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Buck Island-Simmonsville community meeting set for April 25

The Town of Bluffton will hold a meeting at 6 p.m. April 25 for the Buck Island-Simmonsville (BIS) community to discuss updating the Neighborhood Plan, as well as discussing the status of public and private projects. The meeting will be held in the Rotary Community Center at Oscar Frazier Park, 11 Recreation Court.
The original Buck Island-Simmonsville Neighborhood Plan was approved by Bluffton Town Council in 2009 to guide development and Town projects. Town projects in the community include installation of sewer lines, sidewalks and lighting.
The Buck Island-Simmonsville community is among the 8% of Town neighborhoods that are not in a planned neighborhood, therefore did not benefit from planned infrastructure.

In conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan, the BIS Neighborhood Plan serves as a long-term, comprehensive policy guide for the development and infrastructure additions. The BIS Neighborhood Plan acts as a vision of how the community would like to see its future.
Town staff members are working to update the Buck Island-Simmonsville Neighborhood Plan. The current plan is available at townofbluffton.sc.gov/ DocumentCenter/View/2917/BuckIsland---Simmonsville-Neighborhood-Plan-PDF.
For comments or any questions, contact Charlotte Moore, principal planner, at cmoore@townofbluffton. com.
Storyteller Sista Patt will speak and share stories about the culture, its foodways and music.
The mission of the Lowcountry Gullah Foundation is to preserve and protect historic Gullah Land. The Foundation raises funds to assist Gullah Geechee families who are trying to untangle issues with heirs’ property and or struggling to pay their delinquent county taxes.

In addition to financial assistance, the Foundation provides necessary solutions to prevent yearly returns to the tax list and resolve heirs’ property for good.
Tickets are $65 and are available at EventBrite.com or gullahland@gmailcom, or 843-715-3506.
• The next Lowcountry Christian Women’s Connection Luncheon will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. May 17 at Hampton Hall Clubhouse in Bluffton.
The theme is Derby Days, and the feature will be a presentation from members of Heroes on Horseback.
The invited speaker is Rose Lewis.
Cost is $28 and must be prepaid by mailing check, payable to CWC Bluffton, to Carol Mock, 607 Argent Way, Bluffton SC 29909. For more information, call Julie Ott at 602-705-5465, or find the group on Facebook.
• Donations of fabric and sewing items are being sought for the first Fabric Fair at God’s Goods Thrift Store, 15A Centre Drive in Bluffton.
The event will be held May 19-20 at God’s Goods in the Youth Center. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday.
Donations may be dropped off at the store Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon.