup chopped 1 cup andouille green onions sausage, removed ½ Tbs minced garlic from casing and 2¼ cups chicken chopped in food broth processor 1 (8-ounce) box 1 stalk celery, finely Dirty Rice Mix minced ½ lb. chicken or ¼ cup finely minced duck livers, finely bell pepper minced (optional) 1. Make dark roux by combining cook­ing oil and flour in heavy bottomed 6 to 8-quart saucepot, over low flame. Stir constantly using wooden spoon. 2. When roux is finished, stir in onion and allow to brown, leaving flame on low. Next, add andouille, celery, bell peppers and garlic. Add dirty rice mix and stir for five minutes to toast rice. 3. Stir in broth, allow mixture to come to a boil, cover with lid and simmer over low heat for 25 minutes. 4. Before serving, season with minced green onion and parsley. Andouille AndouNote: If including livers, add livers & stir for Dirty Rice an additional 4 minutes before adding broth.

42 February 2010

Shrimp Boil In New Orleans, crawfish is the boil of choice, but shrimp is another great choice available outside the Gulf Coast. Some of the fun of seafood boils is personalizing your meal by adding your favorite accompaniments such as artichokes, mushrooms, sausage, or even broccoli. 5 pounds shrimp ½ bunch celery, 4 cups of water chopped 1 package Pro-Boil Additional meats/ 1 package Liquid vegetables of Crab Boil choice 8 ounces pearl 1 lemon, sliced onions, peeled 1. Mix 4 cups water and 7 ounces Pro-Boil in an 8-quart pot. Bring to boil on high heat. Stir in 1 ounce of Crab Boil, shrimp, celery and onions. 2. Cook shrimp for approximately 4 minutes or until a liquid forms between the shell and meat, and they are easy to peel. Remove pot from heat, adding in ice and 2 ounces more of Pro-Boil. 3. Soak for 10 to 20 minutes, more or less depending on desired heat level. 4. Drain contents and toss with lemon slices before serving. (6 to 8 servings)

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February 2010


Driving Class



AARP Driver Safety Program - An 8 hour classroom refresher course for drivers age 50+ which may qualify participants for an automobile insurance premium reduction or discount. Where 2 days are listed, participants must attend both days. Participants must preregister. $14 for non-AARP members; $12 for AARP members (AARP card required at registration). • February 22 - 8:30 a.m. 4 Hour Class. Cypress Baptist Church, 4701 Palmetto Road, Benton LA. Contact: Sherry Bell 318-965-2296; Instructor: James Smith • February 26 - 8:30 a.m. 4 Hour Class. Eastwood Baptist Church, 2810 Hwy 80 East, Haughton. Contact Jamie Bell 318949-9433; Instructor: James Smith.

Art a la Carte - At artspace, 710 Texas Street in downtown Shreveport. Exhibit runs through Saturday, March 6. Featuring visual art by students of Robin Johnson Clawson’s private art classes.

Silver Screenings - Sunset Boulevard staring William Holden and Gloria Swansonat 10:30 a.m. on February 16. Robinson Film Center, 617 Texas St. in downtown Shreveport. Senior Admission: $5.75 for the movie only; $14 for movie and lunch. For reservations call 459-4122.

Tour TNT Express Trolley Tour - Thursday, February 18. Presented by Shreveport Regional Arts Council. The FREE guided narrative trolley tour takes visitors to cultural attractions through downtown Shreveport to and from various art and cultural venues. Trolley tours run approximately every 25 minutes from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Call 318-673-6535 for more info.

It Runs in theFamily

by Ray Cooney NOVEMBER 6 - 15, 2009 Fri - Sat 8pm I Sun 2pm

Based on the comic strip “Peanuts” by Charles M. Schultz DECEMBER 3 - 13, 2009

by Bernard Slade JANUARY 8 - 17, 2010 Fri - Sat 8pm I Sun 2pm

For more information or to purchase tickets, call our Box Office at


44 February 2010

“Fantasies and Fairy Tales: MaxfieldParrish and the Art of The Print,” - R.W. Norton Art Gallery, 4747 Creswell Avenue, Shreveport. Through April 11. Features 126 examples of his work in advertisements, books, illustrations, lithographs, magazine covers, and posters. There is no admission charge to the museum or to its forty acres of grounds and botanical gardens. Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and weekends, 1 to 5 p.m. Group tours of ten or more may be scheduled by appointment. For more information, see or call (318) 865-4201. “Zombies vs. Pirates: Line Up, Shake Hands, Good Game” - Through Sunday, February 28. Presented by Barnwell Garden & Art Center, 601 Clyde Fant Parkway, Shreveport. Tuesday through Friday, 10am to 4pm; Saturday, 10am to 5pm; Sunday, 1pm to 5pm. FREE!

