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Hilton Head Preparatory offers new scholars program
Hilton Head Preparatory School has announced the Bakala Scholars Program, a competitive merit scholarship designed to attract excellent students from all parts of the community. The program aims to provide opportunities for the very best students to attend Hilton Head Prep, regardless of their ability to afford tuition.
Established by a generous, multi-year gift from the Bakala Family, the scholarship offers recipients the opportunity to receive up to the full cost of tuition for each year they attend Hilton Head Prep through graduation. Partial scholarships starting at $5,000 are available for all finalists, and financial aid is available for additional demonstrated need beyond the initial scholarship.
The program is open to students in both middle and upper school, with up
LENT from page 43A is Rector of Grace Anglican Church and is a graduate of the University of Arizona, having studied Communications and Religious Studies, and of Trinity School for Ministry with a degree in Systematic Theology and Ethics. Ordained in 2007, Nick has pastored churches in Jersey City and Denville, New Jersey; and Louisville, Kentucky. Rev. Lannon is author of “Life is Impossible...and That’s Good News.” to five finalists being selected for the Middle School Scholars Program and up to eight finalists being selected for the Upper School Scholars Program. Criteria for selection includes demonstrated academic excellence, an unweighted GPA of 3.7 or higher, an excellent record of character, potential for leadership, and potential for a positive impact in the school community. The application process for the 2023-24 school year begins with the completion of the Hilton Head Prep admissions application, with transcripts and recommendations, by April 1.
March 29: The featured speaker, the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Mumme, Professor of Theology at Hillsdale College, previously taught at Concordia University Wisconsin (2014-2021) and Westfield House in Cambridge (2012-14). Working in systematic theology and in the history of doctrines and ideas, his research focuses primarily on ecclesiology, Martin Luther and Reformation studies, and theology and society. Mumme is co-editor of “Feasting in a Famine of the Word of God” (2016), “Luther at Leipzig” (Brill, 2019), and “Church as Fullness in All Things” (Lexington/Fortress, 2019).
Finalists will be notified by April 15 and winners will be announced by May 1.
For more information, visit hhprep. org, call 843-671-2286 or email admissions@hhprep.org.
About Saint Luke’s Anglican: The mission of Saint Luke’s Anglican on Hilton Head is “To know Christ and to make Him known.” The vision of the church is that as a family of believers, its parishioners will continue growing in the love of Jesus, sharing the joy of worship, and serving the community and beyond.
On Oct. 22, 2022, the Rev. Dr. John D. “Jady” Koch was instituted as the seventh rector of St. Luke’s Anglican Church. Rev. Koch is a graduate of Washington & Lee University (2000) and Trinity School for Ministry (2007). He earned his Doctorate in Systematic Theology at the University of Humboldt in Berlin, Germany, in 2014.
Having served in churches in Berlin, Vienna and in Louisville, Kentucky, Rev Koch is excited to have been called to Saint Luke’s Anglican and has been implementing new programs since his arrival.
For more information and to register, visit stlukeshhi.org or call 843-785-4099.
• The RBC Heritage Presented by Boeing is looking for additional Standard Bearers to volunteer at the 2023 event April 10-16. Youth between the ages of 12 and 18 who are familiar with the game of golf may apply at trusteventsolutions.com/event/49/home.
First, click “Register Here,” then select “Standard Bearer” as your volunteer type. From there, fill out your information and complete the form. The Standard Bearer program is free and those selected will receive a tournament logoed hat. Registration closes on March 10.
Parental permission will be required in order to participate and more details are to follow. For more information contact Skylar Jewell at Sjewell012@gmail.com.
• The Bluffton Democratic Club will meet at 6 p.m. March 2 at Blue HQ, 39 Persimmon St., Suite 201, in Bluffton.
Special guest speakers will be members of WREN, the South Carolina Women’s Rights and Empowerment Network. Melissa Moore and Kenya Cummings will speak about advocacy and community organizing.
The club will also celebrate South Carolina’s selection at the Democratic National Convention as the First Primary State in 2024.
The meeting is free and open to the public.
• “First Children in S.C. School Desegregation,” a presentation by Dr. Millicent Brown, will be held from 10 to 11:30 a.m. March 4 at St. Andrew By-The-Sea United Methodist Church, 20 Pope Ave. on Hilton Head Island.
Dr. Brown is an educator, author, civil rights leader, and activist. She is co-founder and project director of a national initiative, Somebody Had To Do It Project, to identify the “first children,” like herself, to desegregate previously all-white schools.
The event is free and open to the public. For more information and to RSVP, email standrewbythesea@gmail.com
• The next monthly meeting of Liberal Men of the Lowcountry will begin at noon March 8 at the Country Club of Hilton Head.
