7 minute read

Animal Control

Mary Ellen M.

4th Grade, Highcroft

Hi I’m Ruby and I am a puppy and I have a very sad tale of my experience with animal control to tell you. A few weeks ago I was chasing a butterfly in the alley having a super, awesome, great time when a big person came I thought they were there to give my love my friend Windy said love was a real thing so I went up to them and gave them my most adorable face and guess what they did they found and put me in a net. Well the big man put me in a truck and I was thinking he wasn’t there to give me love.

Me and the big man arrived at a place full of sad dogs, cats, and lots of other animals. The big man put me in a dirty, leaky, and gross smelling cage. A while later they gave me disgusting food and that comes from the puppy that ate from a trash can her whole life.

I just wish Windy knew where I was. I was thinking for a while and I decided to think like Windy and after thinking like Windy I decided to escape but I didn't know how I knew they were going to kill me so I thought when they try to kill me I escape. I wasn’t sure if my plan would work or not but I did know it was better than nothing.

The next day the big man grabbed the key to my cage and I was ready to escape.

Well I probably should have thought a little more before he opened the cage because he opened the cage and tried to grab me and put me on a leash and I didn’t have time to think so I bit him in the arm with all my might and well his finger almost came of of him and it was pretty grouse but I was so proud of myself I forgot what I was doing that's when Windy shot through the door and me and her ran as fast as we could back to the alay well I told her what happened and then the we chased so more butterflies.

I learned that that big man is very very mean and definitely not there to give me love.

One week later me and Windy got adopted by a nice family with little kids who like to play with us.

The First Day I Got Sammy

Charlotte S.

1st Grade, Blake

The Giraffe

Bennett P.

2nd Grade, Highcroft

Japanese Doll

Ella B,

4th Grade, Highcroft

Summer Succulents - Spikey Life

Poornima S.

4th Grade, Highcroft

Galaxy GH-99

Grant S. and Harold G. 4th Grade, Highcroft


Helping Others

Grace B.

1st Grade, Blake

The Beautiful Nighthawk

Eva F.

2nd Grade, Blake

A Haiku Poem

Yana S.

Blake Students Love Books

Olympia B.

4th Grade, Blake

Peace Out

Amanda T.

4th Grade, Blake

Reading Sphinx

Hattie W.

2nd Grade, Blake


Coconut Canoe

Hank V. 3rd Grade, Blake

If you are an inventor I’ve got something for you, You could build A coconut canoe. When you are hungry I’ve got something for you, Take a bite of your coconut canoe. And when it’s at its end –Tell it to renew. Then grow another Coconut canoe.

Mother Earth

Subject: Why I’m not at school today

To: Ms. Avocado

From: Bryn Smith

Hello Ms. Avocado,

I hope things are going well at school on the first day back from break I am afraid I will have to miss some school because I am stuck in Paris with blobby pox Well, I’m over it, but my parents still have it, so I’m stuck here with them.

As you might know, blobby pox is a highly contagious disease that makes it impossible to sit still. Anyway, I think it makes sense that we aren’t allowed on the airplane.

It all started the second night while we were eating dinner at a restaurant. There was this man sitting at the table next to us. There was nothing too peculiar about him. I barely even took note of him at first. But he kept twitching. He couldn’t sit still. He got up many times: to use the restroom, to go to the bar, to talk to the waitress, and so on and so forth He once even came over to talk to us

And thinking about it later, that’s when we got the blobby pox. Because this stranger came up and talked to us. And I did feel a tingling sensation in my feet. I really only thought of it just now! I’ll tell my sister as soon as I’m done with this.

Flash forward three days to the fifth night. I was getting ready for bed when my mom called me in from the living room of our apartment.

“I’m afraid we have a little problem.”

“What?” I asked, not seeing anything problematic But then my sister twitched There it was. A blobby pox test with a big, red positive. My jaw dropped.

“I know,” my sister said, patting me on the back in an attempt to comfort me. “It’s sad, but we can still eat pastries.”