MORE SHOWS... MORE FUN 2009-2010 Music & Lyrics by Roger Miller Book by William Hauptman FEBRUARY 11 - 21, 2010

by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope & Jamie Wooten MARCH 5 - 14, 2010 Fri - Sat 8pm I Sun 2pm

by Marc Camoletti adapted by Robin Hawdon APRIL 30 - MAY 9, 2010 Fri - Sat 8pm I Sun 2pm

SLT Lagniappe SERIES

A CHRISTMAS CAROL Based on the Novel by Charles Dickens DECEMBER 17 - JANUARY 2, 2010

Symphony Cirque de la Symphonie - Friday, March 5. 7:30 PM. Riverview Theater, 600 Clyde Fant Parkway, Shreveport. An international array of breathtaking aerial fliers, acrobats, jugglers, and dancers strike a RESOUNDing chord with your inner child. Music by Dvorak, Bizet, John Williams, and many others. This production is winning raves from sold-out audiences across the country. $10 - $40. For tickets call 318-227-TUNE (8863).

Opera La Boheme - March 13. 7:30 p.m. Riverview Theater, 600 Clyde Fant Parkway, Shreveport. The story is set in Paris in the period around 1830.It essentially focuses on the love between the seamstress called Mimì and the poet Rodolfo. They almost immediately fall in love with each other, but Rodolfo later wants to leave Mimì because of her flirtatious behavior. However, Mimì also happens to be mortally ill, and Rodolfo also feels guilt, since their life together likely had worsened her health even further. They reunite for a brief moment at the end before Mimì dies. Tickets are $10 - $85. Call 318-227-9503.

Theatre Big River - Presented by the Shreveport Little Theatre & Academy. February 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 2010 at 7 p.m. February 14, 21, 2010 at 2 p.m. Staged at the Margaret Shaffer Dickson Theater at Southfield School, 100 Southfield Road, Shreveport. Twain’s timeless classic sweeps us down the mighty Mississippi as the irrepressible Huck Finn helps his friend Jim, a slave, escape to freedom at the mouth of the Ohio River. Regular priced tickets $18.00; Students, Seniors, & Active Military tickets $15.00 For tickets call 318.424.4439.



Shreveport Blues Festival - Friday, February 12 @ 8:00 pm. CenturyTel Center, 2000 CenturyTel Center Drive, Bossier City. $39.50-$45.50. Call 1-800-745-3000 to order tickets.

Music and Art classes - Offered by Noel United Methodist Church through Noel Community Arts Program. March 15 - April 24. This six-week group session meets once a week offering a wide variety of interests including Art Exploration, Pottery, Beginning Drawing, and GYMBOREE-Family Music. Private lessons in Piano, Drums, Guitar, Voice, Organ, Violin, and Woodwinds are available as well. Prices for the group lessons are $50 -$65 for the entire six weeks, with GYMBOREE prices based on the number of children. Private lessons are $65.00 per month. Scholarships are available based on need. Call (318) 221-5207 or visit www. /ncap for details.

Mardi Gras Pawsitively Petriotic Pet Parade - Presented by Krewe of Barkus and Meoux. Sunday, February 7 at Riverview Park (next to the Barnwell Center, across from SciPort). Activities begin at 1:30 p.m. and the parade walks at 3:00 p.m. Come out and see all the great costumes, visit our vendors, enjoy some delicious treats and hopefully meet your newest family member with our pet adoptions. Registration to be in the parade is $15 per pet the day of the parade. There will be prizes for the best dressed, best float, and pet/owner look-a-like will be given. Royal court of pets will be presented at 2:30 p.m. Call 318-752-2287. Krewe of Highland Mardi Gras Parade - Sunday, February 14. Presented by Krewe of Highland. The parade begins and ends at Byrd High School, 3201 Line Ave., Shreveport, where Carnival de Columbia takes place. 2:00 p.m. This year’s theme is “Highland Goes Green”.

