Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association, Inc. Boston Emergency Medical Technicians Nation’s First Police Department • Established 1854 • IUPA Local 16807, AFL-CIO
VOLUME 36 - NO. 5
The advertisers of the Pax Centurion do not necessarily endorse the opinions of the Pax Centurion/Boston Police Patrolmen's Association. The advertisers are in support of the BPPA Scholarship Fund and every patrolmen who risks his or her life to protect and serve the community.
BPD and BFD fete Medal of Honor recipients
PAX Exclusive See Page B1
“Hey taxpayer, pimp my ride” An EMS exposé about management’s misappropriation of city resources.
BPD command staff justifies take-home cars for civilian administrators As patrol force drive toilet cruisers… By Jim Carnell, Pax Editor
As Boston Police officers labor with an expired contract and drive cruisers falling apart at the seams, the BPD command staff has justified takehome cars and city-paid gas for nonessential personnel. In a Globe article written by reported Suzanne Smalley, Supt. Dunford justified the use of unmarked, city-paid cars (and the gas that goes with them) by civilians by explaining that the employees are “on call 24 hours or have jobs that require them to be available at a moment’s notice.” Among the employees having a take-home car are the BPD’s taxi supervisor, lawyer, communications director and building superintendent. Chris Fox, the BPD’s head of the Bureau of Administration and Technology explained “for example…the head of the hackney (taxi) division…might need to go to the scene if a dispute involving a taxi driver escalated in the middle of the night. He used the same logic to de-
fend take-home cars for other personnel, including two officers who manage evidence, the director of telecommunications, the buildings engineer and the director of facilities.” In 25 years of experience, this editor is unaware of any occasion when an officer would need to call the civilian head of the taxi division to come back into work because of a taxidriver dispute which had escalated in the middle of the night (Ahmmmwe’d just call one of our on-duty Sergeants or Lieutenants, Chris, wouldn’t we?) Ditto for the BPD’s lawyer and communications director. If their services are needed, they have these newfangled things called “telephones”I’m sure that their physical presence is seldom, if ever, necessary. And if the facilities director or building superintendent has a department-issued car, could they kindly drive back to the city and take a look at the “facility” which has been designated as the Area continued on page A-5
Sgt. Jim Fong and PO Pat Rose flank Medal of Honor recipient 86-year-old Capt. James Millet, U.S. Army, Korea, ret., after reception at Florian Hall.
City relocates Gov’t. Ctr. police station to cesspool By Jim Carnell, Pax Editor
IN A MOVE ASTOUNDING FOR STUPIDITY AND INCOMPETENCE EVEN FOR THE MENINO ADMINISTRATION, the City of Boston has “temporarily relocated” the Government Center police station to a decrepit City facility built in 1932 located at 152 North St. in the North End while the Sudbury St. station is “rehabilitated”. (Editor: in City parlance, “12-18” months of rehabilitation actually means 2-3 years at an absolute minimum). The alleged temporary police station is virtually devoid of security, is filthy, rancid, thoroughly inadequate for 200 police personnel and visitors, and displays the city’s contempt for the patrol force, even as they attempt to justify take-home cars and related citypaid expenses for the police department’s army of civilian administrative hacks. (See related stories in this issue). The relocated police station which covers all of Downtown Boston, the
North End, Chinatown, Beacon Hill, Bay Village, the financial district and Charlestown, was supposedly “planned” for some 6-8 months by representatives from various city agencies. But as police officers began to move in during late September and early October, it became readily apparent that little planning of any kind had actually taken place. An estimated 200 police officers, detectives, supervisors and support personnel were moved into the decrepit facility built in 1932 which continues to house offices and employcontinued on page A-6
From the President Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association, Inc. Boston Emergency Medical Technicians 9-11 Shetland Street Boston, Massachusetts 02119 Phone: 617-989-BPPA Readership 125,000
Nation’s First Police Dept.
Unity & Strength
BOARD OF EDITORS Thomas J. Nee, Executive Director Ronald MacGillivray Vice President John Broderick, Jr., Secretary Daniel Fagan, Treasurer Managing Editor: James Carnell
Asst. Managing Editors: Mark Bruno, Pat Rose
EMS Officers James Orsino, President Robert Morley, Vice President Matthew Carty, Secretary Anthony O’Brien, Treasurer Len Shubitowski, Chief Steward
Bulk Mailing Postage Paid at Worcester, Mass., Permit #2226
Brian Reaney • Tom Corbett John Bates • James Carnell Andrew West • Michael Leary Robert Anthony • Bob Luongo
John Downey • Bernie Moore Charlie Hulme • David Fitzgerald Cynthia Beckford-Brewington Richard McCormack
Timothy Golden • Stephen Roe Bill Hogan • Joe Miskel Mark Bruno • Patrick Rose
Rich Moriarty • Scott Yanovitch Robert Butler • Greg Lynch Lou Maderia • Michael McManus
Michael Harrington • Paul Nee John Earley • Jean Pierre Ricard Lawrence Calderone Gerald Rautenberg • Steve Kelley Arthur McCarthy
IDENT. UNIT —Fred Hirst DRUG UNIT—Paul Quinn YVSF—Jeff Cecil Thomas Pratt
TURRET John Conway • Dave Stewart Richard Brennan
Richie Kelley • Richie Stanton
John Kundy PDS—Karen VanDyke
Bill Cullinane
Hector Cabrera • Francis Deary
Rhethia Stewart
Kevin Ford • Patrick Butler
Robert Lundbohm • Mike Murphy Timothy Stanton
BPPA COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS AWARDS: Bob Butler; J. Broderick; G. Rautenberg GRIEVANCE: Bob Butler; Jim Carnell; Brian Reaney; Mike Leary; Tom Pratt; Dave Fitzgerald BUILDING: Dan Fagan BARGAINING: Tom Nee; Ron MacGillivray; Brian Reaney; Tom Pratt; Dave Fitzgerald LEGISLATIVE: Jim Barry MASSPULL: Jim Barry PUBLIC RELATIONS: Jim Barry PAX CENTURION: Jim Carnell, Mark Bruno, Pat Rose BYLAWS: Tom Nee HEALTH/SAFETY AND LABOR MANAGEMENT: John Kundy; M. Bruno ELECTIONS: John Kundy EDUCATION: Tom Nee DETAILS/OVERTIME: Brian Reaney; Patrick Rose
TO ADVERTISE IN THE PAX CENTURION Call the Pax Centurion staff at: PRIME ADVERTISING 781-848-8224 • FAX: 781-848-8041 EDITORIAL POLICY 1. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association. 2. No responsibility is assumed for unsolicited material. 3. Letters or articles submitted shall be limited to 350 words and must be accompanied by writer’s name, but may be reprinted without name or address at writer’s request. 4. Freedom of expression is recognized within the bounds of good taste and the limits of available space. 5. The B.P.P.A. reserves the right to edit submission and/or include Editor’s notes to any submitted materials. 6. The deadline for printed materials for the next issue is NOVEMBER 15, 2006 7. Any article printed in this issue may be reprinted in future issues.
B.P.P.A. Tel. 617-989-2772 • Fax: 617-989-2779 web site: Office Personnel: Annie Parolin • Annmarie Daly Published by Camera Graphics, Union Allied Trade 112
Remembering the past Committed to the future In our last round of negotiations we were most fortunate to secure wage increases without the loss of any benefits. Certainly we did not achieve our desired goals at the bargaining table, but at the same time, we are thankful that through our collective efforts and commitment, we didn’t lose any ground. But we cannot take that for granted as we enter a new bargaining cycle. Let me emphatically state, as I have numerous times before that going forward, I’m deeply concerned with the current threats to our Health Care Programs and Pension Plans. During the year 2003, the City of Boston unilaterally changed our HMO plan design in that our out of pocket expenses for patient visits doubled. That single plan design change saved the city millions of dollars, and shifted the burden of the cost in plan design to employees, taking hard earned dollars from the workforce without bargaining the change. The change in plan design and benefit is currently being challenged by the BPPA in the Labor Relations Court. For those that may have suggested to you that the changes are not that significant to warrant a challenge, to them I would say any erosion in our benefits will be met with vigorous opposition. Today the out of pocket expenses are doubled, and if left unchallenged, tomorrow it could be tripled or quadrupled. Throughout the most recent legislative session, we observed agents for the City of Boston, along with members of the MMA and Municipal Research Bureau attempting to advance a piece of legislation that would remove Health Care Benefits from collective bargaining agreements. Their efforts fell short, but let me assure you they will be back. Although this is a radical change in the way we do business, I’m deeply concerned that this is not viewed as radical by some
Inside From the VP............................ A3 Treasurer’s Report ................... A4 Secretary’s Spread ................. A5 Blue Goose Turns 50 ............A29 EMS................................... B1 Sports Trivia..........................B5 In Memoriam ....................... B17
elected officials on Beacon Hill. There is a model of this concept in state employee contracts where, annually, their plan design benefits are determined by an administrative body outside of the collective bargaining process. Imagine the debate of our health benefits on the floor of the city council. Imagine if our employer got control of the plan design in our health benefits outside of the collective bargaining agreement. Just thinking about it leaves me in need a doctor. Beyond their attempt to change plan designs through legislative measures other tactics have been employed throughout the state. Some of those strategies include perceived wage increases that are inevitably eroded by hidden increases in health care plan designs. Others include the age old concept of public relations campaigns that proclaim savings for taxpayers. The promise of lower taxes always garners large public support. In some areas of the country some municipal managers have stooped to attacking retired employee’s health care programs and plan designs. These relentless, unconscionable attacks on retiree benefits are due in large part to a new accounting principle called GASB 45. This new accounting principle doesn’t change the bottom line for municipal government; it simply requires that they report their annual obligations to their retirees in their Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), which is the document municipalities submit to the bond rating companies on Wall Street. How can we ever forget how near and dear our Chief Financial Officer holds the bond rating, and should I believe that maybe she will retire a city employee? Enough said. With regard to the public employee pension system. For several years, we have been monitoring disturbing trends around the country where public employers have attempted to erode public employee pension plans, through promises of taxpayer savings. These new plans are similar in design to a 401K, promising only to define the contribution not define the benefit at retirement. By way of example, if this type of plan were to be adopted in the Commonwealth of Mass. and even remotely resembled the recently proposed and rejected California model, voluntary or involuntary separation from service returns only what the employee continued on next page
Message from the Vice President Sgt. Terrence S. Burke, U.S.M.C. On Wednesday, September 6, Terry’s father Tom notified officers from District 6 that Terry was involved in a bomb blast in Iraq that cost him his right leg below the knee and second-degree burns covered his body. His family left immediately for Brook Army Medical Center in San Antonio to join Terry as he recovers. Latest reports from family affirm that Terry is in good spirits. Having only had the pleasure of meeting Terry briefly at his graduation…after reading a letter he sent to his brother and sister officers at C-6, it is clear that his beliefs and selfless values give evidence of an inspired leader. If there was ever an individual with a better outlook on what the American way of life should be and dutifully committed to the protection of those values and the well being of those around him, it is Terrence Burke. Our prayers are with him.
Residency The Mayor during the last contract negotiations addressed the residency issue with both AFSCME and SENA members where more than half of their members attained exemption from residency. This was the first time the Mayor showed a willingness to deal with this divisive issue. When the confirmation of the last SENA contract appeared to be in trouble the Mayor appeared open to exempting more
employees from the residency requirement to gain passage. The same urgency might not be present without the DNC as a backdrop but the city also has a wish list with their issues of importance. As other unions are tendered offers the city’s priorities will become that much clearer.
Residency is an essential issue for the BPPA in the current negotiations and for any agreement to gain approval from the membership this issue will be part of it. Residency is an essential issue for the BPPA in the current negotiations and for any agreement to gain approval from the membership this issue will be part of it. The BPPA advanced residency as the key component of our proposal during our last contract arbitration. The arbitrator with only hours to frame the decision issued a monetary award of 14.5% without addressing our residency concerns. This time around a negotiated contract with practical resolution for both parties should be the objective. A reasonable and predictable residency policy is our goal. Though there must be a willing-
Remembering the past Committed to the future continued from previous page
invested in the plan. For Police officers in California death or disability benefits would be terminated, the only benefit for their service and sacrifice would be what they had invested in the 401K. With that being said, recently we observed a political television commercial by an elected official seeking higher office who promised if elected she is elected; she would seek to advance this type of initiative. My hope is if she is elected, that she would reconsider her position and realizes the devastating impact to public employees around the state. Without getting myself caught up in election year politics, anyone who attempts to advance this type of change in our pension benefits, must be met with vigorous opposition and stopped in their tracks. In and of itself the mere fact that this concept is being raised or considered is cause for concern. The impact to our members
would be incredible. Enough said. As we move forward, the media will continue to report our salaries, without ever commenting on how many hours, sacrifice and diminished quality of life it took to achieve it. They will report about how much money the BPPA contributes to different politicians and maybe even call us a “special interest group”, while making us out to be money hungry greedy fascists who have no interest in the people or the community that we serve. It is important to say to our members, that they are the main priority of this Association. It is through their efforts that this union remains strong and committed to advancing the respect, dignity, professionalism and economic security for all Boston Police Officers. As always please be safe out there. Fraternally, T.J. Nee
ness on the part of the City to put residency in play at the table for a negotiated determination…there is still arbitration in which a neutral third party could grant relief from residency based on submissions and an evenhanded timeframe for assessment. As always a bargained settlement would be the desired conclusion eliminating the residency requirement.
AFSCME contract voted down 535-260 A tentative agreement was brought back to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 93 and Locals for ratification. The agreement included a 2% base wage increase for 1 year effective October 21, 2006…a one time lump sum payment of $250.00 and an increase to $75,000.00 in annual funding under training and career ladders. There was also a section requiring members to receive compensation via direct deposit commencing the first pay period of 2008. Bereavement leave was also addressed. A “just cause” provision regarding discipline and discharge was amended. Not known if any side letters were in play. AFSCME was one of the earlier municipal unions to settle during the last contract negotiations for 10% over 4 years with a considerable amount of union members gaining exemption from residency. The cut-off year went from 1980 to 1990.
The 2 to 1 defeat sends the clear-cut message that even if the one year base-wage increase were 3% in all probability it would not have ratified given the final vote. Last round of bargaining has educated the city’s work force. This recent vote was important for all city employees because the first one on board or not on board sets the tone for future discussions with each and every unit. The city generally likes to get a couple of contracts under agreement to have a point of reference to compare and contrast with prospective bargaining committees. The 2 to 1 defeat sends the clear-cut message that even if the one year base-wage increase were 3% in all probability it would not have ratified given the final vote. Now the City either chums the water with some additional incentives to help with the passage or gives up on the 1 year all together.
If the one-year preference is truly important to the city, whether it be for health insurance issues or more fiscal certainty in the short term, identifying and assessing the actual benefit to the city and the consequence to our membership will be given the proper costing. This puts the City in the wonderful dilemma of what will it take to get 51% of a bargaining units’ membership to ratify a proposal? The gap was too great in this ratification vote for the City to chance another defeat with this group…a meaningful incentive might help such as relief from residency as was considered last contract. A 3.5% annual increase in base wages is needed just to keep up with inflation.
Disability Insurance Some officers have recently realized that their disability policies may not cover them for on-duty injuries. It is very important to confirm that the representations of the salesperson are consistent with the wording within the policy. Taking for granted that all policies cover on-duty incidents is a thing of the past. Most of our officers are on duty more than half their waking day, rendering an off-duty policy for most a non-option. Another area of conflict is the officer who is over-insured with multiple policies in place. The insurance industry has vast resources to confirm and identify that the information received from the insured is accurate including medical history. The idea in this day and age of receiving twice your annual income while being out injured isn’t happening. A maximum amount of insurance involving supplemental monies is customarily in place. Former documented injuries of back and knees etc. will definitely show up and if not attributed on the initial application for insurance will send up a red flag. The insurance industry networks with one another to ensure compliance…unfortunately in most circumstances officers usually aren’t aware till after a claim has been denied. Check your policies so not to be in a dispute after an injury as to whether the claim will be honored by the vendor. In most cases the claim will not be honored if the policy clearly addresses the issue in dispute…in some cases officers have received their premiums back based on proven, overzealous misrepresentations of the salesperson. Fraternally, Ron MacGillivray
Treasury Notes By Daniel P. Fagan, BPPA Treasurer Notes from the Vault by Daniel Fagan August 31 wasn’t just any Friday. Why yes it was Friday of the long Labor Day Holiday weekend. And yes it closed the last week that the kids were home from school. And yes it did mark (almost) the one-week anniversary of the 2006 Caribbean Festival, which is to say that we have 51 weeks until the 2007 Caribbean Festival. But more than any of these, August 31 is significant because that date is the end of the BPPA fiscal year. It is a time of reflection and review, and of plotting our course for the future. I know it sounds strange to wax poetic about our finances. But the reality is that while I am definitely excited about the kiddies going back to school, this is a busy time for the BPPA Treasurer. The reflection and review process begins in earnest when the annual audit begins. Our BPPA Bylaws require that the BPPA be audited each year, by an outside independent CPA firm. In a financial sense there are different degrees of scrutinizing the “books”. A “review” would have an auditor examining the books and asking questions of the BPPA principals, employees, and representatives to determine the accuracy of the financial assertions we have made. A “Certified Audit” requires the auditor to obtain independent evidence to substantiate claims and assertions by the leadership of the BPPA. As an example our books might reflect the BPPA spent $500,000 on legal bills. Our auditor will actually contact, independently, each of our attorneys, ascertaining what we paid each, what it was for, and verify the total. This extra thoroughness is required because our CPA is going to give you, our members, a written statement guaranteeing the veracity of our financial statements. We have preliminary reports already. I have pre-
sented to the House of Representatives some of the highlights. Income up. Expenses down. Savings up. Investments up. To be fair, the House is expecting some guidance from the Leadership team. They want to know if the BPPA has the means to fight a protracted contract battle if necessary (yes). They want to know from me if they can continue the programs they have put in place, with out jeopardizing the fiscal well being of the Union (yes). They need to be comfortable that their (and yours and mine) dues are being spent in the most effective way. That we are getting the best benefit(s) for our hard-earned dollars, and we are. These are questions that each of you should be asking. Of your union dues dollars, and of your take home paycheck. As we come screaming into the final months of 2006, you should be taking stock of your personal financial picture, and performing any rebalancing necessary.
