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MARILYN me play one with you.’ And she would literally own the place,” Jevon said. “She hadn’t played a gig in months, maybe years and it was always the same, slayed it. And then we’d have to follow that and realize we weren’t the kings we thought we were.”
Jevon remembers a ’90s road trip, their only return to Bryn Mawr, just after he and Gav had cut a CD with Jeff Franklin.
“I put it in and my mom is just laughing. We were a different thing – we were skateboarder dudes, punk rock and original lyrics and funkiness,” he said. “We think we’re bad asses and she smiles and says, ‘These songs are so out in left field, how do you guys come up with this stuff?’” day with Lowcountry Boil playing Southern bluegrass. l et A meric A n Wood r efAce create your new dream kitchen in less than a week with our premium 1/4'' Solid Wood c abinet refacing. Saves time and hassle, and saves up to half the cost of custom cabinet replacement.
Just three years later, Marilyn Daly died from brain cancer in 1999 at the age of 47.
Jevon went from “faking it on raw talent” to a more seasoned professional playing with Mike Kavanaugh in JoJo Squirrel and the Home Pickles, as well as a 20-year-run in the heavy metal rockers Silicon Sister.
“People would especially say to me, ‘Oh if she could have seen you play with Silicon.’ I wish she’d seen me take what she instilled in me and just take off to Mars with it,” he said.
Jevon wishes his daughters, shy but budding musicians themselves, had the presence and the daily dose of confidence from their grandmother, who would be 71 this year.
Our experienced carpenters painstakingly reface the cabinet boxes with premium furniture-grade 1 ⁄4” solid hardwood compare our quality
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“It was hard. We all go through those phases of rebellion and childishness with our parents. I had just hit that zone where I had become her friend,” Jevon said.
There was no YouTube back then and few recordings remain. Gavan has a recording of a classic Old Post Office performance that the family plans to remaster and share with the public.
Modify and customize cabinets: change function, extend, reduce or add new cabinets. Roll-outs† and drawer banks for accessibility and convenience.
The legacy lives on. The sound has evolved. Jevon has a very distinct yet indefinable lane, Gav has become a renowned tattoo artist, and father and sons have become one of the more beloved bands of the
LIBRARIES from page 39A
“People, you need to hear this woman. The voice, it could haunt us if we let it because we miss her so much,” Jevon said. “But it just brings her back, gives me a shot of confidence knowing where I came from.”
Tim Wood is a veteran journalist based in Bluffton. timwood@blufftonsun.com.
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local boat captain, former owner of restaurants bearing his name, and author of a 310page coffee table book about the 100-year history of lowcountry shrimping, “Where Have all the Shrimp Boats Gone?”
• Michel Dion, retired Canadian ice hockey goal tender (WHA and NHL) who played for Indianapolis Racers, Cincinnati Stingers, Quebec Nordiques, Winnipeg Jets, and Pittsburgh Penguins.
Proceeds from the event will benefit Libraries for Kids International, a local 501(c) (3) nonprofit established in 2018 by Bluffton resident Roy Austin, who saw terrific needs of children while on a trip to Kenya.
The mission Libraries for Kids International is to help rural schools with limited or no access to the internet or electricity establish libraries.
The organization is currently focused on schools in rural Kenya, and there is a waiting list for other countries.
Rural schools only receive $5.50 per student per year from the Kenyan government. Villagers must fund and build their own school buildings. Textbooks are usually shared – about five books for 40-50 learners. Reference materials are not provided at all.
The $5.50 is for all expenses, including desks, pens, chalk, blackboard, building maintenance, and for a school cook and watchman.
The organization has created libraries in more than 3,000 schools in Kenya, impacting around a half-million children in less than four years.
But this is just the start. Each new shipping container will create libraries in 250 additional schools and make a positive impact on the lives of approximately 56,000 more students.
Tickets for the gala are $150 each, which includes drinks, dinner and dancing, and are available on EventBrite.
Specialty cocktails are provided by Tito’s Homemade Vodka.
For more information, visit libraries4kids. org. To make a donation by check, make it payable to Libraries for Kids and mail to P.O. Box 1013, Bluffton, SC 29910.