Seminar “Focus on Marriage” - Celebrating God’s design for commitment. First United Methodist Church, 500 Common Street, downtown Shreveport. 8:30 am - 3:30 pm on Saturday, February 27. Tickets, materials and lunch are $50/couple before February 14th. Child Care is available from infant to 6th grade @ $10/child. Register at www. or call 424-7771.

Krewe of Centaur’s Mardi Gras Parade; “As Southern As It Gets” - Saturday, February 6. Begins in Shreveport at the corner of Lake St. and Clyde Fant Pkwy., proceeding south down the parkway to Shreveport-Barksdale Hwy., then west to East Kings Hwy., from East Kings to Preston St. This year’s theme is “As Southern as It Gets”. Featuring floats, throws, and marching bands. Start time is 4:30 pm. on the Clyde Fant Parkway, slightly South of Sci-Port in downtown Shreveport. www. Krewe of Gemini Mardi Gras Parade Saturday, February 13. Begins in Shreveport at the corner of Lake St. and Clyde Fant Pkwy., proceeding south down the parkway to Shreveport-Barksdale Hwy., then west to East Kings Hwy.,and from East Kings Hwy. to Preston St. Gemini XXI theme is “Gemini Goes Fiction.” It’s all about fictional characters. This parade features large floats, marching bands, and plenty of throws. Begins at 4:00 p.m. The Best Of Times

February 2010




Nursing Home Care

Should I wait for our physician to raise the possibility of hospice, or should I raise it first? The most frequent comment hospice agencies hear from their patient’s and families is “I wish I would have known about ‘it’ sooner.” In 2008, 35.4% of those served by hospice died or were discharged in seven days or less - a time frame way too short to realize the full benefits of hospice care. Ideally, discussions about adding the benefits of hospice services to an individual’s care regimen should begin when it appears that a cure may not be possible for a lifelimiting illness and within the context an individual’s goals for treatment. It would not only be appropriate, but also prudent to initiate the conversation with your physician about hospice services.

I have heard of a new lens implant for cataract surgery that will eliminate glasses. Does Medicare pay for it? This is an exciting time to have cataracts. There is a new Multifocal Lens Implant called Restor that allows a wide range of vision without glasses. 80% of patients who have received the lens never have to use glasses, ever! Medicare and/or insurance covers part of the lens and surgery, the rest will have to be paid out of pocket. If you think you have cataracts and would like to learn more about the Restor Lens, call us at 212-3937.

My mother is taking many prescription medications and is about to be admitted to a nursing home for rehab care following hip surgery. How will she get prescriptions refilled and will Medicare cover them? The hospital’s discharging physician will write orders for medications. Generally, the nursing home’s primary pharmacy will dispense the meds and they will be delivered to the center the same day. As to cost, if your mother admits under Medicare Part A, the medications are paid for by the nursing center. If she admits as private pay, either your mother or her prescription drug plan will be billed for the costs. If she is eligible for Medicaid and has been awarded benefits, the pharmacy will bill Medicaid for reimbursement.

Rick Bauer

LifePath Hospice Care Service 8720 Quimper Place, Ste 100 Shreveport, LA 71105 318-222-5711; 1-866-257-5711 See our ad on page 5.

Chris Shelby, MD

Pierremont Eye Institute 7843 Youree Dr. Shreveport, LA 1105 318-212-3937; See our ad on page 38.

Vicki Ott

NurseCare Nursing and Rehab Center 1736 Irving Place Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 221-1983 See our ad on page 55.

reverse mortgages



What are the benefits of a Reverse Mortgage? Some of the benefits of a reverse mortgage include: retain ownership of & title to your home receive tax-free funds to use however you choose receive payments instead of making them receive a lump sum, monthly installments, line of credit, or combination loan proceeds are not considered income and do not affect Social Security benefits proceeds may be used to fund long-term care needs or long term care insurance a reverse mortgage may be used to enhance your financial strategy for retirement For a “FREE” Reverse Mortgage Guide, call toll free 1-866-910-8192.

