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Pinckney Island offers birding tours for mobility challenged individuals
“Birdability” birdwatching tours at Pinckney Island Wildlife Refuge will be offered free of charge for mobility challenged individuals from 8:30 to 10 a.m. each Tuesday March 21 through May 16.
This partnership between the Friends of the Savannah Coastal Wildlife Refuges and Hilton Head Audubon offers an opportunity to ride a 15-seat electric shuttle with a bird guide to look for both migrating birds and nesting egrets and herons present during the spring on Pinckney Island. Passengers do not have to leave the shuttle during the tour. The golf cart was purchased to expand accessibility at Pinckney, thanks to a grant from the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry.
“Birdability” focuses on removing barriers to access for birders with mobility challenges and disabilities or other health concerns.
The diverse habitats at Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge attract an abundance of wildlife throughout the year, providing excellent wildlife viewing opportunities. The refuge bird list contains over 250 species. During spring migrations, warblers and other migratory song birds are common among the live oaks and in the shrub/scrub habitat. A variety of raptors, shorebirds, and wading birds call the refuge home year-round. Pinckney Island NWR is one of the best places in South Carolina to see breeding yellow-crowned night herons.
In addition, Hilton Head Audubon publishes a list of accessible birding locations on and around Hilton Head at hiltonheadaudubon.org/birdability. For the tours, guests may bring their own binoculars or use those provided. You must register to participate, at coastalrefuges.org/pinckney-tours.

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