5 steps to a positive mindset Freedom comes when you fully understand yourself. So you can live the life you dream and be accountable to you.
By: Linda Ralph http://thebestthoughts.com.au
The Best Thoughts http://thebestthoughts.com.au by Linda Ralph
MINDSET- The key to success is through a positive mindset. Choosing your thoughts is a top priority in your happiness, contentment and opportunities. VALUES-Values are what we find important to us at a particular time in our life. Knowing what is of greatest importance in your life speeds up accomplishing the outcome of a purpose. BELIEF- Belief is like a seed, it is a journey. Seen in the mind first with repetition of the thought followed by the necessary actions leads to result. ACTION- Everything starts in the form of desire and finishes with taking inspired and large amounts of action. ACCOUNTABILITY- Be responsible for your own actions and be able to explain them.
I have great pleasure introducing these 5 steps to acknowledging the power that you can have when you know how the mind is controlled by your thoughts. Your life is your choosing and when you accept the happenings and start focusing on what really matters to you, you become surprised, excited and then you feel in control of your actions. Letting go of the past is a huge step towards your desired future. Think about what you think and you will be surprised at what is going through your mind. Know what you want and head towards your desires.
“Whatever the mind can see and believe the mind can achieve” -Napoleon Hill
The Best Thoughts http://thebestthoughts.com.au by Linda Ralph
MINDSET The key to success is to maintain a positive, mindset. This is so easy to say, but to stay for extended time periods in this state is not easily done. A lot of practise and getting into a definite habit of watching your thinking is needed. Steps to help you keep a positive mindset are1. Be around positive thinking people. People influence you in many ways. Sometimes we are unaware of what may be rubbing off onto us by another person, their thoughts, moods, attitudes and their actions towards people and situations. When you have people around you who you admire,who inspire you and demonstrate a positive outlook, you are more likely to follow through with your own success. By thinking more about what you want, and believe in the possibilities. You will start to believe in you and your desire to succeed can be a thinking reality. 2. Create your affirmation Positive affirmations are a great way to show you how to really believe in what you think. This technique is proven in history, and by a majority of winners. Saying to yourself what you want repetitively makes for the belief being a reality in the mind and actions will move towards happenings occurring. Your job is to be so aware of what is happening around you and be open to new experiences. Many professional people like business, sport, and public speakers have used affirmation strategies to help themselves move to their successes. Affirmations such as 'I win','Opportunities everywhere','I am a success',are positive mindsets. 3. Think about your negative thoughts We all have negative thoughts, and these thoughts definitely stop us thinking positively. Being aware of what thoughts you have running in your mind is a major step in the change towards positive thinking. When you are aware of negative thoughts replacing becomes easier as time goes on. This is a big change in your thinking process and very powerful. Affirmations are a great way to train the mind for positive thoughts. 4. Focus on your wants, goals and life intentions. What you focus on is attracted to you. Until you become aware of your thinking, you may see situations and think about those particular times often which will stop you being drawn towards your wants. Think for yourself, and as Napoleon Hill said "Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve."
The Best Thoughts http://thebestthoughts.com.au by Linda Ralph
5. Be Grateful. Gratitude is very powerful. Being thankful and with a grateful response shows your true satisfaction and it is a nice feeling. Being grateful helps you to set forth positive feelings and emotions and helps you see a positive perspective in events. Challenges can be seen as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. With the right feelings and the right attitude you will bring your thinking around to accomplishing what you set your sights on. I hope you find comfort in reading these 5 mind strategies, and more effective to incorporate them into your daily living.