I broke a bone last year. Do I have osteoporosis? This is a question that should be asked after a fracture? In certain high risk groups the risk of a serious fracture can double after a first fracture. Those who experience an osteoporotic hip fracture have a 24% increased risk of dying within one year following the fracture. This is not only a disease of aging white women. Osteoporosis occurs in all racial groups and men have a 1:8 chance of having an osteoporotic fracture. Although there is no specific cure, you can: Get enough Vitamin D and Calcium. Get regular exercise (weight bearing and low impact). Do balance exercises to avoid falls (Tai chi decrease falls in older individuals) and if you have a broken bone talk to your doctor about a bone density test.

Who are candidates for balloon kyphoplasty to relieve back problems? The best candidates for balloon kyphoplasty are those who have new (within a few days or a couple of weeks) fracture. Fractures are most common in older patients with osteoporosis and the typical symptom is severe, immediate onset back pain. Kyphoplasty has to be one of the most satisfying procedures - there is practically immediate relief in most cases, and people go home with only 2 tiny needle incisions. We treat other back-related problems which affect pain down the legs of ‘fatiguing” down the legs, and not every patient needs surgery - just an honest assessment.

• • • • • • •

Bill Burt, Reverse Mortgage Consultant Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 8835 Line Avenue, Ste 100 Shreveport, LA 71106 (318) 682-5568

46 February 2010

John J. Ferrell, M.D. Mid South Orthopaedics 7925 Youree Drive; Suite 210 Shreveport, LA 71105 (318) 424-3400

Dr. Ravish Patwardhan The Comprehensive Neurosurgery Network 8001 Youree Dr., Ste 970 Shreveport, LA 71115 (318) 797-5543

Bossier Council on Aging Bearkat Site (741-8302), 706 Bearkat Dr., Bossier City. 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM; Plain Dealing Site (326-5722), 101 E. Oak St., Plain Dealing, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Info & referrals - 741-8302 Transportation - Vans available to seniors 60+ who have no means of transportation for medical appointments, grocery store, drug store and other necessary stops. Wheelchair accessible. One week notice required. $3 round trip suggested. Also through referrals from Medicaid. Outreach - Home visits are made

to help qualify seniors for services. Homemaker - Trained employees provide light housekeeping for seniors having difficulty maintaining their homes. $3/visit suggested. Caregiver - Support services are provided for family caregivers including in-home respite care for the caregiver, education for the family, and material aid and sitter services for the patient. Legal Services - Education on elder legal issues. Counseling for individuals is accessible monthly with a local lawyer or by referrals. Congregate (Site) Meals - Hot,

nutritious meals served at 11:30 AM at the sites, Monday - Friday. $1.50 per meal is suggested. Home Delivered Meals - Meals provided 5 days per week for elderly homebound in Bossier Parish, $1.50/meal suggested. Personal Medical Response System - With a referral from BCOA, an auto dial unit is available for installation on your phone. Necklace, wristband, or pocket clip styles provided. Press the button for immediate help. $20 fee per month. Senior Centers - Recreation,

crafts, educational seminars, and health information. Also: day trips, extended trips, exercise/dance classes, bingo, cards, dominoes, health screenings, exercise equipment room, Senior Games and Thursday night dances with a live band. Medication Management - Seminars, brown bag services provided by pharmacists and programs provided by health care providers. Drug plan assistance available. Medicaid Applications - Application center and assistance filling out the forms. By appointment only.

Caddo Council on Aging Info & Referral - (318) 632-2090; 1-800-256-3003. 4015 Greenwood Rd, Shreveport 71109. Email: Outreach/Individual Needs Assessment- Explanation of services and to enroll the elderly in service programs Home Delivered Meals - 5 meals/ wk delivered to homebound seniors. Suggested donation $1.25/day. Homemaker Services - Personal care and household tasks provided for homebound persons unable to perform tasks without assistance. $5/month donation requested. Personal Care - Personal care provided to homebound person. $5/month donation requested. Family Caregiver - Sitter and respite provided for full time caregiver of a senior. Donation requested. Telephone Reassurance - Volunteers make phone calls to seniors to offer comfort and support. Medical Alert - 632-2090 -Emer-

