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Mini-facelift a good solution for middle-age sagging skin


If you are in your late 30s to mid-50s and are desiring enhancement of sagging skin of the midface and jowls, there are many modern options for non-surgical treatment. Some of these therapies include trendy thread-lifting with multiple sutures placed through the skin, dermal fillers, and minimal-access energy devices that deliver energy under the facial skin to name a few.

Although some of these treatments can be quite helpful, it is important to consider their limitations, costs, and that most or all yield temporary results. In addition, many of these solutions can be costly. Plus, a lack of training standardization across the gamut of aesthetic providers performing these medical spa treatments may lead to compromise of a natural-looking result.

There’s good news! Many people who seek these non-surgical procedures are often excellent candidates for a mini-facelift, AKA the short-scar facelift, the S-lift, or the New York lift. As plastic surgeons we all strive for patient satisfaction, and this is where the mini-facelift hits a home run with a reported 93% satisfaction rate.

To some, surgery may seem an intimidating alternative to medical spa treatments alone. But surgical intervention has evolved tremendously and is effective and cus-


tomizable, using innovative and safe techniques that produce long-lasting results.

The mini-facelift technique can be combined with a minimal incision browlift hidden in the hairline, eyelid tuck, lip lift, or even harvesting of the patient’s own fat cells to be injected into the midface during the procedure for long-lasting volume restoration.

In the hands of a well-trained plastic surgeon, the mini-facelift can safely restore jawline definition, re-elevate midface volume, and improve the smile lines through a small, disguised incision in front of the ear.

The procedure’s absolute advantage over medical spa treatments is the ability to sur- gically lift and tighten the deep layers of the face while simultaneously removing excess sagging skin. As for duration of result, a mini-facelift on average lasts seven years, and in some patients can last beyond 10 years with maintenance treatments.

Facelift surgery in general is very well tolerated with minimal discomfort. Most resume a normal routine quickly, and even return to work within seven to 14 days depending upon occupation, age and overall health.

Ultimately, the best way to begin the process of facial rejuvenation and the restoration of confidence is through a consult with a plastic surgeon who can offer both non-surgical and surgical aesthetic treatments to create the safest and effective tailored approach.

Mathew T. Epps, MD, MS, DABS is a plastic surgeon, triple- fellowship trained in facial, eyelid, and breast surgery. matheweppsmd. com or info@dreppsmd.com

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