The Best Thoughts http://thebestthoughts.com.au by Linda Ralph
VALUES Understanding your own values and beliefs Values are what we find important to us at a particular time in our life. Beliefs are thoughts we keep thinking. The clearer you can be about what you want to happen in your life and why you want it to happen, the more likely it will and can happen. Know What is Important to You Knowing what is important to you is a good way of finding out your values and in the order they are working for you. The clearer you can be about your values and beliefs, the happier and more effective you will be. Your values are made up of everything that has happened in your life, from your parents, and family up-bringing, your friends,education,work,life experiences, and your thoughts on everything. By increasing your knowledge on what is important to you and in what order you will start to realise why particular happenings occur and what you can do about making the changes you desire. If you look at what is important to yourself at a particular time in your life you will be able to see what your present value is. What you do value will change at different times in your life depending on what you think about and what is important to you and when. Why Identify and Establish Your Values? Once defined, values impact every aspect of your life. Your values and in the order of the importance of your values shows through in everything that you do. In your personal and work behaviours, decision making, contribution, and interpersonal interaction. The decisions you make and in the order of the priority they are in your daily life. Your goals and life purpose are made up from your values. By learning what you value and in what order of importance you will gain a valuable understanding of just who you are and what makes you tick, - this is a very important aspect of personal growth.
The Best Thoughts http://thebestthoughts.com.au by Linda Ralph
Knowing the Order of Your Values You can start making changes in your life and head towards what you really want happening when you know what is important and in what order. Examples of some values and the beliefs I hold arePaid Work- For financial benefits Relationship-To share myself with my partner and feel love. Children-Having my own family, giving and receiving Travel-For seeing new places Sport-Teamwork Everything you do and think about in your life is put in order of importance to what you think of it. When you choose what is important to you, what you value most will define your character. Your goals and dreams are easier reached when you can be totally honest with what you know about yourself and in what order of importance you would like to see the happenings happen in. Look at your Life. If where you are at present is not where you would like to be, it is worth you really thinking about what you want and making your values work for you. Your beliefs will fit in with your values as your thoughts will unite. Values are what are important to you.
The Best Thoughts http://thebestthoughts.com.au by Linda Ralph
BELIEFS Beliefs are thoughts you think continuously. Belief is like a success it is a journey and the destination is seen in the mind first and the outcome is getting the actions to move toward the end result. A belief is a thought that you keep thinking. Believe in Yourself We are taught to fit into the society we are born into. What you believe in and finding your own happiness is a personal choice. Once you think and believe your thoughts - you draw like-minded people into your living experience. It is important in your own personal growth to stay focused on your wants in life. And you will go through many tests to see how definite you are towards your particular want. Our minds live in two worlds- the conscious, one we see and know because that is what we are trained to believe in –the everyday life that the majority of people feel and acknowledge as the only life-force. The other, the subconscious, life is far more thinking, as what you think about can and will become a reality if you keep the thoughts of your desire burning. These thoughts burn so deep and become a true thinking reality. The second world is far more mentally consuming than the first. When your thinking becomes followed by the necessary actions towards your desire, results happen. Self-Image What you truly believe is right for you, is, so keep focused on your beliefs. A poor self-image is mainly based on past living experiences. We are all equal, only our thinking differs, so if you choose the better thoughts so you shall be. Skill sets and titles don’t make you a better or worse person. You are perfect - being and doing what you love. Doing what you love will increase your self-confidence and inner happiness. To create a change in your life change your thoughts and see the difference in your life experiences.
B elieve A nd L et A N ecessary C hange E ventuate.
The Best Thoughts http://thebestthoughts.com.au by Linda Ralph
Choose happiness, joy, gratitude and contentment. Know that you can do what you want to do, be what you want to be. Start focussing on what you want. Self-acceptance is the best start to your own self-discovery. Achievement Learning is endless. Wisdom and knowledge comes by studying what the mind is focused on. Follow in successful people’s footsteps. If you want to succeed at a particular thing, go and learn from someone who is already successful at it. Study their mental attitude and allow their lessons to be your lessons. Move away from the majority thinking people and find people who want their own success through their own actions. If you can believe what you see, hear and acknowledge a great showing in a person, it is inside yourself as well. Desire Desire is the ingredient toward achieving any goal in life. Desire is the start toward all successful accomplishments. Desire is a passion to achieve something. It is our motivation to move forward, to keep us on track. Once you are focussed on one particular goal and you feel a strong passion toward the outcome of that goal, desire has started to manifest. Without desire, you will not achieve anything.