gency response system that protects seniors in case of accident or falls in the home. $20/month fee SenioRX Program - 632-5900 or 1-800-793-1198 - Assists seniors applying for pharmaceutical aid. Nursing Home Ombudsman - Professional visits to nursing home to investigate and resolve issues made by the elderly resident or the resident’s family. RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) 632-2113 - Provides volunteer opportunities for persons 55 years of age or older. Foster Grandparents (FGP) 632-2199 - Seniors serve as mentor, tutor and caregivers to youth with social needs. FGPs that meet special requirements may serve. 20hrs/wk and receive a stipend. Legal Services - Referrals for individual counseling. Emergency Blinking Light Flashing light installed in your porch light by the Caddo Sheriff Dept. to help guide emergency medical person-

nel. No charge. SOS Program - Sheriff ’s Operational Safeguard. Helps identify and reunite lost, memory-impaired persons with families. Participants are given a bracelet engraved with the name and phone number of the Sheriff’s Office and an ID number. Confidential Call 681.0875 to register. No charge. Senior Centers and Meal Sites - 632-2080 - Area sites that offer fun activities, recreation, wellness, exercise, safety programs, sewing, crafts, bingo, and just plain old fun. Lunch served at all sites for a $1.25 donation. Transportation is provided to sites, call 632-2080 to sign up for a meal or transport to the sites. • Myrtle B. Pickering Senior Center - 4017 Greenwood Rd, Shreveport. Open Mon-Fri 8:30am-3:30pm. • Blanchard Cross Roads Church - 356 Warriner, Blanchard. Open Mon-Wed-Fri 9:00am-12noon. • Broadmoor Methodist Church - 3715 Youree Drive, Shreveport.

Open 9:30 - 12:30. • Canaan Towers Apartments - 500 North Dale, Shreveport. Open Mon-Wed-Fri 9:30am-12:30pm. • C o o p e r Ro a d C o m m u nity Center - 1422 MLK Blvd, Shreveport. Open Mon-Friday 9:30am-12:30pm • Greenwood Library - Hwy 80, Downtown Greenwood. Open MonFri 9:30 am - 12:30pm • Mooringsport Community Center-Lattimer Street, Mooringsport across from the school. Open Tue-Wed-Thurs 9:30am to 12:30pm • Morning Star Baptist Church - 5340 Jewella, Sport Open Mon-Fri 9:30am-12:30pm • New Hill CME Church - 8725 Spring-ridge Texas Line Rd, Keithville Tue & Thurs 10am-1:00pm • Oil City Community Center - Savage Street, Oil City Open MonWed-Fri 9am to noon • Vivian Community Center - in the City Park 522 E. Tennessee Open Mon-Fri 9am-12noon

Webster Council on Aging Minden Senior Center (3713056 or 1-800-256-2853), 316 McIntyre St., Minden, LA 71055; 8 am to 4 pm Cotton Valley Senior Center (832-4225), Railroad Ave., Cotton Valley; 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Sp r i n g h i l l Se n i o r C e n t e r (539-2510), 301 West Church St., Springhill; 8 am to 4 pm Transportation – transporting older persons to and from community facilities and resources. Assisted transportation also provided and must be scheduled weekly in advance. The Best Of Times

Congregate Meals – nutritionally balanced meals for persons 60+ and spouses provided at senior centers, served 5 days a week. Home-Delivered Meals – Noon meal delivered to eligible homebound elderly (illness, disability or while caring for spouse who is), 5 days a week. Homemaker services – Provided to those clients meeting specific requirements. Recreation – Art, crafts, hobbies, games, and trips. Wellness – designed to support/

improve the senior’s mental/physical well-being through exercise, physical fitness, and health screening. Family Care-Giver Support – support services that provide a temporary break in the tasks of caregiving. For family caregivers who are providing care for an older individual who is determined to be functionally impaired because of inability to perform instrumental functions of daily living without substantial supervision and assistance. This service is provided to persons caring for a homebound relative 60+, for a

relative 60+ caring for a homebound child or grandchild. Information and Assistance – Provides the individual with current information on opportunities and services within the community. Legal Assistance – providing legal advice, counseling, and representation by an attorney. Lectures are scheduled on a quarterly basis. Medicaid enrollment center – take initial Medicaid applications Medical Alert – linking clients with in-home emergency response system. February 2010