As we come screaming into the final months of 2006, you should be taking stock of your personal financial picture, and performing any rebalancing necessary. When you review your life insurance, please note that the BPPA has negotiated a substantial benefit increase. The BPPA now purchases a $65,000. life insurance policy on each of you. That is $65K less you have to purchase from a vendor. (And those of you who haven’t filled out a beneficiary card yet, my last name is spelled f-a-g-A-n.) As the Dow Jones flirts in record high territory, how have your investments faired? If you felt comfortable with a 60/40 split between Growth stocks and over seas small cap, is that how your current balances remain? Do you need to shift some assets
to get back to the 60/40 risk tolerance? As I have written numerous times, I treat the BPPA investments differently than I treat my own money. The BPPA investments are a well-rounded mix of stocks and bonds, small and large companies, domestic and over seas opportunities. We have done well at exceeding the indexes in the good times. But more important, we have suffered less than most during the down turns. (While the Dow is at record highs, don’t forget that in June of this year, ALL year to date gains were wiped away in about a week’s time). This year also brought significant changes to our dental insurance. The fact is that while these changes were introduced, most of you noticed little if any change to your benefit. That is unless you started saving additional money. If your dental provider is within Delta’s PPO network, you are saving out of pocket expenses. And the BPPA is saving in premiums as a group; translated that means less claims, and less premium increases. If we had overlaid this plan one year earlier, our members would have saved approximately $55,000 in out of pocket expenses. This dental insurance is expensive. However we have a Cadillac plan, and our families are using the benefits. It is all claims driven. Your elected leadership team will continue to provide you with the best benefits your money can buy. My fellow leaders rely on me for accurate honest advice. Sometimes it is not what any of us want to hear. But we are charged with steering the BPPA in the right direction. We will continue to do so. On September 28 a reception was held for the visiting members of the Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients Society. (see related photos, page A-1 and page A-15) It was designed as a public safety reception. By far the highlight was listening to these men
speak in an informal Q&A session at Florian Hall. The Society representative stated that when he was called into the General’s office and informed he had been awarded the Medal, the General also told him “…soldier, you are going to find that wearing this medal is as difficult as anything you did to earn it.” Sgt. Littrell also stated that “no one wears this medal for themselves. We wear it for the men and women who did not make it back alive.” He also stated that it was very rare for the Society to return to the same city twice as with Boston, and highly unlikely that they would return. I chuckled with Gaelic Column President Jim Barry, that it was more likely their desire to get away from the bagpipe music that had been featured almost daily in their visit. The following day I had the privilege to play more bagpipes for eight of these men who were enjoying a little down time off the schedule. They took advantage of an offer to visit a private club, where they could have a beer and a bite to eat, and even (gasp) smoke without recrimination. I played a couple of Irish war tunes as an entrance. I then recounted the comments about ‘wearing the medal for those who did not make it back’. I stated “what an awesome responsibility you each bear…I guess that is why they only select the toughest and the bravest. I would now like to play a tune for those didn’t return”. And so I did, never having felt more honored. I was asked then to play the military songs of those present, Marines and Army. The organizer was a Navy man though, and I played that too. We all were quiet after that as the Colonel spoke of trying to get to Boston for the first Society convention scheduled in Boston. Until that morning I had not made the connection that the original convention was scheduled for September of 2001. Listening to the Colonel hold
back emotions describing his being stuck on the tenth floor of some hotel in Korea as his country was being attacked in living color on his television set was inspiring. A few hours later and his assistant would have been giving him a wake up call for a 36 hour flight to Boston. Instead it was the middle of the night and the call was about something much graver. “Just turn on the television, sir, you must see this”. This man was probably 70 years old in 2001. He was there doing work for the VA. Yes it must be tough to wear that medal. And yes indeed, these are special men. Hopefully they will grace Boston again with their presence, individually or collectively. Another special part of the MOH reception was the debut of the new and improved Blue Goose. I do not believe that the Goose has been seen in public, in decent shape, in many years. Thanks you are necessary all around. A large thank you must go to my father-in-law Robert “Babe” Cunningham who led the engine rebuilding. This took many months and much frustration, all the while working in the outdoors in my driveway. The next thank you goes to Mrs. Fagan who allowed the Goose to reside in my driveway for that long period of time. If the engine couldn’t be restored, what sense was there to fixing the cosmetic exterior? A big Thank you to Martin Lynch of MAACO in Dorchester who spent a lot time and effort repairing the Goose’s body. It looks spectacular. There are some small things to repair here and there, but it was gratifying to drive the Goose up to Florian Hall to honor the MOH recipients. Please see the related article elsewhere in this issue. Maybe you will get another chance to see it soon. Until then, be safe, live life, and never forget to honor those who have earned it, where ever you may find them.
Secretary’s Spread By Jay Broderick, BPPA Secretary
Contract Talks Someone once said “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. I guess that person didn’t work in City Hall. After the embarrassing events of the Democratic National Convention and the National Conference of Mayors, the City of Boston yet again finds itself in a familiar situation. None of the Unions have negotiated contracts. Incredible, isn’t it. I mean let’s imagine for a minute that the City was run like a corporation. How long would the people in charge of labor relations have their jobs when they failed for a second time, to do their job and get contracts settled? I know that they will say that they’ve been negotiating with the unions for months but lets stop kidding ourselves and everyone else. The negotiating doesn’t start till the issue
of money gets put on the table. Every issue has dollar value and there can be no real progress made until both sides know what each issue is worth to them. The City recently convinced the bargaining committee of AFSMCE to bring a one year proposal worth 2% back to their membership for a ratification vote. The membership of AFSMCE overwhelmingly rejected this proposal almost 2 to 1. Despite the many rumors, the BPPA has not, as of October 1st, received ANY financial offer from the City. The stories about a 6% offer or relief from residency are nonsense and make you wonder about someone who would start these reckless rumors. When and if the City makes a legitimate offer, you’ll hear about it. Until then, have faith in your bargaining committee and remember that it takes two sides to negotiate.
BPD command staff justifies take-home cars for civilians continued from page A-1
A police station on North St.? Adding insult to injury, Supt. Dunford once again tried to “blame the union” by leaving the following unfounded claim with reporter Smalley: “ But we have to negotiate with the unions, and that is not always easy, because this is seen as a right under the contract.” Reporter Smalley then gratuitously states that “BPPA President Tom Nee could not be reached for comment.” That statement by Dunford, leaving the inference that the union is in some way to blame for the assignment of unmarked cars to civilian fakers is outrageous and should not be allowed to go unchallenged. Nowhere in the BPPA contract is the issue addressed, as few, if any, BPPA members have takehome cars, with the exception of essential personnel such as some bomb squad or canine units. BPD management is solely responsible for doling
out the taxpayer-funded, unmarked cars to their hacks and supporters. As the article states, many of the cars are taken home to outer suburbs. While patrolmen are using their personal cars to ferry their emergency-response equipment, everyday work gear, raincoats, etc. etc. civilian hacks get the perk of a city-paid car, city-paid gas, maintenance, repairs and insurance. And then they have the audacity to try to explain to us that these paper-pushers “might have to be available at a moment’s notice” and that “the unions” are somehow responsible? PLEASE- take that BS and put it where the sun don’t shine. Patrolmen and women are riding around in shitbox cruisers that shouldn’t even be on the road, while bureaucrats drive their city-paid unmarked cars home at our expense. The beat goes on, and the BS from HQ just keep getting deeper….
Shane Burke As most of us now know, BPPA member and United States Marine Sergeant Terrance “Shane” Burke was seriously injured while serving our country in Iraq. Shane, who is a probationary Police Officer assigned to Area C6, was injured when an IED exploded underneath his Humvee. Two of his fellow Marines were killed by the explosion. Shane lost his left leg to his knee, a severely fractured right ankle, an injury to his right arm, and extensive burns throughout his body. After being flown to Germany, Shane has been transferred to Brook Army Medical Center in Texas. Shane has had multiple surgeries to his leg, ankle, and arm but his condition is steadily improving. He is expected to remain in Texas until late October and then be transferred to Walter Reed Hospital in Washington for further rehabilitation. (see below for his address)
Insurance Benefits The BPPA is pleased to announce that the life insurance benefit provided to each member, at no cost, has been increased from $50,000 to $65,000. As you know, each member receives a life insurance benefit, provided by the BPPA. The BPPA was able to negotiate an increase of $15k to the benefit amount while at the same time, saving the Association over $2000 a month in premium costs. The BPPA has also been able to enter into a partnership with Liberty Mutual Insurance Company that will allow BPPA members to receive substantial savings on their auto and home owners insurance. BPPA members who currently have Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance will receive an 8% discount on their rates. Members who
have Liberty Mutual Home Owners Insurance will receive a 5% discount on their rates. Members who have both their Auto and Home Owners Insurance through Liberty Mutual will receive the 8% on the auto and 10% on their home. Please contact the BPPA offices for a tracking number that you will need in order to receive this benefit. BPPA members are also reminded that representatives from Enrollment Solutions are offering free insurance consultations for BPPA members. Enrollment Solutions has offered to conduct a review of our member’s life insurance and/or disability insurance policies and to assist them in determining their insurance needs. Enrollment Solutions has representatives visiting districts throughout the City but if you want to set up a free consultation you can contact Jonathan Kondracki at 1-978992-0076.
Shift Rep Elections Elections for BPPA shift representatives were held on Fri. Sept. 29. A total 24 members were candidates in 12 elections were held for various districts and units. The shift rep’s job is an important one within the BPPA. The shift rep is responsible for making sure that the contract is adhered to on a day-to-day basis, that the concerns of members are made known to supervisors, and that members rights are protected. Congratulations to the winners of the elections. I wish them the best of luck. To those who didn’t win their elections, I’d like to thank them for taking an interest and becoming involved in the process. I’d also like to thank those former reps who chose not to run for re-election or weren’t re-elected, for their many years of service on behalf of the members.
Letters or cards can be sent to Shane at the following address: Brook Army Medical Center 3851 Roger Brook Drive Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234 Attn: Sgt Terrance Burke
Scholarships The annual BPPA Tuition Scholarship drawing will be held on November 15, 2006. The BPPA House of Representatives has voted to make available 40 scholarships worth $1000 each. Applications can be obtained at each district/unit, the BPPA offices, or can be downloaded from the BPPA’s website ( The deadline for filing applications is Monday November 13, 2006 @ 5:00pm. The International Union of Police Associations (IUPA) is offering a $2500 scholarship to ten graduating high school seniors who are pursuing college courses in Criminal Justice related fields. The BPPA is a member organization of IUPA and as such, the members of the BPPA are eligible to apply for these scholarships. In 2006 the daughter of BPPA member Tom Antonino (D4) was a recipient of one of the scholarships. The applications are available at the BPPA offices or can be downloaded from the BPPA’s website ( The deadline for filing an application is April 30, 2007.
Passes The BPPA has recently purchased a corporate membership to the Roger Williams Zoo in Rhode Island. These passes are available at the BPPA offices and will be available under the same policy as the passes to the New England Aquarium and the Children’s Museum. The pass to the Franklin Park/ Stone Zoo is a day pass that admits up to six people. The passes to the Aquarium have run out and are in the process of being renewed. They should become available again no later than the Christmas vacation. There are still passes available for the Children’s Museum and the Franklin Park/Stone Zoos. Stay safe Jay Broderick
City relocates Gov’t. Center police station to cesspool
Direct Current electric boxes on wall of third floor men’s room (not available to police personnel). continued from page A-1
ees of various other city agencies, such as the Boston Redevelopment Authority, the Boston Finance Commision, the Boston Archeological Dig Committee (related to the “Big Dig”), the Employee Assistance Program, and a host of other entities. Civilians enter this alleged police facility without any security check of any kind as no one knows who has authority to be in the building and who does not. Officers have been relegated to basement locker rooms located in common hallways used by females going to and from their workplaces. While many officers store guns, ammunition and emergency equipment in their lockers, schoolchildren and deliverymen have been found wandering around while officers attempt to change into and out of their uniforms. A single, filthy shower stall, located in a basement room next to a common toilet without even a privacy shield (see photo, page 1) serves both male and female officers. The room must be locked during use by a single occupant as civilian females from adjoining agencies walk freely through the common hallways. There is, as of
October 10th, (Pax press time), no refrigerator for officers to store a lunch, (and no table or chairs to eat at even if there was one), no microwave, no
station a prison, Deval Patrick would be filing complaints about the horrendous conditions. (See photos). Police reports are taken from the
Police reports are made in common hallway.
television (other than an old-fashioned “rabbit-ears” contraption juryrigged outside a window by inventive officers- there is no cable access from the outside world), no gym facilities, and personal hygiene facilities that would draw contempt and laughs from the homeless. Were the police
Entrance to Area A single-person shower/toilet room in basement of decrepit 1932-era facility, for 200 male and female officers. Male locker rooms are located to the left of this photo in common hallway used by civilian female personnel employed by Boston Archeological Dig Committee.
public in the middle of a common hallway. In the post-9-11 world, virtually anyone can enter the building unchecked and unchallenged- employees of agencies which have been located in the building long before the arrival of 200 police officers are sometimes miffed at being asked who they
are and where they’re going. On other occasions, people simply enter the building and walk wherever they want- the harried officer or civilian at the front desk is often busy with police reports or other duties. An entrance for the handicapped and elderly is often locked- and nobody seems to know who has a key. In a neighborhood with few legal parking spaces, the parking lot is already used by North End visitors and residents who sneak in and leave their cars- few of the officers know whose car is authorized and whose isn’t. Comical situations develop every afternoon during shift changes as officers attempting to exit run into officers attempting to enter. Employees of the agencies that have been located there for some time report frequent insect infestations and power interruptions. Although the BPPA is filing a health and safety grievance, that process is lengthy and subject to bureaucratic delay. The situation has caused morale amongst the patrol force to plummet, as it is plainly evident that the city doesn’t care about the disgraceful conditions and BPD Headquarters has remained silent.
Lockers in common hallways
Best wishes on the Scholarship Fund for the families of Boston Police Patrolmen’s Families from
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Editor’s Note: Terry Burke wrote this letter to his fellow officers last year, informing them of his decision to deploy to Iraq. It was during this deployment that his was critically injured, losing a leg. Please see related article on page B-13.
Dear Sir, This letter is for you, the supervisors, and all my fellow police officer brothers and sisters of Area C, District 6. I am writing this letter to you in thanks for providing me with not only a newly found love for our career, but a new found family. Everyone here I have observed has shown nothing but the utmost professionalism and fidelity to the citizens we serve, and more importantly to each other. I understand that I am novice in a career that can be very demanding at times. Where some, if not all of the stories whether blissful and distressing, can only be appreciated by someone who has accepted the calling. From the first roll call I attended, to the thirty shifts where Officer Hill (as well as all others) provided advocacy to a “Green Horn”/”Boot”/ “New Guy”/”Wet Paint etc.”, to the relief shift on the day of my break in service, I have enjoyed the atmosphere that envelops the station house. The laughter often heard in the guard room (mostly at the expense of Officer Dudley Hill), to the rush of adrenalin caused by a fellow brother or sister calling for help, and the urge to assist even though it may not be on our district. I would not trade or leave this career for anything. The unselfishness shown by each and every officer I have had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of places me at a loss of words. Only serving along side fellow Marines around the world have I witnessed such indelible trust between each other, swearing to themselves that the person beside them will go home tonight safely to their families. I have achieved my position, both in my professional as well as my military career, through poise, precision, and audacity. For the time being in the case of my professional career, I must now add resolve for an undetermined amount of time. I feel very passionately about protecting the American way of life and would sacrifice as many lives as necessary, including my own, to protect it. Some say that this war is being fought for oil, others for religion. Be this as it may, our brothers and sisters, as I write this letter, are on the front lines constantly in harms way. Some of them have been rotated through this cycle numerous times. This situation is unacceptable. I am a healthy, able-bodied United States Marine and I will not stand by the sidelines any longer. There is no reason that I should not adhere to the calling of a nation that has provided me and everyone I know with a safe and providing environment where a kid from the projects (who many see as the dregs of society) can grow up to be a pillar of the community. The United States of America is a place where thousands attempt to make the journey to every year. Ours is the “Land of opportunity”. Where most of our ancestors battled harsh traveling conditions in an attempt to possibly capture a glimpse of the only tangible symbol of freedom, “Old Glory”, Her magnificent sight of stars an stripes waving majestically at what ever port there ship had moored. Hundreds of thousands of our grandfathers/grandmothers, fathers/mothers, uncles/aunts, brothers and sisters have spilled their blood so that we may lie quietly at night and not have to be concerned about facing the evils that exist throughout the world. Freedom is not free. It is protected by those of the past, present and future generations that will stand up and say nothing will happen to you tonight, not on my watch.” I took and oath on July 28, 1997 to protect this country against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Patriotism does not have a four year shelf life, but unfortunately military contracts do! I feel that it is as thought, that once again I must embrace the weight, feel, and texture of the weapon our enemies in Vietnam called “the black rifle”. I call upon God to steady my hand at the time of truth, not for the act of saving my own life, but for the life of my brother fighting alongside me. So in closing I ask all of you one simple request, what ever happens, please don’t think less of me! “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.“ Abraham Lincoln Semper Fidelis, Terrence S. Burke Cpl. U.S.M.C.
Thomas Drechsler, Esq.