Really, things got better from there. Although we all tested positive at one point or another, we ’ ve managed to make do with what we have. Me and my sister are fine now, so we ’ re just waiting for mom and dad to get over it. Overall, it was (and still is) a fairly good trip.

I’ll keep you posted on when we’ll be able to come back

Best, Bryn

Amelia C. 5th Grade, Blake

Earth's Creatures

Virginia E.

1st Grade, Highcroft

My First Time Waterskiing



K, Blake

I was on the skimmer board holding on to a rope that was attached to our friends Deb and Dan’s motorboat. The boat pulled me on top of the water. I felt like I was gliding. And then plop!--into the water I fell! I was still holding onto the rope as the boat pulled me through the water.

Deb called out, “Let go! Let go of the rope! We’re coming to get you!” I let go of the rope, but I was worried that the boat would run over me. The boat circled around. Jeremy, Deb’s son, was sitting on the wooden part of the boat. He pulled me into the boat where my family was waiting for me. They greeted me with a big hug and wrapped me up in a dry towel.

Charlotte H. 3rd Grade, Blake

Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat went my feet gliding on the path. “It feels like I’ve been running for years!” I mumbled as cold air raced past my face “Come on!” I screeched now we were by the honey crisp apples.

I was zipping from tree to tree until… I found this apple. It shimmered and glistened, and it was perfect!!! That's the way the whole tree was with shining apples, I took a ginormous bite out of one…crunch!!! It explodes with exuberance in my mouth! It was like I got lifted up with joy. Every bite too had love in it!!!

This felt like a magical tree. The apples felt like they were flowing into my arms, and they just kept coming until…my arms are holding six apples... “Wait I can’t hold six apples,” I said under my breath. I rushed back trying to get them in one of those bags! But I had to sacrifice an apple! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I thought I would shed a tear.T The bag glowed from the sun piercings through the trees, reflecting on the bag. I was heading back when “Wait, where was that magnificent tree?” I thought to myself frantically. I rushed through rows of trees looking for that specific tree. I could never get a substitute, none of them compare. “Yes. I found it!” I whispered to myself. I tried to memorize the path straight to the left tree down the row, turn to the right and three down from that tree. I had a problem… the apples were too high up on the tree.

This was a problem. I needed to get all those good apples, but they were too high. I jumped THUD!!!I jumped again. THUD!!! Clearly, I couldn’t reach them. I started to climb the tree. Crrr crrrr…it wobbled. I quickly jumped off an apple fell, some leaves tumbled off the tree. What could I do to get those scrumptious apples? I paced back and forth. “I think dad can reach those balls of goodness,” I thought. I started to hurry to get him, but an idea came to me when I arrived my brother was on my dad’s shoulders. He picked two or three apples from the tree and then my dad put him down and said, “You're way too heavy for me to carry you now.” My dad told him.

“What about me!” I exclaimed.

“Ya, I can do it with you. Do you have a tree to get some apples?”

“Yes!” I shouted. I raced off with my dad following. We got there, my dad leaned down slowly, I jumped up, he held up my legs down his soft hands grasped my legs. I wobbled, I picked an apple off the tree, and I examined it. It looked fine. I passed it down.

It was hard to reach his hands. Then they took the apple out of my grasp. I picked another one that did not have nearly as much glory as the first one. In fact, it had way too many brown spots. Plop! I dropped the apple. “Ooohhhh!”, l said a little too loudly. I picked another one. It was all good. It had no brown spots. So, I passed it to my dad. He gave me a smile before I picked another one.

I looked around. It was marvelous. “Dad, can you move to the other side of the tree?’’

“Sure,” he replied. With a smile, I picked yet another apple. Thunk! The apple had hit the other apple. There were three good ones. I picked two at a time. All of them were wonderful. At this point, my dad was carrying four apples. I picked two for one of my hands and two more for the other. I had apples all around me. My dad put me down and gave me a hug. “I love you,” he said softly with a slight smile. I was sad we had to go but I was tired. I grabbed one more apple and took a bite, my mouth rushed with excitement and love. “Good buy apple orchard,” I said.

I had such a lovely time I decided that we hadn't been picking apples, we had been picking JOY!!!

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