puzzle pages

Across 1 Amy Winehouse Grammy- winning song 6 Annapolis inst. 10 At least as 16 Apr. advisor 19 Charlie Chaplin, from 1952 to 1972 20 Trepidation 21 Hardens 22 Leia’s love 23 Crisp named for an opera singer 25 Illusion 27 Pump measure 28 The one in my hand 30 H+ and Cl31 Ex-Dodger Hershiser 32 Squelch 33 Narcs, e.g. 35 Disconcerting look 36 Popular date destination 40 They’re slanted 43 Starting point, perhaps 44 __ canto 45 It can span centuries 47 Infamous Idi 48 Harry Palmer creator Deighton 49 Union 51 1936 Chaplin classic 56 Bankrupt Korean automaker 58 Make out 60 International show 61 State that’s home to Nike H.Q. 62 Powwows 64 Brink 67 Completely fall apart 70 New Orleans player 72 Frankie Laine chart-topper 75 Under siege

48 February 2010

76 Uses as partial payment 78 Dark genre 79 Revlon offering 81 Dark time for poets 82 Cut out, e.g. 84 French pronoun 86 Regular crowd 89 Painter’s aid 94 Fashion 96 Woo with words 97 Choice word 98 Con __: briskly, in music 100 Hiring term initiated under LBJ 101 Chips follower? 102 Sways while moving 105 1979 Nobel Peace Prize recipient 108 Blake’s daybreaks 109 Source of flowing water 111 Teeny bit 112 Words of woe 113 Cyan relative 115 Win __, lose ... 116 Flares up 120 Singer’s voice, e.g. 123 Money- making knack 125 E-bay action 126 Place for a drip, briefly 127 Attacking the job 128 __ Bubba: gum brand 129 Notre Dame’s Parseghian 130 Blotto 131 Endangered island flier 132 Nineveh’s land: Abbr. 1 2 3 4

Running on Empty

since 4/1/2009 5 Retro headgear 6 Area 51 sighting, briefly 7 “Click it or ticket” subject 8 New Hampshire city 9 Experts 10 Strategic math game 11 Broadcasting 12 Count player 13 Hibernia 14 Brief moments 15 Its last flight was Nov. 26, 2003 16 Former French president 17 Harness horses 18 It’s commonly turned 24 Typical, as a Down case Riviera resort 26 Corkscrew San __ pasta Business VIP 29 Calliope power Weapon handle NATO member 34 Therefore

By Matt Skoczen; Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

(Solution on page 51)

35 Thin cut 36 Even-tempered 37 Greek music halls 38 Shakespearean merchant Antonio et al. 39 “__ Alibi”: Selleck film 41 Silvery game fish 42 “Are too!” response 46 Drink stand buy 49 Nick of “Affliction” 50 Loaf’s end 52 Vet 53 Ringo and George each wore one 54 Lake-effect snow city 55 In the mail 57 Fairy god- mother’s prop 59 Garden locale 63 Teeny bit 65 Pontiac muscle

car 66 __ the Red 68 Quite heavy 69 Bausch & Lomb brand 70 Musical note feature 71 High pressure __ 73 Curriculum part 74 Mars counterpart 77 Suspect 80 Skirtlike trousers 83 Inverness topper 85 Saturated with 87 “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” author 88 Tofu source 90 Wheat seed 91 The Philippines, to Philippe 92 Pear or apple 93 Broad collars 95 “__ durn tootin’!”

99 Armchair partner 101 Herculean 102 One sharing the wealth? 103 Noted 1588 loser 104 Absorb 106 Descendant of Noah’s second son 107 Singer Kitt 108 Deadly African snake 110 Annapolis newbie 113 Show saver 114 Prefix with plasm 117 Taverns 118 Frozen dessert franchise 119 __-Pei: strong dog 121 Up to, casually 122 “Dilbert” Generic Guy 124 Wolfed down

SUDOKU - Fill in the blank

squares in the grid, making sure that every row, column, and 3 x 3 box includes all digits 1 through 9.