FINNERAN, BYRNE & DRECHSLER, L.L.P. Counsel to Members of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association
LEGAL THOUGHTS It is political campaign season and all of us have been deluged with campaign ads, particularly on television during prime time hours and popular sporting events. Everyone bemoans the cost of political campaigns yet candidates must continue to raise money to buy television time to be competitive. Television ad time has always translated into votes. In every professionally filmed ad the respective candidates are, of course, depicted in a positive light. The television ads always show the candidate with a smile on his or her face surrounded by happy and cheering individuals who are meant to appear as members of the general public. Funny how everyone looks supportive as they are undoubtedly supporters. I am waiting for the ad which shows a
candidate besieged by an angry mob of constituents yelling and screaming. (Just kidding. It’ll be a long wait.) The ads must work, otherwise the campaigns would not spend the thousands and sometimes millions of dollars on television air time. Is the conclusion that political campaigns have come down to, in large part, how good the ads are? Does anyone watch the debates? Just a thought. After my last column on the recently revised laws regarding interstate transportation of police service weapons I received inquiries about other aspects of the revised gun laws. Some of you may know that Federal gun laws were substantially revised in 1998. Our legislature has brought state law largely into conformity with Federal law by revising Mass. General
Law Chapter 140, §131. Of particular note are the provisions of §131(d) which lay out what may cause a person to be disqualified from obtaining a carrying permit. As most of you know, anyone residing or having a place of business within a particular jurisdiction may file with the licensing authority, usually the Chief of Police or the Colonel of the State Police, an application for a Class A or B license to carry firearms or to renew the same. The statute then goes into a litany of reasons for automatic disqualification from obtaining such a permit. In particular, people are prohibited from obtaining a permit if they have been convicted or adjudicated a youthful offender or delinquent child for: the commission of any felony, any misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for more than two years, a violent crime, or a violation of any law regulating the use, possession, ownership, transfer, purchase, sale, lease, rental, receipt or transportation of weapons or ammunition for which a term of imprisonment may be imposed, and finally, for a violation of any law related to the possession or use or sale of controlled substances. I think most people are aware that anyone convicted of a felony is disqualified from having a firearms permit. What many are not aware of is that if you are convicted of a misdemeanor such as operating under the influence, which is punishable by imprisonment for more than two years, i.e. two and one-half years in the House of Corrections, you would be disqualified from obtaining a permit. Convictions of any violent crime, misdemeanor or felony, would disqualify one from obtaining a permit as long as there is an element in the crime of use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force. A conviction or adjudication as a delinquent for violation of laws relating to firearms, even misdemeanors, act to disqualify one from obtaining a permit, and finally even conviction for a possessory offense involving drugs might act to disqualify a person from obtaining a permit. Those disqualified from obtaining
permits also include those who have been confined to mental hospitals or institutions for mental illness unless a registered physician attests to a person’s lack of disability in that regard. Anyone who has been treated for drug addiction or habitual drunkenness may well be denied a permit, again unless a licensed physician has certified that the problem has been resolved. Permit holders must be twenty-one (21) years of age and American citizens. Obviously, 209A orders which prohibit the possession of a firearm would be binding upon the licensing authorities. Finally, those subject to an arrest warrant would obviously be disqualified. These provisions would not affect the ability of a police officer to carry his or her service weapon under Chapter 41, §98, the provision which allows police officers to carry department issued weapons “under the badge” pursuant to their employment. However, under the Federal gun law if an officer has been convicted of a crime of domestic violence, as defined in 18 U.S. Code §922(d)(9) or §922(g)(9), that officer would even be prohibited from carrying a service weapon issued by the municipality or entity which employs him or her as a police officer. (Note that the Federal definition of a domestic violence crime is somewhat narrower than the state definition.) Knowledge of these firearm disqualifications may be helpful in establishing probable cause or reasonable suspicion for a search or stop. If an officer were to observe an individual who the officer knows to suffer from any one of these disqualifications in potential possession of a firearm it would probably in all likelihood bolster the foundation for a finding of probable cause for a search, because the officer would be justified, based upon his or her knowledge of the suspect’s criminal background, in concluding that the person was clearly not legally entitled to carry a firearm. In the appropriate circumstances this knowledge may well also assist in fulfilling the legal requirements necessary to justify a threshold inquiry or other type of stop.
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Distrigas is pleased to support the Boston Police Patrolmen's Association Scholarship fund
Kenneth A. Grace, Esq., BPPA Labor Counsel
SANDULLI GRACE, P.C. Counsel to Members of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association
Accidental Disability Retirement: A safety net, not a panacea Under Massachusetts retirement law, Boston police officers and emergency medical technicians are afforded some measure of income protection if you are permanently and totally disabled from performing the essential duties of your position because of a jobrelated injury or exposure to a job-related hazard. I have had the privilege of representing numerous retired officers and EMTs in the process of securing their accidental disability retirement benefits under the law. This article is intended to address some of the misconceptions you may have about those benefits, and, should you become disabled, to help you evaluate whether an accidental disability retirement makes any sense for you and your family. In making a retirement planning decision, you need to know how much money you will receive on the date of retirement before you decide to retire. For example, a police officer without any disability problem has to be 55 years old and have 32 years of creditable service in order to receive the maximum taxable state pension of 80% of pay (using the average of the officer’s highest three years of regular income). The top 80% figure is subject to further reduction depending upon which beneficiary option (A, B or C) is chosen by the officer on the date of retirement. In the case of accidental disability retirements, however, applicants do not have to meet any minimum service or age requirements. To use an extreme example, an officer or EMT permanently and totally disabled during the first day of work is eligible for an accidental disability retirement allowance. The only restriction is that you cannot retire on accidental disability within two years of the maximum age for your group unless the accident or hazard upon which you base
your application occurs within three years of the maximum age for your group. For the purposes of disability retirement, the maximum age for Group 2 and Group 4 members is the last day of the month in which you attain age 65. This statutory age and injury restriction is clearly designed to eliminate eligibility for older employees who might otherwise take advantage of the more favorable accidental disability benefit as they get close to age 65. But what exactly is this benefit and is it really such a great deal for all employees? An accidental disability retirement allowance consists of two parts: a non-taxable pension and a taxable annuity. Your yearly pension under Option A (the maximum available) is equal to 72% of the annual rate of regular compensation which you are earning on the date of your injury, or 72% of the average annual rate of regular compensation for the twelve month period for which you last received regular compensation, whichever amount is greater. Your annuity is based upon your total accumulated deductions, with related interest, and your age on the date of retirement. In consideration of your life expectancy, a portion of your total annuity is repaid to you in addition to the 72% pension until the entire amount of your retirement contributions have been refunded. Under Option A, if you die before receiving all your contributions back, the retirement system keeps the balance and your beneficiary or estate will have no claim on these annuity monies. Like regular (known as “superannuation”) retirements, accidental disability retirees have the same three options on how to receive payments. While Option A provides the maximum benefit (72% plus the highest an-
nuity repayment schedule), nothing goes to your beneficiaries after your death. Option B provides you with a lifetime allowance which is 3% to 5% less per month than Option A, but gives your beneficiary the remainder of your annuity savings account, if any, upon your death. Using Option B, your accumulated deductions will be fully paid out within twelve to fifteen years depending on your age at retirement. Lastly, under Option C, you will receive payments during your lifetime approximately 20% less than those you would receive under Option A. Upon your death, however, your designated beneficiary will be paid an allowance for the remainder of his or her lifetime equal to two-thirds of the allowance which was being paid to you at the time of your death. The actual monthly allowance you receive under Option C depends upon life expectancy factors for you and your designated beneficiary. However, if you die of the work-related disability which was used as the basis for the retirement, then your beneficiary receives your full pension for his or her life. The Option choice is only one small part of the decision making process on whether to pursue an accidental disability retirement. The Boston Retirement Board will provide a calculation of the amounts you and your beneficiary would receive under each option before you choose. Like any regular retirement decision, variables include such personal factors as your overall financial condition, the amount of your life insurance coverage and the ability of your spouse to make ends meet with or without a beneficiary pension from you. In accidental disability retirement situations, however, there is much more to consider. In my career representing
police officers and EMTs, I have known numerous employees who are clearly eligible for accidental disability retirement but have opted to either continue working or retire on a regular superannuation retirement with a taxable pension. If an accidental disability retirement is such a wonderful benefit (after all, it’s 72% tax free), why doesn’t everyone who is eligible want it? The answer is that for many, the allowance is not that attractive considering their age, circumstance and the restrictions imposed by the retirement law. Consider one example of a disabled 50-year old officer who has 20 years of service, children in college, and works a lot of details and overtime. Even if the disability benefit is tax free, 72% of regular compensation (since details and overtime are not included in the calculation) is not enough to pay the bills and college tuitions. Because of the officer’s age and lengthy police service, it also would be extremely difficult for that officer to establish a new career path. Even if that is possible, the officer’s post-retirement earnings are restricted by law. Under Section 91A of M.G.L. chapter 32, your disability retirement earnings may be reduced if your annual retirement allowance, when added to your post retirement earnings, exceeds the regular compensation you would have received if you had continued in service in the position you held on your retirement plus $5000. The reduction of benefits corresponds directly with the amount that is in excess. On or before April 15th of each year, a disabled retiree is required to file an Annual Statement of Earned Income certifying the full amount of earnings from the preceding year. A disabled retiree also can be subject at a later time to a comprehensive medical
evaluation in order to determine the retiree’s ability to return to work. By contrast, an employee retiring on a regular superannuation retirement has no income restriction whatsoever and need not worry about the idea of returning to work. For some disabled officers and EMTs the idea of retiring prematurely on a disability pension is not economically feasible. For others, they are reluctant to give up a career that has not only provided them with an income, but also an identity. They are proud of their public safety service and a disability doesn’t quite fit into their life image. For still others, they don’t want the income and life style scrutiny that goes with receiving accidental disability retirement benefits. Everyone knows that police and EMT work is extremely demanding, both physically and emotionally. At some point in your career, you will become injured and disabled from doing your job. Many of you will continue working despite having disabling conditions, which may be permanent. The existence of a physical or emotional work-related problem may not come at a convenient point in your career or provide you with a realistic economic benefit at the time. In many cases, you may be eligible to receive an accidental disability retirement but for one reason or another it is not the best choice for you. If you decide to keep on working, it should be of some comfort to know that the retirement law does provide a safety net so that some time in the future you can still make that choice. Whenever that happens, please be reassured that the BPPA and my office will be there to advise and assist you in the process, and to maximize your benefits under the law.
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Musical Chairs By Mark A. Bruno The recent transfers of various Captains has left many officers and community leaders scratching their heads. If this is the answer to nipping in the bud the recent spat of shootings that has fallen on our city you better try again. This move puts new captains in districts that they are unfamiliar with. They are starting from square one and in some cases have been thrown from the frying pan right into the fire. I’m sure all will adapt in time, but it will not stop the violence currently occurring on our city streets. All of these captains are highly respected individuals who have gone to great lengths to make ties within the communities they were working. To have the rug pulled out from them without notice was kind of cheesy. Some of these captains were on vacation when they learned of the transfers from reading the local papers. Such is the faith, or lack of that we have come to expect from a department that has been placed in a downward spiral as a result of lack of hiring over the past several years. I do not blame the current Commissioner Al Goslin for the mess he has inherited, that falls squarely on the Mayor who pretty much set up the last commissioner for failure by refusing to beef up the patrol numbers. Promoting patrol officers to sergeant and detective and placing them in the hot spots of the city has also depleted the patrol force on the street level. Including attrition now for hiring new recruits is a little disingenuous. Our staffing levels may never see the numbers from years past. Moving superiors, detectives and officers around like pieces on a chess board will not help bring crime down or boost an already low morale. We need many more officers in the next few years to keep up with what we’ve depleted in the past years. Street level cops are taking the brunt of the action and it is taking its toll. Officers are
forced to use sick days of which they are chastised for. I wish everyone could have a nice cozy job up at the Ivory Tower where sick day use is at an all time low. Again, we are only pawns in this game of chess. I’m sure there will be many more transfers down the road. Shaking things up seems to be the cure all for the megalomaniacs in charge. Trying to make it look like you have more when you actually have less will not fool anyone. Merging the Municipal whatever there being called is not the answer either. A recent article showed that per hundred uniformed employees, this unique force has had more complaints lodged against them. I guess the bright side is that the Internal Affairs Division will be busy, as will our BPPA lawyers. I believe the first legal battle will come when the department is looking for superior officers and this unique group of recently transferred officers will jump up and say they have civil service status in this position. If the city can make them civil service patrol officers, then the same argument will apply when the need arises to fill a superior officer ’s position. Unfortunately our BPPA members were thrown under the bus at a recent City Council meeting where this merger was discussed and the only reservation the spokesman (unnamed) for the Superior Police Officer’s Federation had was that they not come over with rank. I believe this is what’s called a subtle kick to the head. Everyone needs to be on the same page with this merger and understand it’s implications down the road. The Mayor can move civilians form City Hall to Police Headquarters and make it look like he has cut his budget, but to give him the power to allow such a merger without getting something back in return is insulting to every officer, detective and superior. This is not a game of musical chairs.
NMT Medical
Talbots Charitable Foundation is proud to support the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association.
Medal of Honor )ĨļļĚħÄ? "ÄŚÄžÄŤÄ˘ÄœÄš -ĢħĞ JT QMFBTFE UP CF B TQPOTPS PG UIF #PTUPO 1PMJDF 1BUSPMNFO T "TTPDJBUJPO *U T PVS QMFBTVSF UP SFDPHOJ[F PSHBOJ[BUJPOT UIBU IFMQ NBLF B EJÄ’FSFODF BPD Acting Commissioner Al Goslin and BPPA President Tom Nee admire the framed photo of the Law Enforcement Memorial in Washington D.C., which was signed by all of the Medal of Honor recipients.
BPD Honor Guard at attention for Medal of Honor recipients.
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Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association
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We salute the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association for keeping our community safe.
You can tell it is election/rumor season By Jim Barry, BPPA Legislative Agent
Before the primary, I spoke with a candidate for statewide office and as we closed the conversation he said to me, “Hey you’ve got to watch out for this guy, Chris Gabrielli on police details and the Quinn bill, he wants to get rid of them both.” I said to myself wow if that’s true he is totally done with police. Pretty damming positions in the policing world if this was true. But was it true? I know a few people high up in the Gabrelli campaign and quickly made some calls. The response was straight forward and from the horse’s mouth;
Chris believes in the Quinn Bill and thinks police officer in today’s world need to be educated and rewarded for getting that education. Secondly Chris supports police details and responded with a retort of; Why in God’s name would you replace police details with civilians post 9-11? Well Chris is not in the final, so this go around his support is appreciated, but we need the two other finalist’s positions in this race for the corner office on the key issues before our members. The lower end of any campaign is the rumors. Chris Gabrelli shot back exposing both of these rumors as to-
tally untrue. To stop the rumor mill or at least uncover some real positions of candidates that affect our members and their families, we have used a questionnaire to ask what candidate’s positions truly are. Each candidate for Governor received the BPPA questionnaire asking for these positions and upon receipt those answers will be distributed to the BPPA membership. Two of those questions are on Quinn and details. Yet BPPA questions don’t stop there. We ask about their appointments to the Labor Commission, Joint
Labor Management Committee and Civil Service Commission. Those appointments can be a disaster or a blessing. Another key question for candidates is; have you crossed our picket line? Jurisdictional and residency questions to name a few others. The questionnaire has been delivered to both Deval Patrick’s campaign and Kerry Healey’s campaign. I’ve spoken to both camps’ campaign officials and the BPPA has been promised answers, to the BPPA’s questionnaire. We await their answers.
BPPA Questions to Candidates for Governor 2006 Editor’s Note: All questionnaires were sent out Thursday, September 28th via UPS with a signature required next day delivery. A letter addressed to each candidate explained that the questionnaire sought their answers and opinions on issues that were important to BPPA members and their families. The questionnaire had to be returned by a deadline of Thursday, October 5th at 5:00 PM. The Healey campaign stalled and stonewalled on answering the BPPA questionnaire. Legislative Agent Jim Barry and Pax Editor Jim Carnell both made repeated calls to the Healey campaign and spoke with campaign officials urging them to return the questionnaire. Kerry Healey’s answers to the BPPA questionnaire were received 6 days after the deadline (Wednesday, Oct. 11). It was decided in the interest of educating our members to Healey’s positions, we would still publish her answers in the Pax. Independent candidate Christy Mihos did not respond. 1. Would you ensure that your appointments to the labor relations commission were the most qualified and labor educated people and that their mission would be to ensure the prompt, peaceful, and fair resolution of labor disputes? Deval Patrick, Democrat Yes. I respect the collective bargaining process and am committed to acting within both the spirit and the letter of the law. Grace Ross, Green Party Yes. I have a strong, labor background and the right representation is critical. Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, Republican As Governor I would seek to appoint the most qualified and labor knowledgeable individuals to the Labor Relations Commission.
2. Do you support the educational incentive for police officers known as the Quinn Bill? Please explain. Deval Patrick, Democrat Yes. Promoting higher education among our police officers is important to public safety as new social issues and technologies make policing more complex.
Grace Ross, Green Party Yes, although we need to review with local municipalities the funding mechanism.
4. Do you support binding arbitration for police and fire unions in protracted collective bargaining stalemates? Please explain.
Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, Republican Yes, I fully support the Quinn Bill because I believe a more educated police force is a more effective police force.
Deval Patrick, Democrat Yes, although a fully functional JLMC may be able to more effectively resolve disputes in a timely manner.
3. Will you support the full funding and staffing of the Joint Labor Management Committee? Would you appoint a labor representative from a Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association nomination? Deval Patrick, Democrat Yes. I welcome a BPPA nomination and will support a highly qualified member of organized labor. Grace Ross, Green Party Yes and yes! Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, Republican Yes, I will support appropriate funding and staffing levels of the Joint Labor Management Committee and I would give full consideration to any BPPA nominee to the Labor Relations Committee.
Grace Ross, Green Party Yes, we cannot have services held up indefinitely but it should be a last resort. Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, Republican No, I support negotiated settlements to contract disputes. A Healey/ Hillman Administration would bargain in good faith on all negotiations.
5. Do you believe in residency requirements for police officers and other city workers? Please explain. Deval Patrick, Democrat I understand this issue but believe it is a local one. Grace Ross, Green Party Absolutely, jobs should come first to those who live in the community and then should also try to represent the
diversity of the community. Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, Republican I believe police departments should hire the most qualified residents of Massachusetts to serve as officers.
