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The choir’s back in Gillingham!

The Gillingham Primary School choir performed at the Riversmeet Christmas Fair on Sunday 27th November – the choir’s first performance in a public venue for three years due to COVID restrictions. Many of the children in the choir are new members and had never performed either in such a large venue or in front of such a large audience. There were 35 children performing, ranging from children ranged from Year 1 five-year-olds to the 10-year-olds in Year 5; the majority of the children were under the age of seven. The choir was under the direction of Gillingham Primary’s music lead, Mrs Mawer, who was assisted by Mrs Shanks and Mrs Avery on the day. They sang many Christmas songs but the highlight for everyone had to be the 12 days of Christmas – complete with actions! Headteacher Mrs Early says: ‘So many members of the public commented on how nice it was to see a school choir performing and it was a lovely opportunity for the children to gain confidence and enjoy singing – something that has been missed by so many over the last few years.’

The Great British Staff Bake Off at Sherborne Primary School

With the ever-popular Great British Bake Off on our televisions the wellbeing team at Sherborne Primary School thought it would be a wonderful idea to have their very own Staff Bake Off Challenge. Participants were asked to bake a sponge cake with an autumnal theme. The cakes were baked at home and brought into school to be judged by the school council representatives, with marks being awarded for both taste and appearance. The children were amazed at the standard of the cakes and thoroughly enjoyed tasting them! Among the entries there were cakes designed to look like a lit bonfire, a hibernating hedgehog and a crackling woodland chocolate delight. The overall winner was Sue Read who baked a magnificent Cake entitled Mouse House. The cakes, along with some donations baked by members of the school council, were all sold after school and they raised a total of £119.66. A wonderful time was had by all and there’s now talk of an Easter Bake Off Challenge ...

On Friday 11th November we went down to the Zeal’s war memorial with our prayers and pictures, to participate in the service and to remember and respect the people who died in the war protecting our nation.

Remembrance Day by Carson

Today we gather to remember the countless deaths of millions of men and women who did their job to keep us safe. We also remember the animals that charged onto the battle, the factory workers who made the ammunition, the farmers who grew the rations, the doctors and nurses who helped the wounded and the survivors who’s life changed for ever. We will remember them. Amen Carson, aged 10

Children In Need fundraisers

For Children in Need this year St Mary the Virgin Primary (Gillingham) followed the theme of ‘SPOTACULAR’ and came to school in something spotty: spotty jewellery, spotty clothes and even spotty faces. The children all looked fantastic and we had lots of Mini Pudsies walking around the school! A special assembly was held to teach the children why they raise money and about some of the work that Children in Need does. Each class also found out about a charity that is supported by Children in Need, producing work that is displayed in school. With everyone’s support we raised almost £200 – thank you to everyone who donated.

A fabulous Children in Need Day was had at Charlton Horethorne Primary. The children came to school looking wonderfully SPOTacular – with some terrific homemade spotty outfits. The sun shone for a whole school welly walk and the children had fun playing in the Millenium Green. It was lovely that many parents, relatives and friends joined in to enjoy the ramble. The day ended with a Children in Need cake sale, which swiftly sold out, raising over £130. A great effort for such a little school.

New school newspaper for Piddle Valley

Above is a couple of pages of the first edition of the Piddle Valley CE First School newspaper. The reporter was Georgie in Year 4. Pupils from the school will be out Christmas Carolling around the village of Piddletrenthide near the school on the evening of Tuesday 6th December from 5:00pm. Headteacher Jayne Brown hopes villagers will come out and join in.

Gold medal-winning Paralympian puts St Andrew’s children – and teachers – through their paces

Paralympian Katrina Hart inspired pupils at St Andrew’s Primary School, Fontmell Magna when she visited. Katrina, who was born with cerebral palsy, is a multi-medal winning 100m and 200m sprinter, and has won gold, silver and bronze medals at the Olympic, world, Commonwealth and European IPC games. Katrina was at the school to promote the importance of exercise and fitness. During the afternoon all pupils in the school (and a few keen members of staff!) took part in a circuit in the hall. The children also got to hear about how Katrina’s disability affected her during childhood and how her PE teacher at school inspired her to never give up and to become a World-class athlete. Katrina says: ‘That is how I got into sport – at school. I hope that the children will be encouraged to try different sports, as one size doesn’t fit all and there are so many to choose from.’ The event raised £1,800, some of which will help support Katrina in partaking in international events but more than 50 per cent will be reinvested in the school in improving playtime facilities.

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