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IrishFest weekend to celebrate music, history and community
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Give th e g if t of re laxa tion for Va len tin e ’s D ay.
We specialize in hosting groups for half day or all day spa treatments or social gatherings. Plan your spa party or rent the Ivy Beauty Bar for a private event. Stop by for a tour or email or call our concierge team at info@whispercreekspa.com.
Gi ve t h e g i f t of re l axa ti on for Va l en ti n e ’s D ay.
By Lynne Cope Hummell EDITOR
Often considered the harbinger of spring in the Lowcountry, the 38th Hilton Head Island St. Patrick’s Day Parade will step off at 3 p.m. March 12 on Pope Ave., marking its 38th year of fun and festivities.
L u x u r y D ay Sp a
Groups & Events
The W hisp er Creek Spa D iff erenc e
Our Difference are likely to know him more for his Adidas sneakers than for his remarkable career.
The parade is the highlight of the newly established IrishFest weekend, which begins the previous evening with a concert of Irish music.
Stan Smith, ranked among the legends of tennis, received his official sash in a ceremony Feb. 15 at Reilley’s Grill & Bar on the island’s south end, long known as parade headquarters.
As Grand Marshal, Smith will ride near the front of the parade. Following behind him will be past Grand Marshals and other dignitaries, including elected officials from the town and state.
• 17 treatment rooms
The W hisp er Creek Spa D iff erenc e
• Massage
• 4 VIP nail rooms
• Hydrafacials
• Massage
• Hydrafacials
• 2 couples duet rooms
• VIP Manicure & Pedicure
• VIP Manicure & Pedicure
• 4 relaxation lounges
• Indulgent Body Treatments
• Private event space
• Indulgent Body Treatments
• Organic Facials
• Organic Facials
• Retail boutique with wine & gifts
• Complimentar y wine or champagne
• Complimentary wine or champagne
• Complimentar y wine or champagne
On March 11, at 4 p.m. the second annual Irish Concert will be held at Lowcountry Celebration Park, featuring The Fenian Sons and Boston Police Gaelic Column Pipe & Drum.
• Infrared sauna
• Tr y out the infrared sauna in our resor t-inspired locker room
• Meditation salt room
• Resort inspired locker room
• Tr y out the infrared sauna in our resor t-inspired locker room
• Easy parking
1196 Fording Island Rd., Bluffton | 843.960.0100
This event is free and open to the public. Food trucks will be onsite, and beverages will be available for sale. Attendees are encouraged to bring chairs or blankets to sit and enjoy the music.
Smith is from Pasadena, California, and moved to the island in 1971 to serve as the touring tennis professional for Charles Fraser’s Sea Pines Company. He has won the U.S. Open, Wimbledon, and the Davis Cup, among his career 37 singles championships and 53 in doubles. He has been a No. 1 tennis player in the U.S., and No. 1 in the world, and was named to the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 1987.
(Between Burnt Church and Malphrus Rds.)
1196 Fording Island Rd., Bluffton | 843.960.0100 wh i sp erc ree kspa. c o m wh i sp erc ree kspa. c o m

The parade is expected to draw upwards of 30,000 spectators and participants of all ages from around the region.
(Between Burnt Church and Malphrus Rds.)
This year’s Grand Marshal is an international sports phenom who now lives on Hilton Head Island. But non-sports fans
He retired from tennis in 1985 and stayed here on the island. He and Margie, his wife of 48 years, raised their four children here. Though he has traveled the world, he said,