6. Could you support a cap (7-year requirement to live within a city or town) on residency requirements? Would you sign legislation with a cap on residency? Deval Patrick, Democrat Again, I believe this is a local issue and is best decided there. Grace Ross, Green Party I would not recommend this, the point in a residency requirement is to provide jobs for those living in the community- this would undermine that. Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, Republican N/A continued on page A-23
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Member FDIC
BPPA Questions to Candidates for Governor 2006 continued from page A-21
7. Do you believe Massport or (any other exempted entity) should be exempt from paying taxes on property it is developing for commercial housing and other commercial business uses within the City of Boston? Please explain. Deval Patrick, Democrat I understand the issue of tax fairness and revenue sufficiency underlying the question, and I support the notion of appropriate payments in lieu of taxes by Massport on its commercial properties. Grace Ross, Green Party Property should be exempt from taxes when it serves the non-profit purpose of non-profit - once it serves for-profit purpose it should no longer be exempt. Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, Republican As Governor I would work to bring Massport, the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority and the MWRA within the direct supervision of the Executive Branch. 8. Do you believe it is the governments’ moral and legal responsibility to indemnify police officers being sued as a result of performing their duties? (State law requires Mass. State Police indemnification, yet cities or town may indemnify at their discretion. Please explain. Deval Patrick, Democrat Yes, although I understand that communities may refrain from covering egregious acts. Grace Ross, Green Party Yes, but it should not indemnify them if they were not performing their duties-which should include using violence based on race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, Republican Yes, I believe police officers who are sued as a result of performing their duties should be indemnified by the municipality they serve. Police officers protect our communities and our cities and towns should take on this responsibility.
9. Do you support traffic cameras for capturing pictures and issuing citations for moving violations? Please explain. Deval Patrick, Democrat Technology can and should play an expanded role in law enforcement, but it is not a substitute for fully staffed and trained personnel. Officers who are visible and respected within the community are at the core of my public safety plains. I will not replace police with cameras. Grace Ross, Green Party No. Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, Republican I would support the use of traffic cameras only if they were under the control of police officers and not civilians.
10. Do you support the call for a formal study and recommendations of police jurisdictional overlap within the City of Boston? If so, would you act on the recommendations of that study? Please explain. Deval Patrick, Democrat This is an important issue, but fundamentally it is an appropriate issue for the Mayor and City Council of Boston. Grace Ross, Green Party Absolutely, as governor not sure I would be in a position to act and would engage in a public dialogue to create accountability if I were going to act outside the recommendations… Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, Republican As Governor I would be willing to help facilitate a meeting with all concerned parties to discuss this issue.
12. Do you believe that the Boston Police Department should have primary jurisdiction for all residential 911 calls within the City of Boston? Would you support the creation of a Mass. State Police 911 call center within the City of Boston? Please explain. Deval Patrick, Democrat Yes. As to the latter question, I have not studied this issue and am open to hearing your views. Grace Ross, Green Party Yes, and yes- overall coordination is critical and when time sensitive clear lines of communication are essential. Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, Republican Yes, the Boston Police Department should have the primary jurisdiction for residential 911 calls within the City of Boston and I would not support the creation of a State Police 911 call center within the city of Boston. 13. Do you believe private college security forces should have the power to stop motor vehicles on public ways? Please explain. Deval Patrick, Democrat No. Grace Ross, Green Party No, I think police should perform police functions- who has the training and ultimate responsibility after all. Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, Republican No, private college security forces should only have the power to stop motor vehicles on the campuses they serve not on public ways.
14. Have you ever crossed a BPPA or any union/labor picket line? Please explain.
11. Do you support the use of police details at roadside construction sites? Please explain.
Deval Patrick, Democrat No.
Deval Patrick, Democrat Yes.
Grace Ross, Green Party No, never.
Grace Ross, Green Party Only when special safety concerns were involved.
Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, Republican No, I have never crossed a union picket line.
Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, Republican Yes, I fully support the continuation of police details. I will not support taking police officers off the streets because of the value I place on public safety.
15. Do you support civil service system and it’s governing commission? If so what qualifications would you look for in your appointees? Deval Patrick, Democrat Yes. Among the qualifications I will look for are an understanding of the rules and support for Civil Service, respect for public service and public servants, creativity, and an ability to resolve problems. Grace Ross, Green Party The concept was good to cut corruption. At this point it appears to be unfairly excluding or handicapping some- it at least needs to be overhauled. Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, Republican As Governor I would limit the civil service system to governing police and fire services. I would be fair in my appointments and would require that all appointees be qualified in public safety matters.
16. Would you support the AFL-CIO call for labor votes on legislative matters? Deval Patrick, Democrat I have an enormous amount of respect for the AFL-CIO as a voice of labor and have pledged to work collaboratively with it on a wide range of issues, and to seek its counsel in governing. Grace Ross, Green Party Yes, absolutely. Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, Republican No, I support each legislator’s duty to carefully review legislation and vote on the merits on behalf of their constituents.
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BPPA By-Law Proposal By Jay Broderick
In September, I received the following By-Law Proposal from BPPA member Bob Boyle. The proposal was submitted in accordance with Article XX of the existing BPPA By-Laws. No member of the BPPA House of Representatives (elected or appointed), nor any member of their immediate family or household, may use any attorney affiliated with a law firm under contract with the BPPA, for purposes other than regular BPPA approved matters. If a member of the House of Representatives, or members of his immediate family or household, chooses to use an attorney from a BPPA contracted law firm for purposes other than regular BPPA approved matters, said member shall resign his/her position within the House of Representatives forthwith or said position will be deemed vacant immediately. (For purpose of this ByLaw, members of the immediate family shall mean husband, wife, mother, father, son, daughter, stepson, and stepdaughter.) This By-Law shall not apply to any member of the House of Representatives assigned an attorney under the BPPA membership legal plan and is prospective upon approval of the membership. Note: The italicized words were added by me for grammar purposes only. In accordance with the existing By-
Laws, I forwarded the proposal to the By Law committee, on which I serve, for their review. The By-Law committee met on August 7, 2006 for the purposes of reviewing the proposal. As a result of their review, the By-Law committee made a recommendation to the BPPA House of Reps that they reject the proposal. The reasons for the committee’s recommendation to reject the proposal were spelled out in a report to the House of Reps and that report was submitted to the House at the August meeting. At the September meeting, the House of Reps overwhelmingly voted to adopt the recommendation of the By-Law committee and to make a recommendation to reject the proposal to the BPPA membership. Furthermore, the House of Reps has instructed me to record, in writing, the reasons for its recommendation, which are the same reasons as the ByLaw committee, and to forward those reasons to the membership. The By-Law committee’s and the House of Reps’ reasons for recommending that the membership reject this By-Law proposal are as follows: 1. The proposed bylaw would significantly disadvantage members of the House of Representatives and their families by denying them the best possible legal representation in private matters. The BPPA endeavors to provide the highest quality legal services to its members. To this end, it has retained the attorneys, whom it believes are the
SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2006 best in their respective areas of practice, including criminal, civil, labor relations, and civil service. When legal conflicts arise between members, the regular BPPA law firms also recommend other highly qualified attorneys who are retained by the BPPA. In short, the proposal would exempt House members, solely for their service to the organization, from being able to provide the best possible representation to themselves and their families when the need for personal legal services arises. While one may argue that there are many excellent attorneys practicing in Massachusetts, those working under contract to the BPPA have unique skills that are not easily substituted for. Atty. Drechsler’s reputation as a consistently zealous advocate for police officers, in both on-duty and offduty matters, has earned him a unique position among Massachusetts attorneys. The lawyers at Sandulli Grace specialize in such niche practice areas as civil service law. A House member seeking counsel for a son or daughter attempting to become a police officer would have his/her choice of counsel greatly diminished by the proposed bylaw. 2. The proposed bylaw is contrary to the fundamental fairness and due process principles enumerated in the existing By-Laws and the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the City of Boston. Article III, Section 1, of these Bylaws expresses that the foundation of the BPPA is “to promote and develop friendly and fraternal spirit among all the Police Officers of the Police Department of the City of Boston; to preserve and foster goodwill …for the mutual aid, protection, defense, advantage and betterment of its members…” Rather than speaking to these lofty goals, the proposed bylaw seeks to punish those members who have taken it upon themselves to be elected as leaders of the BPPA. In this sense, it discriminates against those who have taken the time and made the effort to serve their fellow officers. As such, it conflicts with the basic principles of this organization. To prevent just such invidious discrimination, the BPPA has negotiated provisions into the collective bargaining agreement requiring that the City not retaliate against BPPA officials. This proposed bylaw is antithetical to these expressions of fundamental fairness and due process. 3. There is no evidence that there is any problem which requires correction through the proposed bylaw.
The By-Law Committee has spoken with counsel from the law firms under contract to the BPPA. Most of the private legal work performed for BPPA members and their families has been done by the firm of Finneran, Byrne & Drechsler. That firm has represented numerous BPPA members and family members over the past approximately 12 years that it has been retained by the BPPA. It has generally maintained a consistent policy of charging all BPPA members and members of their families the same hourly rate which it receives from the BPPA. One exclusion from this policy is fee-generating legal work, such as personal injury, where the fee is based on a percentage of the judgment or settlement. This hourly rate represents a significant discount from the rates the firm charge non-members. The rate is the same whether the member is an elected House member or officer or just a member of the BPPA. There is no evidence that this policy has served any purpose other than to enable the best possible representation at the most reasonable price for all BPPA members and their families. Passage of this proposed bylaw would therefore not only not fix a “problem” that does not exist, it would also prevent elected officials and representatives from taking advantage of the same discounted legal rates available to everyone else in the union. It would be similar to forbidding BPPA House members from utilizing the negotiated rates in the BPPA Dental Plan and requiring them to instead secure similar coverage at greater cost, simply for their leadership role in the Union. 4. The Committee has found no other labor union which maintains a policy similar to the one proposed in this bylaw. The By-Law Committee has made inquiry of many other labor unions, both those representing police officers and those representing civilians, inside and outside of Massachusetts, and it has found no other union with a policy such as the proposed one. This does not, of course, mean that there may not be some union out there somewhere with such a policy, but, if there is such a union, the By-Law Committee has not discovered it nor has it been brought to its attention. For all of the foregoing reasons, the By-Law Committee and the House of Representatives recommends that the proposed bylaw be REJECTED. There will be vote on this issue on December 8, 2006 at the BPPA offices.
BEFORE WE EXPLODE… Gripes and groans from around the department Donated by our members and compiled by By Jim Carnell, Pax Editor
BULLETPROOF VEST FOR BUDGET DIRECTOR??? The Pax has confirmed that BPD administrative chief Chris Fox has been measured for a departmentprovided bullet proof vest because, according to Director Elaine Driscoll of the BPD media relations office; “Chris occasionally goes out on ridealongs”. In his capacity as the BPD’s budget director, Mr. Fox is in charge of cutting overtime and other department financial matters. In addition to the need for a bulletproof vest because of “an occasional ride-along”, he was also recently quoted in the Boston Globe (October 6th) defending the use of takehome, unmarked cars by civilian employees such as the director of the taxi unit and the communications director. Apparently, cuts in the BPD’s budget have come mainly from areas that mainly affect
the patrol force, such as cruisers, police stations, and related equipment, judging from recent events. Great, huh? IACP CONVENTION TAKES OVER 160 OFFICERS OFF THE STREETS… As the Pax was nearing press time, the city was about to host the IACP (International Chiefs of Police) Convention at the Convention Center in South Boston. According to BPD personnel order # 06339, over 160 police supervisors, officers, student and probationary officers, and civilian support staff were reassigned from October 7th thru October 20 th to assist with safety, security and escort duty for the thousands of expected conventioneers. (that number did not include the officers from the motorcycle unit or other citywide units who will be pressed into service for this event, as well.) Sort of amazing how the city can devote all of those re-
Compliments of a Friend
sources to entertaining an army of police chiefs and wanna-be chiefs while other officers are forced, time and again, to work mandatory overtime shifts to cover the bare minimum in the districts. ILLNESS ONCE AGAIN FOUND TO AFFLICT MAINLY PATROL FORCE… as we near the end of another year, many of our members have received those little reminders from HQ about the use of sick time…and once again, a study by the BPPA has found that —amazingly— sick time is used mostly by BPPA members, and almost disappears entirely as one heads up the department ladder. Several bad patrolmen have attributed this phenomenon to allegations that the BPD command staff, their friends, associates, favorites etc. don’t use sick
time because when they or a family member becomes ill, they simply “call in to the office” (wink-wink, nod-nod) instead of having to call the BPD sickline like the grunts. But this could not be true because it would indicate the existence of a double-standard, which the BPD steadfastly denies. So all of you bad patrolmen out there who started these rumors, just go away and get your doctor’s note and shutup…. MUSLIM INDOCTRINATION SESSIONS AT BPD ACADEMY…. In yet another BPD bow to political correctness, in-service training at the Academy now includes a lecture and a “quiz” from representatives of the Islamic religion. Apparently, someone has decided that us ignorant cops need to be reeducated in tolerance and diversity. The thought occurred to me- where are the representatives from other religions? Why only Islam? And if they
want to teach tolerance to anyone, shouldn’t they be preaching to the radical Islamists who want to kill all the infidels (READ: me, you and the vast majority of us?) Included in the handout are these gems: under “Perceptions of police officers” is listed: “Police are the same as in country of origin: corrupt, open to bribery, brutal”…Oh really? So they can have stereotypical misperceptions about cops, but the rest of can’t about Arabs? And how about this, listed under “Entering a Muslim home” “Knock, wait, may have to put on headscarf” and “Avoid stepping on carpet with shoes”… Ahmmm…NO.
The Blue Goose is 50 years old in 2006 By Dan Fagan, Treasurer On September 28 the BPPA rolled out the new and improved Blue Goose to honor the Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients at the Public Safety reception held at Florian Hall. It was the first time in several years that the Blue Goose has been seen operating under its own power, and not on the back of a tow truck. She recently received a fresh coat of paint over extensive bodywork. Martin Lynch and his group did an excellent job down at Maaco in Dorchester. The engine has been repaired. It (the engine) was mostly removed in my driveway over a year’s time. Led
by my father-in-law, Robert “Babe” Cunningham, we worked in all kinds of weather to get her running. Mrs. Fagan wanted it to run most of all. She wanted it to run right out of my driveway and to someplace else. She has the patience of a Saint. Only after the Goose was mechanically sound did we send her in for the cosmetic repairs. You never know where or when you might see her next. She has been sighted around town a few times already. The Blue Goose is 50 years old this year. Fifty years old but she still gets lots of looks. Here’s wishing her another 50!
“The Blue Goose (finally) returns to 9-11 Shetland Street”
Tom Nee and Ron MacGillviray with the Goose at the Medal of Honor Recipients reception.
Martin Lynch and his crew at Maaco in Dorchester did a fine job making her sparkle.
Treasurer Dan Fagan at the wheel, while Brendan Fagan rides along. The Blue goose returned to its long time parking space, in the Fagan driveway, to prove to Mrs. Fagan that it was all worth it.
Recent retiree and long time BPPA member Michael Dowd admires the Blue Goose at the MOH reception. He was proud to see the Goose, and we were proud to have him at the reception.
Shift Rep Paul Quinn and BPPA Secretary Jay Broderick with the Blue Goose at the Medal Of Honor Reception. This was the debut of the new improved Blue Goose.
Treasurer Dan Fagan with Blue Goose Chief Mechanic Robert “Babe” Cunningham. Zachary Fagan enjoys riding Shotgun.
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EMS Division Unity & Strength
Thank you from Iraq Hi Guys, Recently I received the packages you sent and I wanted to thank you. It means so much having your support while over here. Getting mail is like Christmas every time. We have a couple of months left here and are anxious to get home. The BPPA is well represented in the 25th Marines in Fallujah. Doug Williams is living and operating in the heart of the city doing a fantastic job as a Combat Medic (Corpsman). Officer Brown is part of the Colonel’s personal security detachment. Officer Burke is in a weapons company and is responsible for saving a fellow Marine’s life who was drowning in an overturned Humvee. Officer
McMorrow is a Master Sergeant now in the Headquarters element, they are responsible for security around the city borders. There are also several New York Police Officers with us. Forgive me if there is anyone I forgot. 1/25 is huge. Sincerely, Corporal Joe Lee Editor’s Note: As of this writing, the 1st Battalion 25th Marines are scheduled to return to home sometime in late October/early November. Boston Police Officer Terrance Burke was seriously injured in a roadside bombing recently and remains under intensive care. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Terry and his family in their time of need. Take care of yourselves.
EMT Doug Williams kneels in front of the prototype of the new EMS Ambulance.
Fleet manager’s personal vehicle is seen here being serviced by a city mechanic while on overtime. Meanwhile, a frontline ambulance is forced to wait, out of service, until the vehicle maintenance is completed.