The Best Thoughts http://thebestthoughts.com.au by Linda Ralph
ACTION Everything starts in the form of desire and finishes with taking inspired and large amounts of action. Your mental strength is governed by your imagination and so the importance on keeping a track of what thoughts you are allowing voluntary or involuntary into your mind are so important. Success in life is not about wishing, being lucky or waiting for it to be given. It is about managing the intention and seeing the results you want in your life in your thinking and taking the appropriate action towards the goal. Taking action begins with a positive ‘believe and achieve mindset’. The feeling of nothing else matters now; I have a purpose I am going to see through till the ending. The action you may take first is you’re choosing. As I am aware of a lot of mindful people who choose to allow their thoughts from their subconscious minds run their decision making in major events. And there is the other type of thinking person who believes that working in the way that they see as fit, such as getting out to wherever that is necessary to take the action they vision. Either is not right or wrong, it is what is right for the one wanting to accomplish their desire. To take appropriate action 1. Be specific about what you want to achieve seeing, knowing and believing in your intention 2. Draw up a plan of action 3. List and make notes of the steps that will be required 4. Take action and follow the steps on your list 5. Find appropriate support through people,books, seminars CDs... 6. Take action, and if a certain plan doesn’t work look for another plan 7. Re-examine your goals regularly. 8. Say Affirmations. Affirmations are and will be accepted into your subconscious mind, which will bring out your desire and motivation 9. Visualise your goal 10. Take action. Take any action required to bring your goal into fruition.
The Best Thoughts http://thebestthoughts.com.au by Linda Ralph
An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied. ~Arnold Glasow Taking action towards a goal is better than taking no action, and at the possibility of not seeing your success to the end; you have been a success in trying something new. By having a thought of a accomplishment, one single thought is he start of a pathway. The next thought is important too. (If it is not of benefit to your dream or project, let it fade away and remind yourself of what you are going to achieve, and how you at this point intend achieving it. Keep seeing the end result as you would like it to be. Your mind is very powerful and will eventually show you that your actions are and were better than no actions. Think it, feel it, and actions = results.
The Best Thoughts http://thebestthoughts.com.au by Linda Ralph
ACCOUNTABILITY To be accountable or to answer to someone about something means being responsible for your own actions, and being able to explain them. Your inner consciousness is what influences your thoughts and aides you to talk your talk. A single thought has not got much power of persuasion, but through repetition the thought can become directed at what it has visioned. The more times a thought is repeated the more power it generates and it will materialise. Affirmations are great repeated many times, until they become a belief in the mind. Take control of your thinking You choose and can take control of the thoughts you allow into your mind. With responsible choices you can become aware of what influences your thinking. You must sincerely take the time, effort and allow yourself to be out of your comfort zone, and you will make permanent changes. Know that eventually you will focus on what you want and the thoughts you choose will come easier and more frequent. Think the thoughts that make you feel good about yourself Make yourself accountable to achieve the good feelings you would like to feel. Trust in your own wants in life and take action in feeling and have faith that you will progress towards your desires. Important changes usually begin in a definite decision which you will be accountable for. Know that you deserve what is best for you and that you will to have it. Being Accountable for Your Own Actions 1. If your mind-set is that you are at least 80% responsible for your success you are more likely to be successful at what you endeavour. 2. Accountability is a mind-set and it can be learnt by anyone who is serious about their achievement. Responsibility Being responsible is not something you do—it’s a way of thinking and being. When you are responsible, you believe that success or failure is up to you. It’s easy to claim responsibility when things go well, but it’s hard when they don’t. A truly responsible person, however, accepts responsibility either way. Learn to deal with what is Think about the past, could you change it? It was what it was. But you can take control of your life now.
Self-empower yourself I and my lovely friend Gayl have put together a beautiful book with a compilation of thoughts from Edgar Allan to Zig Ziglar, and the quotes and sentences in this book ‘Love Loving You’ are very selfexplanatory This book can be purchased from www.thebestthoughts.com.au website.
The Best Thoughts http://thebestthoughts.com.au by Linda Ralph
Love Loving You is a good book to have around yourself as it reminds you how far you have come on your journey in life. Take the actions and the risks to achieve a result in your life and get what you want happening.
The Best Thoughts http://thebestthoughts.com.au by Linda Ralph