By Matt Hollingsworth
THERE ARE SEVERAL TYPES OF VEIN DISEASE WITH SYMPTOMS RANGING FROM COSMETIC TO PAINFUL OR EVEN DANGEROUS. VARICOSE VEIN DISEASE You likely know what varicose veins look like— swollen, twisted veins, usually in the legs. Often painful. So, what causes this disease? Your veins have small valves that let blood flow in one direction but not the other. Without these, your body would have trouble pumping blood upward. Varicose Vein Disease is where
these valves become weak in some veins which allows the blood to flow backwards and eventually pool. Now, your body has a lot of veins, so you don’t have to worry about not getting enough blood back to your heart. Even if some aren’t working, there are many others that will. However, while you’re not going to run out of blood, Varicose Vein
Disease can cause soreness, itching, swelling, and other symptoms. It’s even possible for the disease—if untreated—to cause blood clots or heavy bleeding. Often, there are more diseased veins farther under the surface of your skin. You can’t see these, but they can continue causing pain if untreated. Medical professionals use ultrasound to map out these invisible veins.