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Bharat Scouts and Guides, Puducherry State Association organised State Level President
2021. Annual General Meeting of the State Association was held at Seminar Hall, Himalayan Pharmacy Institute, Majhitar, Rangpo, Sikkim on
Scouts/Guides Award Testing Camp from 25th to 27th March, 2022 in which 03 Scouts & 14 Guides participated. Shri P.T. Rudra Goud, Director of School Education and State Chief Commissioner of the State Association wished the participants of the testingcamp.
6141 Scouts/Guides/Rovers and Rangers received Rajya Puraskar Award. 3416 Cubs and 2513 Bulbuls received Chaturth Charan & Heerak Pankh Certicates. 439 Cubs and 364 Bulbuls received Golden Arrow Award. Rajya Puraskar Training Camp for Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers, Rover/Ranger Meet, President Scout/Guide/Rover/Ranger Certicate Examination were organised by Rajasthan State Bharat Scouts and Guides. 2782 members p a r t i c i p a t e d i n 3 4 a c t i v i t i e s . 3 2 4 1 Scouters/Guiders were trained in Basic, Advanced and Himalaya Wood Badge Training Courses. 17,07,876 participants took part in Tree Plantation, Removal of Single Use Plastic, SwachhataAbhiyanandAzadiKaAmritMahotsav.
Sikkim State Bharat Scouts and Guides Virtual State Level Youth Colloquium was held on 18th July,
29th August, 2021. The State Association has organised President Guides Certicate Examination Testing Camp at Himalayan Home-II Majhitar, Rangpo, Sikkim from 13th to 15th January, 2022.
Virtual Chaturth Charan/Heerak Pankh Testing Camp for 120 Cubs & Bulbuls was organised. Adult Leaders Training Courses for Scout and Guide Wing were conducted at State Training Centre, Mandapam & HCTC, Perambur in which 94 Unit Leaders were trained. State Level Testing Camp for President Award Certicate for 130 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers were conducted at HCTC, Perambur from 06th to 10th March, 2022. 49th State Rally & 22nd Camporee was conducted at Railway Sports Ground, Golden Rock, Trichy from 23rd to 26th March, 2022 in which 700 Scouts,