8 minute read
Awards Day
Baccalaureate Address Rt. Rev. Susan Brown Snook, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego
Congratulations to The Bishop’s
School Class of 2020 for doing the challenging work of education at a school that has always asked you to bring your best to learning and growing. I know this is not the graduation season you’ve anticipated: you were looking forward to end-of-year celebrations, to the triumphal culmination of your extracurricular activities, and to walking across that stage and receiving your diploma. None of those traditions will happen quite as you expected. I know that’s a disappointment. And it’s not fair.
Yet the fact remains that you have done the hard work of becoming adults. You’ve studied hard, and you’ve thought about how to make a positive difference in the world, and what it means to do justice, and love kindness and walk humbly with your God. You’ve contemplated compassion, integrity, inclusion and justice and incorporated those values into your lives.
And oh, how those values are needed right now. You are graduating in a time of isolation, pandemic, economic hardship and polarization, when the future seems uncertain and society is frightened and fragmented. The values of caring for others, exercising justice and practicing integrity are exactly what our world needs to get through this crisis. Because those are the values that will help us become a just, compassionate world and address the challenges we face: public health, economic opportunity and every person’s right to thrive.
John F. Kennedy was the first U.S. president from “The Greatest Generation,” and in 1961, he said: “The torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage.”
You are a new generation born 100 years later, in the 21st century, and while I hope you will not be tempered by war or disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, I believe that your generation will help us overcome the many challenges facing our world. Members of your generation have already shown amazing leadership, like Greta Thunberg in the struggle against climate change and the students who led the March For Our Lives. The great strength of your generation is that you call us to work together to overcome the challenges that threaten the human race.
And it’s possible that painful as it is, this current time of isolation may help you build the kind of leadership our world needs right now. This time of solitude may allow you to draw on the inner strength described in Psalm 46 when, in the midst of world crisis and tumult, God says, “Be still and know that I am God.” Sometimes it is stillness, even disappointment, that leads us to new insights that change the world. After all, the message of the cross is that God is with us even in our disappointment, isolation and suffering. And the message of the resurrection is that even though our suffering is real, God’s love wins.
So as you move into this new world of adulthood, with your years at The Bishop’s School behind you, know that, as Jesus says, “You are the light of the world.” You are a generation that brings our world hope. Tempered by hardship, disciplined by a clear focus on the challenges our world needs to overcome, I pray and believe that you will lead our world into a new era of compassion, prosperity and justice for all.
Scripture references in Bishop Snook’s address include Psalm 46, Micah 6:6-8, Philippians 4:4-9 and Matthew 5:1-16.

A Message for Seniors
from Head of School Ron Kim
Congratulations, seniors, on your graduation from The Bishop’s School. You chose a path that demanded hard work, commitment and sacrifice, and we honor all that you have done that brought you to this day. While The Bishop’s School has existed since 1909, each year and each graduating class is distinct. The identity of the School has been shaped and re-created by what you have done, by the relationships that you formed and by the legacy that you leave behind. We hope that this publication offers a meaningful reflection of your individual and collective experiences, and that you will return to its pages in future years to remember all of the classmates who made the Class of 2020 special. We wish for you a life of courage, confidence and hope.

Eliana Petreikis ’20 Eliana’s joyful disposition lends energy and excitement to whatever group with which she is interacting. She is intentional about cultivating strong, supportive relationships with her peers, teachers and coaches, and she hasn’t met a club, organization or team she is afraid of joining. She is the chief of staff for ASBC, leads our Multiracial Student Group, serves as editor-in-chief for Quanta and was selected by her teammates to captain the JV field hockey team this year. Her deep sense of curiosity about the people and places she encounters, as well as her willingness to try new things, make her a joy to work with. We are pleased to honor Eliana with the Bishop’s Loyalty Cup.


Tim Kelly ’20 The recipient of the Bishop’s Medal is a complex young man. Tim is provocative yet compassionate. Sincere yet silly. Purposeful yet vulnerable. During his time here at Bishop’s, he has slowly but surely become the voice of the student body. Whether he is sparking controversy in the Daily Urinal or hammering home a point in debate, Tim is unashamed to speak his truth. And while his numerous leadership roles on campus require him to be a strong, visible presence, it’s his work behind the scenes that has truly elevated our institution. For the passion he brings to every part of our community, we are proud to award the Bishop’s Medal to Tim.
BLACK STUDENT UNION – Class of 2020 Members
Courtney Anderson Amaan Banks Vanessa Brunetta Clarence Freeman Ki Greene Kellen Hobson Savannah Maye Mohamed Samb Jaya Travis Caroline Twyman
Courtney Anderson ’20 This young woman is seemingly omnipresent on campus. She is a vocal leader on three varsity teams, the head of the Black Student Union, and a member of both ASBC and the Discipline Committee. Apart from her extracurriculars, she is deeply invested in learning and growing, and challenging herself and those around her to be better. She knows her own mind but is humble enough to be mentally and emotionally flexible. And, although she has so much to say, she listens, really listens, more than she speaks. She is what we most wish our students to be—independent, good, kind and free-thinking.
Sarahi Castillo ’20 As a Head Ambassador, this student enjoys highlighting support and collaboration at Bishop’s. With the courage to speak up and faith in the good nature of others, she leads on the lacrosse field and in the classroom without judgment. As a leader of the Latin American Student Organization, she’s invited diverse and conflicting opinions into conversation, believing that Bishop’s students are at their best when they are honest, open listeners. Her work translating portions of the Bishop’s website will allow Spanishspeaking families, like hers, to better understand our community. Sarahi, in all that she does, serves the good of humanity and makes the world a more just and compassionate place.
Sydney Gerlach ’20 The eye of a storm perpetually deceives you as to the true nature and power which follows, and we often find people who mimic this calm. Out of sight, they are working feverishly, building a frenzy beneath the surface before emerging—magnificently—with creative and intellectual excellence. Exemplifying this sleight-of-hand, Sydney churns behind the scenes, arriving in a room with tremendous aplomb, razor acumen and an obvious passion which carries everyone around her along for the ride. She is studied in her approach, compassionate with her community, driven to achieve and never fails to surprise with the breadth she accomplishes.
Kellen Hobson ’20 This student has been a shining light at Bishop’s since arriving in middle school. He goes above and beyond as a Peer Support leader and Admissions Head Ambassador, volunteering for almost every student panel or student focus group. He gives his all, without artifice, because he enjoys being a part of something bigger than himself. Whether on the lacrosse field or basketball court, in a Black Student Union meeting, while traveling with classmates to a shelter home in India, or anywhere in between, Kellen’s expressions of gratitude, generous spirit and love for Bishop’s add a little magic to any group he’s in.
Tommy Sottosanti ’20 This young man has a superpower. Tommy excels in class and on the court, and he spearheads two of the largest extracurriculars on campus. With all of this on his plate, he would be well within his rights to bemoan his fate and hope for the earth to slow its rotation, thereby adding a few precious hours to each day. However, Tommy is able to accomplish all of these Herculean tasks with seeming ease. His brilliance and energy challenge those around him to be and do their best. Tommy's innumerable accomplishments, his thoughtful leadership and his generosity of spirit leave an indelible mark on our community.

The Class of 2020 HONORING An Extraordinary Class for Extraordinary Times