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Workshop to be held for help with naturalization process

A free naturalization workshop will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 6 at the Bluffton Public Library, 120 Palmetto Way in Bluffton.
The workshop will offer resources and assistance to help attendees prepare an application for U.S. citizenship.
Those attending should bring: Green card; list of your addresses for the past five years; a list of all of the trips you have taken outside the USA since becoming a permanent resident; list of employers or schools attended in the past 5 years; marriage certificate, divorce decrees, and children’s birth certificates.
Attorneys will be on hand to assist in reviewing naturalization applications and eligibility.
In addition, volunteers are needed to assist in preparing forms for attendees. Volunteer arrival time is 10:30 a.m. for a brief training meeting.

For more information, or to register or volunteer, contact Deverall Immigration Law at 843-815-7444 or La Isla Magazine at 843-681-2393.
• Bluffton Branch Library will host two special upcoming events that are free and open to the public.

On April 20, author Stuart Bennett will discuss his book “The Charleston Gambit,” a romance set against the backdrop of the 1780 British siege of Charleston and its aftermath.
Light refreshments will be served. Books will be available for sale by the Friends of the Bluffton Library. Profits from sales will benefit the Bluffton Library.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. From 10 a.m. to noon April 29, Master Sergeant Daniel Allen, crime prevention/assistant public information officer of the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office, and Rape Aggression Defense instructor Christina Owens will present “Talk & Tips.”
They will give facts about sexual assault in our community and provide tips on what can be done to prevent and combat it.
No registration is required for either event.
• The Knights of Columbus Cardinal Bernardin Council will host a Charity Golf Outing April 22 at Pinecrest Golf Course in Bluffton.
Registration begins at 9 a.m. with a shotgun start at 10 a.m. Four-person teams will play in a scramble format.
The event includes lunch and prizes, a raffle and a silent auction. Four hole-inone prizes will be offered.
Registration is $90 per player, and includes greens fees, cart and range balls. Golfers may sign up individually or as teams by calling Phil Burke at 631-7938393 or emailing him at philburke111@ gmail.com.
• Lowcountry Legal Volunteers will host its 11th annual Wild Women’s Tea Party from 2 to 4 p.m. April 29 at Indigo Hall at Indigo Run. The theme is “An Afternoon At Tiffany’s.”
Riley Miller, news reporter and anchor at WJCL-TV, will be the emcee. Guests are encouraged to wear their finest jewel- ry and perfect little black dress. The event will include a fashion show from J. McLaughlin, raffle prizes, silent auction, and prizes for best hat, best dressed, best table, and wildest hat. For tickets, visit lowcountrylegal.org.
• The Hilton Head Chapter of the American Needlepoint Guild welcomes anyone, beginner or experienced stitcher, who is interested in needlepoint to join us for stitching, learning and fellowship. The group meets the first Tuesday of the month from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Upcoming meetings are May 2 at the Indigo Run Clubhouse on Hilton Head Island and June 6 at Palmetto Electric in Hardeeville.
For more information, email hiltonheadislandchapter@needlepoint.org.

• May River Quilters will meet at 10 a.m. May 6 at Palmetto Electric Cooperative, 1 Cooperative Way in Hardeeville. To attend as a guest, email RSVP to mayeriverquilters@gmail.com.
For more information and for membership form, call 843-705-9590.
• A cornhole tournament to benefit #KaileyStrong will be held May 7 at Lot 9 Brewing in Bluffton to benefit the family of Kailey Morris, an eighth grader at River Ridge Academy who is battling cancer.
Registration being at1 p.m. with the tournament starting at 2 p.m. Cost is $25 per person or $50 per team. Prizes will be given for first, second and third place winners.
Register online at KaileyStrong2023@ gmail.com.
For more information and T-shirts, visit @CheerOnKaileyMorris on Facebook.
• Sankofa Nights, an evening of storytelling, dinner and a silent auction, will be held May 12 at 6 pm. At the USCB Hilton Head Campus. The event is a fundraiser for the Lowcountry Gullah Foundation
Nationally known Master Gullah