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Richard Fowler’s Response by Kathleen Wildman
Richard Fowler’s Response by Kathleen Wildman
I deem this report to be a total misrepresentation of both my character and my abilities. I was indeed both shocked and disgusted upon reading the defamatory contents. Modesty forbids me listing all my qualities here, but I feel the need to defend my reputation against these libellous allegations.
I have been naught but an asset to the Blue Coat Hospital during my term of education. This, in no small way, due to the appreciation and generosity of the congregation every Sunday at chapel, upon hearing my readings and my magnificent renditions of various hymns, such as ‘Hark A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding’. This, a very appropriate title for my solo in the choir.
My academic attainments can be judged on this written response alone. Despite your report, I have self procured an apprenticeship. The position of an articled clerk in a company of Lawyers ‘Wilkins and Walpole’, which proves your opinion of me being ‘unprovided for any situation’ to be an absolute misjudgement.
When I’m a man I hope to have the good fortune to meet you again on level terms and discuss this matter further and resolve it one way or another. Despite the rumours that may have met your ears, Mr Compton the choirmaster did not assist me in any way with the compilation of this letter and he’s never even met my mother.
Make of this what you will and good day to you.
Signed, Richard Fowler