(Solution on page 51)

Adore Arrow Candles Candy Card Cherish Chocolate Cupid The Best Of Times

Date Dear Embrace Flowers Heart Hugs Kiss Lace

Love Poetry Red Romance Roses Serenade Sweetheart Valentine February 2010


Flowers Flowers Forever, LLC (318) 925-2323 Ambulance Services

Interim HealthStyles (318) 741-3776

Balentine Ambulance Service (318) 222-5358

Northwest LA INCS, LLC (318) 636-0390

Artificial Limbs and Braces

ResCare Home Care (318) 678-1890

Snell’s Orthotics and Prosthetics (318) 424-4167

Seniors Club Personal Care Services (318) 635-0010

Hearing Care Services Better Hearing Systems (318) 747-9191 Shreve Hearing Aid Service (318) 797-7733 Home and Business Fire Tech Systems, Inc. (318) 688-8800

Associations and Organizations

Cemeteries/Funeral Homes

BluePrint Louisiana (866) 483-3920

Centuries Memorial (318) 686-4334

Bossier Council on Aging (318) 741-8302

Hill Crest Memorial (318) 949-9415

Stanley Steamer Carpet Cleaner (318) 631-6655

Complementary Medical Therapies

Home Health Care (Medicare Certified)

The Chiropractic Health Center Dr. Diane Sino (318) 687-0881

Ark-La-Tex Home Health, Inc (318) 747-6180

Caddo Council on Aging (318) 632-2090 Shreveport Little Theatre (318) 424-4439 Shreveport Opera (318) 227-9503 The Robinson Film Center (318) 424-9090 The Best of Times (318) 636-5510 Webster Council on Aging (318) 371-3056

Counseling Services

Medistar Home Health (318)742-4026

The Center for Families (318) 222-0759

Synergy Home Care (318) 550-0285

Educational Courses

Hospice Care Providers

Bible Correspondence Course (318) 797-6333

Hospice Compassus (318) 524-1046

Care Providers

Emergency Response Systems

Comfort Keepers (318) 934-0090

Acadian OnCall 1-800-259-1234

Elite Health Solutions (318) 213-5483

Financial & Estate Planning/Legal Services

Entrum Care, Inc. (318) 949-1828 (866) 949-1828

Serio Investments – Phillip Serio (318) 221-0889

Family Care Services (318) 671-1799

The Law Practice of Joseph Gilsoul (318) 222-2100

Home Assistance Services (318) 682-8182

50 February January 2010 2010

Gutter Helmet of North Louisiana (800) 284-9777

LifePath Hospice (318) 222-5711 St. Joseph Hospice (318) 222-8723 Willis Knighton Hospice of Louisiana (318) 212-4697 Home Infusion Services IV Plus (318) 683-5139 Hospitals Brentwood Hospital (318) 678-7500

Willis Knighton Medical Center – North Shreveport (318) 212-4000 Willis Knighton Medical Center – Bossier (318) 212-7000 Willis Knighton Medical Center – South Shreveport (318) 212-5000 Wilis Knighton Medical Center – Pierremont (318) 212-3000 Insurance Humana (866) 836-7908 Medical Supplies and Equipment FastServ Medical (318) 741-9586 Home Health Medical Supply (318) 631-1466 Medtronics – XSTOP Spacer (866) 580-5242 Pet Care Airline Animal Hospital (318) 747-9150 Physician Services Dr. Gary Booker (318) 227-9600 Mid South Orthopaedics (318) 424-3400

Real Estate Agents Century 21 – Judy Holland (318) 349-6983 Restaurants and Catering Cupcake Gallery and Coffee Shop (318) 752-2253 Imperial Wok Chinese Restaurant (318) 687-6668 Senior Living Options Azalea Estates Assisted Living (318) 797-2408 Kingsley Place of Shreveport (318) 524-2100 Leslie Lakes Retirement Center (318) 263-9581 NurseCare of Shreveport (318) 221-1983 Princeton Place Rehabilitation Center (318) 255-4400 Southwood Gardens (318) 682-4022 Southwood Square (318) 671-1888 The Waterford at Shreveport (318) 524-3300 Spas/Skin Care

Pierremont Eye Institute Dr. Chris Shelby (318) 212-3937

Jeany Mitchell’s Skin Technology (318) 347-3567

Vision – Source Dr. Larry Chism (888) 243-2020

Travel Services

Radio Stations KWKH AM 1130 Radio Station (318) 688-1130

Cruises, Inc (318) 746-3745 Telephone Book User-Friendly Phone Book (318) 865-1280

Have you made prearrangements for your family, or do you still have that to do? Leaving these decisions to your children on the worst day of their lives is a terrible emotional burden.