If you have spent more than two minutes in the back of a Boston EMS ambulance, as a caregiver or as a patient, you are painfully aware of the horrible ride. Chronic suspension problems coupled with some bizarre experiments at the behest of the fleet manager have plagued front-line ambulances for well over two years now. The BPPA/EMS Division has maintained a considerable amount of pressure on the administration to rectify this health and safety issue. The unfortunate news is that several department members, along with members of the public, have already been injured due to our “new and improved” ambulances. The good news is that no one has
suffered a career ending or life threatening injury. So what is the Deputy Superintendent in charge of fleet services doing to combat this well documented and highly dangerous situation? He’s using the department’s mechanics, equipment and time to work on his personal vehicle, that’s what. Anyone reading this who is not familiar with the day-to-day running of this operation may be skeptical of these allegations, and I would not blame you. They are outrageous. This is why I have included these photographs taken shortly after noon on Sunday August 20th, 2006. (A day when said Fleet manager
A closer view of the vehicle reveals the license plate “SUEDE.”
was working as the day tour’s shift commander, on overtime!!!) Geez taxpayer, I hope the mechanic who was doing the work was not on the big clock too!! But our beef is not with the guy who actually works at Fleet, after all he has to do what his boss tells him to do. No, our issue is with the man in charge, the man who takes home the big bucks. Let’s take a look at some highlights during his reign of terror: • Single handedly responsible for the resignation of two of the finest mechanics this place ever saw. • Decided that the hydraulic lift for our large oxygen tanks was a
luxury we could do without (After all he doesn’t have to lug them, right?) • Oversaw “improvements” to the Division 2 supervisor’s vehicle, which promptly burst into flames and was a complete loss. (Again no one was injured, thank God.) • Responsible for the ordering the Braun-1 (A&B) and Braun-2 (A&B) ambulances, in an attempt to “standardize” the fleet. (Apparently going from one type of ambulance to four different types is, at best, a novel form of standardization!) • Decided that tapered leafsprings would be a great new type of suspension for our great new types of continued on page B-3
Unity & Strength
In 5 years By Joseph O’Hare, Paramedic 169
As I sat on my front steps drinking a cup of coffee a couple of weeks ago, two F-15 fighter jets roared overhead pointed in the direction of Logan. Another “incident” on an aircraft. It served as a reminder to me of what happened on that day. The quiet that followed, the disbelief that such
EMS Division a thing could happen here, feeling the need to do something, anything. It’s been that long since the events of September 11, 2001. As the memories of that day are replayed in the media, remember at memorials, and considered in our own minds, we look at how the world has changed since that fateful day. Take a moment to consider the events that have played out in the span of the past five years and think
to yourself: are you different now? Not just in the worldwide scheme of things, but in your own life, at home and at work. Consider these thoughts. The way we view ourselves and those around us may be altered. The toddler that played with the TV buttons that morning while I watched those tragic events unfold is now readying herself for kindergarten. The brother she both loves and
Here we see the Division 2 vehicle, like Fleet’s management, up in flames. continued from page B1
trucks. Despite the additional cost, and the fact they had never been used on ambulances anywhere, the Deputy guaranteed their success. After failing horribly the trucks were sent back to be retro-fitted with their original suspension. • A large protruding metal spike (used to connect the communication equipment in the rear compartment) was conveniently repositioned to an area where you are far more likely to impale your head on it. • Ensured a clearance of at least four inches between the new vehicles muffler and the road. This might be a problem if we worked in a city with pot-holes, or more than four inches of snow per year, but we should be fine. • Decided we need quicker access to our gas masks, and ordered a big hole to be cut in the bulkhead behind the passenger’s seat. This hole is covered by a flap of fabric held in place by Velcro. So every time you are on a response, and you feel the thump of a defibrillator, oxygen tank or suction unit hitting you in the back, be sure to yell out “Thank you Sir, may I have another!” Now this man apparently thinks the taxpayers of Boston are responsible for his personal vehicular im-
This burned out wreck is a fitting tribute to the man in charge at Fleet Maintenance. Keep up the good work!
provements. This should be the last straw. If Chief Serino and his administration cannot see the mockery his Deputy has made of his position in this department, not to mention the complete disrespect he has for the uniform he wears, then I strongly suggest Lasik surgery. Maybe you should all go together, you might get a group discount. Morale in this department is at an all time low, and the reasons are plentiful. Good people are leaving at a record pace. Some for better benefits, some for fewer hours, but all of them have one thing in common, they see the leadership of this department becoming puppets of the Boston Public Health Commission, putting their agenda ahead of ours, and it makes them sick. It is easy to leave a job where you feel unappreciated by your boss. Going to a police or fire department where there is a sense of unity, of a common goal, is very appealing to many of our members. The fact that long term employees are willing to take a ten thousand dollar pay cut in order to do so reflects the severity of the situation. It appears our leaders jump at the chance to reprimand or chastise us,
yet they seldom, if ever, acknowledge a job well done. This is loathsome enough, but when they apply a double standard by rewarding managerial incompetence, and allowing the same person to continually embarrass the department, they slap us all in the face. The problems within the upper echelon here at Boston EMS go far beyond the adventures of a madman in a garage. There are serious issues with training, public relations, professional standards, finance and other areas of the department. The executive board of the BPPA/ EMS Division is aware of these issues, rest assured we are working toward a solution in each case. The problem with our fleet, however, is the most critical and needs to be addressed immediately. The safety and well being of our crews and their patients is our number one priority. We hope that Chief Serino and the people who make his decisions for him realize that we will not rest until this individual is replaced by a competent, qualified fleet manager. Yours with Unity and Strength, The Thorn
taunts had yet-to-be-conceived. The nervous high school freshman of that day left for her sophomore year of college last week. That gawky 10 year old boy now stands two inches taller and ten pounds heavier than his father. My parents aren’t here anymore as they were that day. We have attended funerals for friends, family, coworkers, and some of those killed that day in the line of duty. We have struggled to support those same folks in their time of grief and celebrated with them at their weddings, christenings, birthdays, and retirement. Some watched members of our own families go off to fight a war that started that very day. We do our best to remember that some of our coworkers and friends have joined that same cause. Whether you believe in that cause or not, you do what’s right for them and their loved ones. These are things that most of us would have hardly considered on September 10th, 2001, yet they have transpired nonetheless. Many of our coworkers had yet to arrive at Boston EMS on that day, but now have joined our ranks. We have all endured drills, training, and the ever increasing weight of our brown bags because of it. Some have moved up, some out, and some on. In the meantime, we all continue to do what we always do. We go to work, do our job with little fanfare and even less recognition, then go about the business of our personal lives. Do you do things differently? Are you different? You do the same things you’ve always done, but do you notice little things more often? Is your vision of the world different? Maybe a little more discerning? In the recesses of your mind, are you a bit more careful? Maybe a little more mindful of your safety and that of your partner? Over the next week or so, 9/11 will be remembered by most, forgotten by a few, but etched in the minds of those who witnessed it. Don’t forget. Pray for those lost that day and those who suffer to this day. Keep a thought and a prayer to our men and women who wear the uniform of this country who are in harm’s way. But most of all, remember what’s really important to you and hold it closely. Because in five years, who knows?
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Unity & Strength
EMS Division
Knee Jerk EMS Management and the Mobile Band Aid Solution By Gregory Bond, Paramedic 216
“Due to recent events, we will be altering our operations until such time as…” Sound Familiar? It should. It is usually what you’ll see as the standard format for dealing with an unexpected crisis that negatively affects EMS and the ever-so-precious “image” of the ambulance service in this city. Whether it be a cardiac arrest in East Boston or a delayed response in the North End, Dorchester, Jamaica Plain, etc., the result is always predictably the same: shuffle your pieces around the board to create the illusion of significant change and reform, all the while maintaining the status quo. It’s what I like to call the “Mobile Band Aid Solution,” a temporary and inadequate solution to a chronic problem, and it’s used all the time.
The concept is simple: In response to a tragedy and the undoubted outcry both in the public and mass media that follows, the administration will initiate immediate steps that on the surface appear to address a particular problem or apparent deficiency. A snap reaction to the latest unforeseen event in which a patient inevitably dies as a result of the ongoing but failed policies of the current administration. The rush memorandum becomes a sort of de facto policy in place of a formal or well thought out organizational decision. These steps of course don’t solve the problem at hand, they just give the appearance that something is being done and progress is being made so that “this type of thing will never happen again.”
Sports Trivia By Bill Carroll 1. During the 2006 Major League Baseball season Padres closer Trevor Hoffman set a record for career saves, whose record did he break? 2. Who was the 2004 American League Rookie of the Year?
This usually results in altered coverage areas and/or truck deployments throughout the city, at least for a little while. Inevitably, as with all rash decisions and half measures, the changes are short lived and usually diminish with the fading media spotlight. No formal policy is ever drafted; no long term solutions are hashed out. Over time, things return to their preexisting sub par level. That is until such time as the next crisis again forces management to defend their seeming inability or unwillingness to institute any tangible reforms, which may actually benefit the people whom they serve. As long as they can make themselves look good, representing the needs of their employees and the well being of the general public becomes a distant second. It’s a classic example of the failed “perception is reality” mentality, with the glowing fallacy of perception being heavily stressed over the ugliness of reality. After all, why tell the truth when the halftruth is so much nicer?
As a resident of Charlestown, I am keenly aware of the fact that there is no primary ambulance coverage between the hours of 11 pm and 7 am on a nightly basis. This was an issue over 10 years ago just as it is today, and very little has changed. Two years ago, after a delayed response to the district, this fact was brought to light by a group of concerned citizens, who in turn held a town meeting was held to address this disturbing deficiency. In attendance was a high-ranking member of the Serino administration as a representative of BEMS. The result was hardly reassuring. Instead of seeking further assistance and resources from the PHC and City Hall to staff additional units, the boys at 767 relied on their old standby, the path of least resistance. They simply increased the coverage area of a downtown unit to include Charlestown, in addition to their preexisting districts of Downtown and East Boston, thereby potentially increasing the response times in three districts
4. Who holds the Boston Bruins record for career goals? 5. What goaltender holds the NHL record for consecutive games played? 6. Who holds the Cincinnati Bengals record for career rushing yards? 7. Who is the only member of the Buffalo Bills to have his jersey number retired?
In the last 10 years, the number of trucks patrolling our neighborhoods has remained unchanged. Our annual operating budget has only increased in increments, all the while our call volume continues to grow exponentially every year. As a result, the average response times for units throughout the department are getting longer and longer. Our crews are busier than ever, juggling over 350 daily responses between 20 ambulances for a city of a million plus people. The answer is a relatively simple one: we need increased staffing for more ambulances on the streets of Boston. Getting there is a little more complicated. Despite a flurry of new hires and anticipated recruit classes, our current staffing levels are barely above quota.
Our department is hemorrhaging; their treatment is a Band Aid.
8. In 1943 what two NFL teams merged to play the season due to a player shortage caused by World War II? 9. The Denver Broncos began play in the AFL in 1960. How long did it take them to produce a winning record in a season?
Answers on page B31
At a recent PHC budgetary meeting, Chief Serino indicated that the current funding and resources afforded to BEMS were adequate for the coming fiscal year.
The problems stem not from bringing new people into the department, but from a failure to retain veteran employees who have had enough of the misrepresentation and mismanagement that is rife within the administration.
3. How many Major League teams did Yogi Berra manage and who were they?
10. Who is the Boston/New England Patriots All-time leading scorer?
as opposed to just one.
Boston EMT Doug Williams (pictured here 3rd from left) posing with fellow members of the 1st Battalion 25th Marines currently stationed in Fallujah, Iraq.
Until such time as we get real leadership in the front offices of BEMS, we will continue to get criticized by the media and the public at large for the faults of those administration officials that currently represent us.
The Conley case: we wuz right all along. Manufactured federal “witness” now admits he never could/did identify Conley at scene of 95’ Cox beating
Entertainment Trivia By Bill Carroll
1. Who holds the record for the most Emmy nominations without winning? 2. Who is the only person to be named an “Honorary Veteran” by the United States Congress? 3. Spencer Tracy won back-toback Best Actor Oscars in 1937 and 1938. Who was the next actor to accomplish that feat? 4. What famous Actor/Entertainer was a part owner of the Pittsburgh Pirates for over twenty years? 5. Who guest hosted the Tonight Show in place of Johnny Carson the most times? Answers on page B-11
Internet Gem: Grumpy Husband A woman and her ever-grumpy husband went on vacation to Jerusalem. While there, the husband passed away. The undertaker told the wife, “You can have him shipped home for $5,000 or you can bury him here in the Holy Land for $150.” The woman thought about it and told the undertaker she would just have him shipped home. The undertaker asked, “Why would you spend $5,000 to have your husband shipped home when it would be wonderful to be buried here and you would only spend $150?” The woman replied, “Long ago, a man died here, was buried here and three days later he rose from the dead. I just can’t take that chance.”
By Jim Carnell, Pax Editor THERE’S A GOOD CHANCE YOU MISSED IT, because it was buried on page B-8 in the Sunday Globe of Sept. 17, 2006. For sure, we should have expected it, because when the news exonerates a Boston cop or tends to show that the almighty press was wrong, that news will almost certainly be downplayed (if it makes it into the newspaper at all, that is). Still, it was a long-overdue measure of vindication for Officer Kenny Conley, who last year won an eight-year long struggle against the combined forces of the federal government, their consorts in the Boston Police Department, and much of the local media. The article was exhaustively researched by former Globe “Spotlight Team” investigative reporter Dick Lehr, who is now a Professor of Journalism at Boston University and is writing a book about the 1995 beating of then-Officer Michael Cox, the case which ensnared Kenny Conley as the US attorney’s office attempted to “create a witness” in order to put on a show trial about the so-called “Code of silence” amongst police officers. (Ironically, the Globe’s Spotlight Team was initially responsible for focusing [wrongly] on Ken Conley). Frustrated by their inept inability to prosecute those who were actually responsible for the beating of Cox, the feds focused their attention on Ken Conley, who had scaled a fence, chased and caught one the suspects fleeing a murder, Robert “Smut” Brown. Conley was at least a quarter-mile away from where Cox had been beaten. Despite that fact, federal authorities focused on him and employed Brown, a career criminal, and a disgraced detective (who later admitted that his testimony was manufactured in order to “help” Cox’s case and that he might need to “be hypnotized in order to truly re-
Initially convicted in federal court, Conley was within days of being sent to prison for something he didn’t do or see… member”) to testify in a perjury trial against Conley. Initially convicted in federal court, Conley was within days of being sent to prison for something he didn’t do or see before a series of appeals in his favor eventually led to
US Attorney Michael Sullivan dropping the matter in 2005 (rather than be embarrassed by the lack of a case). In the Globe article by Lehr, “Smut” Brown was interviewed in a Maine prison, where he awaits sentencing on drug charges. According to the article, “A Globe reexamination of the case has found an apparent and perhaps devastating defect in the eyewitness case against Conley, one which, for some court observers, raises the possibility of government misconduct. “…Brown [now] says that Conley wasn’t the officer he saw and that he tried, unsuccessfully, to alert federal authorities during the trial that they had the wrong man. “When I seen him sitting at the defense table I didn’t have no clue, like, why they were using me for that- because I didn’t recognize him…” [said Brown]. Now “Smut” Brown is, without argument a contemptible reprobate, an incorrigible brigand, and an oxygen thief. But the federal government, in June of 1998, used Brown to testify against Officer Ken Conley. TheyAssistant US Attorney Ted Merritt and FBI agent Kim McAllister- employed this worthless scum to infer that Conley was the guy Brown saw standing at the fence next to where Cox was beaten, ruin Conley’s reputation and to (almost) send him to jail for a crime he did not commit. So, in comparative terms, when “Smut” Brown is placed next to Merritt and McAllister, he is a shining beacon of truth and justice. Federal authorities hold us- as with almost all local law enforcementin utter contempt (and I dare say the feeling is mutual.) But what this shows us is that the feds will stop at nothing- including the manufacture of witnesses and testimony- in order to achieve their goal. The ends justify the means in their dirty little playbook. Kenny Conley knows this from experience. Fortunately, he was able to persevere and beat them at their own game, with help from friends, family and his outstanding lawyers in Washington DC, Bob Bennett, Saul Pilchen, and Jonice Gray-Tucker. Most of us, however, would not be able to withstand the immense power and resources of the federal government and the evil people who despise police officers and desire to use us to make their careers. Forewarned, forearmed.
The Davis Co. is a Proud Supporter of the
Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association SCHOLARSHIP FUND
Letters to/from the Editor Response to Weekly Dig’s “Insatiable Whore’s” insult to BPPA Dear Mr. Paul McMorrow, Please excuse me for the lateness of this missive, but I only recently received a copy of your article entitled “The union is like an insatiable whore” which appeared in the Weekly Dig issue of 9/13/ 06. As a 25-year veteran Boston Police Officer and editor of the BPPA’s Pax Centurion, I do not often read the “Dig”, as I have observed that it is used primarily as bedding material by the homeless. I noticed immediately that the “sources” for your article were 1.) an unknown “city hall observer” and 2.) “a second city hall observer”. It does not surprise me that the veritable army of lickspittles, coatholders, rumpswabs, bootlickers, and beholden handmaidens who surround the Mayor would hide behind the anonymous description of “unknown city hall observer”. But I do know that the use and misuse of such unnamed “sources” is a com-
mon tactic of the yellow journalist. One does not need a degree from Columbia or B.U. to understand that invented sources who are “quoted” by journalists-with-an-agenda are a dime-a-dozen. I thought it might be interesting, though, to examine your phraseology “insatiable whore”, which you use to describe my union, despite the fact that you have no (or at a minimum -factually incorrect) knowledge of the bargaining history between the City of Boston and the BPPA. The word “insatiable” would more appropriately describe the ego of Mayor Menino, which must, at all costs, be assuaged by the servile flatterers whom you have used as the unknown sources for your article. And the word “whore”, meaning an unpaid prostitute, should actually be used to describe journalists who perform as consorts in the hope of landing future political favors/job opportu-
nities, etc. etc. Not that facts matter, but I thought I’d try to interject a few within your numerous inaccuracies, to use the polite terminology. First, your article is factually incorrect when your unnamed source is quoted as saying “ they’re looking for residency, even though they traded away residency to get the Quinn bill”. Your “source “ is false: in 1994, nationally-renowned arbitrator Arvid Anderson, in a contract forced to a decision by the state’s Joint LaborManagement Committee, imposed the city’s residency policy prospectively upon all officers hired after July 1st, 1994. (Mayor Menino’s son was conveniently excluded by virtue of being in the class immediately before the cutoff date. And at the time, patrolmen had been without a raise in pay for four years, by the way.) The Quinn bill was negotiated in a successor contract negotiated in 1998. Resi-
WTF is “an insatiable whore?” To the editor [The Dig]: You’ve got to be kidding with the title to today’s news story, “The Union is Like an Insatiable Whore,” (9/13/06). Can one week’s “news to us” be fodder for “media farm” the next? This title deserves to be. Put simply, the article doesn’t portray the point of the story, which is that the City’s arrogant disregard for the law has led to another judgment against it. How does that translate into a union bashing title? Your Herald-wannabe title missed its target. As to the article itself, it starts off by expressing outrage that Boston police officers want raises despite the fact that the City says it’s really strapped for cash. Taking the City at its word (something I hope and pray no Bostonbased reporter would ever do), why is it news that workers want more money? I doubt Joe Keohane sits at the Harvard club lighting Cohiba’s with C-notes, but I’ll bet that Paul McMorrow wants a raise despite the fact
that the Dig is struggling like all print media. Yes, Boston police officers want, and deserve, raises—partly because the City keeps illegally shortchanging them. Next, the article offers obscenity-laden diatribes against workers from two “city hall observers.” Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got the mouth of the proverbial truck driver, but how many drinks did these alleged experts have before offering up such drivel? First of all, WTF does it mean to be “like an insatiable whore?” That is a really poor simile. Prostitutes aren’t in it for the sex, they’re driven to the profession by need. The line doesn’t deserve to be in the piece, much less as the title. Also, one of the anonymous observers claims the T is in trouble because of union contracts. Anyone who rides the T can tell you that the troubles are the result of much higher up the food chain at T headquarters than union workers. And since when are real city hall observers unwilling to have their name in the
paper? Last I knew, most “observers” at city hall would knock their grandmother down a flight of stairs to get within earshot of a reporter’s tape recorder. Finally, thanks for spelling my name right. As a long time reader and fan of the Dig, I appreciate it, and was happy to talk with Mr. McMorrow about the case I’m involved in, a case that once again demonstrates that the City’s arrogance causes it to throw money at legal fees rather than follow the law in the first place. That’s the City’s problem, not the fact that its workers want better wages and working conditions. Since I was on duty as a lawyer when I spoke with Mr. McMorrow, I tried to use “professional” language. If I had known that I would be up against two four-mouthed, unnamed, unperceptive and delusional city hall observers, I would have dropped a few f-bombs. Sincerely, Bryan Decker Counsel to the BPPA
Ripped from the headline of The Weekly Dig Editor’s Note: This is a mock-up of the headline from The Weekly Dig, 9/13/06, referrenced in the articles on this page.
news to us “THE UNION IS LIKE AN INSATIABLE WHORE” Spurned cops prepare to soak the mayor BY PAUL MCMORROW I PAUL@WEEKLY DIG.COM
dency had nothing to do with the Quinn bill, and vice-versa. The reason for my union’s award in regards to the overtime case is very simple: the City of Boston and the Menino administration, either through blind arrogance or careless stupidity, simply refuse to adhere to their obligation to bargain with their employees. As of today’s date, virtually all of Boston’s municipal employees are without contracts (once again). Since Menino became Mayor, I am unaware of any police department contract which has been settled less than two years after its expiration date. As for your alleged source’s statement that “Menino gave away the store last time…”, please note that that statement is - like most of your article - false. The last contract was, like the contract in 1994, imposed by a retired judge in a politically-motivated arbitration proceeding hurried before the Democratic Convention in 2004 in order to avoid political embarrassment for those who claim to be “pro-labor”. Like all preceding contracts, it was also expired over two years previously, ample time for the Mayor to have resolved the matter amicably and professionally. Therefore, “giving away the store” was not in the Mayor’s ability.
