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Anniversary of the 360th sighting of Hilton Head Island
This year marks the anniversary of the 360th sighting of Hilton Head Island by Captain William Hilton and the Town’s 40th anniversary as a municipality. The Town is planning special events to commemorate these milestones and we need your help.
In your upcoming newsletter, please include the news release and save the date card below. We are encouraging our community members to participate in our celebration as volunteers, contributors, and attendees. The celebration includes two free anchor events – a community picnic from 4 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, August 26, and a concert at 7 p.m. on Saturday, September 16. Both events are free and will be held at the Lowcountry Celebration Park, 94 Pope Avenue. Between those dates, a series of unique experiences designed to honor the Island’s rich natural, cultural, and historic resources will be offered.

Check out our dedicated event website (hiltonheadisland360-40.org) for all the details about the celebration events and a
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chronicle outline of the Island’s history and accomplishments. Via the website, community members can:
• Volunteer for 360/40 Celebration Events
Volunteers are needed to help with the community picnic, community concert, and various celebration events from August 26-September 16. Sign up through the 360/40 event website.

• Submit a Hilton Head Island Milestone
You can share memorable moments or photos about Hilton Head Island’s unique history and culture. Submit online at the 360/40 event website.
• Submit a 360/40 Celebration Event

The 360/40 Celebration Committee seeks event submissions from local nonprofits, businesses, and the cultural community to showcase and celebrate our Island’s rich history. Please submit your event information by July 15 for the first round of promotions and by August 1 for the second round. The Celebration Committee will review all submissions promptly, but the earlier, the better for robust planning and promotion! The online submission form and more details are available on the 360/40 event website.
We’re excited about this upcoming celebration that honors our Island’s milestones, history, growth, and people. We hope you will join us in promoting 360/40. If you have any questions or need help, email us at 360-40celebration@hiltonheadislandsc.gov.
Carolyn Grant is the Communications Director for the Town of Hilton Head Island, hiltonheadislandsc.gov.