1 minute read
the ball to clean it – but then return it to the same place.”
This Neighborhood Golf Classic was a net tournament, which means that everyone who played had a handicap, which is established by turning in scores over time to the Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN.) Scores of the top five golfers on each team make up the teams’ scores.
Throughout its 10-year history, seven different neighborhoods have won. There was a year off for COVID, and one repeat winner, Willow Brook Village in 2017 and 2018. Willow Brook’s team captain, Roy Powers, described his neighborhood’s enthusiasm for this event. “We’ve had pep rallies and parties surrounding it,” he said.
When asked the best way to wish a golfer good luck, participants provided a variety of suggestions, including “Keep your head down,” “Swing easy,” or “Have a great round.” But Mary and Jim Ennis agreed it’s best to say “Hit ’em straight!”
Katherine Mace is a freelance writer who lives in Sun City.