with Pete Harcom Head Gardener at Sherton Abbas Gardening
Garden Jobs for June
Now is the perfect time to take cuttings of many softwood shrubs
Hello All, Well at last we can see and feel warmer weather! There is a lot to do in the garden in June, here are just a few ideas to help. June is usually where we have more sunny days than not and consequently the garden plants will be soaring away... but also… so will the weeds! • WEEDING
Hoe and/or hand pick annual weeds before any problem weeds get out of hand.
Now is the perfect time to take softwood cuttings of many shrubs, including lavender, fuchsia, philadelphus and forsythia. Collect healthy shoots from the tips of plants and make 5-10cm long cuttings - slice through the stem below a pair of leaves and remove the lower set of leaves. Push into a small pot filled with cutting compost and place in a shady part of the greenhouse or a windowsill propagator until rooted.
Start sowing wallflowers, sweet williams and canterbury bells for flowering next spring and summer. These plants are biennials, which will make leaf this year and flower the next. Sow seeds of winter pansies in trays, cover with vermiculite and place in an unheated propagator. Plant out into their flowering positions in autumn.
As the flowers fade from May, flowering shrubs, such as deutzia, choisya, weigela and philadelphus, can be pruned now to maintain shape. Also, pinch out the tips of fuchsias to encourage bushy growth and more flowers - these tips can also be used as cuttings.
Water newly planted trees and shrubs regularly to prevent a check to growth.
Feed fuchsias, petunias and any other flowering pot plants with fertiliser once a week to boost flowering. Start to feed once you notice flower buds forming and continue until the plants run out of steam in early autumn. Use a high potash liquid tomato feed. Keep hanging baskets in good condition by watering and feeding regularly. Also, deadhead plants to remove any fading blooms.
•And lastly, Plant a few French marigolds around tomato plants, or put some pots of them nearby — these strongly scented flowers will help deter insect pests. Also, use blinds, shade cloth or apply shade paint on the greenhouse to prevent overheating. Remember to open vents and doors on warm days, Automatic window openers are a real bonus this time of year. Pete pete@shertonabbas.co.uk Always free - subscribe here