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Bluffton Student Represented SC at American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation in DC
Payton Ward, Bluffton, was one of 94 high school seniors selected to attend American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Girls Nation July 22-29 in Washington, D.C. Ward was one of two participants who will represent South Carolina as a “senator” at ALA Girls Nation. Two delegates from each ALA Girls State program are chosen to represent their state after participating in an ALA state-level program held across the country. At ALA Girls Nation, senators participated in mock Senate sessions complete with caucuses and debating bills that range from personal to political interests.
The Bluffton Sun caught up with Payton to hear more about her trip and experience with the ALA.
BS: What has been the best part of the trip to DC?
It’s hard to say because there’s been so many amazing aspects of the trip! But if I had to choose just one, I’d say being able to be among so many different women while listening to their unique perspectives. It was so incredible to learn so many new things about our nation through their beautiful stories.
Payton: What’s something you’ve learned from the ALA experience/DC trip that you’ll bring back with you to Bluffton?
During my ALA experience I’ve been able to witness women that are going to change our world for the better up close and personal. An important lesson I learned this summer was that there is truly no limit to the power of our voices. There is something so beautiful and empowering about seeing others speak their deepest passions for the greater good of America. Whatever it is, it truly has such an impact on all of those who are able to listen. It’s often said that we are the future of tomorrow, but I have learned that we are the future of today, tomorrow, and so much more to come.
BS: How has the experience shaped your future school or career goals?

Payton: I aspire to be a future lawyer one day. This experience has brought me inspiration, empowerment, and determination for my future. This program has planted an even greater love in my heart for the nation I live in and the people who make it so special. As I continue to learn more about our nation, government, and the people who bring it all together, I only become more passionate
Please see ALA on page 33A about my future career and experiences.

BS: What would you say to others who are considering participating in ALA?
Payton: If you are considering possibly participating in the ALA, I could not recommend it enough! Whether you believe this would be the experience for you or not, I say go for it. Maybe politics and law isn’t your thing, but this program is so much more than just that. This program is friendship, it’s hope, it’s inspiring, and it’s uniting. You have a voice and it deserves to be heard along with your passions and dreams. Think about the things that make you light up and bring the power of your voice to the surface. Not only are you going to learn so many new things about our nation and the women around you, but you’re going to learn so many new things about yourself as well.
Ward, a rising senior at Cross Schools, was active in many ways during her week at ALA Palmetto Girls State. She also participates in many activities in her school and community. Some of her activities and interests include: 2022-2023 Student Body president,

2021 Teens for Healthy Youth vice president, Student Advisory Council Youth in Government, Anne Frank Archivist Club, Student Ambassadors, Palmetto Animal League volunteer, Cat Care Team Lead at Palmetto Animal League 2023, and Old Town Bluffton volunteer. Her honors and awards include Conference of National Affairs, Governor’s Cabinet for Youth in Government nominee, Pioneer Spirit Award, Youth in Government Spirit Award, first place for Extemporaneous Speaking in SCISA (South Carolina Independent School Association), first place in Science Art/Poetry Contest, bronze in Mayors’ Service Award, and youth representative chosen to receive Mayor’s Teens for Healthy Youth Proclamation. Students leave the program with increased confidence and leadership skills for college and in their future career paths. Some participants of the program go on to have careers in public service at the local, state, and national levels. No matter what their future holds, all leave with a better understanding of civic responsibilities.
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