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CHIEF from page 10A
“You have to have a good work-life balance. For me, I rely on my faith to help keep the ups and downs even and neutral. But it’s being able to go home after experiencing some of the difficult things that officers face each and every day, and trying to have a normal life at home. It’s very difficult,” he said. “You know, there’s been books written about emotional health for law enforcement officers. But I think if you have that good balance, and then like I said, for me, faith is going home and just being able to put the job aside while you’re at home, so you can enjoy your family and you can enjoy your kids. So you need help, you need to have good sidekick – and by ‘sidekick’ I mean for me, my wife – somebody that you can go and talk to, and open up and have conversations with. One, so that they’re understanding but also, two, to kind of allow you to vent about other things that you experience.”
One of the initiatives to come in the near future is a community survey that will influence the department’s strategic plan.
“We want the community to have a voice in what we do. We want their viewpoint and we want them to have a say in how we move forward as an agency. I think that’s important,” Babkiewicz said. “Sir Robert Peel was the creator of policing as we know it today. He always said ‘The community is the police and the police are the community,’ and it’s something I believe in.”
Babkiewicz said he wants citizens to “view this department as their own, and I want them to say ‘this is where we want our department to be in the next five years.’ That can be some of our guidance for how we’re going to move forward as an agency.”
Gwyneth J. Saunders is a veteran journalist and freelance writer living in Bluffton.
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