Call Today To Receive a FREE Family Planning Portfolio

Centuries Memorial 8801 Mansfield Shreveport, LA 71108 (318) 686-4334

The Best Of Times

Hill Crest Memorial 601 Hwy. 80 East Haughton, LA 71037 (318) 949-9415

February 2010


1 - Gregory Kallenberg (left) and members of the crew and participants in the independent documentary film “Haynesville” at the Shreveport premier showing at the Robinson Film Center on January 15th. 2 - The Silver Screenings of “On the Waterfront” at the Robinson Film Center on January 19. (a) (l to r) Val Allen, Shreveport Symphony conductor Michael Butterman, Kay and Bill Kemp; (b) Lois Jackson and Jane Wehlander enjoy lunch after the movie. 3 - The opening reception for Art a la Carte, featuring the works of Robin Clawson’s art classes, was held at artspace on Thursday, January 21. Brookie Walker (right) shows her works to Marianne Mosteller. 4 - Gabriel Sanchez, Regional Director of US Census with Paul Glanville, and Chantel Spells at the opening of the US Census Office in Shreveport on January 11th. 5 - Kevin McCotter with Chesapeake Energy presents a $10,000 check to Liz Swaine (left) and Caddo Council on Aging Executive Director Mary Alice Rountree as the prime sponsor for the CCOA fundraising event “Monopoly for Meals” to be held on Saturday, March 27th at the Eldorado Casino. 6- The Krewe of Elders held their Grand Bal XII at the American Legion Club on Cross Lake on Friday, January 15. This year’s theme was “Lovin’ Louisiana. The tableau feature Queen Sue Prudhomme as the Voodoo Queen Marie La Veau, King Jay Prudhomme as Huey P. Long, Captain Celia Frazier as Love Potion #9, CoCaptain Gail Cascio as Poke Salad Annie, Duchess Sue Wheeler as New Orleans Lady, Duke Dick Demoss as Jimmy Davis, Duchess Gail Sykes as Candy Picou Edwards and Duke Bob Sykes as Governor Edwin Edwards. (a) Krewe of Centaur King Shelton Floyd with King Rev. Kenneth Paul of the Krewe of Barkus and Meouw; (b) Getting ready to lead the Second line dance are Krewe of Elders Queen Sue Prudhomme, King Jay Prudhomme, and Captain Celia Frazier; (c) King and Queen of Gemini XXI Cliff and Donna Poimboeuf; (d) King Jay Prudhomme leads the 2nd line; (e) Krewe of Highland Captain XV Bob Marak with King Jeff Little; (f ) Jeri and Chuck Lancaster; (g) Former Krewe of Elders Queens Melba Carter and Mary Anne Rankin; (h) The presentation of the Krewe of Elders Royalty XII include Duchess and Duke of Wisdom Gail and Bob Sykes, Co-Captain Gail Cascio, Queen Sue Prudhomme, King Jay Prudhomme, Captain Celia Frazier, and Duke and Duchess of Longevity Dick Demoss and Sue Wheeler; (i) Joanna and Bob Robinson.

52 February 2010

The Best Of Times

February 2010


54 February 2010

Finding a short or long term placement for a loved one is a difficult decision. Let us help make this transition easier for them and for you. NurseCare of Shreveport offers: • A separate 44 bed rehabilitation recoveryto-home unit. • An on-site team of certified physical, occupational, speech therapists and rehab technicians.

Your Bridge Bridge from Hospital

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NurseCare of Shreveport

• Registered respiratory therapist to care for residents with respiratory illnesses. • A full time wound care team to care for residents with extensive wounds and burns. • RNs and LPNS on staff to complete IV infusions including antibiotics and IV fluids. •A secure unit for Alzheimer’s and Dementia residents. We welcome you to come visit and take a tour of our nursing and rehabilitation center and meet our caring and sincere professionals who enjoy giving extra attention to service, extra smiles, and that special touch that makes a real difference.

The Best Of Times

NurseCare of Shreveport (318) 221-1983 1736 Irving Place Shreveport, LA 71101 February 2010


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