3 minute read


A hammer, a fire and a piece of iron: welcome to the hot, dirty, stamina-draining – but fun – world of blacksmithing

Since the Iron Age, the blacksmith has played a key role in the development, protection and adornment of society, from the earliest weapons of war and armour to the thousands of utilitarian objects used in homes. Archaeology shows that numerous hand tools and skills used by our ancestors are identical to those in use today.

By its nature Blacksmithing is a tough way of earning a living. To reach the highest standards, a level of commitment is demanded that imposes challenges on an individual’s physical and mental strengths. Each blacksmith will have their own reasons, but inexorably they all get hooked in some way by the tradition, mystique, challenges, creativity and camaraderie.

The Blacksmiths Guild stand is located alongside the Countryside Ring by the pond. As well as live forging demonstrations and static displays, the County Show is excited to be hosting the final heat of the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths' National Blacksmith Championship Competition. Tasks will include forging a 'saleable item forged in 30 minutes' and 'an item associated with the garden on the theme of Autumn, forged in 60 minutes.'

In addition, the Blacksmith's Guild will be holding five classes of Live Forging Against The Clock for professional, student and amateur blacksmiths and farriers. The classes include: toasting fork forged in 60 minutes, knife, fork and spoon forged in 90 minutes and farrier’s tongs forged in 60 minutes. When the competitions are not running, there's still lots to watch, with regular 30 minute blacksmithing and metalworking demonstrations throughout both days, where you can watch the forging of items such as arrowheads, flowers, horseshoes and metal inlay. As you will see from the exhibits, demonstrations and competitions, Blacksmithing is very much alive – and the Guild are keen to welcome you to their stand and share their passion for the craft.

We are excited to announce that Supreme Master Blacksmith Hector Cole, MBE FWCB, will be at the show's forge: he has recently been awarded the highest title given to Blacksmiths, the Gold Medal – a very rare honour which gives him the Supreme Master title. It is awarded only to those blacksmiths who have achieved a lifetime of producing consistently high quality work and made a significant personal contribution to the craft. Hector Cole is just the 8th ever recipient of the Gold Medal, and there are only three living gold medallists.

• Have a go! The County Show is your opportunity to try your hand at the ancient craft under the supervision of a Master Blacksmith. The 60-minute forging experience is £40 and you take your forged item home. Bookings taken throughout the weekend at the Blacksmiths stand, or phone/text 07979 597431

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