As you are aware, police officers, firefighters, and EMT’s cannot strike or engage in work slowdowns, and that severely limits our ability to redress grievances in ways similar to other workers. Undoubtedly, were it up to yourself, the Mayor , and the voting public, police officers wouldn’t get a raise in pay- ever. We’re always the bad guys who show up at the worst moments of people’s lives, we’re always wrong and never right, we’re constantly second-guessed and criticized by the armchair experts who have watched the latest episode of “CSI” or “Law and Order”. The only thing we have to protect our limited rights and working conditions is our union and an expired contract. So stop shilling for Mayor Menino, Mr. McMorrow. Unless, of course, we’ll be seeing you shortly in some capacity at City Hall’s media relations office, like the Boston Phoenix’s Seth Gitell and a host of other “journalists” who have sold themselves to political pimps. So if that’s the case, Paul, forget all about this little missive, and I look forward to working with you in the future as a fellow city employee. Sincerely, Jim Carnell Editor, Pax Centurion
Turner Construction is proud to support The Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association
Building the Future Two Seaport Lane, Boston, MA
Letters to/from the Editor To: The Boston Globe re: “Witness in 95 brutality case offers new account” (9-17-06, Page B-8)
September 18, 2006
Dear Editor, The article written by Globe correspondent Dick Lehr about the wrongful conviction of Boston Police Officer Ken Conley (“Witness in ’95 brutality case offers new account”) should have been front-page news, but instead appeared on Page B-8 (Sept. 17th Sunday Globe), undoubtedly missed by the vast majority of your readers. As Conley’s supporters know, the investigation into the 1995 beating of Officer Michael Cox focused not on finding who was responsible for the assault but rather on creating a witness to testify to the version of events formulated by federal authorities. That created witness would then appear as the fingerpointer in the career-making “blue code of silence” showtrial starring Assistant US Attorney Theodore Merritt. Un-
fortunately for AUSA Merritt and the FBI, the truth got in the way, and the case against Officer Conley crumbled and was ultimately dropped after an 8-yr. long trip through prosecutorial hell. As a 25 yr. veteran Boston police officer, I would be subject to criminal and civil penalties if I knowingly prosecuted an innocent man. But because they literally are the law, (and therefore apparently above it) nothing will happen to AUSA Merritt, FBI agent Kim McAllister, or others who were involved in the blatantly wrongful prosecution of Officer Ken Conley. In my opinion, Merritt et al are an affront to the concepts of truth and justice. Thank you, Dick Lehr, for shining the light upon this egregious example of prosecutorial misconduct. James W. Carnell Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association Area A-1 Representative
To: The Boston Herald Subject: response to “Who’s minding the store” September 9, 2006 Dear Editor, Once again, the Herald manages to take a cheap potshot at the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association (“Who’s minding the store” 9/8/06). In regards to the situation involving ex-Officer Chistine Meegan, please be advised that it was not the union contract which she manipulated but her insider, political connections that allowed her to take over 100 sick days after she moved to Atlanta. As the command staff of the BPD knows, when an officer uses five sick days in a calendar year, a “bad boy” letter is sent to the officer. (I know- after 25 years on the job, I recently received one.) After an officer uses over 10 sick days in a calendar year, a doctor ’s note is required or pay may be docked. So why wasn’t ex-Officer Meegan held to the same stan-
dard as the rest of us? As all Boston Police officers are acutely aware, there is one set of rules which are applied to the grunts who work the streets and another set of rules for those who have the right political connections. Don’t
Entertainment Trivia Answers 1. Actress Angela Lansbury has been nominated for an Emmy sixteen times but has never won. 2. In 1997 Bob Hope was named an “Honorary Veteran” by the Congress of the United States? 3. Tom Hanks won back to back Best Actor Oscars in 1993 and 1994 starring in the films Philadelphia, and Forrest Gump. 4. Actor/Entertainer Bing Crosby was a part owner of the Pittsburgh Pirates for over twenty years. 5. Bob Newhart guest hosted the Tonight Show in place of Johnny Carson 87 times.
Everest Partners, LLC is a proud sponsor of The Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association 950 Third Avenue 28th Floor New York, NY 10022-2705 212-355-7474
Northwoods Business Park 99 Rosewood Drive, Suite 270 Danvers, MA 01923 978-564-8002
blame my union for what is clearly another example of BPD management’s doublestandard. Sincerely, James W. Carnell BPPA union representative Area A-1
Altria Group is Proud to Support the BPPA’s Scholarship Fund The Altria family of companies has been giving back to its communities for more than 45 years. We do it because it is the right thing to do.
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A True-blue American Hero By Mark A. Bruno How does one put into words what a soldier’s sacrifice means to his country and his fellow officers? I can tell you that the officers of District-six, especially the day shift, have never been more proud of fellow Officer Terry Burke, who was seriously injured in Iraq while serving with the United States Marine Corp. Officer Burke, to many at District-six, is like a brother in every sense of the word. He would protect his fellow officers even if it meant putting his own life on the line, which is the Terry Burke everyone knows at C-6. “There is no love greater than that of a brother who would lay down his life for another.” (Author unknown) Officer Burke had already served his time for the Marine Corp. but felt compelled to do another tour in Iraq so he could support his fellow officers and protect his country from the threat of terrorism. He had only about
a month to go before the tragic explosion that took the lives of two of his fellow Marines. Many of Terry’s fellow officers tried to talk him out of being redeployed but he would have none of that. He a d m i r e d everyone’s concern, but he felt a need to be beside his Brothers in Arms in Iraq. His courage and dedication will never be questioned by any of his co-workers, or those of his battalion. You couldn’t stop him with a tank from going to Iraq to be beside his fellow Marines. Anyone who works with Terry will tell you he is all heart. Before Terry left he wrote a very impassioned letter to his co-workers at District-six explaining why he felt a need to redeploy to Iraq. Hopefully that letter is included in this edition so you may read for yourselves what this young man is made of. He is a modern day John Wayne, True Grit all the way. Recently the Police Post had
The Pope offends Islamic radicals By Kevin Doogan It is amazing to me that although there has been a religious war raging in the Middle East for well over a thousand years people just ignore the true root of the problem and focus instead upon trivialities as the cause. This war in Iraq and Afghanistan isn’t a lost cause as the media and the liberal press purports. We were sneakattacked by religious zealots on September 11, 2001 and over 3,000 innocent civilian lives were lost. Do you know how many innocent American civilians have been killed by Al-Qaeda on American soil since 9-11? The short answer is zero, I believe the proof is in the pudding. The Pope refers to some obscure medieval passage that pretty much hits the nail right on the head referring to some of the followers of Islam. Pope Benedict XVI was quoting this medieval text that characterized some of the teachings of Islam’s founder, Prophet Muhammad, as “evil and inhuman.” He also quoted a text that referred to Islam as being spread “by the sword” Well lets take hard look at those statements and why everyone seems to be all jacked up over them. What religious following is continuously trying to blow every non-believer up? What major religion seems to promote the abuse, torture and murder of their women? What religion is determined to con-
vert or destroy every other religion at any cost? What religion promises faithful followers 72 virgins after they blow themselves up in service to the cause? I may be wrong, but it sounds a little evil and inhuman to me and the good word may not be being spread by a sword today but I’m pretty sure they didn’t have car bombs or C4 in the medieval days. Don’t the actions of even a splinter religious group reflect directly upon the teachings of that religion? Isn’t this the case with Catholics and abortion? The media has been having as field day with the Catholic religion over abortion issues, zealots attacking clinics and the priest child abuse scandals. The media and every long faced politician has condemned the Catholic religion over these issues yet I haven’t heard of any mass slaughters being planned by the faithful. Look, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. The scholars knew that back in the medieval days much like we know it today. Make no mistake until we focus our energies on the true source of this global problem we will be doing nothing more than holding back the flood gates of a tidal wave of bloodshed being brought to our doors care of your friendly neighborhood Islamic extremists
their Annual Ball in which Veterans from past and present gathered. Officer Chris Colby from District-eleven, who also served in Iraq with the Marines, hosted some of the evening’s ceremonies. He mentioned what had happened to Terry and his fellow Marines to this group of esteemed Veterans. Everyone one of them felt the concern in Chris’s voice and advised him that whatever needed to be done to help Terry they were there. I gave a copy of Terry’s letter to fellow officer and Veteran, Pat Rose. Pat read this letter to the audience of Veterans and there wasn’t a dry eye in the place.
You could hear a pin drop as they leaned in to hear every heartfelt word that Terry had written. By the end of the letter even the reader had become choked up with emotion. Needless to say for these dedicated soldiers it was a grim reminder of the horror’s of war and the price of Freedom. On this fifth anniversary of 9/11, one need only to look at the front page of the Globe (September 12, 2006) to understand what Terry and soldiers like him are fighting for. The picture shows a little girl (Patricia Smith) in a pink dress holding a rose by her side
with her head tipped down and a somber expression on her face. Patricia’s mom was Police Officer Moira Smith who was killed while going back into one of the Twin Towers to save lives. This picture I’m sure made allot of people weep for those who were lost during the 9/11 attacks. It also brings out the contempt for those who were responsible for these cowardly acts. This was the mission and resolve that Terry spoke of in his letter. He asked that we please not think less of him for the stance he had to take in order to achieve this resolve. How could anyone think less of a person protecting the very fabric of which this country was built upon? Terry is the guy that every father would want their daughter to marry. Responsible, committed, dedicated, steadfast in his beliefs to the American way of life, this is Terry. He bleeds red, white and blue, and would sacrifice himself to the cause of enduring Freedom. Every soldier and police officer should emulate Officer Burke. The officers of District-six have no doubt that Terry will bounce back from his injuries and look to pick up where he left off. Officers’ Philbin and Rackauskas along with the day crew are praying and looking forward to Terry’s recovery and return to Boston.
Police Officer Terry Burke gave of himself, mind, body and soul, to the cause of Freedom. Police Officer Terry Burke gave of himself, mind, body and soul to the cause of Freedom. They may have injured his body, but his spirit and pride like that of the American Eagle will soar high for all to see. We wish Terry a speedy recovery and will keep him in our prayers. In the eyes of his coworkers and fellow Marines Terry is without a doubt a True-blue American Hero!
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Boston Police Patrolmen
’s Association, Inc.
9-11 Shetland Street Boston, MA 02119
International Association Chiefs of Police: Welcome to Boston!
The Boston Police Patrolm en’s Association would lik e to invite you to tour Bosto cated” (translation: in Bosto n’s “temporarily relon, “12-18 months” means “2 -3 years”) Government Cente at 152 North St. in Boston’s r police station, located North End. The building, ere cted in 1932, now houses ap officers, supervisors and su proximately 200 police pport staff who have been relocated there while await tion of the former Area A-1 ing the alleged rehabilitapolice station on Sudbury St. , built in 1965. Comparativ dire need of repairs, is no ely, that facility, though in w fondly recalled as the “T aj Mahal” by the officers an stationed there. d supervisors who were The “temporary” Area A po lice station truly reflects wh at the City of Boston think The building is only partiall s of its patrol officers. y occupied by the police de partment; half of it still conta agencies, such as the “Bigins a variety of other city Dig”-related Boston Archeo logical Committee, the Bo thority, and the Boston Fin ston Redevelopment Auance Commission. Despite ample time to prepare for thi station has…. s move, the alleged police ➣ Virtually non-existent bu ilding security! Civilian em ployees from other agencie nobody knows who anyone s walk in and out, and is! A blackened door preven ts officers from seeing wh they are already inside. Po o is about to enter until lice reports are taken in the middle of a common hallw Despite the fact that many ay busy with foot traffic. police lockers contain firea rms, unknown civilians wa In the post 9-11 world, pros lk freely through the halls. pective visitors from Al Qu eda and Hezbollah are sure pass the ammunition” wh to say “Praise Allah and en they see what passes for a “Police Station”! If you’v police or need to steal some e got a beef against the thing, come on down! We guarantee we won’t know point, we probably won’t wh o you are, and at this care, either! ➣ The lockers for 140 patro lmen are crammed into a ba sement without a single ele occupy common hallways. ctrical outlet and also Officers must often change int o and out of their uniform employees, including youn s in front of civilian g females, going to and fro m their offices. ➣ There is ONE common shower in the entire building - for both male and female filthy basement corner with officers- located in a one exposed toilet and sin k. ➣ There is NO gym or ex ercise equipment, no refrig erator in which an officer mi no sink or eating area, no ght store his/her lunch, microwave, TV or any oth er amenities which are comm employees who are minim only available to most ally valued by their emplo yer. ➣ The 1930’s-era building is notorious for heat and po wer interruptions, respirato leaks and insect infestation ry problems, water s, according to past and cu rre nt oc cupants. Handicapped /elde ited to daytime hours depe ndent on “who has a key to rly access is limthe elevator?” ➣ The lack of locker space (only one per officer) requir es officers to store much of ment in their cars or home their emergency equips. ➣ Several officers, within one week of being assigned to the building, have report irritations and sightings of ed insect bites, skin cockroaches and other verm in. ➣ The parking lot, locate d across the street and aro und the corner, has one co sulting in hilarious, Keyston mmon entrance/exit, ree-Kops bottlenecks during sh ift changes. Don’t spend m when you don’t have to! Co oney on circus tickets me see us trying to get out of the parking lot! So come on down during yo ur visit to Boston and have a good laugh- on us! Despite happy faces which Boston the façade of shining, will put in front of you, the tru th is ugly, dirty and filthy. Whe actually perform the dang n police officers, who erous, day-to-day that you Chiefs of Police like to tak sub-humans by their emplo e cre dit for are treated like yer, well, you know that old police saying… “what goes around, comes around”. THIS MESSAGE BROUGH T TO YOU BY THE MEMB ERS OF
The Boston Police Patrolm en’s Association 9-11 Shetland St. Roxbury, Ma. 02119 617-989-2772
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We owe a large part of our success to the communities we call home. That’s why we’re committed to supporting and getting involved in our local charities. Whether we’re developing education programs for children, initiating marine conservation efforts or simply volunteering our time in our neighborhoods, Royal Caribbean International® and Celebrity Cruises® enjoy the opportunity to prove that home is truly where our heart is.
SL04/122693 • 11/19/2004
They Served With Dignity and Honor We Shall Not Forget Them
photo unavailable
Thomas E. Mahoney 8/6/06
Francis P. O’Laughlin 8/10/06
Paul W. Condon 8/25/06
Herbert W. Collins 8/27/06
Det. Robert L. Cunningham 9/1/06
Sgt. James P. Connolly 9/1/06
William Fitzpatrick 9/8/06
Paul E. Conroy 9/27/06
We apologize for any errors or omissions
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Congratulati Congratu
Off the top of my head By Kevin Doogan The virtually unknown Derderian whether it’s sports, politics, the mebrother, Michael, takes a four year dia or Hollywood, if you or some one plea for his part in the horrific deaths you know has the juice you play by of 100 patrons of his club while his different rules. media famous and influential brother In another case of finally getting Jeffrey cops out to 500 hours of comwhat you deserve, I was happy to see munity service. What a shock. Not. In Tom Reilly soundly slapped down at yet another case of the rich and influthe recent Primary. Thanks again Tom ential getting slapped on the wrist for sticking you pompous ass into our while the public, pardon the pun, gets contract negotiations back in 2004, I roasted. Stanley Filoma got off easy hope it was worth it. when he was sentenced to 6-8 years News flash, foul play may be afoot for ramming his car into a Super Bowl crowd of drunken rioting co-eds. in the 2nd Suffolk Senate race where Filoma’s wanton reckless actions re- eight precincts were uncounted. sulted in one dead and four others in- Could our favorite admitted felon jured and him being incarcerated for have gotten to the vote tally counters? at least six years, and I might say Stay tuned. Wait for the spin, Oh we rightfully so. However the weeping just forgot to count, were there Derderian brothers shed a few croco- dimpled chads? dile tears and the Rhode Island JudiI found it ironic the Venezuela ciary turns its back on the 100 victims president took the opportunity to inburnt alive because of the Derderians’ sult and defame President Bush at the wanton reckless actions and inactions. UN because unless I’m uninformed But why am I surprised, look at the doesn’t he incarcerate and torture his laundry list of influential people that critics? have skated justice. Pick your field
Internet Gem Submitted by Kevin Doogan
Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically-correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world. Rule 1: Life is not fair. Get used to it! Rule 2: The world won’t care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself. Rule 3: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won’t be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both. Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity. Rule 6: If you mess up, it’s not your parents’ fault, so don’t whine about your mistakes. Learn from them.
Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren’t as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent’s generation, try delousing the closet in your own room. Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they’ll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn’t bear the slightest resemblance to anything in real life. Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don’t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time. Rule 10: Television is not real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs. Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one.
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Socialist Psychopathology By Patrick Carnell, Canisius College, Buffalo NY, class of 2008 I’ve said some pretty de- ever—and you will find the defend it. rogatory things about the far- sad-sacks who will ultimately The question remains, left in recent years, and all of cause the downfall of the civi- though: why and how do radiit is completely true and jus- lized world in their quest to cal leftists believe what they tified. How do I know this, de-legitimize its very do, in spite of the entertainone might ask? Well, one, a existence…Allah-forbid that ment they provide? Obvibetter question would be how anyone who wants to destroy ously logic and intellectual could I not know? Open your the free world should feel honesty are absent from eyes and look deep in your marginalized by those shed- whatever process by which heart—or Harvard, what- ding their sweat and blood to they arrive at their “conclu-
A Liberal Lexicon By Patrick Carnell, Canisius College, Buffalo, NY, class of 2008
Child-centered - “We can’t be bothered to teach them…perhaps they’ll do it themselves”. Class - Grouping people by the contents of their wallet rather than, say, how they think, feel, or behave as individuals. Disproportionate - Describes any act by the United States or Israel. Diversity – Creating a work force based on how people look or worship rather than on their aptitude and skills. Equal - As in “opportunities”; describes the desire to have a workforce resemble the population it comes from, rather than matched to the task at hand. See ‘diversity’. Egalitarian - “If I can’t have one, then neither can you”. Shared misery is so much better than unevenly scattered joy. Fascism/Nazism - Apparently the “opposite” of Socialism, despite sharing party members, ideology, and—in National Socialism—the name. Gender issues - Grouping people by their sex rather than how they think, feel, or behave as individuals. Hate-crime - Same as “regular” or “love” crime as far as victims are concerned— but much more distressing for heart-hemorrhaging liberals Hate-speech - “SHUT UP! I can’t hear you, lalalalalala!” Inclusive – “Drop standards so anyone can get in.” Inappropriate - “I don’t like this” - no explanation for what or whom must ever be given. Intolerance - Intolerance can only committed against certain defined groups of people. These do not include: Americans, the middle class,
Israelis/Jews, Westerners, rural people, business, and Christians. Islamophobic - Anyone who objects to being blown up at or on the way to work; includes Muslims who don’t like being suddenly and unwittingly “martyred” by their self-proclaimed “freedom fighters,” oddly enough. Israel - See ‘disproportionate’ and ‘legitimate grievances’. Country the size of Delaware, with less than six million inhabitants, whose existence and stubborn insistence on surviving is entirely responsible for any and all delinquent Islamist behavior the world over. Legitimate grievances Why we’re to blame for bloodlusting Islamists wanting to murder non-Muslims and non-radical Muslims. Also called “Root Causes.” Marx – An alleged “intellectual” of the 19th century whose theories cannot be disproved by observation, experience, or factual evidence, or criticized in any way, shape, or form. Multi-cultural - All culture is valid—unless Western in some way. Usually to be “celebrated” and always found to be “vibrant”. See ‘diversity’. Nazi - Describes non-leftist views and useful to link with people lefties don’t like. The support of real Nazis is actually quite celebrated, what with their hatred of Israel and default support of radical Islamists. Palestinians - Archetypal “victims,” no matter how many unarmed civilians they murder. Never responsible for anything they do—or done in their name—because of ‘root causes’ or ‘legitimate griev-
ances’. Progressive - Describes ideas generally thought up around 40-80 years ago—that still don’t work. Al Qaeda - Muslim ‘militants’ who for some reason or other continue to kill far more Muslims than people of any other faith. Racist - Means “shut up!”—and is much, much worse than being murderous, naïve, or deceitful. In fact, easily the worst crime ever conceived of. See ‘hate speech’. Religion -Christianity: Irrational, completely made up of rural, racist, Jesus-lovin’ bigots; dangerous belief that material things may not be the principal motive behind human behavior. Islam: Needs to be “understood” and appeased. Root causes - Usually need to be “examined”. Belief in ‘root causes’ reflects persistent leftist habit of trying to see contemporary religious and political issues through the prism of ‘class analysis’ and ‘imperialism’. Social exclusion - When bad people, behaving badly, somehow become our fault. Subsidized art - Art no one would buy. Take forward - Use when you can’t say “Do” with any certainty or confidence. Terrorist - No such thing. Only people suffering from ‘root causes’ and ‘legitimate grievances’. Unilateral - Used to describe any act by the United States in support of its national interests, even if joined by 40 or so other nations. Victim - See ‘Terrorist’, ‘Palestinians’, ‘gender issues’, ‘race issues’ and ‘social exclusion’.
SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2006 sions.” What is it, then, that fuels their desire to cling to universally untenable concepts and ideas? Would it surprise you to find that psychoanalysis might have a pretty good explanation? Yeah, I didn’t think it would. Progressive Personality Disorder is a term that has been (jokingly) tossed around lately by right-leaning psychologists and doctors to describe the counter-productive and borderline behavior of radical leftists. PPD is often diagnosed in the mid teens, and symptoms can persist until the mid 20s to early 30s, although in many recorded cases it has lasted well into middle age, and in rare cases, for life. It is characterized by pervasive cognitive dissonance with the world around the sufferer, hyperbole, and by the delusion that those with opposing views are not privy to the sufferer’s version of “reality.” Among the symptoms (at least five of which must be present): • “Bush Derangement Syndrome”: an intense, irrational hatred of President Bush marked by the refusal to admit his successes, obsessively searching for a way to spin a positive action or remark in a negative light, actively hoping for the failure of his policies, and tolerating the suffering of others to prevent Bush from undertaking an action to help people which will be seen in a positive way. • Persecution Complex: in which the sufferer so desires the moral righteousness of the oppressed that she will manufacture or fabricate examples of theirs’ or others’ civil rights being violated, even if no such thing has ever occurred. Claiming to be oppressed in a democratic society, even while freely protesting, writing, speaking to media outlets, insulting and condemning government, and continuing to freely express self long after. • Grandiose thinking,: particularly if the sufferer considers himself to be part of an intellectual elite based purely on political views, and having the ability to change the world for the better through unrealistic or simplistic means, such as “revolution”; fantasies of being
more socially “with it,” or morally upright based on politics also fall under this category. • Utopian thinking,: in which the sufferer believes in simple, linear, consequencefree solutions to social problems. • Anthroplastic thinking: The delusion that behavioral conditioning performed by the government or some other collective will cure all problems. Implicit in this delusion is the idea that human beings are infinitely malleable and subject to behavioral manipulation leading to perfect control and predictability. Free will and personal conscience are devalued or denigrated. Mistaken by sufferers to be “compassion.” • Theistic aversion: An intense hatred of all things religious, except for certain religions whose followers are “oppressed” in the eyes of the sufferer. • Emotional Ideation: Making decisions based on how something “feels” rather than on solid facts and reasoning. Sufferers will attempt to mask symptom by referring to it as “post-modernism” or “progressive thought.” • Cognitive Dissonance: Contradiction between stated beliefs and actions. For example, decrying discrimination based on race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, while supporting said discrimination in a politically different setting. • Sexual Dysfunction: Obsessive anxiety about sexual matters and gender roles, including defining persons based on sexual preference, excessively passionate celebration of alternative lifestyles, excessive celebration of unhindered sexuality in general. • Cultural Self-Loathing: Fervent belief in the beauty and equality of all cultures, except one’s own or any Western culture. • Highly-exaggerated and baseless claims of repression, police brutality, racism, civil rights violations, neo-imperialism, and the murder and torture of foreign civilians or combatants by American, Israeli, or othercontinued on page B-29
Party like it’s 1938 By Patrick Carnell, Canisius College, Buffalo, NY, class of 2008
On one hand, it is ridiculously hilarious that the “presidents” of Iran and Venezuela, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez, ranted and raved like under-medicated psychotics at the UN about how Bush was “the devil,” and how Chavez could “still smell the sulfur” of the Dark Lord’s ashy presence. On the other hand, it’s actually kind of scary that they believe what they say. And on a third, deformed, mutated hand, its quite sobering to realize that so many world leaders and ambassadors who were present for their diatribes wildly applauded them, and that many citizens of the West—including large portions of our own country— appear to support and agree with those murderous elements that would gladly have their throats slit once they outlived their usefulness.
It is very possible—maybe likely—that we are living in our times’ equivalent of the 1930s—the years of conflict and trial preceding a world war. And, tragically for us, it appears we’re being led blindly and willingly into the same mistakes and fantasies that ensnared our ancestors. We truly do live in strange and desperate times; genocidal madmen pushing for global war are made out by their more gullible victims to be men of “peace”; the slavery of totalitarian ideologies somehow becomes “freedom” through the blindfold of cultural relativism; intellectual and moral ignorance of the nature of the enemy and the perverted science of their convictions is twisted to be moral “strength.” If George Orwell were alive to see the state of the world today, he probably wouldn’t be able to decide to be excited for all the
Socialist Psychopathology continued from page B27
wise civilized armed forces, while ignoring or justifying real examples by others. Claims of “genocide” or “ethnic cleansing” where it is clear no such thing is taking place fall under this category. • Total dependency on one-sided, ideologically radical writings, books, and media. • Use of euphemisms and word-play to deceive opponents, e.g., Peace = for our enemies, anti-Zionist = anti-Semitic, Justice = Soviet style. • Refusal to accept factual objections to beliefs and accusing facts of being planted to discredit them. For example, 9/11 conspiracy theorists. • General hysterical, irrational behavior when challenged on beliefs, including screaming, laying down in the middle of major streets, simplistic chanting, drum-beating, molotov-throwing, and resorting to the use of slurs and epithets against opponents, e.g., “Zio-Nazi,” “Nazi,” “AmeriKKKans,” “racist,” “homophobe,” “misogynist,” or “baby-killer.”
• General convergence of the political with the personal, and the inability to differentiate. I was informed upon writing that last symptom by a member of this very “progressive” community, “Pete,” (he’s also one of the most irritating, intolerable human beings on campus, but I digress) that, “It’s not incumbent upon the left to fix the problems made by the right.” I assure you, you read that right: the left doesn’t have to come up with solutions for the things they eternally piss and moan about, and feel that the right has done wrong. Not once, reader, did I ever imagine that tangible proof of what I considered to be a rather dry sucker punch to the left would appear while I was writing it! Allah works in mysterious ways, friends. In the mean time, we’ll just to humor our humor-challenged pets on the left through the pogroms against Muslims, homosexuals, and “dissenters”… haven’t been any yet, but any day now, I’m sure. Once we get the Archie Bunker Act to pass through congress, I mean.
new material provided for him, or depressed enough to wish to be dead again. The word Islam itself means “Submission”: submission to one God, Allah, and the precepts of his prophet, Mohammed. There are more than a few Muslims, however, who interpret this to mean the submission of the entire world to Islam, and they publicly proclaim this, proudly and without fear. How publicly? Well, in response to the Pope Benedict’s grossly misinterpreted quote of a Medieval Byzantine emperor (who had a pretty good point about the methods of “conversion” and “preaching” practiced by Muslims of the Middle Ages), Muslims rioted, bombed churches, murdered an elderly nun, and threatened to kill the Pope. That’ll sure make someone think twice before calling Islam violent. “Conquering Rome is the Answer” was chanted and displayed on placards by Muslim protestors throughout the US, UK, Italy, Egypt, and Gaza, echoing the ancient Islamic dream of destroying the heart of the West. Osama bin Laden, Sheikh Nasrallah, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and their ilk? They couldn’t care less if the Pope apologizes, retracts his statements, and offers to “build bridges” (ugh) between Christianity and Islam. They want the Pope to grovel and prostrate himself before Allah, to be subservient to them, to submit to their power of terror. Radical Islamists place no value on dialogue. They don’t want to win the debate or negotiate. They want to win their war, whether we fight or not. They know it is us who are ignorant and intimidated, and that is their advantage. “Britain is Allah’s land.” “The White House will become the Muslim House.” “Islam will conquer all the mountain tops.” Charming little delusions, no? These are not the delirious hallucinations of a minority of radical protestors, however, but by senior members and leaders of official Islamic groups, such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Muslim Council of Britain, and the MCAPUK. The idea of conquering in the name of
SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2006 Islam is hardly a new concept. Mohammed himself and his successors launched wars of aggression to bring the whole of the Middle East, and later the whole known world, under Islamic control. The northern expansion of Islam was stopped only at the Battle of Poitiers in 732 A.D., and again in 1529 at the Siege and Battle of Vienna, respectively (not to mention Sept.11 th , 2001). But the claims of dominion by right of Allah continue to this day. Bizarre delusions that Muslim explorers discovered the Americas and Australia have been used to claim Islamic supremacy over these lands. All lands previously taken by force by Muslims are “Allah’s forever,” “from Spain to the Philippines” as al-Zawahiri claimed. Others consider any country where a mosque has been built to rightfully belong to Muslims. I don’t know about you, but I think I’ve figured out what the “root causes” of Islamist terrorism are.
Don’t think that radical Islam will be the only force that ultimately drags the world into war. Don’t think that radical Islam will be the only force that ultimately drags the world into war. The Unholy Trinity of Islamism, Communism, and Fascism may prove to be the deadliest threat to the future of progress—and humanity. Any number of nations may initiate it: China, North Korea, Myanmar, and Vietnam in the East; Venezuela, Cuba, and leftist terrorists in the West; Russia and Belarus in the North; and the Islamists spread from West Africa to Southeast Asia. The enemies of the free world will spare no nation; it will indeed be a “world” war. It will not be any military power that ultimately destroys civilization, though; that will come from within. The Red-GreenBrown alliance of radical leftists, Islamists, and rightists— who converge on everything from their hatred of Israel and America to their hatred of the free society and those who are different or non-conform-
ing—are modern Fifth Columnists and collaborators. The self-loathing, the selfblaming, and the blindly idealistic will be the “useful idiots,” to be discarded by their masters when their usefulness is maxed out. The cowardly, the gullible, the morally-retarded, the historychallenged, and the denialists will be the architects of appeasement. A civilization that is disgusted and ashamed of its own culture, history, and existence—that is unwilling to defend itself and its values—is one that will be unable to survive any assault upon it. “Destroy that which is evil, so that which is good may flourish.” This quote from The Boondock Saints is so simple, it’s embarrassing that more people don’t hold this view. In our desire for imaginary “peace,” we have allowed the most malevolent elements of humanity to grow like weeds, to point where they are now within range of being strong and brash enough to challenge us, to choke us of life. We are descending into an abyss of darkness and defeat. The enemy has engaged us in an undeclared state of war, and, lo and behold, they’re winning. Will we wait until there is a declared war, with armies against us, bombs raining on our cities, before we take this seriously? Given the rate we’re going, it may not be long before the inevitable happens—maybe three years, tops. Enjoy the days of peace while you can, and brace yourselves; this may be the deep breath before the
Democracy must— MUST—be promoted and furiously defended if it is to survive. plunge. Democracy must— MUST—be promoted and furiously defended if it is to survive. Totalitarianism, in all ideologies, and the diabolical children it spawns must be crushed once and for all, in its entirety, with not a single remnant left, and only then will the world have peace. I can think of no other policy that should even be considered.
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A Vacation Home—The Ultimate Hideaway By Brian J. Carroll If a mountain getaway or an ocean view has become your American dream, then perhaps you should know that a vacation home can offer some tax savings that may help pay for your hideaway. The tax laws differ depending on whether you use the home solely for enjoyment or mix business with pleasure by renting the property part-time. As long as the combined debt secured by the vacation home and your principal residence does not exceed $1 million, you can deduct all of the interest paid on a mortgage used to buy a second home. This advantage is restricted to two homes. If you purchase a third, interest on that mortgage is not deductible. However, no matter how many homes you have, you may be able to deduct all the property tax you pay. One break enjoyed by homeowners—the right to immediately deduct points paid on a mortgage—applies only to a principal residence. Points paid on a loan for a vacation home must be deducted gradually as you pay off the mortgage.
Personal Residence Your vacation home counts as a personal residence even if you rent it for up to 14 days a year. In that case, you get to retain the rent tax free and don’t jeopardize your mortgage interest and tax deductions. However, you may not deduct any rental-related expenses. If you rent out the house on a continual basis, things may become more complicated. Different rules apply depending on the breakdown between personal and rental use. First, if you buy primarily for pleasure but rent for 15 days or more, the rent you receive is taxable. Because the house is still considered a personal residence, you get to deduct all the interest and property tax. You may also be able to deduct other rental-related expenses, including the cost of utilities, repairs, and insurance attributable to the time the house is rented. In some cases, you might even get to deduct depreciation. When the house is considered a personal residence, rental deductions cannot exceed the amount of rental income you report. In other words, your second home
Sports Trivia Answers 1. Padres closer Trevor Hoffman broke Lee Smith’s career record of 478 saves in 2006. 2. A’s shortstop Bobby Crosby was the American League Rookie of the Year in 2004.
cannot produce a tax loss to shelter other income. In most cases, the interest and taxes assigned to the rental use of the house – plus the operating expenses – more than offset rental income, limiting your ability to write off depreciation.
