1 minute read

Richard Fowler by Corrina Robinson

Richard Fowler by Corrina Robinson

They think me not good enough for a clerk but I’ll show them. I’ll not take the rotten position they have planned for me and dirty my hands with industry, I will find my own situation at a bank or insurance office, there are plenty to try.


I know I am a good speaker, the church pennies attest to that. I shall talk my way into clerking and if I am asked for letters of reference then I shall use my clerking skills and write my own for I do not need to be held back in my ambition by my soon to be former masters.

A marble portico will start my day and I shall mingle with the fine sorts and even be taken for a gentleman myself when not at my desk.

And when I am twenty one and hold the position of chief clerk I shall visit the school to see if a boy in chapel reads as well as I then I shall pay handsomely and the boy shall ask of old bluster guts, ‘who was the dandy in the blue silk that put in the sovereign?’ Richard Fowler be his name.

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