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A fusion might be the answer in the rust fight

Professional sheep farmers find it rather fluffy nonsense when I refer to my sheep by name. But sheep only remain on this farm for the purpose of entertainment and education. Commercial sheep farming is a mug’s game that we gave up last year, after a dose of scab forced us to dip all of our sheep in a very unpleasant chemical (actually, a contractor did the dipping ...), which is the only reliable way to get rid of this pernicious affliction. It was the excuse we needed to disperse the flock, after finding they weren’t really helping with management of oilseed rape by grazing it in the winter, nor were they encouraging wild flowers in our grass swards. The regenerative approach lends itself more to cattle grazing than sheep – cattle browse where sheep nibble, right down to the ground given a chance.

When dipping, you have to submerge the animal completely. If you don’t, you won’t kill the scab mites in the ears of the sheep, and control will not be complete. The rubbing, itching and wool shedding will return, and the job will have to be done again. Back in the 60s, 70s and early 80s, it was compulsory to dip all sheep for scab annually – a policeman would usually attend at dippingtime to ensure it was done properly. Dipping is needed for welfare reasons. The mites drive the sheep nuts when they dig in, and it is worst in cold weather. Compulsory dipping was aimed at eradicating the problem nationally, but once the disease was nearly gone from the country, the rules were relaxed. Unfortunately a few pockets of scab remained, and now we are back to a situation where it is endemic. The risk of contracting it in one’s flock is huge when you buy in replacements, particularly from far off sales, using an agent to buy for you (as we did).

Our replacement policy for many years had been to buy in retired hill ewes, usually from Wales, and expect to get another two or three crops of lambs from them. We got away with it for a long time, but got caught out in the winter of 2021 and that was enough to say ‘no more sheep’. Our tiny 11-ewe flock is scab free, and apart from the purchase of Reggie the ram last year, we will remain closed, to minimise risk of re-infection.

Wheat tests

The top image opposite is one of our wheat fields, showing the colour contrast between varieties. The smaller area of the pale one on the right – Champion – was the last of the seed we had sown in a different field. It’s our first year trying Champion. It has pretty good book values for disease resistance, standing power and yield – we will see what the combine thinks in a few weeks. The darker crop on the left of that picture is Theodore, in its second year for us. It had leaguetopping ratings for yellow and brown rust, and septoria. However, where we have been really stingy with the fungicide we have seen a brown rust explosion, needing fire engine treatment with fungicide. Apparently we are not alone. Similarly, variety Extase, which we and every other farmer in the country is growing, has very good book values for disease, but has broken down to yellow rust in the absence of fungicide.

Proper farmers will now be yelling ‘Why no fungicide?’, but having shifted our emphasis away from intensive fertiliser and chemical inputs, we are trying to stretch the genetic ability of the best varieties to resist disease.

Reducing fertiliser rates also reduces vulnerability to disease, so a good case must be made before we head for fungicide. Older (dirtier) varieties received a prophylactic application at T1 and T2 timings, but the supposedly cleaner ones did not, and this is where we have stress-tested the policy.

It’s all in the mix

So having seen Theodore and Extase grown on their own with no fungicide both showing their true weaknesses, it has been fascinating to watch how a blend of the two has fared. Where the yellow rust appeared in Extase in mid-May, and brown rust in Theodore a couple of weeks later, the same varieties sown in a blend have remained clean until a small amount of rust appeared on the Theodore last week. Our agronomist says it is now too late in the season to worry about treatment. So what is going on? High on my list of reasons is that the plants of the same variety being separated by plants of the other variety means that crossinfection from plant to plant is reduced. We will definitely be trying more blends next year, and three and four-way mixes, too.

In the image on the left we have a field with phacelia on the left, buckwheat on the right (growing our own seeds for cover crops) and we have linseed, vetch, turnips and camelina all in the same field

Trying new tricks

We are deliberately reducing fertiliser levels as part of our desire to create healthier soils; building organic matter and biological activity in the soil improves water and nutrient-holding capacity, leading to similar – if not better – crop performance, at lower input cost, than in depleted soils which have been degraded by decades of intense cultivation and fertiliser use.

Nitrogen fertilisers and cultivations oxidise carbon and organic matter in the soil, sending carbon dioxide (CO2) and even more damaging nitrous oxide (N2O) into the atmosphere, as well as releasing water-soluble nitrates downwards towards the water table.

The climatic and environmental consequences are huge, and it is essential that we learn how to grow food more efficiently, without these dire consequences. Consumers can do their bit by demanding food produced by more sustainable methods, and farmers can do their bit by trying some new tricks.

• See George’s full June round up, including a terrific write up of the agriculture festival Groundswell, on his blog View From The Hill

The NFU published the results from its recent survey into farmers’ mental health ahead of its summer reception. Representatives from the UK’s farming charities, alongside almost 100 MPs and peers, attended the reception, which was themed around ‘talking mental health’.

Root causes need addressing

NFU President Minette Batters opened the reception with a speech highlighting the results from the survey, which revealed spiralling input costs, unfairness in the supply chain and the increase in rural crime, are having a significant negative impact on farmers’ mental health.

Minette said the results make for ‘harrowing’ reading and that it was the responsibility of the NFU to ‘encourage members to talk, and to help them find the services provided by the wonderful charities in this room, should they need it.

‘Farmers are keeping the nation fed during tough times. Stress and anxiety take a toll on our members, which is why we’re focusing on rural mental health.’ The results are supported by the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) committee’s report on rural mental health. Published in May, it calls for Defra and the DHSC (Department of Health and Social Care) to establish a new, joint rural mental health policy and delivery team. The NFU has welcomed the report and agrees with the EFRA select committee’s calls for a review of the current emergency funding mechanisms, echoing the need to establish a dedicated rural mental health funding stream.

Breaking the stigma

Minister for mental health Maria Caulfield reiterated the need to prioritise mental alongside physical health and noted the particular challenges farmers face: ‘I recognise that farmers face rising costs and uncertainty, which is having an impact. Rural communities have pressures that other communities don’t.

‘Early intervention is needed to make a difference and make access to support easier via local community face-to-face help and digital packages.

‘There is still a stigma around loneliness, but it should be no barrier to asking for help.’

NFU student and Young Farmer ambassador Darcy Johnson echoed the need for farmers to reach out: ‘It’s brilliant that so many people are here today, supporting the issue and willing to talk. This will break the stigma of mental health.’

Access to nature vital

‘Britain’s farmers can provide part of the solution to improving everyone’s mental health,’ Minette said, referring to research which shows that regular access to nature can help improve physical and mental wellbeing. ‘Farming can, should and must play a role in the overall health and wellbeing of our nation.’

Don’t struggle in silence

Following the publication of the NFU’s survey results, NFU VicePresident David Exwood called on the government to address the root causes of the issues impacting on farmers’ mental health.

‘While we are starting to see a culture change within our sector, where talking about mental health is becoming more and more accepted, there are still too many farmers and growers simply ignoring the signs and struggling on in silence.

‘I hope today’s event shows there is support out there, as we mark the start of an important conversation. If you or your family are feeling under stress or overwhelmed, start that conversation today.’

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