Rental Property Now consider your tax situation if you buy a property primarily as an investment and limit your personal use of the property to 14 days a year (or 10% of the number of rental days if that allows you more than 14). Because the house is a rental property in the eyes of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), your deductions can exceed the amount of rental income you receive. If your rental income does not cover the cost of renting the house, you may be able to claim a taxable loss. Rental losses are classified as passive and can be deducted only against passive income such as another rental property that realizes a gain. If you do not have passive income to shelter, the losses have no immediate value (unused losses can be used in future years when you have passive income). There’s an exception to this rule, however, that permits taxpayers with modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) under $100,000 to deduct up to $25,000 of passive losses against other kinds of income including salaries. To qualify, you have to actively
manage the property. The $25,000 allowance is gradually phased out as MAGI rises between $100,000 and $150,000. When your vacation home is considered a rental property, the mortgage interest attributable to the time the premises are rented is a business deduction. The rest, though, cannot be deducted as home mortgage interest since the house doesn’t qualify as a personal residence. The tax laws discussed here also apply to homes other than houses, such as apartments, condominiums, mobile homes, or boats with basic living accommodations. Generally, these include a sleeping space, bathroom, and cooking facilities. Hotels, motels, and inns are treated differently. For more information about vehicles to fund a college education, retirement, or to discuss the 2004 changes to your state’s pension program, call 781-398-9879. We are also available to discuss life insurance. Our retirement team is proud to serve your union. We are a group of professionals focused on the financial and retirement needs of law enforcement and other municipal employees. This article is being provided for informational purposes. Neither New York Life nor its agents provide legal, tax, or accounting advice. Please consult your own advisors for legal, tax, and accounting advice.
Team Members
3. Yogi Berra managed two Major League teams, the Yankees in 1964, 1984-85, and the Mets from 1972 to 1975. 4. Johnny Bucyk holds the Bruins all-time record for career goals with 545.
Brian Carroll
Bill Cole
Geoff McCarthy
Leon ‘Duke’ Martin
5. During the 1995-96 season St. Louis Blues goaltender Grant Fuhr set an NHL record by playing in 76 consecutive games.
Benjamin Harding
6. Corey Dillon is the Bengals’ all-time leading rusher with 8,061 yards. 7. The only member of the Buffalo Bills to have his jersey number retired is quarterback Jim Kelly, #12. 8. In 1943 due to player shortages caused by World War II the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Philadelphia Eagles merged and produced a 5-4-1 record. 9. The Denver Broncos did not have a winning record until the 1973 season when they went 7-5-2. 10. Adam Vinatieri is the Patriots’ all-time leading scorer with 1,156 career points.
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“Joe the Boss” goes to Washington (“Joe the Boss” is a retired BPPA member) The past few weeks we have witnessed through TV and newspapers a tremendous amount of ill will, namecalling and finger-pointing. Presidents of countries have been calling each other demeaning names, religions have been criticizing each other, and an ex-president gets angry and goes off on a reporter on TV. Having been bombarded by these events through T.V. and newspapers I am going to give my take on the whole thing. Let’s start with Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela, he comes to our country, standing on our soil (OK, the United Nations Building, but we foot the bill for everything) and has the audacity to call our President a devil and other anti-American slogans. Then this buffoon gets invited to another media event in New York City and continues his anti-American rhetoric. Now all this being said I have
yet to hear from any of our so called allies at the U.N. criticizing him. He makes a speech (or should I say a tirade) and not a word is spoken. Now from where I sit, we should take a stand on it. You either agree with him or come out against him. But for the most part the silence is deafening. There was no outcry or condemnation for his anti-American tirade either at the U.N. or at the other rally. I’m at a loss. Is he against our President, the American people, or just some of our people? Yes, there was talk that he gave some of our poorer people cheaper oil prices. Okay a nice gesture, but I’ll bet he made it up on the other end. Some praised him for that, such as Jessie Jackson and other Hollywood types. But in the end they didn’t criticize him for his other remarks other than saying “can’t we all just be friends”. I’m sure that if anyone of us did something similar in his country or in his so-
called allies’ country we would be asked after our coffee and stale bread breakfast: “would you like a blindfold”? While we are on the subject of the U.N. (and that’s an oxymoron), we usually don’t agree on anything except that the US of A picks up the tab. Let’s tell all of our so-called allies that the building is up for sale and you all better start looking for a new site somewhere else. Let’s face the facts, it was probably a good idea when it started but what has it accomplished? We built the building, gave everyone space, provided housing, invited all, and picked up the entire tab. What do we get in return? We get to hear speeches against us, people come here, take off their shoes and bang them on the table (Hello, Nikita?) and tell us how they are going to crush us. Remember him? I won’t even dignify him by printing his last name. Well we outlasted him and many more like him. Oh, yes, before I for-
SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2006 get let me mention how a lot of these nations send us their ambassadors and workers who get into trouble with local authorities and then claim diplomatic immunity and are scolded and sent home to their homeland where they are probably give a medal. On rare occasions when the U.S. does get a majority vote on a resolution, guess what? We get to send the majority of the troops, supplies and dollars. Then when things go okay they’ll all stand around patting themselves on the back but you know what; we’ll still be getting criticized by the few malcontents and that’s all you’ll read or hear about. And for this we get to pick up the whole freight of the U.N! Now after the shock wears off (building for sale-go away) you inform them to keep in touch with us and let us know where and when the next meeting will take place. We’ll send our delegation and only pay for them. While we’re at it we might as well inform the whole world we will be pulling back all our troops and resources from everywhere. With all our sav-
ings we’ll be able to secure our borders and use the savings to re-invest in the U.S.A. Here’s my plan. Start up mandatory military service for everyone for one year. I can hear the screams now. “How about my medical school, law school or graduate school”? OK, go ahead and finish your education but once you’ve completed it you owe one year of service to the USA. Then go on with your life. We’ll find a place for you to complete your tour of duty against a military regime or you can help in our military hospitals, help guard the borders, do office duty, maintain the sleeping quarters or cook. But you will do something for your country. You owe one year. Now step up or get out. Next time there is some trouble around the world such as in one of the oil-rich countries and the call comes for the US to help stop some tyrant threatening to take over some other rich sheik’s country, ask the caller to put him on the phone. And this should be our response: continued on page B-35
Thank you for all you do. We appreciate all the good work of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association.
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“Joe the Boss” goes to Washington continued from page B33
“Hello, Mr. Saddam”, “you’re going to be in charge. No we won’t be coming over, by the way what is going to be the price of oil? Fine I got that; we’ll get back to you on how much we are going to need.” Thank you, over and out. Now we’ll tackle the immigration problem. That’s simple. The country has reached full capacity, no more room at the inn. We’ll get back to everyone when there are openings. This applies to all illegals who try to enter. There will be no detentions and hearings and the like, you will be sent back immediately if not sooner. Put our neighbors to the north and south on notice that they will have to cooperate with us on securing our border or they will not be our friends anymore. Sanctions will apply when necessary. Also spread the word around the world that we are sorry but there will not be anymore people welcomed to
our country because they are being persecuted in their country. Everyone will have to take care of themselves. We are sorry but we have our own problems to resolve.
Everyone will have to take care of themselves. We are sorry but we have our own problems to resolve. As far as the illegals that are here we’ll figure something out. I would suggest investigate everyone on a case by case basis. If they are found to be decent, law abiding, working and paying taxes we could probably give them some sort of a card with a chip on it for identification. If after several years of good citizenship we could start the process of them becoming citizens. The ones that we find to be criminals or drains on our recourses are to be shipped out, no if and or buts. Now that we have the
U.N. squared away, our borders protected, our undocumented people accounted for we can turn our attention to the terrorist threat. That should also be very easy, you warn them, “You do something to one of our planes we are going to take out your airfields, damage one building we are going to destroy all your high rises, or your oil fields”… and then do it. In order to deal from strength we will have to build up our armed forces. Let’s get our factories and shipyards rolling and put a lot of our people to work. We should be able to pay decent wages with the money we’ll be saving by not sending our hard-earned money throughout the world. We can start building new and affordable housing and jump start our own economy. Stop relying on foreign imports such as cars and TV’s. Put our car makers on notice to build reliable cars with guarantees and stop our dependence on foreign imports. All they would probably need is good quality control. Americans should stop traveling all over the world on
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vacations. We have better tourist attractions than the rest of the world combined. Who cares about metal rust buckets that rise a thousand feet in the air and aging and decrepit coliseums? Overseas most places just take your money with hardly a thank you. Let’s keep the money in the good old U.S. of A. Let’s grow strong and stay strong. Earlier I mentioned different faiths clashing with each other. From where I sit Pope Benedict XVI made mention of a 14th century quote about one of the prophets who wanted to spread the word by the sword. The Pope is a man of peace. He wants to spread the word through peace and understanding. After the Pope spoke all hell broke loose, a nun was murdered and damage was done to church properties and all kinds of demonstrations were held mind you these were only words spoken not asking people to do violent things. Where is the reasoning for all this violence? All we hear “kill the infidels.” This doesn’t sound like religion, it
sounds more like hate-speech. Through all this I didn’t hear anyone condemn this atrocious behavior. No huge outspoken cries against this violence. Remember what you wish for comes back to haunt you. Lastly a few words regarding ex-President Clinton: lighten up. Remember what ex-president Harry S. Truman once said “If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen.” Mr. Clinton do you know how imposing it is to have an ex-president lean forward, shake his finger at you, and then chastise you on national TV? It’s like when you were back in kindergarten and the teacher stood over you and reprimanded you and by the when you said you were close to getting Osama Bin Laden: “close” only counts in horseshoes. As always be safe Joe the Boss P.S.: By the way I just wanted to remind my fellow horse racing fans that the breeders’ cup is the first Saturday in November.
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THE VETERAN’S CORNER By Pat Rose, C-11 Director Boston Police VFW Post #1018
With Veteran’s Day fast approaching, I’m sure that we will take more notice of this holiday than in years past. I’m not referring to attendance at parades so much, as people reflecting on what’s going on, reflecting and remembering family, friends and or loved ones that are not with us to celebrate this day. I don’t believe I know of a single person that isn’t affected by this global war on terrorism. I can’t name a person that doesn’t have a family member or friend that’s serving or has served. For those of us in the Boston Police dept. it has been an especially troubling year with some of our comrades and friends, not only being deployed, but severely injured. For years Veteran’s day was looked at by many as ‘just another day off’, or possibly ‘another paid holiday’. I don’t believe that’s the case any longer. You can’t open a newspaper or turn on the television without those daily reminders of casualties, the daily picture of the wounded or dead GI. If the newspaper has none, then they manage to dig out some other horrific reminder, like civilians that were torn apart in some barbaric blast. Conversations always seem to turn to the war. Someone inevitably asks about that person, you know, the one we all know that has been activated and shipped over. The conversations never seem to end on a positive note, they are always left with us wondering; when will it all end, and if the individual we were speaking of will return safe, how’s his or her family doing? Closure, I guess that’s what we search for, but this Veteran’s day there will be none, no closure, not yet. We will be forced to keep up that strong front, make that silly comment about him or her, so that we can hide our fear, our fear that maybe the next newspaper clipping, or broadcast will carry his or her picture, his or her name. Just a reminder, of what this day is: Veteran’s Day, where did it come from, how did it start? Amazingly enough, it wasn’t supposed to be a day that honored veterans. The day was originally put aside as a day to mark peace, to note the armistice. It started at the end of World War I. The ‘war to end all wars, the Great War’. World War I ended with the implementation of an armistice, (a temporary cessation of hostilities until the final peace treaty was signed, the infamous Treaty of Versailles. The armi-
stice was signed between the Allies and Germany at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of November, 1918. On November 11, 1919, President Wilson proclaims the first Armistice Day with the following words: “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…” The original concept for the celebration was for the suspension of business for a two minute period beginning at 11:00 am, with the day also marked by parades and public meetings. On the second anniversary of the armistice, 1920, France and the United Kingdom hold ceremonies honoring their unknown dead from the war. In 1921 congress passes legislation approving the establishment of a Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. November 11th is chosen for the date of the ceremony. Congress then declares November 11, 1921 a legal Federal holiday to honor all of those who served in the war. In 1926 Congress adopts a resolution directing the President to issue a proclamation calling on the observance of Armistice Day, throughout the 1920’s and 1930’s most states establish November 11th as a legal holiday. In 1938 Congress passes legislation making November 11th a legal federal holiday. The practice in most states is to follow the Federal lead. 1941 through 1945 the world proves that there is no war to end all wars and we create millions of additional Veterans. 1950-1953 the Korean War, we apparently didn’t have enough veterans. In 1954, President Eisenhower signs legislation changing the name of the legal holiday from Armistice Day to Veteran’s Day. In 1968 the Congress passes the Monday Holiday Law, (so they can enjoy those long weekends). This law now establishes the fourth Monday in October as the new date for observance of Veteran’s Day. The law is to take effect in 1971. Initially all states follow suit, with the exception of Mississippi and South Dakota. From 1972 through 1975, forty-six states revert their observance back to November 11th. Due to the overwhelming popular support, the Federal Government was
forced to pass legislation returning the observance of Veteran’s Day to November 11th. This legislation took effect on November 11th 1978 and to this day Veteran’s Day is celebrated on that day. Veteran’s Day, a day to reflect, a day to remember those who served. Not only the ones we know, but the millions we don’t.
New benefits Finally some relief for our Sailors who were affected by Agent Orange in Vietnam. Navy personnel who patrolled off Vietnam during the war, but never set foot on land, are now eligible for VA disability compensation related to Agent Orange exposure. The U.S. Court of Appeals for Veteran’s Claims acted in August to change the benefit claim denied to a former U.S. Sailor who served on board ship in waters adjacent to Vietnam, where Agent Orange had been deployed. A three judge panel finally agreed with arguments that sailors were also affected by this chemical exposure. Judge William A. Moorman wrote the decision for the panel stating “Veterans serving on vessels in close proximity to land would have the same risk of exposure to the herbicide Agent Orange as veterans serving on adjacent land, or even greater risk than that borne by those veterans who may have visited and set foot on Vietnam only briefly”. This is a huge victory for those sailors who are affected by various illnesses such as: Diabetes, Nerve Damage, Various Cancers to name a few and birthed children with Spinabifida. If you fall into any of these categories, please contact the Veterans Affairs Office in Boston to start the process of being classified for your disability. If you need assistance, please feel free to contact us at the post.
Award update A bill pending in the House would bestow a COLD WAR VICTORY MEDAL on GI’s who served in the Armed Forces between September 2, 1945 and December 26, 1991. The VFW is officially on record as supporting this bill for veterans who served in any overseas post during this time frame. This bill known as: H.R. #2568, is included as a section of the 2007 Defense authorization bill (H.R.5122). For some unknown reason, the Pentagon has been fighting against this
bill and managed to have it dropped from last year’s authorization bill. Please call your Congressional Representative and ask him or her to support the bill.
Upcoming events The second annual Veteran’s Day celebration will be held at the post on Saturday November 11. The event is scheduled from 11:00 am through 3:00pm, (I’m sure we’ll have plenty of guests down stairs after the official event). This should be a great time, once again. Last year all attendees raved about the event. There will be plenty of food and beverage, if you can fit it in your plans, please drop by and help us celebrate our Veterans.
Thanksgiving Dinner On Saturday November 18, the Post is proud to sponsor and host its annual Thanksgiving Dinner for the local senior citizens from Dorchester, Hyde Park, Roslindale and Jamaica Plain. We have been sponsoring this event for the past seven years. This year we are planning to feed approximately 200 seniors. With the help of the Ladies Auxiliary, (a lot of help!!), members of the Post and their families, raise the money to purchase the food, (turkeys, veggies, drinks and desert), and prepare the meals, set up the hall and clean up after. Last year we were also assisted by the Viet Nam Vets Motor Cycle Club, who are members of the Post, and will accept any and all assistance. With the assistance of the City of Boston providing the transportation, we will be able to transport these same people to and from their housing.
Toys for Tots Motorcycle Run With great support from the BPPA and additional support from some of the local merchants, our annual motor cycle run to raise funds for the ‘TOYS FOR TOTS’ campaign was held on Sunday, September 24 th. Once again this event raised thousands of dollars, with every cent being donated to the United States Marine Corps Reserve charitable drive. The run was followed by a terrific cookout and get together at the post, all included in the registration fee. The motorcycle run will be held in August next year, so we don’t have to compete with all of
VETERAN’S CORNER continued from page B37
the other runs, (September seems to be a very busy month for motorcycle runs). When the date is solid, we will advertise the event, so keep an eye open. You don’t have to ride a motorcycle to attend; all are welcome to enjoy the festivities of the day for the simple registration fee.
Reminder VFW Post meetings are held on the third Monday of each month in the upper hall at 1930 hours. The E-Board meets at 1800 hours downstairs. The VFW meetings are open to all members, and we encourage active participation. The E-Board conducts its’ annual open meeting on the 2nd Tuesday in July, (per the by-laws). Once again let me offer an invitation to visit the completely remodeled Post, inside and out. Enjoy a cheap, cold ‘one’ with some old friends, or make some new friends. Enjoy the game tables, electronic game machine or lottery. The Post is open seven days a week from 1500 hours ‘til closing around 0200 hours. If you are behind on your dues, come on down and we’ll work something out. If you are still not a member, what are you waiting for? The membership cost is only $25.00 per year. As always, please Be safe out there!
Internet Gem: Catholic gasoline Sister Mary, who worked for a home health agency, was out making her rounds visiting homebound patients when she ran out of gas. As luck would have it, a gas station was just a block away. She walked to the station to borrow a gas can and buy some gas. The attendant told her that the only gas can he owned had been loaned out, but she could wait until it was returned. Since the nun was on the way to see a patient, she decided not to wait and walked back to her car. She looked for something in her car that she could fill with gas and spotted the bedpan she was taking to the patient Always resourceful, she carried the bedpan to the station, filled it with gas, and carried the full bedpan back to her car. As she was pouring the gas into her tank, two men watched from across the street. One of the them turned to the other and said, “If it starts, I’m turning Catholic.”
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