Guest speaker is Richard Hammes, current president of the group, speaking on behalf of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Dr. Hammes will provide information and detailed data regarding gun safety and gun violence state and nationally, information about MOMS, what we are doing to push back, and what members can do to help.
Cost for the luncheon is $27. Non-members who are considering joining the organization are welcome to come, but they must email bew_50@hotmail.com before March 7.
• Wine Down Wednesday for a Cause will be held from 5 to 7:30 p.m. March 8 at the Village at Wexford.
Proceeds from the event will benefit Second Helpings, the local nonprofit food rescue and distribution network striving to end hunger in the Lowcountry.
Participating merchants will offer wine tastings, special promotions and in-store demos. Live music will play in locations around the center.
Tickets are $15 per person, available in advance at villageatwexford.com. Limited tickets may be available on day of event.
• The monthly Palm Trees & Pistons car show will be held from 9 to 11 a.m. March 11 at Sea Turtle Marketplace on Hilton Head Island, in the parking lot of the former SteinMart store.
The show will feature vintage, antique, exotic, muscle and unique cars owned by area locals. Any car owners who would like to display their vehicles are welcome to bring them for show and tell, and to meet others of like mind. There is no cost to participate. The show is held the second Saturday of each month and is free and open to the public.
Dr. Gary Heller has joined our practice as a general dentist! A native of Kingsport, TN, Dr. Heller attended the University of Georgia and the University of Tennessee College of Dentistry. Dr. Heller’s upbeat and welcoming personality, along with his depth of experience, make him the perfect addition to our ROC Star team!
Dr. Heller’s arrival enables us to better serve our patients and contribute more to our Lowcountry community.
• Palmetto Quilt Guild will meet March 16 at Hilton Head Beach and Tennis Resort, 40 Folly Field Road.
Social hour begins at noon and the meeting starts at 1 p.m.
Guest speaker is Mia Koerner, who will be speaking about antique quilts. Guests are welcome.
• Lowcountry Legal Volunteers needs volunteers. The organization is seeking individuals with legal experience such as retired or active attorneys, paralegals, legal secretaries, and administrative assistants.
An introductory meeting will be held at 11 a.m. March 21 at their office, 108 Traders Cross in Okatie.
The nonprofit organization offers free legal services to individuals in our community by providing free legal counsel and clinics for qualifying low-income residents in Beaufort, Hampton and Jasper counties. Members assist clients with custody matters, securing child support, parental visitation, divorce, clinics for uncontested divorce, wills and power of attorney, as well as eviction defense and other housing matters.
Pre-registration is recommended by calling 843-815-1570. For more information, visit lowcountrylegalvolunteers.org.
• The Bluffton Library will host two special programs in March.
The third free SC Law Talk, Estate Planning and Execution, will be held March 22 from 10 to 11 a.m.
A South Carolina Bar Association volunteer attorney will provide a brief topic overview, followed by a Q&A period. Part of the mission of the SC Bar is to uphold the integrity and honor of the legal profession, to promote legal education and services, and improve the administration of justice in the state.
Register by calling 843-255-6503.
On March 25, join Carol Lobdell from 2 to 4 p.m. for “Talley-Ho! Horses & Fox Hunting in Jane Austen’s England.” Lobdell will discuss the origins and development of the sport, its role in English society in the Regency years, and the sport’s activities today.
No registration is required for this event. For more information on these and other programs at the Bluffton Library, call 843255-6503.
• Area members of Delta Delta Delta are invited to the local chapter’s next meeting to be held March 27 at The Culinary Institute of the South, 1 Venture Drive in Bluffton. Following an 11:30 a.m. Meet and Greet, attendees will order from the Bistro Modern American Experience menu. Food will be prepared and served by graduating culinary students.
A tour of the new facility will follow. Reservations are required by calling 843290-9016.
• The Lowcountry Alliance for Healthy Youth will host a community forum on child and adolescent mental health and wellness March 27, starting with registration and refreshments at 5:30 p.m., at Bluffton High School Auditorium, 12 H.E. McCracken Circle in Bluffton.
Featured speakers are Anna Kirkland, Ph.D. and Alexis Garcia, Ph.D., both of the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina.
The event is open to the public. CEU credits are available for nurses, social workers, counselors, and therapists. For more information, email lcalliance4healthyyouth@gmail.com.
• The Deep Well Project will celebrate 50 years with the premiere of a film, “Looking Back. Moving Forward,” from 5 to 7:30 p.m. March 28 at the Arts Center of Coastal Carolina.
The film features personal recollections of Hilton Head Island and Deep Well’s history and evolution over the past 50 years.
A panel discussion will follow, with Morris Campbell, Betsy Doughtie and David Lauderdale, and moderated by Andrew Davis of WSAV-TV.
Tickets are $100 each, and proceeds benefit Deep Well. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit artshhi.org.