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v Personally Speaking
by Bsg India
Creating - Better India
Personally Speaking viuh ckr
It is time that most of our young people got free after writing their examinations at various levels. They can now spend some time on communitybased activities. Summer has set in, and the day temperatures is scorching. As done earlier, Scouts and Guides, Rovers and Rangers must have plan to serve the community by organizing drinking water kiosks in prime locations under the guidance of their leaders. People who use public transportation like railway and buses certainly need our services to have access to clean drinking water. Innovative methods in supplying drinking water may be thought of. Covid 19 has affected the cultural institutions, cultural events, public performances. Cultural diversity is a natural feature. Several cultures exist all over the globe. Sustainable systems of governance can bridge the gap between cultures to maintain peace, stability and development. May 21 is the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. The National Headquarters of the Bharat Scouts and Guides had conducted a number of cultural meets and competitions on digital platforms during the days of pandemic to integrate the cultures of different regions. By encouraging the talented artists and professionals within us, members of our movement can promote peace and harmony. Today, millions of women and girls around the world are stigmatised, excluded and discriminated ;g le; gS fd gekjs vf/kdka”k ;qok fofHkUu Lrjksa ij viuh ijh{kk,a fy[kdj Lora= gks x;s gSaA os vc dqN le; leqnk;&vk/kkfjr xfrfof/k;ksa ij fcrk ldrs gSaA
xehZ dk ekSle “kq: gks x;k gS ,oa fnu dk rkieku Hkh’k.k gks jgk gSA iwoZ dh Hkkafr LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ dks vius usrkvksa ds ekxZn”kZu esa çeq[k LFkkuksa ij is;ty Nrfj;k¡ yxkdj leqnk; dh lsok djus dh ;kstuk vo”; cukuh pkfg,A tks yksx jsyos ,oa clksa tSls lkoZtfud ifjogu dk mi;ksx djrs gSa] mUgsa fuf”pr :i ls LoPN is;ty çkIr djus ds fy, gekjh lsokvksa dh vko”;drk gksrh gSA ihus ds ikuh dh vkiwfrZ ds uohu rjhdksa ds ckjs esa fopkj fd;k tk ldrk gSA
dksfoM+&19 us lk¡Ld`frd laLFkkuksa] lk¡Ld`frd dk;ZØeksa ,oa lkoZtfud çn”kZuksa dks çHkkfor fd;k gSA lk¡Ld`frd fofo/krk ,d çkd`frd fo”ks’krk gSA nqfu;k¡ Hkj esa dbZ laLd`fr;k¡ ekStwn gSaA “kklu dh lr~r ç.kkyh “kkafr] fLFkjrk vkSj fodkl dks cuk, j[kus ds fy, laLd`fr;ksa ds chp dh [kkbZ dks ikV ldrh gSA 21 ebZ laokn ,oa fodkl gsrq lk¡Ld`frd fofo/krk dk fo”o fnol gSA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; us fofHkUu {ks=ksa dh laLd`fr;ksa dks ,dhd`r djus ds fy, egkekjh ds fnuksa esa fMftVy IysVQkeZ ij dbZ lk¡Ld`frd cSBdsa ,oa çfr;ksfxrk,a vk;ksftr dhaA gekjs vUnj ds çfrHkk”kkyh dykdkjksa ,oa o`fÙkdksa dks çksRlkfgr djds] gekjs vkUnksyu ds lnL; “kkafr vkSj ln~Hkko dks c<+kok ns ldrs gSaA
vkt fo”o Hkj esa yk[kksa efgykvksa vkSj yM+fd;ksa dks dsoy ekfld /keZ ds dkj.k dyafdr] cfg’d`r dj muds lkFk
Creating - Better India
against simply because they menstruate. Our ancestors considered this as a natural bodily function and never discriminated girls. Unfortunately, in some places all over the globe, it prevents women and girls from getting education, earning and participating in everyday life fully and equally. May 28 is observed as Menstrual Hygiene Day. Our Rangers and Rovers should work throughout this year to break the taboos and end the stigma surrounding menstruation and raise awareness about the challenges regarding access to menstrual products, educate young ones about menstruation and period-friendly sanitation facilities. World No Tobacco Day is observed on 31st May. Our scouts and guides, rovers and rangers should organise awareness campaigns on “Tobacco: Threat to our environment.” Scientists say that plantation of Tobacco crops prevents cultivation of any other crop to grow on that soil. Besides tobacco smoke pollutes the air and damages the health of the smokers and non-smokers equally. Wear Mask and maintain Social Distance
HksnHkko fd;k tkrk gSA gekjs iwoZtksa us bls ,d çkd`frd “kkjhfjd fØ;k ds :i esa ekuk ,oa yM+fd;ksa ds lkFk dHkh HksnHkko ugha fd;kA nqHkkZX; ls] nqfu;k Hkj esa dqN txgksa ij ;g efgykvksa vkSj yM+fd;ksa dks f”k{kk çkIr djus] vk; vftZr djus ,oa nSfud thou esa iwjh rjg ,oa leku :i ls Hkkx ysus ls jksdrk gSA 28 ebZ dks ekfld /keZ LoPNrk fnol ds :i esa euk;k tkrk gSA gekjs jsatlZ ,oa jksolZ dks otZukvksa vkSj ekfld /keZ mRiknksa rd igq¡p cukus] ekfld /keZ ds ckjs esa f”k{kk vkSj vof/k ds vuqdwy LoPNrk lqfo/kkvksa dh pqukSfr;ksa ds ckjs esa tkx:drk c<+kus ds fy, iwjs o’kZ Hkj dk;Z djuk pkfg,A
31 ebZ dks fo”o rEckdw fu’ks| fnol euk;k tkrk gSA gekjs LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ dks ^^rEckdw gekjs i;kZoj.k ds fy, [krjk^^ fo’k; ij tkx:drk vfHk;ku vk;ksftr djuk pkfg,A oSKkfudksa dk dguk gS fd rEckdw dh Qly yxkus ls ml feVVh ij fdlh vU; Qly dh [ksrh ugha gks ikrh gSA blds vfrfjDr rEckdw dk /kqvk¡ ok;q dks çnwf’kr djrk gS ,oa /kweziku djus okyksa ,oa /kweziku u djus okyksa ds LokLF; dks leku :i ls uqdlku igq¡pkrk gSA
ekLd igusa ,oa lkekftd nwjh cuk,a j[ksaA
MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] Hkk-ç-ls- ¼ls-fu-½ eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr