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The Blackbird Academy’s microphones, consoles, outboard gear, and recording spaces are second to none. Students are trained on the same equipment used by top producers, musicians, and recording artists who have created countless award-winning records at Blackbird Studio.
The Blackbird Academy’s Studio A features 11 different recording areas including a variable Tom Hidley-designed chamber with an adjustable ceiling to customize reverb time. The control room features a 72-input Neve 8078, a six card Pro Tools HD system, and ATC 300s as main monitors. In the racks are many processors from Blackbird’s famous outboard gear collection.
The Blackbird Academy’s Studio B comes equipped with a 48-channel API Legacy Plus console with Flying Fader automation, a six card Pro Tools HD system and ATC 300s as main monitors. The studio’s small live chamber is also perfect for vocal or instrumental overdubs. In the racks are many coveted processors from Blackbird’s famous outboard gear collection.
The Blackbird Academy’s Studio I is a fully digital stuido featuring a revolving range of gear from Blackbird’s impressive collection. Students have access to preamps, processors and reverbs from a large list of manufacturers giving instructors and students the ability to mix and match gear for each session.

Microphone Locker
The Blackbird Academy’s microphone locker has more than 1,400 microphones on hand, including U47s, Telefunken 251s and Elektroakustic RFTs, AKG C12s, Neumann U67s, M50s, M49s, M269s, classic small diaphragm tube mics and many more. Students will experience ears on shootouts, best practices for setup, and tips on miking from instructors, experienced staff and award-winning guest lecturers. Access to the single best one of the things that makes The Blackbird Academy education so unique.

Recording Laboratory
The Blackbird Academy’s Recording Laboratory accommodates 30 students and uses three large video screens and high-definition cameras for an unparalleled learning experience. The lab is also a fully-equipped recording studio featuring high-quality audio playback, an API 1608 console, a Pro Tools HD system, and outboard gear from Blackbird’s extensive collection.
Each student will be seated at a station equipped with a hybrid interface/console, a computer with video display and headphones for monitoring and critical listening. Each station will have Pro Tools and other software used for recording and mixing. The room is networked, meaning each student will be able to record the same audio being fed to the instructor’s rig from the isolation booths and other locations in the complex.
Outboard Gear
Outboard compressors, EQs, reverbs, effects processors and preamps are the tools that take any mix, overdub or tracking session to the next level. Blackbird’s collection is one of the best in the world, featuring processors from over 90 companies and some historical gear not often found under one roof. The selection includes coveted units both old and new from Telefunken, EMI, Fairchild, Shadow Hill, Helios, Decca, Pye, RCA, Chandler Limited, Tube-Tech, UREI, AMS, Inward Connections and much, much more.
Students will have access to this fabulous collection in class and during sessions where instructors will guide them through A/B listening tests, best practices, advanced usage tips and more. This collection of outboard gear is another reason The Blackbird Academy education is like none other.

The production and learning environment at The Blackbird Academy goes well beyond studio recording, overdubbing and mixing. All productions begin with musicians, and our instrument, amplifier and drum collections are unequaled.
Students will be taught the importance of choosing and setting up a guitar and amplifier before the Record button is pushed; if the source is not right, no microphone, console or good intention will be able to fix it later. Blackbird’s amplifier collection includes more than 50 vintage and new units from Fender, Marshall, Gibson, Matchless, Vox, Ampeg, Watkins, Mesa Boogie, Dumble and many more.


Blackbird’s drum collection provides a strong pulse with more than 48 vintage kits and 50 vintage snares. Top Nashville drum techs will take students through the techniques they use to make kits ready for a high-quality recording. Manufacturers include Gretsch, Craviotto, Camco, Slingerland, Dunnett, Ludwig, Leedy, Rogers, Sonor, WFL, Yamaha and more.