Two new state-of-the-art science labs for Hazlegrove Prep School
The impressive addition to the teaching facilities at Hazlegrove is as a result of a donation made by a family connected to the School. Headmaster, Mark White said, ‘ Two years ago Science and Technology took centre stage in our STEM Festival. Its aim was to deepen the interest for budding scientists and to recognise the possibilities of scientific enquiry. Two years on, that ambition has resulted in new laboratories through a very generous
donation to the School, and for that donation to originate from within the Hazlegrove community is a wonderful testimony to the sense of family that we have here’. Encouraging curiosity Head of Science, Mr Zach Brown said, ‘Science is so important at Hazlegrove as we aim to not only develop our pupils’ understanding of the world around us, but to be curious and
to seek out more knowledge. Looking ahead to the future, Hazlegrove has never been in a stronger position to inspire and nurture a love of science in our pupils. We are now able to provide more opportunities to learn through making ‘hands-on’ connections. Mr White added, ‘The labs are amongst some of the very best offered by schools in the UK and they create a wonderfully motivational learning hub’.
Okeford Fitzpaine set out to ‘Feed the Community’ Passionate about the children and their families being supported by their village community, okeford Fitzpaine Primary School had an idea to develop a ‘Feed the Community Garden’. The aim was to grow and provide the community with a selection of fresh vegetables and fruit b y turning the front area of the school into raised beds containing vegetables and fruit. When children are collected from school, they can select vegetables to take home with them for their evening meals. Following a successful grant application through
Active Dorset and Public Health and Dorset Gardens Trust the raised beds have been installed. Plants and other useful planting resources have been obtained from a local village to help the ‘Feed the Community Garden’ start to bloom. Watch this space for more elements of the project to appear outside the front of the school, and information in the Fippenny News when the fruits and vegetables are ready to go home. We are keen to hear suggestions on how we can develop our community garden in the future. Always free - subscribe here